Tiling WMs - Management style

Can someone explain what that means
I checked this comparo of tiling WMs and the only clue I got was this obscure statement
The user must manually move windows around.
Can someone elaborate on it? What does it mean to the actual user? If I am moving the windows manually as a user(whatever that means), what do the other Tiling WMs that have a dynamic management style do differently?
Last edited by Inxsible (2009-03-03 07:46:46)

Inxsible wrote:
u_no_hu wrote:
Dynamic - the wm places the windows according to the layout you choose (awesome , xmonad,dwm etc)
Manual - You split the screen and place the windows where ever you want... otherwise they all come maximised(ratposion, ion etc)
Why not try them out and understand the difference?
I am trying them out. I have currently installed awesome, dwm and wmii to see which suits me. well I removed awesome when I saw on the wiki that the recommended is awesome-git and I had installed it from the repo. So I will be installing the git version tonight.
Its just that once I get into those WMs, there is hardly anything that I can do since I don't know the shortcuts to do anything. Last night I logged into dwm and the only thing I could do was hard reset -- of course that was because I am a bonehead and not because dwm is lacking.
As dieter@be said, start with wmii, because it has a pretty good tutorial on startup which gives you a pretty good idea about tiling wms. Once you get the idea, try them all and you will find something which will suit you.
In my case i found ion3 to be perfect for my need though it is not that popular among others (may be because of the politics). Ion3 and pekwm both allow hotswapping of window managers so i find using a combination of both to be perfect(you can bind keys to swap windowmanagers on the fly.. which is pretty nice when you want to open gimp or cinepaint).

Similar Messages

  • Objective comparison of tiling WMs?

    Giving tiling WMs a second look... the ones I'm primarily concerned with are AwesomeWM, xmonad, and Stumpwm.
    I'd really appreciate an _objective_ comparison of features, hopefully with notes if a certain WM does not come with a certain feature, but can easily be added through a 3rd-party app.
    So far, the only real comparisons I've been able to find are the differences in configuration. Awesome uses LUA configs (in v3+), xmonad uses Haskell headers, and Stumpwm uses CLISP. I am willing to learn how to configure any of them - I just would like a rundown of features before I spend a lot of time tweaking one, only to find out it lacks critical feature A that window manager B has (BTW: Stumpwm waves the CLISP flag pretty enthusiastically... what are the benefits of this?)
    Speed should not matter - I have a fast PC, I just like minimalism, and am willing to try tiling.
    Last edited by Ranguvar (2008-10-23 23:06:24)

    Ranguvar wrote:...and Stumpwm uses CLISP. I am willing to learn how to configure any of them - I just would like a rundown of features before I spend a lot of time tweaking one, only to find out it lacks critical feature A that window manager B has (BTW: Stumpwm waves the CLISP flag pretty enthusiastically... what are the benefits of this?)
    StumpWM uses Common Lisp. CLISP is one Common Lisp implementation you could use. Common Lisp is abbreviated CL, and never CLISP, because that would be extremely confusing. StumpWM waves the CL flag because to a Lisper, it's a big draw. The benefit is that you can configure/modify StumpWM with CL, rather than some horrible config file format or some lame programming language. And you can do it while StumpWM is running. And if you run StumpWM in a multithreaded Lisp, such as SBCL (CLISP does not do multithreading), you can connect to your running StumpWM from Emacs to hack on it even more easily, or control it if you like.
    As for features, Awesome and Xmonad come from the dwm school of tiling: you've got one main window and a bunch of little windows off to the side, and you can "spin" through the ring. They both support floating mode for windows. Awesome does window tagging that allows you to group any arbitrary set of windows together for viewing, and Xmonad does a more traditional workspace arrangement.
    StumpWM (and Ratpoison)'s tiling style is to let you split any window horizontally or vertically to get a new window. I think most users either make up some window config that they like or else they run with one full-screen window 90% of the time. I do the latter, and set up my window switching to be easy and direct. It has window groups which are your basic virtual desktops, but I never use them since unused programs are "out of sight, out of mind" anyway.

  • Zoom function in tiling WMs for the Eee

    Looking at getting an Eee PC. A zoom function in the window manager (similar,  but not necessarily as flashy as, Compiz Fusion) would be a must. I'd like to use a tiling WM on it, though. Does anyone know which, if any, tiling WMs have a zoom function, or one can be easily added to them?

