Think Station S20 speaker noise by powering off

my Thinkstation S20 (4157) always makes a noise (internal and/or external speakers) when I power it off,
it sounds a little bit like if you power off a guitar amp while the guitar is still plugged in.
I´m sorry for the bad  descreption.
The noise is only by powering off, not during restart, on win and linux.
Bios version is  1.39.
Do you have the same on your systems or is it somehow a failure on my S20?
Thanks for your answers!
Edit: Could this be a solution?
Go to Solution.

that one is new to me.   it could be tied somehow to power management in Ubuntu but i honestly don't know.
admittedly, i haven't used Linux for over a decade, back when you had to hack your own XF86Config files using hsync/vsync data direct from chipset manufacurer datasheets.   these days everything is point-and-click.   lol
anyway, you could try playing with various processor power management settings in the BIOS to see if that helps.
ThinkStation C20
ThinkPad X1C · X220 · X60T · s30 · 600

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    Just started. Did you do any updates yesterday? Just start with a reset, hold the top sleep/wake button down and then Home button down at the same time until you see then white apple logo.

  • T61p just powers off itself

        Hi All!
    I ve been wondering a lot of time about this issue, but it has become irritating.
    I have 2 problems that may be related to the same solution.
    1) When i am extending my desktop using an LCD display 9 out of 10 times the laptop without ANY sign just powers of itself suddenly. The period of time when this happens varies. NO BSOD nothing at all
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    I have tried many things.
    -Display drivers, either official lenovo, MS,forceware...Currently i have 169.09 forceware.
    -Also ia am using nHancer for getting better graphics in FS. I ahve noticed though that when i am using higher AA setting like 8x or 12x the problem occurs more often.
    -I have updated the BIOS to the most recent from Lenovo site.
    I have 3GB of ram but i havent opened it to see in what combination i have the RAM
    I want to mention also that when i am using single display for my desktop apps this problel occurs but very rare.
    Any ideas?

    My Z61t (under XP) started the intermittant sudden power off a couple months ago.... with power plugged in (also under battery power, but battery power's only used for 1/2 hr - hr at a time).  I bought the laptop new from Lenovo about 3 yeas ago, and it's been the primary workhorse for home-computing and constant wireless internet use.... no game.
    The fan runs intermittantly (I assume as it's needed) with plenty of air coming out, so it's not a defective fan (air flow is fine), and fan doesn't run for long or extended periods of time as I would suspect if it were unable to keep the temperature below the threshhold where fan is susposed to activate.
    I suspect it's an overheating problem with either the hard-drive or Graphics card.  Symptoms are:
    Occurs after extended use sitting flat on glass over stainless steel surface or on granite counter-top with lid open and connected to internet with one or more (IE) browser screens opened. 
    Occurs after extended browser or Excel sessions while sitting on my lap, propped on my right knee to keep left side (hot side of laptop) open to air circulation.  However, my left hand props up the left side so that it does restrict some air flow, though not as much as when the laptop sits on a flat surface.
    DOES NOT occur when front edge of laptop is propped up ~1 inch on the outer lip of the coffee table (the table surface with glass/stainless steel surface).  This puts the laptop at an angle with the table surface so that there's more room for air flow at the rear (where all the heat is generated). 
    The reason I suspect it's an overheating problem is because of 1) occurance only after extened use time, and 2) because this problem only started after nearly 3 years of use... same usage and frequency over that time period as its used now.
    The latter reason leads me to suspect some dust accumulation? or some other reduction in heat dissipation capability internally has occurred over time so that the fan's air flow, while probably still near or at the same level as it was originally is not able to carry the excess heat away.  Excess heat means less internal heat dissipation capability through several possible mechanisms which I have left to investigate as I haven't popped open the back-side yet.  It's also possible that the debris which normally accumulates on the keyboard, then drops down between the keys has accumulated to a degree over 3 years and is now  sufficient to reduce cooling from the top surface as well.
    I don't think it's an overheating hard-drive though... i.e. no more heat generated by it than it has ever done.  The reason I think this is because the problem doesn't occur when the hard-drive is under extremely heavy workloads (consant seeking for reading from and writing to it) for long durations which creates more power dissipation and hence heat generated by the drive.
    I have a few more things yet to do to get a better diagnosis for cause(s).   I want to check whether the sudden power down occurs with the laptop sitting (on flat surface) but without any browser or other graphics activity going on ... just the desktop display.  I also want to check whether it occurs if I blank the screen but not go into sleep mode.... so I have to change some power saving settings to keep the thing from going into sleep or hybernate modes (just need to get around to doing this... I'm lazy as long as the sudden power down isn't occurring too frequently.
    Speaking of frequency of occurance --- the sudden power downs occur about 1x or 2x a day during periods of extended use for 2-3 hrs up to 10 hrs or so.   
    I'll update if / when I find the problem source or better symptom analysis to identify the probable cause(s).  For now, I used the laptop with the front end propped up ~ 1 inch on the lip around the edge of my coffee-table.... so it doesn't suddenly powe off.    

