Tips for a successful exchange?

I love my iPhone 4, but it has three hardware problems. I've decided to try to get it replaced, but I want advice on how to make my case when I go to the Apple Store.
Here are my problems:
1) *Wonky compass.* I'm upgrading from an original iPhone, but I can't believe it's supposed to be erratic to the point of near uselessness.
2) Deathgrip. Yeah, I have it. But honestly, it hasn't really been a problem, since I always use the phone with a bumper.
3) *Smudgy screen.* This probably sounds trivial, but it's actually what bothers me the most. I think it started when some Splenda got on my screen. I tried to wipe it off with my shirt, which had worked perfectly until then, but this time it left these weird streaks. Then I kind of panicked, and tried using a hand wipe. (I was at the supermarket, and the dispenser was right there.) This got rid of the streaks, but now it's much more prone to smudges, and the smudges are harder to get off. And when I wipe it with almost anything short of a microfiber cloth, it leaves this weird blotchy smudgy pattern. I think that pattern might be the result of that hand wipe having stripped off some of the oleophobic coating.
So what should I say to the Apple Genius? The smudges bother me the most, but he or she might recognize them as the result of some cleaning chemical, and say I voided the warranty. The deathgrip doesn't bother me as much, but that's the most open-and-shut issue. Apple probably has a uniform policy on whether to offer exchanges for deathgrip complaints, so depending on what that policy is, this could be a no brainer or a non starter. And finally, there's the compass. That might be the best thing to focus on all around, but I'd like to hear people's feedback.

distractiboy wrote:
I won't lie, but I could just not even bring it up as an issue. The compass in particular seems to be a real defect, and one that genuinely bothers me. Bringing up the screen might just complicate things. It's not like I'd be hiding anything — the thing that bothers me should be evident just from their handling of it.
Honestly, I don't think the screen issue is going to matter. The fact that the compass doesn't work right is a biggie. Just make sure it's a real issue, and it's not something else.
However, I hope there's a lesson learned on cleaning your screen. I use a dry, lint-free cloth.

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    WARNING, before doing the UPGRADE, it is highly recommended to back-up the configurations of your router so that no matter what happened, you router configuration wouldn't be messed up and you can just automatically restore it (the firmware version upgraded to it will just retain).
    Here's how to:
    >username: blank, password: admin
    >under the managerment subtab or config management subtab, you will see BACK-UP & RESTORE
    let me give you a very useful tips guys,
    when updating the firmware of the router and prevent the firmware from bricking or being corrupted and get a very successful results you will need to set a static IP adress ( so you won't lose connection to the router when updating the firmware) and force the card to 10 half duplex (so your router won't reply unless all the packets when updating firmware has already ben set thoroughly to the router) of your PC prior to updating the firmware. then after the firmware, push the reset of your router for 10 sec. then redo the set-up.
    You will also need to shut down the computers that are running wirelessly and disable antiviruses and firewalls that are running currently...
    here are the instructions:
    go to your control panel [select classic view (click the option on the left side right below control panel title)]. select network connections...
    under LAN or high speed internet, you will see local area connection. right click on it then select properties
    under local area connection properties, look for internet protocol TCP/IP. high light it and click properties.
    once on the internet protocol TCP/IP properties, set it to use the following IP adress.
    IP adress: ( it must be same range of your default gateway: 192.168.x.x)
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway: (that is the default one. if not then enter the IP adress of your router, to check it, open command prompt, then type in "ipconfig" [no qoutes] the dafault gateway is equivalent to router's IP adress)
    click ok and click the close button on the local area connectipn properties window (not the common "x" button when exiting out a window).
    BRUTE FORCE THE CARD TO 10 Mbps half duplex mode
    go to the same window (local area connection properties), once there, you will see a configure button. click it.
    you will be lead to fast ethernet card 10/100 properties (depending on the type of etherenet card you have)
    once there, click on the advance tab
    under property, highlight link speed and duplex or media type or connection type (it varies, but these are one of those variations).
    under value, select 10 Mbps/ Tx half mode/ duplex
    click ok and click close on the local area connection window.
    Then proceed with upgrading the firmware of your router. after updating the firmware of your router, reverse what you have done on your PC. by setting back the internet protocol TCP/IP to obtain an IP adress automatically and DNS server automatically (don't forget to click ok and close for the windows opened before opening a new one, okay?). then set back the speed and duplex mode back to auto-negotiation.
    You should be able to get a successful results already after updating it. click on this link to reconfigure the router (but you must be online first to the modem since when the router is resetted, the configuration of your your router will be lost)  to reconfigure the router
    Message Edited by 14firewall on 10-25-200607:25 AM
    "a helping hand in a community makes the world a universe"

