The correct way to add a second CSS file

Running Creator 2U1 on Windows XP
What is the correct way to add a second CSS file to the project?
here is a section of the Page1.JSP file:
<ui:head binding="#{Page1.head1}" id="head1">
<ui:link binding="#{Page1.link1}" id="link1" media="all" url="/resources/stylesheet.css"/>
simply duplicating the line as such crashes the application:
<ui:head binding="#{Page1.head1}" id="head1">
<ui:link binding="#{Page1.link2}" id="link2" media="print" url="/resources/print.css"/>
How to do it??

The method provided does bring the css file into the current environment
However, I need to actually have the pages use the information within the stylesheet
I guess I need to know how to get the css entry into the JSP page
As noted earlier, simply including the (second not counting the master) css file into project and duplicating the "stylesheet.css entry (changing the link1 to link2) causes the application to fail on the "link2" entry
can anyone help me here..

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    Class CalendarBean()
    private HashMap<Set<String>, InstanceStyles> activityColorMap;
    +public CalendarBean() {+
    activityColorMap = new HashMap<Set<String>, InstanceStyles>();
    HashSet setEd = new HashSet<String>();
    HashSet setLen = new HashSet<String>();
    activityColorMap.put(setEd, CalendarActivityRamp.getActivityRamp(CalendarActivityRamp.RampKey.ORANGE));
    activityColorMap.put(setLen, CalendarActivityRamp.getActivityRamp(CalendarActivityRamp.RampKey.RED));
    Next, I linked this up as a backing bean and associated the ActivityStyles of CalendarBean to it:
    I populated some records in the database with properties "Work" and "Ed', but they show default blue.
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    public void calendarActivityListener(CalendarActivityEvent calendarActivityEvent) {
    currActivity = (CalendarActivityBean) calendarActivityEvent.getCalendarActivity();
    being an illegal cast
    What is the correct way to add provider-based styling to drag-and-drop create calendars?
    Ed Schechter

    A colleague of mine was kind enough to solve this:
    The calendar has ActivityStyles property = #{calendarBean.activityStyles}
    CalendarBean looks something like this:
    package com.hub.appointmentscheduler.ui.schedule;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.Set;
    +public class CalendarBean {+
    private HashMap activityStyles;
    private String dummy;
    +public CalendarBean() {+
    +// Define colors+
    activityStyles = new HashMap<Set<String>, InstanceStyles>();
    HashSet setPending = new HashSet<String>();
    HashSet setArrived = new HashSet<String>();
    HashSet setApproved = new HashSet<String>();
    HashSet setCompleted = new HashSet<String>();
    activityStyles.put(setApproved, CalendarActivityRamp.getActivityRamp(CalendarActivityRamp.RampKey.GREEN));
    activityStyles.put(setPending, CalendarActivityRamp.getActivityRamp(CalendarActivityRamp.RampKey.ORANGE));
    activityStyles.put(setArrived, CalendarActivityRamp.getActivityRamp(CalendarActivityRamp.RampKey.PLUM));
    activityStyles.put(setCompleted, CalendarActivityRamp.getActivityRamp(CalendarActivityRamp.RampKey.LAVENDAR));
    +public void setactivityStyles(HashMap activityStyles) {+
    this.activityStyles = activityStyles;
    +public HashMap getactivityStyles() {+
    return activityStyles;
    Now, go into the Bindings tab on the calendar page, double click the calendar binding, and specify the column you've defined as the calendar's Provider in the Tags dropdown.
    Should show colors.

