I have a application web (jsp and servlets)and when I work from LOCALHOST the jsp works correctly, but IF I access from INTERNET (NOT LOCALHOST)THE JSP DON T SHOW CORRECTLY, THE DATA THAT LOAD FROM A JAVA VECTOR (ONLY IT IS SEEN IN THE TOMCAT CONSOLE)BUT NOT IN THE JSP, I USED
<%@ page isThreadSafe="false" %>
FOR CONCURRENCY SETTINGS, but i dont know that it happens. Thanks-

I don't think the concurrency settings would make any difference.
What does the JSP actually show when you attempt to access it via the Internet? If you are not getting a page at all, then the most likely situation is that a firewall somewhere is blocking it. Another possibility is that you did not correctly configure your servlet engine to respond to that network address.
Err, for example, it is possible to configure Tomcat such that it gives one set of pages to localhost, another set of pages to, and yet third set of pages to But more commonly, people do forget that to access Tomcat directly, they need to specify port 8080. Or alternatively, you've installed Apache as well as Tomcat, but forgot to install the software module that told Apache to forward all JSP requests to Tomcat.
Or it could be that only part of your JSP page is loading, and usually we can tell you why it stopped loading if we saw the code where it stopped loading.
I can go on, there are lots of possibilities. The key question is, what is actually happening, and what are you expecting to happen?

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    // variable we declare here is available in the
    // embedded expression later on.
    System.out.println( "Evaluating date now" );
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    Hello! The time is now <%= date %>
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    Those it have to saved on the desktop, or in the Tomcat webapps folder or what?It has to be in a web application under tomcat. The easiest one to get up and running with basic jsp is the webapps/ROOT directory which is where the main index page is.
    [url]This one is a good basic guide to installing/getting it running.
    Also the tomcat documentation itself is reasonable good. Of specific relevance to you would be [url]Application developers guide which explains the basic layout/structure of a web application.

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    Firstly, when you write the file out you need to find the web context base directory and extend the file reference from there.
    In your jsp you need code like this...
    String baseDir = this.getServletContext().getRealPath("/");
    File webRootDirectory = new File(baseDir);
    // Assuming the target directory exists, otherwise create it....
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    You cannot expect Tomcat or any J2EE Server to give access to the Network files.
    You need to design a different way to give access to the Users.
    What you can do is write a proxy (HttpServlet) which can pass a request parameter as the file name. The Servlet can read the file and then paint it in the Client Browser Window.
    Hope this helps.
    Thanks and regards,
    Pazhanikanthan. P

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    JDeveloper comes with a built-in J2EE container (OC4J) that will let you debug your J2EE apps.
    You can then use one click deploy to deploy your application on Tomcat from inside JDeveloper.
    And you can do remote debugging in JDeveloper to debug the application as it runs in the remote Tomcat instance.
    More information is in the online help.

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    then there is no hope for you. Reinstall and hope that works.
    If you were greatly helped before, you should know that you need to give DETAILS before someone can help you.

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    Re: Jdevelopper and Integrated Tomcat and JSP/jscript DEBUG search informat
    The online help has more info - just do a search for Tomcat...

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    THank you.

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  • Tomcat 4.0.x and JSP / JSTL performance problems.

