To Display Logo on all the pages of Excel Sheet using OLE

Dear friends,
                     I have developed one report using OLE which display output in Excel. I have display logo using OLE.
I am able to display logo on first page of excel sheet. but I am not able to display it on all the pages.
                    Need your help. Please, suggest any good solution.
Thanks & Regards,
Sandip Sonar

Excel repeats only HEADER and FOOTER information on every page. The data on cell is relevant only for that page.
If you want to print something on every page in Excel, you will have to include it on HEADER/FOOTER section of the excel file.
To check this, go to excel, on meny go to File->PageSetup. Then select Header/Footer Tab... select Custom Header or custom footer. 
Whatever you inset here (including image) will be printed on every page of Excel. Don't know OLE property to set this but I feel something should be available to set custom header footer for your file.

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    u can try this in
    change window type as CONST or MAIN.


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    thanks in advance,

    hi sandeep,
    sorry for didnt specify clearly.
    note: EX: "asaasdada  in this sentence i said  " this symbol is special character not the text.
    building final internal table code
          capid                 = p_capid
          datuv                 = sy-datum
          ehndl                 = '1'
          mktls                 = 'X'
          mehrs                 = 'X'
          mmory                 = '1'
          mtnrv                 = p_matnr
          stlal                 = '1'
          stpst                 = 0
          svwvo                 = 'X'
          werks                 = p_werks
          vrsvo                 = 'X'
          stb                   = i_stb
          alt_not_found         = 1
          call_invalid          = 2
          material_not_found    = 3
          missing_authorization = 4
          no_bom_found          = 5
          no_plant_data         = 6
          no_suitable_bom_found = 7
          conversion_error      = 8
          OTHERS                = 9.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      i_stb1[] = i_stb[].
      IF NOT i_stb1[] IS INITIAL.
        SORT i_stb1 BY idnrk.
        SELECT bmatn ematn FROM ampl INTO TABLE i_ampl
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_stb1
          WHERE bmatn = i_stb1-idnrk AND
                datuv LE sy-datum AND                          
                datub GE sy-datum.                              
        FROM mbew
        INTO TABLE i_mbew
        FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_stb1
            matnr EQ i_stb1-idnrk AND
            bwkey EQ i_stb1-werks.
        IF NOT i_stb1[] IS INITIAL.
          SELECT matnr werks beskz
                 dzeit webaz plifz                              
          INTO TABLE i_marc
          FROM marc
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_stb1
          WHERE matnr = i_stb1-idnrk
          AND werks = i_stb1-werks.
          SORT i_marc BY matnr werks.
        CLEAR i_ekpo.
        CLEAR i_vend.
        IF NOT i_stb1[] IS INITIAL.
          SELECT ebeln ebelp matnr werks loekz aedat
                 netpr peinh                                   
          INTO TABLE i_ekpo
          FROM ekpo
                FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_stb1
                WHERE matnr = i_stb1-idnrk
                AND werks = i_stb1-werks.
          SORT i_ekpo BY matnr ASCENDING
                         aedat DESCENDING
                         ebeln DESCENDING
                         ebelp DESCENDING.
          IF NOT i_ekpo IS INITIAL.
            SELECT k~ebeln k~lifnr l~name1
            INTO TABLE i_vend
            FROM ekko AS k INNER JOIN lfa1 AS l
            ON k~lifnr EQ l~lifnr
            FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_ekpo
            WHERE ebeln = i_ekpo-ebeln.
            SORT i_vend BY ebeln.
      i_ampl1[] = i_ampl[].
      IF NOT i_ampl1[] IS INITIAL.
        SORT i_ampl1 BY ematn.
        SELECT matnr mfrpn mfrnr FROM mara INTO TABLE i_mara
          FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_ampl1
           WHERE matnr = i_ampl1-ematn.
      SORT i_ampl BY bmatn.
      IF NOT i_stb[] IS INITIAL.
        SELECT stlty stlnr stlkn stpoz idnrk potx1 potx2
        INTO TABLE i_stpo
        FROM stpo
        FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_stb
        WHERE stlty = i_stb-stlty
          AND stlnr = i_stb-stlnr
          AND stlkn = i_stb-stlkn
          AND stpoz = i_stb-stpoz
          AND idnrk = i_stb-idnrk.
        SORT i_stpo BY stlty stlnr stlkn stpoz idnrk.
