ThermoVisi​on LabVIEW toolkit connection to Flir Exx Series

I am trying to use the ThermoVision LabVIEW Toolkit together with a Flir Exx series camera as part of a closed loop temperature control system, however, there does not seem to be much in terms of tutorials on the toolkit. I am looking to acquire the image from the camera, convert from raw pixels to temperature and using a PID controller change the output of the heater to correct the temperature on the target surface. I was wandering if I could get some guidance on this subject or be pointed in the right direction.
Kind Regards.

Hi Alexisdera,
Have you looked at the User's Manual (​ish/T559015$a506.pdf)? When you install the toolkit, the examples it describes should be installed to your computer.
If you've already seen this and it doesn't answer your questions I would recommend contacting Flir to ask for assistance, since this is a 3rd party product that NI does not directly support.
Al C
National Instruments,
Application Engineer

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    Attachments: ‏183 KB

    Hi Cagik,
    Thanks for contacting National Instruments.  With respect to your question about the Thermovision Digital LabVIEW Toolkit 3.1 and not using IMAQ, we do not actually manufacture that toolkit and not familiar with it because of this reason.  I would suggest trying to contact the people that actually make the toolkit and get some more information from them on how exactly to use it.  Maybe they will be able to give you an example program or a few tips on what to do.  I hope this helps and good luck with your application in the future!
    Noah R.
    Noah R
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments

  • ThermoVisi​on Labview Digital Toolkit for connection with a FLIR SC645 is not working

    Can somebody help me?
    I have troubles connecting my FLIR SC 645 with my Labview Software.
    The “FLIR R&D Software” works fine I can make a connection with the camera over Ethernet, I can take images and read temperatures.
    Now I want to use the labview toolkit to automate the measurement in a production process.
    So the camera is connected over a Ethernet port directly to the PC.
    I can see the camera in NI MAX under NI-IMAQdx Devices. If I try to snap a image a error occurs:
    Error 0xBFF69031 The system did not receive a test pack from the camera.
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    When I dig in the libraries of ThermoVIsion I found the “ThermoVision Cam Ctrl.vit”. This program does work, it connects to the camera and I can do a internal calibration and some focusing but that is it. The examples from Thermovision does give me a black image and a Error -1.
    Does anyone has some experience with this toolkit?
    The main idée I had is to inport the image into a vision builder and their work with some intensity levels. Is this possible? And how do I connect with the camera?
    Hendrikx Danny

    usually IR cameras have dfferent pallete displays (monochrome, rainbow, saturation, etc...). The default is probably monochrome, that is why you are seeing it. You should be able to change the output by sending the appropriate command to the camera.
    Regarding the jumbo frames (I suggest that you leave this alone, if you get your camera working):
    let me google it for you 
    Best regards,
    "Kudos: Users may give one another Kudos on the forums for posts that they found particularly helpful or insightful."

  • FLIR sc655 and ThermoVision Labview Toolkit

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    As far as the camera itself I am connected through GigE port. I see the IP address just fine in IP config and I can acquire images in both IR monitor and NI MAX just fine. Something is going wrong it seems wit hte active X control through labview. The ThermoVision SDK runtime is installed which has the active X program so I have no clue what is going on or why I cannot use the FLIR tools to connect to the camera.
    Has anyone had thier problem and/or have any insight as to what is wrong?

    While I have not used the ThermoVision toolkit, I have taken a quick look at their manual and have a few questions; would you happen to know if the toolkit's version is compatible with that version of LabVIEW? In addition, is there any order requirement for the installation as well as any driver that is required other than Vision Acquisition?
    I have done a bit of research and come across a few topics in our forum that also deal with this particular toolkit; the last link has been particularly longstanding and a user seems to have worked with it extensively:
    Ultimately, since NI-MAX works correctly, would it be possible to test the camera in LabVIEW without using the toolkit's VIs? The camera seems to be fully GigE Compliant which means that you should be able to reach it with IMAQdx VIs. If the camera does indeed work in LabVIEW correctly, it might be worhtwhile to reach to the developpers of the Toolkit to see if they have any insight on the matter.
    Simon P.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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    You have two or three places to look. First there is the DCT. Second, there's a couple layers there that could cause problems (the mySQL drivers and ADO) and then there's even the posibility that the issue could be in the DBMS itself.
    I would start by burrowing down through all the DCT layers and find the spot where the results are actually being read back fromt he database. If the resutls are read as variants and converted to LV datatypes, the problem is on the LV side. If the values are being read as strings and converted, the problem coiuld be on the other side.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • LabView database connectivity toolkit 1.0.1 compatibility with MS-ACCESS 2010 / Labview report generation toolkit for Office 1.1.3 compatibility with Office 2010