  • Messages from iPad not Synching with MacBook Pro when Powered Off

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    The issue:
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    2) If my MacBook is sleeping, most (but I do not think all) messages sent from my iPad will synch with the MacBook when it wakes up from sleep.
    3) If my MacBook was powered off and I had message conversations using my iPad while the MacBook was off, these messages do not synch with my MacBook after I turn it back on.  BUT, this depends:
         a) if I power on the MacBook shortly after (5-10 min) I had the message conversation on the iPad, sometimes these messages on the iPad will synch with my MacBook after I power it on.
         b) If my MacBook was powered off for several hours after I had a message conversation on my iPad, and then I power on the MacBook, these conversations are not synching on the MacBook at all.
         i.e Assume MacBook is powered off.  I have a message conversation on my iPad at 4:30 PM.  If I power on my MacBook at 4:35 PM, the message from my iPad synchs with the MacBook.  However, if I power on my MacBook say at 10 PM or the next day, then the message conversation I had on the iPad DOES NOT synch with my MacBook.
    Confused?  So am I.  To complicate matters, I did not have these issues while I had my old iPad 3.  I only starting noticing it when I bought the new iPad Air two weeks ago.  I do not know if this is related.
    Another issue:  SOME message conversations on my MacBook and iPad air now appear to get out of chronological order.  In fact, on my iPad air, I received a message at 10 AM (message A) and then had several other messages with this person throughout the day on my iPad (at 11 AM, and then 2 PM).  Later that evening around 10 PM, the original message (message A) was received again as a new message on my iPad (i.e. received a new message notification).  Now, message A appears out of order (it shows the timestamp of 10 AM, but it displays after the messages that came at 11 AM and 2 PM).  Since my MacBook was on, these messages synched with my MacBook, but were (and remain) in the proper chronological order.
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    I have run a myriad of tests (sending messages to myself from both my new and old iPad (even created a new apple ID from the old iPad)) with my MacBook sleeping or powered off for varying amounts of time in order to provide the information above.  I also reinstalled the operating system on my MacBook but this did not resolve the issue.
    If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, I would be extremely grateful. I have been in contact by phone with Apple support and have them baffled as well, but they are doing their best to help.
    ps.  I may post to several communities so if you see this message in several communities, I am just trying to get the best coverage.

    The same thing is happening to me.
    And it's similar to this thread:
    Thought I'd cross-ref the two.

  • Can I set an alarm when external drive powers off?

    I must be one of the few people who have no trouble at all with TM! I use it to back up about 1TB of photos (I am a semi-pro photographer) to two different drives - keeping one offsite at the office and rotating them regularly.
    However - my external drive is hidden at home when connected. When we have a power outage (all too often here in MA) then the drive powers off and does not power on again (I am using MacAlly enclosures - have tried several, these are the most reliable to date).
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    I could not agree more with Kappy.
    I would never plug either my Mac or my external into anything but a UPS. They've gotten much less expensive lately, and even a fairly small one ($100 to $130 or so) will run my Mac and external for an hour or so.
    But you don't necessarily need even that much; just enough for your Mac to power itself down in an orderly manner.
    If you have a power failure to either your Mac or external disk, it can corrupt your data. I'd recommend using Disk Utility (in your Applications/Utilities folder) to do a +Repair Disk+ (not permissions) on your external, and a +Verify Disk+ (not permissions) on your internal. If the internal shows errors, you'll have to use the copy of DU on your Leopard Install disc to fix them. Post back if you need to do this but don't know how.