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    Pop-up Window in Dreamweaver (Behaviors Panel)
    1.  Insert an image or type some text.
    2.  Select it and go to the Properties Panel link field.  Browse for the file or type the full URL (
    3.  Go to the Behaviors Panel and hit the plus sign to add a new behavior.
    4.  Select Open Browser Window.
    5.  Browse to file or type the URL (Yes, a 2nd time).
    6.  Set the height, width and other optional attributes for your pop-up window. (See link below for details) .html
    7.  Hit OK.
    8.  Verify that the behavior's trigger event is onClick.  If it's not, click the event box to show other trigger options.
    9.  IMPORTANT!  Go back to the Properties Panel and replace the first URL in the link field with javascript:() which makes the primary link into a null link.  If you don't do this, the link will open twice: once in the pop-up window and again in the parent window.
    Save your page and preview in browsers.
    PS. It takes longer to explain all these steps than it does to do it.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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  • Ok, does anyone know the correct way to do this

    Hi all
    would someone beable to explain the correct way of attaching dynamic text to a rotaing menu so that the text moves with the image as it rotates,
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    first, is this the correct way of doing it?
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    what I have created;
    1.)I created a movieclip called 'textHolder' inside this has two dynamic text fields called 'headerText'  & 'bodyText'  <<<<< IS THIS CORRECT?
    2.)I have an xml file which will load the text in as well as the images with the rotating menu, see below;  <<<IS THIS CORRECT????
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <image name="image 1" path="img/img1.jpg"
        textHolder.bodyText="The hour of night is near, as the skies get blood-filled" />
    3.What I am missing is what script I need for the file, can anyone help here?
    so to break down.
    I have a rotating menu that is driven by xml, that loads images on the menu. I would also like to load text to the left of each image, and have the text be fixed with the image as it rotates.
    I can post the as, but I would like to know if the above is correct first, if you would like to see the main script please say.
    I have attached a jpg layout to give you an idea as to what I am trying to explain. can someone please help!!!!!!!!!
    (this is my previous post:  but I feel its got lost a little along the way)

    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import soulwire.ui.CircleMenu;
    public class Main extends Sprite
      //————————————————————————————————————————————— CLASS MEMBERS  VALUE
      public var circleMenu:      CircleMenu;
      public var xmlLoader:      URLLoader;
      //——————————————————————————————————————————————— CONSTRUCTOR
      public function Main()
      circleMenu = new CircleMenu( 300, 32, 14 );
      circleMenu.x = 150;
      circleMenu.y = 300;
      addChildAt( circleMenu, 0 );
      // Use URLLoader to load XML
      xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
      xmlLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
      // Listen for the complete event
      xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLComplete);
      xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("data.xml"));
      /*for (var i:int = 0; i < 20; i++)
        // MyMenuItem can be a symbol from your library
        // or any class which extends DisplayObject!
        var item:MyMenuItem = new MyMenuItem();
        item.txt.text = 'Menu Item ' + (i + 1);
        item.txt.mouseEnabled = false;
        item.buttonMode = true;
        item.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onMenuItemClick );
        circleMenu.addChild( item );
      circleMenu.currentIndex = 4;*/
      // Enable the mouse wheel
      stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, onMouseWheel );
      // Set up the UI
      ui.spacingSlider.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, onSliderChange );
      ui.radiusSlider.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, onSliderChange );
      ui.minAlphaSlider.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, onSliderChange );
      ui.minScaleSlider.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, onSliderChange );
      ui.scaleSlider.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, onSliderChange );
      ui.itemsSlider.addEventListener( Event.CHANGE, onSliderChange );
      ui.spacingSlider.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE) );
      ui.radiusSlider.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE) );
      ui.minAlphaSlider.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE) );
      ui.minScaleSlider.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE) );
      ui.scaleSlider.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE) );
      ui.itemsSlider.dispatchEvent( new Event( Event.CHANGE) );
      //———————————————————————————————————————————— EVENT HANDLERS
      private function onXMLComplete(event:Event):void
      // Create an XML Object from loaded data
      var data:XML = new XML(;
      // Now we can parse it
      var images:XMLList = data.image;
      for(var i:int = 0; i < images.length(); i++)
        // Get info from XML node
        var imageName:String = images[i].@name;
        var imagePath:String = images[i].@path;
      //  var textInfo:TextInfo = new TextInfo(); 
    //      textInfo.headerText.text = images[i].@headerText; <<<<THIS IS WHAT i HAVE TRIED, GET ERRORS SO COMMENTED OUT
    //    textInfo.bodyText.text = images[i].@bodyText;
    //    addChild(textinfo);
        var sp:Sprite=new Sprite();    <<<<<<<< THIS IS SCRIPT JUST ADDED
        var tf:TextField=new TextField();
        var ldr:Loader=new Loader();
        // Load images using standard Loader
        var loader:Loader = new Loader();
        // Listen for complete so we can center the image
        loader.load(new URLRequest(imagePath));
        // Create a container for the loader (image)
        var holder:Sprite = new Sprite();
        // Same proceedure as before
        holder.buttonMode = true;
        holder.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onMenuItemClick );
        // Add it to the menu
      private function onImageComplete(event:Event):void
      var img:Loader = event.currentTarget.loader;
      img.content["smoothing"] = true;
      img.x = -(img.width/2);
      img.y = -(img.height/2);
      private function onMouseWheel( event:MouseEvent ):void < 0 ? : circleMenu.prev();
      private function onMenuItemClick( event:MouseEvent ):void
      circleMenu.scrollToItem( event.currentTarget as DisplayObject );
      private function onSliderChange( event:Event ):void
      switch( event.currentTarget )
        case ui.spacingSlider:
        circleMenu.angleSpacing = event.currentTarget.value;
        case ui.radiusSlider:
        circleMenu.innerRadius = event.currentTarget.value;
        case ui.minAlphaSlider:
        circleMenu.minVisibleAlpha = event.currentTarget.value;
        case ui.minScaleSlider:
        circleMenu.minVisibleScale = event.currentTarget.value;
        case ui.scaleSlider:
        circleMenu.activeItemScale = event.currentTarget.value;
        case ui.itemsSlider:
        circleMenu.visibleItems = event.currentTarget.value;

