Trailing dots...

I am trying to end with trailing dots in my level results.  I have a level in my query that initially tabs them over for readability.
SELECT Replicate(' ', Level) + Cast(Level As varchar(5)) As Level,
Then in the final select to display I add the '.' with a replicate. Not sure if I am using this correctly. It's basically a level 9 possibility.
SELECT Cast(Level As varchar(5)) + Replicate('.', 9 - Level) AS Level, Level, Component_Part, Description, Qty_Per_Assy, UmCode, Work_Center, Buyer_Code, Vendor_Code, Plan_Code, Helper_Status, LCC_Vendor, Detail_Qty_Assy,
Production_Station, RT_Seq, Long_Item_Nbr
FROM #TempInfoTable;
But it gets down below the 2 level and it just shows dots. Left is the level with the replicate and the right is the level by itself.
2....... 2
2....... 2
...... 3
...... 3
...... 3

Thank you
SearsKM for thank
Patrick :-)
Most people forget this part, of thanking to those who tried to help them. Therefore here +5 points for the start. Hope to see you and this approach more often
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    webmaster-liztapanes wrote:
    > How do I end with a static page? I have a design with
    two parts, 1 design with
    > several layers fades into another design and ends there.
    There are just a few
    > items that will continue to move but I want this part of
    the page to be where
    > it stays. Can someone give some advice? Thanks
    What is that you need ?
    Best Regards
    !!!!!!! Merry Christmas !!!!!!!
    Happy New Year
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Not able to connect to Database