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    I assume then that the Mac (G4 867) is sucking the juice out of the battery when the Mac is powered off. Is this a Firewire port issue or ?
    I don't always leave my Mac on, and I don't always take the iPod out of its cradle... how can I stop this from happening?
    G4 867   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   iPod Click 40GB

    Is this a Firewire port issue or ?
    I remember a few people mentioning this problem last year, and I think the consensus was that it's a Firewire port issue, and the only solution really is to take the iPod out of the dock when the computer is turned off. (It might work to have an external powered Firewire hub, I don't know if the computer would shut that down or not).

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    my imac g5 (approx 2.5 yrs old) has recently started to power off all of a sudden while i'm working on it. after it powers off, i am not able to turn it back on until after approximately 10-15 minutes.
    i'm thinking about taking it to the apple store for help unless someone can advise or provide some thoughts on why it may be doing this and what i can do to prevent it.
    thanks. Troubleshooting when your computer won't turn on iMac G5: Loose power cord could cause power loss
    If none of the suggestions in this thread are of any help, then you need to provide more details about your comp.
    Which "model" & "generation" G5 iMac do you have?
    Need this info so that the knowledgeable users can provide you with the proper troubleshooting solution(s). How to identify your iMac Getting information about your computer
    You can have this info displayed on the bottom of every post by going to 'My Settings' which is located in the column on the right under your name, and filling in the information asked for.
    Thank you

  • My Ipod touch powered off on its own, when I turned back on, my 4000 songs were gone. Why?

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    Please help me and I thank you in advance.

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    Any help?
    Oh, and in case you need more information... the computer has a wired connection to it, as my PS2, my Wii uses a wireless connection, and so does my DS when I use it. When the power light goes off, everything gets disconnected, wired or not. Also, I'm on a cable internet connection, the modem is a Motorola SURFboard SB5100.
    Message Edited by Kelmster on 02-07-2008 12:45 PM

    Okay, now I'm getting quite a bit annoyed. The problem keeps coming back randomly. Sometimes, it'll happen once or twice in a day and fixes itself quickly. But other times, like today, I feel like throwing it out of the window. Plus, I've been reading a lot of topics in here, and a lot of people seem to have the same issue as me. The orange light doesn't go off anymore, but the internet connection is being dropped randomly with no warnings, and the internet light does stay on. Power is not flashing, everything seems well when I look at the router. When the internet goes off, I can still access the router. I tried pretty much everything I saw in here, from disconnecting it and the modem for like a half hour to changing the IPs (gave everything on my network a static IP, even tried changing the router's IP), but that only fixes it for a couple of minutes, then bam, the problem comes back. Also did a factory reset, and yes the firmware is updated, but sadly, the problem is still there. It was there from day 1 and it won't go away.  I have no idea if it has to do with my Wii accessing the internet wirelessly while it's on WiiConnect24 (it connects randomly to check for updates). It would make sense if it did that everytime, but sometimes I play online on the Wii and the internet connection still works on my wired PC.
    Seriously, is there anyone with a clue? I'm seriously thinking of returning it. I bought it to replace a noisy no-name wired router that seemed to like to make me mad. However, the Linksys one is giving me MORE problems! Is this a firmware or hardware issue here? Because I see a lot of people with the same issue, which makes me wonder if exchanging it for another one will actually change anything! I usually figure out problems by myself, but I have to say that this one has me clueless here. And, so far, in many, if not all, the cases where I was clueless about a problem, it was because of faulty hardware/software. The no-name router never dropped connections, and yet I always feared that it would explode in my face. But seriously, this is getting ridiculous. At this point, I actually wish that the problem is something stupid I forgot about, some setting that's hiding from me and that I have to activate/deactivate... I just wonder if exchanging it will fix the problem here.
    Is there anyone who actually managed to fix that issue? If so, how did you do it? If you didn't, post here too, we need to make Linksys aware of that issue. Disconnecting the power every half hour or so is not a good solution. I hope it's just a firmware issue that could be fixed soon...

  • Phone Powers Off 10+ times a day

    So I've been reading that the phone powers off by itself, and occasional power downs didn't really bother me.  It is starting to do it now while I'm on the phone, surfing the net, or using apps.  This is bothersome as today I've counted 11 turnoffs. 
    I also had the text failure problem - but that seems to be ok now.  What I did to "fix" this was delete the thread and start a new text thread.  I like having records of texts so this was a pretty big issue for me. 
    I worked through HTC for help and they were not very helpful.  I guess I should have started with Verizon.  I bought the phone in December of 2012 and I think I am approaching my one year mark. 
    Is there anything I can do?  This is getting too painful and inconvenient.  Thanks!