    Some tiling WMs allow you to toggle fullscreen on/off for the focused window, in effect zooming in on one window (e.g. stumpWM). Others allow you to change layouts on the fly, and have a one-window-per-screen layout, for the same effect (e.g. wmii, xmonad).
    I don't know of a tiling WM that supports zooming similar to compiz's.

  • Question(s) about tiling window manager

    Hello fellow Arch-users.
    I'm looking for a new WM and need some help/advise from the community.
    Currently I run Xfce. However, I have found over the past couple of month that I usually use terminals to get tasks done, such as starting programs, editing files or browse my computer and that my graphical WM stands more in my way than it is any good to me.
    I do still use graphical programs, for example Icecat as my browser and Claws-mail as my e-mail client among others and will continue to do so. But for editing files or browsing my computer I already use vim and mc (midnight commander).
    So, I thought I may be better off with a tiling WM. However, I'm not so sure if I have the right idea of a tiling window manager. My idea of a tiling WM is that I can place many terminals on my desktop and my graphical programs on top of them. Is that correct? Also I hope that the WM is able to open these terminals without interfering with each other, meaning that they don't overlap or something. I don't want to have to always move them around with the mouse. Does a tiling window manager do that?
    If I make the change, I'd like to have WM that is easy to set up and configure. I don't want to spent too much time configuring and tweaking the program. I was looking into Subtle or Awesome. Would that be a good idea?
    Again, maybe my idea of such kind of window manager is totally wrong. Therefore, I'm seeking support from the people who already use them.
    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by Janusz11 (2011-01-24 18:35:47)

    Janusz11 wrote:So, I thought I may be better off with a tiling WM. However, I'm not so sure if I have the right idea of a tiling window manager. My idea of a tiling WM is that I can place many terminals on my desktop and my graphical programs on top of them. Is that correct? Also I hope that the WM is able to open these terminals without interfering with each other, meaning that they don't overlap or something. I don't want to have to always move them around with the mouse. Does a tiling window manager do that?
    Yes, exactly. Tiling window manager arrange your windows dependent on their alignment strategy, there are many WMs that do that according to a preset layouts like wmfs, awesome, xmonad and other that offer a more flexible (manual) approach like wmii and i3 to name a few. There is also subtle, which offers a unique layout among the tiling windows managers. As far as I know all of them offer a floating mode, where windows can float loosely above the other tiled windows.
    Generally you can say,  the more flexible the whole thing is, the more you need to configure initially. Also some of the named WMs do more than just managing windows like providing a panel or tray on their own.
    As far as I know all of them offer a floating mode, where windows can float loosely above the other tiled windows.
    Janusz11 wrote:If I make the change, I'd like to have WM that is easy to set up and configure. I don't want to spent too much time configuring and tweaking the program. I was looking into Subtle or Awesome. Would that be a good idea?
    subtle and awesome are very flexible and you need to/can do lots of things in your config. Personally I use and develop subtle and my opinion is quite biased.

  • Why is Xmonad so beautiful? (Discussion about tiling WMs)

    About a week ago I started to use Xmonad - and I am highly impressed! The complete work flow is a breeze, I don't have to keep track of all my hundreds of programs anymore - at least the way I used to.
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    But with those tiling WMs I am seriously spoiled! Just after this very week I am already having a hard time adopting to a classic floating WM again.
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    What do guys think is the major advantage of tiling WMs over floating WMs and vice versae?
    I would like to hear some opinions.

    slackhack wrote:I thought about using a tiling WM, but I use mostly browsers and other gtk2 gui apps, with terminals secondarily. tiling WMs seemed better if you primarily use terminals, am I wrong about that? It just seems like I would feel constricted or restrained not being able to move windows around, resize them, etc.  what's the best tiling WM to try? Awesome?
    Hell no. I recommend xmonad. You can intergrate any DE you want too,
    Ashren wrote:
    I don't find Xmonad beautiful, especially not the syntax of the config file, what a nightmare.* Dwm on the other hand, that's a beaut - a real archers choice.
    I'm running gnome when procrastinating and dwm when procrastinating with scripts and lots of terminal work.
    * A clear indication of lack of basic Haskell l33tness. I did enjoy running Xmonad after a week of tinkering, though.
    I think that your statement is not true anymore. the dwm configuration file has been constantly changing for like half a year or so which is very irritating. also the attempt to intergrate xinerama support with all those xv, yv 's or what they were called was very funny, and frustrating to say the least. also see my response to slackhack.
    Even though xmonad is written in haskell, and i dont know  any haskell, its the only serious tiling window manager left out there.
    maybe wmii too. dwm is probably still a good base to build your own kickass wm.
    Stalafin wrote:When did tiling WMs actually emerge?
    With Windows 1.0?
    Last edited by dolby (2008-07-15 22:05:54)