    My SQL.NET entry is
    # Copyright (c) 1996, 2003, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved. 
    # NAME
    #   sqlnet.ora
    #   Oracle Network Client startup parameter file example
    # NOTES
    #   This file contains examples and instructions for defining all
    # - ONames Client ----------------------------------------------------
    #names.default_domain = world
    #Syntax:  domain-name
    #Default: NULL
    # Indicates the domain from which the client most often requests names. When
    # this parameter is set the default domain name (for example, US.ACME), the
    # domain name will be automatically appended to any unqualified name in an
    # ONAmes request (query, register, deregister, etc). Any name which contains
    # an unescaped dot ('.') will not have the default domain appended. Simple
    # names may be qualified with a trailing dot (for example 'rootserver.').
    #names.initial_retry_timeout = 30
    #Syntax:  1-600 seconds
    #Default: 15 (OSD)
    # Determines how long a client will wait for a response from a Names Server
    # before reiterating the request to the next server in the preferred_servers
    # list.
    #names.message_pool_start_size = 10
    #Syntax:  3-256
    #Default: 10
    # Determines the initial number of messages allocated in the client's message
    # pool. This pool provides the client with pre-allocated messages to be used
    # for requests to ONames servers. Messages which are in the pool and unused
    # may be reused. If a message is needed and no free messages are available in
    # the pool more will be allocated.
    #names.preferred_servers = (address_list =
    #  (address=(protocol=ipc)(key=n23))
    #  (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=nineva)(port=1383))
    #  (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=cicada)(port=1575))
    #Syntax:  ADDR_LIST
    #Default: Well-Known (OSD)
    # Specifies a list of ONames servers in the client's region; requests will be
    # sent to each ADDRESS in the list until a response is recieved, or the list
    # (and number of retries) is exhausted.
    # Addresses of the following form specify that messages to the ONames server
    # should use Oracle Remote Operations (RPC):
    #     (description =
    #       (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=nineva)(port=1383))
    #       (connect_data=(rpc=on))
    #names.request_retries = 2
    #Syntax:  1-5
    #Default: 1
    # Specifies the number of times the client should try each server in the list
    # of preferred_servers before allowing the operation to fail.
    #Syntax:  <adapter-name>
    # Sets the (ordered) list of naming adaptors to use in resolving a name.
    # The default is as shown for 3.0.2 of sqlnet onwards. The default was
    # (TNSNAMES, ONAMES) before that. The value can be presented without
    # parentheses if only a single entry is being specified. The parameter is
    # recognized from version 2.3.2 of sqlnet onward. Acceptable values include:
    #  TNSNAMES -- tnsnames.ora lookup
    #  ONAMES   -- Oracle Names
    #  HOSTNAME -- use the hostname (or an alias of the hostname)
    #  NIS      -- NIS (also known as "yp")
    #  CDS      -- OSF DCE's Cell Directory Service
    #  NDS      -- Novell's Netware Directory Service
    # - Client Cache (ONRSD) ---------------------------------------------
    #names.addresses = (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=ONAMES))
    #Syntax:  ADDR
    # Address on which the client cache listens (is available to clients).
    # Any valid TNS address is allowed. The default should be used if at
    # all possible; clients have this entry hardwired as the first line
    # of their server-list file (sdns.ora). If the address is set to a
    # non-default value the client's preferred_servers parameter should
    # be set to include the client-cache address first.
    #names.authority_required = False
    #Syntax:  T/F
    #Default: False
    # Determines whether system querys (for the root etc) require Authoritative
    # answers.
    #names.auto_refresh_expire = 259200
    #Syntax:  Number of seconds, 60-1209600
    #Default: 259200
    # This is the amount of time (in seconds) the server will cache the addresses
    # of servers listed in server-list file (sdns.ora). When this time expires the
    # server will issue another query to the servers in those regions to refresh
    # the data.
    #names.auto_refresh_retry = 180
    #Syntax:  Number of seconds, 60-3600
    #Default: sec.     180
    # This set how often the server will retry when the auto_refresh query fails.
    #names.cache_checkpoint_file = cache.ckp
    #Syntax:  filename
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/names/ckpcch.ora
    # Specifies the name of the operating system file to which the Names Server
    # writes its foreign data cache.
    #names.cache_checkpoint_interval = 7200
    #Syntax:  Number of seconds, 10-259200
    #Default: 0 (off)
    # Indicates the interval at which a Names Server writes a checkpoint of its
    # data cache to the checkpoint file.
    #    (FORWARDER=
    #       (NAME=
    #       (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(PORT=42100)(HOST=roothost))))
    #Syntax:  Name-Value/address_list
    #Default: NULL
    # A list (in NV form) of the addresses of other servers which should be used to
    # forward querys while in default_forwarder (slave) mode. NAME is the global
    # names for the server to which forwards whould be directed, and ADDRESS is its
    # address.
    #names.default_forwarders_only = True
    #Syntax:  T/F
    #Default: False
    # When set to true this server will use the servers listed in default_forwarders
    # to forward all operations which involve data in foreign regions. Otherwise it
    # will use the servers defined in the server-list file (sdns.ora) in addition
    # to any defined in the default_forwarders parameter.
    #names.log_directory = /oracle/network/log
    #Syntax:  directory
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log
    # Indicates the name of the directory where the log file for Names Server
    # operational events are written.
    #names.log_file = names.log
    #Syntax:  filename
    #Default: names.log
    # The name of the output file to which Names Server operational events are
    # written.
    #names.log_stats_interval = 3600
    #Syntax:  Number of seconds, 10-ub4max
    #Default: sec.     0 (off)
    #Specifies the number of seconds between statistical entries in log file.
    #names.log_unique = False
    #Syntax:  T/F
    #Default: False
    # If set to true the server will guarantee that the log file will have a unique
    # name which will not overwrite any existing files (note that log files are
    # appended to, so log information will not be lost if log_unique is not true).
    #names.max_open_connections = 10
    #Syntax:  3-64
    #Default: 10
    # Specifies the number of connections that the Names Server can have open at any
    # given time. The value is generated as the value 10 or the sum of one
    # connection for listening, five for clients, plus one for each foreign domain
    # defined in the local administrative region, whichever is greater. Any
    # operation which requires the server to open a network connection will use
    # an already open connection if it is available, or will open a connection
    # if not. Higher settings will save time and cost network resources; lower
    # settings save network resources, cost time.
    #names.max_reforwards = 2
    #Syntax:  1-15
    #Default: 2
    # The maximum number of times the server will attempt to forward a certain
    # operation.
    #names.message_pool_start_size = 24
    #Syntax:  3-256
    #Default: 10
    # Determines the initial number of messages allocated in the server's message
    # pool. This pool provides the server with pre-allocated messages to be used
    # for incoming or outgoing messages (forwards). Messages which are in the pool
    #names.trace_file = names.trc
    #Syntax:  filename
    #Default: names.trc
    # Indicates the name of the output file from a Names Server trace session.
    #names.trace_func # NA
    #Syntax:  T/F
    #Default: False
    # Internal mechanism to control tracing by function name.
    #names.trace_level = ADMIN
    #Syntax:  T/F
    #Default: False
    #Syntax:  {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    #Default: OFF (0)
    # Indicates the level at which the Names Server is to be traced.
    # Available Values:
    #     0 or OFF - No trace output
    #     4 or USER - User trace information
    #     10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    #     16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace information
    #names.trace_mask = (200,201,202,203,205,206,207)
    #namesctl.trace_unique = True
    #Syntax:  T/F
    #Default: False
    # Indicates whether each trace file has a unique name, allowing multiple trace
    # files to coexist. If the value is set to ON, a process identifier is appended
    # to the name of each trace file generated.
    #namesctl.no_initial_server = False
    #Syntax:  T/F
    #Default: False
    # If set to TRUE namesctl will suppress any error messages when namesctl is
    # unable to connect to a default names server.
    #namesctl.internal_use = True
    #Syntax:  T/F
    #Default: False
    # If set to true namesctl will enable a set of internal undocumented commands.
    # All internal commands are preceded by an underscore ('_') in order to
    # distinguish them as internal. Without going into details, the commands
    # enabled are:
    #     _max_reforwards                 _modify_ops_enabled            
    #     _next_cache_checkpoint          _next_cache_flush              
    #     _next_stat_log                  _next_stat_reset               
    #     _reload                         _request_delay                 
    #     _restart                        _shutdown                      
    #namesctl.noconfirm = True
    #Syntax:  T/F
    #Default: False
    # When set to TRUE namesctl will suppress the confirmation prompt when
    # sensitive operations (stop, restart, reload) are requested. This is
    # quite helpful when using namesctl scripts.
    #namesctl.server_password = mangler
    #Syntax:  string
    #Default: NULL
    # Automatically sets the password for the names server in order to perform
    #Default: /.:/subsys/oracle/names
    #Specifies the DCE cell (prefix) to use for name lookup.
    #names.nds.name_context = personnel.acme
    #Syntax:  NDS name
    #Default: (OSD?)
    # Specifies the default NDS name context in which to look for the name to
    # be resolved.
    #names.nis.meta_map # NA
    # Syntax:  filename
    # The acceptable difference in the number of seconds between when a
    # credential was sent and when it was received.
    # Syntax: Any valid pathname.
    # Default: /krb5/krb.conf
    # The Kerberos configuration pathname.
    # Syntax: Any valid pathname
    # Default: /krb5/krb.realms
    # The Kerberos host name to realm translation file.
    # Syntax: Any valid pathname.
    # Default: /etc/v5srvtab
    # The Kerberos secret key file.
    ## Parameters used with Radius adapter
    # Need to specify the location of the Radius server
    #sqlnet.radius_authentication = localhost
    # Need to specify the port address of the Radius server
    #sqlnet.radius_authentication_port = 1654
    # If your radius server support accounting, you can enable it
    #sqlnet.radius_accounting = off
    # Turn on/off challenge response
    #sqlnet.radius_challenge_response = off
    # Keyword to request a challenge from Radius server. 
    # If you use activcard, enter activcard
    # If you use something else, enter challenge
    #sqlnet.radius_challenge_keyword = challenge
    # Enter the name of the client interface you want to use for challenge response
    #sqlnet.radius_authentication_interface = DefaultRadiusInterface
    # Where is the secret file locate
    #sqlnet.radius_secret = $ORACLE_HOME/security/radius.key
    # ACCEPTED     The service will be active if the other side of the
    #          connection specifies "REQUESTED" or REQUIRED" and
    #          there is a compatible algorithm available on the other
    #          side; it will be inactive otherwise.
    # REJECTED     The service must not be active, and the connection
    #          will fail if the other side specifies "REQUIRED".
    # REQUESTED     The service will be active if the other side specifies
    #          "ACCEPTED", "REQUESTED", or "REQUIRED" and there is a
    #          compatible algorithm available on the other side; it
    #          will be inactive otherwise.
    # REQUIRED     The service must be active, and the connection will
    #          fail if the other side specifies "REJECTED" or if there
    #          is no compatible algorithm on the other side.
    # These parameters control which algorithms will be made available for
    # Systax: ON/OFF
    # Default: OFF
    # The ssl_server_dn_match parameter determines SSL behavior when the
    # server's distinguished name does not match the service name. When
    # set to ON, the names must match for a connection to be established.
    # Leaving the parameter on OFF allows connection to servers where
    # the names do not match. However, this may potentially allow servers
    # to fake their identity.
    # Syntax: TRUE/FALSE
    # Default: TRUE
    # The ssl_client_authentication parameter controls whether the client
    # is authenticated using SSL. This parameter should be set to FALSE if
    # using a cipher suite that contains Diffie-Hellman anonymous
    # authentication (DH_anon) or if using other non-SSL authentication
    # methods.
    #          SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5, SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA,
    #          SSL_DH_anon_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA, SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5,
    #          SSL_DH_anon_WITH_DES_CBC_SHA, SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5,
    #          SSL_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5,
    #          SSL_DH_anon_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHA)
    # Default: All cipher suites enabled
    # ssl_cipher_suites defines a list of cipher suites used to negotiate
    # an SSL connection in order of priority. The cipher suites selected for
    # a server must be compatible with those required by the client.
    # Syntax: 0/2.0/3.0
    # Default: 0 (impiles 3.0)
    # The ssl_version parameter defines the version of SSL that must
    # run on the systems with which the client communicates.
    # - SSL ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Syntax: A properly formatted NLNV list.
    # Default: Platform specific.  Unix: $HOME/oracle/oss
    # The method for retrieving and storing my identity. 
    #   =(source
    #       =(method=file)
    #        (method_data=/dve/asriniva/oss/wallet)
    # - Sqlnet(v2.x) and Net3.0 Client ------------------------------------------
    # In the following descriptions, the term "client program" could mean
    # either sqlplus, svrmgrl or any other OCI programs written by users
    #trace_level_client = ADMIN
    #Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    #Default:         OFF (0)
    #Purpose: Indicates the level at which the client program
    #         is to be traced.
    # Available Values:
    #       0 or OFF - No Trace output
    #     4 or USER - User trace information
    #      10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    #     16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
    #Supported since:  v2.0
    #trace_directory_client = /oracle/network/trace
    #Possible values: Any valid directory path with write permission
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace  ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
    #         site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from
    #         the client execution are written.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_file_client =  /oracle/network/trace/cli.trc
    #Possible values: Any valid file name
    #Default:       $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace/cli.trc ($ORACLE_HOME =
    #            /oracle at customer site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the file to which the execution trace
    #         of the client is written to.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_unique_client = ON
    #Possible values: {ON, OFF}
    #Default: OFF
    #Purpose: Used to make each client trace file have a unique name to
    #       prevent each trace file from being overwritten by successive
    #       runs of the client program
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #log_directory_client = /oracle/network/log
    #Possible values: Any valid directory pathname
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log  ($ORACLE_HOME = /oracle at customer
    #       site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which the client log file
    #       is written to.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #log_file_client = /oracle/network/log/sqlnet.log
    #Possible values: This is a default value, u cannot change this
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log/sqlnet.log  ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle in
    #         customer site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the log file from a client program
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #log_directory_server = /oracle/network/trace
    #Possible values: Any valid diretcory path with write permission
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ( $ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
    #       site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which log files from the
    #        server are written
    #Supported since:  v2.0
    #trace_directory_server = /oracle/network/trace
    #Possible values: Any valid directory path with write permission
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network_trace ( $ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
    #       site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from
    #         the server are written
    #Supported since:  v2.0
    #trace_file_server = /orace/network/trace/svr_<pid>.trc
    #Possible values: Any valid filename
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace/svr_<pid>.trc where <pid? stands for
    #         the process id of the server on UNIX systems
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the file to which the execution trace of
    #         the server program is written to.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_level_server = ADMIN
    #Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    #Default:         OFF (0)
    #Purpose: Indicates the level at which the server program
    #         is to be traced.
    # Available Values:
    #       0 or OFF - No Trace output
    #       4 or USER - User trace information
    #       10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    #       16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #use_dedicated_server = ON
    #Possible values: {OFF,ON}
    #Default:        OFF
    #Purpose: Forces the listener to spawn a dedicated server process for
    #       sessions from this client program.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #use_cman = TRUE
    #Possible values: {TRUE, FALSE}
    #Default:       FALSE
    #Supported since: v3.0
    #tnsping.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
    #Possible values: Any valid directory pathname
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
    #       site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the directory to which the execution trace from
    #       the tnsping program is to be written to.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #tnsping.trace_level = ADMIN   
    #Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    #Default:         OFF (0)
    #Purpose: Indicates the level at which the server program
    #         is to be traced.
    # Available Values:
    #       0 or OFF - No Trace output
    #       4 or USER - User trace information
    #       10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    #       16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #sqlnet.expire_time = 10
    #Possible values: 0-any valid positive integer! (in minutes)
    #Default: 0 minutes
    #Recommended value: 10 minutes
    #Purpose: Indicates the time interval to send a probe to verify the
    #       client session is alive (this is used to reclaim watseful
    #       resources on a dead client)
    #Supported since: v2.1
    #sqlnet.client_registration = <unique_id>
    #Possible values:
    #Default:     OFF
    #Purpose: Sets a unique identifier for the client machine. This
    #       identifier is then passed to the listener with any connection
    #       request and will be included in the Audit Trail. The identifier
    #       can be any alphanumeric string up to 128 characters long.
    #Supported since: v2.3.2
    #bequeath_detach = YES
    #Possible values: {YES,NO}
    #Default:         NO
    #Purpose: Turns off signal handling on UNIX systems. If signal handling
    #       were not turned off and if client programs written by users make
    #       use of signal handling they could interfere with Sqlnet/Net3.
    #Supported since: v2.3.3
    #automatic_ipc = OFF
    #Possible values: {ON,OFF}
    #Default: OFF
    #Purpose: Force a session to use or not to use IPC addresses on the
    #       client's node.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #disable_oob = ON
    #Possible values: {ON,OFF}
    #Default: OFF
    #Purpose: If the underlying transport protocol (TCP, DECnet,...) does
    #         not support Out-of-band breaks, then disable out-of-band
    #       breaks
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #sqlnet.inbound_connect_timeout = 3
    #Possible values: 0-any valid positive integer (in seconds)
    #Default: 0
    #Recommended value: 3 seconds (note: this is highly application dependent)
    #Purpose: Indicates the time interval within which database authentication
    #         for a client must be completed. If the client fails to complete
    #         authentication within the given time period, then the database
    #         server will drop the client connection. This can be used to
    #         counter Denial of Service attacks in which malicious clients may
    #         cause numerous servers to be spawn without fully establishing DB
    #         sessions.
    #         A value of 0 turns off the timeout feature. If a spurious
    #         timeout error occurs (e.g. due to a slow network/system),
    #         reconfigure this parameter to a larger value.
    #Supported since: v9.2
    and my tns file entry is
    # This file contains the syntax information for
    # the entries to be put in any tnsnames.ora file
    # The entries in this file are need based.
    # There are no defaults for entries in this file
    # that Sqlnet/Net3 use that need to be overridden
    # Typically you could have two tnsnames.ora files
    # in the system, one that is set for the entire system
    # and is called the system tnsnames.ora file, and a
    # second file that is used by each user locally so that
    # he can override the definitions dictated by the system
    # tnsnames.ora file.
    # The entries in tnsnames.ora are an alternative to using
    # the names server with the onames adapter.
    # They are a collection of aliases for the addresses that
    # the listener(s) is(are) listening for a database or
    # several databases.
    # The following is the general syntax for any entry in
    # a tnsnames.ora file. There could be several such entries
    # tailored to the user's needs.
    <alias>= [ (DESCRIPTION_LIST =  # Optional depending on whether u have
                        # one or more descriptions
                        # If there is just one description, unnecessary ]
             [ (SDU=2048) ]     # Optional, defaults to 2048
                        # Can take values between 512 and 32K
             [ (ADDRESS_LIST=    # Optional depending on whether u have
                        # one or more addresses
                        # If there is just one address, unnecessary ]
              [ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
              (PORT=<portnumber (1521 is a standard port used)>)
               [ (ADDRESS=
                (KEY=<ipckey (PNPKEY is a standard key used)>)     
               [ (ADDRESS=
                [ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
                  ... # More addresses
             [ ) ] # Optional depending on whether ADDRESS_LIST is used or not
             [ (CONNECT_DATA=
              [ (GLOBAL_NAME=<global_database_name>) ]
             [ (SOURCE_ROUTE=yes) ] 
             [ (SDU=2048) ]     # Optional, defaults to 2048
                        # Can take values between 512 and 32K
             [ (ADDRESS_LIST= ]     # Optional depending on whether u have more
                        # than one address or not
                        # If there is just one address, unnecessary
              [ (COMMUNITY=<community_name>) ]
              (PORT=<portnumber (1521 is a standard port used)>)
               [ (ADDRESS=
                (KEY=<ipckey (PNPKEY is a standard key used)>)
               ...           # More addresses
             [ ) ]           # Optional depending on whether ADDRESS_LIST 
                        # is being used
             [ (CONNECT_DATA=
              [ (GLOBAL_NAME=<global_database_name>) ]
             [ (SOURCE_ROUTE=yes) ]
           [ (CONNECT_DATA=
               [ (GLOBAL_NAME=<global_database_name>) ]
           ...   # More descriptions
         [ ) ]     # Optional depending on whether DESCRIPTION_LIST is used or not
    DATABASE-10G CLIENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

    Hi Rahul,
    this question does not seem to be related to SQL and PL/SQL forum.
    I guess you could use {forum:id=64} or {forum:id=61} forums.