    Hello everyone,
    I've got a web application where some of my JSP pages are rendering quite slowly. As an example I'll use a JSP page that I wrote for browsing through a user database. It uses two beans...
    1. jobBean - Ensures that all of the required (and correct) beans that will be used for processing the request have been loaded.
    2. browserBean - A basic JavaBean that holds a set of UserBean(s) and other information pertinent to database queries (start, limit, order).
    I'm using Apache Struts to map requests to the appropriate processing modules. Now the problem I'm having is that each request is taking between 1 and 2 seconds to execute. As you can imagine that's not going to allow for very many simaltaneous users. I've tracked the problem down to something JSP related. All of my code executes fairly quickly (I think). It takes about 20-30ms for my code to identify the request, load the requested data from the database, and convert it into a usable format (the browserBean). Here's my code...
    <%@ page contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    <META http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache">
    Browse Users
    <!-- Set up the OrganizationBeans for use -->
    <jsp:useBean id="jobBean" class="" scope="session" />
    <jsp:useBean id="browserBean" class="com.vacode.mqdb.beansets.user.UserBrowserBean" scope="session" />
    <!-- Start Time Logged Here -->
    <c:if test="${ != 'BrowseUserJob'}">
         <!-- This page was accessed before everything was properly initialized -->
         <c:url var="browseUser" value="">
              <c:param name="action" value="browse" />
         <c:redirect url="${browseUser}" />
    <form action="" method="get">
         <input type="hidden" name="action" value="browse">
         <input type="hidden" name="start" value="<c:out value="${browserBean.dummyStart}" />">
         <input type="hidden" name="order" value="<c:out value="${browserBean.order}" />">
         I would like to view
         <select name="limit">
              <c:forEach begin="1" end="5" var="current">
                   <option value="<c:out value="${current*5}" />"
                        <c:if test="${browserBean.dummyLimit == current*5}">
                    <c:out value="${current*5}" />
         results per page.
         <input type="submit" action="submit">
    <c:url var="id" value="">
         <c:param name="action" value="browse" />
         <c:param name="start" value="0" />
         <c:param name="order" value="USER_ID" />
         <c:param name="limit" value="${browserBean.dummyLimit}" />
    <c:url var="name" value="">
         <c:param name="action" value="browse" />
         <c:param name="start" value="0" />
         <c:param name="order" value="USER_NAME" />
         <c:param name="limit" value="${browserBean.dummyLimit}" />
    <c:url var="firstName" value="">
         <c:param name="action" value="browse" />
         <c:param name="start" value="0" />
         <c:param name="order" value="USER_FIRST_NAME" />
         <c:param name="limit" value="${browserBean.dummyLimit}" />
    <c:url var="lastName" value="">
         <c:param name="action" value="browse" />
         <c:param name="start" value="0" />
         <c:param name="order" value="USER_LAST_NAME" />
         <c:param name="limit" value="${browserBean.dummyLimit}" />
    <c:url var="email" value="">
         <c:param name="action" value="browse" />
         <c:param name="start" value="0" />
         <c:param name="order" value="USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS" />
         <c:param name="limit" value="${browserBean.dummyLimit}" />
    <c:url var="organization" value="">
         <c:param name="action" value="browse" />
         <c:param name="start" value="0" />
         <c:param name="order" value="USER_ORGANIZATION_NAME" />
         <c:param name="limit" value="${browserBean.dummyLimit}" />
    <c:url var="status" value="">
         <c:param name="action" value="browse" />
         <c:param name="start" value="0" />
         <c:param name="order" value="USER_STATUS_NAME" />
         <c:param name="limit" value="${browserBean.dummyLimit}" />
    <c:url var="role" value="">
         <c:param name="action" value="browse" />
         <c:param name="start" value="0" />
         <c:param name="order" value="ROLE_NAME" />
         <c:param name="limit" value="${browserBean.dummyLimit}" />
              <td><a href="<c:out value="${id}" />">Id</a></td>
              <td><a href="<c:out value="${name}" />">User Name</a></td>
              <td><a href="<c:out value="${firstName}" />">First Name</a></td>
              <td><a href="<c:out value="${lastName}" />">Last Name</a></td>
              <td><a href="<c:out value="${email}" />">E-Mail</a></td>
              <td><a href="<c:out value="${organization}" />">Organization</a></td>
              <td><a href="<c:out value="${status}" />">Status</a></td>
              <td><a href="<c:out value="${role}" />">User Type</a></td>
    <c:forEach items="${browserBean.beans}" var="bean">
              <c:url var="manage" value="">
                   <c:param name="action" value="modify" />
                   <c:param name="beanId" value="${bean.userId}" />
              <td><a href="<c:out value="${manage}" />"><c:out value="${bean.userId}" /></a></td>
              <td><c:out value="${bean.userName}" /></td>
              <td><c:out value="${bean.firstName}" /></td>
              <td><c:out value="${bean.firstName}" /></td>
              <td><c:out value="${}" /></td>
              <td><c:out value="${bean.organizationName}" /></td>
              <td><c:out value="${bean.statusName}" /></td>
              <td><c:out value="${bean.roleName}" /></td>
    <!-- End Time Logged Here -->
    <c:url var="next" value="">
         <c:param name="action" value="browse" />
         <c:param name="start" value="${browserBean.nextPageStart}" />
         <c:param name="limit" value="${browserBean.dummyLimit}" />
         <c:param name="order" value="${browserBean.order}" />
    <c:url var="previous" value="">
         <c:param name="action" value="browse" />
         <c:param name="start" value="${browserBean.previousPageStart}" />
         <c:param name="limit" value="${browserBean.dummyLimit}" />
         <c:param name="order" value="${browserBean.order}" />
    <c:if test="${browserBean.previousPageStart>-1}">
         <a href="<c:out value="${previous}" escapeXml="false" />">previous</a>
    <c:if test="${browserBean.nextPageStart>-1}">
         <a href="<c:out value="${next}" escapeXml="false" />">next</a>
    Quick Jump To Page:
    <c:forEach varStatus="loopTag" items="${browserBean.pageStartValues}" var="current">
         <c:when test="${loopTag.index+1==browserBean.currentPageNumber}">
              <c:out value="${loopTag.index+1}" />
         <c:url var="thisPage" value="">
              <c:param name="action" value="browse" />
              <c:param name="start" value="${current}" />
              <c:param name="limit" value="${browserBean.dummyLimit}" />
              <c:param name="order" value="${browserBean.order}" />
         <a href="<c:out value="${thisPage}" />"><c:out value="${loopTag.index+1}" /></a>
    Max Possible Pages: <c:out value="${browserBean.maxNumberOfPages}" />
    Current Page: <c:out value="${browserBean.currentPageNumber}" />
    </html>I've added comments where I timed my code from (by writing new Date().getTime() to the console). It usually takes between 1 and 2 seconds for that block of JSP to execute. I wrote a test class that should be very similar to the process (iterating over the forEach loop mainly) and it usually executed in 10ms to 20ms.
    I had a look at the servlets that were generated by Tomcat and I noticed that for each <c:url> I used there's about 300 lines of code (with several syncronized() methods). Could this have anything to do with it? If so, what could I do to improve the performance?
    Worth mentioning... The machine I am using is an AMD Athlon 1GHZ with 768MB RAM, 7200 RPM UDMA100 IDE HDD.
    I'm also using Tomcat integrated with a development environment (IntelliJ IDEA).
    Any help that anyone could offer is much appreciated.

