Thunderbird: Opening an attachment yields a size zero file; saving attachment is okay (MacOSX)

For quite a while there was no problem, but after one of the updates a couple of months ago, double-clicking or selecting "open" on an attachment yields a size 0 file (with the correct name) in my Downloads directory. Saving the attachment works fine.

is the next part of the code correct.
What i mean is packing of the attachment, finding out the size of pdf file and doc type as PDF.
You can also try below link..
Link: []
Hope this helps.

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    Blackberry browser isnt exactly the same as a browser on your PC. It has limitations, such as sizes. when you added the email to your BIS account its now mail on your device which is the primary function of a blackberry. when using BIS or BES emails, they are designed to truncate if too big, but if you wish to look at more it gives you that option. is not designed to accomodate blackberry. Your best option is to stay to the BIS email option.
    Not to mention it uses less of your data bandwidth to use BIS email rather than browsing to

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    What do you want to do with
    get attachment __ aspx ? file =
    size: 3.11 kb
    the file won't be saved automatically
    save as
    Your help will be appreciated

    Hi Pat
    Microsoft upgraded Hotmail e-mail accounts to
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    var myDoc =;
    var sFile = Attachments.rawValue;
    myDoc.exportDataObject ({ cName: sfile, nlaunch: 2 });
    app.alert("There are no files to open");

    JUst try it with the following code. Hope this helps...
    var oObj =;
    var fileAttachments = oObj.dataObjects;//dataObjects returns all dataObjects(attachments)in the pdf
    //attachmentsList is a listbox field in the form listing all the attachments included
    if(attachmentsList.length > 0)
      var oDataObj = oObj.getDataObject(fileAttachments.length);
      //console.println("The attachments size is...."+fileAttachments.length);
      //NoOfAttachments is the text field showing total no. of attachments
      NoOfAttachments.rawValue = fileAttachments.length+1;
    //we need to associate each file attachment  imported into the document with a key
    //then get the file attachment's name and add it to the drop down list
    var oDataObj = oObj.getDataObject(counter.value);
    NoOfAttachments.rawValue = 1;

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    Care to forward one to me to see what's up? If so, you're the only one that can see your eMail in your profile.
    Or you can cantact me (PM or Email), by joining my site...
    Or an older version of GraphicConverter to open most any picture filet...

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    I have no idea where this comes from. Are you doing anything specific to trigger this?
    Are you trying to open an attachment?
    You can also try safe mode.

  • Apple script to open an attachment

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    I run this from the script menu, so you will need to tidy it up and modify it for your rule.
    <pre style="font-family: 'Monaco', 'Courier New', Courier, monospace; overflow:auto; color: #222; background: #DDD; padding: 0.2em; font-size: 10px; width:400px">on saveAttachments(messageList, theAttachmentPath, FolderName)
    set attachmentCount to 0
    set WhoSentStuff to "" -- going to stick names in a text file later
    tell application "Mail"
    repeat with eachMessage in messageList
    -- check for attachments  
    set theHeaders to all headers of eachMessage
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "multipart/mixed"
    if number of text items in theHeaders > 1 then -- check for attachments...  
    set theSource to source of eachMessage
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    set Userid to my GetUserid(sender of eachMessage)
    set WhoSentStuff to WhoSentStuff & Userid & return
    set tempFileName to Userid & " Attachments"
    set tempFile to theAttachmentPath & tempFileName
    open for access file tempFile with write permission
    set eof file tempFile to 0
    write theSource to file tempFile as string
    close access file tempFile
    tell application "StuffIt Expander" to expand {alias tempFile} into alias theAttachmentPath with delete originals
    tell application "Finder"
    set theFolders to get (every folder in alias theAttachmentPath whose name is (tempFileName & " Folder"))
    if (count of theFolders) = 1 then
    set thePath to theAttachmentPath & tempFileName & " Folder"
    set thePath to theAttachmentPath
    end if
    delete (every file in alias thePath whose name starts with tempFileName & ".attachment")
    -- rename file to userid, move it up
    set FileList to every file in alias thePath
    -- count existing files from this student
    set FileIndex to count of (every file in alias theAttachmentPath whose name begins with Userid)
    repeat with ThisFile in FileList
    set FileName to Userid
    if FileIndex > 0 then set FileName to FileName & "." & FileIndex
    set FileIndex to FileIndex + 1
    set name of ThisFile to FileName & "." & name extension of ThisFile
    set attachmentCount to attachmentCount + 1 --count extractions
    end repeat
    move (every file in alias thePath) to alias theAttachmentPath
    if (count of every file in alias thePath) = 0 then
    delete alias thePath
    end if
    end tell
    end if -- multipart/mixed message  
    on error TheError
    display dialog Userid & " -- " & TheError
    end try
    end repeat
    end tell
    tell application "Finder"
    set DidItFile to open for access theAttachmentPath & FolderName & "-DidItLog" with write permission
    write WhoSentStuff to DidItFile starting at eof
    close access DidItFile
    end tell
    return attachmentCount
    end saveAttachments
    on GetUserid(FullEmail)
    (** Return 1st word of email address after <, otherwise just 1st word **)
    set WhoDunIt to words of FullEmail
    repeat until WhoDunIt does not contain "<"
    set WhoDunIt to rest of WhoDunIt
    end repeat
    return item 1 of WhoDunIt
    end GetUserid

