Tomcat, JDBC and other APIs

Hi all,
This must be one of the most trivial questions to ask, but I'm new, so please bear with me.
I have downloaded Tomcat, JDBC and JSSE. The question is: in which directory should I unpack these files and how should I set them up so that my Java compiler (JAVAC) will recognize this change?
I am using the Java Software Development Kit version 1.3, and all of the class files, compilers and sample code that came with the SDK are in C:\jdk1.3.0_02\.
Thank you in advance,

Hi there,
There's not much to installing Tomcat other than unzipping the distribution file, moving it to the place where you want it to be in your filesystem and then following the installation instructions in the Tomcat User's guide. This involves setting the TOMCAT_HOME and JAVA_HOME environment variables. Once you've set JAVA_HOME then Tomact can now find your Java installation.
The core JDBC package is included in jdk1.3.0_02, if it's the optional package that have then just install it's jar file in c:\jdk1.3.0_02\jre\lib\ext
JSSE also can be installed as a standard extension so copy it's jar file to c:\jdk1.3.0_02\jre\lib\ext.
When a jar file is added to c:\jdk1.3.0_02\jre\lib\ext, the classes and packages that it contains will be available to you and to other applications that use the jdk (such as Tomcat). The term Standard Extension has been replaced with "Optional Package" now, but you are likely to still see both terms used interchangeably.
Hope this helps.
Developer Tech Support, Sun Microsystems

