Time machine locks up when browsing backups.

I have just started using time machine. It did a full back up 3 days ago and is ow doing hourly backups. My problem is browsing the backups, the TM window opens full screen and the time line on the right animates, I can click on a date which then comes to the front but if I click on anything, TM locks upand wont respond, None of the buttons work,no spinning 'wait' icon and the only way out is to force quit. I did see another thread suggesting that virus barrier could be the problem, but I uninstalled virus barrier some time ago after the trial subscription ran out.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks

Diana1138 wrote:
I've tried repairing permissions on both externals drives and Disk Utility always says nothing needs to be repaired.
You can't repair permissions on a non-OSX volume. It sounds like something on one of them, probably the iTunes drive, is corrupted. +*Repair Disk+* instead.
When I try to stop the backup, it won't stop and I'm forced to shutdown my mac using the power button because nothing else seems to work
See #D6 in [Time Machine - Troubleshooting|http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/Troubleshooting.html] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum). If it's locking up that badly, have the Activity Monitor window visible and ready before starting a backup.
I'm a bit nervous that my 500 GB drive is failing.
Quite possible.
All of my media is there and I'm concerned I'll lose it all. Could it be anything else though?
Sure. If +*Repair Disk+* says it "appears to be ok," and the problem persists, exclude it from backups temporarily, per #10 in [Time Machine - Frequently Asked Questions|http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/FAQ.html] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum).
If the problem stops, you know it's something to do with that drive.
If not, Verify your internal HD and, while you're at it, Repair the Time Machine drive, too.
If it does appear to be the iTunes drive, check all the connections; try different port(s) and cables, and combinations of the two (a plug that works fine in one port may not make good contact in another).
Also check the power connections, if the drive has it's own power supply. And be sure it's plugged-in to a known good outlet: better, a good-quality surge protector; best, the same U.P.S. system that your iMac is on.

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    Do a verify of the backup.. it could be stuck with inprogress file from previous failed backup.
    A5 and A10 here. http://pondini.org/TM/Troubleshooting.html
    Load the widget.. A1 to get the logs from the TM so you actually know why it is stalling.

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    Alan Carroll1 wrote:
    Okay... TimeMachineBuddy's last entry was ". . . node requires deep traversal:/" it lists a reason, but I can't get a copy/paste of it.
    Click in the message area (that will outline it in blue), press Cmd+A to select all, then Cmd+C to copy everything to your clipboard; then paste it here.
    This message was last after three UUID's don't match for all three internal drives (but that supposed to be normal for a first backup).
    Correct. So is the "deep traversal" message. Since TM isn't sure what's on the disks with the UUID problems, it has to do the deep traversal, comparing every directory (folder) on your system with it's backups. That is, of course, a lengthy procedure, and the message is not an error message -- it's just to let you know the Preparing phase will be a long one. See #7 in the Frequently Asked Questions *User Tip,* also at the top of this forum, for details.

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    Are you browsing/viewing files in Time Machine backups on your Time Capsule, or files you've put there yourself?
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    If the files are things you put there, you'll do better browsing, searching, or re-posting in the +Time Capsule+ forum, hiding in the +Digital Life+ section, at: http://discussions.apple.com/forum.jspa?forumID=1253

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    Hallo  Kieth ,
    I am not quite ready to restore the full iphoto library , as I have days of work re - imputting titles,descriptions and enhancement . I hope that your suggestion works , as I use my Macbook basically to work with digital photography. Through time , I will need to delete my library to recover more disc space and I would hate to have to spend more time re - imputting titles and descriptions all over again .
    Thanks for your interest and advice.
    regards  - Alan

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    Hi I'd like to jump in here. Your app showed me this:
    Time Machine:
              Skip System Files: NO
              Mobile backups: OFF
              Auto backup: YES
              Volumes being backed up:
                        Macintosh HD: Disk size: 749.3 GB Disk used: 453.81 GB
                        Plastic Wrapper [Local] (Last used)
                        Total size: 999.86 GB
                        Total number of backups: 64
                        Oldest backup: 2013-07-24 23:25:11 +0000
                        Last backup: 2013-11-17 01:40:47 +0000
                        Size of backup disk: Too small
                                  Backup size 999.86 GB < (Disk used 453.81 GB X 3)
              Time Machine details may not be accurate.
              All volumes being backed up may not be listed.
              /sbin excluded from backup!
              /usr excluded from backup!
              /System excluded from backup!
              /bin excluded from backup!
              /private excluded from backup!
              /Library excluded from backup!
              /Applications excluded from backup!
    Aside from the size of my backup drive, which I will increase at some point, I'd really like to have time machine backing up all system folders, especially Applications. How to I reset this hidden exclusions?

