The table RSPFL_FDIR is not active in the dictionary

Hi Everyone,
When I am trying to edit the table RSPFL_FDIR, It is giving the Error message as The table RSPFL_FDIR is not active in the dictionary". Can somebody tell me how to activate this table.

Contact your basis team. Or do it yourself, just go to trx. se11 or se14 and activate the table.
Jorge Diogo

Similar Messages

  • BACKUP LOG suddenly failed with Msg 35250, Level 16, State 11 The connection to the primary replica is not active. The command cannot be processed.

    I have AlwaysOn SQL 2012 Enterprise set-up using Windows Failover Clustering Services (not FCI), and have 1 Primary node (P), 1 Synchronous Commit Auto Failover (SC), and 1 Asynchronous Commit Manual Failover (AC) node.  It is set up to prefer secondary,
    with the highest priority given to AC node.
    I am using Ola Hollengren's scripts for Database Maintenance jobs, including a native BACKUP LOG job for the transaction logs of all user databases on a 1 minute schedule.  His scripts already consider AlwaysOn, and although the job is set-up on all
    3 nodes, only ever runs on AC node.
    The job has been running successfully since initial set-up almost 1 year ago, but suddenly yesterday morning started to fail with the following error, only on 1 of the 13 databases in my availability group:
    Date and time: 2014-06-08 09:36:11
    Command: BACKUP LOG [my_db] TO DISK = N'E:\MSSQL\\Transaction Dumps\my_db\MySQLCL$MySQLAG_my_db_20140608_093610_U_LOG.trn' WITH CHECKSUM, COMPRESSION
    Msg 35250, Level 16, State 11, Server AC, Line 1
    The connection to the primary replica is not active.  The command cannot be processed.
    Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Server AC, Line 1
    BACKUP LOG is terminating abnormally.
    Outcome: Failed
    Duration: 00:01:00
    The other 12 databases continued to backup successfully.
    Checking the Availability Group dashboard, windows event logs, and SQL Server error logs, including Failover Cluster events showed no issues.
    However, monitoring software (Idera SQLdm) showed blocked sessions on P node.  When I ran sp_who2, it showed that a background process was being blocked by another background process with an HADR BACKUP LOCK.
    Since both processes were background processes, I was unable to kill either process.  I temporarily disabled the transaction log backup job, but the blocked process was still active.
    I ran DBCC CHECKDB (my_db) WITH all_errormsgs, no_infomsgs, data_purity on both P and AC nodes, with no errors.  However, on AC node, it also showed 1 transaction rolled forward and 0 transactions rolled back.  This also had the effect of releasing
    the blocked background process, but another background process was now blocking with the same HADR BACKUP LOCK.
    I tried to restart SQL Server Agent on AC node, which did not immediately seem to work.  However, after a few minutes, I noticed that the block had disappeared.  I re-enabled the transaction log backup job on AC and it started working normally
    again.  The error has not occurred again, but I am at a loss as to what happened, and how to prevent it from happening again.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    And here is part 2 of the stored procedure:
    --// Execute backup commands //--
    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @tmpDatabases WHERE Selected = 1 AND Completed = 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDBID = ID,
    @CurrentDatabaseName = DatabaseName,
    @CurrentDatabaseNameFS = DatabaseNameFS,
    @CurrentDatabaseType = DatabaseType
    FROM @tmpDatabases
    WHERE Selected = 1
    AND Completed = 0
    SET @CurrentDatabaseID = DB_ID(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    IF DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Status') = 'ONLINE'
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.database_recovery_status WHERE database_id = @CurrentDatabaseID AND database_guid IS NOT NULL)
    SET @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 1
    SET @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 0
    SET @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 0
    SELECT @CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN = differential_base_lsn
    FROM sys.master_files
    WHERE database_id = @CurrentDatabaseID
    AND [type] = 0
    AND [file_id] = 1
    -- Workaround for a bug in SQL Server 2005
    IF @Version >= 9 AND @Version < 10
    AND EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.master_files WHERE database_id = @CurrentDatabaseID AND [type] = 0 AND [file_id] = 1 AND differential_base_lsn IS NOT NULL AND differential_base_guid IS NOT NULL AND differential_base_time IS NULL)
    SET @CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN = NULL
    SELECT @CurrentDifferentialBaseIsSnapshot = is_snapshot
    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
    WHERE database_name = @CurrentDatabaseName
    AND [type] = 'D'
    AND checkpoint_lsn = @CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN
    IF DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Status') = 'ONLINE'
    SELECT @CurrentLogLSN = last_log_backup_lsn
    FROM sys.database_recovery_status
    WHERE database_id = @CurrentDatabaseID
    SET @CurrentBackupType = @BackupType
    IF @ChangeBackupType = 'Y'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Recovery') <> 'SIMPLE' AND @CurrentLogLSN IS NULL AND @CurrentDatabaseName <> 'master'
    SET @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' AND @CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN IS NULL AND @CurrentDatabaseName <> 'master'
    SET @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG'
    SELECT @CurrentLatestBackup = MAX(backup_finish_date)
    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset
    WHERE [type] IN('D','I')
    AND is_damaged = 0
    AND database_name = @CurrentDatabaseName
    IF @Version >= 11 AND @Cluster IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @CurrentAvailabilityGroup =,
    @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole = dm_hadr_availability_replica_states.role_desc
    FROM sys.databases databases
    INNER JOIN sys.availability_databases_cluster availability_databases_cluster ON databases.group_database_id = availability_databases_cluster.group_database_id
    INNER JOIN sys.availability_groups availability_groups ON availability_databases_cluster.group_id = availability_groups.group_id
    INNER JOIN sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states dm_hadr_availability_replica_states ON availability_groups.group_id = dm_hadr_availability_replica_states.group_id AND databases.replica_id = dm_hadr_availability_replica_states.replica_id
    WHERE = @CurrentDatabaseName
    IF @Version >= 11 AND @Cluster IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica = sys.fn_hadr_backup_is_preferred_replica(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    SELECT @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole = UPPER(mirroring_role_desc)
    FROM sys.database_mirroring
    WHERE database_id = @CurrentDatabaseID
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.log_shipping_primary_databases WHERE primary_database = @CurrentDatabaseName)
    SET @CurrentLogShippingRole = 'PRIMARY'
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.log_shipping_secondary_databases WHERE secondary_database = @CurrentDatabaseName)
    SET @CurrentLogShippingRole = 'SECONDARY'
    -- Set database message
