TI C6711 dsk board and Win2k

I am trying to use the TI C6711 DSK board with LabVIEW under Win2k, and this article lays out the procedure:
but whenever I run the dskntreg.bat file it says my printer port is set to SPP not EPP.
I have redone the BIOS to EPP and every other possible option, uninstalled the port etc. and still the same result.
Searching the problem in Google results in a lot of posts with the same problem but so far no fix.
One confusing thing the above article is that it says to "Reconfigure the Windows OS Device Manager to match the new settings in the BIOS", however I can find nothing in "Device Manager" having to do with EPP, and the port address and resources (0x378 and interrupts) match. The computer type is a P3 IBM 300GL (90U) and I have tried this on both SP2 and SP4 of Win2k.
I have sucessfully run the board with WinXP but the student lab we want to use has Win2k boxes in it.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Hi Gerald,
In the Device Manager, under ports, right-click on the LPT1 port and click Properties. Inspect the properties available and see if there is an option to change the settings on the port. It is also possible that the LPT port on the Win2k computer does not support EPP. Check with the computer hardware vendor about this. Just to check, you could install WInXP on one of the Win2k computers to see if the hardware is capable of EPP.
Michael P
National Instruments

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    There can be a lot of reasons why you get reboots, so difficult to point to one thing that will solve it.  Your PSU is big, so we can rule out lack of power.
    I presume you have fiddled with the BIOS settings?  What are your advanced chipset settings?  In my experience lockups and reboots are caused by memory problems, so set memory to "by user" and on the slowest setings at first.
    My GF4 gave reboots because the AGP slot shared IRQ11 with my networkcard.  Relocating the networkcard to another PCI slot solved it.  MY GF2 card didn't show this problem.  So check if you have shared resources.
    Take out all other cards and see if it improves the situation.
    Do you have one or two memory sticks.  In case of 2, try everything with one stick and also with the other to see if one of the sticks is the problem.

  • PCI 6602:How can I use the digital lines of the board and in the same time to generate pulse train using a counter?

    My problem appeared when I tried to update my code from Traditional NI-DAQ Legacy to DAQmx.
    I am using 2 counters (counter 5 and counter 7)  from PCI-6602, to generate pulse train, and also the Digital I/O lines of the port 0 (the lines form 0 to 7). What I do in my application is that I am starting to generate the pulse train on the output of the 2 counters, and after that I am playing with the state of the digital lines.
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    "Error -200022 occurred at Test Panel
    Possible Reason(s):
    Measurements: Resource requested by this task has already been reserved by a different task.
    Device: Dev4
    Terminal: PFI8"
    Instead if I use the counter 0 or counter 1 to generate pulse train I don't encounter the same problem.
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    Thank in advance for any replies!
    Go to Solution.

    Hello Jordan, thank you for your reply.
    I am sorry but I can not see or run your example, I don't use LabView, I use Visual C++ for developing.
    Here is the code for generating the pulse train:
    GeneratePulseTrain(unsigned long ulCount1, unsigned long ulCount2)
        short nStatus = 0;
        nStatus = DAQmxCreateTask("",&m_taskHandle);
        nStatus = DAQmxCreateCOPulseChanTicks (m_taskHandle, "Dev4/count5", "", NULL, DAQmx_Val_Low, 0.0, ulCount1,ulCount2);
        if( bTriggerMode == true) // if hardware trigger is enabled
            nStatus = DAQmxSetTrigAttribute (m_taskHandle, DAQmx_ArmStartTrig_Type, DAQmx_Val_DigEdge);
            nStatus = DAQmxSetTrigAttribute (m_taskHandle, DAQmx_DigEdge_ArmStartTrig_Edge, DAQmx_Val_Rising);
            nStatus = DAQmxSetTrigAttribute (m_taskHandle, DAQmx_DigEdge_ArmStartTrig_Src,"Dev4/PFI17" );
        //set the internal timebase
        nStatus = DAQmxSetCOCtrTimebaseSrc(m_taskHandle,"Dev4/count5","20MHzTimeBase" );
        nStatus = DAQmxStartTask(m_taskHandle);
        return nStatus;
    And the code where I try to set the digital line:
    SetChannelState(short nState)
        short nStatus = 0;
        uInt8 wrtBuf0[1]={0};
        nStatus = DAQmxCreateTask("",&m_taskHandle);
        // Configure line as output 
        nStatus = DAQmxCreateDOChan (m_taskHandle, "Dev4/port0/line0", "", DAQmx_Val_ChanPerLine);
        nStatus = DAQmxStartTask(m_taskHandle);
        wrtBuf0[0] = nState;
        nStatus =DAQmxWriteDigitalLines (m_taskHandle, 1, 0, 0, DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber , wrtBuf0, NULL, NULL);
        nStatus = DAQmxWaitUntilTaskDone(m_taskHandle,10);
        nStatus = DAQmxStopTask(m_taskHandle);
        nStatus = DAQmxClearTask(m_taskHandle);
        m_taskHandle = 0;
        return nStatus;      

