Timesheet Aproval

Where do you go to approve timesheets in P6v7? I do not see anything of the kind in Progress Reporter for v7. Thanks!

In order to use Timesheet Approval, you must install the Web Application. Then you have to input the P6 Web URL under admin preferences, options, "Web Access Server URL".
Once you have this input, you can select Timesheet Approval from the Tools Menu.

Similar Messages

  • Error while creating a Timesheet - Project Server 2013

    Hi everyone,
    One of user of PWA encounters an issue when he tries to create a timesheet. This error only occurs with a timesheet of
    a specific period, he can create all the other timesheet.
    So, when he creates the timesheet, this error occurs : "The timesheet creation failed, because of problems with Project Web App or with data validations"
    After reloaded the list of the timesheets, a link to go to the specific timesheet
    is available but if we click on it, we have this error :
    "View Failue - The view failed to load"
    I think , this error occurs
    because the timesheet is not realy existing even if we have a link to it.
    In the log (full log at the end), I've got this error :
    Exception occured in method 'TimeSheet.CreateTimesheet' System.ArgumentException: These columns don't currently have unique values.
    I've found this link with the same kind of problem :
    http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/projectserver/en-US/b0a92afc-11fc-40ef-9a44-357d953b31f6/unable-to-open-or-create-timesheets-these-columns-dont-currently-have-unique-values?forum=projectserver2010general but I've checked and published all the
    user project but still have the error.
    Have you got any idea where are these columns ? How can I found them without checked every project of PWA ?
    Full logs, for information :
    [bucketHash:E3B9DED0] Exception occured in method 'TimeSheet.CreateTimesheet' System.ArgumentException: These columns don't currently have unique values. at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.AddUniqueConstraint(UniqueConstraint constraint) at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add(Constraint constraint, Boolean addUniqueWhenAddingForeign) at System.Data.DataTable.set_PrimaryKey(DataColumn[] value) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.Generated.TimesheetDalBase.ReadCustomFieldsForAssignments(ISet`1 assignmentUids) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Timesheet.ImportCustomFields(HashSet`1 assignmentUids) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Timesheet.ImportActualsAndCustomFields(IEnumerable`1 assignmentUids, ISet`1 userImported) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.TimesheetLoaderForGrid.Load() at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.TimeSheet.CreateTimesheet(TimesheetDataSet dsDelta, PreloadType preloadType) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Wcf.Implementation.TimeSheetImpl.<>c__DisplayClass45.<CreateTimesheet>b__44() at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Wcf.Implementation.WcfMethodInvocation.InvokeBusinessObjectMethod(String businessObjectName, String methodName, IEnumerable`1 actions) StackTrace: at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Native.dll: (sig=6ea170d1-988e-4153-9f1d-0305c0ea0309|2|microsoft.office.project.server.native.pdb, offset=3C1E) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Native.dll: (offset=1255D)
    Watson bucket parameters: Microsoft Project Server 2013, ULSException14, 070f6ea0 "project server", 0f0011db "15.0.4571.0", ea364808 "system.data", 0400766f "4.0.30319.0", 52310bef "thu sep 12 02:33:51 2013", 00000e02 "00000e02", 00000020 "00000020", 44395864 "argumentexception", 00101621 "aeby7"
    Error is: GeneralUnhandledException. Details: General Unhandled Exception in _TimeSheet.CreateTimesheet_ Attributes: System.ArgumentException: These columns don't currently have unique values. at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.AddUniqueConstraint(UniqueConstraint constraint) at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add(Constraint constraint, Boolean addUniqueWhenAddingForeign) at System.Data.DataTable.set_PrimaryKey(DataColumn[] value) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.DataAccessLayer.Generated.TimesheetDalBase.ReadCustomFieldsForAssignments(ISet`1 assignmentUids) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Timesheet.ImportCustomFields(HashSet`1 assignmentUids) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.Timesheet.ImportActualsAndCustomFields(IEnumerable`1 assignmentUids, ISet`1 userImported) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.TimesheetLoaderForGrid.Load() at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.BusinessLayer.TimeSheet.CreateTimesheet(TimesheetDataSet dsDelta, PreloadType preloadType) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Wcf.Implementation.TimeSheetImpl.<>c__DisplayClass45.<CreateTimesheet>b__44() at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Wcf.Implementation.WcfMethodInvocation.InvokeBusinessObjectMethod(String businessObjectName, String methodName, IEnumerable`1 actions) . Standard Information: PSI Entry Point: Project User: i:0#.w|wavenet\cev Correlation Id: 9709e41b-9a18-e411-941e-00155d029b05 PWA Site URL: http://intranet.wavenet.lan/PWA SA Name: Project Server Application PSError: GeneralUnhandledException (42), LogLeve...