    SET @DatabaseMessage = 'Date and time: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,GETDATE(),120) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Database: ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Status: ' + CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Status') AS nvarchar) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Standby: ' + CASE WHEN DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'IsInStandBy') = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Updateability: ' + CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Updateability') AS nvarchar) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'User access: ' + CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'UserAccess') AS nvarchar) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Is accessible: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 1 THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Recovery model: ' + CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Recovery') AS nvarchar) + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    IF @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Availability group: ' + @CurrentAvailabilityGroup + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    IF @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Availability group role: ' + @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    IF @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Is preferred backup replica: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica = 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN @CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'N/A' END + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    IF @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole IS NOT NULL SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Database mirroring role: ' + @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    IF @CurrentLogShippingRole IS NOT NULL SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Log shipping role: ' + @CurrentLogShippingRole + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Differential base LSN: ' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN AS nvarchar),'N/A') + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Differential base is snapshot: ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentDifferentialBaseIsSnapshot = 1 THEN 'Yes' WHEN @CurrentDifferentialBaseIsSnapshot = 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'N/A' END + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = @DatabaseMessage + 'Last log backup LSN: ' + ISNULL(CAST(@CurrentLogLSN AS nvarchar),'N/A') + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
    SET @DatabaseMessage = REPLACE(@DatabaseMessage,'%','%%') + ' '
    RAISERROR(@DatabaseMessage,10,1) WITH NOWAIT
    IF DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Status') = 'ONLINE'
    AND NOT (DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'UserAccess') = 'SINGLE_USER' AND @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = 0)
    AND DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'IsInStandBy') = 0
    AND NOT (@CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND (DATABASEPROPERTYEX(@CurrentDatabaseName,'Recovery') = 'SIMPLE' OR @CurrentLogLSN IS NULL))
    AND NOT (@CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' AND @CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN IS NULL)
    AND NOT (@CurrentBackupType IN('DIFF','LOG') AND @CurrentDatabaseName = 'master')
    AND NOT (@CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' AND @CopyOnly = 'N' AND (@CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole <> 'PRIMARY' OR @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole IS NULL))
    AND NOT (@CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' AND @CopyOnly = 'Y' AND (@CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica <> 1 OR @CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica IS NULL))
    AND NOT (@CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' AND (@CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole <> 'PRIMARY' OR @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole IS NULL))
    AND NOT (@CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND @CopyOnly = 'N' AND (@CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica <> 1 OR @CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica IS NULL))
    AND NOT (@CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND @CopyOnly = 'Y' AND (@CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole <> 'PRIMARY' OR @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole IS NULL))
    AND NOT ((@CurrentLogShippingRole = 'PRIMARY' AND @CurrentLogShippingRole IS NOT NULL) AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG')
    -- Set variables
    SET @CurrentDate = GETDATE()
    IF @CleanupTime IS NULL OR (@CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND @CurrentLatestBackup IS NULL) OR @CurrentBackupType <> @BackupType
    SET @CurrentCleanupDate = NULL
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG'
    SET @CurrentCleanupDate = (SELECT MIN([Date]) FROM(SELECT DATEADD(hh,-(@CleanupTime),@CurrentDate) AS [Date] UNION SELECT @CurrentLatestBackup AS [Date]) Dates)
    SET @CurrentCleanupDate = DATEADD(hh,-(@CleanupTime),@CurrentDate)
    SELECT @CurrentFileExtension = CASE
    WHEN @BackupSoftware IS NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' THEN 'bak'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware IS NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN 'bak'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware IS NULL AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'trn'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' THEN 'bak'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN 'bak'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'trn'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' THEN 'sqb'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN 'sqb'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'sqb'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' AND @Encrypt = 'N' THEN 'hbc'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' AND @Encrypt = 'N' THEN 'hbc'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND @Encrypt = 'N' THEN 'hbc'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' AND @Encrypt = 'Y' THEN 'hbe'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' AND @Encrypt = 'Y' THEN 'hbe'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' AND @Encrypt = 'Y' THEN 'hbe'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' THEN 'safe'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN 'safe'
    WHEN @BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE' AND @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'safe'
    INSERT INTO @CurrentDirectories (ID, DirectoryPath, CreateCompleted, CleanupCompleted)
    SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ID), DirectoryPath + CASE WHEN RIGHT(DirectoryPath,1) = '\' THEN '' ELSE '\' END + CASE WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN '\Transaction Dumps\' + @CurrentDatabaseNameFS ELSE '' END, 0, 0
    FROM @Directories
    SET @CurrentFileNumber = 0
    SET @CurrentMirrorFilePath = NULL
    WHILE @CurrentFileNumber < @NumberOfFiles
    SET @CurrentFileNumber = @CurrentFileNumber + 1
    SELECT @CurrentDirectoryPath = DirectoryPath
    FROM @CurrentDirectories
    WHERE @CurrentFileNumber >= (ID - 1) * (SELECT @NumberOfFiles / COUNT(*) FROM @CurrentDirectories) + 1
    AND @CurrentFileNumber <= ID * (SELECT @NumberOfFiles / COUNT(*) FROM @CurrentDirectories)
    SET @CurrentFilePath = @CurrentDirectoryPath + '\' + CASE WHEN @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL THEN @Cluster + '$' + @CurrentAvailabilityGroup ELSE REPLACE(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('servername') AS nvarchar),'\','$') END + '_' + @CurrentDatabaseNameFS + '_' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE((CONVERT(nvarchar,@CurrentDate,120)),'-',''),' ','_'),':','') + CASE WHEN @NumberOfFiles > 1 AND @NumberOfFiles <= 9 THEN '_' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar) WHEN @NumberOfFiles >= 10 THEN '_' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar),2) ELSE '' END + '_' + @CurrentDatabaseType + '_' + UPPER(@CurrentBackupType) + CASE WHEN @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' THEN '_PARTIAL' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN @CopyOnly = 'Y' THEN '_COPY_ONLY' ELSE '' END + '.' + @CurrentFileExtension
    IF LEN(@CurrentFilePath) > 257
