TextEdit Toolbar Disappears with Ruler

Personally, TextEdit is awesome for a lot of thework I do. However, I can't get the distracting ruler out of the way when I just want to edit ext, without also hiding the toolbar. Is this by design, is it a design flaw, or is there some way I can kill the ruler without killing the toolbar on TextEdit?
By the way, all Software Update items, as of two minutes ago, have been installed, and my TextEdit version is 1.5 (244).
Thanks in advance for any help!

AFAICT, the show ruler includes the toolbar, since there's no separate toolbar command. It's a simple text editor. If you want Apple to include it in future versions, send an enhancement request via its Bug Reporter system. Join the Apple Developer Connection (ADC)—it's free and available for all Mac users and gets you a look at some development software. Since you already have an Apple username/ID, use that. Once a member, go to Apple BugReporter and file your bug report/enhancement request. You'll get a get a Bug/ER ID number; thus, starting a dialog directly with engineering.

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    I don't have time to watch video's or try to figure out how to get my toolbar back.
    they always screw something up that was fine before and so i spend a day trying to get stuff back to a usable state


  • In Firefox v4.0.1, custom toolbars disappear from the toolbar menu when I open a "New Window".

    I created a new toolbar in Customize... / Add New Toolbar. It's on the list of toolbars and opens up '''most times''' I start Firefox, but not ''always''. I have tested it and it is completely random.
    Same type of problem as 1., but '''''everytime''''' I use the 'New Window' feature the custom toolbar disappears from the toolbar menu and if I need to use it, I have to '''save all tabs as bookmark''' then close and reopen FireFox so I get my original window [where the toolbar shows up]. AARRRGHH.
    I've been using FF for 7 years now, so I know enough to rule out corrupted localstore.rdf, new or updated add-ons (I could be wrong though, as I often am...).
    Has this come up with other users? Am I being cursed? [lol] any help would be appreciated.

    Sorry it took so long to get back to you.
    You know, you're right. I should try everything, no matter how smart I think I am!
    It's been 3 days since I deleted the localstore.rdf file and so far so good.
    Thanxs for the help

  • My back button and refresh button and my yahoo tool bar are dimmed a lot when I open up firefox. So as a result, I cannot use the back button nor my refresh button AND my yahoo toolbar disappears a lot. I have tried to get on your chat session but it is a

    <blockquote>Locked by Moderator as a duplicate/re-post.
    Please continue the discussion in this thread: [/forum/1/688252]
    Thanks - c</blockquote>
    == Issue
    I have another kind of problem with Firefox
    == Description
    My back button and refresh button and my yahoo tool bar are dimmed a lot when I open up firefox. So as a result, I cannot use the back button nor my refresh button AND my yahoo toolbar disappears a lot. I have tried to get on your chat session but it is always closed. I need one on one help. Please reply with resolution.
    == This happened
    Every time Firefox opened
    == two or three months ago
    == Firefox version
    == Operating system
    Windows XP
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100401 (BT-canvas) Firefox/3.6.3 GTB7.0 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    == Plugins installed
    *Coupons, Inc. Coupon Printer DLL
    *Coupons, Inc. Coupon Printer Plugin
    *The QuickTime Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in Web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime Web site.
    *RealPlayer(tm) LiveConnect-Enabled Plug-In
    *RealJukebox Netscape Plugin
    *Default Plug-in
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape "9.3.2"
    *BrowserPlus -- Improve your browser! -- http://browserplus.yahoo.com/
    *Shockwave Flash 10.0 r45
    *Yahoo Application State Plugin version
    *My Web Search Plugin Stub for 32-bit Windows
    *Google Updater pluginhttp://pack.google.com/
    *Google Update
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in 1.6.0_20 for Mozilla browsers
    *Npdsplay dll

    * If the menu bar is hidden then press and hold the Alt key down, that should make the Menu bar appear (Firefox 3.6 on Windows) (see [[Menu bar is missing]]).
    * Make sure that you have the ''Navigation Toolbar'' and other toolbars visible: View > Toolbars .
    * If items are missing then see if you can find them in the View > Toolbars > Customize window.
    * If you see the item in the Customize window then drag it back from the Customize window to the Navigation toolbar.
    * If you do not see that item then click the Restore Default Set button in the View > Toolbars > Customize window.
    See also [[Back and forward or other toolbar buttons are missing]] and [[Navigation Toolbar items]]
    See http://kb.mozillazine.org/Toolbar_customization

