Testing the DBMS packages

I m tottaly new to dbms schedulers and inbuilt packages. I have never used. I m trying make use of
- DBMS_stats.gather_table_stats
- DBMS_schedular.generate_job_name
- DBMS_schedular.create_jobI was wondering, is there any i run these packages or test these packages just for learning purpose....
And also it will be great, if you could briefly explain these in built packages....Thank you so much!!

You can find demos in Morgans Library.
As for the explanation, you should be able to find some decent detail by searching the documentation.

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    I have created one Business package and want to test it.
    I found one blog and followed the steps, but I am not able to see any folders named 'cFolders' under 'Content Administrator->Portal Content->Migrated Content->EP 5.0->roles-cFolders' as specified in the blog.
    This is the link to blog:
    Step by step guide to implement  Business Package for Collaboration by cFolders 2.0
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    Pls provide me the inputs.
    Thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by: bhawna

    Try re-starting the portal J2EE engine to see whether you see the contents as mentioned.
    Also to test the business package create a user and assign one of the roles mentioned and log on with that user to see the contents.
    Please award points if this helps or hints.

  • Improve AUR quality - automated testing of all packages

    As the subject states, I think the quality of the AUR-packages could be improved; and automated testing is probably an idea that might work. Which is why I have spend some days creating a script and website.
    The next step is to improve the AUR and fix the unmaintained packages. Do you guys like the idea of testing the AUR packages automatically?

    fwojciec wrote:
    Spider.007 wrote:
    As the subject states, I think the quality of the AUR-packages could be improved; and automated testing is probably an idea that might work. Which is why I have spend some days creating a script and website.
    The next step is to improve the AUR and fix the unmaintained packages. Do you guys like the idea of testing the AUR packages automatically?
    Very cool.  Bu the system that builds/checks AUR packages doesn't seem to have [community] repo enabled, both of my packages that I checked failed because they couldn't resolve a dependency that's in community repo.
    Good point, I will add it soon; so the next run we'll see if it works
    Army wrote:This is really cool! What about running namcap over them and checking, if dependencies are okay? And what about makedeps, do you have the ability to check them too?
    Well; that's what the 'package validation' button does; but I haven't decided yet on how to interpret the results. About the makedepends; they are checked as well (if everything is working like it should )
    Last edited by Spider.007 (2008-11-30 21:42:46)

  • Can I Test the Test Package Created in SolMan Directly from ECC?

    the test plan and test packages are created in Solution Manager. The Test Packages are comprised of transactions (on ECC).
    (The business scenarios and processes are defined in Solar01, ECC is defined as logical component and assigned to every tx, the test case description is uploaded in Solar02,...)
    The needed Trusted RFC (to enable the tester to start the tx from within SolMan) is running late, but I can see that STWB_WORK tx is also available in ECC.
    Of course - when I open it in ECC (logged on as a test user - defined in test package in SolMan) the test package is empty in ECC.
    What kind of connection is there within STWB_WORK in ECC and SolMan?
    Can one somehow "transfer" the packages from SM to ECC, so the tester can start to test the transactions from ECC directly?
    Is it possible to see the results and status overview in SolMan during and after testing?
    Thank you in advance,

    You getting confused between old ECC test workbench and Solution Manager Test workbench.
    Test workbench is present there from r/3 version onwards.
    When you are performing testing via solman then you have to use the test packages assign to you in STWB_WORK which has the relevant transaction and doc for you to test
    here you upload the test result and update status .Later any PM can generate report for overall testing including entire landscape and not one system.
    But remember it has got no connection to ur r/3 workbench
    The diff between 2 is...solman test workbench is for entire landscape including BI R/3 ECC any other system ...but in r/3 etc the workbench is alone and obsolete now is used for standalone testing.
    Hope it carifies ur doubt completely

  • Getting TF42008: The test case management package could not be loaded. Verify that Visual Studio Test Tool is installed and try again.

    We are trying to run unit tests in TFS server.
    Below is the System Configuration:
    Visual studio version: VS 2013 Ultimate
    TFS: TFS 2013
    For this we have created a build and able to run the build successfully. And build page showing one link for Test result. When we click on this link, we got below error message.
    "Getting TF42008: The test case management package could not be loaded. Verify that Visual Studio Test Tool is installed and try again."
    And below is the screenshot of the error message. So please let us know is there and thing else we need to do to solve this issue?

