Timecode reader

I need a timecode reader to show in the video the original timecode from the master.  This is nessesary when I am making DVD for pre editing.
Jan in Norway

If you have Compressor, here's one way.
If you don't have Compressor, here's another way.

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    I've been having drift problems with the timecode reader in FCP 7. The timecode reader matches the timecode throughout the entire sequence in FCP, yet in the Quicktime ProRes file I export the burned-in timecode slowly drifts throughout the entire video. By the end of the video, the quicktime player says it's 3 seconds ahead compared to the burned-in timecode.
    The original footage is 23.98, as is the sequence, and the output file. I've tried the timecode generator, which does the same thing as well. Any ideas?

    I'm betting your show is around 60 minutes long? 3.5 seconds is about the difference between non-drop time code (which 23.98 is) and real time (drop frame), which I believe QT player displays.

  • Problems with Timecode Reader?

    I can seem to get The Timecode Reader Filter to see that my sequence starts at hour 2 and not hour 1. I can't seem to change the numbers either. Anyone know a trick for this?

    that because the reader "reads" the clip timecode rather than sequence timecode.
    you want the timecode generator filter and apply the correct hour offset in the filter settings.

  • Timecode Reader disappeared

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    Transferred project to my desktop MacPro, Snow Leopard, FCP6 and am realizing that now the timecode reader filter is not working. It does not display timecode from the transferred project and it will not work in any other project. Any clues?

    I know it's been a while, but I can't seem to get this resolved.
    A colleague has SL installed with FCP 6.06 and a Kona LHe with the 7.1 drivers and he does not have this issue.
    Shane, if you say what I know you're gonna say...............
    I just re-installed QT7 per Art Aldrich's suggestion. Tom, your XML export didn't do anything different.
    Dan from Imagine says he's seen some wonky QTX behavior, but I just can't seem to figure why timecode would not appear with the filter applied, OR on ProxyMill Exports with TC applied.
    Anyone every experience something similar?

  • Please restore the timecode reader!

    There used to be a way to generate a timecode burn. It stopped working a few versions ago. Why? I can't tell you what a pain it is to go back to FCP7 to try to get a TC burn for logging.
    Also... would it be possible to create a way to automatically add the clip name text to the screen? Pass the parameter for the clip name to motion so it can be used as text on the screen. That would be so helpful.
    I know this isn't the place to make suggestions. I will submit this, however I want to air my frustrations with the backward step that hasn't been corrected yet.
    Thank you.

    I wasn't very clear was I.
    I want the burn to reflect the timecode of each clip, not the timecode of the timeline.
    The function existed in 10.0.3, but disappeared in 10.0.4.
    My desire is the ability to take the raw clips, generate the timecode window to reflect the timecode of each clip, along with the name of the clip, and combine them into one long clip do that my producer can download one or two logging clips, and not 100 separate clips.
    I suppose I could combine separate clips into one long clip for editing. That would make the window burn a bit easier.
    I just don't understand why the timecode reader is broken and hasn't been fixed.
    Thanks for the replies.

  • Overlay Timecode Reader

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    Sorry...no such option. You'll have to do this in FCP and re-encode

  • Timecode reader for audio files?

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    Rather than burn a DVD with a burnt in visual timecode, we thought we'd save some time by uploading just the audio file to the web - is there any way a timecode can be embedded in the audio file so the translation matches perfectly?
    Uploading a video file with a visual timecode would result in a huge file size.

    This really depends on what the transcriber can deal with.
    Some quicktime files and the most recent quicktime player can display the timecode track down in the lower left corner of the player (where you normally see a counter).
    The other possibility is to output the timecode to a second audio channel and then the transcriber would need a timecode reader to take that info off of the audio channel. All in all much more hassle then the first option.
    As far as not wanting to create video files for upload keep in mind that in doing a window burn the image quality doesn't need to be great or large. You just need the timecode to be readable.
    o| TonyTony |o

  • Timecode reader filter

    i generally use the timecode reader filter to make window dubs of a sequence, and the timecode displayed is the sequence timecode. that's fine ... now i have client needing a window dub with the source timecode displayed, specifically of the audio tracks, as opposed to the more usual (at least to me) sequence timecode. anyway to do it. thanks. i guess i can always supply an edl ...

    that's cause you can't see audio, thus burn in doesn't work on audio.
    nesting is a bad habit to get into. if you ever need to export an edl it will see the nest as a single event. It also makes it confusing when you have changes to your piece.
    If you are exporting for an audio workstation automatic duck will export an OMF for you, however it does have a 2 gig file limit (omf does). some newer workstations such as DP6 will exchange xml with FCP

  • Timecode reader to reveal sequence time

    When i use the timecode reader filter in FCP, it only gives me the clip time and not the sequence time when I embed it on screen?
    How can show the Sequence timecode in the reader window?

