TextEdit can't actually save as text

So, TextEdit has been incredibly poorly named.
How can I create and edit a text file on Leopard?

Wow, thankyou.
And to think I was having so much fun trying to use 'HTML' to trick it into saving as text...
'untick "hide extension", delete ".html" from filename, 'untick "hide extension", delete.. hey wait a minute!'

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    You can also find non-Apple utility programs that will allow you to transfer your text messages to your computer.
    If you use a Mac, look at this:  http://www.ecamm.com/mac/phoneview/
    This works on Macs and PCs: http://www.wideanglesoftware.com/touchcopy/index.php

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    Is this a scanned PDF? If so, it must first be OCR'd.

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    Have you tried a hard reset (holding the sleep/wake button and home button at the same time until the screen goes black and the apple logo appears)? If so, and if you're still having issues, have you tried to restore through iTunes as a backup? If so, and if you're still having problems, have you tried restoring through iTunes as a new device?

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    Exception Type: EXCBADACCESS (SIGSEGV)
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    Hi Sandy
    This is the kind of problem that nearly needs You to be a wizard or at least
    "clearvoiant" (don't know the spelling).
    There are so much that can go wrong:
    - You have deleted program - Hopfully You know whar You have done.
    - Do You have external devices connected to Your Mac eg; ext hard disks,
    DVD-burners or else ? (If possibly disconnect them)
    Then I would start with:
    - repair permissions (Apple Disk Util tool)
    - repair hard disk - to do this You need to start from CD or reconnect an
    external hard disk temporarily (Apple Disk Util tool)
    - re-start from main drive
    - make a new account
    - logg out of this and into the new one
    - now start iDVD ans see if it starts OK
    You have a 800MHz G4
    My Blue/White G3 - with G4-CPU and 600MHz takes about 15 hours to calculate
    a one hour movie. That means that Your G4 would take about 5 hours per hour movie.
    BUT it shouldn't Crash !
    Yours Bengt W

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    Running 8.0 on 5S

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    That may or may not work with a Previously registered Mac. Worth a try but in the end the OP may have to contact Apple directly by phone.
    pennbank wrote:
    Registering your new Apple product is quick and
    easy. Just follow the onscreen instructions.

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    Why can't I save text I've entered into a PDF file?  When I hit "Save As", only the PDF document is saved, but not the text i typed into the document.  I'm using Windows 8.

    Jan Whitfield
    The College Planning Center
    250 Palladio Parkway, Suite 1311
    Folsom, CA 95630
    (916) 985-0453

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    The answer is (sort of) in your subject, but edited out of the problem statement in the body of your message.
    When you use a stepper or a slider, the value in the cell is always numeric, and is always placed on the chart if that cell is included in the range graphed by the chart.
    But if you use a pop-up menu cell, you can specify numeric or text values in the list of choices for in the menu. Numeric values will be shown on the chart. Text values will not.
    For the example, the values list for the pop-up menu was:
    The first pop-up was set to display Choose, then the cell was filled down the rest of the column. Any text value (including a single space, if you want the cell to appear blank) may be used instead of Choose.
    For charts with negative Y values, the X axis will not automatically appear at Y=0. If your value set will include negative values, I would suggest setting the Y axis maximum and minimum to the maximum and minimum values on your menu list, rather than letting Numbers decide what range to include on the chart. Place a line shape across the chart at the zero level, and choose to NOT show the X axis.

  • Can't save my Text Edit files!

    Hope I'm in the right forum.  This started yesterday and I don't know why or how to fix it.
    I can't save my Text Edit Files (rtf).  I got 1 error message that can't save file until problem is fixed but I have no idea what the problem is.
    Running Text Edit 1.7.1 (289.5).  iMac OS 10.7.5
    Can Someone help?

    I've been having a similar problem with nonsensical error messages from text edit when I try to save. Repairing permissions doesn't seem to have helped, but I have found that checking the 'hide extension' box in the save window seems to get around it.
    cheers all

  • I recently bought an iphone and would like to save witten text messages from blackberry to my new iphone..how can i do that??

    I recently bought an iphone and would like to save witten text messages from blackberry to my new iphone..how can i do that??

    You can't.
    The iPhone stores text messages in conversation format for starters.

  • Browser that will "save as text"

    On a PC with IE, I've relied on "save as text" to handle pages with a paragraph-long recipe buried in 20 pages of XML. Safari won't do itr :-(
    Can someone who actually uses Chrome, Firefox or Opera confirm that their browser will do this in ISO Latin 1? (not in unicode - no other software I have can use it)
    In my first month of Mac use, Apple Support has been reduced to telling me to re-instal the system four times after "something must have been hit" installing or removing apps. Trust you understand why I want to ensure I'm going through all the hassles for something that will in fact solve a problem.

    johnsankey wrote:
    TextEdit doesn't work as soon as you have even a single pasted character that's not in the character set used for saving - it just says "go to ****", refusing to tell you where the offending character is to boot....
    Sounds like I have to start looking instead for a replacement for TextEdit that will at least highlight characters it doesn't like. Mind you, all Windows software I've used simply issues a warning that some characters will be lost and lets you say OK...
    Any suggestions for that on a Mac?
    Not sure why you are having a problem with text edit.  I cannot duplicate your problem.  I can even drag/drop japanese text with no problems (make sure text edit is in RTF mode).  Try drag/drop into open RTF text edit window.

