"Timestamp" and Display Type "dateTimeFiled" and bindings in JHS

Hi Everybody,
In the app def I have field called "Create Date" of type "Timestamp" and Display Type "dateTimeFiled". If I set "Prompt in Form Layout" or "Prompt in the Table Layout" #{bindings.$BINDING_NAME$.label} and set "Query Operation" to "between" to generate two field "Create Date From" and "Create Date To" I have negative result. In case if I set "Label Text" in "Control Hints" in the "Entity Object Editor" to "Create Date" I get on the screen two "Create Date" and not "Create Date From" and "Create Date To". In case where I remove this label I get two "CreateDate". This work in one case only, if I set "Prompt in Form Layout" or "Prompt in the Table Layout" to "Create Date", then I have "Create Date From" and "Create Date To" on the screen.
So the question is:
Is there any way to use #{bindings.$BINDING_NAME$.label} and still generate "Create Date From" and "Create Date To" on the screen, or it's JHS BUG.
Any help appreciated.

No, this is not supported. You need to specify the prompt in the application definition editor, you cannot use ADF BC hints in this case.
Steven Davelaar,
JHeadstart Team.

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    Please repost this question in the appropriate section of the Discussion Forum.
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    The following Event Handler code will prevent users from creating duplicate value in "Title" field.
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    public override void ItemAdding(SPItemEventProperties properties)
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    using(SPSite thisSite = new SPSite(properties.WebUrl))
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Feature Id="1c2100ca-bad5-41f5-9707-7bf4edc08383"
    Title="Prevents Duplicate Item"
    Description="Prevents duplicate Name in the "My List" List"
    <ElementManifest Location="elements.xml"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <Elements xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/">
    <Receivers ListTemplateId="100">
    <Assembly>AAA.BBB, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8003cf0cbff32406</Assembly>
    Below link explains adding the list events.
    Reference link:
    Amalaraja Fernando,
    SharePoint Architect
    Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if a post has been helpful for you. This post is provided "AS IS" with no warrenties and confers no rights.

    Recommended way for binding the list event handler to the list instance is through feature receivers.
    You need to create a feature file like the below sample
    <Feature xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/"
    Title="Installs MyFeatureReceiver"
    Description="Installs MyFeatureReceiver" Hidden="False" Version="" Scope="Site"
    ReceiverAssembly="ClassLibrary1, Version=, Culture=neutral,
    </Feature>For registering/binding the list event handler to the list instance, use the below sample codeusing System;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint;
    namespace ClassLibrary1
        public class MyFeatureReceiver: SPFeatureReceiver
            public override void FeatureActivated(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
                SPSite siteCollection = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
                SPWeb site = siteCollection.AllWebs["Docs"];
                SPList list = site.Lists["MyList"];
                SPEventReceiverDefinition rd = list.EventReceivers.Add();
                rd.Name = "My Event Receiver";
                rd.Class = "ClassLibrary1.MyListEventReceiver1";
                rd.Assembly = "ClassLibrary1, Version=, Culture=neutral,
                rd.Data = "My Event Receiver data";
                rd.Type = SPEventReceiverType.FieldAdding;
            public override void FeatureDeactivating(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
                SPSite sitecollection = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
                SPWeb site = sitecollection.AllWebs["Docs"];
                SPList list = site.Lists["MyList"];
                foreach (SPEventReceiverDefinition rd in list.EventReceivers)
                    if (rd.Name == "My Event Receiver")
            public override void FeatureInstalled(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
            public override void FeatureUninstalling(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
    }Reference link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff713710(v=office.12).aspxOther ways of registering the list event handlers to the List instance are through code, stsadm commands and content types.
    Amalaraja Fernando,
    SharePoint Architect
    Please Mark As Answer if my post solves your problem or Vote As Helpful if a post has been helpful for you. This post is provided "AS IS" with no warrenties and confers no rights.

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    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Deleting_autocomplete_entries
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    Hi Gerry,
    as it is nearly two months since your initial post, you may have already solved your problem. In which case I'll continue with this reply for the benefit of anyone else who suffers the same affliction:
    My problem was Bridge CS3 running on a 32-bit Vista Home Premium SP1, Intel Core 2 CPU T5300 @ 1.73GHz and 2GB of RAM (if that makes any difference). Like Curt, I'm no computer expert either but I was experiencing a very similar problem to your's in CS3 Bridge.
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    After some fiddling, I discovered that changing the 3D Graphics setting on the Nvidia Control Panel made Bridge once again behave.
    Open the Nvidia Control Panel (right click on the 'desktop' to access it).
    Under the '3D Settings' task, select 'Adjust Image Settings with Preview'. This should reveal a window with an image of a slowly spinning, three-dimensional Nvidia logo. (I understand that the Nvidia Control Panel is common to all its cards.)
    Under the spinning logo image there are three options for 3D settings. On my computer, while my Bridge was broken, the "Use my preference emphasizing: Balanced" option was selected. I changed the option to, "Let the 3D application decide" and crikey! - when I restarted Bridge the previews were once again working. (It may be my imagination, but Bridge appears to now be going better than ever.)
    I switched the Nividia preferences a couple of times just to make sure. The change appeared to have done the job.
    NB: I noticed another discussion in the forums entitled "Suddenly No Images in Bridge" which appears to be a similar problem. They resolved it this way;
    "Depress and hold Ctrl-Alt-Shift when you start PS or Bridge. A menu comes up with three options. Check them all."
    I didn't see that fix until I had sorted mine so I haven't tried it... but now that 'it ain't broke', I 'ain't gonna fix it'!
    Hope this helps you or someone else.