    Hi RS, 
    Thanks for your reply.
    Yes, if you want to open and view test result on your laptop, you need install the VS 2013 on your laptop as well.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • [svn:osmf:] 11341: Added some unit tests to get the metadata package above 80%

    Revision: 11341
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-10-30 16:24:35 -0700 (Fri, 30 Oct 2009)
    Log Message:
    Added some unit tests to get the metadata package above 80%
    Modified Paths:

    The nature of the Media class is that it accesses it asynchronously. This means that when you create an instance of it, and then immediately query it, the data you want may not be available yet. This is all in the Javadoc, see the doc for Media:
    The media information is obtained asynchronously and so not necessarily available immediately after instantiation of the class. All information should however be available if the instance has been associated with a MediaPlayer and that player has transitioned to MediaPlayer.Status.READY statusSo you could associate the Media with a MediaPlayer, and then wait until it goes to the Status READY, and then read the length of the Media.
    As for your 2nd question, getMetadata() returns a Map. You can just loop through it:
      for(Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : media.getMetadata()) {
        // etc
      }However, the same restrictions apply as with Media -- you will probably need to wait before the information is available -- that's why the Listener approach works, because it will notify you as soon as the information is added to the map.

  • How can I use the security package in JCOP41V2.2?

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    My java file Temp_1.java following:
    package temp;
    import javacard.framework.Applet;
    import javacard.framework.ISO7816;
    import javacard.framework.ISOException;
    import javacard.framework.APDU;
    import javacard.security.*;
    * @author lujj
    public class Temp_1 extends Applet {
    KeyPair myKeyPair = null;
         public static void install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) {
              // GP-compliant JavaCard applet registration
              new Temp_1().register(bArray, (short) (bOffset + 1), bArray[bOffset]);
         public void process(APDU apdu) throws ISOException{
              // Good practice: Return 9000 on SELECT
              if (selectingApplet()) {
              byte[] buf = apdu.getBuffer();
              if(buf[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA] == (byte)0xEE)
                        myKeyPair = new KeyPair(KeyPair.ALG_RSA, KeyBuilder.LENGTH_RSA_1024);
                   catch(CryptoException e)
              switch (buf[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS]) {
              case (byte) 0x00:
                   // good practice: If you don't know the INStruction, say so:
    This package can be upload and the applet can be installed successfully.
    But if I send the apdu "EE 00 00 00 00" after selected the applet, "6F 03" will be returned.
    Is there anyone can help me? Thanks a lot.

    Thank you so much~
    Actually, it's only an applet for test. I cannot get the error code if I new the KeyPair in install function or Applet construct function. It will return "6A 80" when install the applet.
    And, I found that it support few algorithm. For example, it does not support ALG_DES_MAC4_ISO9797_M2,etc. Is there anything I can do if I want to use the algorithm? Shall I rewrite security package by myself?
    5555, security package is the standard package in JAVACARD API 2.1.1.

  • Errors with Time Machine (not completing backup, and needing to erase the ".inProgress" package)

