Time maschine

Meine TimeCapsule 2GB lief bisher ohne Probleme. Nach einem Systemabsturz und einem neuen rekonstruieren des gespeicherten Backup der Time Maschine läuft alles soweit wieder OK. Nun habe ich festgestellt, das meine Time Maschine nach einem Backup sichern nicht mehr abschaltet, Uhr läuft und läuft usw. ich kann das backup nur anhalten durch ein manuelles stoppen! Vor dem Systemsbsturz und der darauf folgenden wiederherstellung lief alles ohne manuelles eingreifen. Was kann ich machen? Danke vorab für ihre Hilfe. Gruß roki

GOT it too work! Thanks to Matt at AppleCare support we fixed this issue.
In My case I had to issues causing this matter.
First My Macs hostname had " ' " (apostrophies in it). Weird characters in the hostname can cuase Time machine issues. I made my hostname to 'imac' and this fixed my issue.
Also I had to remove the httpmail plugin as this was causing issues. Some along the lines of time machine looking at the mailbox files.
But its all working now!

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    if you can put those data in your computer then add it in iTunes. your iPhone 5s should get it thru syncing.

  • IMac 24" HDD issues, cant backup from Time maschine, EFI BOOT ERROR

    Hi, after a failed Bootcamp experience I saw yesterday only my Windows Partition in the boot chooser. I booted then from Rescue DVD and formatted the hdd completey. Then I reinstalled from my latest Time Maschine backup the whole hdd. Took 7 hrs for 500 GB!
    I restarted then the imac but its shows now only a "EFI BOOT" Drive in the boot choose. When I click on the drive, it shows gray screen than black and the Imac is shutdown °°
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    Although your machine does not match the model series of this
    specific forum (this one is dedicated to iMac G4 LCD models)
    you may be able to make sense of some of the links posted in
    this Apple Discussions thread:
    Re: Blank Grey Screen After Using Boot Camp - intel iMac:
    {Since the G4 series can't run BootCamp and can't boot Windows,
    if the link above has a desired coverage of information, the topic
    should be closed; if not, you may have to rephrase the question
    and re-post the problem in a new thread in the newer Intel iMac
    Discussion forum; or search there for additional ideas on topic.}
    re: Intel iMac Discussions forum (specific areas within)
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Time Maschine NAS Server

    I have a problem getting access through Time Maschine to my NAS Server.
    Some time ago the Server has been recognized, but now the system does not find it anymore.
    I can access the server using the IP address and also the server appears in the finder, but only under the view point "Freigaben" in English this might be access and not under servers as an Ipod would do.
    I have installed NFTS for Mac and I am able to open all folders and access all entries.
    The only problem I have to be bale to select the server through the configuration settings of time maschine.
    It is a NAS Server from Seagta NAS110 with 2TB space.
    Is there any other hintsomeone is able to give me in order to solve the problem?
    Many thanks

    Can I create an account server on a time capsule for all the computers in my house to use?
    There is no way to run applications on the Time Capsule. It is merely a wireless base station, file server and print server.

  • Time Maschine | FileVault | additional external data HDD

    Hi all
    At my companies macbook i'm using time maschine with FileVault enabled. I do my time maschine backups to an external HDD. In addition i have another HDD (Raid 0) connected to my macbook which contains additional data i whish to backup as well.
    The system backup is working well. My user foldes also is beeing backedup when i log out. Everything as expected.
    The additional external data HDD also is beeing backed up, as i wish to. But every now and then the backup of the external HDD is starting from scratch, which is annoying, since it contains about 600G of data.
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    It doesn't do that every time. Only every couple of times. In this state time maschine is not really useable for my data, which is bad.
    Any Ideas about this one ? I really would appreciate it

    Hi all
    Some news on the topic. After the backup startet over and over again most of the time, i deactivated File Fault last weekend. After that, i did the whole backup from scratch (again). This now last for about a week or so. Right now, Time Mashine is doing the whole backup again. (All the 6xx GB). That is ******* annoying.
    Here that latest output from the logs:
    +Starting standard backup+
    +Backing up to: /Volumes/backup/Backups.backupdb+
    +Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: daten+
    +Node requires deep traversal:/Volumes/daten reason:kFSEDBEventFlagMustScanSubDirs|+
    +No pre-backup thinning needed: 793.57 GB requested (including padding), 1.10 TB available+
    +Copied 654 files (27.3 MB) from volume Macintosh HD.+
    One entry before that:
    +Starting standard backup+
    +Backing up to: /Volumes/backup/Backups.backupdb+
    +No pre-backup thinning needed: 1.43 GB requested (including padding), 1.10 TB available+
    +Backup requested due to disk attach+
    +Copied 3876 files (220.0 MB) from volume Macintosh HD.+
    +No pre-backup thinning needed: 1.18 GB requested (including padding), 1.10 TB available+
    +Copied 558 files (927 KB) from volume Macintosh HD.+
    +Starting post-backup thinning+
    +Deleted backup /Volumes/backup/Backups.backupdb/macbook stijink/2009-06-17-184212: 1.10 TB now available+
    +Deleted backup /Volumes/backup/Backups.backupdb/macbook stijink/2009-06-17-174206: 1.10 TB now available+
    +Deleted backup /Volumes/backup/Backups.backupdb/macbook stijink/2009-06-17-164321: 1.10 TB now available+
    +Deleted backup /Volumes/backup/Backups.backupdb/macbook stijink/2009-06-17-154654: 1.10 TB now available+
    +Post-back up thinning complete: 4 expired backups removed+
    +Backup completed successfully.+
    It seems to me, that Time Maschine is removing to many backups. Unnecessarily, since the backup disc still has 1,8 TB of free space.
    Could this even be a problem with the backup disc itself ? It is a WD MyBook configured to use RAID 0. See: http://www.amazon.com/Western-Digital-Book-Mirror-WDH2U20000N/dp/B001B8RSAK/ref= sr12?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1245398972&sr=8-2

