The downloads show up as files in a separate window interupting my browsing

I get popups asking how to open a file downloaded by mozilla when I'm just browsing.

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  • XML Schemas & XML SCHEMA COLLECTIONS: XSD.exe & the tool in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7..0A\Bin\x64?.

    Hi all,
    I just read Pages 346-348 of the book "Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Bible" written by A. Jorgensen, P. LeBlanc, J. Chinchilla, J. Segarra & A. Nelson (published by Wiley) regarding XML Schemas and XML SCHEMA COLLECTIONS: Step 1.  create and
    save orderxml.xml
    <Order OrderID="1">
    Step 2.  using the tool in the following location:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\x64
    Open a command prompt, and navigate the preceding directory. The syntax for creating schema is: Xsd.exe C:\temp\orderxml.xml /outputdirectory:c:\temp  to create the orderxml.xsd file.  
    Step 3. Copy all the contents of the orderxml.xsd file to the clipboard, and create a new query window in SQL Server Management Studio, pasting in the content of the clipboard. To create the XML Schema Collection, you need to add the CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION
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    --MSss2012bibleP348.sql for XML Schema Collection OrderInformationSchemaCollection
    -- Copied and executed by SHC (Date & Time): 24 April 2015 8:05 AM
    USE ScottChangDB
    Create XML SCHEMA COLLECTION OrderInformationCollection AS
    N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
    <xs:schema id="NewDataSet" xmlns="" xmlns:xs=""
    <xs:element name="Order">
    <xs:element name="Item" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded".
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    </xs:schema>' ;
    /* Apply it to the table/columns */
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    I prepared (i) the orderxml.xml file for Step 1 and Step 2, and (ii) the MSss2012bibleP348.sql file for Step 3. But I am not sure that I can do the Steps (i) and (ii) in my PC that does not have the regular version of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 and Microsoft
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    xsd.exe Date modified:12/122011 12:55 PM    Date created:  12/12/2011  12:55 PM
    Applicaion    Size:81.8 KB
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    I briefly summarized/described/presented above.
    I need the following help from the experts of XML Schemas and XML Schema Collections in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management Studio:
    Help #1: I don't understan the concept of Step 1, Step2 and Step 3 to do XML Schema, XSD.exe, and XML Schema Collection in the SQL Server 2012!!?? I just have the SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012) in my PC.
    Help #2: How can I execute the xsd.exe in my C:\Program Files  (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\ folder?
    Help #3: I just learned the basic things of creating XML SCHEMA COLLECTIONS in my SSMS2012 directly. Is the MSss2012P348.sql (I created and presented above) right for the task? How can I use clipboard to create the XML Schema Collection in my ScottChangDB
    Please kindly help and give me the answers/comments for Help #1, Help #2 and Help #3.
    Thanks in advance,
    Scott Chang  

    Hi Scott,
    Help #1: I don't understan the concept of Step 1, Step2 and Step 3 to do XML Schema, XSD.exe, and XML Schema Collection in the SQL Server 2012!!?? I just have the SQL Server 2012 Management Studio (SSMS2012) in my PC.
    Step1 and Step2 not that related to SQL Server, you can get the XSD from a given XML with an online XSD generator.
    Google search: XSD generator
    Help #2: How can I execute the xsd.exe in my C:\Program Files  (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\ folder?
    Please see the link in the #1
    Help #3: I just learned the basic things of creating XML SCHEMA COLLECTIONS in my SSMS2012 directly. Is the MSss2012P348.sql (I created and presented above) right for the task? How can I use clipboard to create the XML Schema Collection in
    my ScottChangDB database?
    See the syntax and example in
    create XML schema collection
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Unable to clear a specific file from the Download Manager. This file (type: .flv) download is "paused" and I cannot Resume or Clear from the history. Help anyone ?

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    Delete the file downloads.sqlite in the [ Profile Folder]

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    I just downloaded/opened the patch from Metalink and it seems to work fine. The utilities page includes unzipping programs for other platforms. All you need for Win2000 is winzip. Have you either tried to redownload the patch again or verify your winzip is functioning?
    [email protected]

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    Edited by: CM Randy SD on Jan 11, 2011 7:54 AM

    I tried each of the following in the the Element HTML Form Element Attributes for the File Browse item:
    onChange=javascript:alert(this.value);And what happened?
    [A few points on good practice:
    1. In the XHTML normally used in APEX 4.0 mark-up, all XHTML, including attribute/event handler names, should be in lower case: <tt>onclick</tt>, <tt>onfocus</tt>, <tt>onchange</tt>...
    2. Attribute values should always be quoted.
    3. The <a href="">"javascript:" pseudo-protocol is evil</a>. There are a few places in APEX where we may have to resort to using it as URL is all we're offered to work with, but it's always better to use an event handler of some kind, either inline or (better) registered dynamically at runtime following the principles of <a href="">unobtrusive JavaScript</a>. +It absolutely should not be used in inline event handlers.+

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    See the Further Information area of Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates for download advice and direct links if required.

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    But I can't... find... it... It's not there.
    Unless you're talking about the entire Mozilla Firefox folder (which isn't what the thing you copied says,) there is no installation folder.