    I have in a previous discussion been talking about errors with my Time Machine backup.  The errors were with a problem with Indexing a file, it fails and stops the whole backup.  Each time it attemps another backup, it fills my ".inProgress" package with a (nearly) whole backup, filling my Time Machine hard drive, and thus errasing my previous good backups.  The error occurs after about 95% completion.
    In my last post of a similar disscussion, the problem was indexing the Preference Pane files and this caused the whole backup to fail.  This was my last post there:  (below in some additional info of my situation)
    I did exclude the MobileMe.prefPane.  And I got:
    12/16/11 9:24:50.468 PM com.apple.backupd: Starting standard backup
    12/16/11 9:24:50.556 PM com.apple.backupd: Backing up to: /Volumes/3 TB GoFlex Drive/Backups.backupdb
    12/16/11 9:25:14.418 PM com.apple.backupd: Waiting for index to be ready (101)
    12/16/11 9:27:02.366 PM com.apple.backupd: Deep event scan at path:/ reason:must scan subdirs|
    12/16/11 9:27:02.366 PM com.apple.backupd: Finished scan
    12/16/11 9:33:37.119 PM com.apple.backupd: Deep event scan at path:/Volumes/Mac OS Lion GM reason:must scan subdirs|
    12/16/11 9:33:37.119 PM com.apple.backupd: Finished scan
    12/16/11 9:36:15.650 PM com.apple.backupd: 758.92 GB required (including padding), 830.32 GB available
    12/16/11 10:25:14.873 PM com.apple.backupd: Copied 22.8 GB of 630.5 GB, 782749 of 2357620 items
    12/16/11 11:25:15.335 PM com.apple.backupd: Copied 86.6 GB of 630.5 GB, 1167675 of 2357620 items
    12/17/11 12:25:16.227 AM com.apple.backupd: Copied 152.2 GB of 630.5 GB, 1393795 of 2357620 items
    Dec 17 01:25:16 Thomas-P-Kellys-iMac com.apple.backupd[99858]: Copied 305.2 GB of 630.5 GB, 1413946 of 2357620 items
    Dec 17 02:25:16 Thomas-P-Kellys-iMac com.apple.backupd[99858]: Copied 457.1 GB of 630.5 GB, 1419190 of 2357620 items
    Dec 17 03:19:07 Thomas-P-Kellys-iMac com.apple.backupd[99858]: Copied 1736865 files (568.3 GB) from volume Macintosh HD.
    Dec 17 03:25:16 Thomas-P-Kellys-iMac com.apple.backupd[99858]: Copied 572.1 GB of 630.5 GB, 1848939 of 2357620 items
    Dec 17 03:40:33 Thomas-P-Kellys-iMac com.apple.backupd[99858]: Indexing a file failed. Returned 200 for: /Volumes/Mac OS Lion GM/System/Library/PreferencePanes/Mouse.prefPane, /Volumes/3 TB GoFlex Drive/Backups.backupdb/Tom iMac/2011-12-14-171406.inProgress/7DB524DD-EFB9-42A6-8A21-0A2A312EDA6D/Mac OS Lion GM/System/Library/PreferencePanes/Mouse.prefPane
    Dec 17 03:40:33 Thomas-P-Kellys-iMac com.apple.backupd[99858]: Aborting backup because indexing a file failed.
    Dec 17 03:40:33 Thomas-P-Kellys-iMac com.apple.backupd[99858]: Stopping backup.
    Dec 17 03:40:33 Thomas-P-Kellys-iMac com.apple.backupd[99858]: Copied 2164998 files (581.1 GB) from volume Mac OS Lion GM.
    Dec 17 03:40:33 Thomas-P-Kellys-iMac com.apple.backupd[99858]: Copy stage failed with error:11
    Dec 17 03:40:50 Thomas-P-Kellys-iMac com.apple.backupd[99858]: Backup failed with error: 11
    This time it was the Mouse.prefPane that caused the error.  I'd like to exclude the entire PreferencePanes directory.
    This was my error message this time:
    I just realized this was on my small Developers partition.  Perhaps there is an error with the build, OR an error with the initial restore.  I'd like to perhaps exclude the entire /Volumes/Mac OS Lion GM.  I expect that Time Machine is working fine with my main partition and the error happens when it's almost done with the Mac OS Lion GM partition.
    The problem now is that I only have 265 GB of 3 TB available on my Time Machine HDD.  If attempt another backup, it'll surely erase about 410 GB of my past saved backups.  I've already lost 6 months, and I only have two months left of backups.  I need to erase the ".inProgress" package again.  That'll take time, and it's impossible to do from this main partition, even at root access.  This ".inProgress" has a total of two (nearly) full backups; it didn't cleanup the first full backup attempt while starting the second,perhaps it would have had it finished.  But I fear even if I exclude the whole "Mac OS Lion GM" partition,  It'll create a third full backup before cleanup and erase ~400 GB of previous good backups.  Then, I'll have a total of 4 (nearly) full backups!  3 TB is just enough without any past backups.
    Maybe I'll just copy my documentations of my 'errasing the ".inProgress" package'  last time (from the Mac OS Lion GM partition) and do a full restore of just that partition.  Thus erasing the errors all together.  If it doesn't fix the errors then this could be a bug in the build that doesn't allow Time Machine to work.  I've always included this partition in Time Machine before, even with other Lion builds, so I suspect that it was an error in the initial restore.  (I may be answering my own questions, and that the inital restore (of the small partition) is the problem, and I just need to re-restore the small partition)
    Again, I'm going to have to erase the ".inProgress" file to regain 1.53 TB of space before proceeding.
    Also, I gave myself permission to read the ".Backup.345781513.887697.log", the log that was created last night when I first started Time Machine this last time.  It was interesting, but didn't show the error I could see from the console.
    Right now, mds and mdworker appear to be going crazy even after I just now turned off Time Machine.  I think I'll let it go for the rest of the night.  Then I'll work on erasing the ".inProgress" package from the other partition boot up.
    That was my entire last post.  To add some information, I have two OS X partitons, both Mac OS X Lion.  One is my large main partition, the other is one I don't mind testing with.  I recently replaced my internal hard drive in my iMac and restored from Time Machine both partitions.  This appeared to go smoothly.  But I have yet to create a single successful Time Machine backup since.  At first it was doing a Full Backup, which I didn't like, but now it just aborts around 95% completion.  Each, time, it tries it fills the Time Machine hard drive with duplicate (nearly) full backups errasing my older good backups.  I would like to erase the ".inProgress" file to save space.
    My main question in this new discussion is does anyone know of a good way of erasing the ".inProgress" file? This is so I can preseerve my previous backups.  ACLs and other permissions seem to make it impossible to erase from this startup partition, the one I'm running Time Machine from.  Even at root level, if I give myself permission to change permissions or delete a file, it'll say Operation not Permitted instead of Permission Denied.  I have been able to delete this ".inProgress" package before when booting from the other  partition, but with great difficulty.  I have had much help from another Member in this Support Community when it comes to solving my Time Machine problems.  I think I have found the problem (indexing files in my small OS X partition), as stated in my copy& pasted post above, but I really need to delete this inProgress package first to save space before continuing!

