This is probably going to sound ridiculous!

Is the glass used on the iPhone 4S any different to the iPhone 4? Or is the iPhone 4S built any stronger than the iPhone 4?
I probably sound like an idiot, but I won't know unless I ask...

It's OK, it's a legitimate question. But there is no change in the glass.

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    Todd Rose
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    There are two ways to put music onto your ipod nano
    1) Manual sync
    2) Automatic sync
    Connect the ipod, go to the edit menu then preferences and select "manually update songs and playlists" Then , from the itunes library, highlight all the songs you want on your ipod by holding the shift key and clicking on the last song. Right click and go to copy. Click on your ipod at the left hand side of itunes, then go to the edit menu and paste the songs into the ipod.
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    Last edited by Nimbus (2011-06-25 21:00:01)

    Durden wrote:
    Don't believe so. You can always install Docky or Avant Window Navigator if you like. I liked Gnome3 for a while but got sick of repeatedly moving my mouse up to the corner to make stuff I commonly use visible. I hated the way workspaces are done too. Not sure why they made these decisions but for better or worse they are here. I've moved on to KDE and Openbox where I actually have some control over things.
    I liked Gnome3 for a while, I have to admit. In the end I was just too restricted. Lot's of extensions for it coming out though which might help with this stuff. You could just get rid of gnome-shell though and use another dock of your choice.
    That's the problem though, I think I'm actually beginning to like old g-shell. Funny as I used to bash the you know what out of it, but once you find some workarounds and make stuff look good, it's not all that bad.
    Oh and I found out what kept crashing Gnome was when I was switching themes, but only with certain ones. Deleted those and now it works.
    ....And now my dock seems to display correctly again -.- . Seems it only happens when I boot gnome-shell initially.
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    If your Mac is running OS X 10.7.5 or higher, you first have to go to System Preferences>iCloud, sign in with your Apple ID to create your account, then check Mail.  This will automatically add an iCloud email account.
    To transfer your AOL mail, you need to drag and drop them into the same folder in the iCloud account.  If you have any folders in your AOL mail, you would need to create folders by the same name in the iCloud account, then open each folder, select all the mail in the folder and drag and drop them on the folder by the same name in your iCloud account.  (To create a folder in the iCloud account, click the "+" at the bottom of your folder list, choose Create Mailbox, choose iCloud as the location and give it a name.)

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    Actually you can install Windows on your MBP via Bootcamp.
    You should have kept the individual on the phone for as long as you can tolerate.  The time he wastes with you is time he cannot spend scamming an innocent victim. 
    You can always politely ask the caller to hold while you 'answer the front door' or the like and just set down the phone and go about your business.  The caller will eventually hang up. 
    But your analysis was 100% correct.

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    Have you tried adjusting the "Audio Out" and the "Dolby Digital" settings in settings > audio and video? It may be worth trying several combinations of these settings, although typically it is the "Dolby Digital" setting that causes most problems for users.
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    Create a new profile as a test to check if your current profile is causing the problems.
    See "Basic Troubleshooting: Make a new profile":
    There may be extensions and plugins installed by default in a new profile, so check that in "Tools > Add-ons > Extensions & Plugins" in case there are still problems.
    If that new profile works then you can transfer some files from the old profile to that new profile, but be careful not to copy corrupted files.
    If you have submitted Breakpad crash reports then post the IDs of one or more Breakpad crash reports (bp-xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx). You can find the IDs of the submitted crash reports on the about:crashes page. You can open the about:crashes page via the location bar, like you open a website.
    * (Mozilla Crash Reporter)
    Firefox 8

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    Try this:
    1. Select Mail>File>New Message.
    2. Select Mail>Window>Address Panel.
    3. Use (command+click) on the desired addressees in the Address Panel to create the list.
    4. Click "To:" on the top left of the Address Panel.
    The group that you selected will be added to the "To" field in your New Message.

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  • An error occurred during olap API metadata retrieval. This is probably caus