  • How to create a DNS record for a domain itself (without a hostname)

    Normally, you can create a DNS record that points to the zone itself, e.g.:
    @               10800 IN A
    How do you accomplish that on a Mac OSX Lion Server? The DNS requires you to enter a hostname and it does not accept "@" as the hostname as it normally appears in the zone file.
    (manually modifying the host file does not work - I tried that ;-) )
    Any help is appreciated
    Bjoern Dirchsen

    Create either a blank record with a ., or a FQDN such as '' (note the trailing dot). Either of these should map to the domain name.

  • Reports on Middle Tier

    the folling 2 files are located in
    1) tnsnames.ora
    2) sqlnet.ora
    Though the following changes
    have been made in the below 2 file
    Changes - = (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=
    Changes - TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT=OFF names.directory_path =
    (TNSNAMES) names.default_domain = world name.default_zone = world
    Still we seem to be getting an error
    (error no 186) when we get try to start the
    reports server through servies on wnidows NT
    control panel
    when we try to start the oracleclientcache80 service,
    we are getting a windows NT error
    error no 2140
    The solution for these two errors is critical to us
    and any help will be welcomed
    thank you
    # D:\ORANT\NET80\ADMIN\TNSNAMES.ORA Configuration File:D:\orant\net80\admin\tnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle Net8 Assistant
    MAIN =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
    (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = engora))
    (ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = = NMP)(Server = FinanceServer1)(Pipe = ORAPIPE))
    (ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = = TCP)(Host = Production1)(Port = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = = SPX)(Service = Server_lsnr))
    (ADDRESS = (COMMUNITY = = TCP)(Host = = 1521))
    # copyright (c) 1996 by the Oracle Corporation
    # NAME
    # sqlnet.ora
    # Oracle Network Client startup parameter file example
    # NOTES
    # This file contains examples and instructions for defining all
    # Oracle Network Client parameters. It should be possible to read
    # this file and setup a Client by uncommenting parameter definitions
    # and substituting values. The comments should provide enough
    # explanation to enable a reasonable user to manage his TNS connections
    # without having to resort to 'real' documentation.
    # ONames Client
    # Namesctl
    # Native Naming Adpaters
    # skanjila 06/06/97 - Correct default for Automatic_IPC
    # eminer 05/15/97 - Add the relevant onrsd parameters.
    # asriniva 04/23/97 - Merge with version from doc
    # ggilchri 03/31/97 - mods
    # bvasudev 02/07/97 - Change sqlnet.authentication_services documentation
    # bvasudev 11/25/96 - Merge sqlnet.ora transport related parameters
    # asriniva 11/12/96 - Revise with new OSS parameters.
    # asriniva 11/05/96 - Add ANO parameters.
    # - ONames Client ----------------------------------------------------
    #names.default_domain = world
    #Syntax: domain-name
    #Default: NULL
    # Indicates the domain from which the client most often requests names. When
    # this parameter is set the default domain name (for example, US.ACME), the
    # domain name will be automatically appended to any unqualified name in an
    # ONAmes request (query, register, deregister, etc). Any name which contains
    # an unescaped dot ('.') will not have the default domain appended. Simple
    # names may be qualified with a trailing dot (for example 'rootserver.').
    #names.initial_retry_timeout = 30
    #Syntax: 1-600 seconds
    #Default: 15 (OSD)
    # Determines how long a client will wait for a response from a Names Server
    # before reiterating the request to the next server in the preferred_servers
    # list.
    #names.max_open_connections = 3
    #Syntax: 3-64
    #Default: ADDRS in preferred_servers
    # Determines how many connections an ONames client may have open at one time.
    # Clients will ordinarily keep connections to servers open once they are
    # established until the operation (or session in namesctl) is complete. A
    # connection will be opened whenever needed, and if the maximum would be
    # exceeded the least recently used connection will be closed.
    #names.message_pool_start_size = 10
    #Syntax: 3-256
    #Default: 10
    # Determines the initial number of messages allocated in the client's message
    # pool. This pool provides the client with pre-allocated messages to be used
    # for requests to ONames servers. Messages which are in the pool and unused
    # may be reused. If a message is needed and no free messages are available in
    # the pool more will be allocated.
    #names.preferred_servers = (address_list =
    # (address=(protocol=ipc)(key=n23))
    # (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=nineva)(port=1383))
    # (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=cicada)(port=1575))
    #Syntax: ADDR_LIST
    #Default: Well-Known (OSD)
    # Specifies a list of ONames servers in the client's region; requests will be
    # sent to each ADDRESS in the list until a response is recieved, or the list
    # (and number of retries) is exhausted.
    # Addresses of the following form specify that messages to the ONames server
    # should use Oracle Remote Operations (RPC):
    # (description =
    # (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=nineva)(port=1383))
    # (connect_data=(rpc=on))
    #names.request_retries = 2
    #Syntax: 1-5
    #Default: 1
    # Specifies the number of times the client should try each server in the list
    # of preferred_servers before allowing the operation to fail.
    #Syntax: <adapter-name>
    # Sets the (ordered) list of naming adaptors to use in resolving a name.
    # The default is as shown for 3.0.2 of sqlnet onwards. The default was
    # (TNSNAMES, ONAMES) before that. The value can be presented without
    # parentheses if only a single entry is being specified. The parameter is
    # recognized from version 2.3.2 of sqlnet onward. Acceptable values include:
    # TNSNAMES -- tnsnames.ora lookup
    # ONAMES -- Oracle Names
    # HOSTNAME -- use the hostname (or an alias of the hostname)
    # NIS -- NIS (also known as "yp")
    # CDS -- OSF DCE's Cell Directory Service
    # NDS -- Novell's Netware Directory Service
    # - Client Cache (ONRSD) ---------------------------------------------
    names.addresses = (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=ONAMES))
    Syntax: ADDR
    Address on which the client cache listens (is available to clients).
    Any valid TNS address is allowed. The default should be used if at
    all possible; clients have this entry hardwired as the first line
    of their server-list file (sdns.ora). If the address is set to a
    non-default value the client's preferred_servers parameter should
    be set to include the client-cache address first.
    names.authority_required = False
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    Determines whether system querys (for the root etc) require Authoritative
    names.auto_refresh_expire = 259200
    Syntax: Number of seconds, 60-1209600
    Default: 259200
    This is the amount of time (in seconds) the server will cache the addresses
    of servers listed in server-list file (sdns.ora). When this time expires the
    server will issue another query to the servers in those regions to refresh
    the data.
    names.auto_refresh_retry = 180
    Syntax: Number of seconds, 60-3600
    Default: sec. 180
    This set how often the server will retry when the auto_refresh query fails.
    names.cache_checkpoint_file = cache.ckp
    Syntax: filename
    Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/names/ckpcch.ora
    Specifies the name of the operating system file to which the Names Server
    writes its foreign data cache.
    names.cache_checkpoint_interval = 7200
    Syntax: Number of seconds, 10-259200
    Default: 0 (off)
    Indicates the interval at which a Names Server writes a checkpoint of its
    data cache to the checkpoint file.
    (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL =tcp)(PORT=42100)(HOST=roothost))))
    Syntax: Name-Value/address_list
    Default: NULL
    A list (in NV form) of the addresses of other servers which should be used to
    forward querys while in default_forwarder (slave) mode. NAME is the global
    names for the server to which forwards whould be directed, and ADDRESS is its
    names.default_forwarders_only = True
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    When set to true this server will use the servers listed in default_forwarders
    to forward all operations which involve data in foreign regions. Otherwise it
    will use the servers defined in the server-list file (sdns.ora) in addition
    to any defined in the default_forwarders parameter.
    names.log_directory = /oracle/network/log
    Syntax: directory
    Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log
    Indicates the name of the directory where the log file for Names Server
    operational events are written.
    names.log_file = names.log
    Syntax: filename
    Default: names.log
    The name of the output file to which Names Server operational events are
    names.log_stats_interval = 3600
    Syntax: Number of seconds, 10-ub4max
    Default: sec. 0 (off)
    Specifies the number of seconds between statistical entries in log file.
    names.log_unique = False
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    If set to true the server will guarantee that the log file will have a unique
    name which will not overwrite any existing files (note that log files are
    appended to, so log information will not be lost if log_unique is not true).
    names.max_open_connections = 10
    Syntax: 3-64
    Default: 10
    Specifies the number of connections that the Names Server can have open at any
    given time. The value is generated as the value 10 or the sum of one
    connection for listening, five for clients, plus one for each foreign domain
    defined in the local administrative region, whichever is greater. Any
    operation which requires the server to open a network connection will use
    an already open connection if it is available, or will open a connection
    if not. Higher settings will save time and cost network resources; lower
    settings save network resources, cost time.
    names.max_reforwards = 2
    Syntax: 1-15
    Default: 2
    The maximum number of times the server will attempt to forward a certain
    names.message_pool_start_size = 24
    Syntax: 3-256
    Default: 10
    Determines the initial number of messages allocated in the server's message
    pool. This pool provides the server with pre-allocated messages to be used
    for incoming or outgoing messages (forwards). Messages which are in the pool
    and unused may be reused. If a message is needed and no free messages are
    available in the pool more will be allocated.
    names.no_modify_requests = False
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    If set to true, the server will refuse any operations which modify the
    data in its region (it will still save foreign info in the cache which is
    returned from foreign querys).
    names.password = 625926683431AA55
    Syntax: encrypted string
    Default: NULL
    If set the server will require that the user provide a password in his
    namesctl session (either with sqlnet.ora:namesctl.server_password or 'set
    password') in order to do 'sensitive' operations, like stop, restart, reload.
    This parameter is generally set in encrypted form, so it can not be set
    names.reset_stats_interval = 3600
    Syntax: 10-ub4max
    Default: 0 (off)
    Specifies the number of seconds during which the statistics collected by the
    Names Servers should accumulate. At the frequency specified, they are reset
    to zero. The default value of 0 means never reset statistics.
    names.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
    Syntax: directory
    Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace
    Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from a Names Server
    trace session are written.
    names.trace_file = names.trc
    Syntax: filename
    Default: names.trc
    Indicates the name of the output file from a Names Server trace session.
    names.trace_func # NA
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    Internal mechanism to control tracing by function name.
    names.trace_level = ADMIN
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    Syntax: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    Default: OFF (0)
    Indicates the level at which the Names Server is to be traced.
    Available Values:
    0 or OFF - No trace output
    4 or USER - User trace information
    10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace information
    names.trace_mask = (200,201,202,203,205,206,207)
    Syntax: list of numbers
    Default: NULL
    Internal mechanism to control trace behavior.
    names.trace_unique = True
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    Indicates whether each trace file has a unique name, allowing multiple trace
    files to coexist. If the value is set to ON, a process identifier is appended
    to the name of each trace file generated.
    # - Namesctl ---------------------------------------------------------
    #namesctl.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
    #Syntax: directory
    #Default: $ON/trace
    # Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from a namesctl
    # trace session are written.
    #namesctl.trace_file = namesctl.trc
    #Syntax: filename
    #Default: namesctl.trc
    # Indicates the name of the output file from a namesctl trace session.
    #namesctl.trace_func # NA
    #Syntax: word list
    #Default: NULL
    # Internal mechanism to control tracing by function name.
    #namesctl.trace_level = ADMIN
    #Syntax: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    #Default: OFF (0)