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    I can't help you with your Tomcat technical problems.
    But since you're a beginner, I'd like to refer you to some very good books you ought to read if you're interested in learning how to develop web applications.
    The first book you should read is "core servlets and JSP" from Marty Hall. if you don't mind to read the older version, you can find a pdf file of this book at
    A second book is the "Apache Tomcat Bible" from Eaves, Jones and Godfrey. This book explains what you need to develop web applications with Java, MySQL and Tomcat. And it shows the source code of a java web application for a cinema complex.
    Next, you should try to learn about the Model-View-Controller design pattern and learn how to divide your application in 3 layers.
    If you're looking for a free IDE, take a look at eclipse (, Gel for your JSP's ( or JCreator if you want to take a quick start. JCreator ( is easier to start with than eclipse.
    And finally, your question about a java bean. Well, a java bean is a java class containing properties and methods. The properties can only be changed or displayed if you use the so called getters and setters. These are functions in order to controll the properties. And then there is the constructor method(s). You have to define how you can make an object of the class. I'll give an example of a java bean. Don't mind the words you don't understand, it's Dutch.
    /** Java class "" generated from Poseidon for UML.
    * Poseidon for UML is developed by Gentleware.
    * Generated with velocity template engine.
    package org.gertcuppens.mopo;
    // import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Collection;
    // import java.sql.*
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    * <p>
    * Een meterronde is een geografisch geheel van meteretappes, die binnen
    * een beperkte periode van 2 tot 4 dagen gelezen moet worden.
    * </p>
    public class Meterronde {
    // attributes
    * <p>
    * is de nummer die overeenstemt met de beurtrolwijknummer. De
    * beurtrolwijken zijn een geografische onderverdeling van het
    * verzorgingsgebied van AWW waaraan een beurtrolinspecteur is toegekend.
    * </p>
    private int wijknummer;
    * <p>
    * is de nummer van de ronde binnen de wijknummer. Wijknummer en
    * rondenummer vormen samen een unieke sleutel die de meterronde
    * identificeert.
    * </p>
    private int rondenummer;
    * <p>
    * is de omschrijving van de meterronde.
    * </p>
    private String omschrijving;
    * <p>
    * is de streefdatum (dag/maand) waarop de jaarlijks te lezen meters
    * gelezen moeten worden.
    * </p>
    private int streefdatumJR;
    * <p>
    * is de streefdatum (dag/maand) van het eerste kwartaal waarop de
    * trimestri&#235;le en driemaandelijks te lezen meters gelezen moeten worden.
    * </p>
    private int streefdatumK1;
    * <p>
    * is de streefdatum (dag/maand) van het tweede kwartaal waarop de
    * trimestri&#235;le en driemaandelijks te lezen meters gelezen moeten worden.
    * </p>
    private int streefdatumK2;
    * <p>
    * is de streefdatum (dag/maand) van het derde kwartaal waarop de
    * trimestri&#235;le en driemaandelijks te lezen meters gelezen moeten worden.
    * </p>
    private int streefdatumK3;
    * <p>
    * is de streefdatum (dag/maand) van het vierde kwartaal waarop de
    * trimestri&#235;le en driemaandelijks te lezen meters gelezen moeten worden.
    * </p>
    private int streefdatumK4;
    * <p>
    * is het aantal actieve leidingen toegekend aan actieve contracten die aan
    * deze meterronde zijn toegekend.
    * </p>
    private int aantalContractueleLeidingen;
    * <p>
    * is het aantal actieve meters dat aan deze meterronde is toegekend.
    * </p>
    private int aantalActieveMeters;
    * <p>
    * is het aantal meters van de meterronde die in de CMB-gegevens voorkomen.
    * </p>
    private int aantalInCMB;
    * <p>
    * is het aantal jaarlijkse meters waarvan de plandatum voorbij is ...
    * </p>
    private int aantalTeLezenJR;
    * <p>
    * is het aantal trimestri&#235;le meters waarvan de plandatum voorbij is
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    private int aantalTeLezenTR;
    * <p>
    * is het aantal driemaandelijkse meters waarvan de plandatum voorbij is
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    private int aantalTeLezen3M;
    * <p>
    * is het aantal maandelijkse meters waarvan de plandatum voorbij is
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    private int aantalTeLezen1M;
    * <p>
    * is het aantal actieve meters van deze meterronde waarvan de plandatum
    * voorbij is.
    * </p>
    private int aantalTeLezen;
    * <p>
    * is de verzameling van meteretappes van deze meterronde. ...
    * </p>
    private Collection meteretappes;
    * Represents ...
    private Collection teLezenMeteretappes;
    * Represents ...
    private Collection gelezenMeteretappes;
    * Represents ...
    private Collection afwijkendeMeteretappes;
    // operations
    * Does ...
    * @return
    * <p>
    * geeft de wijknummer weer .
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getWijknummer() {       
    return wijknummer;
    } // end getWijknummer
    * <p>
    * geeft de rondenummer weer ...
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getRondenummer() {       
    return rondenummer;
    } // end getRondenummer
         * <p>
         * geeft de wijkronde weer ; wordt gebruikt in combinatie
         * met radiobuttons; hierdoor weten we welke primary key (wijk+ronde)
         * er geldig is bij de gekozen radiobutton
         * </p>
         * @return
              public int getWijkRonde() {       
                   return ((wijknummer * 100) + rondenummer) ;
              } // end getWijkRonde
    * <p>
    * geeft de omschrijving weer ...
    * </p>
    * @return
    public String getOmschrijving() {       
    return omschrijving;
    } // end getOmschrijving
    * <p>
    * geeft de streefdatum weer waarop de jaarlijkse meters gelezen moeten
    * worden
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getStreefdatumJR() {       
    return streefdatumJR;
    } // end getStreefdatumJR
    * <p>
    * geeft de streefdatum weer waarop de trimestri&#235;le en driemaandelijkse
    * meters gelezen moeten worden in het eerste kwartaal
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getStreefdatumK1() {       
    return streefdatumK1;
    } // end getStreefdatumK1
    * <p>
    * geeft de streefdatum weer waarop de trimestri&#235;le en driemaandelijkse
    * meters gelezen moeten worden in het tweede kwartaal
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getStreefdatumK2() {       
    return streefdatumK2;
    } // end getStreefdatumK2
    * <p>
    * geeft de streefdatum weer waarop de trimestri&#235;le en driemaandelijkse
    * meters gelezen moeten worden in het derde kwartaal
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getStreefdatumK3() {       
    return streefdatumK3;
    } // end getStreefdatumK3
    * <p>
    * geeft de streefdatum weer waarop de trimestri&#235;le en driemaandelijkse
    * meters gelezen moeten worden in het vierde kwartaal
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getStreefdatumK4() {       
    return streefdatumK4;
    } // end getStreefdatumK4
    * <p>
    * Geeft het aantal leidingen weer van de meterronde die actief zijn en
    * gekoppeld zijn aan en actief BO ...
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getAantalContractueleLeidingen() {       
    return aantalContractueleLeidingen;
    } // end getAantalContractueleLeidingen
    * <p>
    * Geeft het aantal actieve meters weer gekoppeld aan de meterronde ...
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getAantalActieveMeters() {       
    return aantalActieveMeters;
    } // end getAantalActieveMeters
    * <p>
    * geeft het aantal meters weer dat is doorgegeven aan CMB ...
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getAantalInCMB() {       
