ThinkVantage in Windows 7

Recently I have updated from Windows XP Pro to Windows 7 Ultimate.
I installed Thinkvantage Productivity Centre and Lenovo System Toolbox
The system found ALL drivers (Thanks Lenovo!!)
In the StartUp botton a group called "ThinkVantage" was installed with 13 different tools such as: Access Connection, Client security Solution, Pwer Manager, System Update,...
All works fine but I mis one tool wich I had in XP
I don't know the name of the tool anymore but with that tool I could enalbe/disable settings of my hardware (through a grapfical Interface) such as modem, Infra red, network,...
Does anyone know the name of that tool or a download link?
thank you very much in advance.

Hi neb,
That piece of tool is called 'Thinkpad Configuration Utility' but it is not supported for Win Vista or 7.
Hope it helps.
Maliha (I don't work for lenovo)
ThinkPads:- T400[Win 7], T60[Win 7], IBM 240[Win XP]
IdeaPad: U350
Apple:- Macbook Air [Snow Leopard]
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    I have tried removing the Thinkvantage icon from the task bar; but it returns when I reboot.  Am I missing something?

    ok, you guys are going to love me, or everyone else having this issue at least.   Its not a total fix, but asthesically it works. 
    Issue: Thinkvantage Toolbox icon hijacks the "explorer" icon. 
    to get it back 
    first if you have modified the properties of Thinkvantage Toolbox - then change it back.
    Start > all programs > Thinkvantage Toolbox > right click > properties > target = (paste this in there) 
    C:\Windows\explorer.exe ::{26EE0668-A00A-44D7-9371-BEB064C98683}\2\::{A8A9​1A66-3A7D-4424-8D24-04E180695C7A}\Provider%5CMicro​soft.Base.DeviceDisplayObjects//DDO:%7B00000000-00​00-0000-FFFF-FFFFFFFFFFFF%7D\cat{8AA6B0C2-14A6-4da​8-BF36-F7D93ACE9ACE}
    Next - right click on the pinned Thinkvantage Toolbox icon > right click where it says Thinkvantage Toolbox > target = %windir%\explorer.exe > in the same window > Change icon > the look for icons path is corrupt > paste %windir%\explorer.exe in the bar, then choose the "folder" icon. > OK > OK > DONEEE!!!!!
    Thinkvantage Toolbox = opens Thinkvantage Toolbox
    windows explorer icon = opens libraries directory. 
    You're welcome. 

  • Windows 7 upgrade or Complete reinstall

    Looking for some advice. Currently have purchased a x200s with vista business and its the frikkin brill! although my little x30 still doing the business after years of abuse thought it time to upgrade , I will need the xp compatibility feature that windows 7 gives you for some software in work and I have done a bit of research and all I hear about are problems with the upgrade and that is is better to do a complete reinstall etc etc.
    I have run the Windows 7 advisor and with the exception of a few lenovo software (wi fi) etc issues seems to be compatible, however I love the thinkvantage software and the lenovo/windows set up I have. I just don't want a blank install of windows.
    Is there anything I should get in advance? Also is I upgrade will all traces of vista be removed as I have a  128GB SSD, and need to keep tabs on space, and I suppose upgrade or reinstall? 
    Any help advice would be appreciated  

    I intend doing this before doing anything. I think I'll try and get as many drivers for downloaded before i start. Ive no doubt there will be some issues there alway is. But I will try the upgrade and see where I end up (probably back here!).
    I see lenovo reccommends removing some software such as fingerprint software etc before upgrade. I take it the system will do a auto check for updates via thinkvantage once windows 7 reinstalled?, assuming i have an internet connection and that wi fi will work after upgrade. 

  • Fingerprin​t Reader access to KeePass (from a Thinkpad with Password Manager)