    My routers GUI doesn't have the option to back up config so that doesn't help. Can't see why that would mater much anyway for home networking.
    Also, I upgraded the firmware on my router multiple times and never had to force 10MB half duplex speeds. So, that doesn't help much either.

  • Exchange 2013 with Outlook 2013 - Not getting pop-up or mail tips for attachments exceeding max size

    Our environment is Exchange Server 2013 CU3 and Outlook 2013 in cached mode. We have a transport rule that sets the max attachment size to 20 mb.
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    because we're running Exchange or not. If that pop-up isn't going to work it would be nice if the user could at least get a mail-tip warning them that the attachment exceeds the limit. But it doesn't look likes there's a mail-tip for attachment size, only
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    Has anyone else gotten Outlook to present the pop-up or a mail-tip when exceeding attachment size? Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks but I performed all of those trouble shooting prior to posting to the forum. But, I have found the answer!
    After referring to this article;
    I removed the 10mb default limits from the organization config and chose to set the attachment and message size limits in our environment via transport
    rules instead. That is the only way you can actually set an attachment size limit.
    I had read this article several times searching for an answer;
    The key is here;
    "If you are using an Exchange Server account, the 20-MB attachment
    limit for Internet email accounts is not used by Outlook 2013. Instead, Outlook uses the limit that is configured on your Exchange server. To modify the setting that is used to control the size of a message that is sent through an
    Exchange Server account, follow these steps."
    The steps that follow are for Exchange 2010 but they show setting organization limits not server limits. And note that it
    says the size of a message, not the size of an attachment. Since mail-tips for message size are not displayed when the limit is set via the transport rules I thought it
    was possible that the same inconsistency might apply to the attachment pop-up warning. I set the organization limits and voila! The pop-up now displays when an attachment that exceeds the message size limit is added to a message.
    This is exactly what I wanted. Now users won't fill up their sent items trying to send large attachments that just bounce anyway.
    It would be wonderful if Microsoft would provide information about what features of Outlook are affected when you apply message size limits at the
    various levels. 

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    Guys, i am actually trying using a solution provided by the article shared by dominic23,
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  • Create a deposit for bill of exchange

    Hello professionals
    I try to create a deposit for bill of exchange but without is my code
    SAPbobsCOM.BillOfExchangeTransaction oBOEtrans = (SAPbobsCOM.BillOfExchangeTransaction)Program.oDiCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oBillOfExchangeTransactions);
                    oBOEtrans.StatusFrom= SAPbobsCOM.BoBOTFromStatus.btfs_Generated;
                    oBOEtrans.StatusTo =  SAPbobsCOM.BoBOTToStatus.btts_Deposit;
                    oBOEtrans.Lines.BillOfExchangeNo = 119;
                    oBOEtrans.Lines.BillOfExchangeType = SAPbobsCOM.BoBOETypes.bobt_Incoming;
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (oBOEtrans != null)
    when I run it it the application crushes .. what is wrong with it ?
    Please help
    Best regards

