Times less than 1.00 pm

In a programm there are times give like:
2:34 pm
11:130 am
7:00 pm
9:40 pm
Required are all the times less than 1.00 pm.
How can I say that in Abap now ?

w_date like sy-datum.
if w_date lt 01:00:00.
write " Time is less ".
write " Time is more ".

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    Is there any FM to get the time less than 15 min?

    Hi Arun,
    COPF_DETERMINE_DURATION is FM to calculate difference between two dates and times.

  • SNP PPM Generation from PPDS PPM - Time less than 1 sec. in snp bucket con

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    Request immediate help .
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    Would appreciate a quick response .
    Thanks and Best Regards ,
    Prashant Kumar

    Firstly, can I ask why the base unit has to be 1, this seems a strange restriction?
    If it has to be, then two possible solutions:
    1) In the CIF enhancement CIFPPM01 you could multiply all values by, for example, 100 to give you larger values in the PP/DS PPM in APO and hence of a size that SNP conversion can cope with.
    2) In one of the BADI's /sapapo/ppm_calc or /sapapo/ppm_gen you can do the same conversion factor if the PP/DS PPM has to also be 1 unit.
    Hope this helps

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    Be careful, it is a bad idea to blindly just issue a new package run without knowing whether the previous package ended.
    It may lead to locking/dead-locking.
    Now re the Agent: the seconds are not exposed at all, why you say 10?
    But, there is a way, not through the UI, explained there:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5569415/is-there-a-way-to-set-a-sql-server-job-scheduled-to-run-every-30-seconds + http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Administration/sqlserverjobscheduling/2288/
    PS you can have it every sec
    Arthur My Blog

  • Deadline in a period of time less than a minute

    Hi there,
    we're implementing a BPM where there is a time-dependent loop. We used the deadline branch in a block step, that setp is ok, but there is a problem.
    We need a maximum deadline about half a minute, but the deadline unit parameter won't accept seconds, just minutes or longer time units.
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    2. Is it really possible to use the mapping in this sense?
    Is there a less drastic way of performing this wait step with seconds unit?
    Thanks in advance.

    > Go to properties of the Fork step and make the
    > necessary branches to be 2.
    You make like this, and let it execute 2 Fork Branches, but before executing the steps inside the Fork Branch, you can use Switch condition, so that is some data/id exists then only go to the fork branch, otehrwise don't do anything.
    Did u see the option of the Message Based loop. If not it will help you on this entire scenario. But you need to have one stop message from the Source, stating that , this is the last message.
    Hope this helps,

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    Such a great difference looks strange to me: I never saw those figures.
    If you run a project in the 5.5 IDE environment, the debug features are all active, unless you set in the project window Build >> Configuration >> Release.
    Up to 5.0 version the corresponding option was in Options >> Run options menu, and could be set to 'None'.
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    Hope this helps
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • Repeating event appears one time less than requested

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    I have the same problem.
    It occurred after we changed to summertime in Norway.
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  • Range of Coverage with less than a day

    Hi PP Gurus
    Kindly suggest if anyone of you had this issue and how it is handled? Is there any OSS related to this.
    The coverage profile field in the MRP-2 view of Material Master is based on Min, Target and Max coverages defined in days.
    This is leading business to maintain more inventory than needed which does not serve any purpose by using the dynamic safety stock.
    What business needs is the Min, Target and Max coverages are all to be defined in terms of less than a day. So that inventories are maintained at the optimal level.
    SAP has come up with safety time period profile with option of safety time less than a day. The way it works is based on time not by quantity. It simply moves the planning of the material by the amount
    of time specified.
    Other than this do we have any OSS which can fix this issue.
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    Can anyone suggest how can we proceed on this.
    I hope I am clear in presenting my issue.

    Thank you Mario,
    I have already tested with safety time period profile; but the way it works is it moves the ordering dates ahead by the amount of time we define in safety time and safety time % fields in the period profile.
    Also with this set up when we come to planning table(MF50) we cannot see the target stock. For these materials the system calculates the actual range of coverage but not target stock.
    In our business scenario; we need target stock value in deciding on the production quantity.
    Regarding MRP resolution - did you mean we can run MRP only once in a day?

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    Thanks for your help.

    Install ClamXav and run a scan with that. It should pick up any trojans.   
    17" 2.2GHz i7 Quad-Core MacBook Pro  8G RAM  750G HD + OCZ Vertex 3 SSD Boot HD 
    Got problems with your Apple iDevice-like iPhone, iPad or iPod touch? Try Troubleshooting 101

  • Time Machine Migration hanging on "Less than one minute remaining"

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    If you have connected both computers with a cable, disconnect and connect that cable again, so migration should continue. If it doesn't work, restart your MacBook Pro and check that all the files have been transferred. If not, open Migration Assistant and transfer your files

  • I just downloaded the trial of Photoshop.  Every time I try to open it, it comes up with an error message and closes less than 5 seconds into being opened.

