Time Capsule as HDD?

I goy a Time Capsule to use it as HDD given the guidance of an Apple representative at the store, now I starting to think that is not possible. Anybody knows if that assumption is right or wrong? Can it be used as HDD?

No, it can only be used as a network drive. If all you wanted was a HDD then you should have bought one.
A Time Capsule is a network router that can create your home network. It is also a network attached storage device or NAS. You can store data on the drive either wirelessly or via Ethernet from any computer connected to your home network. The primary purpose is to act as a backup drive for use with Time Machine.

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    Can I attach an external HDD to Time Capsule to use as a NAS? Then can I use Time Machine on my Macbook to backup both my Macbook and the NAS drive to the HDD in the Time Capsule?

    Can I attach an external HDD to Time Capsule to use as a NAS?
    Yes. Although it will not exactly be a NAS with its own "brains".
    Then can I use Time Machine on my Macbook to backup both my Macbook and the NAS drive to the HDD in the Time Capsule?
    No. In order to back up the hard drive using Time Machine, the drive must be connected to your Mac, not the Time Capsule.

  • Time Capsule External HDD Capacity

    Latest Time Capsule  how much capacity of external USB HDD will be support.

    As big as you can get.. 4TB is now readily available.
    But I do not recommend using multiple disk raids as they are often not able to work.
    You can use multiple disks.. you will need a powered hub anyway.
    WARNING.. it is USB2 and it is slow.. about half the speed of the same drive plugged into a computer.
    That is just the nature of handling files over networks to USB. It may not be noticeable from wireless.. but from ethernet the internal disk is much faster than USB. So you don't need fast disks.

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    Narimaan wrote:
    If this is possible without using the Time Capsule as a router, please specifically explain how.
    launch airport utility (in applications > utilities) and select the TC. click on continue and follow on-screen instructions.
    atsome point, you will be asked if you want to have the TC create a network or join an existing one. select the latter, then hit update.
    once the TC restarted, you should be good to go. go system preferences > time machine > select disk and choose the TC as destination for time machine backups.
    Apple recommends that you perform the initial (full) backup using an ethernet connection (run an ethernet cable from one of the TC's LAN ports () to your Mac), however, subsequent backups are incremental and can be done wirelessly.

  • Time Capsule HDD keeps cycling on and off while my Mac is sleeping

    Hi guys, I'm in a bit of a hurry so just gonna post dot points:
    • My Time Capsule's HDD keeps cycling on and off continuously and potentially doing heaps of damage to it's drive when my MacBook is sleeping.
    • Time Machine is set to automatically backup to my time capsule.
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    MacBook Pro Retina:
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    How old is the TC and on what firmware?
    You have put Mountain Lion for OS.. is that still the case or upgraded to Mavericks??
    There has been some issues at various times with disk spinning up ..
    This thread might give you some clues.
    Is the computer set to power nap? Try turning that off.
    Try unplugging the external drive with itunes library and see if that helps.
    If it is TM the attempts to start the backup should be in the log.
    See A1 pondini troubleshooting.
    Power nap.. try unplugging the laptop from power.

  • Win 7 PC cannot connect to Time Capsule - despite flawless I'net connection

    Hi, strange thing and I'd appreciate if someone knew a trick to solve it:
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    When running the AirPort utility I can see our TC with its name and IP address ( as usual, I think) in the main view. After clicking "Manual Setup" or "Continue" in the main view, AirPort asks for the password.
    After entering the password (same as the one that is in my settings for the WLAN connection via TC, of course), *TC REFUSES TO CONNECT* and the *"Enter password" window will appear over and over again*. No specific error message given.
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    all the time, though.
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    The MacBook can access the drive and partitions. Fine.
    The Windows 7 notebook won't show the hard drive nor the Time Capsule. Thus, I have installed AirPort utility (V 5.5.1) to get access to the USB hard drive. And there I am - kinda stuck halfway...
    Hardware setup:
    Lenovo ThinkPad X61, Windows 7 Pro
    MacBook, OS X 10.5.8
    Time Capsule
    1.0TB Buffalo Drive Station USB 3.0 plugged into Time Capsule
    Help would be very much appreciated!
    Thanks a lot,