    Pondini wrote:
    Gator TPK wrote:
    Now I'll have to fix the small partition?  How's the best way to do this?  There could be thousands of files that won't index fine.
    See if there's anything you haven't done, that applies, in the pink box of #C3 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting
    Otherwise, since most (or all?) of the indexing errors are in OSX, you might want to just reinstall it.  Something may have gone wrong sometime, that damaged those files.
    I reviewed #C3 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting and I have already done most of those things.  I have just learned something new though:
    When I included my Main OS X partition again, I got an indexing error for the first time for that partition.  I might be interesting to note that the _spotlight process was running, and it's running again (the magnifying glass has a dot and it generically says "Indexing Tom's iMac").  mdworker, mds and backupd processes really are working hard, one moment they used over 500% of my CPU.  It's nice to know for once quad core is good for something other than video encoding.  (Now if they could just get the Finder to do more than 100.1%, only 1 thread is doing 100%, I'd like to see file size calculations 8 times quicker!)
    I never got an indexing error once in the past 2 weeks for that large Mac OS X v10.7.2 main volume, and it had appeared to finish that partition backup before running into problems with my smaller test partition.  Also, I had just updated the smaller test partition with a later build of Mac OS X.  But It appears that the beta builds are clearly not the problem.  I thought I could just restore again (from the December 4th backup) the small partition and both would be fine.
    I'll finish reviewing all the suggestions on Time Machine - Troubleshooting and go from there.  Hopefully, the _spotlight indexing simutaniously was the only problem.  It's strange that the indexing hasn't happened since the original restore last week untill I finally got a good clean complete partial Time Machine backup.  Why would the first Time Machine backup trigger indexing again?
    For now, I'm going to exclude the Main Partition again, and let another good backup run.  And try your suggestions.  (And wait till mds, mdworker, etc. to finish!)
    I have the logs of the first two sucsessful backups and the last two failed backups from the last 3 hours, if that would help.?