    Hi Patmol,
    Have you tried to go to the previous or next timesheet and then navigate with the "previous period" or "next period" to the timesheet in question.
    Also have you tried to open it using a delegation session?
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MCP, MCTS |

  • Consulta Formatada - Procedimento de Aprovação

    Olá Experts,
    Estou batendo cabeça com um procedimento de autorização baseado em uma consulta formatada e preciso da ajuda dos companheiros.
    Até onde entendo, para se usar uma consulta formatada em Procedimento de Autorização, é necessário retornar "TRUE" no código sql da consulta, e isso as minhas consultas, fazem de acordo com o contexto. Porem, quando coloco em pratica na rotina de aprovação, nada acontece...
    A razao da consulta é checar se o somatorio das quantidades no Pedido de Venda é maior que o somotario das quantidades na Cotação de Venda... quando rodo a consulta a partir do documento de marketing destino (pedido de venda) vejo que o retorno atende aos criterios que estou passando (print anexo), mas o pedido nao cai para a aprovação...
    Tenho dividas se o problema está na sintaxe da consulta.
    Ja fiz varias alterando a sintaxe e em todas chego no resultado desejado... (ver abaixo):
    Onde está o numero "10 " uso uma variável que é o numero do documento base (numero da cotação): $[Rdr1.BaseEntry]
    Sintaxe 1 (mais simples)
    @qtCota Numeric(10,4),
    @qtPed Numeric(10,4)
    Set @qtCota = (select SUM(Quantity) from qut1 where DocEntry = 10 and unitMsr = 'M2'
    group by DocEntry)
    Set @qtPed = (select SUM(Quantity) from rdr1 where BaseEntry = 10 and unitMsr = 'M2'
    group by BaseEntry)
    If @qtPed > @qtCota
      select 'True', @qtPed as Ped, @qtCota as Cota
      select 'false'
    Sintaxe 2 (um pouco mais complexa para aprofundar o resultado)
    @qtCota Numeric(10,4),
    @numCota Numeric,
    @qtPed Numeric(10,4)
    Set @numCota = (Select distinct rdr1.BaseEntry from Rdr1 inner join Ordr on Rdr1.DocEntry = 10)
    Select 'true',
    (select SUM(Quantity) from rdr1 where BaseEntry = @numCota and unitMsr = 'M2' group by BaseEntry) as Ped ,
    (select SUM(Quantity) from qut1 where DocEntry = @numCota and unitMsr = 'M2' group by DocEntry) as Cota
    from ORDR a
         inner join RDR1 b on a.DocEntry = b.DocEntry
         inner join QUT1 c on b.BaseEntry = c.DocEntry
         where b.BaseEntry = @numCota
         Group by
         Having (select SUM(Quantity) from rdr1 where BaseEntry = @numCota and unitMsr = 'M2'
      group by BaseEntry) >
      (select SUM(Quantity) from qut1 where DocEntry = @numCota and unitMsr = 'M2'
      group by DocEntry)
    Sintaxe 3
    @qtCota Numeric(10,4),
    @numCota Numeric,
    @qtPed Numeric(10,4)
    Set @numCota = (Select distinct rdr1.BaseEntry from Rdr1 inner join Ordr on Rdr1.DocEntry = 10)
    case when
    (select SUM(Quantity) from rdr1 where BaseEntry = @numCota and unitMsr = 'M2'  group by BaseEntry) >
    (select SUM(Quantity) from qut1 where DocEntry = @numCota and unitMsr = 'M2'  group by DocEntry)
    Then 'true'
    else 'false'
    Alguem consegue me dar uma dica que ajude a resolver essa bronca?
    Wagner Bezerra

