THREAD# = 0 in RAC

I am getting THREAD# as 0. That other node is down in RAC environment.
Can you please tell me why i am getting THREAD# as 0?
select THREAD#, STATUS, ENABLED from v$thread;
1 sg01sb6t1 D100STUL203
*0 sg01sb6t2 D100STUL703*

Duplicate thread
Re: Unexpected Output from gv$instance                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    Dear Expert,
    Does disable CPU hyper threading will have direct impact or maybe unexpected behavior to Oracle RAC database?
    Actually the background of this question is we have many received packet queuing on the network layer waiting to be processed. Investigation leads to the processor utilization which shows that many processor are still in idle state or not used when the other processors are busy processing incoming request.
    I have visited some oracle note like
    CPU Count Consideration for Oracle Parameter Setting When Using Hyper-Threading Technology (Doc ID 289870.1)
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    Using PROCESSOR_GROUP_NAME to bind a database instance to CPUs or NUMA nodes (Doc ID 1585184.1)
    These document already give useful information but i wonder if there is any possibilities risk or another consideration of disabling cpu hyper threading.
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    Best Regards,

    As far as I know it is set as cpu architecture and mobile chips don't have the option. Not 100% as I've never needed to do it.
    Better bet would be to check Intel ark and forums with them I expect.

  • Unable to delete the Redolog of Thread 2 in RAC

    Oracle 10gR2 (, Rac Environment, Instance name orcl1, orcl2
    Recently the orcl2 got crashed so we rebuilt the machine and orcl2 node and added the node again back to cluster
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    1 1 +ORCLDG3/orcl/redo01.log YES ACTIVE 50
    2 1 +ORCLDG3/orcl/redo02.log NO CURRENT 50
    5 2 +ORCLDG3/orcl/redo05.log YES UNUSED 50
    6 2 +ORCLDG3/orcl/redo06.log NO CURRENT 50
    8 3 +ORCLDG3/orcl/redo08.log NO CURRENT 50
    9 3 +ORCLDG3/orcl/redo09.log YES INACTIVE 50
    When i tried to disable the thread 2 i am getting the below errors, as the redo log 05, 06 are not physically present in the ASM
    SQL> alter database disable thread 2;
    alter database disable thread 2
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00313: open failed for members of log group 6 of thread 2
    ORA-00312: online log 6 thread 2: '+ORCLDG3/orcl/redo06.log'
    ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +ORCLDG3/orcl/redo06.log
    ORA-15173: entry 'redo06.log' does not exist in directory 'orcl'
    Please help in removing the Thread 2 redo log files as this warning are getting written in the alert log every second and fills the mount point.

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    SQL> alter database clear logfile group 5;
    SQL> alter database clear logfile group 6;
    alter database clear logfile group 6
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00350: log 6 of instance orcl2 (thread 2) needs to be archived
    ORA-00312: online log 6 thread 2: '+orclDG3/orcl/redo06.log'
    SQL> alter database drop logfile group 5;
    alter database drop logfile group 5
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01567: dropping log 5 would leave less than 2 log files for instance orcl2 (thread 2)
    ORA-00312: online log 5 thread 2: '+orclDG3/orcl/redo05.log'
    SQL> alter database drop logfile group 6;
    alter database drop logfile group 6
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01623: log 6 is current log for instance orcl2 (thread 2) - cannot drop
    ORA-00312: online log 6 thread 2: '+orclDG3/orcl/redo06.log'
    SQL> alter database disable thread 2;
    alter database disable thread 2
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00313: open failed for members of log group 6 of thread 2
    ORA-00312: online log 6 thread 2: '+orclDG3/orcl/redo06.log'
    ORA-17503: ksfdopn:2 Failed to open file +orclDG3/orcl/redo06.log
    ORA-15173: entry 'redo06.log' does not exist in directory 'orcl'
    Any ideas,