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    I bought an external hard drive for backups to use with Time Machine, but however when I try to connect it with the other windows laptop it doesn't work ? intact it doesn't work on any other device except my MAC ?

    Do not worry about it.
    Time Machine needs that your external drive is formatted in HFS+, or better known as "Mac OS Extended (Journaled)". This filesystem is used by Apple on Macs and Windows cannot read or write drives formatted with this filesystem, being this the reason why all your devices do not read the external drive except your Mac.
    You can only use your external drive to make Time Machine drives. If you store anything different, you may damage the Time Machine structure, so it is better not to use it as a drive to store other data. Instead, get another external drive to do it or create a second partition on the external drive formatted in FAT32 by using Disk Utility > http://pondini.org/OSX/DU3.html FAT32 can be read by Windows PCs

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    ' Time machine could not complete the backup.  The backup disc image "/Volumes/Data/Lou Ann Buesing's Mac Book Pro. sparse bundle' is already in use. "
    Anyone know how to fix it?

    Reboot the TC.. Sometimes you need to reboot the whole network.
    This is what comes of Lion and then made worse in Mountain Lion of Apple not spending enough time to fix the bugs.
    Read C12 in pondini.
    C17 can be related I think.

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    Problem started after deleting parrell desktop and window7 ?
    Please help?

    Look at the more like this column on the right.. this is the most frequently asked question in this discussion area.
    Reboot the TC.. restart the whole network if the simple reboot did not work.. start in order. modem.. router/TC.. clients. 2min gap.
    Read C12 here. http://pondini.org/TM/Troubleshooting.html

  • Backing up to a thumb drive - time machine doesn't delete older backups when it's full. I will have to erase and re-do the drive. Why?

    Backing up to a thumb drive - time machine doesn't delete older backups when it's full. I will have to erase and re-do the drive. Why?

    You are both right.
    Time Machine can backup FROM:
    It cannot back up a USB thumb drive.
    Time  Machine can backup TO:
    •A USB thumb drive (but most aren't large enough, and are very, very slow)

  • Time Machine - Can't Explore Previous Backups, Can't Open Image!

    I have a two-fold problem with my Time Machine.
    1. I plugged in my USB hard drive into my Macbook Pro, and let it backup. Then, I plugged it into an Airport Extreme n (Fast Ethernet) and it resumed the backups successfully. But, regardless of whether I had it plugged in through USB or wirelessly, I could not see on the Time Machine program any previous backups (i.e. flip through past times).
    I had previously been able to see older backups, before all the time machine updates, and when the hard drive had been plugged in through USB only. But after all the updates, my time machine backup failed to recognize, and I deleted the whole thing.
    One difference I noticed with the backups with prior to and after the updates, was that before, it would have a backup folder, whereas now, it uses an image format. Which brings me to:
    2. When time machine is doing a backup, I am able to see the image loaded. I can browse through it and see all the backups through the finder.
    When Time Machine is not backing up anymore, however, I can no longer see the image. When clicking on the “sparsebundle,” I get the following error:
    The following disk images failed to mount
    Image: Macbook Pro_001b….
    Reason: Operation not supported on socket
    Anybody know why these two issues occur?
    Thank you for your help!
    2.2Ghz 15" Macbook Pro
    OS 10.5.2 (all updates installed)

    The backup can be corrupt.. you are on Lion so this is no surprise. Are you backing up over wireless.. it would be much less of a surprise.
    Read the troubleshooting as TM is much more complex than a simple copy this file over to there.

  • Time Machine: Repeated errors when backing up for the first time using a new external firewire drive

    My Iomega 500GB firewire external drive failed on me last week and I have just replaced it with an identical model. I used to use the old drive with Time Machine on my MacBook Pro running 10.5.8 with no issues, until the drive had a hardware failure and stopped spinning up, hence the replacement.
    Two days ago I tried using Time Machine for the first time with the replacement external drive. The backup failed and each subsequent backup attempt has failed since then with a different error each time. The drive cannot be ejected using Finder (Finder says disk is in use and cannot be ejected even when no processes are running except for Finder and Time Machine has been disabled), by dragging it to the dock (hangs computer which can only be fixed by a hard reboot), in Disk Utilities (drive cannot be unmounted) or in Terminal ("no such file or directory").
    The first backup attempt failed after 3 hours of "preparing" with the message "The backup was not performed because an error occured while creating backup directory".
    I tried repairing the disk in Disk Utilities and Disk Utilities said the drive was OK ("the volume Time Machine Backups appears to be OK"). I tried ejecting the drive (hard reboot of computer and disconnecting the drive), plugging it back in again and trying again.
    This time it started backing up, then failed after a few minutes with the message "an error occured while copying files to the backup volume". I had a look at the troubleshooting suggested on http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/C3.html and followed instructions. It failed again, so I did a full reset as per http://web.me.com/pondini/Time_Machine/A4.html.
    It failed again, so I tried reparing the drive again in Disk Utilities and again it said it was OK. I tried using different cables and ports (Firewire 400 instead of Firewire 800), and backups still fail.
    I have turned off anti-virus scanning (Sophos). I have tried excluding it from Spotlight but this causes an error message from Spotlight. I have tried trashing the com.apple.TimeMachine.plist file and rebooting. I have tried selecting deselecting the drive as the back up in Time Machine preferences, selecting "None", then "Stop Backing Up" then quitting preferences, rebooting, disconnecting the drive, reconnecting the drive and selecting the drive again as the backup disk in Time Machine preferences. I have tried erasing the drive completely, rebooting, and trying to back up again.
    None of these have worked. This is a brand new drive and I do not want to have to replace it again if I do not have to.
    Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.