    SET @CurrentFilePath = @CurrentDirectoryPath + '\' + CASE WHEN @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL THEN @Cluster + '$' + @CurrentAvailabilityGroup ELSE REPLACE(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('servername') AS nvarchar),'\','$') END + '_' + LEFT(@CurrentDatabaseNameFS,CASE WHEN (LEN(@CurrentDatabaseNameFS) + 257 - LEN(@CurrentFilePath) - 3) < 20 THEN 20 ELSE (LEN(@CurrentDatabaseNameFS) + 257 - LEN(@CurrentFilePath) - 3) END) + '...' + '_' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE((CONVERT(nvarchar,@CurrentDate,120)),'-',''),' ','_'),':','') + CASE WHEN @NumberOfFiles > 1 AND @NumberOfFiles <= 9 THEN '_' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar) WHEN @NumberOfFiles >= 10 THEN '_' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar),2) ELSE '' END + '_' + @CurrentDatabaseType + '_' + UPPER(@CurrentBackupType) + CASE WHEN @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' THEN '_PARTIAL' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN @CopyOnly = 'Y' THEN '_COPY_ONLY' ELSE '' END + '.' + @CurrentFileExtension
    IF @CurrentFileNumber = 1 AND LEN(@MirrorDirectory) > 0
    SET @CurrentMirrorFilePath = @MirrorDirectory + CASE WHEN RIGHT(@MirrorDirectory,1) = '\' THEN '' ELSE '\' END + CASE WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN '\Transaction Dumps\' + @CurrentDatabaseNameFS ELSE '' END + '\' + CASE WHEN @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL THEN @Cluster + '$' + @CurrentAvailabilityGroup ELSE REPLACE(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('servername') AS nvarchar),'\','$') END + '_' + @CurrentDatabaseNameFS + '_' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE((CONVERT(nvarchar,@CurrentDate,120)),'-',''),' ','_'),':','') + CASE WHEN @NumberOfFiles > 1 AND @NumberOfFiles <= 9 THEN '_' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar) WHEN @NumberOfFiles >= 10 THEN '_' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar),2) ELSE '' END + '_' + @CurrentDatabaseType + '_' + UPPER(@CurrentBackupType) + CASE WHEN @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' THEN '_PARTIAL' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN @CopyOnly = 'Y' THEN '_COPY_ONLY' ELSE '' END + '.' + @CurrentFileExtension
    IF LEN(@CurrentFilePath) > 257
    SET @CurrentMirrorFilePath = @MirrorDirectory + CASE WHEN RIGHT(@MirrorDirectory,1) = '\' THEN '' ELSE '\' END + CASE WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN '\Transaction Dumps\' + @CurrentDatabaseNameFS ELSE '' END + '\' + CASE WHEN @CurrentAvailabilityGroup IS NOT NULL THEN @Cluster + '$' + @CurrentAvailabilityGroup ELSE REPLACE(CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('servername') AS nvarchar),'\','$') END + '_' + LEFT(@CurrentDatabaseNameFS,CASE WHEN (LEN(@CurrentDatabaseNameFS) + 257 - LEN(@CurrentFilePath) - 3) < 20 THEN 20 ELSE (LEN(@CurrentDatabaseNameFS) + 257 - LEN(@CurrentFilePath) - 3) END) + '...' + '_' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE((CONVERT(nvarchar,@CurrentDate,120)),'-',''),' ','_'),':','') + CASE WHEN @NumberOfFiles > 1 AND @NumberOfFiles <= 9 THEN '_' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar) WHEN @NumberOfFiles >= 10 THEN '_' + RIGHT('0' + CAST(@CurrentFileNumber AS nvarchar),2) ELSE '' END + '_' + @CurrentDatabaseType + '_' + UPPER(@CurrentBackupType) + CASE WHEN @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' THEN '_PARTIAL' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN @CopyOnly = 'Y' THEN '_COPY_ONLY' ELSE '' END + '.' + @CurrentFileExtension
    INSERT INTO @CurrentFiles (CurrentFilePath)
    SELECT @CurrentFilePath
    SET @CurrentDirectoryPath = NULL
    SET @CurrentFilePath = NULL
    -- Create directory
    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @CurrentDirectories WHERE CreateCompleted = 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDirectoryID = ID,
    @CurrentDirectoryPath = DirectoryPath
    FROM @CurrentDirectories
    WHERE CreateCompleted = 0
    SET @CurrentCommandType01 = 'xp_create_subdir'
    SET @CurrentCommand01 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_create_subdir N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDirectoryPath,'''','''''') + ''' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error creating directory.'', 16, 1)'
    EXECUTE @CurrentCommandOutput01 = [dbo].[CommandExecute] @Command = @CurrentCommand01, @CommandType = @CurrentCommandType01, @Mode = 1, @DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName, @LogToTable = @LogToTable, @Execute = @Execute
    SET @Error = @@ERROR
    IF @Error <> 0 SET @CurrentCommandOutput01 = @Error
    IF @CurrentCommandOutput01 <> 0 SET @ReturnCode = @CurrentCommandOutput01
    UPDATE @CurrentDirectories
    SET CreateCompleted = 1,
    CreateOutput = @CurrentCommandOutput01
    WHERE ID = @CurrentDirectoryID
    SET @CurrentDirectoryID = NULL
    SET @CurrentDirectoryPath = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommand01 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandOutput01 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandType01 = NULL
    -- Perform a backup
    IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @CurrentDirectories WHERE CreateOutput <> 0 OR CreateOutput IS NULL)
    IF @BackupSoftware IS NULL
    SELECT @CurrentCommandType02 = CASE
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'BACKUP_LOG'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = CASE
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType IN('DIFF','FULL') THEN 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'BACKUP LOG ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    IF @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS'
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' TO'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' DISK = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' WITH '
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @Compress = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', COMPRESSION'
    IF @Compress = 'N' AND @Version >= 10 SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', NO_COMPRESSION'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DIFFERENTIAL'
    IF @CopyOnly = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', COPY_ONLY'
    IF @BlockSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', BLOCKSIZE = ' + CAST(@BlockSize AS nvarchar)
    IF @BufferCount IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', BUFFERCOUNT = ' + CAST(@BufferCount AS nvarchar)
    IF @MaxTransferSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', MAXTRANSFERSIZE = ' + CAST(@MaxTransferSize AS nvarchar)
    IF @Description IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DESCRIPTION = N''' + REPLACE(@Description,'''','''''') + ''''
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED'
    SELECT @CurrentCommandType02 = CASE
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType IN('DIFF','FULL') THEN 'xp_backup_database'
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'xp_backup_log'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = CASE
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType IN('DIFF','FULL') THEN 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_backup_database @database = N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDatabaseName,'''','''''') + ''''
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_backup_log @database = N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDatabaseName,'''','''''') + ''''
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @filename = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + ''''
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @with = '''
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DIFFERENTIAL'
    IF @CopyOnly = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', COPY_ONLY'
    IF @BlockSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', BLOCKSIZE = ' + CAST(@BlockSize AS nvarchar)
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ''''
    IF @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @read_write_filegroups = 1'
    IF @CompressionLevel IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @compressionlevel = ' + CAST(@CompressionLevel AS nvarchar)
    IF @BufferCount IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @buffercount = ' + CAST(@BufferCount AS nvarchar)
    IF @MaxTransferSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @maxtransfersize = ' + CAST(@MaxTransferSize AS nvarchar)