    Can you get acceptable performance if you hack out everything except the browserBean forEach loop? Maybe you are trying to do too much runtime EL evaluation on the page.
    If performance improves, you may want to push the URL construction and startValue computations to a Struts Action and put a bunch of objects on the requestScope (like "id_url", "name_url", "pageStartValue").
    Putting these computations in the Action would avoid having JSTL parse each of the ${} arguments, evaluating the expressions, and using costly reflection to turn ${browserBean.order} into browserBean.getOrder().

  • Apache Tomcat 3.2.4 server and jsp

    I'm having particular trouble with my Tomcat server. Using relative URLs to things like other html and jsp pages are no trouble. Using URLs between jsp tags ( like defining the path for a File class ) sets the current path in the bin directory. This much, I've figured out. But when I try to load a java applet, it seems to set the current path to some third folder...
    I get a class not found exception for whatever I try to load, whether in bin or root folder. I know it's a matter of path, because I don't get any errors when accessing the same page without Tomcat. Someone, please help?

    I'm having particular trouble with my Tomcat server. Using relative URLs to things like other html and jsp pages are no trouble. Using URLs between jsp tags ( like defining the path for a File class ) sets the current path in the bin directory. This much, I've figured out. But when I try to load a java applet, it seems to set the current path to some third folder...
    I get a class not found exception for whatever I try to load, whether in bin or root folder. I know it's a matter of path, because I don't get any errors when accessing the same page without Tomcat. Someone, please help?

  • Tomcat server administration and jsp

    1)what is the default username and pwd of the tomcat server administration page
    2)How can i set the virtual path in Tomcat server
    3)where i have to save java files
    3)Where i have to store all my .jsp,.html files.
    4)how to call these .jsp files from the browser.
    5)how can i call my java files in my jsp pages.

    in the following site you can get good idea about tomcat and configuration.
    Please look at Chapter 1 and click on
    installation and configuration information link

  • Errors when using tomcat and netbeans combo.[Solved]

    Hi I'm trying to set up a netbeans/tomcat7 development environment for servlet development.
    I have tried this on 2 machines without any success.
    The steps I have followed are as follows.
    First I installed tomcat7 and netbeans from using pacman, then to be able to configure tomcat from netbeans I made the config files write permission 777, as it's just a development server security is not an issue.
    From there I started up netbeans started a new project and set the server to tomcat and pointed the Catalina home dir to /usr/share/tomcat7.
    When I try to run the example jsp project I get the following error:
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Java compiler available
    root cause
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Java compiler available
    I've spent the last couple of days trying to find any information on this but I cant find anything, so any advice would be much appreciated.
    Last edited by darkclown (2011-12-01 05:15:23)

    From the error, it appears that there is no JDK installed - only a JRE, could that be the case? If you do have a JDK installed, then Tomcat is not finding it.
    I would also not run this on the openJDK, in case you are doing that. I would use the proprietary Oracle/Sun JDK. It's in the AUR, or simply download it from Oracle.
    I was not even aware that netbeans and tomcat are available from pacman. I always "install" those myself manually (i.e. unpack them into a folder). They are simply Java apps that can be installed anywhere, as long as you point them to a valid JDK.