      LOOP AT i_stb INTO wa_stb.
        READ TABLE i_marc INTO wa_marc
        WITH KEY     matnr = wa_stb-idnrk
                     werks = wa_stb-werks
                     BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          wa_outtab-beskz = wa_marc-beskz.
          wa_outtab-dzeit = wa_marc-dzeit.                      
          wa_outtab-webaz = wa_marc-webaz.                     
          wa_outtab-plifz = wa_marc-plifz.                     
          wa_outtab-ekgrp = wa_marc-ekgrp.                     
        READ TABLE i_ekpo INTO wa_ekpo
            WITH KEY matnr = wa_stb-idnrk.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          wa_outtab-netpr = wa_ekpo-netpr.                     
          wa_outtab-peinh = wa_ekpo-peinh.                     
          READ TABLE i_vend INTO wa_vend
          WITH KEY ebeln = wa_ekpo-ebeln
                   BINARY SEARCH.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            wa_outtab-lifnr = wa_vend-lifnr.
            wa_outtab-name_sup = wa_vend-name1.
        READ TABLE i_stpo INTO wa_stpo
        WITH KEY stlty = wa_stb-stlty
                 stlnr = wa_stb-stlnr
                 stlkn = wa_stb-stlkn
                 stpoz = wa_stb-stpoz
                 idnrk = wa_stb-idnrk
                 BINARY SEARCH.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          wa_outtab-potx1 = wa_stpo-potx1.
          wa_outtab-potx2 = wa_stpo-potx2.
        READ TABLE i_mbew INTO wa_mbew
        WITH KEY
        matnr = wa_stb-idnrk
        bwkey = wa_stb-werks.
        IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
          wa_mbew-verpr TO wa_outtab-verpr,
          wa_mbew-stprs TO wa_outtab-stprs,
          wa_mbew-bwprh TO wa_outtab-bwprh.
        wa_outtab-matnr = p_matnr.
        wa_outtab-posnr = wa_stb-posnr.
        wa_outtab-stufe = wa_stb-stufe.
        wa_outtab-idnrk = wa_stb-idnrk.
        wa_outtab-ojtxb = wa_stb-ojtxp.
        wa_outtab-menge = wa_stb-menge.
        wa_outtab-meins = wa_stb-meins.
        MOVE: wa_stb-zzitem_draw_no TO wa_outtab-zzitem_draw_no.
        IF wa_stb-upskz = 'X'.
          SELECT * FROM stpu INTO TABLE i_stpu
                   WHERE  stlty = wa_stb-stlty AND
                          stlnr = wa_stb-stlnr AND
                          stlkn = wa_stb-stlkn AND
                          stpoz = wa_stb-stpoz.
        LOOP AT i_stpu INTO wa_stpu.
          wa_outtab-upmng = wa_stpu-upmng.
          wa_outtab-ebort = wa_stpu-ebort.
          wa_outtab-uposz = wa_stpu-uposz.
          CONCATENATE v_ebort wa_stpu-ebort      INTO v_ebort
          SEPARATED BY space.
        MOVE strlen( v_ebort ) TO v_len.
        MOVE: 0 TO x,
          128 TO y.
        DATA : lt_tab TYPE TABLE OF swastrtab.
        DATA : ls_tab LIKE LINE OF lt_tab.
        DATA : lv_ebort TYPE string.
        CLEAR lv_ebort. CLEAR lt_tab.
        MOVE v_ebort TO lv_ebort.
            input_string                 = lv_ebort
            max_component_length         = 128
            string_components            = lt_tab
            max_component_length_invalid = 1
            OTHERS                       = 2.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
        IF lt_tab[] IS NOT INITIAL.
          LOOP AT lt_tab INTO ls_tab.
            CLEAR lv_ebort.
            MOVE: ls_tab-str TO lv_ebort.
            CONDENSE lv_ebort.
            MOVE lv_ebort TO wa_outtab-ebort.
            APPEND wa_outtab TO i_outtab.
    *        wa_outtab-idnrk.
          APPEND wa_outtab TO i_outtab.
        CLEAR v_ebort.
        CLEAR: wa_stpu.
        REFRESH: i_stpu.
        LOOP AT i_ampl INTO wa_ampl WHERE bmatn = wa_stb-idnrk.
        READ TABLE i_mara INTO wa_mara WITH TABLE KEY matnr = wa_ampl-ematn.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
            LOOP AT i_outtab INTO wa_outtab
            idnrk = wa_stb-idnrk AND
            flag NE 'X'.
              wa_outtab-mfrpn = wa_mara-mfrpn.
              wa_outtab-mfrnr = wa_mara-mfrnr.
              SELECT SINGLE name1 FROM lfa1 INTO wa_outtab-name1 WHERE lifnr = wa_mara-mfrnr.
              MOVE 'X' TO wa_outtab-flag.
              MODIFY i_outtab FROM wa_outtab
              TRANSPORTING mfrpn mfrnr name1 flag.
            IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *          wa_outtab-idnrk,
              wa_outtab-mfrpn = wa_mara-mfrpn.
              wa_outtab-mfrnr = wa_mara-mfrnr.
              SELECT SINGLE name1 FROM lfa1 INTO wa_outtab-name1 WHERE lifnr = wa_mara-mfrnr.
              APPEND wa_outtab TO i_outtab.
          REFRESH i_stpu.
          CLEAR i_stpu.
        ENDLOOP.    CLEAR: wa_matnr1, wa_mfrnr, wa_outtab.
    Edited by: srinivasareddy j on Mar 9, 2011 7:16 AM
    Edited by: srinivasareddy j on Mar 9, 2011 7:20 AM