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    Pat, thanks for your reply. I finally had some time to look further into this problem and still trying to figure out. First to answer your questions:
    what is your operating system & version? Windows 7 Professional
    on what browser(s) does that happen? Google Chrome, Firefox, IE
    does it happen for any PDF link, e.g. this? Yes, any link with a pdf extension
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  • Displaying HTL file in a separate window

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    Banner & Logog of the Company
    | xfile.htma appears here |
    ----------| |-------------
    | =Printer View |
    While browsing the xfile.htm from the portal page i want to have a button that let me browse the xfile.htm in a new spearate browser window
    xfile.htma appears here
    in separate window without banners or footer
    Mohamed Hammed

    Hi Mohamed,
    I can think of one way :-
    1. Create a new page.
    2. Add your Web Clipping Portlet to this Page.
    3. Publish the Page as a Portlet.
    Now, you have the best of both the worlds - a Page that has a URL & is also a Portlet !
    You can cimply add the Portlet to your other Page. You can also create a button and when a user clicks the button, you can write a simple JavaScript to function to open the URL in a new Window.

  • Why does the folder repeate twice when I change the download folder or save files to location?

    If I choose another folder to save my downloaded files to, it repeats that folder twice. For example, I will choose my desktop and it will place the location as C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Desktop instead of just C:\Users\PC\Desktop. I tried disabling all add-ons and running it in safe mode, resetting all preferences, deleting the .perf file, reinstalling Firefox without saving preferences, yet I am still having the same problem.


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    I have downloaded the new version of Itunes, but it did not help.

    Hi Aukele1Kilauea,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    I would suggest restarting your computer and then following the steps below:
    Downloading past purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
    If you continue to have issues with this purchase, here's how to report it:
    How to report an issue with your iTunes Store, App Store, Mac App Store, or iBookstore purchase

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    Want to open My Computer at a particular folder location.
    Should simply open separately for the user to browse files.
    How to do this?
    Go to Solution.

    “A child of five could understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.”
    ― Groucho Marx

  • How to make links in the OA Worklist portlet open in a new separate window?

    We are in the process of certifying Portal 10.1.4 with Oracle Apps. I've been able to create an Oracle Applications Framework Provider and successfully add the Worklist portlet to a portal template. The idea is to have a user see their Worklist notifications on their homepage and do some sort of action on them. Then return back into the Portal homepage where the notification portlet is.
    I'm not sure what opinions I have: We can maybe have all the links in the Worklist portlet open in a window, but I don't know how this can be done.
    Any ideas?
    Thank you,

    Not quite sure of your requirements, but since OA framework provider and portlets are out of box there is only limited customization available e..g fields, no of items in worklist portlet, ordering etc.
    But normally when you click on a worklist link in the portlet it will lead to a worklist details page (allowing actions like approve, forward, reject etc.) and also has a home link which leads back to portal home page. [Depends on profile options setup in apps]
    Also since oracle apps is single sign on enabled users can receive notification via email and will be directed directly to notification details page after single sign on.

  • When I am downloading anything from any website in firefox and if I close main window of firefox, the downloading file also gets stops and crashes.

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    You can set the pref to 2 on the about:config page.<br />
    That will make Firefox ask for confirmation if you want to cancel the download if you close Firefox.
    To open the <i>about:config</i> page, type <b>about:config</b> in the location (address) bar and press the "<i>Enter</i>" key, just like you type the url of a website to open a website.<br />
    If you see a warning then you can confirm that you want to access that page.<br />
    *Use the Filter bar at to top of the about:config page to locate a preference more easily.
    *Preferences that have been modified show as bold (user set).
    *Preferences can be reset to the default via the right-click context menu if they are user set
    *Preferences can be changed via the right-click context menu: Modify (String or Integer) or Toggle (Boolean)

  • After downloading the5.0 exe file, i don't get the page(browser) as shown in it's ad. I mean: that red firefox multitab tab button on top left, & other things (shown with tabs & explained in ad feature). I get the old page(browser) i have.

    I clicked the blue link: "Upgrade Firefox to the latest version", below the firefox box. In the next page, i clicked a blue link: "Take a tour". In the 3rd page it shows how thenew browser will look like, with the new features.. explainedby tabs and all. I then clicked the download button.
    Next, i don't get that new-view browser. How is it? i get the old one i have already.
    I also downloaded Gujarati language tool-something.
    I then tried 4 times: total 5 times same download from red download buttons on different pages....
    Yet no result. I get the same old browser, with no new features.
    Also, I rebooted my pc. But to no effect.
    Help pl

    It looks that the update wasn't successful because your "More system details" list still shows a Firefox 3.6.18 version.
    If there are problems with updating then best is to download the full version and uninstall the currently installed version.
    Download a fresh Firefox copy and save the file to the desktop.
    * Firefox 5.0.x:
    * Uninstall your current Firefox version.
    * Do not remove personal data when you uninstall the current version.
    Remove the Firefox program folder before installing that newly downloaded copy of the Firefox installer.
    * It is important to delete the Firefox program folder to remove all the files and make sure that there are no problems with files that were leftover after uninstalling.
    Your bookmarks and other profile data are stored elsewhere in the [ Firefox Profile Folder] and won't be affected by a reinstall, but make sure that you do not select to remove personal data if you uninstall Firefox.

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