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    Hi Philip.
    I suggest switching to the Application Express forum.
    Pretty sure it'll be easier for you to find the answers over there
    Oracle Application Express (APEX)

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    in character format.

    chk this FM.
        BUKRS         = '1000'     " Company Code
        DATE          = SY-DATUM   " Date to find fiscal year for
        CURRM         = w_currm    " Current Fiscal Month
        CURRY         = w_curry    " Current Fiscal Year
        PREVM         = w_prevm    " Previous Fiscal Month
        PREVY         = w_prevy.   " Previous Fiscal Year
    if hlped pls mark points

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    please correct me if iam wrong.

    Hi Varma,
    The tables mentioned by you definitely get updated, i guess you can add KONV to the list too, but to be a 100% sure, enable SQL trace and process an IDOC. Then you can look for Insert/Modify/Update statements to get a list of the tables that get updated.

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    message bar were displayed in Chinese.
    The simplest explanation: allow to run Forms 6 app in English.
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    of the user. Database stores characters correctly. Application
    (Forms) echoes characters correctly , not ???? or boxes .
    We need to have a definite answer to the customer within 2 weeks
    meaning we either have a fix now for their current ISO 9000
    certified application based on Forms 6.0 or we know through
    testing that it absolutely will work when we rev. the application
    to Forms 6i. The latter revision of their application is not due
    to ship until mid-2002.
    Any suggestions or referrals are appreciated.

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    Process chain failed at  AND process type ?
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    what is the reason & solution .
    regards ,
    srinivas ,

    That depends on the system behaviour... There is no issue in that... You can repeate the process.. If there is no repeat option available then you can on the detail view.. there is a chance that you will get a repeat option there.. If not then copy the chain.. remove the loaded process and add one starter chain an continue the chain in immediate mode...
    Sajid khan

  • Storing and displaying LOB - pdf, images

    I am using Oracel 10g on Linux.
    I need to store pdfs and images and display them using HTMLDB reports and Discoverer reports. the LOBs size vary from 30KB to 1700KB.
    Which will be the best way to store these objects. since the sizes are not that big, i was thinking of storing them directly in the database tables instead of storing them externally.
    and storing internally in the database, will it be better for a quick retrieval and display of the LOB in the reports.
    Can somone guide me and maybe link me to some documents for storing LOB and displaying using HTMLDB and Discoverer.

    Whether you store the documents in the database or not is totally dependent on your requirements (backup, security, etc). As for performance, you may need to test that for yourself once you have it configured.
    You may want to walk through this How to Upload and Download Files in an Application. It provides detailed instructions for facilitating what you are looking for in Application Express (formerly HTMLDB).

  • With display type native event is not working in my wd application

    Dear Friends,
    I have few interactive forms created webdynpro components.
    in SFP: formtype: ZCI and inserted the webdynpro script in the layout and interface type is DDIC.
    in Webdynpro: taken IF form UI element and with Enable check box checked(ON) and display type is Native.
    when i run my wd application interactive forms is opening but when i click on button on webdynpro or on enter of input field event is not getting trigger. cursor is showing wait icon and in busymode only.
    if i try with display type as activex it is working fine.
    But i don't want to use type as Activex.
    One more thing initially i have created 2 interative forms with those forms with displya type native is working fine, for new forms only the poblem is coming.
    please let me know how to get rid of this.

    Hi ganesh,
    i hope you have already followed the process what i mentioned in my question.
    above that some times we are facing this busy mode issues, might be.. there coudl be some problem when we insert the webdynpro script.
    on sfp layout from utilities insert the webdynpro script.
    then sheck the script editor by selecting the data node in hierarchy tab.
    make sur the both event *presave and *formload are filled with some in built script and the language is Java script and Client side.
    then save activate the form and try.
    all the best.

  • FSG Reports : Row Set Account assignments (Display Type to show Account nar

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    For example, My report now displays '1401' - which is the natural account number. I want to display its narration which reads 'Revenue'

    Hi Miranga,
    it is possible to display the Account code description .. infact you can display both account code and description ... for which you need to create a ROW ORDER and attach it to your FSG Report ...
    Perform the below steps :
    1) Switch responsibility to General Ledger
    2) Navigate to Reports > Define > Order
    3) Enter a name for the ROW ORDER field
    4) In the Account Display section, enter SEQ as 1, Segment as ACCOUNT, order by as VALUE and DISPLAY as VALUE AND DESCRIPTION and Width as 15 ..
    You can increase/decrease the width based on the how the data is appearing in your report output ...
    5) Save the record ..
    6) Navigate to Reports > Define > Report
    7) Query your report ....
    8) In the optional Components section, click on the Row Order field and select the row order you have configured above from List of values ..
    9) Save the changes made to the report ...
    10) Run the FSG report afresh and see the output ...

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