  • Automatic Filing With Rules - Long

    This is a long post, sorry, but I think the details might be worthwhile for someone who might be like me and wants to automate their mail processing as much as possible. I do have a question below about how I might better configure some rules, and about whether I might be able to streamline my workflow.
    I spent all day yesterday and most of the day today reorganizing my mailboxes, rules, smart mailboxes, etc., to clean up all my mail. I have messages dating back to 1999, and since I basically just color coded everything with rules, rather than filing messages in mailboxes, my inbox and sent messages were starting to approach the 2GB limit. Some of the earlier messages came straight from Claris Emailer (talk about old school), and then through all versions of OS X Mail from 10.0 to the current 10.4.9. It's easy enough to move stuff from my inbox into a new mailbox, but not quite as much so for sent messages. It made searching more difficult, and it is still a manual process.
    Because I have so many messages (about 10,000 in total), I didn't want to have to manually go through everything to move them into separate organized mailboxes. So I created a whole new set of rules to make the filing as automatic as possible, and to keep it relatively automatic in the future. Of course rules can't catch everything, but doing as much as possible automatically, then letting me sort through what's left is certainly preferable. Unfortunately, it's taken so long to figure out because of Mail's completely inadequate rules for filtering and smart mailboxes. I poured through this forum looking for solutions to the various roadblocks I hit along the way, and I thank all of you who are very knowledgeable and have posted helpful replies to other people asking questions. Below is the best solution I've been able to come up with, and I'm certainly open to any suggestions to make the rules less risky and streamlined. I realize that AppleScript could probably make a lot of these things easier, or some of the shareware programs out there, but while I consider myself a very adept power user, I can't write scripts, and I prefer to keep add-ons to a minimum.
    The first change to my account settings and such was to enable the "Automatically CC myself" option. This is the only viable way I can find to process my sent messages without having to manually apply rules after the fact. I am aware of Andreas Amann's "Filter Sent Messages" AppleScript. I tried it out, but it was constantly choking on all my sent messages. I suppose it would work ok now that I have my sent mailboxes cleaned out, but I think I prefer the CC option because it assures that I have copies of all my sent messages at both my home and work computers. I also installed MailEnhancer to make sure that Mail's dock badge counts all unread messages in any mailbox, not just the Inbox. Now the fun stuff begins.
    First of all, I want to state that since my goal here is to stay away from the mailbox size limit (and also to speed up day-to-day use of Mail), smart mailboxes aren't really an option. I need my messages sorted to "real" mailboxes for their long-term storage. Also, simply dumping mail into yearly archives can be a big hassle too, because I have several projects/mailboxes/whatever that may not have a ton of messages and shouldn't really be split up arbitrarily by year. Thus, the main focus here is on rules. I have two primary e-mail accounts, home and work, that I check regularly from both locations. I have my home mail broken down into categories like bicycling notices, family, apartment landlord, photography side business, and streetcar/railroad website. I also set up mailboxes for miscellaneous stuff that doesn't fit into those categories. For work, I have several mailboxes for project specific correspondence, office-wide e-mails and announcements, office computers, our website, and again miscellaneous.
    Here's the other big paradigm shift. All these mailboxes contain both sent and received mail. This is especially valuable for the project work, because you can quickly look at the list of messages and follow the back-and-forth conversation. I originally started out having "sent" and "received" mailboxes for each project and other category that I've already listed, but when they're open it triples the size of the directory tree. Since there doesn't appear to be any way to make a mailbox/folder display all the messages contained inside its subfolders, I don't see much point in making a whole bunch of subfolders for that since I'd constantly have to open and close folders to get at anything. Also, with a more flat structure, I can quickly and easily see what unread messages are for what projects, and that also tells me if the rules are working well.
    So how do I differentiate sent versus received easily? The first rules I set up are to color the background of all messages that come into my home account. This would apply to all messages that come in to that account, whether it's one of my sent message CC's or not. The next rule catches the sent messages by looking to see if the account and the from address match. In that case it colors the message subject text, marks the message as read, and also flags it. Flagging is necessary to create smart mailboxes down the line that can differentiate between sent and received messages, since there's no facility for using the color of a message as a condition in a rule or smart mailbox. These two rules are repeated with different colors for my work account.