    I found something that worked for me. I got Error Number 53 when trying to connect to my time capsule using Airport Base Station Agent with windows vista. I think the issue is allowing your time capsule to be accessed over Bonjour; I think this feature is disabled by default. Well, here is what I did (also, this may answer the question for those of you who are confused to why it asks for a username/password when you attempted to map the time capsule's hdd) -
    In Airport Utility: Airport >> Time Capsule
    - Click "Edit..." and check the "Use dynamic global hostname" box.
    - Enter in the info (for hostname, I used the same name as the local Hostname (at the top of that window, for user/password -- The info you enter here is the same info you must enter when you are prompted to, that is if you try to map the time capsule's hdd)
    - Click "OK"
    In Airport Utility: Disks >> Files Sharing
    - Make sure "Share disks over WAN" is checked AND make sure "Share disks over the Internet using Bonjour" is checked as well.
    - Click OK.
    In Airport Utility: Click "Update", let it reset, and try accessing the Time Capsule via Airport Base Station Agent as you usually would/or mapping the harddrive"
    In summary, since vista uses Bonjour, you must make sure your time capsule is 'Bonjour-accessible'
    I Hope this solution alleviates a lot of people's problems!!!
    Oh yea, this solution worked with firmware 7.4.1
    AND...prior to trying this method, I did enable NETBIOS. It was enabled while I did this solution (and still is). I haven't tried it with it disabled (well maybe not disabled - it's on automatic by default).

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    Yes you need your computer on if you want to stream from its library, even if the library is on an external or network drive.
    However any purchases you have made from iTunes can be stream from the iTunes Store at any time without your computer being on.

  • Time Capsule as a NAS in a mixed (Mac/PC) network

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    I have a router (not gigabit, with 802.11g), and am thinking that I should just connect the TC to the router via Cat5e to simplify things.
    Has anyone been through this experience? How does the TC work in a PC system? Can I just assign a drive to it and off I go? Has it been reliable?

    I have a TC in a mixed Mac/PC network and it's working wonderfully. Just a few things to keep in mind:
    Make sure to set the Workgroup in your File Sharing section of AirPort Utility. Be sure to type the same workgroup that your PCs are members of and you should be able to see the Time Capsule's disk drive as a networked drive. You might have to add your Time Capsule's network to the list of trusted zones/networks in your PC's software firewall settings. If that doesn't work, you could always install AirPort Utility for Windows from the TC install disc which will have AirPort Base Station Agent. This is a program that loads into the taskbar and allows you to connect to your Time Capsule's disk drive.
    The other thing to remember, if you are connecting one router to another, set the second router to run in bridge mode and give them both a unique SSID. This allows the first router to do all the DHCP and NAT, and will just add a secondary wireless access point to your current network. I have my TC acting as my main router with a Linksys running in bridge mode. My TC is wireless-n only 5 GHz, and the Linksys is b/g 2.4 GHz, giving me a full speed N network while still allowing b/g devices to connect.
    Edit: You could also disable wireless routing on the Time Capsule entirely and just have it act as a networked drive. Set the Time Capsule's Connection Sharing to Off (Bridge Mode) in AirPort Utility and disable Wireless Mode. AFAIK this should still allow the Time Capsule's HDD to be accessed from whichever network it is connected.
    Try reading this pdf from Apple. It explains networking in a lot greater detail.

  • Time capsule video streaming

    Can I download videos straight to Time capsule and than stream it to Samsung TV? TV is connected to the internet by wire and is in the same network with Mac, router, receiver etc. Will Samsung TV see the Time capsule's HDD storage like it sees other connected devices?

    No, you cannot download directly to the TC.. and no the Samsung TV will not see it.
    The TV requires DLNA server in whatever storage device to share media to it.
    TC has no media extensions at all. And apple will never use DLNA since they are competing with itunes and itunes store.

  • Retrieving data from time capsule

    I have a MacBook and an iMac that share a time capsule.  The MacBook hard drive just died.  How do I get the data to the iMac?  For example, my email was only accessed through the MacBook so it's not on the iMac.

    Are you saying you cannot access the Time Capsule's HDD? Or that you cannot access the Time Machine backups? Let's go through both scenarios:
    1. Connect TC via ethernet to the Air. Or log in via the wireless network with the correct network name, password and encryption.
    2. Ctrl-click the Time Machine icon on the Dock and select +Browse Other Time Machine disks+. Click on you TM backup now.
    Let us know if this works.

  • Accessing the Time Capsule from a Windows Machine ?

    The TC has a PC attached using the router function - can I use the TC as part of a Windows backup system as well - if so how do I get the PC to recognise the Tc as a server ?

    Okay I gotcha now. Sorry I was a bit confused at first. From the sounds of it you need to set your Time Capsule in bridge mode. You can either enable or disable wireless on your Time Capsule, but if you choose to enable it then any device connected to your Time Capsule wirelessly will be able to access devices connected to your router. In both scenarios, any device connected to a LAN port on your Time Capsule will also be able to access your current network. Try reading page 36 of this manual here. It will explain things a little clearer. Basically you have to disable routing on your Time Capsule so it will join your current network as a networked drive/print server/wireless access point (if you enable wireless). Just be sure there are no software firewalls blocking your current network on your PC or you won't be able to see the Time Capsule's HDD.