  • Key board and track pad not working

    Ok, My situation is similar to some of the other things posted but not quite.
    I tried to wake my computer up from sleep the other day and it wouldn't "wake up" so I did a hard shut down and restart. When it restarted the key board and track pad did not work. The caps lock light wouldn't come on or anything. I tried connecting a usb apple keyboard and mouse and those didn't work either.
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    I called Apple support and we did all the possible key combinations and restarts possible and it came down to this: I need to archive install tiger again, then install all of the updates, then install leopard back on (I don't have leopard disk because it was a family pack and im at college). My roomate's macbook (White, bought in aug 2008) install disks which are 10.5.2 do not work with my computer.
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    Do you have access to another Mac? If so, possibly you could use Firewire Target Disk Mode to access your drive and do a current Time Machine backup:
    Since you have a family pack of Leopard at home, possibly you could have someone burn a safety copy of it and send it to you so that you can reinstall Leopard. Once you have the OS installed and brought up to date, you could even restore from Time Machine if you had to.
    Since we don't know all the steps you took, it's hard for any of us to say if this is the right solution. Evidently the Apple tech came to the conclusion that your software had become corrupted, and this could well be the case, since everything works on the Windows partition. Hence the suggestion to reinstall the OS.
    I think you need to get a copy of the Leopard disc so that you can bring your OS completely up to date. I'm not sure of the logistics of doing an Archive and Install with both Tiger and Leopard, especially if much of your work has been done on Leopard. I'm not even sure if it's necessary to reinstall Tiger--it might be better to just reinstall Leopard using Archive and Install.
    It's always a good idea to have a good up to date backup like Time Machine before attempting an Archive and Install, because things can go wrong. If they do, you may end up having to do an erase and install. If that happens, you can restore from your Time Machine backup.
    I think what you should do is to get a copy of your Leopard disc, and then boot from it and try to do the Archive and Install. Navigate to Disk Utility first and verify both permissions and the disk and repair if necessary. Then proceed with the Archive and Install. Once you're done, run all the updates. Then go to Disk Utility and repair permissions.
    Good luck!

  • Measure scan frequency using 2 e-series boards and an external clock.

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    DAQ_3_Boards_-_State_Machine_-_Scaled_Array.llb ‏1525 KB

    It sounds like you have your program setup to measure the frequency of the clock only when you are using an external source. The counter won't get an input if you are not using an external source, right? So, when you drive the master board with an internal clock, the counter will have nothing to count.

  • Mid 2009 applecare logic board and battery ADVICE

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    i have been questioning (read complaining) about the battery life (1 1/2 hours on safari) and the performance (spinning beachballs on startup, on wake and on starting safari among other things) since i bought this machine. i brought it in for the umpteenth time to the genius bar (they apparently only have 3 of these on record?!) because i had a break and i have a "service battery" alert.
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    i don't really have an option here from everything i can tell but does anyone have any advice for me on this? warranty is up in February and from what i am being told i can bring it back if i bring it home and still only get poor battery life.
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    my preference would REALLYT be to trade into mac on a new macbook pro 15" and i am wondering if i am instead i am going to have to just repair this machine (thank my lucky stars that i buy applecare) and empirically test the machine on my end to make sure that i am getting more than 2 hours per charge and that i don't have the spinning beachballs that i have had to have dealt with over the last 3 years...
    i mean, i /have/ to fix this machine and monitor it over the next three months instead of them helping me cut bait with it by getting some financial incentive somehow to move into a new MBP is that right...?

    looks like it has now had a new battery and a new logic board and it is still failing hardware test for the battery.
    they are now sending it out for additional testing to some other facility.
    anyone had a similar experience?