    Since none of the rules have moved any messages yet, further rules are free to process them. Basically I have one rule for each mailbox with various amounts of "any" criteria. For most situations it's pretty straightforward, but I have run into some difficulties with Mail's anemic rules. For example, for my family mailbox, I set a condition where "Sender is member of Group" "Family" that I set up in Address book. So far so good, but since I want this to grab sent messages to family as well, I need an "Any Recipient is member of Group" condition, which doesn't exist. The only way I can see to do this is to manually add all my family members' individual e-mail addresses as separate "any" conditions. That would make the rule look like this:
    If "any" of the following conditions are met:
    "Sender is member of Group" "Family"
    "Any Recipient" "Contains" "[email protected]"
    "Any Recipient" "Contains" "[email protected]"
    "Any Recipient" "Contains" "[email protected]"
    "Any Recipient" "Contains" "[email protected]"
    Perform the following actions:
    "Move Message" to mailbox: "Family"
    Of course, what it SHOULD be is this:
    If "any" of the following conditions are met:
    "Sender is member of Group" "Family"
    "Any Recipient is member of Group" "Family"
    Perform the following actions:
    "Move Message" to mailbox: "Family"
    This one is tripping me up a bit, and I'm not sure how to use address book groups effectively for sent messages. This is also an issue for some of my work project e-mails, since conceivably I'd be sending messages to and receiving messages from the same group of people. For larger projects, my list could grow enough to where I can't add anymore conditions to the rule, which I know is a well-discussed bug (or lack of good coding anyway). Nevertheless, it seems that in order to capture a message with a specific e-mail address, I need to have two conditions for each address, one "from" and one "any recipient". That kinda stinks, and I'd like to find a better way to do it. Any ideas?
    Right now my last rules are to clean up any messages left over that the other rules didn't catch. It makes the color a bit darker and moves the messages to the appropriate "other" mailbox for that account. This ensures that my inbox is always empty. It also keeps my sent mailboxes cleaned out as well. Since I will get CC's of all my sent messages, I can just change my account preferences to delete sent messages after a day or a week.
    That's it for the heavy moving and lifting. With a few of my extra accounts that don't need any special filtering and moving around, I was able to accomplish this with about 30 rules. There's 2 rules per account at the top of the list to color and flag incoming and outgoing messages, and two rules per account at the bottom of the list to file any messages that don't meet the criteria for any of the other mailboxes. All the actual filing away into specific mailboxes happens in the rules in the middle of the list. What I really need to do though is figure out a way to simplify some of the conditions in those filing rules, like the family issue I mentioned above.
    I have set up a few smart mailboxes to display all my unread messages, recent received mail, recent sent mail, all recent mail, all received mail, all sent mail, and all mail. The "All Mail" mailbox's criteria are just that the message is not in one of my junk mail folders. This is my fail-safe, since even if something is mis-categorized or even unfiltered, I will still see it here. "All Sent Mail" collects all messages that are flagged. Flagging is the only way I can find to view just sent messages without having separate "sent" subfolders in all mailboxes. A benefit to doing it this way is that if I add or change any of my hard mailboxes, I don't have to edit the smart mailbox to keep it current. I can hid the flag column and it won't reappear by itself, so I don't have to see the flag. "All Received Mail" is the tricky one. As mentioned elsewhere on the forum, you can't set up a smart mailbox to get messages that are NOT in another smart mailbox. This rule needs to include all messages that are not in the "All Sent Mail" smart mailbox or any of my junk folders. I tried the trick at first where you pick "Message is in Mailbox" and then select your smart mailbox, then go back and change the criteria to "Message is not in Mailbox". When I'd close the rule though, the smart mailbox I chose in the pull-down menu would change to a different one, and the logic would fail. I got it to work by trashing my smart mailboxes .plist file and just remaking them. That did the trick. The rest of my smart mailboxes just add a time limit to their list of criteria to keep the list shorter, and the unread smart mailbox is self-explanatory.
    So what these smart mailboxes do is they let me see anything from just my unread messages to every single message I've ever sent or received in one window. They're all colored accurately and sortable by sent versus received. If I keep my "Recent Received Mail" mailbox as the active one, it looks just like my inbox did before I changed all this stuff around. The only difference is that this particular mailbox automatically displays only messages from the last 3 months, and I don't have to manually clean it up every so often. This makes opening mail itself and navigating recent messages quicker. In the end, I can still see the messages the same way I always have been, but since they're all stored in different hard mailboxes I'll be able to avoid the 2GB limit by keeping everything well categorized. Nevertheless, the logic required to make this all work is quite cumbersome, and I worry about it not working correctly down the road as Mail is updated. I'd appreciate any thoughts you all have on making this work better, and about my family rule problem.
    Thanks all

