Tracing the source of the FI configuration

I use special purpose ledger, in GCX2, we have a customized program Z001 for component GBLR,
but inside Z001, we have so many exits U901, U902.....
I want to know the t-code to  configure the pre-requisits for this U901.....? thanks
I try OBBH, but it calls exit U991, U992.....

No, this is purely functional, I just forget the T-code, like OBBH, we can define pre-requisites for exit.
previously I have done that, but i forget the t-code. can anyone help, thanks

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    Thanx in Advanced!
    Kind Regards,
    Gerardo J

    Since there are no drivers, you can create your own, request one, use the Instrument I/O Assistant, or hope someone has one and posts it here. For help on creating one or requesting one, see the main Instrument Driver Network page. As long as you are familiar with the instrument and have the manual, creating a driver is not that hard.

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    UME user data is stored in one or more data sources. Each type of data source has its own persistence adapter. The persistence manager consults the persistence adapters when creating, reading, writing, and searching user management data. Persistence adapters for the following types of repositories are available: 1. Database: See the Product Availability Matrix on SAP Service Marketplace ( for details on which databases are supported. 2. u2022 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory: See the Product Availability Matrix on SAP Service Marketplace ( for details on which directories are supported. 3. SAP Systems based on Web Application Server 6.20 You can configure UME to use one or more of these persistence devices in parallel. Users can also be stored in several different physical LDAP directory servers, or in different branches of the same LDAP directory server.

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    A wag at this.  A port issue?
    "Apple Push Notification network setup
    When MDM servers and iOS devices are behind a firewall, some network configuration may need to take place in order for the MDM service to function properly. To send notifications from an MDM server to Apple Push Notification service, TCP port 2195 needs to be open. To reach the feedback service, TCP port 2196 will need to be open as well. For devices connecting to the push service over Wi-Fi, TCP port 5223 should
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    google: ports ios configure ipad
    Try it on your home network where there isn't a lot of 'controls' -- network filtering , firewalls, etc.

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    Hi All,
    Can we get a output in different languages for the same configuration done in NACE. or it is language specific.
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    Thanks in Advance.

    A Smartform can be maintained in many languages other than the language that it is created. Translations for the texts have to be maintained for this purpose.
    To maintain the translations:
    Go to transaction SE63 in R/3.
    Go to menu Translation->R/3 Enterprise->Other Long Texts
    Select the object type in the pop up. Smartform(SSF) object type is found under Forms and Styles(FS).
    Enter the name of the Smart form and choose the source and target language. This would open a screen with the Smartform code in Source language on the top and an editor with the same code in the bottom.
    Find the text for which you need to maintain the translation and insert the translation in that place. As usual after required texts are maintained Save and Activate.
    To see the translated Smartform create an output type and assign the smartform and the driver program to this output type. In the transaction that sends output to this smartform, select the output type and select the language in which the smartform has to be displayed (translations have to be maintained in this lanuage).This will give the smartform in the required language.

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    Thanks a lot for any guidance on how this could be resolved.

    Hi Surgey,
    Well that is very strange! Is Crystal Reports for Enterprise installed on the server machine or on the local workstation?
    If we are using Crystal Reports for Enterprise which is installed on a sperate workstation, try installing it on the server machine and then try to connect to universe.
    - Kuldeep G

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    I created  and published successfulyl a Crystal Report on a Business Objects D-System! In the database configuration of the these crystal report in the CMC, we use the option "Prompt the user for database logon".
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    Best regards,

    Hi Ingo,
    I solve it by myself.
    The problem was the use of an function module. If I save the Crystal Report for the P-System, it runs and the IP-adress will be translate.
    Best regards,

  • Please ensure that the applicationhost.config file is correct and recommit the last configuration changes made

