Totally dead iPod Mini

Hi all;
I just wanted to transfer some newly purchased music to my iPod Mini only to discover my PowerMac didn't recognize it at all on Firewire.
Since I also have a USB cable for my iPod, I tried that also. Nothing.
I also attempted to connect it to my IBM laptop. Also nothing. I was thinking it would complain about the format but nothing.
I then went to the tutorials and tried to do a reset. Nothing.
I then tried to do a restore but since the iPod isn't being recognized by the computer, once more nothing.
What do I do now?

Hi all;
Well I that was embarrassing.
I took my nonfunctional iPod to the Apple store. The guy at the genus bar fiddled with it for a moment and it was working again. He moved down to the end of the bar where we could get closer together and he asked me to reset it. I did and it didn't work. He replied there is no need to bend the iPod.
He then when on to explain that I was applying way to much force plus I hit the menu button and then the select button. he said that was also wrong. He gave me the iPod back and said very gently press on the selection button until I felt a click. Once I felt the click then he told me to very gentle press the menu button. he said that I should wait six second. Low and behold it reset.
He went on to say that something had happened to my iPod which required a reset. Because of the amount of force I was applying and the wrong order, nothing was happening.
He then when on to tell me to recharge the battery as soon as possible because in the state it was in the charge on the battery is usually drained.
He said I was lucky that the amount of force I was applying didn't damage the iPod.
Oh well this isn't the first time I have been told that I use too much force.

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    Have you connected it to your computer? If not, connect it, then try resetting the mini. Hold down the Menu and Select (Center) buttons for 6 seconds, or until you get an Apple logo on the screen. See if that works. If not, post back.
    Even if the battery is dead, the iPod should be recognized on your computer. Sometimes plugging it into an external power source doesn't do the trick.

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    wait...i have another question
    okay so now im reformatting it
    iTunes prompts me to plug it into a external power, and i did that
    but when i plug it back into the computer,
    it repeats the whole cycle again...
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    Try running down your battery, then re-charging it again; leave it on the stand for about 24 hours.
    I restoring your iPod would probably be the thing to do now...
    Restoring your iPod to Factory Settings
    You won't be able to restore your iPod now, though, because your iPod won't be recognized by the iPod Updater. Try these steps:
    Eject your iPod from computer (for now).
    Close Updater and iTunes programs.
    Restart the computer.
    Put your iPod into disk mode.
    Connect your iPod to your computer again.
    See if your Updater works for your iPod.
    If a post is helpful or solves your issue, please mark it that way, this makes it clearer to other users what solved your issue, and encourages others to help each other on here. Thank You!

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    Hi Kellie,
    Have you tried resetting it WHILE it's connected to your power adaptor?

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    Message was edited by: S Conway
    Message was edited by: S Conway

    try to boot ipod in DFU (no Firmware loaded) Mode:
    Hold HOME + LOCK to boot... when then the apple will come up (release LOCK key but hold HOME), then the request to connect to iTunes (release HOME), then connect to iTunes. maybe this helps...
    else, ask at the local apple guys :-D

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    Yes, you are right to return it. Sounds like a bad battery.

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    You may need to format the iPod for use with Windows.
    Try this instead of using the supplied installation CD.
    Download the iPod Updater, install this to your computer, restart the computer, run the Updater, then connect your iPod when prompted (not before), then follow the set up procedure.
    If this is what you are having problems with, then post back with what happens and any error messages you see.

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    We have tried toggling the "hold" button. Nothing seems to work. I would appreciate any ideas.

    I got tied up and forgot to respond to the earlier post. The iPod Mini is back in working order. While I had tried a reset procedure before and got no where, I tried it again. Finally on the third attempt the "apple" logo appeared and all was well. Since I had not gotten any response from the Mini the first time I tried a reset, I assumed that the resetting procedure would not work. So a good lesson to this is to attempt re-setting several times if it does not work the first time.
    Thanks to all that took the time to contribute.
    iMac Mac OS X (10.4.4)

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    So my Ipod will no longer turn on. i leave it on my Ihome and nothing happens. whenever i try to turn it on i get the Apple logo and then it dies and says i should charge it, so i do and it does it again. What does this mean? is my battery totally dead? please i really need help