    > As to marking sent messages versus received, if you didn't do that,
    how would you be able to tell them apart easily?
    It’s the need to tell them apart that I don’t understand...
    You'd want to be able to tell them apart for the same reasons
    you'd want to tell anything apart.
    But I can already easily tell them apart without having to tag, colorize, or store them in separate mailboxes, so why waste an attribute of a message to store redundant information? It’d be better to reserve that attribute for storing information that cannot be made readily available by other means, e.g. subjective properties such as the importance of the message that you mention.
    One instance I can site is if someone asks "did you send me such-and-such?"
    In that case, I can, for example, type the first letters of the name or address of that person in the search box, then click All Mailboxes and To in the banner that appears between the toolbar and the message list. Mail shows me what I’m looking for without me having to leave the mailbox I was looking at nor wonder on which specific mailbox are those messages actually stored. Having all those messages tagged or colorized the same way would be useless or even distracting/annoying.
    Unless you have a specific mailbox for storing only the correspondence with that person AND you can easily locate and select that mailbox amongst all the other mailboxes, I don’t see how could it be more convenient looking through a mailbox where messages can be told apart based on whether they’re sent or received but not on who sent/received them...

  • Table toolbar disappeared in the screen reader mode in Oracle ADF

    I have a validation message box(pop up) opening from a button action from page fragment(jsff) page and in screen reader mode the message box shows up as default on the same page instead of pop up message box and
    and below the message box there is this message information "Press escape to exit this popup." and when I click ESC key it then shows up the main default page with the table toolbar disappeared. In the screen reader mode the ADF framework is taking total control over the showing message box as default on the same page instead of pop up message box and showing below message " Press escape to exit this popup.". My question is how to edit this page and is there any way to get rid of below message information. I also want to know does ADF provide any API in screen reader mode to control the table toolbar disappearing. I really appreciate any help or advice or any work around to solve this issue.
    Eagerly waiting for the response.
    Thanks in advance

    I'm using JDeveloper 11g ( which has come with accessibility feature(screen reader mode). I have no idea of which version of screen reader that Jdeveloper IDE has.
    I use IE 7 browser and it is mandatory I have to use IE7 browser for this project. All I need help is how to get control of web page( jspff) when we use in accessibility mode. we configure like this
    in trinidad-config.xml file.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
    <trinidad-config xmlns="http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad/config">
    for example like in this jspff file :
    id="panelStretchLayout1" topHeight="#{accessibility.accessibilityMode == 'screenReader' ? '137px' : 'auto'}"
    <af:panelCollection binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_pageFragements_.panelCollection2}"
    <f:facet name="menus"/>
    <f:facet name="toolbar">
    <af:toolbar binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_pageFragements_.toolbar1}"
    I'm using like this, let me know I'm doing correct or is there any other way we can do to avoid toolbar to disappear.
    I appreciate your help.

  • SQLDeveloper 3.0 EA1 - Report Toolbar disappears after second run

    Oracle SQL Developer 3.0.02
    Version 3.0.02
    Build MAIN-02.37
    Copyright © 2005,2010 Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    IDE Version:
    Product ID: oracle.sqldeveloper
    Product Version:
    Component     Version
    =========     =======
    Java(TM) Platform     1.6.0_11
    Oracle IDE
    Versioning Support
    When running a user defined report the first time it shows the tab toolbar (freeze view, run report, etc) but when a new report is opened in the same tab the toolbar disappears.
    In order to show again the toolbar I need to close the tab, right click the report name -> Open and the new tab will contain the toolbar.
    Verified with version 2.1 and there the toolbar is always displayed.

    Thanks. I ran out of time to fix this one it's logged and on the list.