    The goal: secure, convenient, automated login to password-protected sites
    KeyPass is a great open-source program for secure creation, storage and use of login passwords and other information. With a plugin called KeeForm, it allows very convenient automatic login to password-protected sites by clicking on a KeePass entry. To preclude unintended access to all of your secure information, it is wise to close Keepass after each use, or set Keepass to lock when minimized. But this is less convenient, because a long secure master password then has to be entered before each use of Keepass.
    Using a fingerprint reader to enter Keepass can be a big time saver while retaining security. Capacitive swipe fingerprint readers can be very secure, provided they operate through equally secure software. They are available as USB units, or integrated into some keyboards and notebook computers, for example some Lenovo ThinkPads.
    Unfortunately, set-up can be a challenge and there may be disadvantages even after the best workable interface between KeePass and a particular biometric system. This example uses the integrated fingerprint reader and software on a Lenovo ThinkPad X61.
    The problem: getting secure fingerprint software to use KeePass
    ThinkPads can use Lenovo fingerprint software alone for start-up into Windows, but they need additional layers of software (Client Security Solution - CSS, and Password Manager  - PM) to work with other programs including KeePass. PM uses CSS security functions.
    Cautions about Lenovo CSS:
    1. Some organisations advise against CSS because of problems including clashes with antivirus programs. See and​tware_Under_Windows_Vista
    These bugs may have been fixed over time - but install at your own risk!
    2. CSS and PM introduce their own system overheads which may slow some operations.
    3. Once tried, CSS may not simply be inactivated while restoring basic fingerprint start-up into Windows. The X61 at least insists that CSS be reactivated for any fingerprint function. If you try a Windows system restore to a time before CSS was first activated, you may experience the ‘blue screen of death'. The security chip evidently regards your desire for a past configuration as a security breach. With luck you may ‘live again' if you can log into Windows in Safe Mode to undo the attempted system restore. After that, I reactivated CSS. I was not game to try uninstall after inactivation of CSS - but see the ncsu link above.
    Having decided to accept the ‘risks' of activating CSS and PM, you may want to try PM for all password management. For me it would not recognise some internet logins, could not complete auto-submission in others, and did not allow the manual adjustments that make KeePass so versatile. Unfortunately PM help is very limited. There is no current user manual (old manuals up to v1.4 available on the web do not match the properties of the current v3 of the software). KeePass (or the KeeForm plugin) also struggles with some sites, but it works much better overall. Help on KeeForm plugin syntax is limited, but otherwise KeePass help is great.
    So we really want the fingerprint reader (via PM) to work for KeePass master password entry.
    This is not so simple for five interacting reasons:
    (i)  It is tricky to register KeePass in PM;
    (ii) PM then gets confused by ‘hidden' entry of a master password during fingerprint login to KeePass, and repeatedly tries to save ****** as a changed master password;
    (iii) PM also tries to automatically register each entry opened for editing within KeePass;
    (iv) PM tries to automatically register other logins even if they are managed through KeePass.
    (v) Your KeePass records are now only as secure as your PM login (which is likely to be your Windows login).
    The solutions: or workarounds at least
    The best workarounds I could develop for these five issues were:
    (i) To register KeePass in PM, first ensure that PM is running (icon in the system tray). Then launch KeePass, click the login window box for unobscured password display (three blue dots turn black), enter the master password and click OK to start KeePass as usual.
    If PM does not offer to save an entry for KeePass by this stage, try ‘plan B'. Open a window to edit an entry in KeePass, then click Cancel. PM seems to recognise this more readily as a login window and may offer to create an entry. Accept the offer, and name the entry KeePass. Then open PM to edit the saved entry. You will have to edit several fields to achieve an effective PM entry for KeePass:
    The title field must be "Open database - database.kdb", to match the title of the KeePass login window.
    The file name field should show the full path to KeePass.exe (something like C:\Program Files\KeePass\PeePass.exe depending on your installation).
    The login and password data field is accessed by double clicking the entry. It will need to show only your KeePass master password (in the unobscured text view). In login and password data, delete each line of unwanted text until you get to the final password line (shown as *****), and edit this line to provide your master password.
    In the Advanced tab, select auto-fill and auto-submit and the desired security level [see (v) below]. Then select OK to get to the PM front window, and File - Save Changes, then Exit.
    Now when you close and re-launch KeePass, PM should automatically intervene (requesting a fingerprint to complete the KeePass login if you selected that security level. Select ‘No' when PM asks to change the password [see (ii) below].
    If you had no luck, try ‘plan C'. Close KeePass completely, then launch it again to open the login window. Then right-click the PM icon in the system tray, open the ‘Type and Transfer Tool', click the box for unobscured password display, type in the KeePass master password, drag the cross-hairs to the password field in the waiting KeePass login window, and release the password there. Click OK to start KeePass as usual, then click OK to close the PM transfer window. If there is still no KeePass entry in PM, check that KeePass has not been included in the PM excluded programs list. If this sequence does not work, reboot and check again. Failing all else, any entry that PM succeeds in making from any login page can be edited to an effective KeePass entry by editing fields as described above for ‘plan B'.
    PM (v3.00) can be coy to associate initially, but it will accept KeePass (v1.14) as a password-managed program, and thereafter it reliably succeeds to auto-submit the KeePass login after some help described in (ii) below.