  • Subtle - another tiling window manager

    It's been a while since the first subtle AUR package came up and there was never neither an introduction nor a thread here in the forum. Time to get this started and to hopefully get opinions/feedback of the of users who already gave/want to give subtle a try.
    For all of you who never heared about subtle - here comes the intro:
    subtle is another tiling window manager on the field with a grid-based manual tiling window manager with a strong focus on easy but customizable look and feel. In comparison to other tiling windows managers, subtle has no automatic tiling of the screen size in any way, instead windows are arranged according to positions inside of a grid - these positions are called gravities - which can completely be controlled with key bindings.
    subtle also has a Ruby based config with support for lambdas as key bind actions, a wmctrl-like commandline tool (subtler) to interact with subtle and an extension (subtlext) for Ruby that is capable of doing the same and even more!
    There are also small Ruby applets (sublets) that can show various stuff like system load and the time. The management of these scripts can be done with sur (Subtle User Repository) - a small command line script similar to gem which makes installing of a subtlet a piece of cake e.g.:
    sur install clock
    Windows placement and window properties are determined by a complete tagging system for clients and views and can be manipulated in the config and/or per runtime with subtler/subtlext.
    - Ruby integration for config/key actions and hooks
    - Flexible panels with loadable Ruby scripts (sublets)
    - Integrated System tray
    - Complete tagging system
    - ICCM/EWMH-compliant
    - Lightweight
    The AUR packages: subtle subtle-hg sur-hg
    I would suggest to pick the subtle-hg package to get the latest changes.
    If you have problems, suggestions or just want to talk about subtle feel free to join #subtle on irc.freenode.org or drop a mail to unexist at dorfelite dot net.
    Last edited by unexist (2010-04-24 15:40:02)

    dcurtis wrote:
    I love this gravity idea but the WM in it's current state would not allow me to be productive (no offense) and I have a distaste for ruby ( love python ) but I'm willing to grow.  However, here are my comments:
    1) being able to tweak the gravity settings would be nice, and per-tag.  I like to have a big left window (stacked) and a column of two windows on the right.  I use wmii and this does this OK by dividing the right column.  My one grip is the I could stack on the right, but I couldn't divide AND stack.  I see the potential for that w/ subtle.  Here is my current ss: http://static.milkbox.net/ss/ss-2009-05-06.png
    2) it would be nice if you could have movement between gravities.  I'd like to move between columns.  And my gripe about like, musca and ratpoison is that when i do move between columns it doesn't keep track of the previous vertical position.  Starting with the bottom right focused, moving to the left, and then moving back to the right focuses me in the top right.  I think it would be _REALLY_ cool if you had some sort of column based movement (left gravity, center gravity, right gravity) that would cycle, and also movement up through the stack.  Not sure how this would work.
    3) I prefer that new windows are created with the same gravity as the windows already open.  I would guess this is fairly easy to do.
    4) switch to python... I AM KIDDING.  but seriously, i know it'll never happen but that's cool.  I just wanted to post this #4!...
    anyways, keep up the good work.
    1 + 2) What do you mean with 'per tag'? You can assign gravity tags to clients witht he config so that any layout is possible and you can freely create your own movement stuff with the grabs. Subtlext gives you control over gravities of the clients. Yes, it's Ruby and I won't argue about like you did in 4) - it's a matter of taste and I really like Ruby.
    3) So just to understand this: If you set the top left gravity to a client, you would prefer that the next client also gets top left gravity?
    Wra!th wrote:Floating windows need to be stackable (egbe able to bring one infront of another using the mouse)
    Well, actually this was in subtle but was removed in favor for the WindowRaise and WindowLower grab that allows e.g. to cycle through windows with center gravity.
    milomouse wrote:A smaller complaint, which may or may not be due to my own ignorance, is that switching views (jump) with the shortcut seems to be a little picky. Sometimes I can use the shortcut to switch views and sometimes it refuses to work. Seems to happen mostly when I'm on an empty view and try to switch (with the shortcut) to another . I don't know if it loses focus or what. Anyway, these are minor compared to my enjoyment with Subtle so far. Thanks again.
    Oh, yes. I will fix it shortly tomorrow - you may write a ticket for it so that you can see when it's fixed.
    Last edited by unexist (2009-05-10 09:57:51)