  • # of threads required between RAC Primary and RAC Standby

    Primary 3 Node RAC
    Standby 2 Node RAC
    Our primary (3 nodes) has 4 groups on each node, with the thread# relating to the instance number. For example, we have thread 1, 2, 3 each with 4 multiplexed groups.
    Our standby was created with RMAN Duplicate and it also has 3 threads, but there are only 2 nodes.
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    The new site has been running well and we started migrating development, where we did a switchover to the new environment; our standby databases are now our primary databases. We are going to keep the Data Guard implementation for awhile just to be sure all of the developers and applications are good.
    I was going to drop the 3rd thread from the new primary (old standby) because there are only 2 nodes. I can take it down to 2 groups and then receive the error:
    ORA-01567: dropping log 9 would leave less than 2 log files for instance play3 (thread 3)
    ORA-00312: online log 9 thread 3: '+ASM_FRA_DA/dgplay/onlinelog/group_9.28331.811864225'
    This group’s status is:
    3 5 +ASM_FRA_DA/dgplay/onlinelog/group_5.8108.813676681             0 UNUSED
    6 +ASM_FRA_DA/dgplay/onlinelog/group_6.8109.813676687             0 UNUSED
    9 +ASM_FRA_DA/dgplay/onlinelog/group_9.28331.811864225            0 UNUSED
    22 +ASM_FRA_DA/dgplay/onlinelog/group_22.18321.811184283           0 UNUSED
    Plans are to un-Data Guard these environments to decommission the hardware. At that time I’m sure I can remove thread# because it’s not needed.
    My question has to do with the logs needed between primary and standby. What I’m seeing is that the greatest number of threads are needed on each side, but not quite sure why if they are UNUSED. Can anyone elaborate on this? I can find no documentation that talks about this.

    You could do:
    check status of the groups in the thread, if any of them <> UNUSED, then archive them:
    Then drop the groups.
    My question has to do with the logs needed between primary and standby. What I’m seeing is that the greatest number of threads are needed on each side, but not quite sure why if they are UNUSED. Can anyone elaborate on this? I can find no documentation that talks about this. Actually a RAC standby can work with just 1 instance started, because the MRP process runs only on 1 instance. Opening the standby is another story.
    But of course you should have enough standby redo logs on the standby site to receive redo from the primary site.

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    1. UDP
    2.Distributed Lock Manager (DLM)
    which one of is correct?

    Pl do not post duplicate threads - Communication between RAC instances

  • Problem Getting Thread to Stop

    I am simulating a race. When the winner has been determined, I need to stop the other threads since the race is over. Here is the code that I have with regards to stopping the threads:
    public void simulateTravelTime() {
    try {
    Thread.sleep((int)(Math.random() * distance * 10));
    //Terminate thread execution if the thread is interrupted.
    catch (InterruptedException e) {
    public void requestStop() {
    stopThread = true;
    public void run() {
    while (!stopThread && (waterInBucket < fullBucket)) {
    //Code to simulate the race and determine if there is a winner.
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    Thread[] activeThreads = new Thread[n];
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
    //Interrupt the other threads in case they're sleeping.
    It doesn't like the activeThreads[i].requestStop(); line. Anyone know how to alter my code to fix the problem?

    Ahh, I see. Didn't notice that before.
    Okay, I gotta run, but off the top of my head, I think one of the following should work. I prefer the first:
    * When you create the threads, give each one a name that matches it up to your class. Your clas needs to have a name field to match on, or else a separate map maps the name to the Runnable (your class).
    * Have your class extend Thread.

  • Need to shutdown GG process if 1 node of the RAC is shutdown?

    if only 1 node of the 2-node RAC cluster is shutdown, Does GG have to come down as well or can it run against the 1 node that is up.