    IF @Threads IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @threads = ' + CAST(@Threads AS nvarchar)
    IF @Throttle IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @throttle = ' + CAST(@Throttle AS nvarchar)
    IF @Description IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @desc = N''' + REPLACE(@Description,'''','''''') + ''''
    IF @EncryptionType IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @cryptlevel = ' + CASE
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'RC2-40' THEN '0'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'RC2-56' THEN '1'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'RC2-112' THEN '2'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'RC2-128' THEN '3'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = '3DES-168' THEN '4'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'RC4-128' THEN '5'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-128' THEN '6'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-192' THEN '7'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-256' THEN '8'
    IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @encryptionkey = N''' + REPLACE(@EncryptionKey,'''','''''') + ''''
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error performing LiteSpeed backup.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP'
    SET @CurrentCommandType02 = 'sqlbackup'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = CASE
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType IN('DIFF','FULL') THEN 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'BACKUP LOG ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    IF @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS'
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' TO'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' DISK = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' WITH '
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DIFFERENTIAL'
    IF @CopyOnly = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', COPY_ONLY'
    IF @CompressionLevel IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', COMPRESSION = ' + CAST(@CompressionLevel AS nvarchar)
    IF @Threads IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', THREADCOUNT = ' + CAST(@Threads AS nvarchar)
    IF @MaxTransferSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', MAXTRANSFERSIZE = ' + CAST(@MaxTransferSize AS nvarchar)
    IF @Description IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DESCRIPTION = N''' + REPLACE(@Description,'''','''''') + ''''
    IF @EncryptionType IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', KEYSIZE = ' + CASE
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-128' THEN '128'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-256' THEN '256'
    IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', PASSWORD = N''' + REPLACE(@EncryptionKey,'''','''''') + ''''
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.sqlbackup N''-SQL "' + REPLACE(@CurrentCommand02,'''','''''') + '"''' + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error performing SQLBackup backup.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC'
    SET @CurrentCommandType02 = 'BACKUP_DATABASE'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = CASE
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType IN('DIFF','FULL') THEN 'BACKUP DATABASE ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'BACKUP LOG ' + QUOTENAME(@CurrentDatabaseName)
    IF @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' READ_WRITE_FILEGROUPS'
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' TO'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' DISK = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' WITH '
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DIFFERENTIAL'
    IF @CopyOnly = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', COPY_ONLY'
    IF @BlockSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', BLOCKSIZE = ' + CAST(@BlockSize AS nvarchar)
    IF @BufferCount IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', BUFFERCOUNT = ' + CAST(@BufferCount AS nvarchar)
    IF @MaxTransferSize IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', MAXTRANSFERSIZE = ' + CAST(@MaxTransferSize AS nvarchar)
    IF @Description IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', DESCRIPTION = N''' + REPLACE(@Description,'''','''''') + ''''
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE'
    SET @CurrentCommandType02 = 'xp_ss_backup'
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_ss_backup @database = N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDatabaseName,'''','''''') + ''''
    SELECT @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', ' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) = 1 THEN '@filename' ELSE '@backupfile' END + ' = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + ''''
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    IF @CurrentMirrorFilePath IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @mirrorfile = N''' + @CurrentMirrorFilePath + ''''
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @backuptype = ' + CASE WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' THEN '''Full''' WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN '''Differential''' WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN '''Log''' END
    IF @ReadWriteFileGroups = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @readwritefilegroups = 1'
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @checksum = ' + CASE WHEN @CheckSum = 'Y' THEN '1' WHEN @CheckSum = 'N' THEN '0' END
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @copyonly = ' + CASE WHEN @CopyOnly = 'Y' THEN '1' WHEN @CopyOnly = 'N' THEN '0' END
    IF @CompressionLevel IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @compressionlevel = ' + CASE WHEN @CompressionLevel = 5 THEN N'ispeed' WHEN @CompressionLevel = 6 THEN N'isize' ELSE CAST(@CompressionLevel AS nvarchar) END
    IF @RetryWrites IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @retrywrites = N''' + @RetryWrites + ''''
    IF @Threads IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @threads = ' + CAST(@Threads AS nvarchar)
    IF @Description IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @desc = N''' + REPLACE(@Description,'''','''''') + ''''
    IF @EncryptionType IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @encryptiontype = N''' + CASE
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-128' THEN 'AES128'
    WHEN @EncryptionType = 'AES-256' THEN 'AES256'
    END + ''''
    IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ', @encryptedbackuppassword = N''' + REPLACE(@EncryptionKey,'''','''''') + ''''
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = @CurrentCommand02 + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error performing SQLsafe backup.'', 16, 1)'
    EXECUTE @CurrentCommandOutput02 = [dbo].[CommandExecute] @Command = @CurrentCommand02, @CommandType = @CurrentCommandType02, @Mode = 1, @DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName, @LogToTable = @LogToTable, @Execute = @Execute
    SET @Error = @@ERROR
    IF @Error <> 0 SET @CurrentCommandOutput02 = @Error
    IF @CurrentCommandOutput02 <> 0 SET @ReturnCode = @CurrentCommandOutput02
    -- Verify the backup
    IF @CurrentCommandOutput02 = 0 AND @Verify = 'Y'
    IF @BackupSoftware IS NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandType03 = 'RESTORE_VERIFYONLY'
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = 'RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' DISK = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' WITH '
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED'
    SET @CurrentCommandType03 = 'xp_restore_verifyonly'
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_restore_verifyonly'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' @filename = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ', @with = '''
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ''''
    IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ', @encryptionkey = N''' + REPLACE(@EncryptionKey,'''','''''') + ''''