  • Time maschine backups gone

    my time maschine backups worked fine for the last 20 months.
    Today I recognized a very slow backup and checked the application. Time maschine wants to make a backup from the hole hard disk. Why?
    I didn't changed anything regarding the backup settings or anything else...
    When I checked the time maschine settings again, I got a real shock: there are no more backups available! The hole time maschine hard disk space is free!!
    Where are my backups and what happend to my time capsule??
    A backup tool that destroys itself sometime makes no sence...
    Thanx so far,
    captain nick

    I had the same problem. Read my thread "Time Machine Deletes Old Backups without warning!!"
    I lost several years of emails and lots of Photos.
    Time Machine deletes files without warning and in my opinion can't be trusted as a back-up method until safeguards are in place to verify and re-verify permission to delete old back-ups--BEFORE THE FACT.
    I was never given this option though I should have been. I was notified after the fact. I had planned all along that when that drive reached near capacity, (and I was constantly deleting files from the back-ups to save space, like news, podcasts, ****, and anything else that didn't have any reason to be backed-up), I would switch to another drive. I researched how to transfer the library of back-ups from one drive to another, and know this would eventually have to be done.
    But one day..poof....gone.
    I mistakenly believed the promo that it was possible to go back and retrieve files from any time.

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    Ich hoffe um schnelle antwort

    Oh well, this doesn't sound good tbh :-(
    But … are you really sure that Lion has changed your "old" backups on the time machine disk?
    You have an old backup (made on Snow Leopard), right?
    If so, can't you just browse the old backup via Finder? Usually there are sub folders like "Backups.backupdb/My Mac/2011-07-20-194541" for example.
    Another thing could be that the folder is really hidden and so you cannot see the folder in the Finder. That would explain it. You could try to navigate to this folder via the UNIX terminal and try to show all files/folders (even the hidden ones) via "ls -lA".
    If you don't know how to navigate to the folder just feel free to ask again

  • Time Maschine has a strange influence on mail.app

    Hello there,
    I have an annoying problem.
    Mounted a new disk and began using Time Machine (TM). Everything actually looks fine. Except from when I want to run TM with mail.app. I think TM should work with mail.app, right?
    Well here is the problem in pictures
    I begins here. Mail.app open:
    Now I click TM in the dock to see previous versions of the mailbox.
    TM does not open, but the dock dissappears and I cannot minimize mail.app (The yellow minimize dot dissapears). Looks like the when TM is just pressed:
    If I now click anywhere on the desk the dock will come back.
    I need to say that I use IMAP in mail.app. I have set mail.app to have local copies of all mail. I think this should work, otherwise there would be problems running .mac (IMAP).
    I have tried erasing the disk and also did delete the TimeMachine plist file in preferences and started all over. No luck.
    Hope anybody has a clue?
    Thank you in advance.
    Palle Jensen

    GOT it too work! Thanks to Matt at AppleCare support we fixed this issue.
    In My case I had to issues causing this matter.
    First My Macs hostname had " ' " (apostrophies in it). Weird characters in the hostname can cuase Time machine issues. I made my hostname to 'imac' and this fixed my issue.
    Also I had to remove the httpmail plugin as this was causing issues. Some along the lines of time machine looking at the mailbox files.
    But its all working now!

  • Time maschine laufwerk ausgeblendet

    Habe versehentlich bei meinem MacBookAir ein Netzwerk-Volume (WDMyBook Live) in der TimeMaschine abgewählt. Wie kann ich den Vorgang wieder rückgängig machen?

    Habe versehentlich bei meinem MacBookAir ein Netzwerk-Volume (WDMyBook Live) in der TimeMaschine abgewählt. Wie kann ich den Vorgang wieder rückgängig machen?

  • Can't I use time capsule to store movies from itunes?

    Here's my problem. I have a Time Capsule running as a router as well as a HDD and my OS is Windows 8. My music and Tv Shows purchased on Itunes are stored on the TC. However when I try to store movies I get this message:
    "This item is incompatible with your hard drive.
      You have a FAT32-formatted hard drive. This means that you cannot buy items that are larger than 4 GB. Click OK to learn more."
    Is there anyway to store my movies on it without change the quality from HD to SD? And if someone knows please tell me why the limit is 4 GB and not 10GB for example(it would definitely solve the problem).