  • Unable to display double values in Excel sheet using JExcel API

    I am writing code to generate report in the form of Excel Sheet using JExcel API.
    Everything is going fine but whenever I want to put some double values in a cell it is only showing 2 decimal places. My problem is "I want to show upto five decimal places".
    Any kind of reply might help me lot.
    Thank U.

    If you enable the submit zero option, it still happens? This is a new feature on the display tabl
    #NumericZero Enhancements
    To display a numeric zero in place of an error message, you can enter #NumericZero in any of the three Replacement text fields. When you use the #NumericZero option:
    · Excel formatting for the cell is retained.
    · All calculations with dependency on the cell will compute correctly and will take the value of this cell as zero.
    · This numeric zero is for display only. When you submit, the zero value is NOT submitted back to the data source.
    You cannot set display strings for cells that contain an invalid member or dimension name (metadata error). Metadata errors produce standard descriptive error messages.
    Errors are prioritized in the following order from highest to lowest. The error message for a higher-priority error takes precedence over that for a lower-priority error.
    1. (Highest) Metadata errors
    2. #No access
    3. #Invalid/Meaningless
    4. #No data\Missing

  • Column header in all the pages

    Hi all,
    I have designed the Account Statement report for banking application. In this report i want to show all the credit and depit history for the particular account. So that i have grouped this report based on account number.
    In this report i am not using report header and column header for showing the report title and coulmn name. Because i want to show the report title and column header for all the selected accounts. So that i have devided the account number group into two part(header a and header b) and in the first part(header a) i am showing the report title(Deposit Account Statement) and in the second part(header b) is showing the column header(such as txn date, txn description, debit amount and etc...).
    In this design i want to show the column header(header b) alone for all the pages.
    Please help me for this issue.