    this is what i have done so far. i really nead some help asap!!!
    1. Install Oracle 9i Release 2 ( Enterprise Edition with the General purpose database configuration (Data warehouse works as well). At the end of the installation I chose the password management button to change passwords for the few necessary accounts: SYS, SYSTEM, OLAPSYS, SH.
    2. Download the from metalink, the patchset
    3. Shut down any existing Oracle9i database instances with normal or immediate priority. Stop all listener and other services running in the Oracle home directory where you want to install the patch set.
    4. unzip the content of thepatch to a temp directory
    5. start setup.exe under the temp directory (it will start the Oracle Universal installer
    6. install the patchset to your Oracle home, selecting the source in the temp_dir\stage\products.jar file
    7. review carefully the post-installation tasks for the patchset:
    Review the following sections before upgrading a database (quote from the patchset html readme): JServer is part of the installation ensure that there is at least 10 MB of free space allocated to the SYSTEM tablespace. Check XDB Tablespace Size
    For RAC installations, ensure that there is at least 50 MB of free space allocated to the XDB tablespace. Set the SHARED_POOL_SIZE and JAVA_POOL_SIZE Initialization Parameters
    Set the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE and the JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameters as follows:
    Start the database:
    If necessary, enter the following command to determine whether the system uses an initialization parameter file (initsid.ora) or a server parameter file (spfiledbname.ora):
    This command displays the name and location of the server parameter file or the initialization parameter file.
    Determine the current values of these parameters:
    If the system is using a server parameter file:
    If necessary, set the value of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter to at least 150 MB:
    If necessary, set the value of the JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter to at least 150 MB:
    If the system uses an initialization parameter file, if necessary, change the values of the SHARED_POOL_SIZE and the JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameters to at least 150 MB in the initialization parameter file (initsid.ora).
    Shut down the database:
    8.2.2 Upgrade the Database
    After you install the patch set, you must complete the following steps on every database associated with the upgraded Oracle home:
    Log on as a member of the Administrators group to the computer where the Oracle components are installed.
    Use SQL*Plus to login to the database as the SYS user with SYSDBA privileges:
    sqlplus /NOLOG
    Enter the following SQL*Plus commands:
    SQL> SPOOL patch.log
    SQL> @ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin\catpatch.sql
    Restart the database:
    Run the utlrp.sql script to recompile all invalid PL/SQL packages now instead of when the packages are accessed for the first time. This step is optional but recommended.
    SQL> @ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\rdbms\admin\utlrp.sql
    12. Install JDeveloper 9.0.4 (download it from OTN and just unzip it in a directory ... it doesn't require an oracle home)
    13. Install BI Beans 9.0.4 (download it from OTN as well), run the setup.exe that comes with it and in the destination oracle home select the directory where you installed JDeveloper and give an oracle home name to it)
    14. Install the BIBDEMO schema:
    Create a directory on the computer that is running the Oracle9i database. This install_home directory is the location to which you will upload the data files that are required to build the BIBDEMO schema.
    On the computer where BI Beans is installed, locate the bibeans_home\bibdemo_schema folder (where bibeans_home is the root folder of your BI Beans installation). Copy all of the files found in this folder to the install_home folder on your server machine.
    Open a DOS prompt and navigate to the install_home folder.
    Run bibdemo.bat to install the schema, using the following syntax:
    bibdemo.bat <path to Oracle database files >
    For example, for an instance named my9iService, enter the following:
    bibdemo.bat D:\OraHome1\oradata\my9iService
    You are prompted for the password for the sys as sysdba user.
    The script takes approximately 15 minutes to run, depending on the machine specifications. It is normal to see some error messages while the script is running. In addition, when materialized views are being created in the database, the script will appear to stop; this is also normal. A clear message will tell you when the script has completed.
    The log files (*.log) that are generated by the installation script are stored in the folder from which you ran the script.
    Here's what
    bi_checkconfig.bat -h ana -po 1521 -sid proiect -u bibdemo -p bibdemo -q
    BI Beans Diagnostics(v1.0.2.0) 2/28/05
    JDEV_ORACLE_HOME .......................... = E:\OraDS
    JAVA_HOME ................................. = E:\OraDS\jdk
    JDeveloper version ........................ =
    BI Beans release description .............. = BI Beans 9.0.4 Production Release
    BI Beans component number ................. =
    BI Beans internal version ................. =
    Connect to database ....................... = Successful
    JDBC driver version ....................... =
    JDBC JAR file location .................... = E:\OraDS\jdev\lib\patches
    Database version .......................... =
    OLAP Catalog version ...................... =
    OLAP AW Engine version .................... =
    OLAP API Server version ................... =
    BI Beans Catalog version .................. = N/A; not installed in bibdemo
    OLAP API JAR file version ................. = 9.2
    OLAP API JAR file location ................ = E:\OraDS\jdev\lib\ext
    Load OLAP API metadata .................... = Successful
    Number of metadata folders ................ = 2
    Number of metadata measures ............... = 12