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error verifying LiteSpeed backup.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP'
    SET @CurrentCommandType03 = 'sqlbackup'
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = 'RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' DISK = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' WITH '
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @EncryptionKey IS NOT NULL SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ', PASSWORD = N''' + REPLACE(@EncryptionKey,'''','''''') + ''''
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.sqlbackup N''-SQL "' + REPLACE(@CurrentCommand03,'''','''''') + '"''' + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error verifying SQLBackup backup.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC'
    SET @CurrentCommandType03 = 'RESTORE_VERIFYONLY'
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = 'RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM'
    SELECT @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' DISK = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + '''' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) <> @NumberOfFiles THEN ',' ELSE '' END
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' WITH '
    IF @CheckSum = 'Y' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'CHECKSUM'
    IF @CheckSum = 'N' SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + 'NO_CHECKSUM'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE'
    SET @CurrentCommandType03 = 'xp_ss_verify'
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_ss_verify @database = N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDatabaseName,'''','''''') + ''''
    SELECT @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ', ' + CASE WHEN ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC) = 1 THEN '@filename' ELSE '@backupfile' END + ' = N''' + REPLACE(CurrentFilePath,'''','''''') + ''''
    FROM @CurrentFiles
    ORDER BY CurrentFilePath ASC
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = @CurrentCommand03 + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error verifying SQLsafe backup.'', 16, 1)'
    EXECUTE @CurrentCommandOutput03 = [dbo].[CommandExecute] @Command = @CurrentCommand03, @CommandType = @CurrentCommandType03, @Mode = 1, @DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName, @LogToTable = @LogToTable, @Execute = @Execute
    SET @Error = @@ERROR
    IF @Error <> 0 SET @CurrentCommandOutput03 = @Error
    IF @CurrentCommandOutput03 <> 0 SET @ReturnCode = @CurrentCommandOutput03
    -- Delete old backup files
    IF (@CurrentCommandOutput02 = 0 AND @Verify = 'N' AND @CurrentCleanupDate IS NOT NULL)
    OR (@CurrentCommandOutput02 = 0 AND @Verify = 'Y' AND @CurrentCommandOutput03 = 0 AND @CurrentCleanupDate IS NOT NULL)
    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @CurrentDirectories WHERE CleanupCompleted = 0)
    SELECT TOP 1 @CurrentDirectoryID = ID,
    @CurrentDirectoryPath = DirectoryPath
    FROM @CurrentDirectories
    WHERE CleanupCompleted = 0
    IF @BackupSoftware IS NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandType04 = 'xp_delete_file'
    SET @CurrentCommand04 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_delete_file 0, N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDirectoryPath,'''','''''') + ''', ''' + @CurrentFileExtension + ''', ''' + CONVERT(nvarchar(19),@CurrentCleanupDate,126) + ''' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error deleting files.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'LITESPEED'
    SET @CurrentCommandType04 = 'xp_slssqlmaint'
    SET @CurrentCommand04 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_slssqlmaint N''-MAINTDEL -DELFOLDER "' + REPLACE(@CurrentDirectoryPath,'''','''''') + '" -DELEXTENSION "' + @CurrentFileExtension + '" -DELUNIT "' + CAST(DATEDIFF(mi,@CurrentCleanupDate,GETDATE()) + 1 AS nvarchar) + '" -DELUNITTYPE "minutes" -DELUSEAGE'' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error deleting LiteSpeed backup files.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'SQLBACKUP'
    SET @CurrentCommandType04 = 'sqbutility'
    SET @CurrentCommand04 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.sqbutility 1032, N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDatabaseName,'''','''''') + ''', N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDirectoryPath,'''','''''') + ''', ''' + CASE WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'FULL' THEN 'D' WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'DIFF' THEN 'I' WHEN @CurrentBackupType = 'LOG' THEN 'L' END + ''', ''' + CAST(DATEDIFF(hh,@CurrentCleanupDate,GETDATE()) + 1 AS nvarchar) + 'h'', ' + ISNULL('''' + REPLACE(@EncryptionKey,'''','''''') + '''','NULL') + ' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error deleting SQLBackup backup files.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'HYPERBAC'
    SET @CurrentCommandType04 = 'xp_delete_file'
    SET @CurrentCommand04 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_delete_file 0, N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDirectoryPath,'''','''''') + ''', ''' + @CurrentFileExtension + ''', ''' + CONVERT(nvarchar(19),@CurrentCleanupDate,126) + ''' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error deleting files.'', 16, 1)'
    IF @BackupSoftware = 'SQLSAFE'
    SET @CurrentCommandType04 = 'xp_ss_delete'
    SET @CurrentCommand04 = 'DECLARE @ReturnCode int EXECUTE @ReturnCode = [master].dbo.xp_ss_delete @filename = N''' + REPLACE(@CurrentDirectoryPath,'''','''''') + '\*.' + @CurrentFileExtension + ''', @age = ''' + CAST(DATEDIFF(mi,@CurrentCleanupDate,GETDATE()) + 1 AS nvarchar) + 'Minutes'' IF @ReturnCode <> 0 RAISERROR(''Error deleting SQLsafe backup files.'', 16, 1)'
    EXECUTE @CurrentCommandOutput04 = [dbo].[CommandExecute] @Command = @CurrentCommand04, @CommandType = @CurrentCommandType04, @Mode = 1, @DatabaseName = @CurrentDatabaseName, @LogToTable = @LogToTable, @Execute = @Execute
    SET @Error = @@ERROR
    IF @Error <> 0 SET @CurrentCommandOutput04 = @Error
    IF @CurrentCommandOutput04 <> 0 SET @ReturnCode = @CurrentCommandOutput04
    UPDATE @CurrentDirectories
    SET CleanupCompleted = 1,
    CleanupOutput = @CurrentCommandOutput04
    WHERE ID = @CurrentDirectoryID
    SET @CurrentDirectoryID = NULL
    SET @CurrentDirectoryPath = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommand04 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandOutput04 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandType04 = NULL
    -- Update that the database is completed
    UPDATE @tmpDatabases
    SET Completed = 1
    WHERE Selected = 1
    AND Completed = 0
    AND ID = @CurrentDBID
    -- Clear variables
    SET @CurrentDBID = NULL
    SET @CurrentDatabaseID = NULL
    SET @CurrentDatabaseName = NULL
    SET @CurrentBackupType = NULL
    SET @CurrentFileExtension = NULL
    SET @CurrentFileNumber = NULL
    SET @CurrentDifferentialBaseLSN = NULL
    SET @CurrentDifferentialBaseIsSnapshot = NULL
    SET @CurrentLogLSN = NULL
    SET @CurrentLatestBackup = NULL
    SET @CurrentDatabaseNameFS = NULL
    SET @CurrentDatabaseType = NULL
    SET @CurrentDate = NULL
    SET @CurrentCleanupDate = NULL
    SET @CurrentIsDatabaseAccessible = NULL
    SET @CurrentAvailabilityGroup = NULL
    SET @CurrentAvailabilityGroupRole = NULL
    SET @CurrentIsPreferredBackupReplica = NULL
    SET @CurrentDatabaseMirroringRole = NULL
    SET @CurrentLogShippingRole = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommand02 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommand03 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandOutput02 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandOutput03 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandType02 = NULL
    SET @CurrentCommandType03 = NULL
    DELETE FROM @CurrentDirectories
    DELETE FROM @CurrentFiles
    --// Log completing information //--
    SET @EndMessage = 'Date and time: ' + CONVERT(nvarchar,GETDATE(),120)
    SET @EndMessage = REPLACE(@EndMessage,'%','%%')
    RAISERROR(@EndMessage,10,1) WITH NOWAIT
    IF @ReturnCode <> 0
    RETURN @ReturnCode

