This one may be easy... Audio Edit

I have a track that has about a microsecond glitch. All I want to do is cut the that portion out. When I do, I just get silence because all it does is delete the waves, but not the space, so instead of the glitch there's a hole. Can anyone tell me what command will delete the wave and the space, thus melting the 2 sides together?

By glitch, do you mean a click? If so, open up the audio in the sample editor, zoom in close on the click that you will be able to see, select the pencil tool, and draw a curve in over the spike. That should get rid of it. If it is longer than something that can be remedied that way, cut out the audio in the arrange and where it says drag select either shuffle L or shuffle R and move the audio accordingly. I don't really advise this as it will throw the file off time.
If it is a little click, follow my first advice and it'll be gone.
Best, Fred

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    The Ducking feature will suppress every other track by the percentage you specify. For this reason, you don't want to Duck two clips at the same time.
    It would be more straightforward for you to just adjust the volume levels rather than use the ducking.
    As of iMovie 11, you can select a range within your audio clip and apply a volume (rather than apply the volume to the whole clip).  So I would do it that way.
    See the video at this link called "All new audio editing".

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    Can you try to restore your inApp?
    If that doesn't work:
    iTunes Store Support

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    I get that every once in a while on my 3GS, and that's what I do to get rid of it. Probably not a bad idea to power down the phone every so often, anyway, gets rid of any crud waiting to cause a bug.
    Glad to hear that it worked for you.

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    If covered by warranty. See:
    Apple - Support - Check Your Service and Support Coverage
    Then if the iPod is within warranty, not abused Apple will exchange it at no cost. You can do it at an Apple store
    Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar                          

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    That message is usually due to a bad cable.
    Not Charge
    - See:    
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    iPhone and iPod touch: Charging the battery
    If you can’t charge your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    - Try another cable. The cable for 5G iPod (lightning connector) seems to be more prone to failure than the older cable.
    - If a 5G iPod               
    Iphone 5 lightning port charging problem - SOLUTION!
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    or send it in to Apple. See:     
    Service Answer Center - iPod

  • Audio Editing in Dell 11 3247

    I am having Dell 11 3147 run by Windows 8.1. My dell is within warranty.
    Now I like to get installed the driver & software of Dell or Dell supported if nay so that I may edit the audio files recorded in my laptop.
    Matter is very urgent for me. Please provide support.
    Damodar Chakrabarti

    Please provide support.
    Hello Damodar Chakrabarti.
    Dell does not provide a program for editing audio files. It may necessary for you to acquire a third party graphical editing program.  [Graphical editing means audio editing is performed by making changes to a pictorial representation of the audio, usually as an amplitude waveform.]
    The most popular free graphical editor is named Audacity. Link to the Wikipedia article on Audacity
    .There are other free editors available too. Link to Wikipedia list of free audio editors
    In addition to the free programs, there are editing programs that you can buy. I use one of those (Cakewalk Sonar) because I find its user interface to be a bit more sophisticated and easier to use than that of the free programs. Link to Wikipedia list of audio editors both free and proprietary
    Matter is very urgent for me.
    Damodar Chakrabarti., I hope this information is of use to you. If I can assist further please let know. Audio editing is a particular hobby of mine. However I must say that there can be a steep learning curve required for using an audio editor initially. If time is an urgent consideration you might need to find someone locally who is familiar with audio editing techniques.

  • Audio Editing support for Dell 11 3147

    I have the Dell 11 3147 Laptop running by Windows 8.1 and the system is well within warranty.
    Now I urgently need to install the Driver & Software for editing the Audio Filed of my system which has been recorded by my Laptop itself. I failed to find ways for editing the audio files.
    Matter is most urgent for me.
    Damodar Chakrabarti, Advocate

    Please provide support.
    Hello Damodar Chakrabarti.
    Dell does not provide a program for editing audio files. It may necessary for you to acquire a third party graphical editing program.  [Graphical editing means audio editing is performed by making changes to a pictorial representation of the audio, usually as an amplitude waveform.]
    The most popular free graphical editor is named Audacity. Link to the Wikipedia article on Audacity
    .There are other free editors available too. Link to Wikipedia list of free audio editors
    In addition to the free programs, there are editing programs that you can buy. I use one of those (Cakewalk Sonar) because I find its user interface to be a bit more sophisticated and easier to use than that of the free programs. Link to Wikipedia list of audio editors both free and proprietary
    Matter is very urgent for me.
    Damodar Chakrabarti., I hope this information is of use to you. If I can assist further please let know. Audio editing is a particular hobby of mine. However I must say that there can be a steep learning curve required for using an audio editor initially. If time is an urgent consideration you might need to find someone locally who is familiar with audio editing techniques.

  • Care 2 share favorite audio editing tips (think Aphex, Squarepusher, B.T.)?

    Anyone here do tons of constructive/destructive audio editing in Logic? I am determined to kick my Pro Tools habit and embrace Logic's audio mangling capabilities once and for all!
    Any tips or shortcuts you can't live without would be much appreciated (especially from Pro Tools users who have learned to adapt without having 'tab to transients', 'Grid mode', etc.).