    hello Maik,
    thanks for your reply
    I added some code lines , now there is no crush but still do nothing ... the operation finished successfully but when i check the table OBOT there is no line inserted the status of the bill doesn't change .. this the code
    oBOEtrans.StatusFrom= SAPbobsCOM.BoBOTFromStatus.btfs_Generated;
                    oBOEtrans.StatusTo =  SAPbobsCOM.BoBOTToStatus.btts_Deposit;
                    oBOEtrans.Lines.BillOfExchangeNo =746;
                    oBOEtrans.Lines.BillOfExchangeType = SAPbobsCOM.BoBOETypes.bobt_Incoming;
                    oBOEtrans.Deposits.BankAccount = "004003274000003210";
                    oBOEtrans.Deposits.BankCountry = "DZ";
                    oBOEtrans.Deposits.BankBranch = "00327";
                    oBOEtrans.Deposits.PostingType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDepositPostingTypes.dpt_Discounted;
                    oBOEtrans.IsBoeReconciled = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                    oBOEtrans.PostingDate = DateTime.Today;
    please help .. any help is appreciated
    Best regards

  • Any tips for novel writing in Pages?

    I am determined to finish my next novel in Pages. I can't take the weight of Word any more. Does anyone have any tips for using Pages in this way, producing a manuscript that will probably run to 130k words in the end? I have tried everything in this field on OS X, from Mellel to Nisus, Ulysses and Copywrite, and I think Pages suits me best.
    What I have discovered so far...
    Good points
    Ease of use
    The fantastic search and I think unique show search feature which is now my primary way of navigating the manuscript.
    Could be better
    No keyboard shortcuts for styles
    It's simpler to number chapters manually than mess around with lists
    The word count is awkward to get at
    No outlining or easy navigation by chapters
    Occasionally I get red underline spelling errors for words that are spelled correctly. This goes away if I right click and may be due to hyphenation though that is turned off for the document.
    G5 dual   Mac OS X (10.4.2)  

    I started my novel with Nisus, switched to CopyWrite, then wrote the bulk of it with Pages. All in all, using Pages was a terrific experience. But the use of a word processor for a novelist is a very, very personal and subjective thing.
    Things a novelist might like about Pages
    - What you see on the screen is beautiful -- Pages renders text extremely well
    - The system for defining styles is excellent. When I first fired up Pages 1.0, it took me 15 minutes to make a complete manuscript template, including headers
    - It's very stable. Unlike Nisus, which was a nightmare (adding blank pages and weird indents all through the document), Pages behaves itself very well
    - Plays nice with Word. I'm able to open and export Word docs very successfully
    - Brilliant search feature; provides a list of word occurances, then lets you click on them
    - Bookmark feature lets you easily jump from chapter to chapter
    Things a novelist might not like about Pages
    - A few people report a typing lag. If you experience it, it's a significant problem
    - Bookmarks, while excellent, won't permanently sort alphabetically -- only numerically. Every time I open my document, my bookmarked list of chapters is sorted incorrectly. Not a big deal; just a minor annoyance
    - Very mouse-intensive program. Not a huge issue for a novelist since we mostly just hit a carriage return; not a lot of styles in a text-based manuscript
    - Gobbles up a lot of screen real estate. In order to have various inspectors and panes open, it's good to have a larger monitor, otherwise you'll find things sitting on top of your text
    I'm sure there are many more strengths and weaknesses, but that'll get you started. By the way, you can download Devon Technologies' excellent and free Word Services that'll add a lot of very useful features (including word count) to your services menu. Get it at

  • Create deposit for bill of exchange

    Hello experts,
    I need to create a deposit for bill of exchange but I can't
    here is my code
    SAPbobsCOM.CompanyService companyService = Program.oDiCompany.GetCompanyService();
    SAPbobsCOM.DepositsService dpService =  (SAPbobsCOM.DepositsService)companyService.GetBusinessService(SAPbobsCOM.ServiceTypes.DepositsService);
      SAPbobsCOM.Deposit dpsAddCash =  (SAPbobsCOM.Deposit)dpService.GetDataInterface(SAPbobsCOM.DepositsServiceDataInterfaces.dsDeposit);
                dpsAddCash.DepositType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDepositTypeEnum.dtBOE;
                SAPbobsCOM.BOELine BOE;
                BOE = dpsAddCash.BOEs.Add();
                BOE.BOEKey = 748;
                dpsAddCash.DepositCurrency = "DZ";
                dpsAddCash.AllocationAccount = "519000";
                dpsAddCash.DepositAccount = "512000";
                dpsAddCash.TotalLC = 5000;
                dpsAddCash.JournalRemarks = "Adding Deposit with Cash";
                //Add the deposit
                SAPbobsCOM.DepositParams dpsParamAddCash = dpService.AddDeposit(dpsAddCash);
    the underlined sentence causes me a problem because this field is a Read only .. how can I assign BOE key to the deposit
    Please help
    Best regards