  • Table K9RAAANNNNNNN is not active in the system Message no. K/066

    Good Morning SAP Guru's-
    I am having an issue during our SAP Upgrade from SP12 to SP18 for my client.  While testing creating a billing document via t-code VF01, we received the above issue which resulted in a Syntax error.  It appears we are missing a table?  Initially, I thought activating the operating concern via KEA0 would be the solution as the same table is found in our sandbox and it works there. 
    Table RKEAK9R
    I am not an COPA expert however I do not understand why or what is the solution to fix this.  I found notes in SAP but they did not resolve the issue. 
    Is there something I need to activate in development or ?
    Many thanks!!
    Edited by: CharlesMM on Jan 19, 2011 5:08 PM

    This table is created in COPA when you create a derivation step in KEDR using "Derivation rule"... The values that you maintain are maintained in this K9RAA... table...
    Ensure if your derivation rules are maintained properly post upgrade and try to regenerate your operating concern from KEA0
    Notes 446279 or 148609 may be useful
    BR, Ajay M
    Edited by: Ajay Maheshwari on Jan 19, 2011 9:58 PM

  • The Table.Column does not exist on the rowset

    Hi I have the following issue:
    I keep getting a message in Power BI Designer Preview that states:
    The 'collections.Name' column does not exist in the rowset.
    I have a MySQL DB connected to an Access DB and then I've created and saved a query within Access.
    Then I'm bringig in this query into Power BI Designer. To note, I can see my 1 row of data in the Query view of Power BI Designer but my error appears when I goto report after it tries to load the data into the model
    the MySQL Statement looks like this:
           products_categories.NAME AS Cat1,
           products_categories_1.NAME AS Cat2,
    FROM trunkshows
    INNER JOIN (Releases
                INNER JOIN ((((products
                               INNER JOIN (orders_products
                                           INNER JOIN orders ON orders_products.ORDERID = orders.ID) ON products.ID = orders_products.PRODUCTID)
                              INNER JOIN products_categories ON products.CATEGORYID = products_categories.ID)
                             INNER JOIN products_categories AS products_categories_1 ON products.CATEGORYID2 = products_categories_1.ID)
                            INNER JOIN collections ON products.COLLECTIONSID = collections.ID) ON Releases.ID = products.ReleasesID) ON trunkshows.ID = orders.TRUNKSHOWID

    When you create a workbook in DEV, you will be assigning a query for that workbook
    When you transport workbook from DEV to QA,the assigned workbook comes along with it
    When you transport only query from DEV to QA, there are certain technical elements called query elements which may not have transported properly
    To avoid this inconsistency between DEV and QA,it is advisable you transport the workbook again....Create new workbook in DEV, assign a query, transport the workbook to QA
    N Ganesh