  • Neurowm - dynamic tiling window manager based on Xmonad

    I started to write my own window manager last year so that it fits exactly my needs. The project was paused due to a lack of time but last month I could start coding again and make it stable. It was my very first step into the X protocol so I decided to use C language and Xlib rather than XCB because of the documentation. I might plan to port it to XCB in the near future though.
    neurowm is a dynamic tiling window manager based on Xmonad, where you must write your own configuration using C language instead of Haskell language. If you are familiar with Xmonad, you should be able to understand the configuration easily.
    Some features:
    - Compile and reload the comfiguration file on the fly withour restarting X
    - Support of float layout
    - Support of toggled layouts
    - Border width, color and gaps can be configured at window level
    - Mirror, Reflect X and Reflect Y support on every layout
    - Support of fixed windows on every layout
    - Support if free window on every layout
    - Dzen support
    - Xinerama support (TODO)
    - Java support (TODO)
    Website: https://github.com/nnoell/neurowm
    There is no PKGBUILD at the moment and please, bear in mind that the window manager is under heavy development, so the configuration file might change a lot. Feel free to try it and leave some feedbacks.

    i enjoy all the neuromancer references (wintermute). and your avatar from the cover of the c64 game. gibson would be proud ;D
    I am not really good at names, that is why I take all of them from things I love. Next one won't be from neuromancer, I promisse
    the wm looks very nice in your scrots. can i make some feature suggestions based on my wm experiences?
    i've recently switched from awesomewm to herbsluftwm, and really like it.
    - the binary tree division makes so much sense. you split a frame, then split that frame, and so on into infinity. and all those frames are movable via key-binding as well. as opposed to pre-defined layouts in awesome (and as far as i can tell, neurowm too).
    - having a command line tool that you use to dynamically set properties is amazing. border colors, gaps, displays, etc. e.g. you configure you monitor settings via a command v.s. you config file, this makes it more flexible for on the fly changes.
    Yes, you are right, command line tools are very useful, I might think of adding that. Regarding the binary tree division, I think it would be good to create another "special" layout (as the floated one) with its own bindings. I think I will try herbsluftwm and compare it to Xmonad so I can get to the point.
    I decided to create an Xmonad-like window manager using C language because many people don't know Haskell and GHC is quite heavy. The configuration file might be difficult to understand at first (specially if you are not familiar with C language) but if you guys have any problem, don't hesitate to contact me
    PD: Ninja gaiden is also an amazing franchise, specially the 3 games from the NES, played a lot when I was a kid.

  • Managing Styles in InDesign CS4 Books

    I am trying to tackle the task of managing about a dozen separate marketing documents as an InDesign CS4 book. One of the most frequent problems I run into is diverging styles (e.g. font family and size) inside the individual files.
    Now, I understand that CS4 books should synchronise lots of characteristics from the "format base document" and, as I interpret it, also styles and their definition. For some reasons that does not seem to work here.
    Specifically, I am frequently encountering problems with missing font files (which is correct, I just thought I could re-synchronise the files in the book with the modified styles from the format base and I'd be done?) and styles that have changed. Pressing the "synchronise book" button does not seem to do the trick.
    Does anyone have experience with dealing with this issue?
    Thanks for your help.

    As it happens, managing styles has just been discussed on InDesignSecrets: http://indesignsecrets.com/how-to-synchronzine-a-book-with-renamed-styles.php
    See if that helps you along.