  • Error while executing the utl_mail package

    Hi All,
    I am executing the below package, to test whether the utl_mail package is working or not....basically I want to write a plsql program to send email to the specific users whenever there is ddl event on the database.
    SQL> exec sys.utl_mail.send (sender =>'[email protected]',recipients =>'[email protected]',subject => 'Oracle Database Server DOWN',message => 'May be DB Server Down for maintenance.||. but also contact to DBA for further details. .');
    BEGIN sys.utl_mail.send (sender =>'[email protected]',recipients =>'[email protected]',subject => 'Oracle Database Server DOWN',message => 'May be DB Server Down for maintenance.||. but also contact to DBA for further details. .'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-29279: SMTP permanent error: 554 <[email protected]>: Relay access denied
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 20
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 98
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_SMTP", line 240
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_MAIL", line 414
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_MAIL", line 608
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    1. we are running the postfix on the database server.
    2. when i am sending the mail through the unix command "mail" it successfully sending the mail.
    3. I checked in most of the forums it says relay host settings needs to be changed...
    4. I am not sure what are the postfix configuration setting i have to set.
    Please help
    Edited by: user13369249 on Jul 9, 2010 1:22 PM
    Edited by: user13369249 on Jul 9, 2010 1:24 PM

    I assume you are using Oracle 11
    Step One Check for existing ACL
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> SELECT host, acl FROM dba_network_acls;
    Step Two Drop existing of it exists
    SQL> EXECUTE DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.drop_acl ( acl => 'test_acl_file.xml');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SELECT host, acl FROM dba_network_acls;
    no rows selected
    Note : If there are multiple ones, they seem to conflict with each other.
    Create an Access Control List (ACL)
    As SYS
    2 DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.create_acl (
    3 acl => 'test_acl_file.xml',
    4 description => 'A test of the ACL functionality',
    5 principal => '<YOURUSER>',
    6 is_grant => TRUE,
    7 privilege => 'connect',
    8 start_date => SYSTIMESTAMP,
    9 end_date => NULL);
    11 COMMIT;
    12 END;
    13 /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    2 DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN.assign_acl (
    3 acl => 'test_acl_file.xml',
    4 host => 'relay.?????',
    5 lower_port => 25,
    6 upper_port => null);
    8 COMMIT;
    9 END;
    10 /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    Make sure you change to you relay and your user.
    Edited by: mseberg on Jul 9, 2010 2:32 PM

  • Error in deploying the ETL package

    Facing the problem while delopying the ETL package of OWB. Getting the below error. Experts please provide your inputs.
    ++[exec] Connected to:++
    ++[exec] Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production++
    ++[exec] With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP,++
    ++[exec] Data Mining and Real Application Testing options++
    ++[exec] old 2: srvr varchar2(255) := '&1';++
    ++[exec] new 2: srvr varchar2(255) := 'enter';++
    ++[exec] old 3: lport number := '&2';++
    ++[exec] new 3: lport number := 'your';++
    ++[exec] old 4: uport number := '&3';++
    ++[exec] new 4: uport number := 'company';++
    ++[exec] declare++
    ++[exec] *++
    ++[exec] ERROR at line 1:++
    ++[exec] ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error++
    ++[exec] ORA-06512: at line 3++

    You can undeploy using the IDE itself.
    1. Go to Deploy perspective (Window>open perpective>other-->Deploy)
    2. There u can select Deploy view or undeploy view.
    Srinivasan Subbiah

  • Specify the full package path

    Well, here is a real beginner question. How can i specify the full package path of SUNs java.io package? And another beginner question, where is this package located on my computer? (relative to my java sdk installion path of course)

    Acctually I have a severe problem with leJOS. Here is my code:
    import java.io.*;
    import josx.rcxcomm.RCXBean;
    public class PCModule
         public static void main( String[] args )
         public static void recv()
              RCXBean rcxb = new RCXBean();
                        System.out.println( "Test" );
              catch( IOException e )
    }This should compile fine, if lejosc would use the SUN java.io But it intends to use the own implementation of java.io and I really need to find a workaround to this problem because otherwise the code wont compile throwing the error, that the out symbol cannot be resolved.
    Btw. this part of the program should listen to the mindstorms IR-Tower for messages of a RCX-Brig and wirte them to an output stream.
    Isn't there a way to force lejosc to use the java.io package from sun?
    P.S.: If I don't use the System.out-line everything is fine, so lejos is installed correctly and if write a java test app everything is fine, so the SUN Java SDK is installed correctly too.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 16385: -removed the utilities package target since it' s not used any longer - at least what is contained in this target.