  • Jsp include and jsp param

    Hi All,
    I have the following:
    <jsp:include page="anotherPage.jsp">
            <jsp:param name="testing" value="sdfasdfsd"/>
    </jsp:include> And in anotherPage.jsp I have:
    <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/commons-log.tld" prefix="log" %>
    <log:dump scope="request"/>
    <log:dump scope="session"/>
    <log:dump scope="page"/>
    <log:dump scope="application"/>
    Test: <%= request.getParameter("testing") %>
    </h3>Not only does this output:
    Test: null
    but I don't see 'testing' anywhere in the dumps! What is going wrong?
    Have I badly misunderstood parameter sending? :-/
    Actually, my assumption was that the include code puts the "testing" variable
    into the request.. 1) where does jsp:param put the data items it
    passes through and 2) if the data item didn't previously exist as a
    request parameter, does it ignore it?
    Any assistance would be most appreciated!

    Depends on the server version you are using. If you are using a JSP 2.0 server like Tomcat 5, then you should be able to do that, as long as you set up the container correctly (to use servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0 specs rather than 2.3 and 1.2...)
    Is you are using a JSP 1.2 container (less then TC5) then you will not be able to use EL anyware except in JSTL tags. The fix is to use the JSTL tags to do the include:
    <c:import url="thepage.jsp">
      <c:param name="param1" value="${attr}"/>

  • Questions about Java Servlets and JSP

    I'm a confident Java Programmer (and really enjoy using this language) but am very new to Java servlets and Java Server Pages.
    I have previously worked with Perl on my web projects (simple 'league' style voting pages). I read in my 'Core Java' book that I should no longer use perl or even cgi.
    I need to know more about Java servlets and Java Server Pages so I can make the switch to a 'real' programming language.
    I have a few questions:
    How should I start to learn JS and JSP?
    How applicable will the java knowlegdge I have already be?
    Are JSP common on the world wide web?
    What tools do I need to start? (I currently develop in JBuilder and have Java 1.4.1 Standard Edition)
    Is it likey my web host (and others) will support JSP?
    Thank-you very much for helping a novice get started,

    Hi, Steve ...has to be frustrating! But do not despair.
    Let's suppose the servlet it's named MyServlet on package org.servlets
    WEB-INF should look:
    web.xml file should have this two declarations:
      <!-- other servlets -->
      <!-- other servlets mappings -->
    </web-app>Now, once the container starts (Tomcat?), you should be able to see that servlet in:
    http://localhost:8080/[my-context/]MyServletAnd what my-context is? The web application context. This string should be empty if your're deploying to the root context, otherwise should the context name. In Tomcat, deploying to root context defaults to using webapps/ROOT.
    Sorry for my English, but I felt the need to answer your request. I hope it helps despite my writing.

  • Serving Java Servlets and JSP

    I have a small hosting company and was wondering what is required to be installed on a Win2k Server to host Java Servlets and JSP pages for a client of mine?

    Ah, so you just want to add a servlet engine to IIS5?
    Tomcat can be used as a plugin for IIS. Check out the Tomcat FAQs - somewhere in there you should find one relating to using Tomcat as an IIS plugin. They're far more comprehensive than I could ever hope to be on the matter!

  • Tomcat and apache mod_jk or mod_webapp

    Hello,I am using linux and I am running a apache web server and I also use tomcat.
    I have upgraded from tomcat 4.0 to 4.1.24 and I am now wanting to use servlets and jsp with apache.I have messed around with servlet etc for awhile now but I wish to use them on my server,which is apache.My question is,do you know of a good website that explains how I can use the mod_jk,mod_jk2 or mod_webapp with apache 2.0 so I can use servlet with apache.I have looked but have not came up with nothing good and the stuff I have found is for older version and I am not sure if I need to use the mod_jk ,mod_jk2 or mod_webapp with the version of apache and tomcat I have.Ps,A good tut page on this would be nice.
    Thank you for your time.
    "Note" the new tomcat is a pain in the %$# to set up cause you have to uncomment the servlet invoker in the conf/xml file.Older version you did not have to do this cause it was already done for you.So this note is for people that has ever had trouble with setting up the new tomcats cause it was a pain in my @$$ figuring out why the hell the servlet was not working.

    "Note",I cross posted this thread see

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