    hello Maik,
    thanks for your reply
    I added some code lines , now there is no crush but still do nothing ... the operation finished successfully but when i check the table OBOT there is no line inserted the status of the bill doesn't change .. this the code
    oBOEtrans.StatusFrom= SAPbobsCOM.BoBOTFromStatus.btfs_Generated;
                    oBOEtrans.StatusTo =  SAPbobsCOM.BoBOTToStatus.btts_Deposit;
                    oBOEtrans.Lines.BillOfExchangeNo =746;
                    oBOEtrans.Lines.BillOfExchangeType = SAPbobsCOM.BoBOETypes.bobt_Incoming;
                    oBOEtrans.Deposits.BankAccount = "004003274000003210";
                    oBOEtrans.Deposits.BankCountry = "DZ";
                    oBOEtrans.Deposits.BankBranch = "00327";
                    oBOEtrans.Deposits.PostingType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDepositPostingTypes.dpt_Discounted;
                    oBOEtrans.IsBoeReconciled = SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES;
                    oBOEtrans.PostingDate = DateTime.Today;
    please help .. any help is appreciated
    Best regards

  • Tips for dealing with large channel count on cRio

    Hello, I have a very simple application that takes an analog input using an AI module (9205) from a thermistor and based on the value of the input it sends out a true/false signal using a digital out module (9477). Each cRio chassis will have close to 128 channels, the code being exactly the same for each channel.
    I wonder if anyone has any tips for how I can do this so that I don't have to copy and paste each section of code 128 times. Obviously this would be a nightmare if the code ever had to be changed. I'm sure there is a way to make a function or a class but being new to graphical programming I can't think of a good way to do this. I looked for a way to dynamically select a channel but can't seem to find anything, if I could select the channel dynamically I'm guessing I can create a subvi and do it that way. Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated.

    There isn't a way to dynamically choose a channel at runtime.  In order
    for the VI to compile successfully, the compiler must be able to statically
    determine which channel is being read or written in the I/O Node at
    compile time.  However, that doesn't mean you can't write a reusable
    subvi.  If you right click on the FPGA I/O In terminal of the I/O Node and create a constant or control, you should be able to reuse the same logic for all of your channels.  The attached screen shot should illustrate the basics of what this might look like.  If you right click the I/O control/constant and select "Configure I/O Type...", you can configure the interface the I/O Item must support in order for it to be selectable from the control.  While this helps single source some of the logic, you will still eventually need 128 I/O constants somewhere in your FPGA VI hierarchy.
    I should also mention that if each channel being read from the 9205 is contained in a separate subVI or I/O Node, you will also incur some execution time overhead due to the scanning nature of the module.  You mentioned you are reading temperature signals so the additional execution time may not be that important to you.  If it is, you may want to look at the IO Sample Method.  You can find more information and examples on how to use this method in the LV help.  Using the IO Sample Method does allow you to dynamically choose a channel at runtime and is generally more efficient for high channel counts.  However, it's also a lot more complicated to use than the I/O Node.
    You also mentioned concerns about the size of arrays and the performance implications of using a single for loop to iterate across your data set.  That's the classic design trade off when dealing with FPGAs.  If you want to perform as much in parallel as possible, you'll need to store all 128 data points from the 9205 modules at once, process the data in parallel using 128 instances of the same circuit, and then output a digital value based on the result.  If you're using fixed point data types, that's 182 x 26 bits for just the I/O data from the 9205.  While this will yield the fastest execution times, the resulting VI may be too large to fit on your target.  Conversely, you could use the IO Sample Method to read each channel one at a time, process the data using the same circuit, and then output a digital value.  This strategy will use the least amount of logic on the FPGA but will also take the longest to execute.  Of course, there are all sorts of options you could create in between these two extremes.  Without knowing more about your requirements, it's hard to advise which end of the spectrum you should shoot for.  Anyway, hopefully this will give you some ideas on where to get started.
    IO Constant.JPG ‏31 KB

  • Tips for Using Pages to Write a Short Book?