    I am receiving event ID 5189 on Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5.  I experience this error across a number of servers, each of which is running only the default web site, but have 600+ applications running on the default web site.  Each application
    has its own application pool.  My point is, the applicationhost.config is rather large.
    I have seen a number of posts on this error message, but my issue itself seems to differ somewhat.  I am aware of a similar post:
    which points to KB
    However, in my case, it doesn't seem that the extreme measures for this resolution are required.  The error usually indicates a corrupted applicationhost.config that must be manually fixed, or otherwise the WAS service needs to be restarted, or the
    server itself, etc.
    In my case, the issue can usually be fixed by an application pool recycle, or at worst a stop/start.  I have an application which is sensitive to recycles, and so we do not have periodic recycle events configured for this application, which is the bulk
    of the applications on the servers.  It seems to me that this issue is usually caused by the application being in use when there is an applicationhost.config change.
    For instance, we have one application that we deploy using msdeploy.  We found that when we ran an installation for this application via msdeploy, we were receiving this event, and we would subsequently get 500 errors in the application (sometimes the
    application pool corresponds to that which is identified in the event log, sometimes it doesn't).    It seems like applications that were being hit at the time the applicationhost.config was modified by msdeploy were affected.  In an attempt
    to correct this, we moved from msdeploy to a batch file containing appcmd commands.  This also did not resolve the issue.
    I have another application which is installed using PowerShell commandlets.  We started to notice that this script also caused the issue to occur on occasion.  As I continued to identify different processes that resulted in the same issue, I came
    to the conclusion that this is likely due to any change in the applicationhost.config.  I assume the issue is that the applicationhost.config is modified during a read operation to the file by the application pool, or WAS service, and that the recycle
    event, which corrects the issue, forces a re-read of the applicationhost.config, resolving the bad-read issue.
    Has anyone else experienced this, or do you have any recommendations?  My current work-around is to not install any applications during peak hours, and performing an IISRESET after installs are completed, to ensure application stability.
    Message              : The Windows Process Activation Service failed to generate an application pool config file for application pool 'myAppPool'. The error type is '7'. To resolve this issue,
    please ensure that the applicationhost.config file is correct and recommit the last configuration changes made. The data field contains the error number.
    Id                   : 5189
    Version              : 0
    Qualifiers           : 49152
    Level                : 2
    Task                 : 0
    Opcode               : 0
    Keywords             : 36028797018963968
    RecordId             : 324108
    ProviderName         : Microsoft-Windows-WAS
    ProviderId           : 524b5d04-133c-4a62-8362-64e8edb9ce40
    LogName              : System
    ProcessId            : 0
    ThreadId             : 0
    MachineName          : MyComputer
    TimeCreated          : 3/3/2014 9:03:24 PM
    ContainerLog         : system
    MatchedQueryIds      : {}
    Bookmark             : System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventBookmark
    LevelDisplayName     : Error
    KeywordsDisplayNames : {Classic}
    Properties           : {System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventProperty, System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventProperty, System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventProperty}

    As an update to this issue, after doing some research, it appears the behavior is related to a new feature in IIS7 called Application Pool Isolation (
    This new feature prevents cross-application spillage by isolating the configuration for each application pool in IIS.  So in reality, an application pool never actually reads the applicationhost.config - that is just a master file, and each time it
    is update, it triggers a change to the individual application pool configuration files, located in C:\inetpub\temp\apppools.
    We did try setting Advanced Settings > Disable Recycling for Configuration Change to true, but after an IIS reset we were still able to reproduce the issue - worse actually, because in our test program, which continually hits the web
    service, and also continually makes apphost.config changes, when the two events collide, the 500.19 issue precipitates; but after an additional change to the apphost.config, it seems that the additional changes will actually correct the issue (seemingly forcing
    another recycle, which is also how we resolve the issue manually); after making this setting adjustment, once the 500.19 issue precipitates, additional changes to the apphost.config does not correct the problem, only a manual recycle corrects it.  This
    is the recycling.disallowRotationOnConfigChange property of the app pool.  We also set the setting for recycling.disallowOverlappingRotation to True as well, with the same result.
    We ARE able to prevent this issue by setting the C:\inetpub\temp\apppools\myapppool\myapppool.config to read-only, but for obvious reasons, this is not a desired work-around.
    It seems like what is happening is that any change to the ApplicationHost.config is resulting in each of the C:\inetpub\temp\apppools temp application pool config files being updated as well, in addition to triggering an application pool recycle.  It
    seems to me the desired behavior would be that these files are only updated if the applicationhost.config changes are specific to that application pool - but that doesn't seem to be the behavior.
    After turning on failed request tracing, I was able to narrow the error down more:
    Internal Server Error
    \\?\C:\inetpub\application\application\web.config ( 9) :Failed to decrypt attribute 'password'
    The data is invalid. (0x8007000d)
    This seems to be pretty static.  Trying to look into possible causes of this issue.