    (ii) Having sent the correct master password to the KeePass login window, PM becomes confused by the ‘hidden' text now in the password field, and offers to change its record of your KeyPass master password to ******. You can manually select ‘No' in the PM changed-password dialogue box that appears every time you use PM / fingerprint for KeePass login. But Beware: if you ever accidentally select ‘Yes' (the default) your KeePass master password record in PM will be changed to ******. This can be edited to provide the correct password again, but it is more than a minor pain in the AR5E. Unless you know (or have a backup of) your KeePass master password you just lost access to your KeePass database!
    To avoid this big nuisance and risk, you can set up to restart KeePass for each use from a desktop shortcut (instead of minimising it to the system tray) and have the shortcut run a batch file with vbs scripts that send the ‘No' message to PM automatically.
    Here is an example batch file, with corresponding vbs scripts. You can make all these files using Notepad and save the files with the names indicated, into the KeePass program directory (C:\Program Files\KeePass in this example).
    KeePass.bat (This launches KeePass and tells PM v3 not to change the password. Caution: If Lenovo changed PM program design in future, the effect could change; the batch file might send {TAB}{ENTER} keystrokes to another open window on your computer):
    cd "C:\Program Files\KeePass"
    start " " "C:\Program Files\KeePass\KeePass.exe" "C:\Program Files\KeePass\Database.kdb"
    start /w Sleep.vbs 1
    start /w AppActivate.vbs
    start /w SendKeys.vbs
    Sleep.vbs (provides a short delay to open the ThinkVantage dialogue window, otherwise the following scripts fail because they are sent too soon):
    Wscript.Sleep Wscript.Arguments(0) * 1000
    AppActivate.vbs (puts focus on the ThinkVantage  Password change dialogue window so that Tab and Enter commands are not sent elsewhere with undesired effects):
    CreateObject("WScript.Shell").AppActivate "ThinkVantage Password Manager"
    SendKeys.vbs (sends a ‘No' response to the PM request to change its KeePass entry):
    CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SendKeys "{TAB}{ENTER}"
    Please substitute ) where you see smileywink: in the vbs scripts above - I can't get this forum window to stop automatically translating the " ) sequence of text (without a space) as an emoticon.
    This batch file approach should work with additional startup switches for KeePass, for example the /backup.path: switch used by ‘another backup' plugin (or you can use the db_backup plugin that works from the KeePass.ini file). Quotes are needed around any entry with spaces. But some things that ‘should work' such as just writing "KeePass.exe" instead of the full path in line 4 of the batch file do not give the same outcome for me. This may be an effect on timing of the switch of focus between windows - so if you strike a problem it may be worth experimenting with the delay time set through the sleep script.
    If you set KeePass to lock when minimised, you will have to deal manually with the PM changed-password dialogue every time you re-access KeePass. So it is simpler to close rather than minimise KeePass after each use and restart it when needed, via the batch file.
    (iii) You have to tell PM ‘No' whenever it offers to save an entry that is edited in KeePass. This is less of a nuisance, because entries rarely need to be edited once set up in Keepass.  There is no way to turn off this requirement. If you select ‘Never' it will prevent use of PM and therefore fingerprint entry to start KeePass (not just the edit window).
    (iv) Turn off internet login within PM. This will leave all internet logins to KeePass. Unfortunately you can not set PM to only allow a single program login (KeePass), but you can set it to exclude specific programs, so do that for other programs that you access via KeePass.
    (v) Finally, set PM security within CSS so that a fingerprint (or a password if the fingerprint reader fails) is needed every time PM is launched (not just once per boot). Similarly, set KeePass security this way within PM. Otherwise (if you set the requirement to once per boot) your passwords are open to inspection while you are away from your booted computer.
    Caution: How secure is your Windows login password? Most likely this is also your PM login password, so it now allows access to your KeePass database! Make sure that it is a unique, secure and preferably memorable password.
    How close are we now to the desired combination of security and convenience?
    Click on the KeePass shortcut to the batch file given above, swipe the fingerprint, wait while CSS works, then click on the relevant Keepass entry to access any password-protected site or application in your Keypass list - great convenience.
    Security is very strong - both KeePass and PM are extremely secure unless you use a weak or insecure master password or select less secure settings.
    Starting (or opening a locked instance of) KeePass without the batch file given above requires a couple of extra carefully-placed clicks in the process to tell PM not to mess up its entry for KeePass, then to complete KeePass startup. This is less convenient, and a mistake could prevent future database access - so the batch file method is recommended.
    A final caution (while enjoying secure & convenient logins):
    Beware - fingerprint access is so convenient that you may forget your master passwords! Eventually they will be needed! You may click the wrong button in PM, suffer a faulty fingerprint reader or change computers! Then you must recall your master passwords before you can access your password file (and possibly your computer). This could be devastating: loss of all secure password information in KeePass and PM (and possibly loss of all information on a protected computer drive, not to mention need to pay for a computer motherboard and HDD replacement). So:
    1. Choose very secure but ‘unforgettable' master passwords for KeePass and computer (PM) access.
    2. Always set up a secure master password as an alternative to biometric authentication (in case of a faulty fingerprint reader).
    3. Keep your password database backups, and your separate master password backups, in another secure (preferably encrypted) but accessible location!
    Program versions tested:
    KeePass v1.14 (v2 betas not tested) with KeeForm v2 and DB_Backup v1.14
    Lenovo CSS v8.20 with PM v3.00
    The solutions were tested in November 2008 on a Thinkpad X61 running Windows Vista Business. The tricks to interface with KeePass can vary between fingerprint programs (search the KeePass forum).
    Message Edited by r_g_b on 11-03-2008 07:01 PM
    Message Edited by r_g_b on 11-04-2008 12:00 AM

