Think Vantage tile, not, and other observatio​ns

I find it highly amusing that I cannot create a Think Vantage Tools tile. TninkVantage is launched using explorer.exe using a switch and when the tile is created it it is a link to Explorer, not ThinkVantage. It ignores the switch.
I also tried to create two Internet explorer tiles, one normal and one with add ons turned off. But simple tap is treating the executable too simply and just launches iexplore, ignoring the switch to shut off add ons.  
Also, the names applied to the user created tiles are the program names. That's pretty NON user friendly and there doesn't seem to be any way to change the name? Internally there must be a way to set the name of the tile because the preexisting tiles are all nicely labeled. But the poor user is left with cryptic file names. Is there a magic way to fix this?

I figured out the name thing. Right clicking on the tile allows some configuration choices and makes the label editable. It wasn't that noticeable but I finally saw it.
I also used the method of adding folder tiles by choosing Open a Web Page, pasting the folder path in, and changing HTTP to FILE. I also assigned an appropriate image to be used for the tile. My personal folder has a picture of "me". It works great and it's only slightly messy to set up. After the tile is created I edit the label and I'm done.
I have a programs, folders and data files, and system management workspace. If this continues to work well I will be using Simple Tap a lot. I have removed 2/3 of the stuff that cluttered my desktop before and moved it to simple tap. I only have 3 programs pinned to my task bar and I may remove one more of them. Now my desktop is clean until I want something. Then I launch simple tap and call it up. I also have a bunch of stuff pinned to my start menu that I may clear off as well. It's all in Simple Tap.
The only thing simple tap is not useful for is showing recently used docs. For that I go to the start menu.

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