    Hello- I really don't wanna go back to Word.
    My needs are pretty simple. A short book in 5.5 x 8.5 format (standard, right?).
    Any tips to using (setting up) pages to write a book? Any ideas where to get good templates for this?

    ePub requires HTML
    Thoughts on that plan?
    For paper-based exchange, Peter's point is that preparing the printing surface encounters problems in Apple's support for ISO 15930 PDF/X-3. Peter also wants support for spot colours which Apple development has resisted for as long as I can remember, and with good reason .
    For paper-less exchange, Apple's implementation of PDF has the problem that it does not support search for glyph substitution, that is, it neither supports search for Apple Advanced Typography (AAT) nor does it support search for Microsoft OpenType Layout (OTL).
    For paper-less exchange, furthermore, whether one is working in a document markup model (SGML implementations such as HTML, ePUB) or a document mastering model (PDL implementations such as PDF, XPS) the audience interacts with the authors input of character information in order to identify and download the digital document, and then image the digital document on a digital graphic device (display, printer). This means that the input of character information must be configured for assumptions compatible between author and audience. It is possible to do a long list of things in the Apple Character Palette that will cause the audience complications in searching for the digital document whether offline on a local computer or online in a distributed network of computers.

  • I have question about hooking up an external hdd to a time capsule and still have my printer hooked up as well. Anyone got any tips for me, how to do it and what brand of harddrive that will work best for me 1 or 2 TB

    i have question about hooking up an external hdd to a time capsule and still have my printer hooked up as well. Anyone got any tips for me, how to do it and what brand of harddrive that will work best for me 1 or 2 TB

    You just need a powered hub.. if you already use one then fine.
    Plug in just about any external hard disk will work fine. Format has to be readable by the TC.. ie fat32.. or much better HFS+.. plug it into a Mac to prepare the drive.
    Pick whatever size suits.. nowadays 2TB are most economical.
    WD, Seagate have goobled up all the minor players.. so pick one.
    Whatever suits your budget and asthetics.
    NOTE.. The USB on the TC is fine for printers.. IMHO it is the wrong way to go with USB disks.. use the internal disk of the TC.. USB is less than half the native speed plugged into a Mac.. TC to USB is slow.. far slower than internal drive.. or using external drive as external.

  • JK Adobe TV - Top 5 Tips for Working with Vectors in CC

    Julieanne Kost has just blogged about her  Adobe TV video on working with shapes and paths in Photoshop CC.  It's actually not that new to Adobe TV, and has already had a lot of views, but we get a lot of questions here on the subject with CC, and there are some nice little tips in it.  I certainly learned a couple of things. :-) tml with-vectors-in-photoshop-cc/

    My apologies, but I really had no interest in a member's "answer", especially one that is so unhelpful.  Assuming that you were responding to me (we are the only two commenter's at this point), I would not be inclined to read the Creative Cloud offers since this is something that I am not interested in.  I bought the product the first day of offer, I did not rent it....just like I have in all the years past.