  • Cannot open up attachment larger then 10 MB on mobile devices using active sync

    Our blackberry Z10/Q10 devices are trying to open up attachments larger then 10MB. When we try to open the attached files larger then 10MB on the blackberry devices, we get attachment too large by policy message. We can open up the message just fine in outlook
    and in webmail.
    We have spent several hours with blackberry support on the telephone and they say it is related to active sync. Exchange active sync is not stopping the device from opening attachment of any size. Our email send/receivie email limit is set to 30MB.
    Blackberry is saying it is related to exchange 2010 active sync, but I am not sure where else to look as the active synch attachment policy is setup with no entry in the attachment size field. If the defautl attachment size field in active sync is not set does
    it default to 10 MB?

    Hi bubba1984,
    I have found the KB that roopal1ra0 mentioned, it is realy good information. However it related to the Outlook client, not mobile.
    "We can open up the message just fine in outlook and in webmail."
    It seems there is no issue on the Outlook client and OWA. So the issue related to the ActiveSync.
    Since the Active Sync is not supported on this current Forum, I suggest re-creating a new thread on the AcriveSync Forum so that we can get more professional suggestions.
    For your convenience:
    However, I can also share some information for your reference:
    Maximum attachment size
    500 kilobytes (KB)
    More details in the following article:
    Understanding Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policies
    Hope it is helpful
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error while Opening an attachment in the process.

    Hi All,
    I am facing an Issue here, I get an task assigned to me either to approve or reject, but when I try to open the attachment in  the request, It tries to opens in the new IE browser, and I get an Error message displyed, as Page cannot open in the new browser.
    I also can notice 500 error notice in the browser.
    Also,I can able to open attachments of other request comming to my TO Do list, but has a problem with the one mentioned.
    Since I am new to workbench server, not sure of the location of Log files and Temp files.
    Request  you to let me know the reason of this error and need to fix it too.
    Kindly answer my questions at the earliest or suggest with any link.

    Possibly the attached might got deleted while in transit. Any information from the server log?

  • Unable to open URL attachment from SBWP in CRM WEB UI

    Hello Gurus,
    Need your help please. I'm having some problem opening the URL attachment from SBWP via CRM 7 WEB UI (I used a Transaction Launcher for SBWP). The attachment is a Webdynpro application.  I am able to open the attachment in SAP GUI, but not in CRM WEBUI. This problem occured when we update the SP level of CRM 7.
    Here's the scenario,
    - whenever I click the attachment, it open a new window, which also happen even before SP level update, with the following information:
      Execute an Application on FrontEnd
      Please wait. You will be forwarded automatically.
      This page is included for technical reason.
      Execute program.
      Status: Displaying Office Document ..........
      After a couple of seconds, it will return to the Workflow Workplace screen.
    I have checked the workflow log and found no inconsistency on the attached URL.
    Immediate response would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for the reply WD ABAP.
    Yes, I did try to use the functionality of Worklist and the URL attachment successfully opened. However, there are some limitation in its functionality as indicated in the link below that opted us to use the SBWP in CRM WEB UI via transaction launcher.
    We don't want to adjust the logic of our existing workflow at this point as described in the above link as it will entails end-to-end testing again. We just encountered this issue when we update the SP level of CRM 7.
    Hope there is an alternative solution without shifting us to Worklist.

  • Error while trying to open an attachment  sent through email in smartform

    My requirement is to send the smartform through email as PDF attachment.I am able to send the mail.But when I try to open the attachment I am getting error as 'Adobe reader could not open the attachment 'advance shipment notification.PDF' because it is either not the supported file type or the file has been corrupted(for example, it was sent as an email attachment and was't correctly decoded)'.What does it mean?
    Can anyone give me a proper solution for this?
    It's very urgent.Useful answers will be rewarded.