    # Indicates the level at which the namesctl is to be traced.
    # Available Values:
    # 0 or OFF - No trace output
    # 4 or USER - User trace information
    # 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    # 16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace information
    #namesctl.trace_mask # NA
    #Syntax: number list
    #Default: NULL
    # Internal mechanism to control trace behavior.
    #namesctl.trace_unique = True
    #Syntax: T/F
    #Default: False
    # Indicates whether each trace file has a unique name, allowing multiple trace
    # files to coexist. If the value is set to ON, a process identifier is appended
    # to the name of each trace file generated.
    #namesctl.no_initial_server = False
    #Syntax: T/F
    #Default: False
    # If set to TRUE namesctl will suppress any error messages when namesctl is
    # unable to connect to a default names server.
    #namesctl.internal_use = True
    #Syntax: T/F
    #Default: False
    # If set to true namesctl will enable a set of internal undocumented commands.
    # All internal commands are preceded by an underscore ('_') in order to
    # distinguish them as internal. Without going into details, the commands
    # enabled are:
    # adddata createname deletename
    # fullstatus ireplacedata newttlname
    # pause remove_data renamename
    # replacedata start walk*
    # There are also a set of names server variables which may be set when
    # namesctl is in internal mode:
    # authorityrequired autorefresh*
    # cachecheckpoint_interval cachedump
    # defaultautorefresh_expire defaultautorefresh_retry
    # defaultforwarders_only forwardingdesired
    # maxreforwards modifyops_enabled
    # nextcache_checkpoint nextcache_flush
    # nextstat_log nextstat_reset
    # reload request_delay
    # restart shutdown
    #namesctl.noconfirm = True
    #Syntax: T/F
    #Default: False
    # When set to TRUE namesctl will suppress the confirmation prompt when
    # sensitive operations (stop, restart, reload) are requested. This is
    # quite helpful when using namesctl scripts.
    #namesctl.server_password = mangler
    #Syntax: string
    #Default: NULL
    # Automatically sets the password for the names server in order to perform
    # sensitive operations (stop, restart, reload). The password may also be
    # set manually during a namesctl session using 'set password'.
    #namesctl.internal_encrypt_password = False
    #Syntax: T/F
    #Default: True
    # When set to TRUE namesctl will not encrypt the password when it is sent to
    # the names server. This would enable an unencrypted password to be set in
    # names.ora:names.server_password
    # - Native Naming Adpaters -------------------------------------------
    #names.dce.prefix = /.:/subsys/oracle/names
    #Syntax: DCE cell name
    #Default: /.:/subsys/oracle/names
    #Specifies the DCE cell (prefix) to use for name lookup.
    #names.nds.name_context = personnel.acme
    #Syntax: NDS name
    #Default: (OSD?)
    # Specifies the default NDS name context in which to look for the name to
    # be resolved.
    #names.nis.meta_map # NA
    # Syntax: filename
    # Default: sqlnet.maps
    # Specifies the file to be used to map NIS attributes to an NIS mapname.
    # Currently unused.
    # - Advanced Networking Option Authentication Adapters ----------------
    # Syntax: A single value or a list from {beq, none, all, kerberos5,
    # cybersafe, securid, identitx}
    # Default: NONE
    # Enables one or more authentication services. To enable
    # authentication via the Oracle Security Server, use (beq, oss). If
    # the Advanced Networking Option has been installed with Kerberos5
    # support, using (beq, kerberos5) would enable authentication via
    # Kerberos.
    #sqlnet.authentication_services=(beq, oss)
    ## Parmeters used with Kerberos adapter.
    # Syntax: Any valid pathname.
    # Default: /tmp/krb5cc_<uid>
    # The Kerberos credential cache pathname.
    # Syntax: Any positive integer.
    # Default: 300
    # The acceptable difference in the number of seconds between when a
    # credential was sent and when it was received.
    # Syntax: Any valid pathname.
    # Default: /krb5/krb.conf
    # The Kerberos configuration pathname.
    # Syntax: Any valid pathname
    # Default: /krb5/krb.realms
    # The Kerberos host name to realm translation file.
    # Syntax: Any valid pathname.
    # Default: /etc/v5srvtab
    # The Kerberos secret key file.
    # Syntax: Any string.
    # Default: A default is not provided.
    # The Kerberos service name.
    ## Parmeters used with CyberSAFE adapter.
    # Syntax: A correctly formatted service principal string.
    # Default: A default is not provided.
    # The CyberSAFE service principal
    #sqlnet.authentication_gssapi_service=acme/[email protected]
    ## Parmeters used with Identix adapter.
    # Syntax: Must be oracle.
    # Default: A default is not provided.
    # The Identix authentication server method
    # Syntax: Any string.
    # Default: A default is not provided.
    # The Identix authentication server TNS alias
    # Syntax: Any string
    # Default: A default is not provided.
    # The Identix authentication service well known username.
    # Syntax: Any string
    # Default: A default is not provided.
    # The Identix authentication service well known password.
    # - Advanced Networking Option Network Security -------------------------
    # These four parameters are used to specify whether a service (e.g.
    # crypto-checksumming or encryption) should be active:
    # Each of the above parameters defaults to ACCEPTED.
    # Each of the above parameters can have one of four possible values:
    # value meaning
    # ACCEPTED The service will be active if the other s ide of the
    # connection specifies "REQUESTED" or REQUIRED" and
    # there is a compatible algorithm available on the other
    # side; it will be inactive otherwise.
    # REJECTED The service must not be active, and the connection
    # will fail if the other side specifies "REQUIRED".
    # REQUESTED The service will be active if the other side specifies
    # "ACCEPTED", "REQUESTED", or "REQUIRED" and there is a
    # compatible algorithm available on the other side; it
    # will be inactive otherwise.
    # REQUIRED The service must be active, and the connection will
    # fail if the other side specifies "REJECTED" or if there
    # is no compatible algorithm on the other side.
    # These parameters control which algorithms will be made available for
    # each service on each end of a connection:
    # The value of each of these parameters can be either a parenthesized
    # list of algorithm names separated by commas or a single algorithm
    # name.
    # Encryption types can be: RC4_40, RC4_56, RC4_128, DES, DES40
    # Encryption defaults to all the algorithms.
    # Crypto checksum types can be: MD5
    # Crypto checksum defaults to MD5.
    #sqlnet.crypto_seed ="4fhfguweotcadsfdsafjkdsfqp5f201p45mxskdlfdasf"
    #sqlnet.crypto_checksum_server = required
    #sqlnet.encryption_server = required
    # - Oracle Security Server ---------------------------------------------
    # Syntax: A properly formatted NLNV list.
    # Default: Platform specific. Unix: $HOME/oracle/oss
    # The method for retrieving and storing my identity.
    # =(source
    # =(method=file)
    # (method_data=/dve/asriniva/oss/wallet)
    # Syntax: A properly formatted NLNV list.
    # Default: Oracle method, oracle_security_service/oracle_security_service@oss
    # The method for retrieving encrypted private keys.
    # =(source
    # =(method=oracle)
    # (method_data=
    # (sqlnet_address=andreoss)
    # - Sqlnet(v2.x) and Net3.0 Client ------------------------------------------
    # In the following descriptions, the term "client program" could mean
    # either sqlplus, svrmgrl or any other OCI programs written by users
    #trace_level_client = ADMIN
    #Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    #Default: OFF (0)
    #Purpose: Indicates the level at which the client program
    # is to be traced.
    # Available Values:
    # 0 or OFF - No Trace output
    # 4 or USER - User trace information
    # 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    # 16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_directory_client = /oracle/network/trace
    #Possible values: Any valid directory path with write permission
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
    # site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from
    # the client execution are written.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_file_client = /oracle/network/trace/cli.trc
    #Possible values: Any valid file name
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace/cli.trc ($ORACLE_HOME =
    # /oracle at customer site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the file to which the execution trace
    # of the client is written to.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_unique_client = ON
    #Possible values: {ON, OFF}
    #Default: OFF
    #Purpose: Used to make each client trace file have a unique name to
    # prevent each trace file from being overwritten by successive
    # runs of the client program
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #log_directory_client = /oracle/network/log
    #Possible values: Any valid directory pathname
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log ($ORACLE_HOME = /oracle at customer
    # site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which the client log file
    # is written to.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #log_file_client = /oracle/network/log/sqlnet.log
    #Possible values: This is a default value, u cannot change this
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log/sqlnet.log ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle in
    # customer site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the log file from a client program
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #log_directory_server = /oracle/network/trace
    #Possible values: Any valid diretcory path with write permission
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ( $ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
    # site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which log files from the
    # server are written
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_directory_server = /oracle/network/trace
    #Possible values: Any valid directory path with write permission
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network_trace ( $ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
    # site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from
    # the server are written
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_file_server = /orace/network/trace/svr_<pid>.trc
    #Possible values: Any valid filename
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace/svr_<pid>.trc where <pid? stands for
    # the process id of the server on UNIX systems
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the file to which the execution trace of
    # the server program is written to.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_level_server = ADMIN
    #Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    #Default: OFF (0)
    #Purpose: Indicates the level at which the server program
    # is to be traced.
    # Available Values:
    # 0 or OFF - No Trace output
    # 4 or USER - User trace information
    # 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    # 16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #use_dedicated_server = ON
    #Possible values: {OFF,ON}
    #Default: OFF
    #Purpose: Forces the listener to spawn a dedicated server process for
    # sessions from this client program.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #use_cman = TRUE
    #Possible values: {TRUE, FALSE}
    #Default: FALSE
    #Supported since: v3.0
    #tnsping.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
    #Possible values: Any valid directory pathname
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
    # site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the directory to which the execution trace from
    # the tnsping program is to be written to.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #tnsping.trace_level = ADMIN
    #Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    #Default: OFF (0)
    #Purpose: Indicates the level at which the server program
    # is to be traced.
    # Available Values:
    # 0 or OFF - No Trace output
    # 4 or USER - User trace information
    # 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    # 16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #sqlnet.expire_time = 10
    #Possible values: 0-any valid positive integer! (in minutes)
    #Default: 0 minutes
    #Recommended value: 10 minutes
    #Purpose: Indicates the time interval to send a probe to verify the
    # client session is alive (this is used to reclaim watseful
    # resourc es on a dead client)
    #Supported since: v2.1
    #sqlnet.client_registration = <unique_id>
    #Possible values:
    #Default: OFF
    #Purpose: Sets a unique identifier for the client machine. This
    # identifier is then passed to the listener with any connection
    # request and will be included in the Audit Trail. The identifier
    # can be any alphanumeric string up to 128 characters long.
    #Supported since: v2.3.2
    #bequeath_detach = YES
    #Possible values: {YES,NO}
    #Default: NO
    #Purpose: Turns off signal handling on UNIX systems. If signal handling
    # were not turned off and if client programs written by users make
    # use of signal handling they could interfere with Sqlnet/Net3.
    #Supported since: v2.3.3
    #automatic_ipc = OFF
    #Possible values: {ON,OFF}
    #Default: OFF
    #Purpose: Force a session to use or not to use IPC addresses on the
    # client's node.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #disable_oob = ON
    #Possible values: {ON,OFF}
    #Default: OFF
    #Purpose: If the underlying transport protocol (TCP, DECnet,...) does
    # not support Out-of-band breaks, then disable out-of-band
    # breaks
    #Supported since: v2.0