  • Tips for blue screen (BSOD) errors with Windows Vista and Intel Turbo Memory on X61/X61s

    Important note: The symptoms and solutions described below address only a small subset of the possible causes for blue screen errors, aka BSOD.
    This information can help address blue screen errors specifically
    related to Turbo Memory, but may not solve errors related to other
    issues. Please read through the instructions completely, make sure they
    apply to your system, and after attempting the solutions please post
    back with your feedback for the community.
    Some users may experience random blue screen errors with ThinkPad
    systems running Windows Vista with Intel Turbo Memory hardware. These
    blue screens may occur during normal usage on the system or they may
    occur when booting into Windows Vista. Blue screens related to the
    Intel Turbo Memory hardware may reference a stop code of 8086 with
    memory address locations of {0, 0, 0, 0}.
    There are two main steps that you can take to help resolve blue screen issues related to Intel Turbo Memory.
    Step 1: Update Intel Turbo Memory Driver
    If the driver version is before version, please
    update to this version.
    To determine what version of the Intel Turbo Memory driver is installed:
    1.    Click Start, then click Control Panel.
    2.    Click System and Maintenance.
    3.    Click System.
    4.    Click Device Manager.
    5.    Expand the Storage controllers category.
    6.    Double-click Intel Flash Cache Logic Chip.
    7.    Click the Driver tab. Then you will see the driver version (for example,
    The new driver and installation instructions can be found here.
    Note: The Intel Matrix Storage Driver is updated with this package.
    Step 2: BIOS version
    If your BIOS version is older than those listed below, please update to the version listed.
    How to check your BIOS version:
    Turn off the system.
    Turn on the system.
    While the To interrupt normal startup, press the blue ThinkVantage button message is displayed at the lower-left area of the screen, press the F1 key.
    BIOS Setup Utility menu will be displayed. If you have set a supervisor
    password, the BIOS Setup Utility menu appears after you enter the
    Check BIOS Version and Embedded Controller Version.
    Turn off the system.
    System BIOS versions:
    ThinkPad X61 or X61s - BIOS version 1.06 (7NET25WW)
    remember that these updates do not solve every possible system blue
    screen, but they do resolve several problems related to the Intel Turbo
    Memory driver.
    Tim Supples
    Lenovo Social Media
    Got a question? Don't PM me, post it on the forum!
    Lenovo Blogs
    X60 Tablet SXGA+ primary, Z61p fully loaded workhorse

    Dear Tim,
    First off, many thanks for the tips for resolving BSOD with Vista + Turbo Memory on X61.  I've been suffering from this BSOD for countless times since I bought in my X61 7673-CW9 in April 2008.
    Even prior to having the pleasure to visit this wonderful forum, I followed both steps as indicated, and updated my Intel Turbo Memory driver to and my BIOS to 7NETB4WW (2.14).  However, the BSOD recurrs.
    For the past two months, I've recovered my system to factory default settings using Rescue and Recovery for over twenty times, each time with the latest Intel Turbo Memory driver and BIOS.  Notwithstanding that, BSOD recurrs.
    During these painful experiences, I tried two options: 1) making my X61 up-to-date by using System Update and Windows Update (including Vista SP1 or excluding Vista SP1); 2) keeping my X61 the status as factory default (i.e. without updating through either System Update or Windows Update (the automatic/scheduled update function of both is turned off)).  In either case, BSOD recurrs.
    I'm 100% positive that the BSOD does not arise from any hardware or software/firmware I install.  I never install any hardware (e.g. RAM).  And, it is not caused by any software/firmware I install: the clear and unequivocal evidence is that at one time,I encountered BSOD while having restored back to factory setting and booting for the first time.
    I live in Taiwan, and I seldom heard this BSOD here.  All of my friends (as most of Taiwan residents) using X61 operate in Traditional Chinese environment, whereas I operate in English environment.  In Taiwan, when booting for the first time after purchase/recovery, the Windows Vista Business system provides for lanuage choice (Traditional Chinese or English), and, once chosen, the language cannot be altered later on (unless, of course, the system is restored back to factory default settings).
    My system specs are the same as the day I purchased it and are listed below (as I'm not sure if my machine type X61 7673-CW9 is applicable outside Taiwan):
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T8300 @ 2.4GHz
    Memory: 1.00 G.B.
    System: Windows Vista Business (32-bit)
    Hard Drive: 160 G.B. @ 7,200 r.p.m.
    And, of course, with Intel Turbo Memory 1 G.B.
    I contacted the Lenovo support staff here in Taiwan for countless times, but they seem to be clueless.  I learned that some friends at this forum downgraded their OS back to Windows XP, but I chose not to.  The reason is simple: my purchase price for X61 7673-CW9 includes the Intel Turbo Memory, which cannot function under Windows XP (at least so far).
    Therefore, I just wish to share my experience here and perhaps I can get some advice from you and other friends here.  Any advice will be tremendously and enormously appreciated.
    Kevin Chen @ Taiwan