    Boa tarde amigos,
    Consegui resolver a situação.
    Definitivamente, para o meu caso não tinha como realizar o teste direto via consulta formatada, antes do documento inserido, visto que os testes no nivel de linhas não me retornam os valores a serem comparados. O que funcionou então:
    Criei um pequeno codigo na Transaction Notification onde consigo testar minha condição na Inclusao ou Update...
    Criei um campo de usuario para o pedido de venda "U_Aprovacao" que recebe 'NAO' por default e se a minha condição for atendida ele é atualizado para 'SIM'...
    Desta forma, criei uma consulta formatada retornando 'True' se o campo "U_Aprovacao" = 'SIM'...
    Pela hierarquia do SAP, os codigos da Transaction vem antes dos testes dos Procedimentos de Autorização...
    Linhas da Transacation:
      if @object_type in ('17')  --Pedido de Venda
      and @transaction_type in ('A','U')  --Inserir ou atualizar
         @BaseEntry int
             if @object_type = '17'
                 Set @BaseEntry = (Select rdr1.BaseRef from RDR1 left join ORDR on ORDR.DocEntry = RDR1.DocEntry
        Where ORDR.DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del )
      if (select SUM(Quantity) from qut1 where DocEntry =  @BaseEntry and unitMsr = 'M2' group by DocEntry) <
      (select SUM(Quantity) from rdr1 where BaseEntry = @BaseEntry and unitMsr = 'M2' group by BaseEntry)
      Update ORDR set Ordr.U_Aprovacao = 'SIM' Where DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del
          End --<Fim>
    Obs.: ainda estou fazendo em ambiente de testes pois as NOTAS SAP estao me deixando confuso. Umas dizem ser permitido o update em campos de usuario, outras dizem que nao... algumas sugerem a atualização via consulta formatada, outras sugerem a transaction... entao na duvida, ambiente de testes...

  • Falha no Processo de Aprovação

    Olá Bom dia!
    Estou com hum Problema no Processo de aprovação de Cotação de Vendas, Pedido de venda, onde:
    SBO 9 PL 11
    Meu Modelo de aprovação tem um seguinte Regra: Todo Documento Gerado abaixo de hum "valor Unitário" 'X' temque ir para aprovação.
    Ao Gerar uma Cotação de venda onde todo  " unitario valor "  > de: 10,00 Não nescessita de aprovação e se o "valor unitario" < 10,00 Vai aprovação aprovação, ok.
    Quando é gerado um Documento com "unitario valor" > 10,00 e e adicionado, e depois volta para esse mesmo documento e ALTERA o "valor unitario" < 10,00 e atualiza, Esse Documento Localidade: Não Entra nenhum "processo de aprovação "
    Alguem tem conhecimento deste cenário e sabe se há alguma nota para esse Tipo de Problema?
    Alex Azevedo
    Hello Good morning!
    I have a problem in an approval process for sales quote or sales order, where:
    I'm with BOS 9 PL 11
    My model has adopted the following rule: Every document generated below a "unit value" 'X' has to go for approval.
    When generating asking where all "unit value" for>: 10.00 not need approval and if the "unitary value" is <than 10.00 will for approval, so far everything right.
    When a document is generated with "unit value"> 10.00 and it is added, and then back to that same document and change the "unit value" <than 10.00 and updated, this document does not enter the "approval process "
    Anyone have any knowledge of this scenario and know if there is already some note for this type of problem?
    Thank you
    Alex Azevedo
    Message was edited by: Alex Azevedo

    Boa tarde Alex,
    Estou com o mesmo problema no SAP 8.82 PL16, entrei em contato com a consultoria, que abriu um chamado na SAP, esse já é um erro conhecido deles que até o momento não foi corrigido.
    Como minha autorização era para um valor referente a uma lista de preço, tive que fazer uma trava somente na alteração do pedido de compra, se o comprador tentar alterar e for diferente, trava.
    As vezes tenho que até jogar o pedido fora (cancelar), e fazer outro pra deixar registrado o processo de aprovação, que funciona somente na inclusão.

  • Unable to save data in CATS timesheets

    Hi Gurus,
           Can anyone help me on this issue? I am trying to enter timesheet data using Tcode CAT2 for last week. I am able to enter the data but while clicking on save, it's throwing an error message- "not enough quota 10 for attendance/absense PTO on 04/02/2014 for person". But in IT 2006, there is still 8 hrs quota left and i was trying to enter only 4hrs PTO in the timesheet and still getting an error. It shows Message no. HRTIM00REC014. Please advice on this issue.

    Right click on your input-ready cells and choose 'Transfer Values' from context menu and then click on button which is having command 'SAVE_AREA'.