    After reading several posts, I decided to take out the SIM card and then put it back in.  This (so far) has greatly improved the system stability.  I haven't had a shut down, or any of the other issues that I was experiencing in the past. 
    Lets hope this works. 

  • Full Battery Drain Overnight while Powered Off. -Defective Unit or?

    I bought a new iPod Classic 80gb over the weekend and had charged it the same day via the included USB cable... Powered it off in the evening before going to bed by holding the play/pause button until the screen went black and I wake up the next morning to find that the battery is completely drained and the unit won't power up until its charged again.
    Ok, so I figure this might just have been a fluke occurrence and that maybe I did something wrong in turning it off- but the EXACT same thing happened to me again this morning after doing a full charge just the previous night. I powered it off by holding play/pause as soon as it finished charging. Then I get into my car this morning ready to listen to some music on my commute and I get a message saying the battery is completely drained and it needs to be recharged...
    How this has happened twice in 4 days I don't know, but hopefully someone may have an idea or might be experiencing the same thing? Am I doing something wrong? I haven't loaded anything other than music onto it and this has happened twice already since I bought it just a few days ago.
    There is no video on it whatsoever and the battery has drained from 100% to 0% in a matter of 6 hours, while powered off, on two separate occasions.
    I'd hate to think I just wasted $260+ dollars on a dud piece of equipment but if this persists I'll be returning it by week's end as it looks to be defective.

    I bought Ipod Nano 2G and have the same problem, Charge 4 hours, then, when I use it , Ipod suddenly restart and the battery drains near to 98% of capacity, or when I power off the nano after use it, next morning or severals hours later, the battery is completly drain, and Ipod doesn't response, just response until I connect to USB port of my Computer or ITrip, and show the "extremely battery low message".
    I use my ipod only in my car with my iTrip car, but some times y use it for some Long travels in plane, its works ok, but some days ago ( near to sept. /8 ) start with this failures.
    Here some of my Hipotesis, It's may be related with the new software version 1.3.1 ? its install some days ago trought Itunes.
    If the problem is the software? some one know if exist some software to downgrade the software from 1.3.1 to older version?
    I found some things about this procedure , but only works to 1.2
    Sorry for my inglish.

  • My Imac 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo keeps powering off

    Hi all,
    I have a 20inch 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo (Imac 4.1), Over the last few weeks the Mac would just power off on the odd occasion when using Apeture, I put this down to being the just overworked for processing picture. This seems to have been getting worse and kept occurring more and more often. Light Internet browsing was fine..
    I decided after some time to replace the 2gb memory i had to see if that would fix the issue, this seemed to work for a few days then the same issues returned.
    I now seeing this issue occured just by opening Safari and decided to rebuild the Imac, I completed the Snowleopard install and all seemed ok for a day then it re-occurred again and seemed to be worse, I then removed the 2gb memory and just kept with the 512mb as when bought... Still it keeps powering off. I have moved to different power sockets and still see the same issues.
    Please note in order to power the Imac backup up I have to leave the power out for about 20-30 minutes, If i leave the power plugged in it never boots backup up.
    I now decided to even revert back to Lion OS, but it just powers off during the install...
    I thinking it sounds like a Power supply issue but would like confirmation before I take it to a repair shop..

    As old as your iMac is, have you cleaned out the dust? Dust buildup can lead to over heating issues. Remove any and all things plugged into it including the power cord, Remove the RAM access grille. Vacuum all openings starting with the RAM access area (air intake). Vacuum all ports and plugs, DVD slot and the opening across the top of the rear of the body. Blow compressed air through all your openings and vacuum again to remove any dust you loosend. Reinstall the RAM grille. Plug in the keyboard and mouse if not blue tooth. Insert power cord...
    You are now in a perfect position to do a
    Shut down the computer.
    Unplug the computer's power cord and ALL peripherals.
    Wait 15 seconds.
    Attach the computers power cable.
    Wait another 5 seconds and press the power button to turn on the computer.
    It is the 5 second timing that initiates the reset.
    Here is a link to a Widget to monitor your temps and other operations:

  • Satellite A660-18N - Powers off after waking from sleep mode

    My Satellite A660-18N powers off 2-3 seconds after waking from sleep mode. I upgraded the memory from 4GB to 8GB, using Crucial's website, so I know it's compatible. BIOS is updated to 2.00.
    Not sure what to do, how can I fix this without turning off Sleep mode completely?