    I'm reviving quite an old topic here, but I have been unable to find any other good information on this.  I currently use the latest version of Keepass v2.23 and have Lenovo Passoword Manager v4.3 installed on my new W530 laptop.  I can't get PM to recognize any passowords at all, in web browsers or in windows application.  
    In PM the only thing I can do is create folders and secure notes.  My fingerprint software works great for automated logins to windows.  Does anyone have any experience with using the fingerprint reader with a windows application like Keepass?  
    How can I get the Password manager to do ... anything?  Recognize a password in windows or a web browser?
    I'm open to any other software to be used or I can write scripts if necessary to accomplish this.  It doesn't seem like this should be so difficult, but from what I've learned about Lenovo so far, is that nothing is easy.  After trying to get battery charge thresholds working proplery in Windows 8, I've already lost faith in a company that I thought had a great reputation.  

  • X301 - Freezes all the time, CTRL-ALT-D​EL / CTRL-SHIFT​-ESC no effect

    HELP, just bought my first Thinkpad, the X301 from tigerdirect. Everything's great except that it freezes every now and then, at least once a day.
    Haven't installed anything other than factory pre-installed stuff, thought it was the McAfee hence got rid of it, running AVG antivirus now. Thought it was IE so switched to Firefox, no help there neither, Google Chrome, still freezes.
    Strange thing is, on Vista Business, when it freezes, there is nothing you can do except for HARD RESET!  I mean CTRL-ALT-DEL does nothing at all, neither did CTRL-SHIFT-ESC. Are there any other owners facing the same issues?
    Updated the X301 with patches, both ThinkVantage and Windows, still hangs. It's very annoying to pay such a high price to go back to primitive Windows that freezes. 
    Is this normal? Please help. Thank you. 
    Message Edited by teeteet on 10-27-2008 08:35 AM

    I had a similar issue with my Tigerdirect x301 but seemed to have resolved it by doing a clean install of Vista. There is a good thread on the forums over on on how to do this. In my particular case I eliminated most of the extra but IMO unneeded software that came with it and went with 64bit Vista business since I had that OEM disc from my desktop build.
    I did have one temporary problem in the clean install with it stopping the Vista installation, saying I needed a driver for the Mat**bleep**a CD/DVD device, but I eventually got around that by going into the BIOS and switching the SATA controller mode option to Compatibility from AHCI mode.
    I got this thing last week and it must have froze 10-12 times in the first two days and in the five days since I did the clean install it has not crashed once and I swear it does everything faster.  Just this afternoon I added another 2 gb of RAM and looking forward to see what 4 gb will do for speed.

  • X230 Access Connection does not Displaying

    My Notebook is  Thinkpad x230 and the Lenovo Access Connection versio is v6.1.
    I have similar issues with this link Access Connections (5.84) opens with no window displayed (Win 7) but I cound not find a clear answer.
    Please assist Lenovo.

    Very strange behaviour...
    I had one version but it seems doesn't work as you said you can't open even ThinkVantage Tools window (not ThinkVantage Toolbox!) from "Start->"All Programs" menu. Isn't it?
    If the OS is apdated too my advice is to delete Lenovo Hotkey Features package firstly as it consists some system tools, then reinstall it using TVSU (note you'll can't use the wireless adapters at this time) and check out the behaviour.
    If it'll not help delete all Lenovo applications except of the part of them - Hotkey Features, Rescue&Recovery (did you test it?), ThinkVantage System Update. Then reinstall PM Driver and at least one-two application which didn't work previously.
    x220 | i5-2520m | Intel ssd 320 series | Gobi 2000 3G GPS | WiFi
    x220 | i5-2520m | hdd 320 | Intel msata ssd 310 series | 3G GPS | WiFi
    Do it well, worse becomes itself
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  • [W520] Programs not using NVIDIA graphics

