The call to New-AzureKeyVault in the tutorial fails

I'm following this tutorial:
When running the following statement:
New-AzureKeyVault -VaultName 'MyTestKeyVault2' -ResourceGroupName 'MyTestResourceGroup2' -Location 'North Europe' 
I get the following output (I've redacted our subscription/email/resource groups/vault name details):
The user account that is used for this operation is: [email protected]
The subscription that is used for this operation is: MySubscription
Resource Group MyTestResourceGroup2 is created/selected
VERBOSE: 17:25:23 - Resource group "MyTestResourceGroup2" is found.
VERBOSE: 17:25:23 - Creating resource "MyTestKeyVault2" started.
VERBOSE: 17:25:26 - Creating resource "MyTestKeyVault2" complete.
The user account that is used for this operation is: [email protected]
The subscription that is used for this operation is: MySubscription
The user account that is used for this operation is: [email protected]
No object ID is selected. The current user's object ID will be used by default
Get-AzureADUser : {"odata.error":{"code":"Authorization_RequestDenied","message":{"lang":"en","value":"Insufficient pri
vileges to complete the operation."}}}
At C:\Dev\Azure Key Vault Powershell scripts\KeyVaultManager\Common.ps1:144 char:22
+ $userByUpn = Get-AzureADUser | where {$_.Mail -eq $UserPrincipalName}
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Get-AzureADUser], CloudException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ActiveDirectory.GetAzureADUserCommand
No object ID for the input principal was not found
At C:\Dev\Azure Key Vault Powershell scripts\KeyVaultManager\Common.ps1:129 char:9
+ Throw 'No object ID for the input principal was not found'
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (No object ID fo...l was not found:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : No object ID for the input principal was not found
It seems like New-AzureKeyVault calls Get-AzureADUser but that call fails. If I just execute Get-AzureADUser then 
Get-AzureADUser : {"odata.error":{"code":"Authorization_RequestDenied","message":{"lang":"en","value":"Insufficient pri
vileges to complete the operation."}}}
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-AzureADUser
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [Get-AzureADUser], CloudException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.ActiveDirectory.GetAzureADUserCommand
I'm following the tutorial from top to bottom. We have an Azure AD set up, but there's no mentioning of Active Directory up until this point in the tutorial.
Is there something which I need to configure within Azure AD prior to running New-AzureKeyVault which is not mentioned in the tutorial?

Hi All,
Thank You for taking the interest in Key Vault, I am sorry to hear that you have run in to this particular incident and hopefully we can get you unblocked.
If you currently have 'Limit Guest Access' on the directory set to 'YES' then you will need to read the statement below in order to move forward as in this scenario GUEST do not have the ability to enumerate Directory Objects when access has been limited
which is what causes this to fail.
If your administrator doesn't want to limit guest access, then they can toggle the setting on the Directory to state 'Limit Guest Access' to NO which will then allow User Accounts of User Type Guest to enumerate objects.
If you are using a Microsoft Account that is over user type GUEST and the administrator has chosen to limit guest access then you need to ask an administrator of the directory to run the following command:
Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName -UserType Member
Furthermore, If your a customer that has multiple Azure Subscriptions ensure that the subscription in question is the current subscription in-use when using the PowerShell Session
This will give you a list of all your subscriptions, there is an attribute on each subscription called 'IsCurrent' you need to ensure that the relevant subscription your attempting to use has a value of True.
If this is not the case, then you need to run the command
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionId GUID -Current
I imagine most of you here will have multiple subscriptions & directories, and even more so as it is recommended to run this in production it probable that you have a different Azure Subscription you would want to use, and in-turn a different directory
also. {please take care when checking this info}
NOTE: If you login to with your account and go to Settings > Subscriptions from here you will be able to see the GUID translation in to the Directory Name and furthermore there is a last column called 'Default Directory'
that is the directory your account needs to be a GA off.
If you have any further questions please be sure to reach out.
If your currently using Microsoft Accounts in Azure. if your a Microsoft Online Service customers (such as Office 365) and have not linked the Azure Subscription to this directory and want to, check out
this article to help you out in doing that as Work Accounts are recommended when using Azure in most scenarios and saves you having to login with different creds across portals.
also, if you want further information on how Azure AD Administrators and Subscription Administrators differ you should check out
the following article also.