  • Having logic board and inverter replaced - will post results.

    My MBP is afflicted with the CPU whine and the LCD whine, not to mention the "Moo". I solved the Airport not connecting automatically issue on my own.
    Talked to Apple about the whines, they wanted me to take it to the local guys, which I was happy to do. I dropped it off this morning, going to pick it up after work.
    They are ordering me a replacement logic board, and the inverter (at my request). I will keep my MBP until they come in and then they will swap the new parts in.
    I'm guessing it won't be a short wait for the parts, but I will follow up in this thread detailing further results and noise levels.
    Personally, I am very impressed with the local service response. They agreed to get the inverter at my request even after opening it up and finding the noise to all eb coming from the logic board.
    I know it ***** to wait... but there is more to come. Any questions about my specific machine, etc; post and I will answer.

    BrenM - Good luck with your MBP! I hope the replacement logic board and inverter resolve the issues.
    As for me, my MBP has been at an Apple Authorized Service Provider in Oakville, Ontario for about a week and a half. They first ordered a replacement logic board, which came from California ... took 2 or 3 days. Unfortunately the replacement logic board did not resolve the high-pitched "whine" issue. The tech told me it is quieter, but not gone .... So on Monday he advised me that they are replacing the inverter, which is on order. They expect to receive it on Wednesday. To be honest, I don't think the inverter will address the high-pitched "whine", as I've been following this issue on here very closely. But it probably will resolve the buzz from the screen when adjusting the brightness, so that's good.
    The ASP that I took my MBP to in Oakville has been great. They're really on the ball with it and I know they are doing the best they can. But what it really comes down to is ... if Apple doesn't have an issue to this high-pitched "whine", there's not much the ASP can do. I appreciate them replacing the logic board and inverter, but it's really Apple that needs to get their act in gear and resolve this once and for all. The MBP's have been out for what ... 5-6 weeks now? This has been a hot topic ever since people starting receiving their MBP's, and Apple needs to face the fact that people are not going to let this go until a solution is provided.
    The ASP told me that if after replacing the inverter it is still not resolved, I'll need to put up with it until Apple resolves the issue, as there's nothing else they can do. I asked him - what if it takes Apple 2-3 months to resolve the issue? He said I can bring it right back in to have it fixed. So that's good.
    The other thing I was considering is when I get my MBP back, to contact Customer Relations and put up a fuss to receive a replacement. But ... then the replacement will probably have the high-pitched "whine". I don't know what to do at this point. It sort of bothers me that my $3000 MBP is no longer pristine, as it has been serviced and received replacement parts ... what do you guys think? Should i be firm with customer relations and (politely) demand a repacement?

  • Compatibility between MSI i7 boards and Corsair DDR3 RAM kits?

    Similar issues from other posters: Thread 1, Thread 2
    Are there any known compatibility issues between MSI's Intel i7 boards and Corsair's 1600 DDR3 triple-channel kits?
    My brother's machine (which has been discussed here before last time I tried to fix it) is still having trouble, and also uses the same type of RAM as the two threads above. The symptoms are:
    1) Occasional lockups, followed by a reboot
    2) Inability to POST: the machine will try numerous times, rebooting each time (as in threads 1 and 2), followed (eventually) by the POST saying "the previous overclocking has failed and the BIOS is reset to default settings" - as in thread 1. The machine will then (normally) boot. Reducing the RAM speed increases the chance of a successful boot, but the settings don't stick (presumably they are wiped when the BIOS is reset to the default settings). Cold boots (after the machine has been switched off overnight) tend to be the most likely to fail.
    Any ideas what could be causing this, if not an incompatibility with the RAM (in 3-channel mode)? Dropping down to one stick stabilises the system, but at the expense of dropping to a mere 2GB of RAM.

