Total noob, need help

I've never scripted Photoshop ever, but I am c# guy during the day, so I know programming
Ok, here is what I do right now: I place 3 photos into my scanner, scan them into Photoshop CS4 using the File/Import/Scanner menu item.  Then I go to File/Automate/Crop and Straighten Photos to split up the image into 3 photos.  Photoshop creates a tab for each photo.  Then I go to each individual tab and save each picture.  Then start again with the scanning - rinse and repeat.
This is kind of tedious.  I am looking to automate all or some portion of this task.  For instance, I would love it, if there was a script that responded to the Image Imported from Scanner event (if such a thing even exists), split the photos into 3 using the Crop and Straighten Photos command and saved each photo as a PNG (without getting the stupid dialog box asking me whether I was it interlaced or not).  The routine that saves the photos, would have to look in the directory and name the file in a numeric fashion (e.g. p1.png, p2.png, p3.png, etc...) and not overwrite photos.
Is such a thing possible?  If so, what are some of the resources I should look at?  Is there something simpler (like maybe a macro recorder), that I am not looking at? 

One way of doing it would be to do all the scans and place the files in their own folder (jpg/tif/pdf)
Then you can run the following script that will create a new folder off the existing one and batch split all the files naming them existingFileName#001.png and put them in the new folder (edited)
#target Photoshop
var inFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Please select folder to process");
if(inFolder != null){
var fileList = inFolder.getFiles(/\.(jpg|tif|psd|)$/i);
var outfolder = new Folder(decodeURI(inFolder) + "/Edited");
if (outfolder.exists == false) outfolder.create();
for(var a = 0 ;a < fileList.length; a++){
if(fileList[a] instanceof File){
var doc= open(fileList[a]);
var docname = fileList[a].name.slice(0,-4);
var count = 1;
var saveFile = new File(decodeURI(outfolder) + "/" + docname +"#"+ zeroPad(count,3) + ".png");
activeDocument.close(SaveOptions.DONOTSAVECHANGES) ;
function CropStraighten() {
function cTID(s) { return app.charIDToTypeID(s); };
function sTID(s) { return app.stringIDToTypeID(s); };
executeAction( sTID('CropPhotosAuto0001'), undefined, DialogModes.NO );
function SavePNG(saveFile){
    pngSaveOptions = new PNGSaveOptions();
    pngSaveOptions.embedColorProfile = true;
    pngSaveOptions.formatOptions = FormatOptions.STANDARDBASELINE;
    pngSaveOptions.matte = MatteType.NONE;
    pngSaveOptions.quality = 1;
pngSaveOptions.PNG8 = false; //24 bit PNG
    pngSaveOptions.transparency = true;
activeDocument.saveAs(saveFile, pngSaveOptions, true, Extension.LOWERCASE);
function zeroPad(n, s) {
n = n.toString();
while (n.length < s) n = '0' + n;
return n;

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    ,     COUNT (DISTINCT kindred_id)     AS family_cnt
    ,     column_d
    ,     column_e
    ,     column_f
    FROM     table_x
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    ,          column_d
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    ,          column_f
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             2          2 abc        bca        acb
             3          2 abc        bca        acbwhich is the data you want, but not in the format you want. You want to pivot the family_cnt column from the three rows into three columns in one row. For general information about how to this, search for "pivot" on this or similar sites.
    One solution is:
    SELECT     COUNT (DISTINCT CASE WHEN diagnosis = 1 THEN kindred_id END)     AS diagnosis_1
    ,     COUNT (DISTINCT CASE WHEN diagnosis = 2 THEN kindred_id END)     AS diagnosis_2
    ,     COUNT (DISTINCT CASE WHEN diagnosis = 3 THEN kindred_id END)     AS diagnosis_3
    ,     column_d
    ,     column_e
    ,     column_f
    FROM     table_x
    GROUP BY     column_d
    ,          column_e
    ,          column_f
    ;     which produces the following output:
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    So, what can you do if you do not know the diagnosis values? The columns have to be hard-coded into the query, so how can you possiblly write something today that will have all the values that are in the table next month? You can't, but you can write something today that you can run (unchanged) next month which will write such a query. In other words, you can do dynamic SQL, where you run a preliminary query to get the different diagnosis values, write an appropriate query similar to the one above, and then run that newly-created query. The PL/SQL command "EXECUTE IMMEDIATE" can help with this.
    The code above works in all versions of Oracle. In Oracle 11, there is a more straigtforward way of specifyng PIVOT in a SELECT statement.