    Why are so many peolple asking this?
    Just store your files there. 
    And when using Time-Maschine for the back-up select the Time-Capsule (whatever name your has) as the place to store the date.
    cheers, anne

  • Deleting Pictures from my I Book after a Time Machine session ?

    Hello out there, my dear wife has allot of Pictures on her I Book and would love to delete them to free up space ! we ever so often back up to Time Maschine..if i deleted all her Pictures after a back up session..will the pictures be reloaded to her I Book at the next back up ? if yes..what would you recomend her doing so that she can free up her I book and still be able to access her pictures in the future ?

    Put them onto an external drive and set Time Machine to back it up as well. If they exist only on the backup, they'll get deleted from it when that drive runs out of space.

  • Time Capsule hangs up

    Hi Community,
    since 3 Month I have now a time capsule and enjoy it very much. I have a MacBookAir (mid 2011) with Mountain Lion installed.
    But I have one problem.
    My Mac runs the hole night. I can start checking my emails in the morning etc. all fine. But when I start to use for example iTunes (was open the hole night) Time capsule hangs up. My Library from iTunes is stored on the Time Capsule. Time maschine is switch off.
    I am getting the impression that there is a problem when the HDD from Time Capsule has to start again from the sleep mode. When I use the Mac over the day all is fine. It does not happen all the time.
    When I start to look onto the Time Capsule via Finder it can happen the Time Capsule does not hang up.
    Can someone tell what I can do in order to avoid it?
    Kind regards,

    Hi Chameleon,
    thanks for the fast reply.
    my Library is to big to move it somewhere else and it was one of the reason why I bought the time capsule.
    It does not only happen when I use iTunes. TC hangs also up when I try to copy a large amount of data from my local dirve to the TC (after the 'sleep mode').
    I use the TC HDD as my Server-Disk-Storage. It cannot be the case that it hangs up after it comes out of the sleep mode.
    Just as additional information. I access the TC over WLAN. Maybe it is the case that the TC hangs up when the WLAN has to mutch to do.
    Kind regards

  • Systemeinstellungen und Time Mashine reagieren nicht

    Hallo zusammen,
    mein Mac Book Pro Version 10.6.8 Mac OS X hat seit gestern keine Systemeinstellungen mehr bzw. lässt sich nicht öffen und Time Maschine ist auch weg.

    Does this model externally enclosed USB 3.0 HDD require a power adapter, or does it run using port power from the computer?
    For whatever reason, it would appear that this drive incorrectly 'unmounts' when the computer goes to sleep; so perhaps the lack of port power or connection to a live port, implies the same thing as an unplugged memory media.
    Do you have a powered USB hub? Is the 'WD My Book' self-powered with its own mains power adapter?
    I'd see about getting a FireWire or Thunderbolt external drive for a backup, with power adapter, and check into detail concerning brand and controller chipset in such a device. There are some fairly nice ones I've seen at OWC otherworldcomputing online, they have what appears to be good Mac compatible hardware; according to other user experiences. The OWC storage options have a variety of port compatibility.
    {Previous experience with WD in Macintosh, also Kingston RAM in Macintosh, keep me clear of them. No matter of how great others may find them now. I've fixed too many issues based on low-end parts.}
    To get a better configuration of hard disk drive, enclosure, & connection-type is recommended. I've used self-powered FireWire400/800 externally enclosed HDDs with oxford-type chipsets as a preference. Now there are other options, though and a few faster ones entice to match up with newer expectation.
    Not sure if this helps much...
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Fehler in Backup mit Time Capsule: Das Image des Backup-Volumes „/Volumes/Data/Volkers MacBook Air.sparsebundle" wird bereits verwendet.

    Nach einem Jahr kontinuierlichem und fehlerfreiem wirft dieTime Maschine seit letztem Wochenende die folgende Fehlermeldung:
    "Das Image des Backup-Volumes „/Volumes/Data/Volkers MacBook Air.sparsebundle“ wird bereits verwendet."
    Ich nutze die Time Maschine mit einer lokalen Time Capsule (2GB) und nehme das AirBook immer wieder mit auf meine Außerneinsätze. Das war lange Zeit kein problem, aber ohne dass etwas an der Time Maschine oder dem Airbook geändert wurde, tauchten diese Meldungen auf.
    Weiß jemand Rat ?
    Danke und Gruß,

    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    First, restart your MacBook Air and your Time Capsule. This solves that problem in most of the cases.
    If it doesn't work, see > http://pondini.org/TM/C12.html
    Zunächst starten Sie Ihr MacBook Air und Time Capsule. Dies löst das Problem in den meisten Fällen.
    Wenn es nicht funktioniert, siehe > http://pondini.org/TM/C12.html

  • Can I use time capsule to store music and video files as well as use it to back up.

    Can I use time capsule to store music and video files as well as use it to back up.

    Why are so many peolple asking this?
    Just store your files there. 
    And when using Time-Maschine for the back-up select the Time-Capsule (whatever name your has) as the place to store the date.
    cheers, anne

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