    return aantalInCMB;
    } // end getAantalInCMB
    * <p>
    * Geeft het aantal actieve meters weer die jaarlijks gelezen moeten worden
    * en waarvan de plandatum voorbij is ...
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getAantalTeLezenJR() {       
    return aantalTeLezenJR;
    } // end getAantalTeLezenJR
    * <p>
    * Geeft het aantal actieve meters weer die trimestrieel gelezen moeten
    * worden en waarvan de plandatum voorbij is
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getAantalTeLezenTR() {       
    return aantalTeLezenTR;
    } // end getAantalTeLezenTR
    * <p>
    * Geeft het aantal actieve meters weer die driemaandelijks gelezen moeten
    * worden en waarvan de plandatum voorbij is
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getAantalTeLezen3M() {       
    return aantalTeLezen3M;
    } // end getAantalTeLezen3M
    * <p>
    * Geeft het aantal actieve meters weer die maandelijks gelezen moeten
    * worden en waarvan de plandatum voorbij is
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getAantalTeLezen1M() {       
    return aantalTeLezen1M;
    } // end getAantalTeLezen1M
    * <p>
    * Geeft het totaal aantal actieve meters weer waarvan de plandatum
    * voorbij is
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @return
    public int getAantalTeLezen() {       
    return aantalTeLezen;
    } // end getAantalTeLezen
    * <p>
    * Geeft de meteretappes weer die tot deze meterronde behoren ...
    * </p>
    * @return
    public Collection getMeteretappes() {       
    return meteretappes;
    } // end getMeteretappes
    * Does ...
    * @return
    public Collection getTeLezenMeteretappes() {       
    return teLezenMeteretappes;
    } // end getTeLezenMeteretappes
    * Does ...
    * @return
    public Collection getGelezenMeteretappes() {       
    return gelezenMeteretappes;
    } // end getGelezenMeteretappes
    * Does ...
    * @return
    public Collection getAfwijkendeMeteretappes() {       
    return afwijkendeMeteretappes;
    } // end getAfwijkendeMeteretappes
    * <p>
    * noteert de wijknummer ...
    * </p>
    * @param _wijknummer
    public void setWijknummer(int _wijknummer) {       
    wijknummer = _wijknummer;
    } // end setWijknummer
    * <p>
    * noteert de rondenummer ...
    * </p>
    * @param _rondenummer
    public void setRondenummer(int _rondenummer) {       
    rondenummer = _rondenummer;
    } // end setRondenummer
    * <p>
    * noteert de omschrijving ...
    * </p>
    * @param _omschrijving
    public void setOmschrijving(String _omschrijving) {       
    omschrijving = _omschrijving;
    } // end setOmschrijving
    * <p>
    * noteert de datum waarop de jaarlijks te lezen meters gelezen moeten
    * worden ...
    * </p>
    * @param _streefdatumJR
    public void setStreefdatumJR(int _streefdatumJR) {       
    streefdatumJR = _streefdatumJR;
    } // end setStreefdatumJR
    * <p>
    * noteert de datum waarop de trimestri&#235;le en driemaandelijks te lezen
    * meters gelezen moeten worden in het eerste kwartaal
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @param _streefdatumK1
    public void setStreefdatumK1(int _streefdatumK1) {       
    streefdatumK1 = _streefdatumK1;
    } // end setStreefdatumK1
    * <p>
    * noteert de datum waarop de trimestri&#235;le en driemaandelijks te lezen
    * meters gelezen moeten worden in het tweede kwartaal
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @param _streefdatumK2
    public void setStreefdatumK2(int _streefdatumK2) {       
    streefdatumK2 = _streefdatumK2;
    } // end setStreefdatumK2
    * <p>
    * noteert de datum waarop de trimestri&#235;le en driemaandelijks te lezen
    * meters gelezen moeten worden in het derde kwartaal
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @param _streefdatumK3
    public void setStreefdatumK3(int _streefdatumK3) {       
    streefdatumK3 = _streefdatumK3;
    } // end setStreefdatumK3
    * <p>
    * noteert de datum waarop de trimestri&#235;le en driemaandelijks te lezen
    * meters gelezen moeten worden in het vierde kwartaal
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @param _streefdatumK4
    public void setStreefdatumK4(int _streefdatumK4) {       
    streefdatumK4 = _streefdatumK4;
    } // end setStreefdatumK4
    * <p>
    * noteert het aantal actieve leidingen van de meterronde die gekoppeld
    * zijn aan een actief contract ...
    * </p>
    * @param _aantalContractueleLeidingen
    public void setAantalContractueleLeidingen(int _aantalContractueleLeidingen) {       
    aantalContractueleLeidingen = _aantalContractueleLeidingen;
    } // end setAantalContractueleLeidingen
    * <p>
    * noteert het aantal actieve meters van de meterronde ...
    * </p>
    * @param _aantalActieveMeters
    public void setAantalActieveMeters(int _aantalActieveMeters) {       
    aantalActieveMeters = _aantalActieveMeters;
    } // end setAantalActieveMeters
    * <p>
    * noteert het aantal meters dat aan CMB is overgedragen ...
    * </p>
    * @param _aantalInCMB
    public void setAantalInCMB(int _aantalInCMB) {       
    aantalInCMB = _aantalInCMB;
    } // end setAantalInCMB
    * <p>
    * noteert het aantal jaarlijks meters waarvan de plandatum voorbij is ...
    * </p>
    * @param _aantalTeLezenJR
    public void setAantalTeLezenJR(int _aantalTeLezenJR) {       
    aantalTeLezenJR = _aantalTeLezenJR;
    } // end setAantalTeLezenJR
    * <p>
    * noteert het aantal trimestrieel meters waarvan de plandatum voorbij is
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @param _aantalTeLezenTR
    public void setAantalTeLezenTR(int _aantalTeLezenTR) {       
    aantalTeLezenTR = _aantalTeLezenTR;
    } // end setAantalTeLezenTR
    * <p>
    * noteert het aantal driemaandelijks meters waarvan de plandatum voorbij
    * is
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @param _aantalTeLezen3M
    public void setAantalTeLezen3M(int _aantalTeLezen3M) {       
    aantalTeLezen3M = _aantalTeLezen3M;
    } // end setAantalTeLezen3M
    * <p>
    * noteert het aantal maandelijks meters waarvan de plandatum voorbij is
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @param _aantalTeLezen1M
    public void setAantalTeLezen1M(int _aantalTeLezen1M) {       
    aantalTeLezen1M = _aantalTeLezen1M;
    } // end setAantalTeLezen1M
    * <p>
    * noteert het aantal meters waarvan de plandatum voorbij is
    * </p>
    * <p>
    * </p>
    * @param _aantalTeLezen
    public void setAantalTeLezen(int _aantalTeLezen) {       
    aantalTeLezen = _aantalTeLezen;
    } // end setAantalTeLezen
    * <p>
    * noteert alle meteretappes van de meterronde ...
    * </p>
    * @param _meteretappes
    public void setMeteretappes(Collection _meteretappes) {       
    meteretappes = _meteretappes;
    } // end setMeteretappes
    * Does ...
    * @param _teLezenMeteretappes
    public void setTeLezenMeteretappes(Collection _teLezenMeteretappes) {       
    teLezenMeteretappes = _teLezenMeteretappes;
    } // end setTeLezenMeteretappes
    * Does ...
    * @param _gelezenMeteretappes
    public void setGelezenMeteretappes(Collection _gelezenMeteretappes) {       
    gelezenMeteretappes = _gelezenMeteretappes;
    } // end setGelezenMeteretappes
    * Does ...
    * @param _afwijkendeMeteretappes
    public void setAfwijkendeMeteretappes(Collection _afwijkendeMeteretappes)
    afwijkendeMeteretappes = _afwijkendeMeteretappes;
    } // end setAfwijkendeMeteretappes
    // Constructors
    * Aanmaken van een meterronde op basis van een ResultSet
    * @author GC1494
    * @param _rs
    public Meterronde ( )
    this.setWijknummer(0 ) ;
    this.setRondenummer(0) ;
    this.setOmschrijving("???") ;           
         public Meterronde (ResultSet _rs) 
              throws SQLException
         this.setWijknummer(_rs.getInt("rowynr")) ;
         this.setRondenummer(_rs.getInt("roronr")) ;
         this.setOmschrijving(_rs.getString("roomsc")) ;           
    } // end Meterronde