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    I assume the application is connecting to Oracle using an application ID/password. If so, check to see if that user has a private synonyn to the table. If so drop it since you have a public synonym.
    Verify that the public synonym is in fact correct. Drop and recreate the public synonym if you cannot select against the synonym name using an ID that can perform select * from inhouse.icltm where rownum = 1. That is if this other user cannot issue select * from icltm where rownum = 1 without an error.
    Check that the application ID has the necessary object privileges on the table.
    Queries you need
    select * from dba_synonyms
    where table_owner = 'INHOUSE'
    and table_name = 'ICLTM'
    You may find both public and private synonms. Either fix or delete. (Some may reference someelses.icltm table if one exists)
    select * from dba_tab_privs
    where table_name = 'ICLTM'
    and owner = 'INHOUSE'
    Note - it is possible to create mixed case or lower case object names in Oracle by using double quotes around the name. Do not do this, but do look to see that this was not done.
    You could also query dba_objects for all object types that have the object_name = 'ICLTM'
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • [Athlon64] Noob needs help optimizing new system

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    I'm needing help with bios settings. The pertinent stuff (I think - hopefully I got it all down):
    CPU Clock speed: 2200
    DDR Memory Freq: 100.0 MHz
    High performance mode: Manual
    Cool n quiet: Disable
    HT Freq: 800 MHz
    Dynamic overclocking: Disable
    Adjust CPU Ratio: Auto
    AGP Freq: By Default
    HT Voltage: Auto
    Mem voltage: Auto
    CPU voltage: Auto
    AGP Voltage: Auto
    Spread sectrum: Disable
    DRAM Clock Mode: Manual
    Mem clock value: DDR200
    CAS Latency: SPD
    Burst Length: 8 Beat
    Bank Interleaving: Auto
    Active to CMD (Trcd): SPD
    Active to precharge (Tras): SPD
    Precharge to active (Tvp): SPD
    DRAM IT Timing: Disable
    AGP Mode: Auto (this is "greyed out")
    AGP Fast write: Enabled
    AGP Aperture size: 128
    VLink 8X supported: Enabled
    My questions mainly concern memory. I bought all this stuff at the Tiger Direct outlet store in Naperville, Illinois. I had intended to buy the K8T Neo-FSR (754 pin), but they were supposedly out of the 754 pin 3400+, and this board/CPU combo had a $100 rebate. Yeah, it's one of those deals with the odd 939 pin 3400+ that everyone has been talking about.
    In any case, I already had the Corsair CMX512-3200C2PT picked out, as Corsair said it was compatible with the board. I wasn't aware of the MSI compitibility chart until I came here later that night. I STILL can't find that chart off of the MSI web site.
    Anyway, I got it all hooked up and got the standard 4 red LEDs. Not knowing what to do, I took it back to Tiger Direct and the tech played around with it until he stuck an el-cheapo stick (Corsair VS512MB400) in there and it worked. But it only works in slot 2. So here I am.
    I started to run memtest86, but it took too long to run and I aborted it for now. For what it's worth, it said the RAM CAS value is 2.5-2-2-5. I don't know what the hell that means, but I know it's important.
    My questions:
    1. I assume I need manually to set my memory clock value to DDR400?
    2. Now that I can get the thing to post, is there any chance I could get the "good" Corsair memory to work by setting the correct latency/CAS values? Again, I don't know what I'm talking about, so forgive my ignorance. What I'm wondering is if I can set everything to what Corsair recommends while I have the cheap memory in there and then replace it with the good stuff?
    3. With this board, am I better off with double-sided or single-sided sticks? As I said, I went into the store intending to buy the Neo 754-pin board, but they were out of the Athlon 3400+ in 754 and only had the 939 pin.
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    If I don't get my CoD fix soon I'm gonna reinstall that Geforce3.
    Thanks much and sorry again for such a long post.