    Number of metadata dimensions ............. = 8
    Testing sample query for measures and dimensions
    (S=Schema, C=Cube, M=Measure, D=Dimension)
    1/21) Measure Budget ................... = Successful
    2/21) Measure Actual ................... = Successful
    3/21) Measure Close Price .............. = Successful
    4/21) Measure Open Price ............... = Successful
    5/21) Measure Low Price ................ = Successful
    6/21) Measure High Price ............... = Successful
    7/21) Measure Stock Volume ............. = Successful
    8/21) Dimension Division ............... = Successful
    9/21) Dimension Line Items ............. = Successful
    10/21) Dimension Time ................... = Successful
    11/21) Dimension Day .................... = Successful
    12/21) Dimension Stock .................. = Successful
    13/21) Measure Costs .................... = Successful
    14/21) Measure Promotion ................ = Successful
    15/21) Measure Quota .................... = Successful
    16/21) Measure Units .................... = Successful
    17/21) Measure Sales .................... = Successful
    18/21) Dimension Channel ................ = Successful
    19/21) Dimension Geography .............. = Successful
    20/21) Dimension Product ................ = Successful
    21/21) Dimension Time ................... = Successful
    Metadata output location .................. = E:\OraDS\bibeans\bi_checkconfig\bi
    To interpret this output, see the "Displaying Information about your Oracle9i Bu
    siness Intelligence Beans Client Configuration" technical note, whose file name
    is bi_checkconfig_tn.html
    These diagnostics are captured in: E:\OraDS\bibeans\bi_checkconfig\bi_checkconfi
    now: i have created some new stuff:
    1). user ana with roles:
    (same roles as bibdemo)
    2).schema ana; tablespace ana (permanent), tablespace anatemp (temporary)
    3).i have created some relational tables and i have inserted some data in them:
    agent, aparat (cofee machines), beneficiar (clients), locatii (city), raport (REPORT), timp (time), tipaparat (types of cofee machines), tipbautura (products : types of cofee made by all the cofee machines), zone (state)
    4). one fact table with:
    - sold cantity (measure)
    - id_bautura (id_product) primary key
    - id_timp(id_time) primary key
    - id_beneficiar (id_client) primary key
    - id_agent primary key
    - id_locatie (id_city) primary key
    - id_aparat (id_cofee_machine)primary key
    i have inserted some data also
    AGENT_DIM :levels: codag(id_agent), numeag (agent name), telefag (agent phone number)from relational table agent
    BENEFICIAR_DIM :levels: codben (id_client), denumire (client name), adresa (adress) ,codl (id_city) etc from relatinal table beneficiar (clients)
    TIMP_DIM :levels: id, year, month from relational table timp (time)
    TIPBAUTURA_DIM :levels: codbautura (id_product), numebautura (product name)from relational table tipbautura (products)
    ZONA_DIM :levels: codzona (id state), numezona (state name), codoras (id city), numeoras (city name) with ierarhy id_state---id_city FROM 2 RELATINAL TABLES CITY AND STATE!!!!!!!! AM I ALOUD TO DO THAT?????
    APARAT_DIM :LEVELS: codben (id client), codtip (id machine type), denumireap (machine type name), matricolap ((machine id) (FROM 2 RELATIONAL TABLES ALSO!!!!!!! FROM TYPES OF COFEE MACHINES AND COFEE MACHINES!!!!!
    7). summary advisor wizard NOT WORKING! IT NEVER STOPS!
    8). I HAVE CREATED ALSO ONE materialized view FOR THE CUBE
    IT SAYS:
    1) An error occurred during olap API metadata retrieval. This is probably caused by inconsistent metadata.
    ============================================================================ class: Unknown Error
    Server error descriptions:
    INI: System failure, Generic at TxsOqConnection::getDefaultDatabase
    at oracle.olapi.metadata.MetadataFetcher.initialize(
    at oracle.olapi.metadata.MetadataFetcher.<init>(
    at oracle.olapi.metadata.BaseMetadataProvider.<init>(
    at oracle.olapi.metadata.mdm.MdmMetadataProvider.<init>(
    at oracle.dss.metadataManager.server.drivers.mdm._92.MDMMetadataDriverImpl_92.getMdmMetadataProvider(
    at oracle.dss.metadataManager.server.drivers.mdm._92.MDMMetadataDriverImpl_92.attach(
    at oracle.dss.metadataManager.server.drivers.mdm.MDMMetadataDriverImpl.attach(
    at oracle.dss.metadataManager.server.MetadataManagerImpl.buildObjectModel(
    at oracle.dss.metadataManager.server.MetadataManagerImpl.attach(
    at oracle.dss.metadataManager.client.MetadataManager.attach(
    at oracle.dss.metadataManager.client.MetadataManager.attach(
    at BICheckConfig.checkConnection(
    at BICheckConfig.main(
    - DBA

    The issue here is if the whole catalog is corrupt or just one schema. So to try and determine the status of the catalog I would try:
    1) Using OEM remove all the objects you created
    2) I presume you created your database using the Database Configuration Assistant? You should have used the warehouse template
    3) Make sure the following accounts are unlocked and also not expired : SH, OLAPSYS
    4) Make sure the password for the SH schema is SH
    5) Make sure the password for the OLAPSYS account is manager
    6) Install the BIBDEMO schema that is shipped with BI Beans. This in the jdev_home/bibeans/bibdemo_schema
    The installation process will remove SH schema from the OLAP catalog.
    7)Once this is installed use JDeveloper to see if you can create a crosstab or graph.
    8) If the BIBDEMO schema works try creating your new schemas one at a time.
    9) Make sure the if you define the a dimension as type time it has END_DATE (column type DATE) and TIME_SPAN (column type number) defined. Otherwise don't define the dimension as type time.
    Hope this helps
    Keith Laker
    Product Manager
    Oracle Business Intelligence Beans

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    Two questions:
    1. Your profile says OS 9.2.x. Is that correct?
    2. Impossible to provide "other" tips without knowing what you have aleady tried. What have you tried?

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