  • The expenditure organization is not active

    Hi All-
    I've got a strange issue importing timecards from our external system. Approximately fifty records have failed transaction import with an error message of 'The expenditure organization is not active.' The error message makes no sense because I've verified the following:
    The expenditure org is active (no date restrictions)
    The expenditure org is classified as both Project Expenditure/Event and Project Task Owning
    The expenditure org exists in the hierarchy
    I couldn't find any direct hits on Metalink, so I'm wondering if anybody might suggest other possible issues that I'm not seeing? Any other setups I should check?
    Thanks in advance,

    All --
    It turns out that the employees were on LOA on the dates that they were charging time. So the message didn't really describe what the actual problem was. What happened is that the employees had gone on LOA and then returned to work, but HR had not yet returned them to active assignment. They entered their timecards as they normally had, but they did not pass validation because they weren't active on the dates they were trying to charge.
    I would have looked at the assignment earlier in the process if the error message had been employee-oriented instead of referring to the org, but at least the problem is solved. Thanks for everybody's input!

  • DBIF_RSQL_TABLE_UNKNOWN Table AUSPN_V1 does not exist in the database with ID R/3

    Hi All,
    We are encountering numerous short dumps in our system caused by Table AUSPN_V1 does not exist in the database with ID R/3.
    Can anyone advise how to solve the issue? Please find below portion of the short dumps.
    Category               ABAP Programming Error
    Runtime Errors         DBIF_RSQL_TABLE_UNKNOWN
    ABAP Program           SAPLCLVF
    Application Component  CA-CL-CL
    Date and Time          11.06.2014 12:08:28
    Short text
         A table is unknown or does not exist.
    What happened?
         Error in the ABAP Application Program
         The current ABAP program "SAPLCLVF" had to be terminated because it has
         come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    What can you do?
         Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.
         To process the problem further, contact you SAP system
         Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look
         at and manage termination messages, and you can also
         keep them for a long time.
    Error analysis
         A table is referred to in an SAP Open SQL statement that either does not
          exist or is unknown to the ABAP Data Dictionary.
         The table involved is "AUSPN_V1" or another table accessed in the statement.
    Source Code Extract
    Line  SourceCde
      104     if dupl = kreuz.
      105       insert auspc_v2 client specified from table auspcv2
      106                              accepting duplicate keys.
      107     else.
      108       insert auspc_v2 client specified from table auspcv2.
      109       if syst-subrc ne 0.
      110         message a585 with tabausp.
      111       endif.
      112     endif.
      113     refresh auspcv2.
      114   endif.
      115   read table auspcv3 index 1.
      116   if syst-subrc = 0.
      117     if dupl = kreuz.
      118       insert auspc_v3 client specified from table auspcv3
      119                              accepting duplicate keys.
      120     else.
      121       insert auspc_v3 client specified from table auspcv3.
      122       if syst-subrc ne 0.
      123         message a585 with tabausp.
      124       endif.
      125     endif.
      126     refresh auspcv3.
      127   endif.
      128   read table auspnv1 index 1.
      129   if syst-subrc = 0.
      130     if dupl = kreuz.
      131       insert auspn_v1 client specified from table auspnv1
      132                              accepting duplicate keys.
      133     else.
    >>>>>       insert auspn_v1 client specified from table auspnv1.
      135       if syst-subrc ne 0.
      136         message a585 with tabausp.
      137       endif.
      138     endif.
      139     refresh auspnv1.
      140   endif.
      141   read table auspnv2 index 1.
      142   if syst-subrc = 0.
      143     if dupl = kreuz.
      144       insert auspn_v2 client specified from table auspnv2
      145                              accepting duplicate keys.
      146     else.
      147       insert auspn_v2 client specified from table auspnv2.
      148       if syst-subrc ne 0.
      149         message a585 with tabausp.
      150       endif.
      151     endif.
      152     refresh auspnv2.
      153   endif.

    Please check on transaction SE11 if this table exists and if it is active.
    Also, it may be a database issue. What is your database?

  • Table Z does not exist in the database

    I have created a Z table and modified the DataType from NUMC to DEC and transported to Quality server
    and it is giving an information error that (Table Z does not exist in the database) then once again
    i modified the DataType from DEC to NUMC and transported to Quality server  then still it is giving an information error that
    (Table Z does not exist in the database) please help me out in this issue.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Jayanthumer,
    Have you Activated (Ctrl + F3) the Table in SE11 before transporting to Quality server ?
    Try to activate (Ctrl + F3) the table in SE11 of your Quality server...
    It may not be imported properly into Quality server...
    Ask to BASIS person about errors/warnings while importing to Quality Server..
    Also activate all dataelement and domains.... make sure all things are active...
    Once you activate it then it will create the table in database... till then there will be no table in database...
    Hope it will solve your problem..
    Thanks & Regards
    ilesh 24x7
    ilesh Nandaniya

  • Segment E1EDP36 not active in the DELFOR02 IDOC type.

    Hi All,
    I have been working with creating extensions for Idoc type DELFOR02  inn ECC 6.0. But for the basic idoc type DELFOR02 , the segment E1EDP36 is not active here.i.e., the idoc generated does not carry data for this particular segement.
    This segment depends on entries in a structure xisautoeklwes ( include LEINMF3S, line 130). The underlying table for this structure would be ISAUTOEKLWES(Last Deliveries for FLAB).
      Could anyone throw light on how this structure will be filled or how it has to be filled if I can make changes to the customer exit available there.
    Savitha Patil

    Hi Gearge,
    To add custom segments, you should create an extension.
    the TCODE is we30.
    Refer this link:

  • After REFRESH the cached object is not consistent with the database table

    After REFRESH, the cached object is not consistent with the database table. Why?
    I created a JDBC connection with the Oracle database (HR schema) using JDeveloper(10.1.3) and then I created an offline database (HR schema)
    in JDeveloper from the existing database tables (HR schema). Then I made some updates to the JOBS database table using SQL*Plus.
    Then I returned to the JDeveloper tool and refreshed the HR connection. But I found no any changes made to the offline database table JOBS in
    How to make the JDeveloper's offline tables to be synchronized with the underling database tables?