  • Timesheet error (Only for one user on one task): This Web Part was unable to load

    We have a weird problem with Project server 2013.
    We are on the latest March CU 2015 update on MS Project and Project server.
    A resource(user) is being assigned to a task. When opening the Project with the MS Project client, you can see that the resource is effectively assigned.->OK
    The real problem is when the user goes to his timesheets. He don’t see this task anymore. Other users that are assigned to the same task can see this task in the Timesheets and can open it.
    When the user go back to a timesheet on a period where the task was working and visible, and he open that timesheets, he get an error: “This Web Part was unable to load”
    ULS log:
    [bucketHash:F0949503] There was an error while loading statusing information in the task details webpart for the specified project/assignment - Project UID: 231d4fab-e08b-44fb-8d49-04f7deff207d Assignment UID: 55e2c540-c8ae-42fa-8458-c1c6e98d98f8.
    This could be caused by an out-of-date link to the task details page, specifying invalid information, or it could indicate a potential problem with the project or assignment. Exception details follow. Type: 'Microsoft.Office.Project.PWA.StatusingLib.StatusingException',
    message: 'StatusingDataAccess.GetProjData could not find pre-cached data.  Attempted to load Guid - 231d4fab-e08b-44fb-8d49-04f7deff207d' and stack trace:    at Microsoft.Office.Project.PWA.StatusingLib.StatusingDataAccess.GetProjData(Guid
    docGuid)     at Microsoft.Office.ProjectDataEdit.Document.SvrDoc..ctor(Guid docGuid, ISvrDataAccess dataAccess, SvrDoc entDoc, SvrDoc resourcePool, Boolean bUseProjectResources)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.PWA.StatusingLib.StatusingDataEdit.InitSvrEditForDoc(Guid
    docGuid)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.PWA.CommonControls.TaskDetails.QueryData().
    [bucketHash:D7120B28] Webpart TaskDetailsPart failed in CreateChildControls. Unique ID: efbaf89c-01a5-e078-a033-bc18fe4d431c Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: The Project and/or Assignment unique ID refers to a missing
    or invalid object.     at Microsoft.Office.Project.PWA.CommonControls.TaskDetails.QueryData()     at Microsoft.Office.Project.PWA.CommonControls.TaskDetails.OnLoad(EventArgs e)     at System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive()    
    at System.Web.UI.Control.AddedControl(Control control, Int32 index)     at Microsoft.Office.Project.PWA.WebParts.PWAResiliencyPart.CreateChildControls() StackTrace:  at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Native.dll: (sig=ad0ca0fd-3c62-4564-9144-b6fd1f587187|2|microsoft.office.project.server.native.pdb,
    offset=3C16) at Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Native.dll: (offset=1265D)
    We tried already to republish the whole project with the ‘Save for Sharing’ workaround
     without success.
    Someone any idea?
    Since we are migrated to Project 2013, we have a lot of problems with Project Server. Too late to go back
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Johan,
    The assignment of this user on the given task might be corrupted. Try to remove the resource from the task, publish the project, assign the resource again and publish again the project. If it is not working, try to unpublish the task (column "publish")
    and publih it again.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MVP, P-Seller |

  • Project Server 2010 Timesheets not Updating Project Plans

    We have several project plans that are not getting updates from approved timesheets.
    Troubleshooting steps I've taken:
    1) Verified the timesheet/task submissions by the resources
    2) Verified they have been approved
    3) Verified they have been accepted by the Status Manager and processed
    4) All project plans have been published (I even used ProjTool ON the App server to do a full publish of all plans as a second step of publishing)
    5) Verified OLAP was built successfully overnight (and every night)
    6) Tasks have both remaining work and NO actual work in the Resource Usage view
    7) Had a user recall and resubmit his timesheet using "Send Timesheet" to see if the task updates would come through - they did not (I am Status Manager and the timesheet shows Approved), and even published the plan and rebuilt the OLAP again,
    just in case.
    8) Verified that no tasks are marked for closure under Close Tasks for Update in Server Settings.
    9) Verified Timesheet shows Actual Work on the Tasks via Pivot Table; compared Timesheet_User_View with MSP_Portfolio_View pivot table for project which shows 0 hours. Timesheet_User_View shows 33 hours.
    All tasks have Remaining Work, are within the date range of the timesheet and are open for submitting time. Timesheets are still out of sync with project plans for many users and there is no apparent reason. I'm out of ideas!

    In status manager's approval center, history, status updates, can you check the status of the approval? Do you have any errors in the ULs log for the approval or publish jobs?
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MVP, MCP |