    Apologize for wrong answer to this post, due to site network issues wrong page was opened, hence wrong answer was posted earlier.
    If one of the node is down, OGG Extract also breaks down as it is unable to process that particular redo thread. As you are aware, in a RAC environment, the Extract process uses threads, one for each redo thread in the RAC cluster.
    Hence the only way to restart the Extract is to exclude the node(redo thread) by using THREADOPTIONS PROCESSTHREADS EXCEPT <thread spec>.
    Extract threads are mapped to redo threads, so while excluding the thread please verify the mapping correctly and exclude the right thread.
    SQL> select distinct THREAD# from gv$log;
    Caution: Excluding any of the Extract threads from being processed excludes that data from being synchronized with the target tables.
    Once the node is back online, you could comment out the above parameter in the Extract parameter file and restart the Extract to process all the redo threads in RAC.
    Hope this information helps.
    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: Santhosh on Aug 2, 2011 9:51 AM

  • Standby creation with rac

    My system is solaris 10, Oracle database v. 10g.
    I'm creating a physical standby database on a remote host.
    As there is 2 different sequence number for the 2 thread in the RAC,
    select max(sequence#) from gv$archived_log;
    thread1 = 76
    thread2 = 433
    what is the sequence number I have to user for the recover operation.
    Thanks for your help

    Better than the sequence numbers are the SCNs, check first_change# and next_change# (also in v$archived_log).

  • Adding bigger size Redo log groups In RAC , ASM

    Hi Folks,
    Database version -
    OS version - AIX 5.3
    RAC node 2 and ASM
    We had 4 redo log groups of lesser size on both nodes.yesterday I added 4 new groups of bigger size using pl/sql developer tool and deleted 2 old redolog groups. But I m not able to delete remaining 2 old groups.
    ORA-01567 dropping log2 would have less than 2 log files for instance 1.
    Our redolog files are on SAN and both node points to same storage. when I fired this query from command prompt
    SELECT v$logfile.member, v$, v$log.status, v$log.bytes
         FROM v$log, v$logfile
    WHERE v$ = v$;
    I got same result for both nodes.
    The problem I suspect is that All the 4 new log groups are added to instance 2 and its 2 old grouips are are also deleted.
    Now my ques is that :
    1. shouild I have added redo log groups separately on both nodes even storage is same for both nodes ?
    2. redologs groups are defined separately for each node ?
    How should I assign 2 new redo log groups to instance 1 ?

    Please check:
    SQL> select instance_number, instance_name, thread# from gv$instance;
    Show Instance with thread ID
    SQL> select group#, thread#, members ,status from v$log;
    Check number groups in each of thread.
    On RAC, you have to add redo log Group each of node (each of thread )
    SQL> select group#, thread#, members ,status from v$log;
    From your environment ,I think you have 2 nodes = 2 thread
    If these're thread 1, 2
    So, add redo group should:
    You should check each thread has >= 2 groups and that group had "INACTIVE" status before drop:
    SQL> select group#, thread#, members ,status from v$log;
    My Idea, you should have 3 redo log groups for each node(thread)
    Good Luck

  • Threads controling movement of picture

    I think that the problem is something simple. Its a runtime error about a null pointer exception when I call the paint method of the Applet from the Thread.
    Here is the paint method and the thread.
         public void paint(Graphics gr) {
              /* Drawing the Track*/
         /*this resizes the applet if the size of the applet has changed*/
         g = gr;
         if ((getSize().height != size) || (getSize().width != size))
              setSize(size,size);          //Resizes the applet                
         }//end paint
         class pod1 extends Thread {
              Applet a;          
              public pod1 (Applet a) {}
              public void run(){
                   long currentTime;
                   long wait;
                   do {
                   currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                   wait = currentTime + pod1delay-pod1Speed;                         
                        //this loop waits until it repaints moving the pod
                        do {
                             currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        } while (currentTime < wait);
                        pod1x += 10;          
                        if ((g != null) || (a != null))a.paint(g);          //calls the paint method
                   }while (pod1racing == true);                              //the loop will end terminating the thread
                                                                                    //when the racer finishes racing
              }//end run
         }//end pod1