  • Tiling wms

    Hi, I want to move to a tiling window manager. But from what I have been reading on here they take a lot of time to configure. Well, I'm in the Air Force, and as of late I've been busy with a lot of extra work. So I was wondering which one I should go with. Which will take the least amount of time to configure? Or should I just stay away from them completely then?
    Last edited by ph0tios (2008-02-28 07:44:04)

    ph0tios wrote:I'm not much of a programmer, and it is somewhat straightforward, but I find myself getting frustrated with modifying it. I suppose I'm not getting the concept. I initially tried the tutorial linked from the xmonad website on running it in xfce, until I actually had time to sit down and configure dzen, etc. But even then when I tried to modify the config it output errors. Hm.
    I was also looking for a good tiling wm, i found dwm to lack some features, and xmonad was kind of good, but hard to get right.
    You should check out awesome, it has an easier configuration, and you can use widgets with it, for example, see sen's post/config:
    post #291 for screenshot & #303 for configs
    Last edited by jonkristian (2008-02-29 08:53:59)

  • Wmi vs ion, tiling WMs and WM zealotry

    thread-hijack time....
    Anybody looked at the wmii-3 snapshots? Sounds like they changed everything again. I have a couple complaints with pek now, but both of them are just bug/cosmetic, I still love the way it works and is configured. Didn't know it was out of development though. :-(

    Dusty wrote:autoproperties -- you can set up windows to always open in the same position on the same desktop
    Those are called kludges in Ion.  It's the same thing.  They go in the same frame every time the launch.
    Dusty wrote:fill-available space -- you can use a key or mouse click to make the window take up all space.
    Um... Ion already does that.
    Dusty wrote:By combining these, I get the full effect of a tiled window manager -- full utilization of the screen -- without the limitations taht they impose.
    In Ion, you create floats.  Pop up notifications appear as a normal window would in any other manager, floating above all other windows.  There is also something called a Float Workspace that creates a workspace that is all floats.  Basically a workspace that works with windows as you would expect them to work in any other WM.  And you can set up those kludges so that whenever I start up Gimp, it automatically creates a float workspace, and puts the whole app in floats in it.
    Basically, wmi is not Ion and you shouldn't base your opinions of tiled window managers off of wmi.  In my experiences it's limited, and the only "feature" it has is keybindings like Vi, but then you could just set that up in ratpoison or Ion if you wanted.
    Dusty wrote:My problem with all of them is that they seem to be 'minimalist' window managers.
    Ratpoison is great if you want something crazy minimalistic.  Ion on the other hand is not minimal.
    Here is a screen shot of what you think Ion can't do:

  • Musca (Tiling Window Manager)

    I've just come across this tiling window manager which seems to be very new, I've seen no mentions of it anywhere other than wikipedia, so I thought I'd download it and try it out. You can find it here, along with source and probably all the info you could possibly need.
    "A simple tiling window manager for X, with features nicked from ratpoison and dwm"
    It looks to be alot like dwm in the configuring aspect, (ie. edit config.h and compile), although it also has a start file which can be used to run some internal commands.
    Anyway I've only been using it for literally the time it took me to write this post, but I thought I'd suggest that others give it a shot! I'm certainly enjoying it so far

