The command "describe test_table", displays different datatype

Hello All,
I have a strange issue in my Oracle 12c, I'm have a database gateway setup to connect to a Microsoft SQL through dblink using ODBC 64 bits driver
All works fine but I noticed that some columns in the oracle tables that I'm merging from microsoft sql  don't display the values even though in the microsoft SQL they are there
I noticed that in the SQL the datatype of the column is VARCHAR while if I describe the table from within oracle I can see that column as NVARCHAR2
I also noticed that some columns don't even display in Oracle and they are NVARCHAR in Microsoft SQL
I was thinking that it may be due to characters conversion but not sure
Anyone ever had this problem ?
Thank you

Hi Matt,
thanks for your reply, I have checked and here is the output:
SQL> select * from  v$nls_parameters;
PARAMETER            VALUE                    CON_ID
NLS_LANGUAGE         AMERICAN                      0
NLS_TERRITORY        AMERICA                       0
NLS_CURRENCY         $                             0
NLS_ISO_CURRENCY     AMERICA                       0
NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTE .,                            0
NLS_CALENDAR         GREGORIAN                     0
NLS_DATE_FORMAT      DD-MON-RR                     0
NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE    AMERICAN                      0
NLS_CHARACTERSET     WE8MSWIN1252                  0
PARAMETER            VALUE                    CON_ID
NLS_SORT             BINARY                        0
NLS_TIME_FORMAT      HH.MI.SSXFF AM                0
                     F AM
MAT                  F AM TZR
NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY    $                             0
NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERS AL16UTF16                     0
PARAMETER            VALUE                    CON_ID
NLS_COMP             BINARY                        0
NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS BYTE                          0
NLS_NCHAR_CONV_EXCP  FALSE                         0
19 rows selected.

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    That seems highly reasonable.
    If your going to be writing to a file, it would probably be a better approach to create an application.
    As for the arithmetic part of it, you'll want to save the points that the lines dropped, to use for future calculations. Using arrays would probably be a good idea.
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    It's pretty easy. Here's a little example that reads a file, stores it in a string, and prints it to the command line.
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                        fileContent += line + "\n";
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                   System.out.println("Exception: " + e);
    }Good luck,

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    Hi priya,
    The requirement that you have stated is not a standard feature in ISA CRM. In order to do the same, you will need to modify the standard ISA code in Java. A common path for the solution would be as follows:
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        b. Modify the standard search of ISA to search within your new text type as well. (In standard it only searches in Description.
       c. Maintain all shirts colour data in the new type created in step a.
       d. Your requirement will be done!
    2. Price
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      b. Modify the standard search of ISA to search on the list prices as well.
      c. This too will be done!
    3. Accessories - This is very tricky, and will require some exploration. However, here's my opinion,
    a. Search for the standard function module, which will return the accessories when provided the product as an input.
    b. Modify this function module according to your requirement and ensure that it can be accessed remotely.
    c. Modify the JSP as in steps 1b and 2b above to call this new remote-enabled function module.
    d. Now you're done!!
    The ISA modification part is not so simple, you need a really good guy like "Sateesh Chandra" who'll be able to handle your requirements. This is all I could manage, hope it is some help to you!
    Thanks & Regards,

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    It could be a compatibility issue as well as Acrobat 8 is an older version.
    Do you get any error message while registering for the product?
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    Hi pars,…
    In this link also i struck in
    In page 10  of that document
    The application is now ready to be translated. Everything is in place to run it in any language imaginable.To ca ll the application in another language, change the URL of your application to the following:
    This example will call the chosen page in the application and show it in the Dutch language instead of in English. To select another language change the property nl at the end of the URL to your desired language code.
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    <title> In english</title>
    <description> In english</description>
    <shortcut online="true">
    <!-- create desktop shortcut -->
    <menu submenu="My Project in English language"/>
    *<icon kind="shortcut" href="images/icon_english.gif"/>
    <icon kind="splash" href="images/splash_english.jpg"/>*
    <!-- locale="nl-NL" specifies dutch -->
    <information locale="nl-NL">
    <title> In Dutch</title>
    <description>In Dutch</description>
    <shortcut online="true">
    <!-- create desktop shortcut -->
    <menu submenu="My Project in Dutch language"/>
    *<icon kind="shortcut" href="images/icon_dutch.gif"/>
    <icon kind="splash" href="images/splash_dutch.jpg"/>*
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    Can we acheive this?*

    Hi anjali...
    I have problem with splash screen..
    here is my jnlp file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <jnlp spec="1.0+" codebase="http://localhost:8080/MyProject">
              <description>Application Launcher For MyProject1.0</description>
              <description kind="short"></description>
              <offline-allowed />
              <icon kind="splash" href="images/Splash_MyProject.jpg" width="560" height="300"/>
              <jar href="SwingApplication/mysql-connector-java-5.0.6-bin.jar" />
              <jar href="SwingApplication/MyProject1.0.jar" main="true"/>
              <jar href="SwingApplication/liquidlnf.jar" />
              <j2se version="1.6+" java-vm-args="-Xms32M -Xmx256M " />
         <application-desc main-class="com.mobius.ui.MainWindow">
    </jnlp>my post is in
    I am in big problem Help me...
    Edited by: arunnprakash on May 22, 2008 1:28 PM
    Edited by: arunnprakash on May 22, 2008 1:28 PM

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    On Win NT
    REM get rid of commnand window
    start /B java swingapp
    REM minimize the command window
    start /MIN java swingapp
    REM for other options
    help start
    Hope this helps,
    i'v been seraching all over the web for a way to get rid of the command window (dos shell) that appears when running a java swing based application (or any other). i currently have a batch file that loads all the required libraries into the class path and then calls the application's main class. problem is, the DOS command window stays open. is there any way to have it not display (obviously without losing my program in the process). at the very least can it be minimised automatically (just the dos window)?? though i think getting rid of it all together would be best.
    i would really love some help on this... very over seeing that dos window displayed...
    any help would be greatly appreciated.... thanks heaps

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    Would you not be able to use ls -lu to see when the
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    -u Uses time of last access instead of last modification
    for sorting (with the -t option) or printing (with the
    -l option).
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Maybe you are looking for

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