    Revision: 16385
    Revision: 16385
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-06-01 13:32:35 -0700 (Tue, 01 Jun 2010)
    Log Message:
    -removed the utilities package target since it's not used any longer - at least what is contained in this target.  I believe this was a leftover from flex 2 days.
    -fix up the packaging targets to ensure they are being properly built.  I removed depends="temp-clean" and inserted antcall target="temp-clean" because a target gets executed only once, even when more than one target depends on it. 
    QE notes:
    Doc notes: no
    Bugs: no
    Reviewer: Guarav
    Tests run: no
    Is noteworthy for integration: no
    Modified Paths:

    -This messages says (at least some) CC 2014 programs use NEW plugins https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1499663
    -so do not uninstall the older CC programs if you use plugins in your programs until you are sure you have plugins that work in CC2014
    If you are sure you don't need the old CC programs
    -http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/help/install-apps.html to install or uninstall

  • How to test the sample adapter code on PI 7.1?

    I would like to test the sample adapter on PI 7.1.
    I followed these explanations:
    How-to deploy Sample Adapter in PI 7.1
    but I still can't get things working.
    The com.sap.aii.adapter.sample.ra.jar file I retrieved from the server doesn't contain any ra.xml file so I took the SampleRA.xml I found in the sample_ra.jar file fetched from a PI 7.0 server.
    I used this XML file content to fill the adapter metadata in the integration repository.
    The sample adapter is deployed and its JNDI name is
    I don't know where to put this information in the metadata.
    As a result my sender and receiver communication channels are said to be running in the runtime work bench but there is no message thrown when I put the expected file in the source directory.
    The sender communication channel stays blind.
    Could someone help me?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Thanks for your answer but there is no sample_ra.rar file on my PI 7.1 server.
    Instead I have a com.sap.aii.adapter.sample.ra.jar file that is located at
    It is the same file and its content is:
    testing: META-INF\                OK
    testing: META-INF\MANIFEST.MF     OK
    testing: com\                     OK
    testing: com\sap\                 OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\             OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\          OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\CCIConnection.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\CCIConnectionFactory.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\CCIConnectionMetaData.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\CCIConnectionRequestInfo.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\CCIInteraction.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\CCIResourceAdapterMetaData.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\SPIConnectionManager.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\SPIManagedConnection.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\SPIManagedConnectionFactory$XIManagedConnectionFactoryController.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\SPIManagedConnectionFactory.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\SPIManagedConnectionMetaData.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\XIAdapterCategories.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\XIConfiguration.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\XIConnectionEventListenerManager.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\XIConnectionSpecImpl.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\XIInteractionSpecImpl.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\XILocalizationUtilities.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\XIMessageFactoryImpl.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\XIMessageRecordImpl.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\XISecurityUtilities$1.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\XISecurityUtilities.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\XITrace.class   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\package-version.properties   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\rb_JCAAdapter_ChannelMonitor.properties   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\rb_JCAAdapter_ChannelMonitor_de.properties   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\rb_JCAAdapter_ChannelMonitor_en.properties   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\rb_JCAAdapter_ChannelMonitor_fr.properties   OK
    testing: com\sap\aii\af\sample\adapter\ra\rb_JCAAdapter_ChannelMonitor_ja.properties   OK
    There is no ra.xml file

  • Got Exceptions XSLT mapping  while testing the scenarion.........

