This just in:  Aperture 3.0.3 update

Described as having the following:
This update improves overall stability and fixes issues in a number of areas in Aperture 3. The key areas addressed include:
Applying adjustments such as Retouch or Chromatic Aberration
Creating and using Raw Fine Tuning presets
Viewing, adding and removing detected faces
Switching target printers and paper sizes when printing
Duplicating Smart Albums
Repairing and rebuilding Aperture libraries
Reconnecting referenced files
Working with GPS track files in Places
Searching for keywords in the Query HUD or Keyword Controls
The update is recommended for all users of Aperture 3.
Message was edited by: Tim Campbell1

lol - my Mac is set to check updates "Daily". I just happened to be in discussion forums when the Software Update window popped. I checked the forum page and hadn't noticed any posts about it, so I threw it out there.
Oh well... I tried. =)

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    Configuration details:
    MacBook Pro 17-inch (early 2010)
    Mac OS X 10.8.2
    Aperture 3.4.2 (library size approaching 200GB)

    You really seem to have exhausted most of the trouble shooting measures already.
    I've also enabled/disabled Preview Sharing...basically any troubleshooting I've found online I've tried.  Nothing is working!
    Just for completeness sake: Have you also tried to rebuild the previews for your most recent images? delete them and recreate them?
    Have you tried to delete the Aperture preferences, as described in Aperture 3: Troubleshooting Basics?
    Can you sync your new images, when you create a new Aperture library and try to sync that?
    Can you sync your new images, when you sync from a different user account? (This will erase most of the contents on your IOS device - do you have an older one, that you can sacrifice for the test?).

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    I tested this:
    Reinstalled Aperture 3.1 from the Trial Installer.
    In some way it seems to be working. But the whole thing is a scary Chimera.
    It can create an Aperture library. I can import and edit images, even in Graphic Converter ias an external editor.
    But the Media Browser does not show the aperture Library that I created.
    The versioning is inconsistent. The library appears as an Aperture 3.4 library in the Finder.  Aperture 3.5 seems to be able to read this library and to upgrade it to 3.5
    The Applications folder is showing the application as version 3.4 and as compatible. Spotlight is showing it as illegal.
    When opening the chimera Aperture, I see plenty of warnings in the Console window:
    An Aperture "Hang" report
    xpcproxy assertion failed main failed to composite image
    quicklookd: Warning
    and more ... the hang was critical. I had to force quit Aperture more than once.
    So be careful. I would not trust any important Aperture library to this patched application, without testing thoroughly. Be careful with your  precious photos.

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    Has Aperture been running at all after the upgrade to 3.3.1?
    Probably your library has some sort of corruption; use the Aperture Library First Aid Tools to rebuild the Aperture library, see this paragraph of the online manual how to do it:
    Repairing and Rebuilding Your Aperture Library

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