    aerosuidae wrote:Thanks.  I've never even looked at the process for creating a package for AUR.  If you are volunteering to maintain this (? ), get on the mailing list to hear about new releases: http://mail.aerosuidae.net/mailman/list … suidae.net
    aerosuidae wrote:No idea.  Out of interest: Why do you think it better it gets run from $HOME?
    The PKGBUILD becomes easier. Also if its in $HOME, you can make as many changes as you want and run it. You can even change the path of the executable, if you want. One disadvantage is that if you have multiple users on the computer, you will have to install for each user.
    aerosuidae wrote:Oh.  I rather like dates as they're IMHO more informative and useful than a number.  Still, I can live with that.
    Well if you use the dates, I will change the build method for every release. No big deal. Let me know which way you prefer.
    aerosuidae wrote:
    Inxsible wrote:The trouble with your shortcuts is, that I use most of those shortcuts in my Openbox setup --and in my dwm. like Mod4+r - to start rTorrent etc. I guess, I will just have to relearn all my shortcuts and not use Mod4 in the shortcuts for starting apps.
    No, don't let Musca dictate to you how to work. Customize the combinations that clash using .musca_start or config.h
    Is there a limit to how many keybindings you can add?
    I currently have all of these.
    struct keymap keymaps[] = {
    { "Mod4+Shift+h", "hsplit 1/2" },
    { "Mod4+Shift+v", "vsplit 1/2" },
    { "Mod4+Shift+r", "remove" },
    { "Mod4+Shift+o", "only" },
    { "Mod4+Shift+k", "kill" },
    { "Mod4+Shift+c", "cycle" },
    { "Mod4+Left", "focus left" },
    { "Mod4+Right", "focus right" },
    { "Mod4+Up", "focus up" },
    { "Mod4+Down", "focus down" },
    { "Mod4+Next", "use (next)" },
    { "Mod4+Prior", "use (prev)" },
    { "Mod4+Tab", "screen (next)" },
    { "Mod4+Shift+w", "switch window" },
    { "Mod4+Shift+g", "switch group" },
    { "Mod4+x", "shell" },
    { "Mod4+Shift+m", "command" },
    { "Mod4+Shift+d", "dedicate flip" },
    { "Mod4+Shift+a", "catchall flip" },
    { "Mod4+Shift+u", "undo" },
    { "Mod4+Shift+s", "stack flip" },
    { "Mod4+Control+Left", "resize left" },
    { "Mod4+Control+Right", "resize right" },
    { "Mod4+Control+Up", "resize up" },
    { "Mod4+Control+Down", "resize down" },
    { "Mod4+a", "exec lxappearance" },
    { "Mod4+b", "exec recorder" },
    { "Mod4+c", "exec conky" },
    { "Mod4+e", "exec easytag" },
    { "Mod4+f", "exec pcmanfm" },
    { "Mod4+g", "exec geany" },
    { "Mod4+t", "exec urxvt -bg black -fg white" },
    If I add one more, the pkg builds fine, installs too...but when I log in, X starts for a microsecond and bombs. Here's dmesg | tail and it says that musca segfaults.
    agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: putting AGP V2 device into 4x mode
    nvidia 0000:01:00.0: putting AGP V2 device into 4x mode
    musca[10748]: segfault at 41 ip b7eb2aa8 sp bfcb5d6c error 4 in libc-2.9.so[b7e40000+140000]
    agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: AGP 2.0 bridge
    agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: putting AGP V2 device into 4x mode
    nvidia 0000:01:00.0: putting AGP V2 device into 4x mode
    musca[11554]: segfault at 41 ip b7e7faa8 sp bfc82d2c error 4 in libc-2.9.so[b7e0d000+140000]
    agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: AGP 2.0 bridge
    agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: putting AGP V2 device into 4x mode
    nvidia 0000:01:00.0: putting AGP V2 device into 4x mode
    Just wanted to let you know. If its a bug, I will open it on your launchpad bugtracker.
    Last edited by Inxsible (2009-03-13 06:28:52)

  • Pwm - a simplistic tiling window manager in python3

    I want to announce a project which I have been working on in the last couple of weeks to learn about python.
    PWM - A simplistic tiling window manager written in python3
    AUR package pwm-git
    github repo
    As already said, pwm tries to be relatively simplistic, both in functionality as well as in code.
    pwm includes:
    Multiple workspaces.
    A column-based layout, every window can be resized freely.
    Windows can also float or be fullscreen.
    A bar, similiar to i3bar.
    A menu like dmenu but with fuzzy search.
    Everything is configured in python.
    There is no multimonitor support because I only have a laptop now with no additional screens.
    For more information please check the github repo
    Last edited by mibitzi (2013-08-10 02:16:16)

    Yes, here are two of my screenshots from the August Screenshots Thread

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    i m using microsoft visual studio 2013.
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    reply me as soon as possible.

    Here's what I do. I create the page using an embedded
    stylesheet. When I'm
    ready to publish, I copy the embedded stylesheet into the
    body of the page
    (immediately below the <body> tag). That has worked
    pretty fine for me.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
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    "MisterEggMan" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g2m2q9$7ik$[email protected]..
    >>> My team is creating emails and we can't use
    stylesheets, external or
    > >> internal.
    > >
    > > You can use inline styles, or even embedded styles
    within the <body>
    > > tag,
    > > but OK.
    > Exactly, we can only use inline styles and not
    stylesheets. Dreamweaver
    > will
    > automatically create internal stylesheets rather than
    inline styles unless
    > the
    > preferences are changed to the settings that you
    > If you know of a way to use an internal stylesheet and
    maintain formatting
    > in
    > any email client, I'd prefer to do it that way. But all
    sources that I've
    > seen
    > say that only inline styles should be used.