    If u want to display each item of group header on each page,then check the option repeat group header on each page in group expert.
    And if u want display only one part of group header in each page, then u may create a formula in section expert for suppress and write if groupNumber>1.
    I hope this will work.
    Misra P.

  • Straight line through all the page

    Hi everybody!
    How can I make a straight and thin line through all the page, under my logo?
    I need the line to go from one to the other side of the page without interruption.
    I created an image in Photoshop: I drew my logo and the line under it. I gave to the line the same width of the DW default window (1099 px).
    Then I import the image as a .png with transparency, because it has to overlap every element in my web page.
    I put it out of the main container and gave it a "relative" position, but then, both live view and browser preview are different: the line moves left or right, I can't control its position...
    What is the easier and best way to create this graphic layout?
    Thank you.

    This is my screen.
    Now the logo and the line are part of the same .png image. But I can't give it the right fixed position on the page.
    I try to follow your instructions...
    Sorry if I can't explain very well, but I'm new with this program (and sorry for my english too)!

  • Apply display properties to all  prompt pages

    I am using obiee I have 1 dashboard and 2 pages in the dashboard . Page 1 of the dashboard consists of 1 Dasboard prompt and 1 analysis. Page 2 consists of the Same prompt as Page 1 and different analysis based on the prompt . When I take use a prompted link of the dashboard and use  the same link to the differnt IE( interent ink tab)  prompt of Page 2  doesnt not work . The selection is not working for Page 2 but works for Page 1 . I have defined the scope of the Prompt to be a Dashboard level. And the icon of apply display properties to all prompt pages is gryed not and doesnt allow me to select anything. What might be the issue

    Hi again JaredA
    I'm not trying to be a PITA here, but if you edit a Text
    Caption and click the Help button, you should see a topic titled:
    Text Caption properties dialog box - Text Caption tab
    Inside this topic, there is a line that reads:
    Apply properties to all captions in the movie: Select this
    option to apply the changes you made on this tab to all captions in
    the movie. (List of properties that are applied, and are not
    applied, to all caption items)
    And note that the word "List" is a hyperlink. When clicked,
    it reads:
    The following properties are applied to all caption items if
    this option is selected:
    * Caption style
    * Font type
    * Font size
    * Font color
    * Transition
    * Show caption before mouse movement
    The following properties are not applied to all caption items
    if this option is selected:
    * Text and text properties (bold, center, and so on)
    * Time
    Granted, it does not explicitly say that the callout pointer
    direction will not be changed, but as it is not listed among the
    attributes that ARE changed, I believe that's a pretty decent hint.
    Personally, I believe the issue is one of simply becoming
    familiar with the way an application behaves. My guess is that it's
    not all that common that someone would want to change all the
    caption directions, hence the design. But it's just a guess on my
    Cheers... Rick

  • Cant click on Sync apps. all the page is grey. I tried restrictions apps on and off but the same.

    Cant click on Sync apps. all the page is grey. I tried restrictions apps on and off but the same.

    Have you reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen? If that doesn't resolve this, you can try resetting all settings. Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings. You will not lose any data, but all device settings will have to be entered again.
    If that doesn't fix it, your next step might be to backup then erase all content and settings or restore the iPad to factory settings. See how if goes if you reset all settings first.

  • RE: [Adobe Reader] when i open pdf file it open all the pages but some pages give error massage (there was error processing a page,there was a problem reading this document 110) but if i open this page which give me error with google chrome it's work ? i

    HelloThank's for your helpsI hope this document is helpfulBest Regards,
    Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2014 17:10:17 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject:  when i open pdf file it open all the pages but some pages give error massage (there was error processing a page,there was a problem reading this document 110) but if i open this page which give me error with google chrome it's work ? if you can help me th
        when i open pdf file it open all the pages but some pages give error massage (there was error processing a page,there was a problem reading this document 110) but if i open this page which give me error with google chrome it's work ? if you can help m
        created by Anoop9178 in Adobe Reader - View the full discussion
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    thank's for reply and your help
    i did the step's that you told me but  i still have the same problem
                                     i have the latest v.11.0.7
    i disable the protected mode

  • When I create a tablet/desktop/phone version of a site, why are all the pages blank?