  • Project Server 2010 (PWA Timesheet) Error

    I am an administrator for Project Server and had a resource submit a timesheet in error. The timesheet was approved at the time and recalled by the resource at the same time. When the resource had tried to recall, they received back an error. I delegated
    as the resource and tried to recall it as the user but it gets stuck with the green loading picture and never moves past that. It seems the status update was accepted when it got approved and now the timesheet is "stuck". From the user's standpoint,
    it shows only as "Submitted" in their Timesheet status, but somehow it does not let me delete the timesheet. The error received is saying Invalid object, timesheet failed/blocking correlation. Anyone have any idea how to resolve this? Can't seem
    to fix this error.
    This is the error i get in return:
    GeneralInvalidObject (20009). Details: id='20009' name='GeneralInvalidObject' uid='fc00fed3-1cb1-48b2-83b6-800b03b33f1d' parameter='nextApproverUID'.
    GeneralQueueJobFailed (26000) - TimesheetReview.ReviewTimesheetMessage. Details: id='26000' name='GeneralQueueJobFailed' uid='fbebdb81-29b5-416b-818d-a085a4f1d808' JobUID='e9104f34-f416-4b89-9d3e-8574a868e065' ComputerName='WEGSFES29090'
    GroupType='TimesheetReview' MessageType='ReviewTimesheetMessage' MessageId='1' Stage=''. For more details, check the ULS logs on machine
    WEGSFES29090 for entries with JobUID e9104f34-f416-4b89-9d3e-8574a868e065. 

    Is the Test and Production in the same domain. If they are not, then the SIDs associated with the SQL accounts may look the same but they are not.  At times, I have had to recreated accounts when in different domains.
    I would also use PowerShell cmdlets and see if it finds any issues, such as Test-SPContentDatase.. Validate the SharePoint content databases, because if not setup properly the Provisioning will fail.
    Also check these properties.
    $web=get-spweb http://prodproj01/pwa
    $Web.AllProperties[“PWAURL”] ### see what the value is.. you may have to blank it out, specially if it is pointing to a different URL
    Here is how to fix.
    Michael Wharton, MVP, MBA, PMP, MCT, MCTS, MCSD, MCSE+I, MCDBA
    Website http://www.WhartonComputer.com
    Blog http://MyProjectExpert.com contains my field notes and SQL queries

  • Performance problems related to Timesheet entry and Time Admin processing.

    Implementing 9.0, they are in UAT, experiencing performance delays on timeadmin and timesheet page when using apply rules button, they have quite a bit of rules and when number of users increase to 30 concurrent users severe performance issue are experienced on timesheet, at this point they are more concerned with the timesheet performance than the time admin performance, they have delayed their go live date until this issue gets resolved.
    In the Performance Monitor data were are getting several failed status' for the PMU 'JOLT Request' and PMU Details 'ICPanel'. In the additional data area it states:
    Error Status Code:
    Jolt ServiceException: Jolt Errno 100 JoltException.TPEJOLT
    PeopleSoft 9.0
    Weblogic 9.2
    Database:SQL Server 5 SP3
    Windows Server 2003 SP2

    Have you tried raising a SR on oracle support?
    Also, Timesheet performance is a known issue and there are multiple such issues reported on metalink. You can look at the issues for potential solutions!

  • Discussion About The Use Of Project Server 2013 Timesheet Custom Billing Categories (Post SP1 and April 2014 CU Install)

    In support of a consulting company using timesheet custom billing categories to designate project time as billable onsite, billable offsite, and non-billable, I've encountered a series of issues which appear to be associated with the custom billing category
    timesheet lines.  These issues cause timesheet users to get frustrated, and contribute to misalignment between project actuals and timesheet actuals.  We're in Single Entry Mode, no pre-population, SP1 and April 2014 CU Installed.
    I'll enumerate the issues here and pose the question to the community as to whether others are experiencing any/all of these things, and if so,  ask if any workarounds have been discovered.  We're working with Microsoft to validate these independently,
    but I am posing the questions to the community to gather additional information, and hopefully save some folks time in troubleshooting similar issues.
    1.When time is entered on an assignment into timesheet lines of multiple billing categories, only time entered since the last save is getting saved and ultimately sent, on timesheet submit, to the approval center.  Although the previously entered and
    saved time appears in the application interface when the timesheet is re-opened, only data since last save is actually saving to the server or processing through the approval center.  We believe this is the primary cause for timesheet and project actuals
    being out of alignment.
    2."_ Error Loading".  When assignments are added, deleted, or changed after a timesheet has been created, standard timesheet lines are added, deleted or changed (i.e. synchronize) with the assignments. However, for custom billing category
    timesheet lines, they do not change when the assignments change, and they aren’t removed if the assignment is removed.  We believe this causes secondary errors, like the "_Error Loading"  (and others as will be described below).
    3.When a timesheet with time in a non-standard billing category is deleted and recreated, time is arbitrarily moved to standard timesheet lines for the same assignment. If the task assignment is subsequently removed, the timesheet line causes the timesheet
    to break.
    4."Error Communicating with Server". When trying to submit a timesheet, a pop-up box appears indicating that there is an error communicating with the server.  This error appears because a timesheet line is no longer associated with a project.
    In order to submit the timesheet the orphaned timesheet line must be identified and manually removed. One technique we found which helps to identify an orphaned timesheet line is to select a task and submit task progress. Repeat for all timesheet lines until
    you get an error.  The timesheet line(s) with the error can be manually removed from the timesheet, fixing the error.
    5. Unable to Open Specific Timesheets without Error. There are certain scenarios when the "Remove Task" feature is used or an assignment is otherwise removed after creation of a timesheet with custom billing category lines, which causes orphaned
    timesheet lines. These orphaned lines can cause issues when trying to open a timesheet. The issue can appear when timesheets are in progress in multiple periods. In the problematic scenario, time is entered and submitted in one period and subsequently
    the task is 'removed' from another period before the PM processes the first approval request. Process governance can certainly help here, but improvement in the way synchronization occurs between project assignments and custom billing category timesheet lines
    would be great. The error can often be resolved by re-adding the assignment for the problematic timesheet user to the project (which creates a new assignment), and then allows you to open the timesheet.  Then time can be moved from the old timesheet
    line to the new timesheet line, and the old one can be removed.
    In 4 and 5, sometimes we can't open a timesheet without error, and other times we can open it but not submit it. We are not 100% clear on all the different causes for each. Each of these issues are suspected to be contributing the the misalignment of
    data between project actuals and timesheets, which can be a real problem for external projects for which time collected through timesheets are being used to generate invoices.
    Although these may seem like separate issues, warranting separate questions, I decided to post them together because they all seem to be related to synchronization of project assignments and timesheet lines for custom billing categories.
    Any thoughts or suggestions from the community would be appreciated.
    Best regards,
    Justin Naughton