    Did you try to charge it using the adapter or your computer?
    If you can, let it charge for about 15min, then connect in recovery mode, described in this article:
    iOS: Unable to update or restore
    If still not luck, your battery might have to be replaced:
    Apple - Support - Service Answer Center

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    have since replaced the cable but now itune will not launch automatically as it did before and windows xp does not recognize it. 
    Try disabling a/v software and turn off the Firewall on your PC.
    Disable antivirus software
    Then connect the iPod to your computer. Launch iTunes. If your computer still won't recognize the iPod check out this article.
    Once your iPod is functioning again, with it connected to your computer, launch iTunes. Select the iPod under Devices in the source list on the left.
    Select the box next to:   Open iTunes when this iPhone is connected
    That way iTunes should open automatically when you connect your iPod to your computer.
    And iTunes / Preferences - Devices. You can have your iPod sync automatically whenever it's connected from the Devices pane.

  • Ipod Mini seems dead, with occasional twitches suggesting life

    I have an iPod mini 4GB (Second Generation). It has performed without a hitch up until a couple weeks ago. It's usually left plugged in to its AC adaptor, but had been unpowered -- AND unplayed -- for a week. When I went to use it, I couldn't get anything to show up on the screen. I hooked it up to my PBG4, where it opened in iTunes looking absolutely normal, but no joy on the iPod screen itself. I could transfer songs back and forth between the iPod and iTunes on the PBG4. I tried charging on the AC power adapter. I did the "5Rs" (repeatedly). I dumped all the songs off the iPod and did a reset after doing the hold-button shuffle. Every once in a while, when I did the two-finger reset with the Menu and center buttons, I'd be rewarded with a briefly backlit (?) iPod screen, and once, a quickly-appearing-then-fading Apple logo. Other than those ghostly visitations, no joy whatsoever: the iPod still happily shows up in iTunes, but won't operate on it's own a-tall.
    SIDEBAR: Can I make a suggestion, please? When the iPod is ACTIVELY showing in iTunes, how about an iTunes-based iPod battery monitor? Because I have no working screen on my iPod, I don't know if it's charged or dead.
    I've exhausted every tip I could find on the web, except the one about putting the iPod on a cinder block, and dropping ANOTHER cinder block on it from a height of 6 feet or so.
    Can someone help me out here?
    Bart Brown

    Well, at least the response in this discussion forum is fully equal to Apple's customer care AND quality control...
    On the apparently infinitesimal chance that someone actually reads this post, I'll report the latest manifestation of the semi-deceased 2nd gen iPod Mini (meaning mini-lifespan, I guess): after leaving the little metal corpse unplugged from either adapter or USB port for a few days, I plugged the adapter back in last night. Immediately upon plugging in, a faint, evanescent apple logo mockingly showed itself for a second or two, then faded away like the Cheshire cat's grin, and I swear I could hear Steve Jobs' ghostly voice whispering "Just buy another one, sucker!" I heard that same voice saying the same thing when my PBG4 SuperDrive died untimely, and when my wife's SuperDrive, and then her HD, did the same -- all within the space of two months. You gotta hand it to apple: they've got planned obsolescence down to an exact science. Oh, and "service"? You gotta PAY for that, too, sucker. Don't come looking in a FREE forum for help.
    Thanks for your kind help, and have a great iLife.


    hey all unitll yesterday i was on my old pc with win 98.. i got soem drivers so taht i cud chartge my ipod on a win 98 machine,.,, it worked or quite a while 5-6 montns.. yestedy i go tmy upgrde.. itall itunes.. added a few more albums etc... and it was charge to is fu exzttednt.. i unplugged it safely ..
    notmy ipod wont turn on...
    its liek totally dead..
    no reset wont reset.. even when i connect to the usb nothing happens.
    no hold not start button.. pleas help.. better reply to this thread atleats dont ignoire thios
    it aint even playin anything so its not just a screen problem....
    PLEASE help.. i got my upgrade mainly yo use my ipod...

    First, make sure you have the backup of all your music files before you reset your iPod to factory setting..
    Try  to download and install the latest version of iPod software and iTunes
    Open the iPod updater and click restore

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