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    I have not gotten my hands on a copy of Office 2010 yet to see if there will be any compatibility issues.  Does anyone have any experience in this area?

    The MS-Access part is fairly well isolated through the ADO interface LabVIEW uses. The only possible problems there IMHO are difficulties with possible Acess compatibilities itself such as an example, SQL statement you may have invoked directly through the ADO interface. Maybe you did use a depreciated command back then that has since been removed. As long as the only thing you do are simple INSERT and SELECT statements only, I would expect it to just keep working.
    The Report Generation interface is a different beast. Microsoft manages to change the Automation interface with every version of office in a way that strongly binding applications like LabVIEW break on. There is no good way around that except not changing those methods, but that is a cause that has been lost already. You will certainly have to verify the version dependant Report Generation API VIs to still work with Office 2010 and most likely you will have to make some changes to those VIs to make them work again with the modified ActiveX interface of Office 2010. Note, that I have no experience with porting report generation to Office 2010 but I have had some headaches from porting that between Office 97, 2000, 2003, and 2007.
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    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    Thanks in advance

    The work around for this issue is to install each of the MSI files setup.exe calls when running the installer.  I was able to reproduce this issue for the 1.0 toolkit I was unable to do so for the 2.0 toolkit.  This being said the instructions bellow are for those of you who are running into this issue with the 2.0 toolkit.
     Listed bellow are the MSIs  you will need to run (shown here at their default location after the self extracting EXE has been run).  You should run these MSI in the following order.
    C:\National Instruments Downloads\LabVIEW\7.1\LabVIEW NXT Toolkit\2.0\Products\MetaUninstaller\MU\MetaUninstaller.msi
    C:\National Instruments Downloads\LabVIEW\7.1\LabVIEW NXT Toolkit\2.0\Products\MDFSupport\MDF\MDFSupport.msi
    C:\National Instruments Downloads\LabVIEW\7.1\LabVIEW NXT Toolkit\2.0\Products\MDFSupport\MDF\EULADepot.msi
    C:\National Instruments Downloads\LabVIEW\7.1\LabVIEW NXT Toolkit\2.0\Products\LVLEGONXTTK\LVLEGONXTTK\LVLEGONXTTK.msi
    C:\National Instruments Downloads\LabVIEW\7.1\LabVIEW NXT Toolkit\2.0\Products\LVLEGONXTTK_LV71\LVLEGONXTTK_LV71\LVLEGONXTTK_LV71.msi
    C:\National Instruments Downloads\LabVIEW\7.1\LabVIEW NXT Toolkit\2.0\Products\NXT_Driver64\LegoMindstormsNXTdriver64.msi
    A similar procedure can be used to install the 1.0 toolkit if need be.  You can get the install order from the parts from the [Parts] section of the setup.ini.  
    LabVIEW R&D

  • Why PI Acton Labview toolkit is not free but C++ SDK is free

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    but the company told us the C++ SDK is free
    but the labview Toolkit is not free.
    Why ,for i have owned the dlls about the system ,if i can call the dlls in the labview.So the labview should be also free.
    Are three some problems when calling C++ in Labview,or need some driver when using Labview??
    Thanks very much

    You should ask the supplier about why they charge for the LabVIEW toolkit
    and not for the C++ SDK.
    Calling C++ dlls is not easy from LabVIEW, unless the functions are exported
    as c functions. The C++ naming convention is something LabVIEW cannot
    understand. A C++ dll doesn't automatically mean it uses a C++ naming
    convention, so you'll have to check. Open the dll in a call library node and
    see if the names you'd expect are there. If they are available, and you
    don't see strange signs like _, *, &, # or @ in the names, it's probably
    easy to call from LabVIEW.
    One way to deal with this is to make a C/C++ wrapper that does use C naming
    so LabVIEW can understand it, but you can't do that in LabVIEW.