    did you check
    1. Verified that the tnsnames.ora contains a single line entry for the Reports server.
    2. Verified that the port is used only once.
    3. Verified that the default domain in the sqlnet.ora matches the Reports server entry (.world).
    4. Deinstalled and reinstalled the Reports server service.
    5. Verified that the Reports server account has a default printer assigned and is set up as a "Use this account" account.
    the oracle reports team

  • Search error in Content server

    Hi All,
    We have Migrated documents from IPM 10 g to IPM 11g.
    Now currently we are working in Production environment.
    But whenever I search for documents in UCM I am getting Following error
    Unable to retrieve search results. Error occurred while processing. Unable to return results. Unable to create the result set for query 'SELECT Revisions.dID, dDocTitle, dDocType, dRevisionID, dSecurityGroup, dDocAuthor, dDocAccount, dRevLabel, dFormat, dOriginalName, dExtension, dWebExtension, dInDate, dOutDate, dCreateDate, dPublishType, dRendition1, dRendition2, dFileSize AS VaultFileSize, DocMeta.*, RevClasses.* FROM Revisions, DocMeta, Documents, RevClasses
    WHERE Revisions.dID=DocMeta.dID And Revisions.dID=Documents.dID And Revisions.dDocName = RevClasses.dDocName And dIsPrimary = 1 And dReleaseState IN ('Y', 'U', 'I') ORDER BY dInDate Desc'. [FMWGEN][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Execution timeout expired. java.sql.SQLTimeoutException: [FMWGEN][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Execution timeout expired..
    Please somebody help me..
    Thanks in advance

    Srinath Menon wrote:SELECT Revisions.dID, dDocTitle, dDocType, dRevisionID, dSecurityGroup, dDocAuthor, dDocAccount, dRevLabel, dFormat, dOriginalName, dExtension, dWebExtension, dInDate, dOutDate, dCreateDate, dPublishType, dRendition1, dRendition2, dFileSize AS VaultFileSize, DocMeta., RevClasses. FROM Revisions, DocMeta, Documents, RevClassesWHERE Revisions.dID=DocMeta.dID And Revisions.dID=Documents.dID And Revisions.dDocName = RevClasses.dDocName And dIsPrimary = 1 And dReleaseState IN ('Y', 'U', 'I') ORDER BY dInDate Desc
    Execute the above query on the DB directly and see if that brings up the results .>
    It looks like you may not have followed Srinath's instructions exactly. You edited your query to include a schema namespace, which defeats the purpose of running the query that the system is actually attempting to execute. Please run the exact query that was requested, since that's the query the system is actually running.
    If you run the query as posted in the original error (and included in Srinath's request), I would expect it to fail, as it appears to be malformed (see "DocMeta., RevClasses."). The trailing dots are probably the issue, and they shouldn't be there.
    If you cannot execute a search directly in the Content Server interface successfully, please post which search engine is being used. The query above is actually part of a query called a datasource. This particular datasource has been used for many years and is quite stable. I'd imagine that something else (like a customization or some other productized component) is the culprit, especially if the standard search within the Content Server itself is no longer working.

  • Setting up local DNS

    Dear all,
    with the help of this forum I was abel to set up the Domain, external-IP, DNS-A and PTR-Records at the domainname-server of my IPS.
    Now I tried to setup the mac mini server as a DNS server. Here you can see my settings:
    I set it up with the instructions read in this forum and a tutorial at
    changeip works:
    I would be very glad if someone could take a look at the setup.
    Do i have to make a A-Record for iCal and adressbook server? Also I only have one macmini-server?
    Should the DNS server ( be the first DNS entry in the Router(for the Clients to find the DNS-Server?) and the DNS-Servers of my IPS the DNS2??:
    Finally, If I install the server again I should enter here:
    as "Primary DNS Name": or is it
    Any suggestions are very much appreciated.
    Message was edited by: dietmar
    Message was edited by: dietmar
    Message was edited by: dietmar
    Message was edited by: dietmar

    MrHoffman wrote:
    I've not reviewed your screen shots.
    well, they are also quit a lot
    [Here are my DNS set-up notes|]
    I went spelunking in the iCal and Address Book stuff a while back and it didn't seem strictly necessary to have the iCal records. The iCal records are SRV records, and not A records. The AB server is probably going to use an existing A record for your server.
    But I only need a record if the iCal or AB server is running on another mac. I only enable iCal and AB in ServerAdmin on my only macminiserver, this doesn't need ANY record, or am I wrong here?
    Your DNS server(s) should be the only server registered with the router.
    With your instructions on your homepage I understand this point now.
    But other parts of the instructions are confusing for me. Mainly as you are using more "general terms" then the exact word written in ServerAdmin. e.g. you are using the terms: DNS nameserver server; nameserver; DNS-Server. And not "Primery zone name" or "Nameserver Hostname" like in ServerAdmin.
    So I will try to translate your instructions for me:
    _Add a forward primary zone for (note that trailing dot), and select the DNS nameserver server for that zone as or whatever the IP address of your host (and now your DNS server). You'll want to enable the nameserver IP zone name and the DNS server IP address or host name (via the plus sign), the administrator email address, and will probably want to leave the zone transfer option disabled and the mailserver blank._
    1. Add Primery Zone (Master):
    _Primary Zone Name:
    "Nameserver Hostname":
    2. Add Machine Record (A)
    _Machine Name
    Next you write:
    _Add an A record for IPv4 and an AAA record for IPv6 hostnames; here using the "hostname" selection._
    I only need this if I run e.g. a Mail-Server or Workgroup Server on a another mac-server? I think in my case (iCal and AB) I dont need it.
    _For testing use dig_
    as I am unfamiliarly with this command, I used the application "Network Utility"/ Lookup
    with positive results.
    _After you have it all working, aim your clients at your new Snow Leopard Server DNS server box via explicit specification for via DHCP setting. Do not reference the ISP settings directly from your clients._
    so on the clients under Systempreferences/Network/Ethernet/DNS there should be ONLY
    The last thing I'm uncertain ist this:
    _On your newly-configured DNS server, configure the NIC on the server to reference the host localhost (or the address) as the DNS server; to loop or direct the local DNS host's own DNS queries back to the local DNS server box itself. This will cause the DNS server box use itself for DNS. Use the IP loopback address here, and not the host's own IP address._
    so on the macmini server under Systempreferences/Network/Ethernet/DNS there should be ONLY or
    ... and NOT
    Your instructions are a big help for me, also it may not look like this after all this questions. I would be very happy if you can answer me this open questions to me and the community.

  • Security updates in Reader 6-7-8-9-10 series

    Using this link for reference:
    It looks like the 6-7 series are no longer being updated. The last 7 series update was an 7.1.4 incremental update on 10/13/2009. Correct?
    The 8-9-10 series were all updated on 6/14/2011 to 8.3, 9.4.5, and 10.1. I need to be clear about this... All of the advertising says to update to 10.1 in order to get the latest security updates. However my impression is that 8.3 and 9.4.5 contain the same security fixes, and are equally as secure as 10.1. Correct?
    Re trailing dot zero (.0) in version numbers:
    In different places I see the last 8 series update variously referred to as version numbers 8.3 and 8.3.0. Are those the same? I also see version numbers 10.1 and 10.1.0. Are those the same thing?