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    We appreciate you reaching out to us. We greatly appreciate the feedback that you have provided us. Please know that we will lift this up to management and the issues will be addressed.
    Thank you,
    Follow us on twitter @VZWSupport

  • What is the best way to add text to an image

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    APDivs will kill your design unless you fully understand the css behind the scenes and plan accordingly. They really are completely unnecessary in the vast majority of situations.
    An easy way to add "web text over an image" would be to use the background-image attribute in css for a standard <div> tag, then just add the text within that same <div>.
    Something like this in the css (if you are using a 300x300 pixel image)...
    #yourdiv {
    And then this in the html...
    <div id="yourdiv">Your text here</div>
    You would then position the <div> using css margins, floats and padding. Using position:absolute (APDivs) is typically something that will blow your design to pieces if the viewer changes their browser settings.

  • Checking on the correct way to use Time Machine

    Checking on the correct way to use Time Machine.
    Open Time Machine in Preferance, Click on options,
    The only item showing on list is my HD.
    Is that correct for every thing to be backed up or should I have other items showing.
    Also should my HD be deleated from this list.
    Await any help.

    Richard. B Mann wrote:
    Checking on the correct way to use Time Machine.
    Open Time Machine in Preferance, Click on options,
    The only item showing on list is my HD.
    Is that correct for every thing to be backed up or should I have other items showing.
    no that's wrong. this is TM exclusion list. you add items there that you DO NOT want to be backed up. so currently your whole hard drive is excluded. remove it from there if you want it to be backed up. the only thing that should be present on that list by default is the TM backup drive itself.
    btw, see pondini's TM FAQs for more info on using TM
    Also should my HD be deleated from this list.
    Await any help.

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    Hello all,
    I haven't programmed in a while and I just got the free Netbeans 6.1 CD just for kicks and to try it out. I'm making a basic application for a store that one of my family members has. I was programming away as I could and right now I came to a conclusion... I think I maybe doing this wrong.
    I have done all the GUI using the Netbeans IDE plugin visual designer and I just click on the button and add the event and then I program away. But just right now I noticed another file that is called Then I look to the right and I have where I have been placing most of my code. Is this the right place to put the code???
    I think I maybe missing something or maybe doing some lousy code writing. Any help would be awsome. Is this where I put my Object Oriented think hat on to accomplish the correct way??
    Thanks in advance and it feels good to be back :D

    A general rule of thumb that I use it to think in layers...
    --GUI {What you show the use}
    --GUI code logic {local rules and edits}
    --WEB/Network {interface for multiuser}
    --BUSINESS RULES {rules and coding to make your business work}
    --DATABASE {where do you store your durable data}
    Granted, this is a very simplistic look, but it will get you a start a thinking process for your app.