    I just downloaded the trial of Photoshop.  Every time I try to open it, it comes up with an error message and closes less than 5 seconds into being opened.  Does anyone know how I can fix this?  I tried rebooting my computer and reinstalling photoshop.  Thank you!

    i7 is quite fast. that's what i am on too. You may need to
    It would be necessary that you have to use "Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool". (see Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6 )
    The order varies depending on your individual needs:
    1. Maybe you have to activate/deactivate, so please have a look there:
    2. Sometimes, we know in the meantime, the "opm.db file" is the culprit. In this case you should delete it.
    3. Did you already try "uninstalling and re-installing"? Be careful with (de)installing aso. by (de)installing by your own resources. As much as I regret it and as strange as it may seem I fear it's a challenge for Adobe's Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool. Sometimes - for whatever reasons - CC doesn't "want" to work. In this case you should CC completely delete and reinstall by help of Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool. (A try to uninstall by own resources is not enough!)
    I quote: Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool helps resolve installation problems for Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Creative Suite (CS3-CS6) applications. The tool removes installation records for prerelease installations of Creative Cloud or Creative Suite applications. It does not affect existing installations of previous versions of Creative Cloud or Creative Suite applications.
    Please use: http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs5-cleaner-tool-installation-problems.html   and follow the prescribed sequence of operations
    4. If necessary and for further questions click through http://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html or http://helpx.adobe.com/de/contact.html or
    Det finns också ett svenskt språkiga chatt. http://helpx.adobe.com/se/contact.html and if "open" please use chat, I had the best experiences. I quote from Adobe's employee Preran: The chat button is activated as soon as there is an agent available to help.

  • Time Machine wants 16 days to do an initial backup.  ps shows PRI = 33 with NI = 0.   But I can not get sudo renice to set PRI less than 15.  And renice sets NI directly with strange behavior for PRI. Any suggestions?

    Time Machine said it would take 16 days to do an initial backup, and indeed, after many days it is less than a quarter done.   (The problem started when I put in a new bank disk for Time Machine to write to for its backup file.)
    Activity Monitor shows that the process name is   backups   with Process ID   6060.
    Then putting this PID in Terminal UNIX command ps gave:
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  33  0  2556488  29040 ...
    Wow!  A priority of 33! 
    Don't know how that happened, but the way to fix that (I thought) is with renice. 
    But renice doesn't work.
    After a lot of playing with renice and ps, it looks as though renice can not make the priority better than (no less than) 15.
    And the parameter you put in, that according to the man page that is supposed to be priority, turns out to be "nice index", with priority changed by sometimes subtracting or sometimes adding either this number or twice this number - down to a limit of priority no less than 15.
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  33  0  2556488  29040 ...
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ sudo renice 5 -p 6060
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS  ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  28  5  2555964  29028  ...
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ sudo renice -5 -p 6060
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS  ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  38 -5  2555964  29028  ...
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ sudo renice -15 -p 6060
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS  ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  48 -15  2555964  29028 ...
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS  ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  48 -15  2555964  29028 ...
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ sudo renice -n -5 -p 6060
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$ ps -l -p 6060
      UID   PID  PPID        F CPU PRI NI       SZ    RSS  ...
        0  6060     1  1004004   0  53 -20  2555964  29028 ...
    EdsMacPro-1:~ ed$
    This is with OSX 10.7.5 and Terminal 2.2.3 on an early 2009 Mac Pro with lots of memory.
    What am I dong wrong, and any suggestions for how to fix my Time Machine process?

    The backup file size is 1.67 TB.*
    That's across the internal bus of a 2009 quad-core Mac Pro - which is pretty fast.
    Copying an hour's worth of MPEG-2 HD takes about a minute.
    I do a fresh backup from scratch about once a year, and the last time it finished over night.
    This time the first Time Machine backup is only about 1/5 complete after many days, and Activity Monitor shows essentially no use of disk drives or of CPU.  And in the first note I pointed out what is gleaned by using Terminal to execute the UNIX ps command. The priority of the running Time Machine process looks incorrect to me. 
    I could be wrong, but I think the problem is process priority, not file size.
    I am unable to set priority to 0 or a negative number.  Can someone straighten me out on how to do that?
    [*The machine has four 1.5 TB disk drives in it plus lots of memory.  Two of the physical drives are configured as one 3 TB backup drive (RAID concatanated).]

  • After prompted to update 10.9.1, my MacBook Pro updates and went thru restart but failed...I tried to start my book and gray screen, Apple logo both on, chime sounded, then went to progress bar, less than half macbook shuts down...did few times, same!!

    After prompted to update 10.9.1, my MacBook Pro updates and went thru restart but failed...I tried to start my book and gray screen, Apple logo both on, chime sounded, then went to progress bar, less than half macbook shuts down...did few times, same!!
    Go to system repair, there is a prompt that cannot repair live etc....I don understand!!! Help, I need the book for work tomorrow!!

    Thanks clintonfrombirmingham...
    how can I back up when I cannot even start my macbook? I am stuck here and have lots of important files in the hd... Please help me? Thanks you!

  • MY new Ipod Nano does not hold a charge.  I use it mostly as a watch, perhaps look at it 5 or 6 times in 8 hours, and leave it in sleep mode the rest of the time.  I drains to the red line in less than 2 days.  My husband's nano will last a week this way.

    MY new Ipod Nano does not hold a charge.  I use it mostly as a watch, perhaps look at it 5 or 6 times in 8 hours, and leave it in sleep mode the rest of the time.  I drains to the red line in less than 2 days.  My husband's nano will last a week this way.  I thought it drained because of looking at photos, so I quit looking at them and it made no difference.  Am I doing something incorrectly to cause this short battery life?

    You are still under warranty if your iPod is "new."  Take full advantage of it by either calling iPod tech support, Apple Care if you have it or take it in to an Apple store or an AASP.  Whichever is more convenient for you.

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