    >Currently I've turned off sleep mode altogether. I've also reset the BIOS settings from the boot menu but it hasn't fixed the problem
    And why you dont test it with pretested memory modules from an authorized service provider? The part number for such RAM is PA3677U-1M4G. Its one 4GB DDR3-1066 MHz memory module.
    Furthermore it would be interesting to know who says that Crucial memory is compatible Maybe its compatible to other Toshiba notebooks but fact is you have problems after waking from sleep mode and this happens only with Crucial memory and not with preinstalled modules.
    I dont think somebody here can provide you a solution for this because its just a compatibility issue and its user to user forum only.

  • Help: System won't reboot and powers off

    I'm going out of my mind here.
    I've been putting together an A64 system for 3 weeks now, and I get the weirdest behavior.
    I put the system together with the following components:
    Neo Platinum Bios 1.3
    A64 3000+
    MSI 128MB 6800
    1 512MB Kingmax ddr500 DIMM in slot 1
    Antec sonata case with Antec tru380 PS
    NEC dvd burner
    Seagate Barracuda IV 80GB IDE drive
    I could get it to boot up and start installing windows, but when it formatted the drives and would go to reboot, it would instead just power down.  If I hit the power switch, it would either start the fans, but not post with the diag lights all lit red, or do nothing.  If I pull the power cord for about 10 seconds and plug it back it, it will usually then post again.
    I've bought or borrowed the following components and used them trying to solve this:
    Antec NeoPower 480 PS
    A different A64 3000+
    2 different Mushkin pc2700 256MB sticks
    A seagate 200GB hd
    2 different cd/dvd burners
    A different case
    A GeForce 3ti200
    A UPS to be sure it wasn't a house power issue
    Some additional notes:
    Thinking it may be a heat or heat sensor issue after a poweroff, I went into the bios and watched the hardware monitor the temp reads 65C which seemed high, but I see here there is a temp reporting problem with the bios.  More than once, when I hit the escape key to exit the hardware mon, the machine powered off.
    Refusing to be beaten I slowly managed to get windows XP with SP1 installed on this machine.  Maybe once out of ten times I can get it to reboot, the rest of the time, trying to reboot does as above.
    A few times while in windows, it has powered itself down while doing random things, often while typing into it.
    So, I've read several suggestions here today that I will try such as putting the memory into DIMM slot 2 or 3.  Perhaps, I just have 3 DIMMS that all don't work with this board.  That will sure make this a much more expensive upgrade.
    I've also seen much mention of problems being caused by keyboards.  I find it baffling that a keyboard could cause the above problems, especially the power cord needing to pulled for 10-20 seconds, but I will replace that that as well.
    Does anyone have any other suggestions as to what is happening?  Could the board be bad?  It would be the second bad board I've gotten in trying to build this system.  The first was by another brand and had leads on the bottom of the board that were partially melted or scraped off, which is why I switched to the Neo Platinum.  Am I just the most unlucky person in the world????
    Help and thanks,

    It very well could be power supply, even the one you temporarily installed could not have delivered enough amperage to get it through one of the more strenuous periods of system boot-up. You will need a healthy 22 to 24 amps PSU. Also, make sure the RAM you have installed, or tested with - is listed on MSI's test report for this board. Per RAM type, some sticks are only approved to run in certain slots.
    Sounds to me either a RAM or PSU or both RAM and PSU issue. In addition...heat could also be a problem.

  • Why does my iPhone 3GS keep powering off into a black screen with what looks like a barcode displayed?

    My iPhone 3GS keeps powering off at any point when between 5 and 50% battery remains.
    I could be in the middle of texting, receiving a call or using an app when all of a sudden the screen goes black and very faint randomly distributed lines are visible from the top of the screen to the bottom. The display looks a little like a barcode. I am then unable to restart the phone without plugging it into a power supply. I've looked on the Internet and cannot find a similair case.
    It is so frustrating and I am continually thinking it will crash at any point.
    Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated.

    When the "white symbol" is the white Apple logo, it is starting up....
    Can take some time.

Maybe you are looking for