  • Can I force the iPad background image from the iphone configuration utility?

    I am using the iPhone Configuration Utility to roll out a dozen iPads.  Can I use the utility to force the background image to a certain image?
    Thanks! 6S5GcK82wXimvyzAQ&usg=AFQjCNHfh80e1bZIj4401RDXy5kH3RDSuA
    Ipcu Is ghetto for config production.

  • The Federation Configuration Assistant failed when changing Transient Data

    We are trying to set the Transient Data in store to RDBMS. The Federation Configuration Assistant failed during that. We are using OC4j. Here is the information from logs.
    === ODM Data Collection ===
    10/01/06 15:06:25: INFO - Initializing
    10/01/06 15:06:26: INFO - Processing J2EE Descriptors
    10/01/06 15:06:26: INFO - Unzipping the OIF files
    10/01/06 15:06:29: INFO - Modifying the J2EE Descriptors
    10/01/06 15:06:30: INFO - Building the OIF Application file
    10/01/06 15:06:33: INFO - OIF Application file built
    10/01/06 15:06:33: INFO - Locating the SQL scripts
    10/01/06 15:06:33: INFO - Connecting to the RDBMS
    10/01/06 15:06:34: INFO - Reading the SQL statements
    10/01/06 15:06:35: INFO - RDBMS Initialization for ShareID complete
    10/01/06 15:06:35: INFO - Processing J2EE ShareID Descriptors
    10/01/06 15:06:35: INFO - Unzipping the ShareID files
    10/01/06 15:06:36: INFO - Modifying the ShareID J2EE Descriptors
    10/01/06 15:06:36: INFO - Building the ShareID Application file
    10/01/06 15:06:37: INFO - ShareID Application file built
    10/01/06 15:06:37: INFO - Refreshing OC4J Configuration
    10/01/06 15:06:38: INFO
    - An error was encountered while refreshing the OC4J configuration: null returned: 1
    null returned: 1
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    10/01/06 15:06:38: INFO - The Federation Configuration Assistant failed
    10/01/06 15:06:38: INFO - A log of the Federation Configuration Assistant is available at /opt/oracle/oif/product/10.1.4/fed/log/federation-install.log

    Once again My advice is just to install AS first then Db.
    Ok about Your problem did U read pre-install steps?.
    On U can get pre-install scripts for linux.
    What this script exactly do, it checks everything for U before installation.
    ex. file system, libraries, patches.
    Here U get the link,,p14_docid,p14_show_header,p14_show_help,p14_black_frame,p14_font:NOT,283749.1,1,1,1,helvetica
    OR just go to http://, then search for pre-install script
    U 'll get different kinds of scripts for different OS.
    select the script which suitable for your OS.
    Run this script & check your output. if U get any error just try to repair this before U start the installation.
    Hear from U,

  • The error "configuration system failed to initialize" occurred

    When I converted and built the solution file that was developed by Visual Studio .net 2003 using Visual Studio 2005, the application program was abnormal-ended at the following step:
    m_TCPChannel = New System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp.TcpChannel(tcp_properties, Nothing, Nothing)
    The error message was "configration system failed to initialize".  The Exception.ToString said that the root <configuration> tag was not included in the configuration file. Therefore, I changed <configopt> tag to <configuration>
    tag in the app.config file of the target project, and then executed again. Next time, the application program was abnormal-ended by the unrecognized section <xs:schema>. Therefore, I changed the app.config file to the simple one (only <configuration>
    and </configuration> tags), and then executed again. The error didn't occur. I guess that it's caused by configuration settings. Please advise.
    app.config file:
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <xs:schema id="configopt" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="URLリンク" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
    <xs:element name="configopt" msdata:IsDataSet="true" msdata:Locale="en-AU">
    <xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xs:element name="Environment">
    <xs:element name="Name" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
    <xs:element name="System" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
    <xs:element name="DataLibrary" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
    <xs:element name="Default" type="xs:boolean" minOccurs="0" />
    <xs:element name="UserId" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" />
    <UserId />