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    \\serverName\shareName\folder 1\folder 2\file name.dtd
    I use the same format for the template file and the read/write rules file.
    When I try to save an fm file to xml, FrameMaker says that it cannot read the DTD; however, the resulting xml file appears to be well-formed. The DOCTYPE element in the resulting xml is formatted with forward slashes and spaces replaced with %20.
    I tried using forward slashes and replacing spaces with %20, but then I get an error about reading the read/write rules.
    NOTE: I have another structured application to read xml into fm. This application does not have a DTD file. The template and read/write rules files are specified as above. Except for complaining about a lack of a DTD, the application works fine; it even applies an XSLT in the process. Again, when I DO add a DTD to this latter application, I get the same complaint about not being able to read the DTD.
    I am using fully patched FrameMaker 9 in Windows XP.

    Hi Van,
    The XML parser and FrameMaker are not the same thing. The Error Log says which component created which message. The XSL processor is another option that can throw messages. The "\\server\path\some.dtd" syntax in seems to be fine for some tools, as Internet Explorer with XML tools successfully finds the DTD which appears as "//server/path/some.dtd" in the XML. But apparently Xerxes, the XML parser bundled with FrameMaker, does not like this notation.
    If you have a path with a drive letter, "H:\path\some.dtd", FrameMaker turns that into "file:///H:/path/some.dtd". It seems, Xerces would like to see "file:/" in front of absolute paths.
    This is what I have in
    Template: \\server\path\
    DTD: some.dtd
    Read/write rules: \\server\path\projectrules.txt
    DOCTYPE: …
    Entity locations
      Entity search paths
        1: \\server\path\
    In the I have the DTD without path information. The resulting XML (without XSL postprocessing) then contains just the file name with a relative path back to the book folder (when saving a book as XML). It therefore requires the DTD to be available at this place. I handle this using an event script that fires for NotePreSaveXml and copies the DTD to the folder of the original document.
    As I always use XSL postprocessing and using XSLT1 it is not possible to have the doctype-system as a parameter I have this in my XSL stylesheet:
    <xsl:output doctype-system="some.dtd" />
    For the resulting XML the DTD is expected to be in the same folder as the XML file. This is handled by the same event script as above, it therefore copies the DTD to the source and the target folder.
    Bottom line: If you want/have to use UNC paths, you have to do some programming to work around a FrameMaker bug.
    - Michael

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    There is an awful lot of bad advice in this thread about what null does. Please in future check on your own with working code before offering up misguided and very wrong advice. Particularly when your advice contradicts that previously given.
    Please compile and run the following
    public class Test implements Runnable{
      public static void main(String args[])throws Exception{
        Test test = new Test();
        Thread t= new Thread(test);
        // have delay wait a few seconds to demonstrate
        System.out.println("Setting reference to thread to null");
        t = null; // what does this do?
        // jack all
        System.out.println("Exiting main");
      public void run(){
          System.out.println("Hello from test thread!");
          try{ Thread.sleep(750); }catch(InterruptedException iDontCareAboutThis){}
    }This will output the following
    C:\>java Test
    Hello from test thread!
    Hello from test thread!
    Hello from test thread!
    Hello from test thread!
    Setting reference to thread to null
    Exiting main
    Hello from test thread!
    Hello from test thread!
    Hello from test thread!
    Hello from test thread!
    Hello from test thread!
    Hello from test thread!And continues on endlessly. Setting the reference to null is NOT an answer to this problem.

  • The Correct Way To Design A Layout?

