Timing the events

I have an issue related to events. I am new to using events. Hence your inputs will be helpful for my coding.
Code Details: I have two outputs coming in parallel.(For Eg: One output gives Pressure Device list, the other output gives Temperature device). I have created events which trigger when the output for the above is found. The problem I am facing isboth the events execute parallel which is not necessary. Is there a way through which I can time these events to occur one after the other?(Say, first the event triggered due to Pressure must occur, then Temperature). I am sorry that I dont have a code at this moment. I was thinking of implementing this feature in my code. Hence please let me know if this is possible. Also if there is a thread related to this in forum please let me know.
Thanks a lot for your inputs.
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Can I use flat sequence structure in this case?

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    /Users/rrodby/Desktop/Picture 3.jpg
    That makes no sense since it is on the calendar IN THAT DATE. My other 2 computers iCal doesn't do this and they are synced.
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    Try changing your System Preferences...>International>Formats>(Region:) (Dates) (Times) Customize... to your specifications.

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    Try.vi ‏95 KB

    It's more likely he wants the sequence of events he has put together to run after the result changes once.  If you change the logic to check the values after each change of numeric(2), he'll need to learn to check to ensure the last iteration wasn't already true.  Otherwise, he's going to start the sequence over and over.
    Really, you need to get away from the event structure entirely.  It's not what you want.  Your code lends itself to a state machine very well.
    You'll want to ask yourself a few things:
    1) Do I want my code to run continuously or do I just want to check the two numerics once? (your code currently does the second)
    2) Do I want the user to be able to stop my code once the sequence starts? (this is generally a yes)
    3) Do I want Path 6, Path 5, or the comparison to happen first?  Do I want them all to run simultaneously?  Do I need one before another? (currently you cannot predict which will happen first.)
    Topics you'll need to understand are: state machines, data flow, case structures, timing, and race conditions.  Right now, you're looking to get yourself into trouble.

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    I searched around but the only relevant discussion that I found was as under, which didn't really cleared the doubt.

    In the article that you have mentioned - Jonathan Lewis gives you a very clear explanation. CPU Time is updated at the end of a query. DB CPU is updated every few seconds.
    So the CPU Time may be less than DB CPU if there is a long running query that did not complete during the snapshot that you are reporting for. Conversly CPU Time may be larger than DB CPU if there is a long running query that spanned multiple snapshots but completed in the snapshot that you are reporting for.

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    In my awr report in Top 5 Timed Foreground Events, i get the below event list
    Event     Waits     Time(s)     Avg wait (ms)     % DB time     Wait Class
    DB CPU          25,721          58.29     
    db file sequential read     67,491,952     7,710     0     17.47     User I/O
    db file scattered read     7,147,112     2,560     0     5.8     User I/O
    log file sync     2,926,748     1,526     1     3.46     Commit
    direct path read     342,745     834     2     1.89     User I/O
    So does it means that there is a issue with disk I/O on my box. since the wait class is showing as User I/O.
    I am running the single instance database with oracle version 11.2 on IBM AIX server.

    huzaifa wrote:
    Hi Mates
    In my awr report in Top 5 Timed Foreground Events, i get the below event list
    Event                              Waits       Time(s)       Avg wait (ms)     % DB time      Wait Class
    DB CPU                                             25,721                               58.29     
    db file sequential read           67,491,952        7,710          0                         17.47      User I/O
    db file scattered read           7,147,112        2,560          0                          5.8      User I/O
    log file sync                           2,926,748        1,526          1                          3.46      Commit
    direct path read                   342,745        834          2                          1.89      User I/OSo does it means that there is a issue with disk I/O on my box. since the wait class is showing as User I/O.
    I am running the single instance database with oracle version 11.2 on IBM AIX server.Is this a standard one hour report on a machine with at least 8 CPUs available ?
    If so then take a look at Dom Brooks comment - your average read times are in the range of 0.1 to 0.3 milliseconds - they're mostly coming out of filesystem cache (but maybe you have some very good database flashcache installed).
    Your first move should probably be to take some of the memory from your file system cache and increase your buffer cache - this will probably decrease the number of reads reported and the amount of CPU used. I'd also look for statements that seem to be doing an unreasonable amount of I/O to get their end results, and check the "Segments by ... " section of the report to see which objects are seeing most I/O.
    Before you mess about with ASM, you should simply check for easy ways to do less work.
    Jonathan Lewis
    Author: <b><em>Oracle Core</em></b>

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    Hoping for some help with a very frustrating issue!
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    The furthest I’ve gotten is step 2 (and once, step 3) of 7 while performing “Outlook Setup For iCloud.” At that point I get, “Your setup couldn’t be started because of an unexpected error.”  After the first attempt at all this, all my calendar events disappeared from Outlook, although they are still in iCloud calendar and on my phone.
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    On the bottom bar of the window (on the left iPhoto 11, on the right in other versions) note the slider. Drag it left.

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    Broc Norman II
    Sr DBA
    GIT / Hillsboro Manufacturing Site

    use - Region Plugin - SkillBuilders Calendar which is useful to display event as your requirement
    Try this.

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    Model of MFP = HP LaserJet M4555h MFP = CE738A
    With fax accessory for HP LaserJet MFP Analog 500 = CE737A
    Firmware Datecode = 20120623
    Firmware Revision = 2200643_228339
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    Can you tell me if this means the firmware is corrupt and show be re-loaded?
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    Anything is helpful...Thanks  HP Seeker.

    Hello, you can also try a partial clean and reload the latest firmware, see if that will work.

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    You try the below steps:
    1. Use long operation to provision the site, so that it does not time out in process.
    2. After provisioning, you can add a page or add the web part directly to landing page of site.
    For each of the above steps you can find the sample code pieces.
    if you couldn't get that, let me know. I will share with you.
    Thanks, Ashish If my response has helped you, please mark as answer.

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