This has been talked about before but my prob is differe

My zen micro is perfect. ! The only thing is that my battery drains out really fast. Now i have looked at the older threads about battery life and i havnt been able to find a definate answer. Here are the settings for my micro.
eq - off
smart vol - off
contrast - 40%
auto shutdown - 5 mins
backlight time - 5 secs
date and time - on
headphones - stock(the ones given by CR)
The st bar of the battery goes away real fast, like hr, the 2nd bar in like another 2 hrs. and then the whole micro goes off in like 4-5 hrs. Am i missing something or is there sumthing wrong with my micro or the battery? what is the problem?

Nomadworld's knowledge base says a lot of things, doesn't necessarily mean they're true
I've personally noticed no issues turning it on and off, and I'm very doubtful that it would do much if anything, especially if in standby mode.
Without experimental evidence though it's hard to prove either way.

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    Contact the developer httpdmail and see if they can help you.

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    CoryOhio wrote:
    ... that it may be a corrupt clip that needs to be removed. Is exporting individual clips to find the culprit my best option?
    Any manual-converted .mts clips involved in your Project?
    You could use FCPX' feature to export just parts/ranges of a Project to narrow down the culprit (export a half, ok? export a half of the oither half, ok? export...)

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    Drool on here, welcome to Mac by the way. The water is much better on this side.
    Click a pic to feel the awesome 30" • Clone your boot drive, PowerMac G5 performance tips

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    Your example uses straight text links.  Nothing fancy, no complicated JavaScripts are used.  Just a lot of manual linking.
    Each page contains a different PREVIOUS and NEXT link depending on where it appears within the site.
    Hopefully this answers your question.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    No, it's more that Adobe doesn't have the talent or skill of a Sega or an Electronic Arts. They've been doing amazing things with limited hardware on portable platforms for years. The closest Adobe has ever gotten to their level of expertise is a severely scaled down Flash Lite. Flash Lite will not display content like you'd find at, say the cartoon network website, so it's not even a workable solution.
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    Thanks for your help in advance!

    Hi Kdowns19,
    I'm in the RuneScape Tech Support forum a lot. Other people with similar problems have posted there recently. I may be able to help you sort out the problems you're having with RuneScape. In your other thread I think Linc Davis was on the right track.
    Apple stopped releasing updates for OS X 10.5.8 a while ago. Trying to play RuneScape through your web browser won't work anymore. Your Mac has 32 bit web browsers which will try to use 32 bit Java to start RuneScape. A few months ago Jagex changed the requirements for RuneScape. It was announced in the news section on their site that you now need at least Java 6 (also known as 1.6) Update 10. The 32 bit Java on your Mac is too old to run RuneScape.
    There is hope. If your Mac has an Intel CPU and it is 64 bit capable then OS X 10.5.8 will have a version of 64 bit Java that is current enough for RuneScape. I read your other thread and saw that you do have 64 bit Java installed. You can play RuneScape if you download Jagex's Mac version of the RS client. The RS client will find your Mac's 64 bit version of Java and use it to run the game. You can get the Mac RS client by going to the RuneScape homepage, point your mouse at Game Info at the top to see the drop down menu, and then click on Downloads. On the next page click the download button that has an apple on it. It will download the RuneScape.dmg file. I've searched the web for a 64 bit web browser that will run in OS X 10.5.8 but I have not been able to find one.
    After you start the game you may need to set the graphics options in RuneScape so that the game runs in OpenGL mode. Currently there is an issue with Software mode that causes your mouse clicks to be out of alignment with the position of your mouse pointer.
    Also, you mentioned that the OWL school site is not longer working on your Mac. That is probably because you unchecked the other versions of Java in the Java Preferences menu. You disabled the 32 bit versions of Java on your Mac and now your 32 bit web browser can't find them when you go the OWL school site. If you go back to the Java Preferences menu and enable those other versions of Java then I'd expect that site to start working again.

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    I would suggest first having a look at How do I clean my CD recorder? I would have to say that you should never have to clean a CD or DVD drive, and if you really really really can't resist, try using some canned air using extreme care.
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  • I know this has been asked several times but I never saw an answer,

    What can you do if you get this error:
    Podcast was not copied to ipod because it cannot be played on this ipod.
    I am using the latest firmware upgrade and itunes. I bought my ipod touch last week so it already had the January upgrade.
    I changed all to acc format. Then reversed the unicode on the ID3 tags Like a Apple herlp screen suggested. I reset the ipod and then restored. Can any one else give any other suggestions.

    Hi Clamo!
    Well, I think I know what's your problem. If you donwloaded this podcast from iTunes Store, then you can only sync it to your iPod, if the Podcast has the perfect format for iPod! So you can't sync HD Podcasts or Large size... You need to download iPod size podcasts or over the correspondent "Convert Selection to iPod/iPhone". Then, you'll be able to sync it with your iPod Touch

  • This has happened to me before but allowing it to die then connecting.

    my ipod touch is displaying the connect to itunes symbol but when i do it says it cant connect because the ipod is locked and i must enter the password to continue but i cant!

    See here:

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    Wow, easy there company boy!
    I've heard all of what you spit up before.  And for your point of "Well, in several cases, people have complained (here in these discussion pages), that they expect the volume to be zero when turned to minimum position" that kind of ties in to why Apple should fix this.
    And's pretty much a given that "you and I have different interpretations of what constitues too loud" This is where the option to adjust the minimum volume comes in to play.  (I relly feel bad for you. Honestly. Having to live everyday of your life this way must be just brutal)
    The wording would be pretty simple too. " Be aware there are many instances of the minimum volume being too loud, so think twice before dropping a few hundred bucks on this"
    And, you're right. It is horrible to 'whine' about being ripped off and asking if there is a possible fix for the issue. I really do apologize for that. I should just suck it up and not voice my opinion that this is not fair to consumers, and Apple shouldn't fix a known issue with a product.
    I did reset & restore, I figured that was pretty much implied since I said I spoke to Support.
    And I am not at all surprised that you would say "I - for one - am not surprised that Apple might say, "simply hit the pause button"."  Again, I don't want it on muteReading your post made my eye twitch at least three times.
    This is exactly the reason I was resitant to post on a forum. But, I got a good laugh anyways. Thanks guy!

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    it has been only about a month that i bought my macbook pro 15 but it is heating up really fast on the left side even when the cpu usage is only 10%...i'm worried if this is a problem of the hardware?

    The way something "feels" is very subjective.  We would need to know your actual temps.  You can install the free iStat Pro widget which is available as a download directly from Apple:
    Let us know what CPU temps you're seeing at the time you feel your machine is hot.  As you indicated your CPU usage was only 10%, that would imply that you already know that heavy CPU usage would be one cause for your machine to be running on the warm side... but that doesn't seem to be the cause here.

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    Those dates are when a backup was automatically made by Firefox, not dates when you saved specific bookmarks. Try restoring the backup from the day before you deleted all those bookmarks. It will restore the entire backup file - not just what you deleted, you will lose any bookmarks that you saved after the date of the file you restore.

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