    Thanks for the reference. I read it...
    There is no mention of the 6-7-8-9 Reader series therein. It says that a "protected mode" was instituted in the 10 series, which I intuit to mean (in absence of explicit language) was not available in the prior versions series, and that this is the basis for the above "inherently more secure" description of the Reader 10 series. If I got that correct...
    It's a rather complicated tech article with a lot of exceptions, especially for the Windows XP op system which I'm running. So I'm not sure protected mode would run on my 8 year old XP computer, in any case. I can't remember the exact details from when I had Reader 10.1 installed.
    I don't like the 9-10 series GUI so uninstalled Adobe Reader and experimented with some .pdf reader substitutes such as Foxit and PDF-XChange reader for awhile. I didn't like their GUI's and/or features either, so reverted to an older Adobe Reader version in the 7 series, ignoring security considerations. Then after discovering the 8-9-10 series were all updated with security patches on 6/14/2011, I installed 8.3 which has a marginally acceptable GUI. I really like the Reader 6-7 series GUI best, so compromised a little. That's where I stand, with the Adobe Reader 8.3 version installed, and I'm not willing to go higher because I dislike the GUI changes in the 9-10 series.
    I note in passing that my free avast antivirus software includes an autosandbox feature which I have enabled, and wonder if that might be a substitute for the protected mode of the Reader 10 series(?). I also wonder if turning off javascript in the Reader, and disabling the opening of .pdf files inside browsers, might have a similar security effect as the new protected mode(?). However I'm not going to pursue it further. I really have very little use for a .pdf file reader or manipulator so my interest is exceeded already. Mostly I just need to be able to read the .pdf user manuals provided with various hardware/software, and financial statements provided by banks, credit cards, utility companies, etc. Those are generally very safe sources of .pdf files. I don't need all of the extra features included in current Adobe Reader versions, nor the fancy new GUI with invisible floating hover/unhover disappearing/reappearing toolbars. Mostly I just need something simple and stable. The recent use of gray scales rather than colors is also less legible on my CRT monitor, and was apparently designed entirely on/for LCD monitors.
    Sorry to ramble on, but that explains how it stands at this end, and why I came here in the first place. Thanks for your responses and help.

  • Help running a simple jsp file,Tomcat 5.0.16

    This question may be addressed many many times,but do reply.
    I have a Win xp operating system
    Installed Tomcat 5.0.16 in it.
    Next the directory structure
    PS : The sampleapp directory is outside the tomcat installation directory.
    | |
    <package1><structure> .class files (for servlet works fine!!!!)
    in the WEB-INF,there is the web.xml,then sourcefiles<dir> and the lib directory which is empty.
    Now the servlet files work fine.........
    I have placed my MyJsp.jsp file in the above mentioned ROOT directory.
    I have not done any thing with the <TOMCAT_HOME>/conf/server.xml file
    and the web.xml which I have written.
    When I give the following URI
    I get the HTTP status 404- /MyJsp.jsp
    description: The requested resource (/MyJsp.jsp) is not available.
    Hoping that I have defined the problem specifically.Kindly show some light on this.

    Nevermind. I just found the answer. For the record, there are two ways in getting JSPs to work:
    1. Precompiling the JSPs and modifying your webapp's web.xml file with the XML fragment generated in YourWebApp/web/WEB-INF/generated_web.xml;
    2. Not precompiling the JSPs, but simply letting tomcat compile it on the fly on first access.
    Go to Copy-and-paste the ant script under the section "Web Application Compilation" into a file called compile.xml. For me, I save it in ~/development/compile.xml. Then compile the JSPs using the command (all in a single line):
    $ANT_HOME/ant -file <PATH_TO_COMPILE.XML> -Dtomcat.home=<$TOMCAT_HOME> -Dwebapp.path=<$WEBAPP_PATH>
    In my case, I cd into the directory where my app resides:
    cd ~/development/HelloWorld
    and then I type:
    ant -file ~/development/compile.xml -Dtomcat.home=/var/tomcat5 -Dwebapp.path=.
    (Note the trailing dot since my current directory is my webapp's directory itself. Also, in my case, my shell's PATH contains the path to the ant executable, so I just type 'ant' directly.)
    Open the file ~/development/HelloWorld/web/WEB-INF/generated_web.xml and follow the instructions in that auto-generated file, which is: "Place this fragment in the web.xml before all icon, display-name, description, distributable, and context-param elements."
    The web.xml referred to above is YOUR web.xml. In my case, it is the one in ~/development/HelloWorld/web/WEB-INF/web.xml
    When ready to deploy, type:
    ant dist
    as usual. Deploy the .war file in the dist directory as you normally would. In my case, I do:
    rm -rf $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/hello* (removes my HelloWorld webapp directory and its war file)
    cp ~/development/HelloWorld/dist/hello.war $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
    and wait for tomcat to unravel the war file. I can then access the JSP page based on whatever the generated_web.xml had specified. In my case, it would be http://localhost:8080/hello/sample.jsp
    Copy tools.jar from the Java JDK into tomcat's common/lib. (I found this only in the error message in tomcat's log file!! Didn't find it anywhere else!!). Do this one time only, then restart tomcat:
    cp $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib
    Restart tomcat.
    Deploy your webapp as usual which will include your JSP files stored under your webapp's 'web' directory. No precompilation of JSPs is required. Then access your JSP pages such as http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld/my-jsp-page.jsp and tomcat will compile it on the fly on first access. The disadvantage is that there will be a slight delay on first access.
    [Note:  I am putting all this down for the record, because it took me MANY HOURS to figure all this out as the info on how to do this is not found clearly in one place!!  Hope this helps others.]
    My next step is to incorporate the contents of compile.xml as mentioned above, into my regular build.xml file.

  • ORA-01031: insufficient privileges when connecting by SQL PLUS 8.0 with sys

    From client, I use SQL PLUS 8.0 to connect to server: sys/password@MYDB1 as sysdba
    The error always raises “ORA-01031: insufficient privileges”
    I have done:
    - Set: remote_login_passwordfile=exclusive in tnsname.ora file
    - Uncomment: SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES in “sqlnet.ora” file
    Also on this client:
    to use SQL PLUS 8.0 to connect to server: manager/password@MYDB1. To connect normally
    to use PLSQL Deverloper (it is the same oracle_home with SQL PLUS 8.0) to connect to database normally with user sys.
    To use Enterprise manager console (it is other oracle_home with SQL PLUS 8.0) to connect to database normally with user sys
    Please, help me to solve this trouble