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    And to my Surprise after i remove the Xrm.cs file from my solution the Plugin got registered!
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    Hello Shardha,
                            I really appreciate that you have faced this issue.This is really very strange issue and basically it occurs because of big size of your early bound class and slow internet
                            I would strictly recommend you to reduce the file size of your early bound class and then register.By default early bound class is created for all the entities which are
    present in CRM(System entities as well custom entities).Such kind of early bound classes takes lots of time to register on server and hence timeout exception comes.
                            There is some standard define to reduce the size of early bound class.Please follow the link to get rid from big size of early bound class.
    Create a new C# class library project in Visual Studio called SvcUtilFilter.
    In the project, add references to the following:
    CrmSvcUtil.exe(from sdk)   This exe has the interface we will implement.
    Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll  (found in the CRM SDK).
      Add the following class to the project:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Xml.Linq;
    using Microsoft.Crm.Services.Utility;
    using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata;
    namespace SvcUtilFilter
        /// <summary>
        /// CodeWriterFilter for CrmSvcUtil that reads list of entities from an xml file to
        /// determine whether or not the entity class should be generated.
        /// </summary>
        public class CodeWriterFilter : ICodeWriterFilterService
            //list of entity names to generate classes for.
            private HashSet<string> _validEntities = new HashSet<string>();
            //reference to the default service.
            private ICodeWriterFilterService _defaultService = null;
            /// <summary>
            /// constructor
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="defaultService">default
            public CodeWriterFilter( ICodeWriterFilterService defaultService )
                this._defaultService = defaultService;
            /// <summary>
            /// loads the entity filter data from the filter.xml file
            /// </summary>
            private void LoadFilterData()
                XElement xml = XElement.Load("filter.xml");
                XElement entitiesElement = xml.Element("entities");
                foreach (XElement entityElement in entitiesElement.Elements("entity"))
            /// <summary>
            /// /Use filter entity list to determine if the entity class should be generated.
            /// </summary>
            public bool GenerateEntity(EntityMetadata entityMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
                return (_validEntities.Contains(entityMetadata.LogicalName.ToLowerInvariant()));
            //All other methods just use default implementation:
            public bool GenerateAttribute(AttributeMetadata attributeMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
                return _defaultService.GenerateAttribute(attributeMetadata, services);
            public bool GenerateOption(OptionMetadata optionMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
                return _defaultService.GenerateOption(optionMetadata, services);
            public bool GenerateOptionSet(OptionSetMetadataBase optionSetMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
                return _defaultService.GenerateOptionSet(optionSetMetadata, services);
            public bool GenerateRelationship(RelationshipMetadataBase relationshipMetadata, EntityMetadata otherEntityMetadata, IServiceProviderservices)
                return _defaultService.GenerateRelationship(relationshipMetadata, otherEntityMetadata, services);
            public bool GenerateServiceContext(IServiceProvider services)
                return _defaultService.GenerateServiceContext(services);
    This class implements the ICodeWriterFilterService interface.  This interface is used by the class generation
    utility to determine which entities, attrributes, etc. should actually be generated.  The interface is very simple and just has seven methods that are passed metadata info and return a boolean indicating whether or not the metadata should be included
    in the generated code file.   
    For now I just want to be able to determine which entities are generated, so in the constructor I read from an XML
    file (filter.xml) that holds the list of entities to generate and put the list in a Hashset.  The format of the xml is this:
    Take a look at the methods in the class. In the GenerateEntity method, we can simply check the EntityMetadata parameter
    against our list of valid entities and return true if it's an entity that we want to generate.
    For all of the other methods we want to just do whatever the default implementation of the utility is.  Notice
    how the constructor of the class accepts a defaultService parameter.  We can just save a reference to this default service and use it whenever we want to stick with the default behavior.  All of the other methods in the class just call the default
    To use our extension when running the utility, we just have to make sure the compiled DLL and the filter.xml file
    are in the same folder as CrmSvcUtil.exe, and set the /codewriterfilter command-line argument when running the utility (as described in the SDK):
    crmsvcutil.exe /url:http://<server>/<org>/XrmServices/2011/Organization.svc /out:sdk.cs  /namespace:<namespace> /codewriterfilter:SvcUtilFilter.CodeWriterFilter,SvcUtilFilter
    /username:[email protected] /password:xxxx
    That's it! You now have a generated sdk.cs file that is only a few hundred kilobytes instead of 5MB. 
    One final note:  There is actually a lot more you can do with extensions to the code generation utility. 
    For example: if you return true in the GenerateOptionSet method, it will actually generated Enums for each CRM picklist (which it doesn't normally do by default).
    Also, the source code for this SvcUtilFilter example can be found here. 
    Use at your own risk, no warranties, etc. etc. 
    Please mark as a answer if this post is useful to you.

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    Hello Csound1
    The feature exists (and is clearly described in Numbers User Guide) in Numbers '09 but the thread is about the behavior of Numbers '08.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 21 septembre 2011 21:59:50
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
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    How to stop this duplicate notification?

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    This is due to your Inspection type configuration. I guess "One Q-Notification per Insp. Lot" Indicator is not set for the inspection type you are using.
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    I know about setting for lists, but 
    Is there such a setting that in entire site opens the edit,display,new form in the modal windows?

    No, just per list, as you already knew
    Kind regards,
    Margriet Bruggeman
    Lois & Clark IT Services
    web site:

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  • [svn:fx-4.0.0] 13665: remove the call to clean-temp before the package staging starts.

    Revision: 13665
    Revision: 13665
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-01-20 10:17:54 -0800 (Wed, 20 Jan 2010)
    Log Message:
    remove the call to clean-temp before the package staging starts.  Removing the temp directory before the copy was removing the config updates that happen before this target is called.
    QE notes: make sure the flex and air configs have been updated.
    Doc notes:
    Reviewer: gaurav
    Tests run:
    Is noteworthy for integration:
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Before compiling the architecture must be adjusted in the FFdecsa/Makefile (defaults to athlon-xp).
    The readme file in the src directory provides more details.

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