  • Toolbar Disappears (Template Form 6i)

    Hi Friends and Forms Product Management Team,
    My problem is, in my custom form 6i (using template 11i), toolbar disappears whenever error message window displayed. This started after making few changes to this form.
    Let me give you brief about this form, its a single block setup form on single base table. It allows user to update fields with validation. Now if user tries to enter wrong value the built-in error message window appears with some message for that validated field. The toolbar, which disappears, is the standard one (Horizontal toolbar). So the full form seems to be jumping, up and down. It has one window and its called,
    Lets say SOME_SETUP window. Canvas Type is CONTENT.
    I am not getting any solution from anywhere. Where to seek help? Any suggestions.
    Rohit Singh

    -Gary Myers -
    What are the following details :
    The canvas the toolbar is on (and whether it's a horizontal or vertical canvas).
    The window that toolbar canvas is attached to.
    The form's console window
    The names of all windows in the form, and their style (content, stacked, dialog etc), whether they have a >horzintal/vertical toolbar canvas property set.
    When the error is displayed, what item is the cursor on ?
    [Is the 'error' displyed as an alert, or are you using your own items/canvas/window]
    What canvas is that item in ?
    What window is that canvas on ? -Rohit Singh-
    Thanks Gary,
    First let me give you brief about this form, its a single block setup form on single base table. It allows user to update fields with validation. Now if user tries to enter wrong value the built-in error message window appears with some message for that validated field. The toolbar, which disappears, is the standard one (Horizontal toolbar). So the full form seems to be jumping, up and down. It has one window and its called SOME_SETUP window. Canvas Type is CONTENT. I could not understand by your question Horizontal or Vertical Canvas
    Getting any idea?

  • CS3 tools bars disappear with left click

    I apologize in advance for the DUQ (dumb user question. I am new to CS3, have only used PS Elements 2. When I activate ID, AI, or PS and Bridge for a workspace, the toolbars disappear when I left click on any space outside the toolbars. I am used to Elements where the work space and toolbars are integrated and remain fixed. I have various books, including the Deke McClelland tutorials, but haven't walked through the lessons yet - the books don't address my problem - just wanted to try and play around with a few photos and all the "new" tools first. Can anyone tell me how to create a workspace that will retain the toolbars no matter where I click? Should be simple, but I'm a newbie. I switched from a PC to a 20" iMac 2.66GHz, 4GB RAM, 500GB HD, using the Mac OS X 10.5.4. Thanks in advance. I'm sure there are hundreds of you who can answer this.

    You are clicking on the desktop and going to the finder. don't click the desktop click a window. This is how Macs work, 99% of Mac users prefer it this way.

  • Bookmarks toolbar disappears every time I close the browser. Have tried all recommendations.

    I have been running Chrome from several versions back when Firefox became very slow. I am now trying to switch back to Firefox. I have 27.0.1. My bookmarks toolbar disappears every time I close the browser. I have tried all recommendations I can find including reset and renaming, etc, but nothing has cured the problem. Restore to default used to work for the current session, but now that does not work. I am about to give up and stick with Chrome as this bookmark toolbar issue is driving me nuts. I am about to try uninstalling Firefox and reinstalling. And that will be my last resort unless I get a solution to this problem. I have been a Firefox user from the very beginning up till 16 or 17 and like Firefox, but this seems to be a common occurrence from my research. BOOKMARKS TOOLBAR IS A MUST HAVE!

    Firefox automatically creates backups of your bookmarks, which can be helpful if your bookmarks are lost or missing. To recover them, follow the instructions below.
    #Use <u>one</u> of these methods to open the Bookmarks Library window:
    #*Click the ''[[Display the Firefox button menu instead of the menu toolbar|Firefox button]]'' to open the menu and click on ''Bookmarks''.
    #*Click the ''Bookmarks'' menu and click on ''Show All Bookmarks''.
    # At the top of the Library window, click the "Import and Backup" menu and select Restore.
    # Click the date of the bookmark backup you want to recover.
    # In the new window that appears, click OK.
    # Your bookmarks from the selected date should now be restored.
    For more information, see the [[Restore bookmarks from backup or move them to another computer]] article. For other solutions, see the [[Recover lost or missing Bookmarks]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Thank you.