    # copyright (c) 1996 by the Oracle Corporation
    # NAME
    # sqlnet.ora
    # Oracle Network Client startup parameter file example
    # NOTES
    # This file contains examples and instructions for defining all
    # Oracle Network Client parameters. It should be possible to read
    # this file and setup a Client by uncommenting parameter definitions
    # and substituting values. The comments should provide enough
    # explanation to enable a reasonable user to manage his TNS connections
    # without having to resort to 'real' documentation.
    # ONames Client
    # Namesctl
    # Native Naming Adpaters
    # skanjila 06/06/97 - Correct default for Automatic_IPC
    # eminer 05/15/97 - Add the relevant onrsd parameters.
    # asriniva 04/23/97 - Merge with version from doc
    # ggilchri 03/31/97 - mods
    # bvasudev 02/07/97 - Change sqlnet.authentication_services documentation
    # bvasudev 11/25/96 - Merge sqlnet.ora transport related parameters
    # asriniva 11/12/96 - Revise with new OSS parameters.
    # asriniva 11/05/96 - Add ANO parameters.
    # - ONames Client ----------------------------------------------------
    #names.default_domain = world
    #Syntax: domain-name
    #Default: NULL
    # Indicates the domain from which the client most often requests names. When
    # this parameter is set the default domain name (for example, US.ACME), the
    # domain name will be automatically appended to any unqualified name in an
    # ONAmes request (query, register, deregister, etc). Any name which contains
    # an unescaped dot ('.') will not have the default domain appended. Simple
    # names may be qualified with a trailing dot (for example 'rootserver.').
    #names.initial_retry_timeout = 30
    #Syntax: 1-600 seconds
    #Default: 15 (OSD)
    # Determines how long a client will wait for a response from a Names Server
    # before reiterating the request to the next server in the preferred_servers
    # list.
    #names.max_open_connections = 3
    #Syntax: 3-64
    #Default: ADDRS in preferred_servers
    # Determines how many connections an ONames client may have open at one time.
    # Clients will ordinarily keep connections to servers open once they are
    # established until the operation (or session in namesctl) is complete. A
    # connection will be opened whenever needed, and if the maximum would be
    # exceeded the least recently used connection will be closed.
    #names.message_pool_start_size = 10
    #Syntax: 3-256
    #Default: 10
    # Determines the initial number of messages allocated in the client's message
    # pool. This pool provides the client with pre-allocated messages to be used
    # for requests to ONames servers. Messages which are in the pool and unused
    # may be reused. If a message is needed and no free messages are available in
    # the pool more will be allocated.
    #names.preferred_servers = (address_list =
    # (address=(protocol=ipc)(key=n23))
    # (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=nineva)(port=1383))
    # (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=cicada)(port=1575))
    #Syntax: ADDR_LIST
    #Default: Well-Known (OSD)
    # Specifies a list of ONames servers in the client's region; requests will be
    # sent to each ADDRESS in the list until a response is recieved, or the list
    # (and number of retries) is exhausted.
    # Addresses of the following form specify that messages to the ONames server
    # should use Oracle Remote Operations (RPC):
    # (description =
    # (address=(protocol=tcp)(host=nineva)(port=1383))
    # (connect_data=(rpc=on))
    #names.request_retries = 2
    #Syntax: 1-5
    #Default: 1
    # Specifies the number of times the client should try each server in the list
    # of preferred_servers before allowing the operation to fail.
    #Syntax: <adapter-name>
    # Sets the (ordered) list of naming adaptors to use in resolving a name.
    # The default is as shown for 3.0.2 of sqlnet onwards. The default was
    # (TNSNAMES, ONAMES) before that. The value can be presented without
    # parentheses if only a single entry is being specified. The parameter is
    # recognized from version 2.3.2 of sqlnet onward. Acceptable values include:
    # TNSNAMES -- tnsnames.ora lookup
    # ONAMES -- Oracle Names
    # HOSTNAME -- use the hostname (or an alias of the hostname)
    # NIS -- NIS (also known as "yp")
    # CDS -- OSF DCE's Cell Directory Service
    # NDS -- Novell's Netware Directory Service
    # - Client Cache (ONRSD) ---------------------------------------------
    names.addresses = (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=ONAMES))
    Syntax: ADDR
    Address on which the client cache listens (is available to clients).
    Any valid TNS address is allowed. The default should be used if at
    all possible; clients have this entry hardwired as the first line
    of their server-list file (sdns.ora). If the address is set to a
    non-default value the client's preferred_servers parameter should
    be set to include the client-cache address first.
    names.authority_required = False
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    Determines whether system querys (for the root etc) require Authoritative
    names.auto_refresh_expire = 259200
    Syntax: Number of seconds, 60-1209600
    Default: 259200
    This is the amount of time (in seconds) the server will cache the addresses
    of servers listed in server-list file (sdns.ora). When this time expires the
    server will issue another query to the servers in those regions to refresh
    the data.
    names.auto_refresh_retry = 180
    Syntax: Number of seconds, 60-3600
    Default: sec.     180
    This set how often the server will retry when the auto_refresh query fails.
    names.cache_checkpoint_file = cache.ckp
    Syntax: filename
    Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/names/ckpcch.ora
    Specifies the name of the operating system file to which the Names Server
    writes its foreign data cache.
    names.cache_checkpoint_interval = 7200
    Syntax: Number of seconds, 10-259200
    Default: 0 (off)
    Indicates the interval at which a Names Server writes a checkpoint of its
    data cache to the checkpoint file.
    Syntax: Name-Value/address_list
    Default: NULL
    A list (in NV form) of the addresses of other servers which should be used to
    forward querys while in default_forwarder (slave) mode. NAME is the global
    names for the server to which forwards whould be directed, and ADDRESS is its
    names.default_forwarders_only = True
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    When set to true this server will use the servers listed in default_forwarders
    to forward all operations which involve data in foreign regions. Otherwise it
    will use the servers defined in the server-list file (sdns.ora) in addition
    to any defined in the default_forwarders parameter.
    names.log_directory = /oracle/network/log
    Syntax: directory
    Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log
    Indicates the name of the directory where the log file for Names Server
    operational events are written.
    names.log_file = names.log
    Syntax: filename
    Default: names.log
    The name of the output file to which Names Server operational events are
    names.log_stats_interval = 3600
    Syntax: Number of seconds, 10-ub4max
    Default: sec.     0 (off)
    Specifies the number of seconds between statistical entries in log file.
    names.log_unique = False
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    If set to true the server will guarantee that the log file will have a unique
    name which will not overwrite any existing files (note that log files are
    appended to, so log information will not be lost if log_unique is not true).
    names.max_open_connections = 10
    Syntax: 3-64
    Default: 10
    Specifies the number of connections that the Names Server can have open at any
    given time. The value is generated as the value 10 or the sum of one
    connection for listening, five for clients, plus one for each foreign domain
    defined in the local administrative region, whichever is greater. Any
    operation which requires the server to open a network connection will use
    an already open connection if it is available, or will open a connection
    if not. Higher settings will save time and cost network resources; lower
    settings save network resources, cost time.
    names.max_reforwards = 2
    Syntax: 1-15
    Default: 2
    The maximum number of times the server will attempt to forward a certain
    names.message_pool_start_size = 24
    Syntax: 3-256
    Default: 10
    Determines the initial number of messages allocated in the server's message
    pool. This pool provides the server with pre-allocated messages to be used
    for incoming or outgoing messages (forwards). Messages which are in the pool
    and unused may be reused. If a message is needed and no free messages are
    available in the pool more will be allocated.
    names.no_modify_requests = False
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    If set to true, the server will refuse any operations which modify the
    data in its region (it will still save foreign info in the cache which is
    returned from foreign querys).
    names.password = 625926683431AA55
    Syntax: encrypted string
    Default: NULL
    If set the server will require that the user provide a password in his
    namesctl session (either with sqlnet.ora:namesctl.server_password or 'set
    password') in order to do 'sensitive' operations, like stop, restart, reload.
    This parameter is generally set in encrypted form, so it can not be set
    names.reset_stats_interval = 3600
    Syntax: 10-ub4max
    Default: 0 (off)
    Specifies the number of seconds during which the statistics collected by the
    Names Servers should accumulate. At the frequency specified, they are reset
    to zero. The default value of 0 means never reset statistics.
    names.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
    Syntax: directory
    Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace
    Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from a Names Server
    trace session are written.
    names.trace_file = names.trc
    Syntax: filename
    Default: names.trc
    Indicates the name of the output file from a Names Server trace session.
    names.trace_func # NA
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    Internal mechanism to control tracing by function name.
    names.trace_level = ADMIN
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    Syntax: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    Default: OFF (0)
    Indicates the level at which the Names Server is to be traced.
    Available Values:
         0 or OFF - No trace output
         4 or USER - User trace information
         10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
         16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace information
    names.trace_mask = (200,201,202,203,205,206,207)
    Syntax: list of numbers
    Default: NULL
    Internal mechanism to control trace behavior.
    names.trace_unique = True
    Syntax: T/F
    Default: False
    Indicates whether each trace file has a unique name, allowing multiple trace
    files to coexist. If the value is set to ON, a process identifier is appended
    to the name of each trace file generated.
    # - Namesctl ---------------------------------------------------------
    #namesctl.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
    #Syntax: directory
    #Default: $ON/trace
    # Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from a namesctl
    # trace session are written.
    #namesctl.trace_file = namesctl.trc
    #Syntax: filename
    #Default: namesctl.trc
    # Indicates the name of the output file from a namesctl trace session.
    #namesctl.trace_func # NA
    #Syntax: word list
    #Default: NULL
    # Internal mechanism to control tracing by function name.
    #namesctl.trace_level = ADMIN
    #Syntax: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    #Default: OFF (0)
    # Indicates the level at which the namesctl is to be traced.
    # Available Values:
    #     0 or OFF - No trace output
    #     4 or USER - User trace information
    #     10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    #     16 or SUPPORT - WorldWide Customer Support trace information
    #namesctl.trace_mask # NA
    #Syntax: number list
    #Default: NULL
    # Internal mechanism to control trace behavior.
    #namesctl.trace_unique = True
    #Syntax: T/F
    #Default: False
    # Indicates whether each trace file has a unique name, allowing multiple trace
    # files to coexist. If the value is set to ON, a process identifier is appended
    # to the name of each trace file generated.
    #namesctl.no_initial_server = False
    #Syntax: T/F
    #Default: False
    # If set to TRUE namesctl will suppress any error messages when namesctl is
    # unable to connect to a default names server.
    #namesctl.internal_use = True
    #Syntax: T/F
    #Default: False
    # If set to true namesctl will enable a set of internal undocumented commands.
    # All internal commands are preceded by an underscore ('_') in order to
    # distinguish them as internal. Without going into details, the commands
    # enabled are:
    # adddata createname deletename
    # fullstatus ireplacedata newttlname
    # pause                 remove_data renamename
    # replacedata start                 walk*
    # There are also a set of names server variables which may be set when
    # namesctl is in internal mode:
    # authorityrequired autorefresh*
    # cachecheckpoint_interval cachedump
    # defaultautorefresh_expire defaultautorefresh_retry
    # defaultforwarders_only forwardingdesired
    # maxreforwards modifyops_enabled
    # nextcache_checkpoint nextcache_flush
    # nextstat_log nextstat_reset
    # reload                         request_delay
    # restart                        shutdown
    #namesctl.noconfirm = True
    #Syntax: T/F
    #Default: False
    # When set to TRUE namesctl will suppress the confirmation prompt when
    # sensitive operations (stop, restart, reload) are requested. This is
    # quite helpful when using namesctl scripts.
    #namesctl.server_password = mangler
    #Syntax: string
    #Default: NULL
    # Automatically sets the password for the names server in order to perform
    # sensitive operations (stop, restart, reload). The password may also be
    # set manually during a namesctl session using 'set password'.
    #namesctl.internal_encrypt_password = False
    #Syntax: T/F
    #Default: True
    # When set to TRUE namesctl will not encrypt the password when it is sent to
    # the names server. This would enable an unencrypted password to be set in
    # names.ora:names.server_password
    # - Native Naming Adpaters -------------------------------------------
    #names.dce.prefix = /.:/subsys/oracle/names
    #Syntax: DCE cell name
    #Default: /.:/subsys/oracle/names
    #Specifies the DCE cell (prefix) to use for name lookup.
    #names.nds.name_context = personnel.acme
    #Syntax: NDS name
    #Default: (OSD?)
    # Specifies the default NDS name context in which to look for the name to
    # be resolved.
    #names.nis.meta_map # NA
    # Syntax: filename
    # Default: sqlnet.maps
    # Specifies the file to be used to map NIS attributes to an NIS mapname.
    # Currently unused.
    # - Advanced Networking Option Authentication Adapters ----------------
    # Syntax: A single value or a list from {beq, none, all, kerberos5,
    #       cybersafe, securid, identitx}
    # Default: NONE
    # Enables one or more authentication services. To enable
    # authentication via the Oracle Security Server, use (beq, oss). If
    # the Advanced Networking Option has been installed with Kerberos5
    # support, using (beq, kerberos5) would enable authentication via
    # Kerberos.
    sqlnet.authentication_services=(beq, oss)
    ## Parmeters used with Kerberos adapter.
    # Syntax: Any valid pathname.
    # Default: /tmp/krb5cc_<uid>
    # The Kerberos credential cache pathname.
    # Syntax: Any positive integer.
    # Default: 300
    # The acceptable difference in the number of seconds between when a
    # credential was sent and when it was received.
    # Syntax: Any valid pathname.
    # Default: /krb5/krb.conf
    # The Kerberos configuration pathname.
    # Syntax: Any valid pathname
    # Default: /krb5/krb.realms
    # The Kerberos host name to realm translation file.
    # Syntax: Any valid pathname.
    # Default: /etc/v5srvtab
    # The Kerberos secret key file.
    # Syntax: Any string.
    # Default: A default is not provided.
    # The Kerberos service name.
    ## Parmeters used with CyberSAFE adapter.
    # Syntax: A correctly formatted service principal string.
    # Default: A default is not provided.
    # The CyberSAFE service principal
    #sqlnet.authentication_gssapi_service=acme/[email protected]
    ## Parmeters used with Identix adapter.
    # Syntax: Must be oracle.
    # Default: A default is not provided.
    # The Identix authentication server method
    # Syntax: Any string.
    # Default: A default is not provided.
    # The Identix authentication server TNS alias
    # Syntax: Any string
    # Default: A default is not provided.
    # The Identix authentication service well known username.
    # Syntax: Any string
    # Default: A default is not provided.
    # The Identix authentication service well known password.
    # - Advanced Networking Option Network Security -------------------------
    # These four parameters are used to specify whether a service (e.g.
    # crypto-checksumming or encryption) should be active:
    # Each of the above parameters defaults to ACCEPTED.
    # Each of the above parameters can have one of four possible values:
    # value          meaning
    # ACCEPTED     The service will be active if the other side of the
    #          connection specifies "REQUESTED" or REQUIRED" and
    #          there is a compatible algorithm available on the other
    #          side; it will be inactive otherwise.
    # REJECTED     The service must not be active, and the connection
    #          will fail if the other side specifies "REQUIRED".
    # REQUESTED     The service will be active if the other side specifies
    #          "ACCEPTED", "REQUESTED", or "REQUIRED" and there is a
    #          compatible algorithm available on the other side; it
    #          will be inactive otherwise.
    # REQUIRED     The service must be active, and the connection will
    #          fail if the other side specifies "REJECTED" or if there
    #          is no compatible algorithm on the other side.
    # These parameters control which algorithms will be made available for
    # each service on each end of a connection:
    # The value of each of these parameters can be either a parenthesized
    # list of algorithm names separated by commas or a single algorithm
    # name.
    # Encryption types can be: RC4_40, RC4_56, RC4_128, DES, DES40
    # Encryption defaults to all the algorithms.
    # Crypto checksum types can be: MD5
    # Crypto checksum defaults to MD5.
    #sqlnet.crypto_seed ="4fhfguweotcadsfdsafjkdsfqp5f201p45mxskdlfdasf"
    #sqlnet.crypto_checksum_server = required
    #sqlnet.encryption_server = required
    # - Oracle Security Server ---------------------------------------------
    # Syntax: A properly formatted NLNV list.
    # Default: Platform specific. Unix: $HOME/oracle/oss
    # The method for retrieving and storing my identity.
    # =(source
    # =(method=file)
    # (method_data=/dve/asriniva/oss/wallet)
    # Syntax: A properly formatted NLNV list.
    # Default: Oracle method, oracle_security_service/oracle_security_service@oss
    # The method for retrieving encrypted private keys.
    # =(source
    # =(method=oracle)
    # (method_data=
    # (sqlnet_address=andreoss)
    # - Sqlnet(v2.x) and Net3.0 Client ------------------------------------------
    # In the following descriptions, the term "client program" could mean
    # either sqlplus, svrmgrl or any other OCI programs written by users
    #trace_level_client = ADMIN
    #Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    #Default: OFF (0)
    #Purpose: Indicates the level at which the client program
    # is to be traced.
    # Available Values:
    # 0 or OFF - No Trace output
    #     4 or USER - User trace information
    #      10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    #     16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_directory_client = /oracle/network/trace
    #Possible values: Any valid directory path with write permission
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
    # site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from
    # the client execution are written.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_file_client = /oracle/network/trace/cli.trc
    #Possible values: Any valid file name
    #Default:     $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace/cli.trc ($ORACLE_HOME =
    #          /oracle at customer site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the file to which the execution trace
    # of the client is written to.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_unique_client = ON
    #Possible values: {ON, OFF}
    #Default: OFF
    #Purpose: Used to make each client trace file have a unique name to
    #     prevent each trace file from being overwritten by successive
    #     runs of the client program
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #log_directory_client = /oracle/network/log
    #Possible values: Any valid directory pathname
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log ($ORACLE_HOME = /oracle at customer
    #     site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which the client log file
    #     is written to.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #log_file_client = /oracle/network/log/sqlnet.log
    #Possible values: This is a default value, u cannot change this
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/log/sqlnet.log ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle in
    # customer site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the log file from a client program
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #log_directory_server = /oracle/network/trace
    #Possible values: Any valid diretcory path with write permission
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ( $ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
    #     site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which log files from the
    #      server are written
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_directory_server = /oracle/network/trace
    #Possible values: Any valid directory path with write permission
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network_trace ( $ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
    #     site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the directory to which trace files from
    # the server are written
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_file_server = /orace/network/trace/svr_<pid>.trc
    #Possible values: Any valid filename
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace/svr_<pid>.trc where <pid? stands for
    # the process id of the server on UNIX systems
    #Purpose: Indicates the name of the file to which the execution trace of
    # the server program is written to.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #trace_level_server = ADMIN
    #Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    #Default: OFF (0)
    #Purpose: Indicates the level at which the server program
    # is to be traced.
    # Available Values:
    # 0 or OFF - No Trace output
    # 4 or USER - User trace information
    # 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    # 16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #use_dedicated_server = ON
    #Possible values: {OFF,ON}
    #Default:      OFF
    #Purpose: Forces the listener to spawn a dedicated server process for
    #     sessions from this client program.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #use_cman = TRUE
    #Possible values: {TRUE, FALSE}
    #Default:     FALSE
    #Supported since: v3.0
    #tnsping.trace_directory = /oracle/network/trace
    #Possible values: Any valid directory pathname
    #Default: $ORACLE_HOME/network/trace ($ORACLE_HOME=/oracle at customer
    #     site)
    #Purpose: Indicates the directory to which the execution trace from
    #     the tnsping program is to be written to.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #tnsping.trace_level = ADMIN
    #Possible values: {OFF,USER,ADMIN,0-16}
    #Default: OFF (0)
    #Purpose: Indicates the level at which the server program
    # is to be traced.
    # Available Values:
    # 0 or OFF - No Trace output
    # 4 or USER - User trace information
    # 10 or ADMIN - Administration trace information
    # 16 or SUPPORT - Worldwide Customer Support trace information
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #sqlnet.expire_time = 10
    #Possible values: 0-any valid positive integer! (in minutes)
    #Default: 0 minutes
    #Recommended value: 10 minutes
    #Purpose: Indicates the time interval to send a probe to verify the
    #     client session is alive (this is used to reclaim watseful
    #     resources on a dead client)
    #Supported since: v2.1
    #sqlnet.client_registration = <unique_id>
    #Possible values:
    #Default: OFF
    #Purpose: Sets a unique identifier for the client machine. This
    #     identifier is then passed to the listener with any connection
    #     request and will be included in the Audit Trail. The identifier
    #     can be any alphanumeric string up to 128 characters long.
    #Supported since: v2.3.2
    #bequeath_detach = YES
    #Possible values: {YES,NO}
    #Default: NO
    #Purpose: Turns off signal handling on UNIX systems. If signal handling
    #     were not turned off and if client programs written by users make
    #     use of signal handling they could interfere with Sqlnet/Net3.
    #Supported since: v2.3.3
    #automatic_ipc = OFF
    #Possible values: {ON,OFF}
    #Default: OFF
    #Purpose: Force a session to use or not to use IPC addresses on the
    #     client's node.
    #Supported since: v2.0
    #disable_oob = ON
    #Possible values: {ON,OFF}
    #Default: OFF
    #Purpose: If the underlying transport protocol (TCP, DECnet,...) does
    # not support Out-of-band breaks, then disable out-of-band
    #     breaks
    #Supported since: v2.0