  • Can I create separate folders to save media on my Airport Time Capsule? Issue is I have a 256GB HDD Mac Pro Retina which is almost full. TC will only take backup of my HDD. So where would I save my photos and videos from my iPhone and iPad?

    Can I create separate folders to save media on my Airport Time Capsule? Issue is I have a 256GB HDD Mac Pro Retina which is almost full. TC will only take backup of my HDD. So where would I save my photos and videos from my iPhone and iPad?

    It is a hard one.. laptops with small drives are a pain.
    What you need is a home media server.
    Some people use a PC running itunes for cost.. but that is nothing like as good as using a Mac mini.. they make great little HTPC device.. you can plug in large hard disks and store all your files and media. And share it with the network.. Read up apple's instructions on home sharing.
    For cost you can buy a mini from 2011 or 2012.. I would not recommend earlier ones.. the advantage of 2012 is they have USB3 ports. But you will pay more for them.. new mini is not as useful.. they have soldered in memory and you cannot upgrade.. the old mini was the most easily modified mac in the whole range. Uses little power and can be bought for a $300US for a good one second hand.. maybe less.

  • How do I use an iPhoto library stored on an external HDD (time capsule) on the new photos app?

    I have recently upgraded to a MacBook Air with the latest 10.10.3 updates as such it has photos installed, not iPhoto. The MacBook I'm upgrading from still had 10.9 and as such had iPhoto app.
    The MacBook air has a smaller SSD (128GB) than the HDD from my 2008 MacBook, and isn't big enough to store my iPhoto library (over 150GB). I want to just keep my library on the external HDD (which is an Apple Time Capsule).
    When I follow the steps on Designate a System Photo Library in Photos - Apple Support it seems to want to import all the photos, it took hours to get to just 3% of importing so I left over night. In the morning it said my MacBooks storage isn't big enough, which of course it isn't - I didn't want to import the library on my new MacBook Air !
    I just want to change the location that photos looks for the library every time it opens, I don't actually want it to import the whole library which it appears to have tried to do. thanks!

    Thanks for getting back to me!
    It is connected over wireless. I don't have an RJ45 connection on the MacBook Air (although will purchase an adapter if needed). Even if I do have an RJ45 connection does this mean I can only ever use wired to view my external photo library?
    I suppose having the wired connection will give me the time to organise my photos and delete some of the rubbish (which I would have liked to do on my old MacBook first but it was running too slow, especially with such a big photo library - so I treated myself to a new MacBook Air so I did!).
    And I guess I could then put my favourite photos on the MacBook Air and have a separate library of older/lesser used photos on the Time Capsule and just access those as and when over RJ45 network cable. I prefer to use wireless as much as possible as the Time Capsule is normally stored in a room I don't use the MacBook or other wireless devices !

  • I have question about hooking up an external hdd to a time capsule and still have my printer hooked up as well. Anyone got any tips for me, how to do it and what brand of harddrive that will work best for me 1 or 2 TB

    i have question about hooking up an external hdd to a time capsule and still have my printer hooked up as well. Anyone got any tips for me, how to do it and what brand of harddrive that will work best for me 1 or 2 TB

    You just need a powered hub.. if you already use one then fine.
    Plug in just about any external hard disk will work fine. Format has to be readable by the TC.. ie fat32.. or much better HFS+.. plug it into a Mac to prepare the drive.
    Pick whatever size suits.. nowadays 2TB are most economical.
    WD, Seagate have goobled up all the minor players.. so pick one.
    Whatever suits your budget and asthetics.
    NOTE.. The USB on the TC is fine for printers.. IMHO it is the wrong way to go with USB disks.. use the internal disk of the TC.. USB is less than half the native speed plugged into a Mac.. TC to USB is slow.. far slower than internal drive.. or using external drive as external.

  • How do I Setup USB HDD on Airport EXTREME TIME CAPSULE? USB HDD Not showing up

    How can I get the HDD to work with my airport extreme?  Does it need formatted a specific way for mac?  Are there certain hdd types that work best with the I have a WD usb hard drive which doesn't show up when connected to airport extreme.  I'm trying to setup time capsule, but Having no luck.  I'm new to the Imac. 
    Message was edited by: clower80

    A couple of pointers.
    The hard drive must be specifically formatted in Mac OS Extended (Journaled) to work with the AirPort Extreme's USB port. Check the documentation that came with the drive to find out how it is formatted at the present time.....it is likely formatted to work with Windows, which is not compatible with the AirPort Extreme.
    Unfortunately, even if the drive is formatted correctly, Apple does not officially support Time Machine backups to a drive at the USB port of the AirPort Extreme, so that will be the next hurdle to deal with.
    Some users actually do seem to be able to make this work, but overall, it is not a reliable method to backup your data if it is important to you.

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