  • Wm-experiments: pytiler - Tiling/window management for floating WMs

    I've created a few little tools and things to experiment with WMs recently and I'm slowly putting them into this git repository:
    http://github.com/iphitus/wm-experiment … er/pytiler
    The first one is pytiler. It's a usable proof of concept window tiler for any standards compliant floating (or tiling) WM. It runs as a daemon, continually managing/arranging windows. This gives the same behaviour as if you're running a tiling WM - in your floating WM. If you think about it, floating WM's do very little arrangement/positioning, so they don't mind if an external tool does it for them. Alternatively it can be called to just tidy up/layout windows without the daemon.
    I realise there is already the "Poor Man's Window Tiler" however it has a few pitfalls
    - Can only be called once off
    - Parses and executes external commands for it's window control.
    pytiler uses libwnck, which can either be found in gnome-python-desktop (gnome dep) or libwnck-python (AUR, no gnome dep).
    I no longer use pytiler and don't have the time to develop/maintain it so I'm hoping someone here will find it useful or wish to extend it further.
    Last edited by iphitus (2009-07-25 01:26:27)

    sand_man wrote:
    Tyriel wrote:I really love the idea of this.  Nice work
    Search the forums for stiler
    I have mentioned stiler above, however this implementation does more than a few things differently, ie, 'continual' management of windows and not parsing the output of externally called programs.
    Last edited by iphitus (2009-07-29 12:13:29)

  • Poor man's Tiling Window manager

    Basically a simple python script which does tiling on any windowmanager (Perfectly on pekwm and openbox. Partly on compiz due to the fact that compiz says it has a single desktop even if there are 4 virtual desktops, which means all the windows you have will be tiled).
    It uses wmctrl to get the info and manage the windows. Bind it to a key or to autowhatever-on-window-creation-hook.
    Currently options are
    left,right   - Does the new windows7 ish style of sticking to the sides.
    swap     -   Basic tiling layout on first call, then swaps the active window to main pane on subsequent calls
    cycle     - Cycle all the windows in the master pane
    vertical   - Simple vertical tiling
    horizontal   - Simple horizontal tiling
    maximize   - Maximize the active window/ for openbox which doesn't permit resizing of max windows
    max_all     - Maximize all windows
    simple( obsolete, swap works better )     - The basic tiling layout . 1 Main + all other at the side.
    If you need other layouts modify get_simple_tile
    On first run it will create a config file ~/.managerc. Modify the values to suit your window decorations/Desktop padding
    Clone usrl: git://github.com/TheWanderer/stiler.git
    Aur http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=25038
    soulfx's fork of the grid branch with dualmonitor support and grid layout
    Last edited by u_no_hu (2009-05-12 11:35:22)

    Ah, i see. My bad, i'm not familiar with Windows 7.
    Not sure what to check for in xprop, so here you go:
    > xprop
    _XEMBED_INFO(_XEMBED_INFO) = 0x0, 0x1
    window state: Normal
    icon window: 0x0
    _NET_FRAME_EXTENTS(CARDINAL) = 1, 1, 16, 1
    _NET_WM_ICON(CARDINAL) = 48, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    _NET_WM_VISIBLE_ICON_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = 0x6f, 0x65, 0x77, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x7e
    _NET_WM_VISIBLE_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = 0x6f, 0x65, 0x77, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x7e
    _NET_WM_PID(CARDINAL) = 9652
    WM_LOCALE_NAME(STRING) = "en_US.utf8"
    WM_CLASS(STRING) = "urxvt", "URxvt"
    Client accepts input or input focus: True
    Initial state is Normal State.
    window id # of group leader: 0x1e00015
    program specified minimum size: 10 by 28
    program specified resize increment: 6 by 12
    program specified base size: 4 by 16
    window gravity: NorthWest
    WM_COMMAND(STRING) = { "urxvt", "-embed", "31457289" }
    _NET_WM_ICON_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = 0x6f, 0x65, 0x77, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x7e
    WM_ICON_NAME(STRING) = "oew: ~"
    _NET_WM_NAME(UTF8_STRING) = 0x6f, 0x65, 0x77, 0x3a, 0x20, 0x7e
    WM_NAME(STRING) = "oew: ~"
    I noticed that Firefox also isn't detected by wmctrl -l. When I testet simple in previous post I only had Firefox and urxvt on that desktop, that's the reason it didn't do anything
    Did a test with all applications recognized by wmctrl -l on the same desktop, and it worked perfectly.
    swap works fine aswell.
    There must be something funky with my setup.
    Last edited by oew (2009-01-30 15:54:34)

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