  • Fixing a NXT LabVIEW Toolkit compile/load problem

    I bought myself a Lego NXT Mindstorms to play with. I'm using the LabVIEW 8.5.1 from the FIRST Robotics competition and I downloaded the NXT Toolkit for Labview.
    I did a mass compile on the toolkit (like the getting started said to) and did the excersize. I get the following error:
    Error 1003 occured at Invoke node in NXT>
    Possible Reasons:
    LabVIEW: The VI is not executable... It said to do a file->open.
    Method Name: Run VI
    VI Path: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.5\vi.lib\addons\NXTToolkit\gcomplier\Backend.LEGO\
    The vi was broken but it had a password to open the view so I couldn't tell what was going on.
    What do I do to fix this?
    "Lockheed" Joe
    Testing Blog"

    Hey Joe,
    The Lego NXT Mindstorms and the LabVIEW Toolkit for the Mindstorms are officially supported by Lego's Technical Support. Check out this knowledgebase for a little more information regarding how to get the quickest support for your Mindstorms NXT issue.
    Hope this helps,
    Hope this helps.


    Labview 7.1.0と一緒に、タイトルのtool kitを使って、
    LEGO MINDSTORMS NXTを動かそうとしているのですが、
    一括コンパイル、nxt tool kit 1.0.1 patchコピーを終え、
    "Getting Started with the LabVIEW toolkit for LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT"(添付)
    の最初の"Building a LabVIEW VI that Runs on the NXT"に従って、
    NXT本体のディスプレイにFILE ERROR!と表示されます。
    "LabVIEW Toolkit for LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT"を
    #### Starting Mass Compile: 2008年7月2日 18:41:42
      Directory: "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\vi.lib\addons"
    Failed to load (C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\vi.lib\addons\NXTToolkit\shared\
    Failed to load (C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\vi.lib\addons\NXTToolkit\shared\
    Failed to load (C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\vi.lib\addons\NXTToolkit\shared\
    #### Finished Mass Compile: 2008年7月2日 18:42:58
    Labview 7.1では関係ないのかなと思っているのですが、関係あるでしょうか?
    LabVIEW_Toolkit_for_LMS_NXT_Getting_Started_Guide.pdf ‏201 KB

    I do know of this one software where you can simulate the NXT, but it might only be for NXT-G programs.
    SimplySim at The NXT Step
    Other than that I don't think there's any way.
    As for the difference between the two, there's a whole ton. Those are two different programs with very different syntaxes. Lego NXT-G is the basic software that comes with the NXT kit. It's a very scaled down version of LabVIEW and is pretty nice. LabVIEW is much more advanced and you can do much more with it, but you are restricted to using the LabVIEW NXT Toolkit and the NXT's cababilities. (no float, only so much RAM, etc.). But you can still do a ton more with it. Yes, you can data log with LabVIEW in, like, many ways.
    Hope that helps!

  • Storing labview TCP connection in TestStand object reference

    I have a LabVIEW routine (GetFileGlobal) that uses the TestStand SequenceContext->FileGlobals to do a lookupString and determine the GetType if the string 'Exists'.  I have a LabVIEW case statement that captures values of '1' for GetValString, '2' for GetValBoolean, and '3' for GetValNumber.  I have a LabVIEW TCP connection that gets opened that we need to store in TestStand in a FileGlobal.  What type is necessary in TestStand to store a TCP Conn?  AND, given the (tbd) type in TestStand, what is the value I would need in my case statement to capture this new (tbd) type coming out of the GetType?  