    Are you using any webdispatcher or some proxy? Is there any URL filter configured in between?
    If yes then I think you have to allow these pages.

  • I can't open the attachment to a mail. I must open it i FileApp. but it says that there no App installed that open this type of file. What can I do? I've got iPad 2, version 4.3.3 (8J2) My age: 69 and not so good at computers.

    I can't open the attachment to a mail. When I'm trying to open it in FileApp, I get the answer: "FileApp doesn't recognise
    this file type.Would you like to try to open in.....
         another App
         as text file
    When I open it it in another App I get the answer:"there are no application installed on your device that can open
    this type of file.
    When  I open it as a text file, it's loading and loading.....forever?
    What shall I do?
    PS I'm 70 and not good at computers

    Hello Mats in Sweden!
    I'm from Austria, not so far away! The file that you've received seems to be a Windows Media File and you may need a special software for your iPad to be able to open it. I've found something HERE.
    If you open this link on your iPad it should take you to the App Store, resp. open it. The price for this app is 1,59 €.
    Greets from Vienna,

  • Open PDF Attachment with Adobe Reader put GW to background

    Hello all,
    We have problems with opening pdf attachments from GroupWise client 12.02 with Adobe Reader 11.0.06. The attachment opens fine, but when opening the attachment, the mail and GroupWise client immediately are placed to the background in Windows. So when closing Adobe Reader, the user won't come back in the mail but in another application that was open and the user have to click on groupwise in the taskbar to go back to the mail.
    There is no problem with opening other attachments from other applications (like Word or Excel) or when opening the pdf with Adobe Standard. It happens with every user.
    They are working in a Citrix Xenapp 6.5 environment on Windows 2008R2 (it also happens if working in a RDS session)
    Any thoughts?

    In article <[email protected]>, Jhpoot wrote:
    > They are working in a Citrix Xenapp 6.5 environment on Windows 2008R2
    > (it also happens if working in a RDS session)
    Are you trying to say that all of the apps mentioned are running as
    XENapps? If not please specify which are local vs remote.
    What is the client OS being run as that may also factor in.
    Worth trying another PDF reader such as FoxIT reader to better see
    which side is driving that behaviour.
    Andy of in Toronto
    Knowledge Partner
    If you find a post helpful and are logged in the Web interface, please
    show your appreciation by clicking on the star below. Thanks!

  • Whenever I try to open an attachment I get "The download cannot be saved because an unknown error occurred"

    Title says it all. If I try to "open" an attachment, the download dialogue comes up and the progress bar begins to fill, then when it should be complete I get the message:
    "The download cannot be saved because an unknown error occurred
    Please Try Again."
    I can still save the files, but then I have to delete them (and that's just a hassle). Any help would be appreciated!

    Tools, Options, Attachments, Incoming. Then set to your prefered PDF reader.
    An update has reset this to the internal PDF viewer rather than sticking with the one you had before. This reader does not work on my machine.

  • I recently upgraded to Yosemite. Yesterday when I opened up the iPhoto (which I have it in my external drive due to the size of file) I get the message that it is not compatible with the new system(or something like that) and ask me to upgrade so I d

    I recently upgraded to Yosemite. Yesterday when I opened up the iPhoto (which I have it in my external drive due to the size of file) I get the message that it is not compatible with the new system(or something like that) and ask me to upgrade so I did. Then another message pops ups and asked for rebuilding the Thumbnails. So I clicked rebuild. Next it asked me to do one of three things(I can't remember all of them) so I chose the last one which is to download a photo to iPhoto. Now I only have that photo I downloaded in iPhoto file but not the rest of my pictures. The iPhoto library which is stored in my EHD shows it has 349GB but it only show one thumbnail of the last picture I downloaded after the rebuild process. What can I do to recover the rest of the file?
    Thanks for your help.
    George Kyaw
    <Email Edited by Host>

    I recently upgraded to Yosemite. Yesterday when I opened up the iPhoto (which I have it in my external drive due to the size of file) I get the message that it is not compatible with the new system(or something like that) and ask me to upgrade so I did. Then another message pops ups and asked for rebuilding the Thumbnails. So I clicked rebuild. Next it asked me to do one of three things(I can't remember all of them) so I chose the last one which is to download a photo to iPhoto. Now I only have that photo I downloaded in iPhoto file but not the rest of my pictures. The iPhoto library which is stored in my EHD shows it has 349GB but it only show one thumbnail of the last picture I downloaded after the rebuild process. What can I do to recover the rest of the file?
    Thanks for your help.
    George Kyaw
    <Email Edited by Host>

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