  • How can I export speech analysis text with imbedded timecodes for the creation of subtitle files?

    I found a script that allows you to export all your text layers with time codes as a .srt subtitle file. However, instead of multiple text layers, I have only one: essentially the meta data from Premiere speech analysis that with the aid of a different script, is being used at a "subtitle layer". Essentially, I'm trying to use this data to create a .srt file so I can create actual subtitles, not this hybrid animation/text layer.
    Here is the script I used to export the text layer to .srt:
    Subtitle Exporter v01  
    Script by Philipp Grolle
    Select all the Text Layers you want to export, run the script, and save the file as .srt
    Attention: The Script has not been debugged or testet. Try it on your own risk!
    // get all the selected Layers
    var theComp = app.project.activeItem;
    var alleLayer = theComp.selectedLayers;
    // count how many layers are selected
    var anzahlLayer = alleLayer.length;
    // Enable the line below if you want to change the order of your text (ascending / descending)
    /* alleLayer.reverse(); */
       // prompt to save file
       var theFile = File.saveDialog("Save the text file.", "untitled.txt", "TEXT txt");
       // if user didn't cancel...
       if (theFile != null) {
          // open file for "w"riting,
             // Do it for all the selected Layers
             for (x = 0; x < anzahlLayer; x++)
                 // get In- and Outpoint of the current Layer and convert to timecode (00:00:00:00)
                var timecodeIn = timeToCurrentFormat(alleLayer[x].inPoint, 25);
                var timecodeOut = timeToCurrentFormat(alleLayer[x].outPoint, 25);
               // split the value of the inPoint; converting last 2 characters  (frames) to milliseconds, and finally join it again with comma instead of colon
                var str_in= timecodeIn;
                var timeCodeAnfang_in=str_in.slice(0,8);
                var timeCodeEnde_in=str_in.slice(9,11);
                var millisek_in = timeCodeEnde_in*40; // 1000 milliseconds divided by 25 fps = 40
                var zusammen_in = timeCodeAnfang_in +"," + millisek_in;
                //split the value of the outPoint; converting last 2 characters  (frames) to milliseconds, and finally join it again with comma instead of colon
                var str_out= timecodeOut;
                var timeCodeAnfang_out=str_out.slice(0,8);
                var timeCodeEnde_out=str_out.slice(9,11);
                var millisek_out = timeCodeEnde_out*40;
                var zusammen_out = timeCodeAnfang_out +"," + millisek_out;
                //counter for the number above the timecode (in the results)
                var zaehler = x+1;
                //writing the results to file
                theFile.write(" --> ");
                theFile.write(alleLayer[x].property("Source Text").value);          
          // close the text file
          // open text file in default app
    As I am only using one text layer, it shows me only one continious subtitle in the .srt file. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I should add that I myself am not particularly familiar with scripts or scripting, I'm merely trying all possible solutions to my problem and this seems to be a good approach. Any help would be much appreciated.

  • Save as Text error

    When I try to save a PDF as TXT, the first line on each page is duplicated:
    Page 1->2
    "Gladly," interposed the gray-haired man. "Your headquarters is on the way to my hotel. The night is
    mild. We can talk as we stroll along."
    mild. We can talk as we stroll along."
    Page 3->4
    "Yes," admitted Rochelle, as he led the visitor through to the front room on the left, "but a worthy one.
    Our publications will go everywhere. Here, senator, is our meeting room."
    They were standing in the front room. The senator stared at the walls. Beautifully decorated in many
    colors, they formed maps in mural style. The entire world was depicted. Darvin Rochelle smiled as he
    observed the keen interest which the visitor displayed.
    They were standing in the front room. The senator stared at the walls. Beautifully decorated in many
    colors, they formed maps in mural style. The entire world was depicted. Darvin Rochelle smiled as he
    observed the keen interest which the visitor displayed.
    Any idea what's happening?  What additional information would be helpful?

    So...no ideas on how to actually fix the problem, just complain about someone saying they have a problem with microsoft instead of windows?  I'm having a similar problem, save as text and the file has the first paragraph of the page not only duplicated, but has removed text that originally took the place of the duplicated text.  For example:
         Tom and Jane had a dog who constantly hunched their legs and ruined their couch.
         They could never decide what to do with the dog.
         Finally, they got rid of the thing.
    would be saved as:
         Tom and Jane had a dog who constantly hunched their legs and ruined their couch.
         Tom and Jane had a dog who constantly hunched their legs and ruined their couch.
         Finally, they got rid of the thing.
    Which becomes very hard to fix in a 200 page file.  The forum says that there's a possible solution, but it seems as if you can't actually click on the solution to go and see what it is, and with no point of reference, you could be searching for a long time.  By the by, I'm using Reader 9.3
    Also:  this doesn't happen with every PDF, but I can find no pattern between which ones do and do not cause the problem to occur (images in the file, hyperlinks, etc don't seem to make a difference).

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    actually better to reset your phone and reinstall the latest firmware again after that restore your back up it should be ok

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