    There are many causes for each of the errors mention.  It would be best to put one issue to the forum at a time.  For example, some of these issues occur then tasks are deleted from projects but a timesheet has been submitted.   Depending
    on the scenario, some of these issues have been fixed with the latest service pack.
    Other issues are due to bad scheduling habits with the project managers and so first determining what they have done can help resolve some the issues.
    _error Loading, is because something is NULL in the data and the jave is choking when it build the form. Again, these may be because of delete tasks, resources, projects  or someone doing copying and pasting of rows.
    PS.  Train your PM to not COPY and PASTE rows in project schedules.  It can be done, but it can create problems.  There are over 500 fields and some have unique data and the copy paste creates havic.
    Michael Wharton, MVP, MBA, PMP, MCT, MCTS, MCSD, MCSE+I, MCDBA
    Website http://www.WhartonComputer.com
    Blog http://MyProjectExpert.com contains my field notes and SQL queries

  • Have timesheet data. Trying to get staff at risk of burn out (worked 8hrs a day during last 3 weeks)

    Hi all,
    I've been trying to get a semi-complex measure out for over a day now but seem to be going round in circles. Most frustrating is I don't quite understand why one version throws an error, another throws out the wrong number and then whatever you guys come
    up with will give me the correct answer!
    I have a workbook uploaded here which I used for a different question, but majority of the data model is the same :
    What I'm trying to do is find staff members that are at risk of burn out (eg consistently working > 8hrs a day)
    My main timesheet table (Time) is as such:
    StaffID (fk to staff table)
    ClientID (fk to client table)
    TaskID (fk to task table)
    TimesheetDate (fk to date table)
    my date dim is standard fare, only thing i've added is an EndOfWeekDate (eg EOWDate. sunday is the last day therefore for each date for this week the endofweekdate column = 18-jan. For last week it was 11-Jan etc) and I also have a 'last freshed date' that
    shows the last time the model was refreshed
    A staff member can only record time against a specific task once per day, but they can have multiple tasks across multiple clients for one day
    The business rule im working with is
    if they've worked more than 8hrs at least once in the last 3 weeks (dates that fall between EOWdate for 'now' minus 3 weeks and EOWdate for 'now' ), then return the sum of EffortInHrs for all clients for every day in the last 3 weeks
    I've given up in getting it in one go so i'm trying to cobble together a number of calc columns and measures to get me closer.. but it all seems to stall
    eg the following calc column (DailySumOfHrs)
    SUM ( [EffortInHours] ),
    FILTER (
    ALLEXCEPT ( TIME, 'Time'[TimesheetDate], TIME[StaffID] ),
    gives me the sum of effort in hrs for the day for each staff member. I couldn't get a measure version of this working. It would either aggregate across all days/staff or give context errors.
    So when I tried to take it to the next step to find the max using the same formula
    SUM ( [EffortInHours] ),
    FILTER (
    ALLEXCEPT ( TIME, 'Time'[TimesheetDate], TIME[StaffID] ),
    I get errors, i'm guessing because i'm mixing my fact and date tables now and it doesn't know it can use the TimeSheetDate 'context' to filter.
    To get the 'last 3 weeks' filter working I added the following to the date dim
    =if([EndOfWeek]<[RefreshDateLocal] +7 && [EndOfWeek] > [RefreshDateLocal] -14,1,0)
    i then used it in an intermediate measure to get the max at the weekly grain
    WeeklyMax :=
    IF (
    MAX ( 'Date'[Last3WeeksFilter] ) = 1,
    MAX ( TIME[DailySumOfHrs] ),
    FILTER (
    ALL ( 'Date'[date] ),
    MAX ( 'Date'[EndOfWeek] ) = MAX ( 'Date'[EndOfWeek] )
    'Date'[Last3WeeksFilter] = 1
    BLANK ()
    and finally the measure itself
    I am not happy with this at all. There are so many conditions (eg filters added) that need to be satisfied for this to return a sensible result and I need to expose a number of the 'backend' filters that users would need to add to the report to get the correct