    I'm in a mood so allow me to expand on DH's post.
    The reader filter looks for the timecode that already exists on the clips and displays it.
    The timecode generator replaces or overrides or overwrites (you pick which concept you like) the existing timecode with new code and displays it.

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    Closin' out.

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    Also the timecode starts at 10;00;00;01 and that is not acceptable for the broadcast company I am sending it to.
    Running OSX 10.7.4, AME File exported via FCP7 from a ProRes LT sequence with current settings.
    P.S. I would have included a screenshot, but insert picture is not available for clicking. Frustration level heightened.

    Also Premiere Pro CS6 reads the TC correct, it is just AME.

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    Where are the timecodes overlays in Final Cut Pro X ??

  • Adobe Bridge Timecode reader?

    this is just a quick simple question which I hope someone will be able to answer relatively quickly.
    In adobe bridge CS3 I have imported quick time files (well, I am looking at them in adobe bridge) and I need to see the time code for the clips and have it in the meta data.
    The quick times have this data embedded in them as I can see it beside the play head and also in the quick time movie inspector information so it is definitely in the file to start with. I just wondered if there is a way adobe bridge can see this information and display it to me?

    Select the file you want Adobe Reader to open. Do a Get Info (command-I). In the drop down box select Adobe Reader. Then select "Change All" to have Adobe Reader open all PDF files.

  • Expression to Read Timecode of main / outer comp

    I have a video with some User Interface animations.
    I want to include a time code (reader effect) on all the instances of that GUI,
    BUT... I don't want it to read its own comp's TC (beacuse this would be 00:01 and going...),
    It should read the main / outside comp. So whenever you see the time code, it's in sync
    with the real time.
    Is there an expression that can pull this off ?

    I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. If your main comp is called MainComp and one of the layers is a composition that contains the GUI elements and that comp is called GUI Comp, and you want to display the running time of the main comp then simply add a text layer to the Main Comp and add this expression to the Source Text property of the text layer. (to make this look good pick a monospaced font).
    timeToNTSCTimecode(t = time + thisComp.displayStartTime, ntscDropFrame = true)
    You'll find the code in the General category expression method menu avaailable in the timeline window by clicking on the little circle with an arrowhead icon next to the expressions.
    To make the timecode read a different comp's timecode simply point to that composition by modifying the expression like this:
    newTime = time - thisComp.layer("GUI Comp").inPoint
    timeToNTSCTimecode(t = newTime + thisComp.displayStartTime, ntscDropFrame = true)
    If you have video that was shot with timecode then you can capture that timecode by selecting Use Media Source in the Time Display Style section of your project settings. You would then just put the name of the video layer where the GUI Comp is in the newTime = definition of the expression.
    If your project isn't ntsc time code then delete the ntscDropFrame = true
    That should do it.

  • How do I put timecode on the storyline.  In FCP 7 there was a time code reader that read the actual TC on the source material.  There isn't one in FCP 10.1...Any recommendations???

    How do I put timecode on the storyline.  In FCP 7 there was a time code reader that read the actual TC on the source material.  There isn't one in FCP 10.1...Any recommendations???

    TC has not been lost...skimmer shows source TC.
    Nanoflash external recorder via SDI on a Sony PMW-EX3.
    Ok so Compressor will show source TC on an individual clip, good I didn't know this and it will be helpful.
    My scenario.  I build a timeline with a whole days shooting involving many different clips and build a Sequence from that-editing out the off camera questions/mistakes etc.  In the past I would export with source TC with a Timecode Reader filter applied.  Now, it is a TC Generator filter that is available that starts from 00:00.
    1. Possible solution, forget the source TC since I have a timeline built with (counter) TC on it and send that to client or get Apple to add it in the future.
    2. Apply TC Generator on a clip by clip basis and manually change the TC to match source material.  Probably too, much effort though.

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