    Should i just select the AP DIV icon and draw my div tables and drag images and content into them? then style them? is this correct?
    if not, what is the correct way? i do not want to use a pre made template

    Should i just select the AP DIV icon and draw my div tables and drag images and content into them? then style them? is this correct?
    Only if you want a complete mess on your hands later.  APDivs are not a good way to being a project. Here's why.
    Why   do APDivs move?
    DW is not a drag & drop application.  It's a web authoring tool.  As such, it's only as good as the skills YOU bring to the table.  The correct way to layout pages depends on the following:
    a) your skills with CSS and X/HTML code,
    b) your site's requirements,
    c) intended target audience and
    d) how much content you need to display on your site.
    If your CSS and X/HTML skills are weakl, start by learning the basics first.  Or else DW will confound and frustrate you.
    HTML & CSS Tutorials -
    There is no shame in starting out with a pre-built CSS layout which is nothing more than a framwork or  empty table. You customize it the way you wish.  IMO, having a pre-built CSS layout to work with is far more efficient than staring at a blank page & not knowing where to begin.
    Work your way through the following tutorials:  Post again later if you have specific questions.
    Taking   a Fireworks (or Photoshop) comp to a CSS based layout in DW
    From   Tables to CSS Web Design Part 1 -
    From   Tables to CSS Web Design Part 2 -
    Good luck,
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists
    Message was edited by: Nancy O. - fixed a messed up link.

  • What is the best way to sync a second Ipod (7th generation nano) to itunes

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    iTunes treats each iPod separately, so you can set up each iPod's syncing as desired, without regard to the other one.  You can connect them both at the same time, and set them up differently or identically.
    Here is a convenient way to set up automatic syncing, and in your case, keep both iPods in sync with each other.
    I want all my songs on both ipods.
    First, if your entire iTunes music library ("all of my songs") fits on the iPod, it will be easy.  Select the iPod in iTunes.  There is a row of "tabs" (starting with Summary).  Click on Music there.  Set it to Sync Music.  Below that, chose to sync Entire music library.  Apply the change.  Your entire music library syncs to your iPod.  Repeat for other iPod.  Any changes you make to your iTunes music library going forward syncs automatically to your iPods, when you connect them (or click the Sync button).
    Otherwise, if your music library does not fit (or you want to be more selective), you need to set up the Music tab, but choose to sync Select playlists, artists, albums, and genres.  This is where you can keep it simple... 
    Create a new regular playlist in iTunes, and name it something like "iPod Songs."  Add ALL of the songs you want on your iPod to that playlist.  Back on the Music tab, find and select ONLY that new playlist under Playlists.  Apply the change.  The songs on that playlist sync to your iPod.  Repeat for other iPod.  Going forward, when you want to update songs on your iPods, just update that playlist (add and remove songs).  Changes you make to that playlist sync automatically to your iPods, when you connect them (or click the Sync button).

  • [JSF 1.2] - Role Based Web Application: Whats the correct way of doing it?

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    In one page i need to render some forms depending on user role.
    What is the best approach to this?
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    The first option is faster but while the user is logged if permissions changes we might have problems.
    The second, if i user 3 rendered attributes i do 3 queries to the database.
    Is rendered attribute the correct implementation?

    Yes, the rendered attribute is the correct way to accomplish this.
    As to the question of caching the result or querying the database each time, that is something that needs to be answered on an application by application basis.

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    Hello! I have problem with attach in e-mail for bidders. I create a bid invitation and attach any document. [Attach|] So, i publish my bid invitation and a e-mail is send to bidder. But, i go

  • Dropping unused columns from database table

    I have an existing table called TUSER. I have mapped some fields, but not all fields, as some are inserted by other applications and for reporting purposes. I am using JDK 1.3.1_02, Windows 2000, SQL Server 2000 database, Kodo JDOEE 2.2.6 and JBoss 3

  • My iTunes application is stuck in the top, left corner of my desktop and I cannot move the application.

    Hi! My iTunes application is stuck in the top, let corner of my desktop. I have quit the application and restarted my computer and it does the same thing when I open it up. Please help! Thank you, -Alex

  • Multiselect dependant list box based on the database

    i have to develop the jsp page with set of 3 list box which should display a field of a table. Based on the event over the list box1 listbox2 should be updated based on the selected item. For example when u click india on the list box 1 it should dis