    Hello, some possible clues...
    Should you click “Start New Backup”? Not yet! If you see the dialog above, your existing Time Machine backup is corrupt, and you might not be able to recover data from it. But you can save a copy of the corrupt bundle and, perhaps, extract some data from it if needed.
    Ask yourself if Time Machine has saved data you might need before deciding what to do next:
    If you are sure you won’t need anything backed up before today, click “Start New Backup” and let Time Machine do its thing.
    Otherwise, click “Back Up Later” and save a copy before letting Time Machine start a new backup. Just look for a file called “computername.sparsebundle” (for network backups) or “Backups.backupdb” (for local ones) and create a copy with a different name. You can open sparsebundle files with DiskImageMounter and browse them like any other disk. More information is available here.
    There you go. If you click “Start New Backup” when you see this dialog box, Time Machine will erase all of your old backup data and start a new bundle. It won’t be corrupt, but it will be empty.
    Note that you can manually initiate a Time Machine backup integrity check by option-clicking the “Time Machine” icon in the menu bar and selecting “Verify Backups.”
    http://blog.fosketts.net/2010/08/11/time-machine-completed-verification-backups- improve-reliability-time-machine-create-backup/
    According to This Time Machine resource   “This appears only on Snow Leopard, and started with the Time Capsule Backup Update 1.0 in mid-May of 2010.  It also seems to have been included in the 10.6.3 v1.1 update and 10.6.4.”
    So, what can you do about it?  Grin and bear it, it seems, until Apple fixes it.
    One thing you can do to make the backup take less time is to connect your machine to your Time Capsule or other backup drive via Ethernet for the duration of the initial backup.
    http://www.theinternetpatrol.com/the-dreaded-time-machine-has-completed-a-verifi cation-of-your-backups-to-improve-reliability-time-machine-must-create-a-new-ba c kup-for-you-message-and-why-you-are-seeing-it/
    Time Machine: About "Time Machine completed a verification of your backups. To improve reliability, Time Machine must create a new backup for you."...
    Or a different/better solution in my experiences...
    Get carbon copy cloner to make an exact copy of your old HD to the New one...
    Or SuperDuper...
    Or the most expensive one & my favorite, Tri-Backup...

  • I just updated to Mountain Lion and now time machine won't recognize my backups from before the update.

    I updated from Snow Leopard OS X 10.6.8 to Mountain Lion OS X 10.8.2 on my MacBook Pro
    I used disk utility to restore my external hardrive because I read somewhere that that would fix the problem.
    It did fix the problem but only temporarily. I was able to view my backups from Snow Leopard, but as soon as I tried to backup again, time machine was stuck
    "preparing to backup" for 5 hours and when I quit the prepare I could no longer access my previous backups.

    So what happens if you go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General? Are you able to go there at all? If you are able to go there, can you unlock the preferences using the lock in the lower left and your login name and password?
    If you are able to do this, can you change the "Allow applications downloaded from:" to Anywhere?
    Best of luck.

  • Time Machine locked disk

    Connected a WD My Book pro to my G5 PM running OS 10.5.1. After a few minutes into the first backup it failed the backup with the message: Time Machine Error - Unable to complete backup. An error occurred while creating the backup directory.
    Tried deleting the "in-progress" file, but the disk is locked and will not unlock. Cannot unmount, repair or erase with DU, and cannot unlock.
    Tried disconnecting and reconnecting power to the backup disk, now the computer hangs trying to connect to the backup disk.
    Appreciate any suggestions

    Try shutting down and resetting the PRAM.
    Resetting your Mac's PRAM and NVRAM
    See if you can now unlock the disk. If you can, reformat the drive using the directions in this article. People with PPC Macs should substitute Apple Partition Map for GUID when following the directions.

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