    Thank you for your post.
    I am afraid that the issue is out of support range of VS General Question forum which mainly discusses the usage of Visual Studio IDE such as
    WPF & SL designer, Visual Studio Guidance Automation Toolkit, Developer Documentation and Help System
    and Visual Studio Editor.
    Since your issue occurred on the converted project from VS .net 2003 to VS2005, and VS2005 is out of
    our mainstream support , I suggest that you should consult on some development forums to check whether they will to provide some suggestions or
    submit a support ticket to below site,
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • The boot configuration data for your Pc is missing or contains errors: error code 0x000014c

    See if any body may help here... I get this blue screen:
    Your PC needs to be repaired: 
    The Boot Configuration Data for your PC is missing or contains errors.
    Error code: 0xc000014c
    You'll need to use the recovery tools on your installation media. If you don't have any installation media (like a a disc or USB device), contact your system administrator or PC manufacturer.
    Press Esc for UEFI Firmware Settings
    First I was able to get into the option 11 and run the whole factory reset, i was so happy because I tought it will be easy.. but then after I did the factory reset.. I keep getting this blue screen. if I press ESC I get into this next screen:
    F1 System Information
    F2 System Diagnostics
    F9 Boot Device Options
    F10 BIOS Setup
    F11 System Recovery
    ENTER - Continue Startup.
    this is what happen when I click any of this options:
    F1 I get into the System Information with no problems, then I click <ESC> to continue and get back to the last screen... then I press F2 and super, I am able to run Memory Test and Hard Drive Check 100% with no problems in any of those, after I am done with my teste I press exit and I am back to the F1,F2, ETC menu... now I want to try F9, F10 or F11. bummer.. in this 3 options I get back to the blue screen described at the beggining of this post. (I already connect a USB with an boot loader, which works perfectly) 
    so I can't do anything, nothing at all!! crazzines. 
    So what I did to check why I can't get into the BIOS or at least to boot from my USB... I removed the botton cover of my laptop and removed the hard drive and that's how then I was or I am able to Log into the BIOS, - I did the changes to boot first from the USB and then from the HD and this is how I was able to boot from the USB - BUT If I connect back the Hard drive, I am not able to get into the BIOS or boot from the USB - so basically I am stuck in this blue screen and I can't boot from a USB if I have the HD connected.. I can't use any option.. no BIOS, nothing.. only if again, i disconnect the HD.  
    This is an:
    HP ENVY TS Sleekbook 4
    Bios F.25 
    **** I though that by updating the BIOS I may be able to get help, nothing. What I did is, I removed the HD and then and boot from the USB and with a DOS command propmt I excecuted the Bios Update from F.21 to f.25... but again, when I installed the hard drive back, BUMMER, nothing I can't do nothing but this silly blue screen. 
    Any idea of what should I do? 
    Thanks in advance.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    If you can't access BIOS with the hard disk connected, you certainly won't be able to boot to the usb recovery flashdrive. That is indicative of a failed hard disk.
    Install a new hard disk and then boot to the recovery flashdrive.
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