    From the code that you show, it might have something to do with the fact that you are passing the paint method an undeclared graphics variable. You pass it g but i don't see g declared anywhere in your code. Graphics is an abstract class so you can not instantiate it. Maybee try using the getGraphics() method, probably something like this
    Applet a;
    Graphics g;
    public pod1(Applet a)
         g = a.getGraphics();
    also you might want to use the update() method instead of calling paint().
    try catching the exception and see what happens

  • 2 Node RAC with Single Node Standby Help

    Hello Everyone -
    I'm preparing to set up a 2 node RAC and use a single-node standby database.
    I'm a bit confused on how to set up the Standby Redo Logs on the standby to use the LGWR functionality from the RAC instances.
    Should I just create a set of standby redo logs (alter database add standby logfile...) like on a single-instance environment or do I need to create standby logfile threads (alter database add standby logfile thread. . . ) one for each cooresponding thread on the RAC?
    It just seems odd that 2 RAC redo threads are able to write to one standby redo logfile at the same time (or maybe each RAC redo thread picks the first available standby redo log and writes to it??)
    If anyone has some advice or insight, I'd appreciate it.

    Hello Andy,
    Did you get answer to your question about RAC with single standby?
    Could you please share with me your experience if you have done so.

  • Can OSB XE run on a server other than the database system?

    I have a 2 node 10GR2 Standard Edition RAC using an EMC SAN and ASM. However, I can't attach a tape drive directly to the database servers because they have no available slots for SCSI controllers. Is it possible to use OSB XE installed on a separate system (which would act as the administrative and media server) with a tape drive to back up the RAC database, or does XE only permit backing up a system which contains both the database and the tape drive? (I'm not too concerned with backing up the OS). If so, would the backup contain archive log threads for both RAC nodes?

    OSB-XE may be used for a single-server environment only. You describe 3 hosts in the environment. The only way you could use OSB-XE would be to have one host configured as your admin. server, client and media server and only back data on that server. If you are backing up the database, then OSB-XE must be installed on the database server which also must then be configured as your admin server and media must be direct attached via SCSI to tape drive.

  • Checking  Whether Physical Standby is in Sync with the Primary

    I writing script to alert dba if primary and standby database are not in sync. I use article - How To Check Whether Physical Standby is in Sync with the Primary? ID 861595.1      
    It suggests comparing Last Sequence Generated on primary and Last Sequence Received on standby for each thread. And if they are not equal - NOT in sync.
    My assumption is that if there are multiple threads we running RAC. Is it correct ?
    And if we running RAC as far as I am aware it's sufficient to have one thread in sync.
    Please comment on this
    Thanks in advance
    Edited by: user613441 on Jan 6, 2010 9:16 PM
    Edited by: user613441 on Jan 6, 2010 9:17 PM


  • Exadata + Physical Standby (non-exadata) + Backups

    Some folks are asking me for my opinion on a backup strategy - I don't think its possible/feasible, but I will put it out here for comments..
    Create physical dg db (non exadata) with netapp storage of an Exadata (full rac v2).
    Create rman backups of the physical dg using netapp snapshot technologies.
    I cant see how this would work. Sure we can take the snaps on the pdg and restore the pdg, but ..
    a) what if we lose a datafile on the exadata?
    Its asm - what rman command would you run to restore the datafile? a simple restore datafile? I would think it would be more complicated.
    b) what if we lost all of the exadata - corruption, physical,logical whatever..
    rman restore database wouldn't work would it? Would it know to restore from the backups done on the pdg?
    EIther way - it seems that you are inevitably restoring upwards of ~100tb from the pdg back to the Exadata via some pipe (nic/Ib).
    I see one comment that says you can use pdg backups if they went to tape, but not if they went to disk. I assume the netapp snaps would be considered disk backups.

    Objectives -- quick restore times (< 8hrs) - not to rely on tapes - full backups - reduce impact on source db
    Size being upwards of 50-100Tb
    The vendor has outlined the product which "seems" like a great thing - but will it work with Exadata
    See this thread on the RAC-RMAN with snapshot on NetApp

Maybe you are looking for

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