    Quote from: HU16E on 06-September-09, 15:10:01
    Out of seven MSI X58 boards, none had a problem with Corsair sticks. With the 1600's running at 1066, they should only require default (1.50v) auto voltage. They should also work using settings of 1N 9 9 9 24 without issue. As the CPU IMC only natively supports 800/1066, your particular CPU may have a limitation of working any higher. But, something is not right within the system if it will not run the RAM at 1066. To rule out a bad stick, test with just one in the black A0 slot, & swap it out & test the other two individually. As far as DRAM voltage, if all the sticks check out ok, try raising it to 1.55V. Keep the forum updated on your progress. 
    Added: Make sure 'Spread Spectrum' is disabled in bios Cell Menu, as well as 'Extreme Memory Profile' if your bios has it listed.
    Are they 2GB sticks? (All the threads in question use the 2GB sticks - one 3×, and one 6×)
    Back around the time I tried the BIOS flash as the solution, I Memtest86'd each of the sticks individually in the MSI-recommended slot for a single-stick configuration, and each tested perfectly. Part of the advice given at the time was to disable XMP and Spread Spectrum; they already were.
    Whilst I can't be certain that the RAM is the problem, at least three threads on this board now are using 2GB Corsair 1600 sticks and having strikingly similar symptoms...
    I'll try investigating the voltages later today. Thanks!

  • 2x iMac G5: Both Logic Board and Display Problems, Warrenty?

    Thank you for looking at this topic.
    I am Jeroen from The Netherlands and proud owner of several Mac Mini's, iMac's and Macbook's. I have 2times the iMac G5, a beautiful machine, but both not working since 2 months.
    I have two times the iMac G5 with iSight, both have logic board and display problems.
    The first iMac doenst start at all, black screen, i hear the chime, but nothing happening. After a minute i see one horizantal white stripe but nothing happens.
    The second iMac has weird horizantal stripes also, but the computer starts. It gives a finder and questionmark icon. After a while the fans go crazy.
    Both these symptons are widely known on the internet. I would like to get this fixed, but prices are crazy. And because this is a common issue I would expect to get this fixed for no costs. I have contacted several Apple resellers but they shown me high prices and bad services. On these forums I've saw people in the USA who get this fixed free of charge.
    Does anyone has any advice for me? I'll call apple USA this morning.
    Thankyou for ur time.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    I know of no repair extension authorization which provides for the repair of either computer you describe beyond its original 12 month period of coverage. If either machine is covered by a warranty extension program provided by AppleCare, then the parts, labor or both required to replace the defective components may be offered at no charge to you. Final determination of eligibility is made at the part level by authorized Apple service providers or dealers and by the specific serial number of the machine submitted for service.
    Absent a warranty extension, however, it is quite likely that you will have to pay for the repairs is you elect to have them performed.