    Once you create an offline table, it's just a copy of a table definition as of the point in time you brought it in from the database. Refreshing the connection, as you describe it, just refreshes the database browser, and not any offline objects. If you want to syncrhnonize the offline table, right-click the offline table and choose "Generate or Reconcile Objects" to reconcile the object to the database. I just tried this in (not the latest 10.1.3, I know), and it works properly.

  • Licecache table missing Table MATRIXINDE does not exist in the database wit

    We recently done a system copy of our APO system, everything went well. in case of Livecache there are 2 problem
    1) when we do the integration for LCA/LDA/LCA while we mentione the Livecache server it is not taking the host name , it is only picking the IP address of the livecache server. If we tried host name, it times out.
    2) once we give the IP address as livecache server  we can start the live cache server. Bure there is only two tables in it
    when we run
    transaction Livecache Check (/SAPAPO/OM03) we get the erro i.e.Table MATRIXINDE does not exist in the database with ID LCA
    runtime error DBIF_RSQL_TABLE_UNKNOWN
    When we look into the tables there are only 2 tables in it
    when I compare with other is missing a lots of other tables..
    We did re-initialized the livecache.
    Appreciate your help in this

    Hello Sudhir,
    1) Did you create the SAP ticket where this issue is reported?
    2) It's good to know more details about the APO version, liveCache/LCA versions on your
        source & target systems.
        What note or document did you follow to do a system copy of our APO system?
    3) Please pay attention to the recommendations in the SAP notes:::
             877203     Post steps after the Homogenous liveCache copy usi u2026
             886103    System Landscape Copy for SAP SCM
    Thank you and best regards, Natalia Khlopina

  • The Database Link is not active

    try to be more clear, i'm in lack of ideas in this problem.
    I am following guide Oracle Database 2 Day + Data Replication and Integration Guide.
    I defined global_names parameter of remote database as true.In the step of "creation database link" i am getting error.(oracle enterprise manager 11g-->schema-->database links-->create)
    When i query on remote database(select * from global_name), I got orcl.
    So,In "Name" and "Net service name" field i specified orcl.Check radio button "Fixed user." and Username and password of remote database, and i got message "Database Link STRMADMIN.ORCL has been created successfully."
    But when i clicked on database link Name i got error, saying that
    "The Database Link is not active.ORA-02084: database name is missing a component "
    (Both dbs are oracle 11g.)
    Please reply.

    I think I am confused, "what should be Name and Net Service Name" while creating database link in context of "Database Replication." when global_names parameter is true in both database. I read somewhere "If the value of the GLOBAL_NAMES initialization parameter is TRUE, then the database link must have the same name as the database to which it connects." so what should database link name " should it be remote database name? db_domain?( or outtput of select * from global_name).......
    my tnsnames.ora on source db is =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = a.b.c.d)(PORT = 1521))
    when i connect user of remote database(a.b.c.d) from sqlpuls then it is connected.
    command which i give : sqlplus remoteUser/[email protected]

  • Im having problems with Safari 5.1.10. I often have several tabs open on screen. And after a while the links/websites become not active. So if click on a tab and want open a previous website it than has to re-load again in the window. Can I change this ?

    Im having problems with Safari 5.1.10. I often have several tabs open and after a while the links/websites become not active. So if click on a tab and want open a previous website it than has to re-load again in the window. Can I change this ?
    Kind regards,
    Faroek Abdoelrahman
    The Netehrlands

    Empty the Safari cache more often.
    From your Safari menu bar click Safari > Preferences then select the Advanced tab.
    Select:  Show Develop menu in menu bar
    Now click Develop from the menu bar. From the drop down menu click Empty Caches.
    Quit and relaunch Safari to test.

  • Bridge will not now let me use camera raw, though I had been using it every day.  It says that "the parent application is not active.  Bridge requires that a qualifiying product has  been launched at least once to enable this feature."  What am I to do?

    Bridge will not now let me use camera raw, though I have been using it every day.  It ways that "the parent application is not active.  Bridge requires that a qualifiying product has  been launched at least once to enable this feature."  What am I to do?

    Usually this points to having some kind of earlier trial version still installed on your system. However without more details you are not likely to find an answer. Try this for a start:
    How To Get Help Quickly

  • HT3149 iPhoto 09 When I click on the preview pane to move a photo into edit, it shows up black and the edit buttons are not active.  How do I fix that?

    When I click on the preview pane to move a photo into the edit pane, there is no image just a black square and the edit buttons are not active. A few images in an event will move to the edit pane but most will not.  I cannot work with those images that do not enter the edit attaching to email, make a card, slideshow, etc.

    There are several possible causes for the Black Screen issue
    1. Permissions in the Library: Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Include the option to check and repair permissions.
    2. Minor Database corruption: Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild.
    3. A Damaged Photo: Select one of the affected photos in the iPhoto Window and right click on it. From the resulting menu select 'Show File (or 'Show Original File' if that's available). (On iPhoto 11 this option is under the File -> Reveal in Finder.) Will the file open in Preview? If not then the file is damaged. Time to restore from your back up.
    4. A corrupted iPhoto Cache: Trash the folder from HD/Users/Your Name/Library/ Caches...
    5. A corrupted preference file: Trash the file from the HD/Users/ Your Name / library / preferences folder. (Remember you'll need to reset your User options afterwards. These include minor settings like the window colour and so on. Note: If you've moved your library you'll need to point iPhoto at it again.)
    If none of these help:
    As a Test:
    Hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Create Library'
    Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated there?

  • I updated my iphone 3gs to ios 5.0.1 from ios 4 , now its saying that sim is not activated but the sim is still inside

    i updated my iphone 3gs to ios 5.0.1 from ios 4 , now its saying that sim is not activated but the sim is still inside

    Sounds like your phone was hacked to work with any network. Doing the update re-locked it to the original carrier. All you can do now is contact the carrier it is locked to to see if they have an unlocking policy. Note that if it's AT&T they do not offer unlocking. otherwise find an un-activated sim for the original carrier and you can use it as an iPod.

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