  • License information of SDK and other APIs?

    Is there a website that contains the license information of the J2SDK and all Sun APIs (Activation framework, JavaMail, etc.)?

    Do you know what a "web site" is?
    The definition is very fuzzy. Here is one....
    A collection of "pages" or files linked together and available on the World Wide Web.
    Given that everything that you asked for is available.

  • BI Publisher and TomCat JDBC error

    Hey Folks,
    I have BI Pulbisher up and running in a cluster mode on a Solaris box with a shared folder such as (/u01/app/BI_Publisher/xmlp) as the file path in WEB-INF\xmlp-server-congfig.xml. All my reports and XMLP configuration folders are stored in that directory (ie. Admin, DemoFiles, Reports, Tools etc..). BI Publisher is up and running under the tomcat user id.
    My OBIEE directory is contained in /opt/oracle/app/OracleBI....
    Now when I deployed the xmlpserver.war file and configure my connections, everything was working properly.
    Now I see the following exception being thrown in the tomcat logs. This error msgs are inserted to the logs every second and it will fill up the log file in a matter of hours which makes the BI Publisher go down.
    I have to erase the logs and re-cycle the tomcat server and everything is fine again, but these msgs keep filling up the logs.
    How can i solve this issue of "Cannot load JDBC driver class 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver'"?
    Cannot load JDBC driver class 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver'
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(
         at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.utils.PoolingConnectionProvider.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.utils.DBConnectionManager.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX.doCheckin(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport$ClusterManager.manage(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport$
    Cannot load JDBC driver class 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver'
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(
         at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.utils.PoolingConnectionProvider.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.utils.DBConnectionManager.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX.doCheckin(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport$ClusterManager.manage(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport$
    Cannot load JDBC driver class 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver'
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(
         at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.utils.PoolingConnectionProvider.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.utils.DBConnectionManager.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX.doCheckin(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport$ClusterManager.manage(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport$
    Cannot load JDBC driver class 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver'
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
         at org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.loadClass(
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
         at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
         at java.lang.Class.forName(
         at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.createDataSource(
         at org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.utils.PoolingConnectionProvider.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.utils.DBConnectionManager.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX.doCheckin- ClusterManager: Error managing cluster: Failed to obtain DB connection from data source 'myDS': org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver', cause: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
    org.quartz.JobPersistenceException: Failed to obtain DB connection from data source 'myDS': org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver', cause: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver [See nested exception: org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver', cause: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver]
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport.getConnection(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX.doCheckin(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport$ClusterManager.manage(
         at org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreSupport$

    setpath for the bijdbc.jarfor OBIEE and ojdbc.jar for Oracle DB file .
    that should resolve this library not found error.

  • Does TT support OCI API except JDBC and ODBC?

    Does TT support OCI API except JDBC and ODBC? or Do we have any plan to support OCI in the future

    Oracle policy does not permit us to give any commitment to when or if any specific functionality will be delivered. My understanding is that we plan to deliver this in the next major release of TimesTen (which may or may not be called 8.0) that is released after Oracle 11g (since a lot of the changes needed to enable OCI support for TimesTen are in the 11g client). We currently hope that this release will be available sometime in CY2008.
    You should not rely on any of the above information as it is, as always, subject to change without notice.

  • [svn:bz-trunk] 20695: Tomcat 7 Valve/ LoginCommand changes due to the ValveBase API and Realm API change.

    Revision: 20695
    Revision: 20695
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2011-03-08 13:32:45 -0800 (Tue, 08 Mar 2011)
    Log Message:
    Tomcat 7 Valve/LoginCommand changes due to the ValveBase API and Realm API change.
    rename valve name as Tomcat7Valve
    will need to merge the build.xml after the build machine can fork a JDK 1.6 build
    Checkintests pass
    Modified Paths:
    Added Paths:
    Removed Paths:

  • Which tutorials may you suggest for JDBC and servlets?