    As is, it only works for a simple Staff, date, burntouthrs report. If users attempt to create their own pivot table/chart and try to break it down by client or task it doesn't look right at all. I'd also like to be able to count how much stuff are working
    long hrs but this approach wouldn't support that at all.
    I could probably post dozens of my attempted dax that to me logically look like it should work but either aggregate wrong or throw context errors. Unfortunately my current approach to dax still is to try various, almost random variations until one works
    for whatever reason
    I always aim to have a measure that 'just works' in all contexts where it makes logical sense. For me to get that happening here i'd probably need to spend another few hrs trying all kinds of allexcept() conditions for each filter where i want it to work
    and hope none contradict each other
    Thinking about it now, this isn't really a separate measure at all.. i think a better approach would be to add a calc column to the staff table that checks if that staff member has >8hrs assigned for any day (i dont think the default time->staff relationship
    would allow this though). But i'm still interested on how to accomplish it using the separate 'measure' approach
    I'll go spend the rest of today trying to get the flag working in the staff dim!
    Jakub @ Adelaide, Australia Blog

    Jakubk, is this still an issue?
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Is there a way to clean up the Timesheet tables in MS Project 2007 before I migrate to 2013?

    Hi All
    I'm attempting to migrate an instance of project server 2007 over to 2013.  The problem is that it failes on the convertto process when combining the 4 2010 databases into a single 2013 database.
    Reading through the logs it appears to be an issues with an invalid Foreign Key in the MSP_TimesheetProjects table.
    On investigation I find that the 2007 Timesheet tables in the Reporting database have a number of invalid entries.  We don't use the timesheeting system in that particular instance so there should not be any entries at all.  There are however a
    couple to projects in the TimesheetProjects table, as well as a few tasks and timesheet lines, even though there don't appear to be any timesheets.  I have run a delete on all timesheets in the system, and have rebuild the Reporting database by restoreing
    custom fields, but I can't seem to shift them.
    If anyone has any ideas, I'd appreciate the help.

    Hi John,
    What I'd suggest would be to refresh the 2007 reporting DB. See the procedure below:
    Logon to Project Web Access with Administrator credentials
    Select Administrative Backup from the Database Administration secton on the Server
    SettingsPage in Project Web Access
    In the Items for Backup section of the Backup page,
    select the checkbox for Enterprise Custom Fields and then click the Backup button and click the OK button
    when prompted by the system
    Select Administrative Restore from the Database Administration secton on the Server Settings Page in Project Web Access
    Choose Enterprise Custom Fields from the Choose Item selector on the Restore page
    Click the Restore button and then click the OK button
    when prompted by the system
    See reference
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MVP, P-Seller |

  • Can data in a Project 2010 file be synced with PWA timesheet data submitted against an un-published task?

    I recently learned that best practice when you're mid-project and have a task that should no longer be charged to is to use the "Close Task to Update" option in Project Server 2010 instead of setting the "Publish" field to "No"
    to remove the task from team members' timesheets because removal of task entries can lead to data inconsistencies.
    Prior to learning this, one of these data inconsistencies was introduced into one of my project files. Specifically, I set the "Publish" status to "No" on completed task without realizing that a team member had submitted a correction
    to a previous time period's timesheet that had not yet been approved. These corrected data are now shown in the Reporting Database, but they did not get carried through to the project file.
    Is there a way to reconcile the data shown in the project file with the data in the Reporting Database?