  • I have a Macbook Pro 15" that is three and a half years old.  Although it has slowed a bit, it still runs well and runs every program I need. Any tips for how to keep this old computer running well and in good health?

    I have a Macbook Pro 15" that is three and a half years old.  Although it has slowed a bit, it still runs well and runs every program I need. Any tips for how to keep this old computer running well and in good health?
    I have a 250 gig drive and try to keep at least 100 gigs unused at all times, 4 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM memory, back up with Time Machine and CrashPlan, and have OS X 10.7.3.
    This was my first Mac since an old Apple II GS.  After that I used PC's and got really good at reformatting, replacing drives, reinstalling, defragging, resolving software conflicts, etc.  Since switching back to Macs (five in my extended family now), I haven't had to do any of those things. So, although, the cost is three times as much, the aggrevation has been ten times less.
    I'm retired and living on a fixed income and would therefore like to keep this computer running as opposed to constatntly upgrading.
    That said, any tips?
    It does have a crack on the left of the screen case about 3/4'' up from the bottom.  I've posted that as another question.

    Kappy's Personal Suggestions for OS X Maintenance
    For disk repairs use Disk Utility.  For situations DU cannot handle the best third-party utilities are: Disk Warrior;  DW only fixes problems with the disk directory, but most disk problems are caused by directory corruption; Disk Warrior 4.x is now Intel Mac compatible. Drive Genius provides additional tools not found in Disk Warrior.  Versions 1.5.1 and later are Intel Mac compatible.
    OS X performs certain maintenance functions that are scheduled to occur on a daily, weekly, or monthly period. The maintenance scripts run in the early AM only if the computer is turned on 24/7 (no sleep.) If this isn't the case, then an excellent solution is to download and install a shareware utility such as Macaroni, JAW PseudoAnacron, or Anacron that will automate the maintenance activity regardless of whether the computer is turned off or asleep.  Dependence upon third-party utilities to run the periodic maintenance scripts was significantly reduced since Tiger.  These utilities have limited or no functionality with Snow Leopard or Lion and should not be installed.
    OS X automatically defragments files less than 20 MBs in size, so unless you have a disk full of very large files there's little need for defragmenting the hard drive. As for virus protection there are few if any such animals affecting OS X. You can protect the computer easily using the freeware Open Source virus protection software ClamXAV. Personally I would avoid most commercial anti-virus software because of their potential for causing problems. For more about malware see Macintosh Virus Guide.
    I would also recommend downloading a utility such as TinkerTool System, OnyX 2.4.3, or Cocktail 5.1.1 that you can use for periodic maintenance such as removing old log files and archives, clearing caches, etc.
    For emergency repairs install the freeware utility Applejack.  If you cannot start up in OS X, you may be able to start in single-user mode from which you can run Applejack to do a whole set of repair and maintenance routines from the command line.  Note that AppleJack 1.5 is required for Leopard. AppleJack 1.6 is compatible with Snow Leopard. There is no confirmation that this version also works with Lion.
    When you install any new system software or updates be sure to repair the hard drive and permissions beforehand. I also recommend booting into safe mode before doing system software updates.
    Get an external Firewire drive at least equal in size to the internal hard drive and make (and maintain) a bootable clone/backup. You can make a bootable clone using the Restore option of Disk Utility. You can also make and maintain clones with good backup software. My personal recommendations are (order is not significant):
    Carbon Copy Cloner
    Data Backup
    Deja Vu
    Synk Pro
    Synk Standard
    Visit The XLab FAQs and read the FAQs on maintenance, optimization, virus protection, and backup and restore.
    Additional suggestions will be found in Mac Maintenance Quick Assist.
    Referenced software can be found at CNet Downloads or MacUpdate.
    Be sure you have an adequate amount of RAM installed for the number of applications you run concurrently. Be sure you leave a minimum of 10% of the hard drive's capacity as free space.
    Adding more RAM, if feasible, and a new, faster hard drive may also help pep it up a little.