    Hello, i would to learn about JDBC and servlets.
    May you please suggest me a good tutorial( me a link) in order to study for JDBC and servlets?
    e.g. How to make a servlet etc.
    Thanks, in advance!

    I agree with PhHein, it's best to learn one technology and then the other. (Just my two cents, but start with JDBC from a simple standalone application, then when that is working, try to tackle Servlets, since you will need to also learn how to get them working in a container like Tomcat).
    Here is a tutorial that has both concepts in it at the same time. Site is down now, but is usually up.
    Also, you will eventually want to download a J2EE container such as Tomcat or Jboss.
    - Saish

  • JDBC and XSU

    Recently we have set up a JDBC connection to a SQL Server 2000 DB. Using java at the command line I can pull out information from our database but if you use OracleXMLSave and try to push to the databse it gives an OracleXMLSQLException. Any ideas of why you can pull info out but not push info in from the XSU API. Thanks,

    I think you've specified a JDBC-ODBC-Bridge as Database-URL. You
    should use the following information to establish a connection
    with JDBC and Oracles ;thin driver+ :
    driver = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
    dburl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@yourhost:1521:yourSID"
    (change the according parts)
    You can take the authentication information user/pass also
    inside the dburl:
    dburl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:user/pass@yourhost:1521:yourSID"

  • JDBC and Struts - how?

    Hi, I am writing my first struts application. However despite all the great tutorials out there, I can't find any real examples on how to connect to a database using the <data-source> tags in the struts-config.xml file.
    I know you provide details of the db as follows:
    description="MySql Database Configuration"
    but then what?! Even if I can get this to work (which I can't!), how do I use the connection? What do I do with it then?
    Many, many, thanks for any guidance.

    The properties file is just used to store the data-source info as you have outlined.
    <data-source key="name" ... />
    Once you have defined all the parameters identifying your data source you need to retrieve it in the Action class or in the relevant model class - the later only works with Tomcat 4 and later, so check your web server, the first will (should?) work on all web servers.
    //fetch the datasource
    DataSource ds = servlet.findDataSource("name");
    Once you have the DS you can create the connection where needed, if in the action class simple generate a connection object form the data source and do the JDBC required. Or as is preferable pass the data source to a model class and do it all there.
    //pass DS to model
    modelClass searchBean = new modelClass(ds);
    Hopes this helps.

  • JDBC 3.0 API

    Is it possible in the new JDBC 3.0 API to get the changes which a user made to a table automatically by e.g. by reacting on a event? I am fairly new to JDBC.
    Thx for answers

    I doubt that is possible in JDBC 3.0.
    What you can do is to create a trigger calling a stored procedure. In oracle a stored proc. can be written in PL/SQL or in Java. What the procedure does is up to you, it could also execute a remote call. Please note that this is highly DB dependant (won't work in mysql for example).
    Alternatively you could maintain an "updated" flag in the db and query this column every x seconds.
    don't know if there are other possibilities...

  • Help on RFC to JDBC and JDBC to RFC

    Help on RFC to JDBC and JDBC to RFC
    Hi Gurus
    I have the scenario where an RFC will be triggered in SAP , to write to a DB2 database and insert new records in a table
    and vice versa the JDBC has to read som data from a table based on a primary key, mark them as read for not be read next time and send the data to an RFC where a table in SAP will be updated.
    I have never worked with JDBC before , pls advice.
    is there any new issue to consider in PI 7.0 regarding JDBC

    The requirement looks standard,
    SEARCH IN SDN FOR JDBC scenarios,you will find many docs for sender as well as Receiver.
    > is there any new issue to consider in PI 7.0 regarding JDBC
    no issue with PI7.0.

  • Fix many web access problems with IFS 9.0.1 on Solaris (and other OS's)...