    Here's what I think happened:
    User submitted incorrect actuals against Task A on his timesheet. (In addition to the expected hours against the current period [TS1], he had accidentally submitted actuals against a future time period [TS2] that was not part of my current review window.)
    Not realizing he had incorrectly reported his time, I accepted the actuals and published them to the project.
    I updated the project, changing the Publish flag for Task A to No since no further work was expected against the task.
    The following week, the user resubmitted a correct version of TS2.
    The reporting database got updated with the new TS2 data.
    Everything in my approval queue that was submitted by this user has been approved and published; however, the data in my project file does not match what I am seeing in the reporting database.
    Do I just need to change the Publish flag for Task A back to Yes to get my project file to capture the changes that were made during the resubmission of TS2?

  • Timesheet error when clicking on details in the daily view

    Hi Everyone,
    We just applied the new Pack EHP4 and update our ESS portal accordingly. But in timesheet are getting an error we haven't encountered before. When going to timesheet (record time app) and clicking on the daily view you either get a new screen if you do it correctly or an error message saying Select a Filled row to change to the detail view.
    In the upgraded system that last error message does not come up. Instead it crashes and give this error:
    500   Internal Server Error
              SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7.00/Java AS 7.00
    Failed to process request. Please contact your system administrator.
    Error Summary
    While processing the current request, an exception occured which could not be handled by the application or the framework.
    If the information contained on this page doesn't help you to find and correct the cause of the problem, please contact your system administrator. To facilitate analysis of the problem, keep a copy of this error page. Hint: Most browsers allow to select all content, copy it and then paste it into an empty document (e.g. email or simple text file).
    Root Cause
    The initial exception that caused the request to fail, was:
        at com.sap.xss.hr.cat.record.vac.entry.VcCatTableDay.onActionDisplayDetails(VcCatTableDay.java:675)
        at com.sap.xss.hr.cat.record.vac.entry.wdp.InternalVcCatTableDay.wdInvokeEventHandler(InternalVcCatTableDay.java:172)
        at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.generation.DelegatingView.invokeEventHandler(DelegatingView.java:87)
        at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.controller.Action.fire(Action.java:67)
        at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.window.WindowPhaseModel.doHandleActionEvent(WindowPhaseModel.java:420)
        ... 42 more
    Thanks a lot in advance for your help,

    Thanks for the reply after alot of looking i found some OSS notes for 603 I am in 604 but I guess the error is the same so I sent a msg to SAP asking for more instructions to our specific set up.
    Thanks a lot

  • How to get timesheet information in a javascript (Project Server 2013)

    Hi all,
    In Project Server 2013, I'm trying to customize the Timesheet ribbon. This far, I've been able to add a new button and tie an event to it. All is working well. This is all done using elements.xml and a javascripts.
    Now the problem is that I want to get some informations about the timesheet (the Guid for example) and, for now, I've got no success. I know that there is an object called PS.TimeSheet, but when I try to use some PS.TimeSheet's methods I get an error.
    Note that i'm in the page http://servername/pwa/timesheet.aspx (there is not Guid in the address) and all the treatments should be done in the javascript (no call to another aspx page)
    Thanks !

    Finally, I've found the solution.
    My goal was to add a button in the timesheet ribbon to launch a special report showing some data about the timesheet. The report has the timesheet Guid as parameter.
    To customize the Sharepoint ribbon, you have to do it via an xml file and a javascript (a lot of explanation is available in the internet that explains how to do it). So I had to call a function in the javascript to launch the report (which is a SSRS report).
    When you are in a javascript you have access to many global variables. When the timesheet.aspx is displayed, there is a global variable called "timesheetComponent".
    Using this variable we can call the method :
    to get an implementation of the current timesheet. This implementation has an attibute that has a lot of nice stuff about the current user and the current time sheet. This attribute is 
    _headerInfo is a structure that includes tsUid which contains the timesheet Guid I was looking for.
    Finally, the function attached to the button goes like this :
    function _LaunchReport() {
    var tsUId;
    var rptPath;
    var tsImpl = timesheetComponent.m_consumedApi.get_Impl();
    if (CONST_REPORT_PATH == null || CONST_REPORT_PATH == "" ) {
    alert("Constant CONST_REPORT_PATH is not defined")
    else {
    tsUId = tsImpl._headerInfo.tsUid;
    rptPath = CONST_REPORT_PATH + 'TimesheetDetails&rs:Command=Render&rc:Parameters=false&TimesheetUID=' + tsUId;
    catch (Err) {
    CONST_REPORT_PATH is the path to SSRS defined elsewhere
    I hope this will help some other poeple !

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