  • Unable to load the pof configuration

    Hi all,
    Im trying with pof serialization but unable to load the pof configuration and im getting the following error:
    2013-06-12 14:41:49,582 [catalina-exec-1] ERROR com.distcachedemo.KnCacheDemoServlet - doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse)::
    (Wrapped) com.distcachedemo.dto.KnMasterListResponse
        at com.tangosol.util.ExternalizableHelper.toBinary(
        at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache$ConverterValueToBinary.convert(PartitionedCache.CDB:3)
        at com.tangosol.util.ConverterCollections$ConverterMap.put(
        at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.daemon.queueProcessor.service.grid.partitionedService.PartitionedCache$ViewMap.put(PartitionedCache.CDB:1)
        at com.tangosol.coherence.component.util.SafeNamedCache.put(SafeNamedCache.CDB:1)
        at com.distcachedemo.KnCorpContactInfoControllerDemo.getMasterList(
        at com.distcachedemo.KnCacheDemoServlet.doPost(
    Please let me know what is that i need to correct in the below:
    NOTE: I have also tried Proxy Scheme with serializer and it too did not work
              From the coherence logs i havent found the log of POF configuration being loaded.
    Configuration used:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <cache-config xmlns:xsi=""
       xsi:schemaLocation=" coherence-cache-config.xsd">
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <coherence xmlns:xsi=""
       xsi:schemaLocation=" coherence-operational-config.xsd">
             <cluster-name system-property="tangosol.coherence.cluster">kn_test</cluster-name>
                <socket-address id="719">
                <socket-address id="3246">
                <socket-address id="77">
             <address system-property="tangosol.coherence.localhost"></address>
             <port system-property="tangosol.coherence.localport">8088</port>
             <port-auto-adjust system-property="tangosol.coherence.localport.adjust">true</port-auto-adjust> 
          <serializer id="java">
          <serializer id="pof">
                <param-value system-property="tangosol.coherence.cacheconfig">cache-config.xml</param-value>
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <pof-config xmlns:xsi=""
    Java Code:
    package com.distcachedemo.dto;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Map;
    public class KnMasterListResponse implements PortableObject {
      private static final long serialVersionUID = -9114918011531875153L;
      private KnHierarchyListDTO hierarchyListDTO;
      private Map subsMap;
      public KnHierarchyListDTO getHierarchyListDTO() {
      return hierarchyListDTO;
      public void setHierarchyListDTO(KnHierarchyListDTO hierarchyListDTO) {
      this.hierarchyListDTO = hierarchyListDTO;
      public Map getSubsMap() {
      return subsMap;
      public void setSubsMap(Map subsMap) {
      this.subsMap = subsMap;
      public String toString() {
      StringBuilder strBuffer = new StringBuilder(100);
      if (hierarchyListDTO.getHierachyDTOs() != null) {
      strBuffer.append(" hierarchyListDTO - ").append(hierarchyListDTO.getHierachyDTOs().size());
      if (subsMap != null) {
      strBuffer.append(" subsMap - ").append(subsMap.size());
      return strBuffer.toString();
      public void readExternal(PofReader pofReader) throws IOException {
      subsMap = pofReader.readMap(0, new HashMap<>());
      hierarchyListDTO = (KnHierarchyListDTO) pofReader.readObject(1);
      public void writeExternal(PofWriter pofWriter) throws IOException {
      pofWriter.writeMap(0, subsMap);
      pofWriter.writeObject(1, hierarchyListDTO);
    Ravi Shanker

    Hi Ravi,
    it is generally recommended that all new classes support POF in this or that way. This or that means either implementing PortableObject or to provide a PofSerializer implementation to be able to optimally serialize their state. Obviously it is not always possible but you should try to achieve that.
    If it is not possible, then you can still convert them to byte[] or String by some other means. If that other means is Java serialization, then Coherence provides a different PofContext implementation (SafeConfigurablePofContext) which you can use instead of ConfigurablePofContext and which is able to fall back to Java serialization for Serializable classes (and also for types not registered in POF configuration but which implement PortableObject). However it is recommended that SafeConfigurablePofContext is not used in production, typically because Java serialization is generally inferior to POF serialization when looking at performance and serialized size, and SafeConfigurablePofContext does not force you to do the right thing, and finally because Java serialization is not platform-independent whereas POF is.
    Best regards,

  • My Cox Cable/Telephone splits to a telephone modem and a broadband modem.  The BB connects via ethernet to a Cisco Linksys E2500 wi-fi (whatever).  Can I plug my usb printer into the E2500, configure, and then print from my iPad?

    I have just purchased an iPad 2.  I have wi-fi for roku and have connected the iPad to it.  I want to print to my usb printer.  My connection is:  Cox Cable spit to telephone and broadband.  The broad band feed goes to a Cox modem and feeds the wi-fi.  The Cisco Linksys E2500, wi-fi's the Roku and iPad.  Can I USB from the wi-fi to the printer, configure (however), and then print from my iPad?
    If not, how?
    All comments will be appreciated.
    Alan G. Watkins

    the ipad cannot airprint to a non airprint printer.... i think that the only solution is to install helper software on a computer that has an attached printer and share it through the computer would have to be always left on
    try this....

  • I up graded to Lion OsX and when I configured my POP account, it says is null and with the same configuration in my Macbook I have no problem at all, what can I do?

    I upgraded my operating system to Lion osx 10.7 and after  I ibnstalles it I coul not receive or send  emails from my POP account, yes from my IMAP accounts,Itried to configure it again with the same configuration I have in my Macbook with Leopard system and it say its null, what can I do?

    That issue can be caused by corrupted cookies.
    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    * Firefox > Preferences > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    * Firefox > Preferences > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
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