    When the installation is done according to the documentation,
    web access does not work because the scripts that add entries to
    the file add duplicate references to
    wrapper.env and wrapper.classpath. Look at the
    file below and look at the remarked-out (#) lines of the
    duplicate references. For example, look at the references to the
    Oracle, please note this bug so the web access problems are
    minimized when the product is intstalled.
    Thank you,
    William T.
    # Apache JServ Configuration
    File #
    ################################ W A R N I N G
    # Unlike normal Java properties, JServ configurations have some
    # extensions:
    # 1) commas are used as token separators
    # 2) multiple definitions of the same key are concatenated in
    # comma separated list.
    # Execution parameters
    # The Java Virtual Machine interpreter.
    # Syntax: wrapper.bin=[filename] (String)
    # Note: specify a full path if the interpreter is not visible in
    your path.
    # Arguments passed to Java interpreter (optional)
    # Syntax: wrapper.bin.parameters=[parameters] (String)
    # Default: NONE
    # Apache JServ entry point class (should not be changed)
    # Syntax: wrapper.class=[classname] (String)
    # Default: "org.apache.jserv.JServ"
    # Arguments passed to main class after the properties filename
    (not used)
    # Syntax: wrapper.class.parameters=[parameters] (String)
    # Default: NONE
    # Note: currently not used
    # PATH environment value passed to the JVM
    # Syntax: wrapper.path=[path] (String)
    # Default: "/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" for Unix systems
    # "c:\(windows-dir);c:\(windows-system-dir)" for Win32
    # Notes: if more than one line is supplied these will be
    concatenated using
    # ":" or ";" (depending wether Unix or Win32) characters
    # Under Win32 (windows-dir) and (windows-system-dir) will
    # automatically evaluated to match your system
    # CLASSPATH environment value passed to the JVM
    # Syntax: wrapper.classpath=[path] (String)
    # Default: NONE (Sun's JDK/JRE already have a default classpath)
    # Note: if more than one line is supplied these will be
    concatenated using
    # ":" or ";" (depending wether Unix or Win32) characters.
    JVM must be
    # able to find JSDK and JServ classes and any utility
    classes used by
    # your servlets.
    # Note: the classes you want to be automatically reloaded upon
    # MUST NOT be in this classpath or the classpath of the
    # you start the Apache from.
    # An environment name with value passed to the JVM
    # Syntax: wrapper.env=[name]=[value] (String)
    # Default: NONE on Unix Systems
    # SystemDrive and SystemRoot with appropriate values on
    Win32 systems
    # An environment name with value copied from caller to Java
    Virtual Machine
    # Syntax: wrapper.env.copy=[name] (String)
    # Default: NONE
    # Uncomment the following lines to set the default locale and
    # setting based on the environment variables.
    # wrapper.env.copy=LANG
    # wrapper.env.copy=NLS_LANG
    # Copies all environment from caller to Java Virtual Machine
    # Syntax: wrapper.env.copyall=true (boolean)
    # Default: false
    # Protocol used for signal handling
    # Syntax: wrapper.protocol=[name] (String)
    # Default: ajpv12
    # General parameters
    # Set the default IP address or hostname Apache JServ binds (or
    listens) to.
    # If you have a machine with multiple IP addresses, this address
    # will be the one used. If you set the value to localhost, it
    # will be resolved to the IP address configured for the locahost
    # on your system (generally this is This feature is
    # that one can have multiple instances of Apache JServ listening
    # the same port number, but different IP addresses on the same
    # Use bindaddress=* only if you know exactly what you are doing
    # as it could let JServ wide open to the internet.
    # You must understand that JServ has to answer only to Apache,
    and should not
    # be reachable by nobody but mod_jserv. So localhost is usually a
    # good option. The second best choice would be an internal
    network address
    # (protected by a firewall) if JServ is running on another
    machine than Apache.
    # Ask your network admin.
    # "*" may be used on boxes where some of the clients get
    connected using
    # "localhost"and others using another IP addr.
    # Syntax: bindaddress=[ipaddress] or [localhost] or [*]
    # Default: localhost
    # Set the port Apache JServ listens to.
    # Syntax: port=[1024,65535] (int)
    # Default: 8007
    # Servlet Zones parameters
    # List of servlet zones Apache JServ manages
    # Syntax: zones=[servlet zone],[servlet zone]... (Comma
    separated list of String)
    # Default: NONE
    # Configuration file for each servlet zone (one per servlet zone)
    # Syntax: [servlet zone name as on the zones list].properties=
    [full path to configFile]
    # Default: NONE
    # Note: if the file could not be opened, try using absolute
    # Thread Pool parameters
    # Enables or disables the use of the thread pool.
    # Syntax: pool=true (boolean)
    # Default: false
    # WARNING: the pool has not been extensively tested and may
    # For this reason, we advise against using this code in
    production environments.
    # Indicates the number of idle threads that the pool may contain.
    # Syntax: pool.capacity=(int)>0
    # Default: 10
    # NOTE: depending on your system load, this number should be low
    for contantly
    # loaded servers and should be increased depending on load
    # Indicates the pool controller that should be used to control
    # level of the recycled threads.
    # Syntax: pool.controller=[full class of controller] (String)
    # Default:
    # NOTE: it is safe to leave this unchanged unless special
    recycle behavior
    # is needed. Look at the "" package
    javadocs for more
    # info on other pool controllers and their behavior.
    # Security parameters
    # Enable/disable the execution of org.apache.jserv.JServ as a
    # This is disabled by default because it may give informations
    that should
    # be restricted.
    # Note that the execution of Apache JServ as a servlet is
    filtered by the web
    # server modules by default so that both sides should be enabled
    to let this
    # service work.
    # This service is useful for installation and configuration
    since it gives
    # feedback about the exact configurations Apache JServ is using,
    but it should
    # be disabled when both installation and configuration processes
    are done.
    # Syntax: security.selfservlet=true (boolean)
    # Default: false
    # WARNING: disable this in a production environment since may
    give reserved
    # information to untrusted users.
    # Set the maximum number of socket connections Apache JServ may
    # simultaneously. Make sure your operating environment has
    enough file
    # descriptors to allow this number.