    Thanks everyone for the recent replies, but I started this thread almost a month ago (March 3rd), and much has changed since then.
    New PSU (see sig).
    Replaced the PNY Geforce6600GT with a eVGA 6800
    Added another stick of the Corsair Value Select 512 RAM. I didn't even bother trying to get the "primo" CMX stick to work. I just returned it.
    Went from Windows 98SE to XP Home.
    The PSU did nothing for me at all, but I suppose it's better to have some headroom in the amperage.
    The biggest performance booster was the additional 512MB of RAM. It wouldn't have done me any good in 98SE, but I was shocked at how much it helps XP. Quitting a game is almost instant now, where before it would take a good two minutes or so for XP to recover itself.
    As for games running slow, the 6800 fixed it right up. CoD absolutely screams now, as does everything else I've thrown at it (HL2, Doom 3, Far Cry). I think the 6600GT was just bad or there is a serious driver problem with the 6600GT's. Went from 3DMark03 score of around 5000 (when it didn't crash) to above 9000 now. And this was all before adding the additional RAM.
    Oh yeah, I bought a 74GB Raptor. No RAID for now though. So far I'm not real impressed with the performance. I'm running off of the VIA controller, since my board doesn't have the Promise controller. I don't see much improvement in loading times as compared to the 40GB 7200rpm Maxtor I have running on IDE1. The only time it beats the pants off the Maxtor is defragging. But there's only so much entertainment value in that.  The Sandra "file system benchmark" gave me 57 MB/s, which seems pathetic, but I've read some posts here where others are getting an identical rate.
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    I do have one more question for now:
    When I installed the second 512MB stick, I originally had both sticks in slot 1 and 2. I ran Sandra's memory bandwidth benchmark and got a much lower score than with the single stick (around 3500 MB/s). WHen I had the sticks in 1 and 3, it jumped up to close to 6000 MB/s. Why is that? Just curious.

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    I'd recommend first start by using only the correct capture settings, either PAL (50i) or ATSC (60i). Use whichever is correct for your footage.
    Secondly, seeing those jaggies is probably normal when viewing in the program monitor. The real test will be after exporting to a Blu-ray disk and watching on your HDTV. How does it look there?

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    Hello! I own a mid-2010 MacBook (a.k.a MacBook 7,1) running OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion, which I use for school, and I had the exact same issues with my MacBook, before I upgraded it. I had almost filled up my MacBook's HDD and my computer's RAM was insufficient to perform any of my day-to-day tasks with ease. I upgraded the RAM from two sticks of 1GB (the factory-installed configuration) to one stick of 4GB, and I installed a 1TB HDD in place of the original 250GB HDD (my requirements were slightly different from what yours seem to be). Currently, my MacBook is a lot less laggy than it used to be (even with a HDD that's four times larger in terms of capacity installed), but it still takes a long time to start up and perform certain tasks. Therefore, from my experience, I would recommend that you do the following:
    1. Get two sticks of 2GB (2x2GB) of RAM, not one stick of 4GB (1x4GB). Even though the latter will probably be considerably cheaper than the former, I think it's worth the few extra dollars to get the former because it's much faster than the latter. You shouldn't go for anything more than 4GB of RAM in total, because it'll overload your MacBook. Trust me, that's not something you want to have to deal with!
    2. Get a 500GB or 512GB SSD, not a larger HDD. In hindsight, I don't think I even needed anything close to 1TB. I only purchased my huge HDD because it was on offer, and it was being sold (believe it or not) for less than a 500GB HDD. But if you're looking for speed, an HDD is not the way to go; they're much, much slower than SSDs, even though they're much cheaper.
    You should see an exponential increase in the speed of your MacBook. You might want to try the following websites; they offer high-quality, affordable components and I've known people (including myself) who have used their products before.
    1. Other World Computing -
    2. Crucial (of course) -
    3. Strontium -
    4. RamJet, Inc. -
    5. MacUpgrades -
    6. Corsair (these guys can get a little pricey at times) -
    7. Kingston -
    8. Sandisk -
    Good luck speeding your MacBook up, and I hope this helped!

  • Noob needs help: DrWeb-DAEMON - A message has not been checked due to licen

    I keep getting these emails (see below). Can someone please tell me what part of the email system is generating these emails? Are they normal? They seem to be blocking mostly spam (which is good) but, there is some email that is being blocked that I would like to come through. How would I unblock certain email? If you need any logs or such posted, please let me know.
    Thanks in advance for and help and sorry for being such a noob.
    From: DrWeb-Daemon
    Subject: A message has not been checked due to license limitations
    Dear Postmaster,
    the message with following attributes has not been checked
    due to the licenses limitation.
    Sender = [email protected] (may be forged)
    Recipients = [email protected]
    Subject = Secret BEAD Sale! Ring in the New Year with Savings on...
    Message-ID = <[email protected]ail.firemount>
    --- Dr.Web report ---
    Dr.Web detailed report: [30230] drweb.tmp.RYe7DB - message's envelope (addresses) aren't present in license (protected e-mail`s), skipped!
    --- Dr.Web report ---

    DrWeb is an anti-virus software product.
    It is not part of the standard Mac OS X system, and it doesn't appear to even have a Mac OS X version, therefore it isn't anything your server is doing.
    The liklihood, then, is that your upstream mail server (maybe your ISP?) is using DrWeb to filter email. You'd need to talk to them about configuration options.

