Toc in portrait templates

Hi, I've created a book using a portrait template and now I need to have my toc displayed as a list (just as in the portrait orientation of any landscape template). Is that possible? I have almost 600 chapters and the navigation buttons are very inconvenient in my case. I can't find any information about that, can anybody help me?
Thank you

Hello shal1y,
Thanks for the question. The following article may provide relevant information to your question:
iBooks Author: Customize the table of contents
Matt M.

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    Best Regards,

    Hello shal1y,
    Thanks for the question. The following article may provide relevant information to your question:
    iBooks Author: Customize the table of contents
    Matt M.

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    If I understand your  question, looking at the image you can see I changed section to have a title of Hope & Crosby and this will show in the TOC.
    You can re-name the Book Title, Chapters and Sections in the book tree simply by mousing over to select and re-type your names.
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    Hope that helps..

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    Try this.
    In the sidebar above where it says Intro Media Double-click on the Book Title and enter the complete long title there.  I've tested this to 100 characters.
    On the title page enter the word Contents as the title, use the paragraph style, then hide this with a graphic or something.  (You were on the right track...) then add the complete long title there using some other paragraph style
    In the Inspector / Documents enter the complete long title
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    I think that should work.

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    Set Word to show bookmarks and look at the Introduction heading.
    I don't know why the second bookmark is showing after second character, try looking at the HTML.
    I trashed your TOC and inserted a new one that was fine even with that bookmark. Try putting the TOC in your template again.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    When you  open iBooks Author, you should have the  template chooser appear.
    The "larger"  template is designed for use in Landscape.  What you want is a "Portrait" sized template.
    When  the  template chooser opens, you will see the different template available in both Landscape and Portrait.
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    Many thanks in advance

    You are working a portrait template therefore the column options are  not available.
    Yes, contact will  flow, but its not endless, your text will flow only into the pages it needs.
    You can use a landscape template if it suits your project - and its possible to set it up to use portrait and landscape.
    I am told that  most "words only" books are written in MS Word or similar applications and pasted into inDesign, iBooks etc,. and then re-formatted to suit and the page producing flowing text works really well!

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    The Table Of Contents contains a reference to every other part of the document whose style name includes 'TOC'. The template is set up so that these styles are automatically applied to the headings in your text.
    You need to change the style of every heading so that the style name is not one of the TOC ones. If you select one of the headings in your text, then open the Styles drawer, you will see which style name it is. If you then click and hold on the disclosure arrow for this style name, you have some options.
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    Anyone know if Apple is aware of this, or if there is a workaround?
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    I have just stitched together a work around to do this for me.
    I was using Keynote to build a file containing some screen shots from a magazine I had a digital version of which I was reading on my iPad and wanted to keep for reference, these were in portrait mode. 
    As we know iPad keynote only let me build Landscape.
    I save keynote files to iCloud and opened same file on my iMac, and using 'Inspector' changed slide size to 768x1204 and realigned screen shots to fit. I saved file again to iCloud and opened it again on my iPad. The new file had the portrait sized slides but still only displayed in Landscape on Keynote, so lots of wasted space and small pages.
    I made a copy of this (Edit, Select, +) and used this to make a 'Portrait Template'.
    So now I can create Keynote file on iPad with portrait sized slides. To see these in full screen just Open In Another App (Edit, curly arrow icon) and open in either GoodReader or PDF Expert. You can send either PDF or native Keynote, both work.

  • I am writing my first book--fiction no graphics.  What template works a best for this?

    I am writing  a fiction book, no graphics.  What template works best with this? Is ibooks author the best option?

    You can use iBooks Author and chose a Portrait template. Most templates have some images included.. if you  dont need them... simly delete then. The same applies to most Landscape templates. Apple created  them mostly for text predominent books, but include images  to make them look attractive and functional.  Any template can be changed to suit your needs.
    An alternative is Pages,   you can create your novel and export it as an ePub, which,   when the other  requirements  to upload books to the iBooks Store are  completed - will be  totally acceptable to Apple.
    There is also  Adobes inDesign, which is more expensive and   to  most.. more complicated to use.
    As its a text only novel, you can also use MS word to produce your manuscript - like wise pages... and  later iBooks Author  has the optionto import chapters from  both applications.  Its also possible to  do a simple copy and paste into iBoooks Author, chapter by  chapter or all at once. iBAs flowing  text pages will be created automatically to hold all your text.
    I suggest you decide which application to use, and then spend time, even more so if you settle on iBooks Author,   "playing" with the  menu's options  and functions BEFORE setting out on your project.

  • Editing TOC

    My TOC (from a template)is in great shape, updating as it should etc. All I need to do is go into it and edit a couple lines. Either the whole TOC is highlighted in Blue and I can't make changes, or it is "blocked" in a blue line and I can't make chenges then either. What I want to do is minimal, why can't I do it?
    Thank you,

    Because, except for being able to change paragraph styles, the TOC isn't editable. If you want to change the text, go into your document and change the text the TOC looks at in order to build its report. Then update the TOC.

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    so that it autogenerates
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