    # Syntax: security.maxConnections=(int)>1
    # Default: 50
    # Backlog setting for very fine performance tunning of JServ.
    # Unless you are familiar to sockets leave this value commented
    # security.backlog=5
    # List of IP addresses allowed to connect to Apache JServ. This
    is a first
    # security filtering to reject possibly unsecure connections and
    avoid the
    # overhead of connection authentication.
    # <warning>
    # (please don't use the following one unless you know what you
    are doing :
    # security.allowedAddresses=DISABLED
    # allows connections on JServ'port from entire internet.)
    # You do need only to allow YOUR Apache to talk to JServ.
    # </warning>
    # Default:
    # Syntax: security.allowedAddresses=[IP address],[IP Address]...
    separated list of IP addresses)
    # Enable/disable connection authentication.
    # NOTE: unauthenticated connections are a little faster since
    # handshake is not performed at connection creation.
    # WARNING: authentication is disabled by default because we
    believe that
    # connection restriction from all IP addresses but localhost
    reduces your
    # time to get Apache JServ to run. If you allow other addresses
    to connect and
    # you don't trust it, you should enable authentication to
    prevent untrusted
    # execution of your servlets. Beware: if authentication is
    disabled and the
    # IP address is allowed, everyone on that machine can execute
    your servlets!
    # Syntax: security.authentication=[true,false] (boolean)
    # Default: true
    # Authentication secret key.
    # The secret key is passed as a file that must be kept secure
    and must
    # be exactly the same of those used by clients to authenticate
    # Syntax: security.secretKey=[secret key path and filename]
    # Default: NONE
    # Note: if the file could not be opened, try using absolute
    # Length of the randomly generated challenge string (in bytes)
    used to
    # authenticate connections. 5 is the lowest possible choice to
    force a safe
    # level of security and reduce connection creation overhead.
    # Syntax: security.challengeSize=(int)>5
    # Default: 5
    # Logging parameters
    # Enable/disable Apache JServ logging.
    # WARNING: logging is a very expensive operation in terms of
    performance. You
    # should reduced the generated log to a minumum or even disable
    it if fast
    # execution is an issue. Note that if all log channels (see
    below) are
    # enabled, the log may become really big since each servlet
    request may
    # generate many Kb of log. Some log channels are mainly for
    # purposes and should be disabled in a production environment.
    # Syntax: log=[true,false] (boolean)
    # Default: true
    # Set the name of the trace/log file. To avoid possible
    confusion about
    # the location of this file, an absolute pathname is recommended.
    # This log file is different than the log file that is in the
    # jserv.conf file. This is the log file for the Java portion of
    # JServ.
    # On Unix, this file must have write permissions by the owner of
    the JVM
    # process. In other words, if you are running Apache JServ in
    manual mode
    # and Apache is running as user nobody, then the file must have
    # permissions set so that that user can write to it.
    # Syntax: log.file=[log path and filename] (String)
    # Default: NONE
    # Note: if the file could not be opened, try using absolute
    # Enable the timestamp before the log message
    # Syntax: log.timestamp=[true,false] (boolean)
    # Default: true
    # Use the given string as a data format
    # (see java.text.SimpleDateFormat for the list of options)
    # Syntax: log.dateFormat=(String)
    # Default: [dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss:SSS zz]
    log.dateFormat=[dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss:SSS zz]
    # Since all the messages logged are processed by a thread
    running with
    # minimum priority, it's of vital importance that this thread
    gets a chance
    # to run once in a while. If it doesn't, the log queue overflow
    # usually resulting in the OutOfMemoryError.
    # To prevent this from happening, two parameters are used:
    # and log.queue.maxsize. The former defines the maximum time for
    the logged
    # message to stay in the queue, the latter defines maximum
    number of
    # messages in the queue.
    # If one of those conditions becomes true (age > maxage || size
    maxsize),# the log message stating that fact is generated and the log
    queue is
    # flushed in the separate thread.
    # If you ever see such a message, either your system doesn't
    live up to its
    # expectations or you have a runaway loop (probably, but not
    # generating a lot of log messages).
    # WARNING: Default values are lousy, you probably want to tweak
    them and
    # report the results back to the development team.
    # Syntax: log.queue.maxage = [milliseconds]
    # Default: 5000
    log.queue.maxage = 5000
    # Syntax: log.queue.maxsize = [integer]
    # Default: 1000
    log.queue.maxsize = 1000
    # Enable/disable logging the channel name
    # Default: false
    # Enable/disable channels, each logging different actions.
    # Syntax:[channel name]=[true,false] (boolean)
    # Default: false
    # Info channel - quite a lot of informational messages
    # hopefully you don't need them under normal circumstances
    # Servlets exception, i.e. exception caught during
    # servlet.service() processing are monitored here
    # you probably want to have this one switched on
    # JServ exception, caught internally in jserv
    # we suggest to leave it on
    # Warning channel, it catches all the important
    # messages that don't cause JServ to stop, leave it on
    # Servlet log
    # All messages logged by servlets. Probably you want
    # this one to be switched on.
    # Critical errors
    # Messages produced by critical events causing jserv to stop
    # Debug channel
    # Only for internal debugging purposes
    # Oracle XSQL Servlet
    # Oracle JDBC
    # Oracle XML Parser V2 (with XSLT Engine)
    # Oracle XML SQL Components for Java
    # XSQLConfig.xml File location
    # Oracle BC4J
    # The following classpath entries are necessary for EJBs to run
    in IAS or DB when
    # Oracle Servlet
    # Oracle Java Server Pages
    # Oracle Util
    # Oracle Java SQL
    # Oracle JDBC
    # SQLJ runtime
    # Oracle Messaging
    # OJSP environment settings
    # The next line should be modified to reflect the value of the
    SID for your
    ## Enable the flag below if you are using jdk 1.2.2_05a or above
    # Advanced Queuing - AQXML
    zones = root, oemreporting
    wrapper.bin.parameters= -DORACLE_HOME=/d3
    # Additions for iFS
    # iFS true
    # Uncomment if you want to use the same Jserv as other
    ## Additions for the iFS zone
    # Uncomment if you want to use the same Jserv as other
    # End iFS section

