Time Machine or Disk Image

Hi Everyone,
I want to backup my data to be sure that in the event something goes wrong I can get it all back again. My question is, in the situation where for some reason I have to reformat my hard drive, will there be an option in Time Machine to restore the system completely to a working version? As in, can I just go and reinstall it using the Time Machine data and get everything back?
Would a disk image do this or do the exact same thing? If I created a disk image of my entire drive, after reinstalling the OS and formatting the HD, could I just load the drive as it was from a disk image?
I'm mostly concerned about my applications. I realized recently that several of my discs have gone missing and thus I no longer have my registration codes. I'm looking for a much easier way than having the hassle of contacting the companies or having to repurchase if things go wrong.
Thanks for your help!

Here are a few points regarding what will be needed to get back up and running.
If you back up with Time Machine, you will need both your Leopard install disk and your Time Machine backup, in order for Time Machine to put it all back together.
If you back up to a disk image, you need to be able to boot from an external disk of some kind, or attach your Mac to another Mac, because something has to open the disk image and clone it back onto your original Mac that had the problem.
If you back up to a bootable external hard drive (using Disk Utility, SuperDuper, or Carbon Copy Cloner), you only need that drive. You can boot from it and use it to clone itself back to the Mac.
As far as the software licenses go, it's really hard to predict what will happen unless you have an exact list of which software it is and you know how they store their registrations. Looking at my own Mac:
1. Some software stores registration info in the application, so it moves with the application. No prob.
2. Some software stores registration info in a separate file. Sometimes it's in the same folder as the app. Sometimes it's in the Preferences folder. Sometimes it's in the Application Support folder. As long as that file is still where the program wants to find it, you're OK.
3. Some software does #2 but makes the file invisible, making it hard to locate.
4. Some software does #2 but gives the file a name that does not identify which application it belongs to, and encrypts the contents. So you can't figure out where it is or what it looks like.
5. Some software does #4 and has tied your registration info to a specific hardware combination, so there is a possibility that if it finds itself on a modified computer (e.g., you replaced the hard disk) it will notice the change, and fail to register.
If you are lucky, your software will be easy to migrate. But the more expensive or established the software, the more likely it is that at least one of your programs will need to be re-registered due to anti-piracy measures taken with the registration storage.

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    If you lose a folder, you just have to open Finder, go to the folder where that folder was and open the Time Machine application, so you will be able to navigate through your backups and restore the folder > http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1427
    Time Machine always create sparsebundle disk images when you are backing up to a network drive

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    gonecoastal wrote:
    Once I set the Time Machine up again, a backup was unsuccessfully attempted with an error message: "backup disk image could not be created" being generated.
    That sounds like it's trying to create a new sparse bundle for a new set of backups, but can't for some reason. 
    It's possible that your backups are corrupted; see if you can repair them, per #A5 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting.
    If that doesn't help, try re-selecting them in Time Machine Preferences.  If still no help, try a "full reset" of Time Machine, per #A4 in the same link.
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    I've played around with this a little. As best I can tell, when cloning an entire HD volume both CCC and SuperDuper will always copy an image file (.dmg, .sparsebundle, etc) that resides that on that HD, whether or not that file's disk image is mounted at the time. However the contents of the mounted disk image volume will not be copied separately, and so If the disk image is encrypted, no unencrypted content will get transferred this way. However as mentioned in the SuperDuper link above, it's better to unmount the image in any event, in order to ensure that the underlying .dmg or .sparsebundle file gets copied faithfully.
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    I had this same problem. Unplugged the power for a minute and plugged back in after reading this https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4984048
    Working for me now.

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    Run AirPort Utility, go to Disk, and then choose Erase. Then start over and try to backup again. I'd recommend using an ethernet cable for your first backup.

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    Mario Lordeiro

    You may have successfully increased the sparsebundle's potential capacity while failing to resize the contained partition. That seems to be what happened when I tried this myself. A resized sparsebundle containing the same files would not occupy much more space on disk than it did before.
    *Provided you have a backup*, you could try the following:
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    Changing the short name may have been the problem, but I would have thought Migration Assistant would have done it (messily - you'd have two accounts and loads of permissions to change).
    Best I can suggest for now is that you have a good look at Pondini's TM and Setup/Migration Assistant articles

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    redemily wrote:
    Something I just thought of - I did move that sparse from a different volume that was larger. I bet the total size is saved in the information in the sparse.
    That's possible, depending on how you moved the sparse bundle. If it had a smaller maximum size than the volume it's on, Time Machine would automatically resize it to the size of the volume it's on, making it larger (effective with 10.6.3).
    I don't know if it will make a larger one smaller, though.
    Will this cause me any problems in the long run?
    No. Time Machine will figure out how much space there really is anyway. But if you want to change the size, see #A8 in Time Machine - Troubleshooting (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of this forum).

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    "The Backup Disk Image Could Not Be Created"
    Here are a couple possible reasons for the error message, “The Backup Disk Image Could Not Be Created”:
    *Missing Computer Name*
    First you might be missing a computer name in the Sharing Preference pane. Go into System Prefs. Then Sharing. In the box labeled “Computer Name” is it empty? If it is blank, you need to put in a name for your computer. Otherwise Time Machine won’t be able to link this Mac with the previous backups.
    *Reselect Time Machine Backup*
    Next, the link to the network drive “Backup” has been lost. Go into System Preferences --> Time Machine --> “Change Disk…” and select the the backup drive again from the list of available volumes. Do this:
    Go to System Preferences --> Time Machine.
    Click the "Change Disk..." button.
    Select "None" and click "Stop Backing Up".
    Now click "Choose Backup Disk" and reselect your drive again.
    Close System Preferences and try backing-up again.
    Let us know if any of the above resolved your issue.
    Message was edited by: Glenn Carter

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    Inherit a Backup
    Inherit a Backup (2)

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    here is what happened:
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    Now i discover icloud did not recover or save the "Audio Memos Free" app content. I know the data are hidden into the Time machine Backup HD, but i do not know where to search for the itunes backup in it.
    I know it is in library, but library won't show up.
    Any help would be much appreciated.
    PS there is a chance that, even without a data recovery, my latest itunes backup was containing these songs, but i do not know how to fish that out of the Time machine drive.
    Thank you in advance.

    I would email iTunes Customer Service:

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    Well a google search would appear that disk utility will show you the disk regardless if it's mounted or unmounted. you're best bet would be to unmount the disk in finder, shut down the computer completely, unplug it from a power source, and then unplug the firewire...
    I think this is your safest bet but then again, I'm not that worried about ejecting my disks.
    you get no error messages when you right click and eject the disk in in disk utilty? you said you have a my disk, do you mean My Book by western digital? I know that they load software onto the machine for encryption purposes. have you tried ejecting the disk from there? I uninstalled said software so I can't tell you if there is an option for that or not.

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    BTW, I also tried Repair the system disk, Fix permissions via Disk Utility.
    I guess I must lose some files either during the backup or the restore.

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