    Quadro 1000M.  Windws 7. Optimus set in the BIOS.  I have the newest drives on the Lenovo website (  Plugged in to AC power.
    The NVIDIA graphics are specified for certain programs in the NVIDIA control panel, also tried right click-->run with NVIDIA graphics.
    Device manager shows both the Intel and NVIDIA display adapters with no problems.
    When I plug in an external monitor the NVIDIA graphics are used, the NVIDIA GPU activity monitor says "1 display connection".  If I try to start a program with the NVIDIA graphics while an external display is connected, the program still won't use the NVIDIA GPU.
    I just ran WEI and for the first time ever the NVIDIA GPU Activity indicator actually lit up a few times, mostly during the "Windows Media Tuning" section, and my graphics score went up from 5.2 to 6.4, so the system is sometimes able to use the NVIDIA graphics.  Although if I hovered the mouse over the NVIDIA GPU indicator it said "GPU activity: none", even while it was lit up, and GPU-Z indicated no NVIDIA GPU activity for the entire WEI test.  I can't figure out what "Windows Media Tuning" means or what exactly is being tested here. [Edit] A WEI test with only integrated graphics enabled in the BIOS also gets 6.4 so the increase from 5.2 to 6.4 wasn't a result of the WEI test using the NVIDIA graphics.  With discrete graphics set in the BIOS I get 6.7.
    GPU-Z also indicates that the NVIDIA graphics are not being used (GPU load stays at 0%).  But if I have GPU-Z set to monitor the NVIDIA graphics then the NVIDIA activity indicator lights up, but again it still says "GPU activity: none".
    Sometimes when I start a program (eg. Photoshop), the NVIDIA GPU Indicator will light up for a second then go out.  This happens whether I try to start the progam with the Intel or NVIDIA GPU.
    If I set the BIOS to discrete graphics then the NVIDIA card is used properly, according to GPU-Z (ie. GPU load shows activity).
    I'm pretty sure this all used to work properly, but I don't know when it stopped working.  I just upgraded Photoshop and wanted to see if it was using the NVIDIA graphics so that's how I noticed the problem.  It's been several months since I used the NVIDIA GPU Activity Monitor and I just got GPU-Z to try troubleshoot this problem.
    In the ThinkVantage Toolbox when I go to video diagnostics, only the Intel GPU is listed.  But, if I first start GPU-Z and have it monitor the NVIDIA graphics, then start the ThinkVantage Toolbox, the NVIDIA GPU is also listed and I can run a Short Video test (stress test is only available for the Intel graphics), although the test doesn't really run anything (it just takes a second and doesn't display any of the animation).  If I leave the ThinkVantage Diagnostics window open, close GPU-Z, and try to run a test on the NVIDIA GPU again it says "No Device".  GPU-Z while set to monitor the NVIDIA GPU seems to "turn on" or "prime" the NVIDIA GPU so that the diagnostic test can use it.  This doesn't work for other programs (ie. even if GPU-Z is monitoring the NVIDIA GPU, the NVIDIA GPU still won't be used by any other programs I subsequently start).  If I have an external monitor plugged in I can run all the NVIDIA diagnostic tests (short test with graphics, stress test, CUDA test).  I just ran the short test and everything passed.
    ***This last bullet point seems important to me, is this normal behaviour? Can it point to where the problem is?
    How can I get programs to use the NVIDIA graphics card?
    W520 i7-2720QM | 32 GB RAM 1333 MHz | FHD 1920x1080 | Quadro 1000M | Windows 7 & Ubuntu 14.04
    Crucial M500 480GB mSATA + 2 x 1 TB Hitachi Travelstar 7200 rpm | BIOS 1.38

    Fullmetal99012 wrote:
    The nVidia control panel should allow you to set options for programs to use the nVidia. Thats what I ended up having to do.
    I tried that (see first point in original post), it doesn't help.
    I haven't tried the drivers from NVIDIA, but I would think the Lenovo ones should work and therefore the drivers aren't the problem.  Has anyone used the NVIDIA ones?  Are there any downsides?  I assume I can just reinstall the Lenovo ones if I want?
    W520 i7-2720QM | 32 GB RAM 1333 MHz | FHD 1920x1080 | Quadro 1000M | Windows 7 & Ubuntu 14.04
    Crucial M500 480GB mSATA + 2 x 1 TB Hitachi Travelstar 7200 rpm | BIOS 1.38

  • ThinkVantage Active Protection for Windows XP, Vista, and 7 missing from driver matrix