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    I don't even know where os10 stores fonts or the right questions to ask. Pls point me in the right direction!

    Fontbook is ok for dealing with a handful of fonts on an occasional basis, but for pro design work you should run, don't walk, to:
    FontExplorerX beats the pants of any other font management tool I've used on the mac after many years of ATM, Suitcase & Font Agent Pro. FEX looks and feels like an "iTunes for Fonts" - it's fast, stable, clean and simple to use and best of all for a small biz (like me) - it's FREE! :O

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    I jumped right into Dream Weaver, following an online tutorial... and have a decent webpage but I must have skipped some steps or missed something and I would hate to backtrack and do it all over again...
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    Any help?
    Thanks, in Advance

    Creating  your first web site in DW CS5 -
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Noob needs help with Logic and Motu live setup.

    Hello everyone,
    I'm a noob / semi noob who could use some help with a live setup using 2 MOTU 896HD's and Logic on a Mac.
    Here's the scenario:
    I teach an outdoor marching percussion section (a drumline and a front ensemble of marimbas and vibes). We have an amazing setup of live sound to amplify and enhance the mallet percussion. There is a yamaha PA system with 2 subs and 2 mains which are routed through a rack unit that processes the overall PA balance. I'm pretty sure that the unit is supposed to avoid feedback and do an overall cross-over EQ of the sound. Other then that unit, we have 2 motu896hd units which are routed via fire-wire. I also have a coax cable routing the output of the secondary box to the input of the primary box (digital i/o which converts to ADAT in (i think?)..?
    Here's the confusion:
    There are more then 8 inputs being used from the ensemble itself, so I need the 16 available inputs to be available in Logic. I was lead to believe that the 2nd motu unit would have to be sent digitally to the 1st motu unit via coax digital i/o. Once in Logic, however, I cannot find the signal or any input at all past the 8th input (of the 1st unit).
    Here's the goal:
    All of my performers and inputs routed via firewire into a Mac Mini running OSX and Logic pro.
    I want to be able to use MainStage and run different patches of effects / virt. instruments for a midi controller keyboard / etc.
    I want to be able to EQ and balance the ensemble via Logic.
    Here's another question:
    How much latency will I be dealing with? Would a mac mini with 4gb of ram be able to handle this load? With percussion, I obviously want the sound as latency free as possible. I also, however, want the flexibility of sound enhancement / modification that comes with Logic and the motu896hd units.
    Any help would be REALLY appreciated. I need the routing assistance along with some direction as to whether or not this will work for this type of application. I'm pretty certain it does, as I have spoken with some other teachers in similar venues and they have been doing similar things using mac mini's / logic / mainstage / etc.
    Thanks in advance,

    You'll definitely want to read the manual to make sure the 896HDs are connected together properly. ADAT is a little tricky, it's not just a matter of cabling them together. Go to if you need more guidance on connecting multiple devices. Beyond that initial hookup, here are a couple of quick suggestions:
    1. Open CueMix and see if both devices are reported there. If not, your connections aren't correct. Be sure to select 44.1kHz as your sample rate, otherwise you are reducing the number of additional channels. For instance at 88.2kHz you would get half the additional channels via ADAT.
    2. You may need to create an aggregate device for the MacBook to recognize more than the first 896HD. Lots of help on this forum for how to do that. Again, first make sure you have the 896HDs connected together properly.
    3. As for latency with Mainstage on the Mini, no way to know until you try it. Generally MOTU is fantastic for low latency work but Mainstage is a question mark for a lot of users right now. If the Mini can't cut the mustard, you have a great excuse to upgrade to a MacBook Pro.