    I got the following exceptions while testing the XSLT mapping scenario...
    I have created a XSLT mapping with java conjunction... i have created a ZIP file and i have palced java class file, java file and xsl file in that ZIP file... I have imported this archive into imported archives... but when i am testing the application i got the follwoing exceptions
    Exception in method transform.
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.sbeans.mapping.MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0.transform(MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0.java:182)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.sbeans.mapping.MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0p4_Skel.dispatch(MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0p4_Skel.java:104)
    at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.DispatchImpl._runInternal(DispatchImpl.java:304)
    at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.DispatchImpl._run(DispatchImpl.java:193)
    at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.server.P4SessionProcessor.request(P4SessionProcessor.java:122)
    at com.sap.engine.core.service630.context.cluster.session.ApplicationSessionMessageListener.process(ApplicationSessionMessageListener.java:33)
    at com.sap.engine.core.cluster.impl6.session.MessageRunner.run(MessageRunner.java:41)
    at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.ActionObject.run(ActionObject.java:37)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native
    at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:100)
    at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:170)
    Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:
    DATEandTIME/Date_Time (Unsupported major.minor version
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:539)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:448)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ibrun.RepMappingLoader.findClass(RepMappingLoader.java:175)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:289)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:235)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.JLBLibrary.<init>(JLBLibrary.java:33)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.LibraryManager.getFunction(LibraryManager.java:69)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.functions.XFFunctionAvailable.execute(XFFunctionAvailable.java:24)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.ETFunction.evaluate(ETFunction.java:110)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.XPathProcessor.innerProcess(XPathProcessor.java:54)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.XPathProcessor.process(XPathProcessor.java:41)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.XPathProcessor.process(XPathProcessor.java:49)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLIf.process(XSLIf.java:28)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLNode.processFromFirst(XSLNode.java:293)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLElement.process(XSLElement.java:248)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLNode.processFromFirst(XSLNode.java:293)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLElement.process(XSLElement.java:248)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLNode.processFromFirst(XSLNode.java:293)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLTemplate.process(XSLTemplate.java:272)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLStylesheet.process(XSLStylesheet.java:457)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLStylesheet.process(XSLStylesheet.java:391)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.jaxp.TransformerImpl.transformWithStylesheet(TransformerImpl.java:392)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.jaxp.TransformerImpl.transform(TransformerImpl.java:234)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ibrun.RepMappingTransformer.transform(RepMappingTransformer.java:150)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ibrun.RepXSLTMapping.execute(RepXSLTMapping.java:81)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ibrun.RepMappingHandler.run(RepMappingHandler.java:80)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.rt.MappingHandlerAdapter.run(MappingHandlerAdapter.java:107)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ServerMapService.transformInterfaceMapping(ServerMapService.java:127)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ServerMapService.transform(ServerMapService.java:104)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.sbeans.mapping.MapServiceBean.transform(MapServiceBean.java:40)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.sbeans.mapping.MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0.transform(MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0.java:131)
    ... 10 more
    ; nested exception is:
    DATEandTIME/Date_Time (Unsupported major.minor version
    Exception in method transform.
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.sbeans.mapping.MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0.transform(MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0.java:182)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.sbeans.mapping.MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0p4_Skel.dispatch(MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0p4_Skel.java:104)
    at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.DispatchImpl._runInternal(DispatchImpl.java:304)
    at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.DispatchImpl._run(DispatchImpl.java:193)
    at com.sap.engine.services.rmi_p4.server.P4SessionProcessor.request(P4SessionProcessor.java:122)
    at com.sap.engine.core.service630.context.cluster.session.ApplicationSessionMessageListener.process(ApplicationSessionMessageListener.java:33)
    at com.sap.engine.core.cluster.impl6.session.MessageRunner.run(MessageRunner.java:41)
    at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.ActionObject.run(ActionObject.java:37)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native
    at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:100)
    at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:170)
    Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:
    DATEandTIME/Date_Time (Unsupported major.minor version
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:539)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:448)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ibrun.RepMappingLoader.findClass(RepMappingLoader.java:175)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:289)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:235)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.JLBLibrary.<init>(JLBLibrary.java:33)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.LibraryManager.getFunction(LibraryManager.java:69)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.functions.XFFunctionAvailable.execute(XFFunctionAvailable.java:24)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.ETFunction.evaluate(ETFunction.java:110)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.XPathProcessor.innerProcess(XPathProcessor.java:54)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.XPathProcessor.process(XPathProcessor.java:41)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xpath.XPathProcessor.process(XPathProcessor.java:49)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLIf.process(XSLIf.java:28)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLNode.processFromFirst(XSLNode.java:293)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLElement.process(XSLElement.java:248)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLNode.processFromFirst(XSLNode.java:293)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLElement.process(XSLElement.java:248)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLNode.processFromFirst(XSLNode.java:293)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLTemplate.process(XSLTemplate.java:272)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLStylesheet.process(XSLStylesheet.java:457)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.xsl.xslt.XSLStylesheet.process(XSLStylesheet.java:391)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.jaxp.TransformerImpl.transformWithStylesheet(TransformerImpl.java:392)
    at com.sap.engine.lib.jaxp.TransformerImpl.transform(TransformerImpl.java:234)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ibrun.RepMappingTransformer.transform(RepMappingTransformer.java:150)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ibrun.RepXSLTMapping.execute(RepXSLTMapping.java:81)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ibrun.RepMappingHandler.run(RepMappingHandler.java:80)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.rt.MappingHandlerAdapter.run(MappingHandlerAdapter.java:107)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ServerMapService.transformInterfaceMapping(ServerMapService.java:127)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.server.mapping.ServerMapService.transform(ServerMapService.java:104)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.sbeans.mapping.MapServiceBean.transform(MapServiceBean.java:40)
    at com.sap.aii.ibrep.sbeans.mapping.MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0.transform(MapServiceRemoteObjectImpl0.java:131)
    ... 10 more
    ; nested exception is:
    DATEandTIME/Date_Time (Unsupported major.minor version
    Please help me....
    Best Regards
    Ravi Shankar B
    Message was edited by: RaviShankar B