    Recently, while checking the Software link:
    I noticed:
    Active Protection System
    Like an airbag's sensor, it can detect sudden changes in motion and temporarily stop the hard drive to help protect your valuable data from some crashes that could occur due to everyday notebook accidents.
    Windows 8 (32-bit), 7 (32-bit), Vista (32-bit), XP, 2000
    12 Mar 2014
    Windows 8 (64-bit), 7 (64-bit), Vista (64-bit)
    09 Mar 2014
    If you try to follow the links to the ThinkVantage Active Protection System, you are presented with a document labeled: ThinkVantage Active Protection System for Windows 8 (32-bit) - Laptop or a document labeled: ThinkVantage Active Protection System for Windows 8.1 (64-bit) – Notebook
    No reference to Windows XP, VISTA or Windows 7 in the current version of the documents, yet the text file pointed to by the download links states that this driver still supports all the older ThinkPads and is applicable to Windows 7 and VISTA. The text file does say that Windows XP support has been withdrawn with this release, and that XP users should use the previous version. It does not, however, provide a link to any document or mechanism where an XP user can obtain the previous driver.
    So, is the document correct, or is the text file correct?
    Where is the current driver for VISTA and Windows 7?
    When I went to the support sites to see the supporting documents there, I discovered that the ThinkVantage Active Protection entries were gone from the R61, R500 and T500 driver matrices. The only reference I could find to the ThinkVantage Active Protection System was in the above mentioned SOFTWARE link.
    ThinkPad R61 8932-CTO T8300 2.40 Ghz 3GB RAM Win XP
    ThinkPad R500 2714-CTO P8600 2.40 Ghz 3GB RAM Win XP; Two ThinkPad R500's 2714-CTO T9600 2.80 Ghz 4GB RAM Win 7
    ThinkPad T500 2241-DB9 T9600 2.80 Ghz 4GB RAM Win 7
    ThinkCenter A63 5237-CTO 3GB Ram Win XP; A21m and a pair of 380XD's

    Still no change to the driver matrices.  ThinkVantage Active Protection is still missing. There has been a change in the web site, as follows:
    Active Protection System
    Like an airbag's sensor, it can detect sudden changes in motion and temporarily stop the hard drive to help protect your valuable data from some crashes that could occur due to everyday notebook accidents.
    Windows 8.1 (32-bit)
    27 Jan 2015
    Windows 8.1 (64-bit)
    27 Jan 2015
    Windows 8 (32-bit)
    27 Jan 2015
    Windows 8 (64-bit)
    27 Jan 2015
    Windows 7 (32-bit)
    27 Jan 2015
    Windows 7 (64-bit)
    27 Jan 2015
    Windows Vista (32-bit)
    27 Jan 2015
    Windows Vista (64-bit)
    27 Jan 2015
    So now there are numerous separate entries, but none of them claim to support any 'legacy' machines. Most of the above entries point to the same driver (at present).  The puzzling aspect to all this is that if you read the text documents that accompany most of the above driver packages, you will note that the text document claims that the driver supports quite a number of legacy machines. That information just never made it to the web page.
    So do I manually update a driver because the text document says it is applicable to my legacy R500, or 'believe' the web page which states that only some current models are supported, but not the R500, T500 or R61.   
    Very inconsistant and highly unprofessional.
    ThinkPad R61 8932-CTO T8300 2.40 Ghz 3GB RAM Win XP
    ThinkPad R500 2714-CTO P8600 2.40 Ghz 3GB RAM Win XP; Two ThinkPad R500's 2714-CTO T9600 2.80 Ghz 4GB RAM Win 7
    ThinkPad T500 2241-DB9 T9600 2.80 Ghz 4GB RAM Win 7
    ThinkCenter A63 5237-CTO 3GB Ram Win XP; A21m and a pair of 380XD's

  • Windows 7 Install and Thinkvantage Key Functionality

    I plan to install Windows 7 Home, however, I don't want to loose the Thinkvantage key and related functionality.  If someone could provide an outline to maintain Thinkvntage key functionality with Windows 7 install I would greatly appreciate it.
    Current OS: Windows XP SP3
    Thinkvantage T60/Type 1953-D7U
    Thank you

    I installed Windows 7 Enterprise x64 on a W500 and all keys are working fine. Some of the tools are discontinued for Windows 7. One of them is the productivity center which enable the blue Thinkvantage button. I installed the latest version of the productivity center for Vista and works fine for me even if not supported on Windows 7. I'm sure Lenovo will find another use for the Thinkvantage button under Windows 7 tho. Also the presentation director is discontinued so the Fn-F7 will start the built-in feature of Windows 7 which will basically do the same thing instead of starting the presentation director. If you used the advanced features of the presentation director you might find the Windows 7 features a bit limited, but Fn-F7 work properly.
    To make all the special keys work properly for your computer using Windows 7 you would need the following:
    Lenovo System Interface Driver
    Hotkey Features
    ThinkVantage Productivity Center (The Vista version)
    As i said the productivity center is discontinued for Windows 7 so there will probably be no support from Lenovo in case of problems with the productivity center.
    I'm not sure what you mean about related functionality so not sure about that one. If you could be a bit more specific it would be easier to say if it will work or not. The choices find in productivity center (when you press the Thinkvatange button) is mostly shortcuts to other applications/tools that have to be installed to work and don't know what you are currently using.
    You can find the available drivers and tools for your system here:
    T60, 1953-D7U drivers
    You could check if you find something missing there. Also you can use system update 4 for Windows 7 that will download and install most of the drivers/software for you.