    I've asked this on another thread, but I'm just not understanding the exact implementation.  In TestStand, the LabVIEW IO Controls type is made up of a DeviceName and a SessionNumber, but in LabVIEW I have a TCP Network Connection.  I have routines that let me Get/Set TestStand File Globals if they are Boolean, String, or Number.  Now, if I use LabVIEW IO Controls in TestStand, what is the exact way I stuff a TCP Network Connection in there.  I've attached a VI that I use to GET the FileGlobal value from TS.  I need to grow it to allow me to get the TCP connection (i.e. LabVIEW IO Controls), but I'm not sure how to do that.  The types are messing me up.  Also, I'm not sure what the 'GetType' wants to see
    Attachments: ‏25 KB

  • LabVIEW OPC Connection

    Could anybody send me an example for LabVIEW to connect to an OPC Server
    to read/write IOs from a plc. I have to connect to a Siemens plc via
    SIMATIC NET OPC Server. Or maby you can post a link for further
    information and/or examples because i couldn't find any at the NI
    Developer zone.

    There are examples included with LabVIEW; they are stored in the comm folder:
    Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.0\examples\comm\opc.llb

  • Problem of security using ADO from Labview to connect to Access 2000 Data Base

    I have a problem using ADO from Labview to connect to Access 2000 Data Base.
    First I open a ADO_DB_Engine and create a Workspace as an ODBCDirect. After I execute the open_data_base using the workspace. Here you can specify the parameter connect with /type of connection / user / password.
    The problem is the following:
    Although you configure a password for the Administrator user in Access, you can read/writte to data base from Labview using ADO without any security and without putting the user and password in the parameter connect. I need to access with security to data base using users and permissions but it seems that the parameter connect does not operate.
    I attach
    you a example of the vis and database. Remember create a ODBC connect with BD3.mdb
    Thanks a lot
    Peter Mst
    Attachments: ‏70 KB
    BD3.mdb ‏112 KB

    Hi Kahn,
    If you use ADODB_connection -> Connection.Open and set in connection string :
    "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Jet OLEDBystem Database=c:\.....\Protegida5.mdw; Password=pepe;user ID=jose; Data Source:c:\......\BD5.mdb";
    and after connection.execute ->
    INSERT INTO tabla1 VALUES (5,'XXX'
    you will be able to access to the database with security using the provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0. With this provider you have to use the path and the name of the database file c:\.....\mdb file. From this way the problem is solved. (SEE SAMPLE_ADO_W2_JET.VI).
    BD5.mdb have the following administrator user: user:jose / passwordepe (Protegida5.mdw)
    The problem is when you want to
    use ODBC and DSN. The name of this ODBC Provider is MSDASQL;. If you use this type of connection you can not enter to the database I attach you.
    This database has a new administrator owner. I deleted the default administrator. If you support the default administrator you can connect to database by ODBC / DSN but the security disappear because you can always enter to database with any password, user o PC.
    FINALLY I HAVE 3 QUESTIONS FOR Application Engineers of National Instruments or someone who knows these subjects before deciding the best way to connect locally o remotely with security to Access from Labview:
    1.- Is it possible to enter to Database BD5.mdb from ODBC and DSN with this owner?
    2.- I want to connect remotely to Access database too. Is it possible to use Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 using the path (.mdb file) without DSN?
    3. Which is the optimal Provider for Microsoft Access?
    I thank you beforehand for your technical support.
    Peter Mst.
    BD5.mdb ‏116 KB
    Protegida5.mdw ‏112 KB ‏45 KB

  • LabVIEW toolkit for digital still camera - PTP protocol based

    Dear List,
    Just to let you know that a LabVIeW toolkit for PTP
    (picture transfer protocol)camera is available. PTP is
    the new standard for still imaging devices such as
    still camera and scanner, it does not require camera
    vendor extra special drivers (unlike Twain)and it's OS
    independant, thus being supported widely in modern
    high resolution digital still cameras. Interested
    people can check out this link:
    Irene He
    [email protected]

    Hello rbergs, 
    I apologize for just now responding to your post below but I would like to redirect you to a different resource that will be able to provide the necessary support for using the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino toolkit. Currently, this toolkit is only supported by posts on forum. If you have any additional questions regarding the LabVIEW environment specifically, please feel free to post any additional questions in this discussion forum. 
    Wes W
    Application Engineering
    National Instruments

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