  • If I am sending my iPhone in for a warranty exchange, due to software issues. Will they send my phone back if it has scratches?

    I thought that I heard, if you send in your iphone for a warranty exchange they would send it back for it having some little bumps and bruises. Let me know your experiences.
    Also, when they do send you a "new" phone, is it actually a new phone? Or one of the refubed ones?

    Only Apple can say for certain.  As no one here works for Apple we would only be speculating.
    Also, Apple does not repair iDevices (with the exception of replacing batteries or screens on the 5/5S), it will be replaced if they determine the issue is a warranty issue.

  • Tips For Solving the Mac OS X Lion Slowness (Lots of Beach Balls)

    Hi Folks,
    Just a quick list of tips for this issue that some of Mac OS X Lion users face.
    The main symptom is that we get the Beach Ball on almost any task, it takes 4, maybe five times more time to do what we need to do. So depending on the schedule, it can drive us crazy. I was facing that, and started to think that Lion was a Windows Vista relative.
    Please remind that the tips below involve backing up and restoring your system. If you are not careful, you may lose everything. You are responsible for your acts. Be cautious!
    How I solved my issue:
    1) Checked for Disk Permissions and the Disk itself:
    - Applications / Utilities / Disk Utility:
    - Click on your disk, and then VERIFY DISK. If everything is OK, move on. If it is not, REPAIR DISK.
    - Now click on VERIFY DISK PERMISSIONS. If everthing is OK, move. If not, Repair.
    This step 1 is to make sure that your slowness is due to something related to the OS itself and not to permissions/disk.
    If this solves the slowness, then you are OK. Now further steps are necessary. In my case, this just helped a little bit. The beach-balling reduced by 20% only. Still too slow.
    2) Do a full backup of your system.
    I used Time Machine. Make sure you have all of your applications closed. So the backup will be full. If you fail to do a good backup, you will lose everything! Make sure you do a good one. Maybe do it twice on 2 different disks! Now you have been warned.
    3) Do a Full Restore of your entire system.
    Now, get that Install CD that came with your Mac,
    - Put it on your drive, shut down your computer.
    - While holding the C key, press the start button of your Mac. It will boot using the Install CD that came with your Mac.
    To recover your entire system:
    Connect your Time Machine backup disk to your computer. If you’re restoring your system because of a problem with your startup disk, make sure the disk has been repaired or replaced.
    Insert your Mac OS X Install disk, and double-click the Install Mac OS X icon.
    In the Installer, choose Utilities > Restore System from Backup.
    In the Restore Your System dialog, click Continue.
    Select your Time Machine backup volume.
    Select the Time Machine backup you want to restore.
    Follow the onscreen instructions.
    4) Remove the CD, and boot.
    When I did that, the system came back very fast and responsive. No more beach balls (only on the really-intensive tasks), and everything was back to normal.
    5) So, what was it anyways?
    Before doing this Backup/Restore, I was getting lots of DISK I/O ERRORS, specially during boot time (you can check that by shutting down your mac, powering it back on and imediatelly pressing Command-V - Verbose Mode).
    Sure, the first thing in mind was that I had a faulty hard drive, but I checked it several times for errors (via Disk Utility), and nothing showed up.
    So I decided to do a full backup/restore of the system. And it solved it, at least for me.
    My config:
    MacBook Pro (2009 edition) - 5 GB RAM - 640 GB HD - Mac OS X 10.7

    Also my mac will not complete my 5 software updates, no idea which software, but it said it could not do it. Also backing up with time machine had failed twice today. Thanks

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