Tracks in album playing in random order

When it goes onto the next track or I hit the forward button it seems to go to a random track. Not 1-2-3-4-5 etc as expected.

Do you have shuffle on? With a track playing, tap the album art (in portrait orientation) to bring up the scrubber bar. At the right side of that is a shuffle icon (crossed arrows) - if it's blue, you've got the global shuffle on; tap it to turn it off (white).

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    Does sound like Shuffle to me. Even if you are not hitting the Shuffle (words at top of playlist), if you ever did, what that really did is just turn shuffle on.
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    First, make sure you are running the latest version of iTunes on your computer. Update your Apple TV if you are using this as well.
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    Thanks Meg - that does it. Fantastic. Marvelous.
    So simple when someone has told you how to do it! I don't think I would call it intuitive though
    Thanks again.

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    Play a song.
    Tap the artwork (center of screen while playing)
    In menu that appears for Repeat, Progress, Shuffle, shuffle on (blue means on, white is off).

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    Don't use search to display then play items. Just use it to find them.
    iTunes menu View -> Show column browser.
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    From the Now Playing screen, tap the album cover to see the additional song controls. Makee sure the shuffle symbol on the right side under the scrubber bar is selected to "white".
    See this for a picture:

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    Romerica --
    Thanks for your speedy reply! I looked on the Main Menu and there was no "Play Mode" listed. However, having but recently learned about the "Configure Menu" option (under System/Player Settings for those having this same issue), I went in and discovered that the "Play Mode" was un-checked. I checked it and went back the the Main and voila! "Play Mode" was now listed and I could set it back to Normal. Problem solved! Multo, multo grazie!

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    If the shuffle symbol is lit up blue then click again to turn it grey and turn off shuffle.
    Otherwise what order are the tracks playing in? Is it consistent?

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    Appreciate any help. Thanks.

    How they play and how they are displayed in iTunes are two different things.
    If Shuffle is turned On, the songs will play shuffled. If you sort on the first column (with the numbers), the songs will be sorted and displayed in the Shuffled order. (turn Shuffle off and on and songs will be displayed in different order)
    If you sort on any other column, the playlist will still be displayed in that order but the song playing song will jump around.
    If Shuffle is turned Off, songs will play in order of the column you are sorted on.

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