There maybe more than speed to new 80/20 product

I was looking at other boards and noticed something that was in the Openreach announcement that might sway a few people whose speeds are marginal to upgrade. According to this announcement the prioritisation rate is 30mb/s for 80/20 against 15 for 40/10. What I take this to mean is that when the cabinet is very busy OR will cut 80/20 customers to a minimum of 30Mb/s rather than the old 15Mb/s that of course does not mean that congestion in BT Wholesale's backhaul might cut that again but it is a significant improvement.
You will also notein the same document that from 19/3 the old 12Mb/s fault threshold is history.

I saw this too and agree its another reason to go for the upgrade. I am likely to get only a marginal increase in speed myself. Although BT have not referred to this some of the other ISP's have - AAISP from memory.

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         cursor c_mar_principle(b_entry in number, b_book in varchar2) 
              select DISTINCT  id, forename, surname, marriagedate, entry, book,  formername, principle
              from   MARRIAGES mar 
              where  mar.entry   = b_entry
              and = b_book
              order by principle desc, id asc; 
         rec c_mar_principle%rowtype;
    open c_mar_principle(:p16_entry,:p16_book)  ;
    fetch c_mar_principle into rec;
    :P16_SURNAME_GROOM   := rec.surname; 
    :P16_FORNAME_GROOM   := rec.forename;
                   :P16_ENTRY := rec.entry; 
    :P16_FORMERNAME :=rec.formername;
    :P16_MARRIAGEDATE :=rec.marriagedate;
    :P16_GROOMID  :=;
    fetch c_mar_principle into rec;
    :P16_SURNAME_BRIDE   := rec.surname; 
    :P16_FORNAME_BRIDE   := rec.forename;
                   :P16_ENTRY := rec.entry; 
    :P16_FORMERNAME :=rec.formername;
    :P16_MARRIAGEDATE :=rec.marriagedate;
    :P16_BRIDEID  :=;
    close c_mar_principle;

    rambo81 wrote:
    True but that answer is not really helping this situation either?
    It's indisputably true, which is more than can be said for the results of querying this data.
    The data is from an old legacy flat file database that has been exported into a relational database.
    It should have been normalized at the time it was imported.
    Without having to redesign the data model what options do I have in changing the PL/SQL to cater for multiple occurances
    In my professional opinion, none. The actual problem is the data model, so that's what should be changed.

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