Time Code as External Sync & Multiclip

Ok, I shot an event with 3 z1u's. We synced the timecode on each camera with the remote. I just started editing and set up a multiclip in FCP- 6.0. The first 20 minutes worked great - all 3 cameras recorded straight through. Then it appears that the cameras were stopped and maybe turned off. Now the timecode can't sync up to make the multiclip to be able to finish editing the tape. This is our first time syncing the cameras this way. It says that it should keep the Free Run clock counting regardless if the cameras are on or recording.
Any help would be great.

It is easiest to capture them all together at once. Any other tips?
It's only easiest if the procedures were accurately followed; they were not. Forget "easy."
You can solve all of the problems caused by your camera operators by capturing the clips one at a time. There are a few other options but none as fast nor elegant as just simply sitting down and capturing the footage properly. Use the ANGLE filed and use the Logging Notes fields to help you sort and track the scenes and takes. Those columns can be critical when attempting to find a single clip in what is going to be several huge bins.
Then have a quick talk with your crew about why this failed and how you will never to do it that way again.

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    intel mini   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    There's no way to do this automatically.  You'll have to place and sync all clips manually.

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    You can't with Final Cut Pro unless you capture with a tape machine as has already been stated.
    If you have no tape machine you need a provision to insert the timecode into the rs422 datastream, like the [Horita TCI-50|http://www.horita.com/smpteltc.htm#RLT-50] or an [Adrienne|http://www.adrielec.com/box20lit.htm] interface. You may also want to investigate RP-188 timecode which SMPTE says "Transmission of Time Code and Control Code in the Ancillary Data Space of a Digital Television Data Stream." You probably can use [Aja's VTR Exchange|http://www.aja.com/support/kona/kona-lse-ls.php] software which will capture embedded RP-188 timecode if the video you are using does contain RP-188.

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    BIG TIME...by Digital Heaven:
    This will allow you to have TC display on one of your computer monitors. You cannot have it display on an external monitor...not on any NLE I know of. Not unless you are outputting to a deck and you have TC on the deck (the SUPER out on the back) routed to the monitor.

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    This is kind of off the top of my head, since I usually sync using the "dumb" part of the slate, but here's a workflow I'd try. I'm assuming here that the timecode from your digital slate matches the audio timecode.
    1. Select an audio clip in the bin. Choose from the menu Modify/Timecode...
    2. Copy the Source TC value into the Aux TC 1 row. You might have to turn on some checkboxes on the left side. Make sure the format and the rate are the same for both.
    3. Open the video clip in the viewer and find a frame where you can see the smart slate clearly.
    4. Select Modify/Timecode... and enter the timecode value you see in that frame in the Aux TC 1 row. Again, be sure you're using the right format and rate.
    5. Select the two audio and video clips that you want to sync. Choose Modify/Merge Clips... and synchronize using Aux Timecode 1.
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                                  <!-- "true" to enable this feature, "false" to disable.                                                  -->
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    Thanks for that ...
    but how do you account for
    "Absolute Time Code
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    Hi Chrissy,
    Yes, this is an Intel bug. Works fine on PPC. It's fixed in Logic 8, though you're bound to come across other issues should you move...

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    Yes, thanks for your interest. I began by laying down the audio tracks on channels one and two. When editing video over the tracks, I set an in and out point on the timeline, and drag my video material into the viewer display. I then set an in point on the raw video, and select "overwrite" in the canvas display.
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    Thanks for your feedback!

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    thanks in advance for your help!

    Highlight the regions and then from the audio menu select "move regions to original record positions"

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    conejo61 wrote:
    Yes, it's connected to the power adaptor and I have an external trackball and keyboard.
    You will have to keep them both open and play around with monitor settings until you get them both working. Keep doing "Gather windows" in System Preferences to get the display preferences window for the 2nd monitor and change it each time it doesn't display anything.
    I don't know what it means "you will have to set it".
    You have to set the desktop for the additional screen. Once you get closed clamshell to work, the external monitor will be your primary screen and you won't have to worry about it.

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    - Arm LE8 to record, press the Record button on LE8 transport panel
    - Push a start button on the built-in-sequencer on my synth
    - LE8 disarms recording mode and
    Please let me know if this would never work (so I would stop working on it, Reverse of it works by making the LE8 the master.). Or if there is something I am doing wrong that can be fixed, that would even be greater.
    Thanks in advance!

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    Furthermore, when I launched iTunes 11 for the first time my phone was synced, but since I accidenttly hit the eject button in the top right, this button has yet to come back. Even when the iPhone is linked via USB. Am I Crazy, stupid, or is this a bug?
    BTW, how did MrTrav15 have this problem on 10/17 a month-and-a-half before the launching of iTunes 11?

  • Drop Frame video (29.97) with Non-Drop Frame Time Code

    Howdy All,
    I understand that DF TC & Non-Drop frame TC are numbering issues and not frame
    count issues, That said,
    If I have an encoded file captured from an analog Beta Cam SP that has NDF TC
    and that file has been encoded as 29.97, so that the resulting file has
    a Frame rate of 29.97 with NDF TC from the source tape,
    1) Does this constitute an error?.
    2) Will this cause problems for the next guy?.
    (having been "The Next Guy" in the past I prefer to handle such things on this end if it requires handling)
    I have been looking for a straight answer but this specific cause/effect
    is tough to track down.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance,

    Well, starting as a linear editor I can tell you jam syncing and converting to DF will really screw up the TC. Every 10 seconds you'll have a TC number that's incompatible with the DF counting sequence.
    If these are source tapes, you have nothing to worry about. I actually prefer NDF source while editing (I'm very old school) beacuse if I trim 5 frames on a mark I can calculate in my head where the new point would land regarding TC. With DF, I trim and often have to do a double take because the math didn't make sense.
    Do NOT ever alter the time code on any source material unless you have a capture failure that you have absolutely no other way of working around.
    Anyone can mix DF and NDF source time code on any system without any issues. The only problem with NDF is determining EXCACT running time of a completed program when delivering for broadcast.

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