    Between your posts today I'd say the effects you want can be created pretty quickly with strip silence, divide multiple, AU hosting batch processor, EXS24. Kontakt is actually pretty quick at this becase it's got a built in ReCycler, then you can just throw the pitches and loops in whichever direction you want, just set the polyphony low (often mono) for alot of this. Logic doesn't really handle file based effects (then it was easy-like PT's AudioSuite). Lowering the Tempo in 2 and then recording, chopping and then flipping the tempo up is also good, set regions to auto xfade like 5ms. Alot can be done in the arrange, yes but the samplers should not be overlooked. Basically sound like you're going through 30 different sounds all at one as 1 instrument. I have set up templates with FX where sounds basically "reproduce", this is really easy in Logic. Record or setup sounds by some timebase, scribble some automation in for a few plugs, bounce, divide multiple, send through batch processor, load into sampler, it may not sound like much but you can make hundreds of unique sounds in a few minutes. All you have to do after that is listen and choose. But obviously you don't want to stop there so you can start drawing (honestly, I think the Matrix is where I'd do the arranging/sequencing-just load up a few samplers but for processing/chopping arrange is really fast). I even do this with guitar tracks. With your sample regions now in place you can just change the pitch on the sampler and set the loop values to musical and nonmusical values easily. The arrange is fine for placing but when you get into all the effecting it's handled better by a sampler, IMO. Logic can make easy work of the effecting, dicing, and sequencing. Export regions as audio files, and open in external sampe editor, EXS mapping 128 notes at once. ReCycle. Kontakt has alot of the stuff you want-it could replace ReCyle and EXS24, and it's got the script processor.

  • Missing audio edits in YouTube

    I load iMovie 11 media file into GB for my audio editing.  Works great and then I SHARE as a Quicktime .mov.  Quicktime .mov now plays back as it should with ALL my audio edits.  Then I upload this file by dragging and dropping the .mov file into YouTube (Yes, it's the correct file) and when played back on YouTube, only original unedited audio track is played back............
    My analysis:  There must be multiple tracks in the .mov IMHO and Quicktime knows which ones to playback but only the original track is read by YouTube.  This may be BS on my part.......  I don't think I am doing anything wrong but believe there is a bug running around somewhere.......
    Anyone have any ideas how to correct this?
    I have the latest iMovie 11 and Garageband and Quicktime running Snow Leopard 10.6.8.
    BTW, I got this idea for editing iMovie audio in Garageband and Garageband is all set up to do this, from David Pogue Missing Manual.  Other then the YouTube problem, it works great.  You have all these tracks to work with for sound effects, voice overs, music and panning with complete control.

    When "SHARE" to Quicktime, you can use H.264 or Mpeg 4 but to FLATTEN the audio tracks, I used AAC and when uploaded to YT, it all was there!
    Thanks to all who volunteered the FLATTEN idea!  I had called Apple and they said it wasn't their problem as the QT .mov file played back okay while in Apple territory.

  • Trasferring Audio Edits as AAF from Premiere to Nuendo and back

    Hello everybody,
    I'm a Sound Designer for video games, and also deal with cinematic sequences. I use Nuendo for audio editing / sound design, while the video editors work with Premiere. We share the same audio footage that is stored on our internal server, and we copy the footage manually (or over Perforce) on our local PCs. Basically to make sure we're always dealing with the same footage in a fixed and locked format during the entire production chain from capture to final render. This obviously makes an AAF with 'embedded' audio obsolete and in fact unwanted, as well as any other "work-in-progress" audio render from one platform to another.
    Situation 1: Premiere -> Nuendo
    In Premiere we have several Stereo audio tracks with stereo footage.
    AAF is exported from Premiere
    AAF is then imported into Nuendo
    Stereo tracks are imported wrong, because split into mono, which naturally duplicates the amount of tracks.
    Stereo footage is now duplicated too due to duplication of track amount.
    Stereo footage is still stereo, because manually copied from server.
    Stereo tracks should remain stereo without splitting or duplicating tracks.
    Situation 2: Nuendo -> Premiere
    In Nuendo there are several Stereo audio tracks with stereo footage.
    AAF is exported from Nuendo
    AAF is then imported into Premiere
    Stereo tracks are imported as Mono tracks (this time without duplicating the track number)
    Stereo footage is not accepted, due to mismatch with track format (Mono)
    Stereo tracks should remain stereo which then accept stereo footage
    It's really important for us that the audio footage doesn't change format during the production chain. So for instance splitting stereo into mono left / mono right is not a good option as we want the original footage to remain untouched from capture to final render. So we need stereo tracks to remain stereo and mono tracks to remain mono, just as the original edit.
    Using OMF instead of AAF causes the same problem, and adds more problems with the naming of the footage. So AAF is currently the best yet buggy method we have.
    In the past I have transferred AAF files from Protools into Nuendo, and it worked fine, which makes me tend to believe the solution has to be somewhere in Premiere.
    Any hints, tips and useful experiences are very welcome. Thanks a lot!

    This may be the kind of situation that can only be resolevd with a Feature Request.

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