  • IMac G5 (2004) logic board and the repair extension program

    I know that there are tons of topics about logic board/power supply troubles witht the first generation G5s, and I'm sorry to start yet another new thread, but I still have some questions about this issue.
    I have a first generation iMac G5. Long story short...when I first got it the computer would shut itself off sometimes after I had put it to sleep. When I would try to restart nothing would happen, but usually letting it sit unplugged a while would solve the problem (occasionally when I'd restart a different start up noise would sound and the white light would flash quickly). It happened so randomly, that I just lived with it, blaming the problem on my dorm network, or a power failure. A few days ago I tried to start the computer up and nothing happened (just a VERY faint sound like a clicking or ticking or intermitant humming...definatly electrical sounding). I unplugged it overnight, but the next day still nothing. I decided to go through the troubleshooting steps Apple lists online. The internal power button could not start it up and the second LED does not flash, which according to Apple means the logic board needs replacing. Luckily my serial # is covered by the Repair Extension Program, and I'm bringing my computer in tomorrow morning to be fixed (just in time for back to school).
    I have become concerned, while browsing the discussion topics, that this fix may not be permenant. I've read a few posts that claim that they are on their third Logic Boards, and this kind of scares me. My parents bought me the computer (our family's first ever Mac) and did not purchase the AppleCare extended warranty (they had heard how reliable Macs were...hmmm.) I didn't even know that I could purchase AppleCare after-the-fact until it was several months after my 1yr warranty expired. I do appreciate the fact that Apple recognized what seems to be a common problem with this generation of iMacs, but I wonder why they did not contact the owners of these machines to let them know that the problem and repair extension even existed.
    So I guess my real question is...Does anyone know if, after this repair Apple will replace the logic board if it dies again? Is there a limit to the number of qualified repairs you can get through this Repair Extension program? Also is there any other Extended warranty type thing I can purchase after my 1yr. warranty is up.
    Sorry the post is so long...I'm just scared about the fate of my beloved Mac.
    iMac G5 (2004)   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Oh man, am I actually relieved reading this thread. Just took my baby (iMac G5 first generation) in for repairs today, not knowing what was wrong with it. Luckily my serial numbers are in the range, so I'm crossing my fingers that they're going to cover this.
    Brief synopsis of what happened, in case it differs from anyone else's
    About a month ago, my iMac started to not wake up from sleep mode. Instead of waking up, it would just shut itself off. This continued for about 2 months, with me thinking nothing of it. Then, instead of shutting itself off, the computer would restart when I attempted to put it to sleep.
    Then, last night, I was surfing the net and all of a sudden the power just failed. No noise, no "grey screen", we're talking like a millisecond later the screen was black. I treid unplugging the machine and then plugging it back in while simultaneously holding the power button to reset the PSU and still nothing. At that point it was about 1:30 in the morning, so I just went to bed not wanting to deal with it until the next day. By the time I woke up, there was a distinct smell of electrical components burning (in grade 8 shop class we used to hook up resistors to the voltage generator and crank the juice up until they fried when teach wasn't around, so I distinctly remembered the acrid stench :P)
    I opened the back up and did the LED check, and #2 wouldn't even blink. So I took it in and they said they'd have to get back to me and that's where I stand now.
    The thing that concerns me is that if some of the components fried that there may be possible damage to the motherboard etc. Luckily I'm not too worried about the hard drive because it did still boot up and all. People that have experience with this, what usually happens with files on your HD after a logic board replacement? Are they usually fine?
    The other thing that concerns me is that apple has made no effort to contact me, and it will be 2 years after the purchasing date come November 1, 2006. I'm lucky that I caught this now before it was too late.

  • Where can I buy an inverter board and cable for my iMac 24 (mid 2007)

    Where can I buy an inverter board and cable for my iMac 24 (mid 2007)

    See clues here in the last post...
    Laughably expensive, but part#s may help searching...
    iMac 24" LCD Panel w/ Inverter Board and Gasket (p/n 1001349)
    24" iMac LCD Panel w/ Inverter Board and Gasket (p/n 1005316)
    24" iMac LCD Display Panel (p/n 1004596)

  • Hi When going from Develop module to print module a white boarder appears on screen which also prints via my epson r3000 printer. I can get round this by exporting photo to Elements and printing from there but can i get rid of the boarder and print from l

    Hi When going from Develop module to print module a white boarder appears on screen which also prints via my epson r3000 printer. I can get round this by exporting photo to Elements and printing from there but can i get rid of the boarder and print from lightroom?

    In the printer driver (accessed through the Page Setup button) set the Advanced tab to borderless. Then in the right hand panel under Layout set all the margins to zero.

  • I want to know if the Macbook Pro with the ash key board and as the cd rom infront is more recent than the one with the black key board and as the cd rom on the side.

    I want to know if the Macbook Pro with the ash key board and as the cd rom infront is more recent than the one with the black key board and as the cd rom on the side.

    Hi Tracy,
    I'm guessing "ash" is the silver colored keyboard, the same color as the rest of the MBP? If so, that machine, with the optical drive slot on the front, is the older machine.

  • SQLPlus and Win2k

    Has anyone had issues using sqlplus and win2k. Since I have been upgraded I have lost some features:
    1. The current working directory is lost. We used to be able to "set" the directory by doing a file->save as and sqlplus would remember that directory. This was used when running scripts.
    2. The cancel query dialog box appears to be gone in this version of sql*plus.
    Any ideas?

    Im also fasing the same problem. Could you please send me the solution if you imported successfully.
    my email id is [email protected]
    Thanks and regards

  • Dell 1950 power-edge III gen, key board and mouse stop after reboot using F1 key--Red hat 6.0

    I am trying to install OS (Red hat 6.0) in Dell 1950 power-edge III gen, After booting CD i got option to hit F1 to install or let is continue to start the installation process. now screen goes to next step and key board and mouse stop working .  it stop me from   further step. Please help 

    Try booting to our live image and see if that lets you use the mouse and keyboard. http://linux.dell.com/files/openmanage-contributions/omsa-71-live/

Maybe you are looking for