    Following is my XSLT code
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0"
         <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
         <xsl:param name="inputparam" />
         <xsl:template match="/">
                   <xsl:if test="function-available('javamap:getDateValue')">
                       <xsl:value-of select="javamap:getDateValue($inputparam)"/>                    </xsl:if>
              <xsl:if test="function-available('javamap:getTimeValue')">
                       <xsl:value-of select="javamap:getTimeValue($inputparam)"/>                       <xsl:value-of select="$test"/>
                        <xsl:value-of select= "//project"/>
    Following is my Java Code
    package DATEandTIME;
    import java.util.Map;
    import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.AbstractTrace;
    import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.StreamTransformationConstants;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class Date_Time {
                private static AbstractTrace trace = null;
                public static String getDateValue(Map inputparam)
                        trace = (AbstractTrace)inputparam.get(
                                 StreamTransformationConstants.MAPPING_TRACE );
                        Date now1 = new Date();
                        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyyMMd");
                        String dateString = formatter.format(now1);
                        return dateString;
                public static String getTimeValue(Map inputparam)
                            trace = (AbstractTrace)inputparam.get(
                                    StreamTransformationConstants.MAPPING_TRACE );
                            Date now1 = new Date();
                            SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat ("hhmmss");
                            String dateString1 = formatter.format(now1);
                            return dateString1;
    Best Regards
    Ravi Shankar B

  • How to run a background job with the cloud_scheduler package

    Is the cloud_scheduler package able to run background jobs as documented? When you try to run a job in another session using:
    cloud_scheduler.run_job(job_name=>'MYJOB', use_current_session=>false);
    The call fails with:
    ORA-20002: Cannot run job MYJOB. Adhoc background execution is disallowed. Please enable the job instead.
    If you try to use cloud_scheduler.enable to run the job then the job does not run when scheduled.
    Rod West

    Hi Rod,
    Yes, I believe so. Here's a test case that I just ran successfully from SQL Workshop in my database trial service:
    create table myjob_test (aa timestamp with time zone);
        cloud_scheduler.create_job (
            job_name        => 'MYJOB',
            job_type        => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
            job_action      => 'begin insert into myjob_test values (systimestamp); commit; end;',
            repeat_interval => 'freq=minutely; interval=3' );
        cloud_scheduler.enable ( name => 'MYJOB' );
    select job_name, state, run_count, failure_count, last_start_date, next_run_date, systimestamp from sys.user_scheduler_jobs;
    select * from myjob_test order by aa;Is the next_run_date in the past for your job? If it is, try disabling/enabling the job to "reinitialize" the job's schedule.
    -- Vlad

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