  • Displaying an application item's value from a page template

    I have an application item 'F50_TEST' and I need to display its value on every page that's using a specific page template. I think I can access data like the APP_USER by using #APP_USER# in the template, but can I access application items that way?
    Thank you,

    In your template, you can use '&F50_TEST.' (notice the trailing dot) to display the value .

  • Is there a plugin that extends the limit of forms?

    Firefox imposes a limit on forms, I need to extend this limit to finish coding into an online database. The database can handle extensive code, but since we code online, Firefox as a web browser imposes a character limit

    A character limit would be imposed by the webpage.
    You can use an extension or a bookmarklet to see how many characters you have entered into the the text area, see
    <br />
    <br />
    <i><removed trailing dot(.) in link - edited by moderator></i>

  • Why won't Firefox suddenly won't display SoundSlides files -- new and ones displayed in the past? I've cleared history, cookies, etc. Also deleted and reinstall

    Firefox will no longer display our university news website correctly, AND it will no longer display SoundSlides files that we have posted. See our front page at as well as SoundSlides example at
    Have tried deleting and reinstalling Firefox. Deleting all history, cookies, etc.

    It works ok for me but then I am not using Flash 11.3 on Windows.
    I can see ok
    When I try I get a mainly blank page with an error message
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07' <br/>
    Error converting data type char to int. <br/>
    /Includes/SiteIncludes.asp, line 30
    Possibly the link is not quite correct. (trailing dot ?)
    Selecting a "sound slide" does however work ok for me I get a slide show with very loud music.
    * e.g. []
    * screenshot attached
    '''It appears it works for me. Possibly you have a problem because of Flash Player 11.3 use. You may find it works if you downgrade to FlashPlayer 11.2 or 10.3''' There have been known issues with FlashPlayer on Windows Firefox systems. Developers from Flash & Firefox have been working on the problem, but despite new updates to both FlashPlayer and Firefox in recent days, problems may still be occurring.
    Note also there is a related but separate problem on some systems with RealPlayer. If you have Real Player installed please say so, and especially mention if that includes video download or recording options.
    <u>The current standard response to the Flash Player 11.3 (Windows Firefoz) problem is as follows, (but advice may change over the next few days):</u>
    Recent crashes of certain multimedia contents (this includes Youtube videos, certain flash games and other applications) in conjunction with Firefox 13 are most probably caused by a recent Flash 11.3 update and/or a malfunctioning Real Player browser plugin.
    In order to remedy the problem, please perform the steps mentioned in these Knowledge Base articles:
    [[Flash Plugin - Keep it up to date and troubleshoot problems]]
    [[Flash 11.3 crashes]]
    [[Flash 11.3 doesn't load video in Firefox]]
    Other, more technical information about these issues can be found under these Links:
    Please tell us if this helped!
    This is the sort of thing that your own IT department may well be able to help offer advice on, and if it is the problem I suspect, then it is likely to impact on many site users.
    They may also be interested in the possibility of deploying Firefox ESR for themselves and students.
    *The IT department may ask in the Enterprise Working Group Mailing List:
    * more info at

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