    Hello, longtime listener/user, first time caller
    I've been using Muse since jumping on the Creative Cloud train a couple years ago, but to date all my experience had been in maintaining and updating a desktop version of a couple small sites.  I loved the idea of Muse being able to assist in the creation of separate desktop/tablet/mobile layouts (ie responsive design), and this past week was my first experience in using it as I worked on a ground-up rebuild of  I started with a Phone layout, with the intention of getting that right and then expanding outward to a tablet version, and once that was finished, adding a desktop layout.
    After completing the mobile site and testing it on Business Catalyst (thanks to all involved in that seamless integration, by the way), I clicked on the +Tablet button and proceeded to build out the tablet layout of the site.  To my dismay, all the pages it built were blank.  I tried deleting and re-doing it with different combinations of the options checked, to no avail.  Then I raced off to the nearest web browser and started searching - surely I missed a step, or the great collective brain of the internet could alert me to some way to achieve this.  Alas, no such luck. 
    The blank pages are intentional, and the way to populate those blank pages is to go back to the phone layout, open the page, then copy all the content, then switch back to the tablet layout, open the corresponding page on the tablet layout, and paste in the content from the source layout... and of course, rinse and repeat for the desktop layout as well (though for my workflow, I copied the finished tablet layout pages to create the desktop version).
    For me, starting with all the page elements from the source layout is much easier than starting from scratch on each and every page.  That way I know I have all the elements on the page, and I can add to (or subtract from) as well as modify the layout in fairly short order.  I've been driving myself a little crazy with all the bouncing back and forth between layouts to copy/paste elements as I work on my site, and for future reference I'd like to know if there's some way that can be avoided in the future?
    Ideally, I would like to see an option in the create layout dialog box to be able to copy content (and choose the source layout to copy from). 
    Beyond that, another great option for this dialog would be to let me choose to switch all the page links to the new layout.  That is, when it copies and pastes all the page content from source layout, Muse would then also update the links to pages within the site so that they link to that layout's pages.  So when I build a phone version and click +Tablet, I can check a box to copy page content from source, specify that source, and then check another box to update links for layout.  After Muse does its magic, I have a tablet layout that's already got page content on it, and it's linking to other pages on the tablet layout (and not to the source/phone layout pages).
    Thanks to everyone on the Muse team for a pretty great product, and to the people manning the Twitter account for responding to my tweet and directing me here.

    Sanjit, I think one of us is missing the point.  It could be me - is there some way to easily and quickly pop open multiple layouts and pages?  Because for me (running a 12-core Mac Pro with 64GB RAM and FirePro D700 GPU's), Muse lets me switch between one layout view and the next (not open them simultaneously), and takes several seconds to do this every single time.  Opening and closing pages (to create separate tabs/windows) is also incredibly tedious. 
    I can appreciate that select and drag works just as well as selecting all and using copy/paste shortcut keys, but that is the least time consuming part of the process.
    Without copying the page contents from the source layout and transpose internal page links to new layout, Muse falls short of the mark of making it really easy to build responsive sites.  It's kind of like trying to take a cab to a destination across town that makes you get out and walk halfway.  No matter quickly or easily the cab made it through town, it still only got you half way there.

  • All the Pages are Printed - Document Printing Sales Orders

    When using the Document Printing option for Sales Orders, if I select multiple documents and select print I get a message after each document that says "All the Pages are Printed", then the next document comes for printing. I also get a prompt each time whether or not to print Sales Order only or Sales Order and Pick List.
    I don't have the same issue if printing Invoices from Document Printing. It asks what to print and prints all records without additional prompts between each record. I don't see anything in Print Preferences that would cause the Order to act differently from the Invoice.
    We are using B1 9.0 PL 06.

