To intercept all exception of GUI Swing?

Blank I tried a method in order to intercept all the exception that can be verified to the inside of a GUI Swing without necessarily to mapping all the code of blocks try & catch.
I was just trying an interface of the class java.lang.Exception in order to try to make a override of the methods, if there is someone that has already experienced this technique.

bah, you can throw every exception to the caller method,
and that one can forward it, too
I have never tried this, but maybe you can forward all exceptions to
the main() method, and there should be enough only one try-catch block.
but then you have declare most of your methods to throw something.
I advise you to handle errors at least in a very primitive manner,
only using System.err if you do not want to create some user-friendly,
GUI-based error treatment.
println is very good for debugging and development, use it, really.
First, you can ignore all the exceptions in your code,
and if something goes wrong, just read your console output
for more debug info.

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    Your code, which is wrapped in appropriate try/catch blocks, runs on its own thread and does its own processing. When it's done with that processing, it queues the results on the event thread for display. If an exception occurs during your processing, then you queue something that notifies the GUI.
    The simplest way to implement this is to spawn a new thread for each operation. The Runnable that you give to that thread looks like the following:
    public MyOperationClass implements Runnable
        public void run()
                // do your exception-generating code here
                SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new MyGUIUpdateClass(param1, param2));
            catch (Exception e)
                SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new MyExceptionReporter(e));
    }This is only a bare-bones solution (and hasn't been compiled). Since it separates the GUI from actual processing, you'll probably want to display a wait cursor while the processing thread is doing its thing. You'll probably end up implementing a class that implements this pattern. You may also want to create a producer-consumer thread, so that the user won't invoke, say, a dozen different operations at once.
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    okay, i've succeeded...
    here is the source, in case some ever encounter the problem:
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         java.awt.Component     here=this;
         /** Creates a new instance of TimeoutGlassPane */
         public TimeoutGlassPane()
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                        java.awt.event.MouseEvent mouseEvent=javax.swing.SwingUtilities.convertMouseEvent((java.awt.Component)(e.getSource()), e, component);
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    okay, i've succeeded...
    here is the source, in case some ever encounter the problem:
    public class TimeoutGlassPane extends javax.swing.JComponent
         java.awt.Component     here=this;
         /** Creates a new instance of TimeoutGlassPane */
         public TimeoutGlassPane()
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                   public void mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
                   public void mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent e)
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    Edited by: wschele on 19.02.2013 04:58
    Edited by: wschele on 19.02.2013 05:16

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    Kind Regards,

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    Depending on your outline it is many times more efficient (time wise)to do a fix ont the members you want (or use a remove list for members you don't want) and do a calc dim of the dimensions that do not have dynamic calc upper level members. also exclude dimensions that don't roll up like scenario. The best use of the Except is when you want to exclude a complete dimensionlike clac all except dim(time);Glenn S.Narratus Solutions

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    garava wrote:
    I guess if you don't have the code with you, there is no point in exploring the exceptions. Basically they have already catched them.There actually is a point in exploring them: If Oracle throws an exception "Unique constraint YOUR_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT violated." and all you see is "There was an exception", then there is a good point in getting that exception information. It could be some parameter that you pass to the system that might cause this problem. The way I did it now was telling the eclipse debugger to break at every exception. I honestly hadn't expected to see that application throw so many internal exceptions!
    georgemc wrote:
    You could slip your own JDBC driver in between the app and the real JDBC driver, give you a bit more insight into what's going on. Write some classes that implement the basic JDBC interfaces, do some logging or whatever, then pass the calls on to your "real" JDBC driver classes. There's at least one open-source project around that already does this, but I can't remember the name of it off the top of me headThanks George, I might do that if I get enough time for it. I found [this article|] where they set a logWriter on a DriverManager. This might be enough to capture the jdbc exceptions.

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    it's a hardware issue FjAA& tstart%3D0&ei=Wy1hUYiWDs3Y4QSzqIHAAw&usg=AFQjCNHLi5JBEWvjM6SHBge36Or-m1YMEw&sig2 =-By7BjriUmZPDpHDnY_ySw&bvm=bv.44770516,d.bGE
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    The way I've started implementing it is I redirect error out to a custom output stream:
    public class ConsoleOutStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream {
        private JFrame owner;
        public ConsoleOutStream(JFrame owner) {
            this.owner = owner;
         * Writes <code>len</code> bytes from the specified byte array
         * starting at offset <code>off</code> to this byte array output stream.
         * @param   b     the data.
         * @param   off   the start offset in the data.
         * @param   len   the number of bytes to write.
        public synchronized void write(byte b[], int off, int len) {
            super.write(b, off, len);
         * Writes the specified byte to this byte array output stream.
         * @param   b   the byte to be written.
        public synchronized void write(int b) {
        private void checkForExceptions() {
            if(this.toString().indexOf("xception") != -1) {
    }then i redirect System.err:
    PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new ConsoleOutStream(this));
    The problem is that the checkForExceptions() method will be called, e.g. 3 times for each exception - and I just want to display an error message to the user once (of course).
    Anyone done something similar?

    I'm interested in catching all "unhandled errors"how about:
    public static void main(String[] args){
        //whatever you would normally call from main
        }catch (Throwable e){
             System.out.println("There was an unhandled exception:");

  • CALC ALL EXCEPT MBR problems

    Is there an issue with the CALC ALL EXCEPT MBR command with certain members?I load data to members tagged with a UDA as "Direct Load" which should not be consolidated. The member that is being consolidated has an alias of "SSS" (it is in the accounts dimension and 0 level). I need to load data for each quarter in a year as well as the year itself. But when the calc script runs it overwrites the year member. I have tried the following but they do not work:CALC ALL EXCEPT MBR("SSS"); Result: SSS is still consolidated across the time dimension.CALC ALL EXCEPT MBR(@UDA("Accounts","Direct Load")); Result: Error message: "Invalid Calc Script syntax [CALC ALL EXCEPT MBR(@UDA]"Any ideas? We have Essbase Version 5.0.2 Patch 14. What else can be done to keep my direct loads from adding up across time?

    The EXCEPT MBR command excludes any Headcount calculations. It does NOT exclude other calculations such as dimension consolidation.If your Headcount member has a formula, Essbase will not calculate the formula. But it will take the existing values and consolidate them across the other dimensions.You probably have a situation where you do NOT have a formula on Headcount. If that is the case, then you want a calc script similar to this one:calc dim (XYZ);fix (@remove (@idescendants (XYZ), Headcount))calc all except dim (XYZ);endfixWhere XYZ is the dimension that contains the Headcount member.

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