    About your home page; Manually set up Firefox with the window(s) and tab(s)
    the way you want them to be. Then;
    '''''Firefox Options > General > Homepage'''''.
    Press the button labeled ''''Use Current'''.'
    Open a new window or tab. In the address bar, type '''''about:config'''''.
    If a warning screen comes up, press the '''''Be Careful''''' button.
    This is where Firefox finds information it needs to run.
    At the top of the screen is a search bar. Enter '''''browser.newtab.url'''''
    and press enter. '''''browser.newtab.url'''''
    tells Firefox what to show when a new tab is opened.
    If you want, right click and select '''''Modify'''''. You can change the
    setting to;<BR><BR>about:home (Firefox default home page),<BR>
    about:newtab (shows the sites most visited),<BR>
    about:blank (a blank page),<BR>
    or you can enter any web page you want.<BR><BR>
    The same instructions are used for the new window setting, listed as

  • IDoc to JDBC  and JDBC to IDoc Scenario

    Dear All,
    I am working on IDoc to JDBC and JDBC to IDoc Scenario.
    I have to send Idoc from SAP to Non SAP system(.NET application) i almost configured in XI but still i don't know when my INTEGRATION will INVOKE how my data will proceed from IDOC to Oracle database(Through JDBC) and in case of revese how and when Data flow will start.
    Does anyone have completed STEP by STEP scenario document for this?
    How my Idoc will sent to XI?
    How XI will pick up data from IDoc?
    How XI will Convert data to JDBC and UPDATE in Oracle Database?
    And i reverse case(JDBC to IDoc) when my INTEGRATION will INVOKE?
    Where and When i can watch my process and data?
    How can i test the whole integration?
    I AM GETTING ERROR WHILE TESTING CONFIGURATION IN Integration Directory "Error while refreshing the XI runtime cache" and when i check this in SXI_CACHE  it gives me error
    "Unable to refresh cache "NO_BUSINESS_SYSTEM"
    "Error during last refresh to cache"LCR_GET_OWN_BUSINESS_SYSTEM - NO_BUSINESS_SYSTEM"
    Please solve all the above problems i will reward u points

    While we working on IDOC to JDBC interface..
    We have to deploy JDBC Drivers?
    Go through this links,
    To install JDBC driver follow the how to guide.
    Configuration of JDBC Adapter for SQL Server
    JDBC Driver =
    Connection = jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://hostname:<port>;DatabaseName=<DBName>
    UserID and Password.
    If the connection is not working find the correct port number.
    JDBC- X I -  R/3 Scenario
    Please check the driver path as mentioned below.
    JDBC Driver : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
    Connection:jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=//location of DB table.mdb;
    No JDBC driver required.
    Receiver JDBC scenario MS access - /people/sameer.shadab/blog/2005/10/24/connecting-to-ms-access-using-receiver-jdbc-adapter-without-dsn
    follow this thread
    Re: Problem when connecting to MS Access through JDBC Adapter.
    SAP Note 850116 has details
    Configuring the Sender JDBC Adapter
    Configuring the Receiver JDBC Adapter
    Idoc Reveiver adapter..
    Satya Kumar
    Edited by: SATYA KUMAR AKKARABOYANA on May 8, 2008 5:51 PM

  • ST-PI and ST-API plug in upgradation

    Hi All,
              I need to upgrade the plugins ST-PI and ST-API and our team has downloaded the below things from service market.Can any body tell me which i need to deploy and the sequence and what are the things i need to keep in consederation please let me know.
    1.Application service tools for R/3 46C
    2.Service tools for other for APP/Basis 620
    3.ST-PI 2008 1 46C:Add on installation
    4.ST-PI 2008 1 620:Add on instalation
    Please let me know for what 1&2 are used and the procedure (sequence of applying)
    Thanks in advance for the help,

    Hi Raj,
    You did not mention about the system version. I could see the patches which are downloaded are for
    46 C and 620 both.
    By the way ST-PI and ST-A/PI can be applied in any sequence.

  • How to use the user and role API's and where to use it

    Hi All,
    I have configured SSO for my UCM11g. Now my application authenticates through the Oracle SSO login page. Currently it is working with SQL authenticator.
    Now, i have to use LDAP authenticator. when i will configure the LDAP authenticator, i have to use the user and role API's to fetch the user profile information from LDAP. i have got the API's which will be used to fetch the respected information, but i am not getting as where i will write those java programs and how this API will be used in my application. what settings i need to do on it so that application uses the API's. ?
    Please can anyone help me on this.

    Hi, Mithu,
    Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
    I have carefully read the document:
    Now, I think I have to set the processor of every actions in every process if I use the GP for processing the workflow.
    I am better to hope that I can set the processor to the role for every actions in every process in the runtime through get the organizational structure in the WDA(webdynpro for java or webdynpro for java). Thus, the customer don't set the processor to the role for every action in every process when runing in the GP.   I don't know how to do this. 
    Whether the function is not supported in the GP? If so, I have to config two organizational structure: in the R/3 and in the Portal. I don't think our customer don't receipt this solution.
    Do you give me some hints? Thanks a lot.  My email: [email protected]
    Thanks again.
    Thanks & Regards,

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