  • Java noob needing help - First applet won't compile

    I'm trying to make a simple audio player applet for a web page. The basic way it works is: There are four buttons Play 1, Play 2, Play 3 and Stop, as well as a label for applet credits, a label for music credits and a label for the applet's current status.
    This is the applet so far:
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class wifflesaudio extends Applet implements MouseListener {
    add(new Label("(applet credits"));
    add(new Label("(music credits"));
    Label labelDoing = new Label("Stopped");
    Button buttonOne = new Button("Play 1");
    Button buttonTwo = new Button("Play 2");
    Button buttonThree = new Button("Play 3");
    Button buttonStop = new Button("Stop");
    String clipName[] = {getParameter("clipOne"),
    AudioClip clipOne;
    AudioClip clipTwo;
    AudioClip clipThree;
    int whichIsPlaying = 0;
    public void loadClip(int clipNumber) {
    switch (clipNumber) {
    case 1:
    if (AudioClip.clipOne == null) {
    try {
    labelDoing = "Loading clip 1...";
    clipOne = Applet.newAudioClip(newURL(getCodeBase(), clipName[1]));
    catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    labelDoing = "WARNING: clip 1 didn't load";
    if (clipOne != null) {
    whichIsPlaying = 1;
    case 2:
    if (clipTwo == null) {
    try {
    labelDoing = "Loading clip 2...";
    clipTwo = Applet.newAudioClip(newURL(getCodeBase(), clipName[2]));
    catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    labelDoing = "WARNING: clip 2 didn't load";
    if (clipTwo != null) {
    whichIsPlaying = 2;
    case 3:
    if (clipThree == null) {
    try {
    labelDoing = "Loading clip 3...";
    clipThree = Applet.newAudioClip(newURL(getCodeBase(), clipName[3]));
    catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    labelDoing = "WARNING: clip 3 didn't load";
    if (clipTwo != null) {
    whichIsPlaying = 3;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
    Button source = (Button)evt.getSource();
    if (source.getLabel().equals("Play 1")) {
    if (source.getLabel().equals("Play 2")) {
    if (source.getLabel().equals("Play 3")) {
    if (source.getLabel().equals("Stop")) {
    Naturally, it doesn't work. When I try to compile it with javac I get 21 errors thrown back at me. Being the noob that I am I have absolutely no idea why it isn't working, so I'm turning to all you clever people for some advice. :)

    Think anyone's going to copy your code into their own machine and compile it to see those messages for you? Well I did. Since there are a zillion error messages, I think it's fair to help a little bit:
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    // no need to implement MouseListener
    // see below
    public class wifflesaudio extends Applet {
        Label labelDoing = new Label("Stopped");
        Button buttonOne = new Button("Play 1");
        Button buttonTwo = new Button("Play 2");
        Button buttonThree = new Button("Play 3");
        Button buttonStop = new Button("Stop");
        String[] clipName;
        AudioClip clipOne;
        AudioClip clipTwo;
        AudioClip clipThree;
        int whichIsPlaying = 0;
        // statements in JAVA must be located with methods or constructors
        // here is the default constructor (with no param)
        wifflesaudio() {
            add(new Label("(applet credits"));
            add(new Label("(music credits"));
            clipName = new String[3];
            clipName[0] = getParameter("clipOne");
            clipName[1] = getParameter("clipTwo");
            clipName[2] = getParameter("clipThree");
            addMouseListener(new wifflesaudioMouseListener()); // instead of addMouseListener(this)
        public void loadClip(int clipNumber) {
            switch (clipNumber) {
            case 1:
                if (clipOne == null) {
                    try {
                        // To set the text of a label, you must use setText() method.
                        labelDoing.setText("Loading clip 1...");
                        clipOne = newAudioClip(new URL(getCodeBase(), clipName[1])); // 'new URL' instead of 'newURL'
                    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                        // To set the text of a label, you must use setText() method.
                        labelDoing.setText("WARNING: clip 1 didn't load");
                if (clipOne != null) {
                    whichIsPlaying = 1;
            case 2:
                if (clipTwo == null) {
                    try {
                        // To set the text of a label, you must use setText() method.
                        labelDoing.setText("Loading clip 2...");
                        clipTwo = newAudioClip(new URL(getCodeBase(), clipName[2])); // 'new URL' instead of 'newURL'
                    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                        // To set the text of a label, you must use setText() method.
                        labelDoing.setText("WARNING: clip 2 didn't load");
                if (clipTwo != null) {
                    whichIsPlaying = 2;
            case 3:
                if (clipThree == null) {
                    try {
                        // To set the text of a label, you must use setText() method.
                        labelDoing.setText("Loading clip 3...");
                        clipThree = newAudioClip(new URL(getCodeBase(), clipName[3])); // 'new URL' instead of 'newURL'
                    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                        // To set the text of a label, you must use setText() method.
                        labelDoing.setText("WARNING: clip 3 didn't load");
                if (clipTwo != null) {
                    whichIsPlaying = 3;
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
            Button source = (Button)evt.getSource();
            if (source.getLabel().equals("Play 1")) {
            if (source.getLabel().equals("Play 2")) {
            if (source.getLabel().equals("Play 3")) {
            if (source.getLabel().equals("Stop")) {
        // Extending MouseAdapter instead of implementing MouseListener
        // allows NOT to code ALL the methods from MouseListener
        // MouseAdapter already implements MouseListener with empty methods
        // You then just code the method(s) that is (are) needed.
        class wifflesaudioMouseListener extends MouseAdapter {
    }Please next time paste your code between code tags exactly like this:
    your code
    Thank you