  • Bitlocker & ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery on 64 Windows 7 Enterprise

    I am attempting to setup ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery 4 on a X300 ThinkPad with 64bit Windows 7 Enetrprise and BitLocker enabled. A installed ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery 4 after turning on BitLocker, as stated in considerations in ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery 4 readme file. When I press the blue ThinkVantage button and then F11, it starts ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery 4, but shortly after splash screen with life-belt appears the notebook restarts and BitLocker requires keyfile to continue. When I give it the key file it boots nomally. However if I restart and attempt to enter ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery 4 again - the same story repeats, so I'm unable to use ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery 4. Then I disabled BitLocker encryption on boot drive, and ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery 4 started to work normally, without touching anythnig else.
    So, finally are Bitlocker & ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery 4 compatible on 64 Windows 7 Enterprise? Any one having success with this combination?
    Thanks, George

    Its a known bug already reported by many thinkpad users running 64bit versions of Win7,Microsoft might issue a fix.If you want to report it to them
    Cheers and regards,
    • » νιנαソѕαяα∂нι ѕαмανє∂αм ™ « •
    ●๋•کáŕádhí'ک díáŕý ツ
    I am a volunteer here. I don't work for Lenovo

  • ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software stops working, crashing on 64-bit Windows 7.

    ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software stops working, crashing on 64-bit Windows 7.
    Issue producing on Lenovo ThinkPad W530. 
    Each time I tried to start the ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software, it is crashing with following error :
    [Window Title]
    ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software Application
    [Main Instruction]
    ThinkVantage Fingerprint Software Application has stopped working
    Windows is checking for a solution to the problem...
    Because of this crash I am unable to enroll my fingerprint data for windows logon.
    I have noticed that all ThinkVantage softwares are crashing e.g. ThinkVantage Power Manager 6.
    As per Lenovo Support Chat service I have updated the following softwares/drivers to the latest versions:
    1. power manager
    2. power management
    3. think vantage
    4. hot key features
    But still no luck, fingerprint software is still crashing, please help!

    Hi I have exactly the same problem, you are not alone. As soon as I find a solution I will post it here

  • T500 ThinkVantage Keyboard shortcuts (Fn+F2,F3..) not working in windows 7

    I just installed windows 7 onto my T500, and noticed that the thinkvantage keyboard shortcut will not work.
    After fresh install of windows and the thinkvantage, they will work for about 1-2 hours. but after some time, all fn+f2,f3,f5 etc will not bring up the thinkvantage feature, like access connection or turn on/off wireless/bluetooth.
    Does anyone have the same on their machine?
    Already installed the system for more than 3 times, but the problem presisted, and would only work for about 1 to 2 hours after each fresh install...

    Download and install system interface driver from here for the T-500.
    for other units go to the tpad-matrix page and then go to your system.
    Message Edited by rheath on 05-08-2009 07:53 PM

  • How to securely workaround problem w/ ThinkVantage Client Security PW MGR & Windows PW Chg

    For those of you who have an authentication problem with ThinkVantage Password Manager after changing your Windows password, I would recommend uninstalling the Client Security - Password Manager application (if you just need the Password Manager and not the entire security suite) and install the Lenovo Password Manager.
    It would help to have an exported list of your passwords so you can re-import them into the new Lenovo Password Manager.  If you don't have an exported list and are locked out of ThinkVantage Password Manager, click on the box "I forgot my password" and answer your three security questions (if you enabled that feature during setup), then you can open the Password Manager and export your list.
    (Soapbox On:  it would have been nice if someone had recommended this as an option instead of shutting down discussion by saying we don't talk about subverting passwords.  I understand that is taboo, however other options should have been offered which are "kosher" as the above.  Soapbox Off.)
    Gary Grathen

    Been away working, now back...
    It was an HP8500 Printer that started all of this.  I find it difficult to believe that a (simple?) printer install could do so much collateral damage...
    BACK TO MY ORIGINAL QUESTION - How do I reset CSS?  Per furnished Lenovo documentation, (found on the hard drive) CSS was never installed on Windows 7 machines (for some Lenovo reason).  I can export PWs to external drive but still have no idea how to launch the CSS files (of which several executable files came pre-loaded on my machine).
    As far as being locked out of files, Finale composition software now says (upon trying to open files) "You don't have permission to open this file. Contact the file owner or administrator to obtain permission.."
    Worst case, I can re-build my Finale composiitons, but I'm still annoyed with the Lenovo log-in screen constantly asking me to enter a password that I don't know!
    I am very dissapointed with purchased LENOVO WARRANTY SUPPORT - the people I've talked to have no idea about what I'm trying to explain to them.