  • Toolbar disappears / template form 11i

    Toolbar disappears when error message window appears. I have developed a form using template 11i. Any suggestions.
    Rohit Singh
    eJiva India
    email: [email protected]

    Well you still haven't answered several of the questions :
    We've established that you have one window [SOME_SETUP] with two canvases, one content and one horizontal toolbar. Can you confirm this by opening up the WINDOW and CANVAS 'tree' nodes.
    Is the 'error' displyed as an alert, or just in the message line ?
    Forms doesn't have a 'built in message window'. Unless otherwise coded, an error is displayed on the message line at the bottom of the form. If more than one message needs to be displayed on the message line, you probably get a 'Please acknowledge' popup.
    If it is not a message line error, then it may be an alert, or it may be that there is an 'error' canvas/window which pops up with a message. This is why I wanted confirmation of the names and types of the windows and canvases.

  • Roboform toolbar disappears after persona changes

    When FF starts up and the persona changes (such as with Personas Rotator), the Roboform toolbar disappears. When you retrieve it using Right-Click > Customize, personas can now change and the toolbar won't go away. Any way to make this annoyance go away?

    The default Mozilla theme is basically that persona that looks like one those devices used by painters to color their brushes (I think the persona's name is "caramel"). I don't like it and always use another persona.The only issue is that for some reason when you change it the first time, the Roboform toolbar disappears. When I go to Options -> Toolbar Layout and put it back, then it stays put no matter how many times the persona changes or rotates. It's just irritating having to put it back every time you start FF. Any clues?

  • I have students whose toolbars "disappear" and global settings does not help.

    As mentioned, I have 2 students that have somehow deleted their toolbars. I've been given 2 solutins so far and neither one has helped.
    I have went into "customize user interface," but it won't let me bring them back. It is only on that student's login and on that particular computer.
    If they use another computer, or another student uses that computer, the toolbars come up. The FAQ didn't help me because; there is no folder titled "electronics workbench"; There is a folder titled National instruments, but there is no folder under it titled "ewb9"; and the only "ewcfg" files I could find were default files, no "ewcfg" files with anyone's user name could be found. I tried going into the global restrictions using the password given, and none of the disable boxes are checked.  I should also calirify that the toolbars do show up, but they are only a small grey square.  You can mov ethem, but you can't "open" them.

    I have Version 10 and I am not sure this is the same for Version 9, but here is what I know. In version 10 the config giles are contained in the Documents and Setting folder on the main drive. For example mine is located here: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data\National Instruments\Circuit Design Suite\10.1\config.
    You might try to look and see if you have something simular on your machine. Once you do find these config files. Just delete them and re-launch Multisim/Ultiboard and the program will rebuild them and restore them back to the original default settings. This should also restore the toolbars. At least this is what I have read in the forums in the past. I have not had any toolbars disappear, so I have not tried this personally. It will do no harm to your install, but may not help with the problem. The only thing to do is give it a try and cross your fingers.
    I hope this helps as I do not have Version 9 and this is about all I can tell you.
    Kittmaster's Component Database
    Have a Nice Day

  • My entire toolbar disappeared. i have no tools, backbar, etc

    i had my toolbar loaded with backbar, tools, favorites, etc. It all disappeared after a popup came on stating that other people were logged onto my computer (this is a home computer), did i still want to close down. i did. everything changed. i get frustrated trying to use this
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == i was shutting down my computer after use

    Try View -> Toolbars -> Navigation Bar, and/or View -> Toolbars -> Customize, and '''Restore Default Set''' in the dialog that appears.
    If the menu bar isn't visible either, press Alt, then V, T, M to make it stay.
    If that doesn't work, you can reset the toolbar customizations, using the ''Reset toolbars and controls''
    option in the [[Safe Mode]] dialog with the '''Make changes and Restart''' option: https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Safe+Mode#Safe_Mode_window

  • Updated from v28.0 to 29.0 and the Roboform toolbar disappeared!

    I just updated from v28.0 to 29.0 and the Roboform toolbar disappeared. Actually, it reappears sometimes at the very bottom of the screen. Any idea how to get it back to the top where it belongs? I checked the add-ons screen and it is enabled and apparently compatable with FF v.29.0.

    You can check for problems caused by a corrupted localstore.rdf file.
    Delete a possible user.js file and numbered prefs-##.js files and rename (or delete) the prefs.js file to reset all prefs to the default value including prefs set via user.js and prefs that are no longer supported in the current Firefox release.
    You can use this button to go to the currently used Firefox profile folder:
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder (Linux: Open Directory; Mac: Show in Finder)

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