  • Remote desktop noob need help

    I just got Remote desktop 3.2 so i can use my mac to control my other 3 pc's at home, but I am totally new to this, and I was wondering if anyone can help explain what i need to do so i can use my mac to control my vista and xp computers. I got them to showup on the list in ARD but every time I try to connect, i get a connection failed error.

    If you want to control a Windows system from ARD, you need to install a VNC client on the Windows systems. I'd suggest instead that you give Microsoft's own Remote Desktop Connection Client for Mac a try.
    I should mention that if all you have besides your Mac are Windows systems, ARD is vast overkill, since all it can do is control the Windows system, something can you can do with freeware such as MSft's RDC or with VNC.

  • FCP 7 noob needs help - Unrendered in Canvas

    I am totally new to FCP and my knowledge of video editing goes as far as iMovie.
    I have imported some .mov files into FCP.
    I drag into Viewer, mark it and then Drag it into the "insert" in the canvas.
    When i play back on timeline, the Canvas shows a blue screen with Unrendered" on it.
    I have no idea what t do...have searched forums and found a couple of the same but
    didnt quite get what was being discussed so any help from you experts would be great!

    I have imported some .mov files into FCP.
    What format? And don't say ".mov" because that is only a container that can hold all sorts of CODECS. Select the file and hit CMD-I and see what the codec is.
    Now, that being said, FCP is a PROFESSIONAL editor, meant to work with professional level formats, and some consumer ones. For a full list of what formats are supported, look in the EASY SETUP list. Stuff you download from the web WILL NOT work. H.264, MPEG-4, MPEG-2, AVI...nada. Gotta convert.
    That being said...
    Shane's Stock Answer #28: When I put a clip in the timeline, I have to render it before it will play. Why?
    Your clip settings MUST match your timeline settings. If you have DV/NTSC material, you need a DV/NTSC timeline. The frame rate, audio rate and dimensions (4:3, 16:9) all need to match exactly. In Final Cut Pro 6, this is easy, because when you drop a clip into the timeline, it asks if you want to set up the timeline to match the settings of the first clip you drag into it. Click YES and you are ready to go.
    However, in FCP 5.1 and earlier, it is a bit trickier.
    The most important thing you need to do is properly set up your project from the start, and the best way to do this is to choose a setting from the Easy Setups, located under the Final Cut Pro menu.
    Once you do this, you’ll need to create a new sequence. This is because the sequence that is already in your new project is setup for the typical default setting of DV/NTSC, or for the settings of your last project, which might not match what you are currently working with. So delete SEQUENCE 1 and create a new sequence.
    This new sequence will contain the settings you chose in the Easy Setup menu, and should match the format you captured.

  • 100% Noob - Need Help for basic setup of Cisco 2504 and 1600 AP

    I am completely noob in (cisco) networking.
    I have to setup a basic but secure wireless network.
    I have a cisco 2504 and 2 APs 1600 + a random switch
    I have 4 ports on the controller.
    I want to keep the 1st port on the network for the controller management, plug my internet box on the 3rd port, and my switch on the 4th port. Then the AP will be on the switch.
    I am able to make something working when everythings are plugged on the switch, plugged in the first port (default management port).But this is not what I want.
    First thing, Is that possible ?
    1st port : office network
    2nd port : empty
    3rd port : Internet Box
    4th port : Switch + all APs
    Then, if that is possible, how should i configure the controller to make that work ? I am completely lost in the menus.
    I dont need a perfect configuration, just something simple and working.
    1 SSID, 10 DHCP addresses, block wireless users trying  to go on the office network.
    If anyone could help my doing that, It would be very nice.
    Thank you.

    You basically need two SSIDs one for corporate users and second for guests .check the link with  step by step config and brief details .

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