    Hello there, linafrompereira.
    The following portion of the online Pages Help for Mac provides information on grouping items in Pages:
    Layer, group, and lock objects - Pages Help for Mac
    Group and ungroup objects
    Shift-click to select multiple objects.
    In the Arrange pane of the Format inspector, click Group (or choose Arrange > Group from the Arrange menu at the top of your computer screen).
    To ungroup an object, select it, then click Ungroup or choose Arrange > Ungroup.
    Tip: You can Control-click objects, then choose Group or Ungroup from the shortcut menu. You can also add these buttons to the toolbar: Group and Ungroup.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • When I open Safari 5.1.5, it automatically opens all the pages from my previous session. Can I turn off that feature , and how?

    When I open Safari 5.1.5, it automatically opens all the pages from my previous session. Can I turn off that feature , and how?

    Open System Preferences > General
    Deselect:  Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps
    Restart your Mac.

  • How not to print all the pages of a smartform? (for tr F150 - Dunning)

    Hi Forum
    We have the follow situation:
      For DUNNING (transaction F150) the user want stamp 3 diferents SMARTFORM.
       For the first time the transaction is executed is required only a list of documents, for the second time (via sample printout, indiv dunn notice or dunn history)  once the legal data of the customer is updated, the user wants the list of documents, a letter for the lawyers and a letter for the client, in the follows executions  (3 and up) the user can require only the list of documents or all smartforms (list and letters)
      Via customizing we can control the normal dunning and the legal dunnig, but once the client is in legal status the transaction create only the legal smarforms.
    We found  an user exit associated  EXIT_SAPF150D_001. in the F150 transaction, but is not complete, in sense that are failed some parameters .
      Another option is create an unique smartform with 3 pages where we can control the case for the print, but here is where we ask: How we can do to print a specific page of the smartform without print all of them (how can we print the 2nd and 3rd page without print the firs one) ??
    To control the 3rd execution, we can create a dictionary table with a flag .
    Thank you for your help

    You could create a report containing all the single reports in one using UNION. This report could be placed on a "hidden" page. The link for downloading that report you can place on your page. That should work.
    Denes Kubicek

  • When i open pdf file it open all the pages but some pages give error massage (there was error processing a page,there was a problem reading this document 110) but if i open this page which give me error with google chrome it's work ? if you can help me th

    when i open pdf file it open all the pages but some pages give error massage (there was error processing a page,there was a problem reading this document 110) but if i open this page which give me error with google chrome it's work ?
    if you can help me thank's
    [email address removed by host]

    thank's for reply and your help
    i did the step's that you told me but  i still have the same problem
                                     i have the latest v.11.0.7
    i disable the protected mode

Maybe you are looking for

  • ITunes 7.2.0 won't install

    What a pain! While trying to set up my new iPod nano, I discovered that BOTH my operating system AND my iTunes needed to be updated. So I updated to MAC OS 10.3.9 (and also updated all other iPod software). But ... when I open iTunes 7.0.2 it says "c

  • 'Minimum purchase order quantity' in info record doesn't work

    Hi, I've maintain the value of 'Minimum purchase order quantity' and 'Maxmum purchase order quantity' in info record via t-code: ME12, but it doesn't work.  No any affection happened to the newly created PR. Please kindly advise. Best Regards.

  • Convert date format yyyy-mm-dd to yyyymmdd

    Hi All, Could you please tell me how to do the mapping format to  Convert date format yyyy-mm-dd to yyyymmdd or Please provide any UDF for this conversion. Thank you . Regards, Bharat Kumar

  • Determining the number of elements defined in an enum

    Hello, I have an enum and I want to determine the number of elements (constants) defined in this enum by source code. I know I can use reflection but I just want to know if there's an easier way. Thank you very much.

  • Cross-doesnt work??

    Ok its not really that the cross-fade transition doesnt work, its just that sometimes when i will atempt to add this default transition in between two clips, it will only be 3 fams long (or something like that). I always wondered why exactly this hap