  • AHH Thinkvantage Rescue and Recovery won't let me get into Windows RecoverY!

    So I'm having the error Windows failed to start; NLS data is missing or corrupt. What I've read on the internet told me said that I should enter the Windows Repair disk and proceed. I don't have an optic drive, nor was my tablet (X61T) shipped with discs. I've created a bootable image of the windows recovery disk on a USB, but when I enter it the only option is to go into thinkpad rescue and recovery. There's no way around this as far as I can see. Also, windows doesn't start at all, no safe mode, no last working configuration, none of those. 
    Thinkvantage R&R doesn't let me do the same repair function as Vista, nor can it restore from vista's backups as far as Ican see. The only option is Full restore, as quick restore is not pressable.
    HELP! I don't even want this stupid program anymore, is there any way to uninstall it?
    And I was going to just make a copy of the HD and factory reset it, but when I recovered all the files and was double checking, some of the files which I have hidden were missing, so I can't go about wiping it anymore. Please help!

    Check the XDA forum or where you got the files
    "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

  • ThinkVantage System Update 4, Windows 7 x64, and LAN repository are failing with T410 laptops

    I've been using TVSU/TVUR for a few years and they're excellent tools.  Life would be much harder without them.
    Recently I acquired some ThinkPad T410's with Windows 7.  As usual, I applied an existing Windows 7 image (from a T400), and ran TVSU.  Group Policy settings populate the TVSU reg keys with the UNC path to the update repository on my LAN.  So far so good.
    Now things get weird.  TVSU asks for a username and password when first connecting to the repository at \\servername\sharename\path.  That shouldn't be necessary - I can browse that path as the logged-in domain user.
    No matter what I put in the username/password prompt, whether I hit OK or cancel, TVSU proceeds to scan the directories in \\srvername\sharename\path for relevant updates.
    Once it finds 15 updates, I select them.  Clicking on the "details" option for any updates brings up an empty window, no text.  If I try to download updates, it starts chugging along and quickly finishes, reporting "15 packages did not download". 
    I don't have this problem with other Win 7 x64 T400's, or other laptops running other OS's.  I don't think the repository is corrupt, since other systems can download and install updates.
    Where do I go from here?

    Here's the interesting part, near the end, of the tvsu log on another T410 with the same symptoms after tagging two updates for download, and failing to download both:
    Info    2010-08-10 , 07:12:00
        at Tvsu.Engine.Task.Task.Start()
        Message: Executing the StartProcess PackageInstallerProcess
    Info    2010-08-10 , 07:12:00
        at Tvsu.Engine.Process.PackageInstallerProcess.ChangeDownloadFailedUpdates(ArrayList list)
        Message: The update Lenovo ThinkVantage Toolbox (64-bit) download failed, the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\System Update\session\LTTsetup_60551461x64\ does not exist or the file's CRC is incorrect..
    [note: this directory exists]
    Info    2010-08-10 , 07:12:00
        at Tvsu.Engine.Process.PackageInstallerProcess.ChangeDownloadFailedUpdates(ArrayList list)
        Message: The update Windows 7 Update Module KB981112 64bit download failed, the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\System Update\session\os7011ww_64\ does not exist or the file's CRC is incorrect..
    [note: this directory exists.  There's a CRC string in the xml file in the listed directory for os7011ww_64.exe, but the .exe isn't there, which might make it fail the CRC.]
    Info    2010-08-10 , 07:12:00
        at Tvsu.Engine.Task.Task.Start()
        Message: Executing the PostProcess PackageInstallerProcess
    Info    2010-08-10 , 07:12:00
        at Tvsu.Engine.Task.Task.Start()
        Message: The process PackageInstallerProcesshas been finished.
    Info    2010-08-10 , 07:12:00
        at Tvsu.Engine.Task.Task.StartExecution()
        Message: PostTask
    Info    2010-08-10 , 07:12:00
        at Tvsu.Sdk.SuSdk.InstallUpdates(Update[] updatesInstall, Update[] updatesDefer, downloadingDelegate downDelegate)
        Message: Return install Updates
    Info    2010-08-10 , 07:12:00
        at Tvsu.Gui.GUIController.ShowResults()
        Message: Displaying install results...
    Info    2010-08-10 , 07:12:00
        at Tvsu.Gui.FlowScreens.Results.AdjustComponent()
        Message: System updated:
        Not Installed=Tvsu.Beans.Update[]
        Download Failed=2
    Info    2010-08-10 , 07:12:00
        at Tvsu.Gui.MainFrame.SetScreen(String screen, EventHandler[] eh)
        Message: Loading Results screen on Action pane.
    Info    2010-08-10 , 07:12:49
        at Tvsu.Gui.GUIController.AskBeforeClosing()
        Message: Close System Update?

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