Tranferring playlists

How can I transfer my playlists to a new computer?  I have successfully transferred my library list of songs, but nothing I have tried will load my playlists onto the new computer.  My list of songs and my playlists are currently on both my old computer and my iPod touch.

Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive: Apple Support Communities

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    Simply select only the Music that you want to sync to the iPad in iTunes. I assume that you auto sync.
    Connect the iPad to your computer and launch iTunes if it does not start on its own. Assuming that you do auto sync, let the process complete. Click on your iPad name on the left side under devices. Click on the Music Tab in the iTunes window on the right side. Click on all of the albums, playlist, artists, - whatever - that you want to sync to the iPad, uncheck the music that you do not want to sync, make sure that the Sync Music heading is selected - and then click on Apply in the lower right corner of iTunes.

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    Try using "ipod2pc" a utility that rips from the ipod and allows you to put the files on any pc.

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    Any ideas?
    Rob Strong

    Ok, my update: I figured out how to name every podcast in the Sort Name field, as suggested. I was able to enter numbers in each field. Problem #1: I numbered them 1-49 (49 podcasts). But, the field sorts all the 1s, then all the 2s, etc. So, I had to renumber 1-19 as 1-10, then 101, 102, etc. That solved that problem. In future, I will try 01, 02, etc.
    And so, in my podcast playlist, they were organized in the order I wanted them, sorted on the Sort Name column by my numbers. Good. Then I tranferred them to the iPod. I also have music on the iPod, so the podcasts all appeared at the end of my list - #72 and on. I like putting them at the top of the list, so I know where they are and can find them, I dragged the whole 49 up to the top of the list. Everything looked fine.
    But, just as Robert reports and as I have experienced over and over again, when I went to listen to the iPod, THE ORDER WAS REJIGGED AGAIN, according to whatever order it is that the iPod likes! (But only the podcasts were re-ordered, within themselves; the music files still started after podcast #49.)
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    What did you do when you " i recently added iCLOUD service "?
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Unsync all music and resync
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                                                                
      - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.

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    You still have the option export/import playlist

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    I haven't been able to highlight which playlists are selected to begin with.
    I read through the manual and thought that maybe rebooting the whole system might work. So I deleted Itunes from my computer and re-installed.
    Then I tried re-setting my ipod. So now I have nothing on my ipod.
    I also deleted everything from my library, thinking it might help to start from scratch. Nothing has worked.
    How do I "select" and "unselect" playlists so I can get up and running again?

    Here you go.

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    PC   Windows XP  

    And my playlists are still on the left side in my iTunes. They do exist.
    let's just doublecheck this. folks get this message if they have "automatically update selected playlists only" selected in their itunes "ipod" preferences tab. so bring up that tab ("edit > preferences", click "ipod" while the ipod is showing up in the source list), and do a playlist by playlist crosscheck of the playlists selected in that tab, and the playlists showing up in the itunes sourcelist.
    is there any playlist selected in the preferences tab that isn't showing up in the sourcelist?
    love, b

  • How to restore playlists and ratings after hard drive format

    Several people have reported problems restoring paylists and ratings after reformating a hard drive. Here is what worked for me and what did not.
    I had to reformat my hard drive. Before doing that I exported my playlists from itunes to another hard drive as an xml file. I also copied the folder with all my songs to another drive. (Also of course had it backed up on DVDs.)Then I copied the itunes library files (see url to anoher drive.
    After reformating my hard drive and installing the lastest verion of ITunes, I copied the actual songs back into a subfolder in my music folder. I then told iTunes to import the subfolder with the actual music. That resulted in a restored library that lacked playlists and ratings.
    Don't do this
    I purchased Anapod ($30.00) because its web page said (
    "Anapod CopyGear is an easy-to-use, compact utility for copying music tracks, playlists, podcasts, photos, and videos from your iPod back to your PC."
    Well, I did transfer 104 playlists back to my iTunes library through the Anapod backup function. However, the transfer also put more than 20 gigs of duplicate songs into the library. All of the songs listed in the playlists were duplicated in iTunes. I could find no way in Anapod to simply copy the ratings and the playlists. Anapod documentation was outdated. For example the online help pages said that playlists could not be backed up. This was confusing because I had just done that.
    "In a future release we will be adding the ability to backup your iPod playlists. This will allow you to generate backup files of your iPod playlists on the computer. These files will not be usable on your computer though. They can only be used to restore playlists at a later time on your iPod (assuming it still carries all the audio files referred to in that playlist)." This text is from url
    I sent requests to Anapod for help today, but they have not been answered yet. Docs truly did not seem to help. Would have been good if there was a pdf file rather than just an online help html file that seemed outdated.
    This worked for me:
    I ended up having iTunes wipe out the entire library because of all the dups Anapod made. (Made sure that iTunes only wiped out library and did not delete actual songs from hard drive. Then I had iTunes import my subfolder with songs again. That brought me back to where I was before wasting money and much time on Anapod.
    After I had my iTunes library up (without ratings and playlists and after finding Anapod did not meet my needs.
    1. I imported the xml file to which I had exported playlists before reformating hard drive. That gave me the playlists back although an error message said some items not copied because the music tracks listed in playlists were not in my iTunes library. --Possibly I deleted songs after playlists were downloaded some time ago to iPod. Importing the xml file is probably not necessary because of what I did below.
    2. Quit iTunes
    3. Because my song ratings were still missing, I then moved the iTunes library files made by the new version of iTunes into a different folder.
    4. Then I put my old version 4 library files into the place where the library files should be.
    5. Then I crossed my fingers and restarted iTunes. It took awhile to start and said it was updating my library files. Now I have back most or all of my playlists and ratings.
    If problems develop, I will probably wipe out iTunes library and use Anapod to move everything from my iPod into a folder and tell iTunes to import that folder. That approach might avoid the dups that Anapod makes when restoring playlists to iTunes.
    So my message is keep your actual songs backed up somewhere (such as DVD's and anotehr hard drive) and keep a duplicate copy of your library files somewhere not on your hard drive. With these items you should be able to restore iTunes library to its former status.
    Sorry for the length of this message. Hope it helps someone.

    The simple version of above:
    iTunes Files to Backup (anytime you make additions or changes to the Music or Library that you want to retain)
    1) All music files in their current folder structure (usually located in and under the ‘iTunes Music’ folder)
    2) The Library database file: ‘iTunes Library.itl’ located in the ‘iTunes’ folder
    3) The Library XML file: ‘iTunes Music Library.xml’ located in the ‘iTunes’ folder
    4) Any XML playlist files created for Playlist retention
    5) The two iTunes.pref files (optional)
    -- C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunes.pref
    -- C:\Documents and Settings\<your username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Apple Computer Inc\iTunes.pref
    6) The XML file of Ratings, Play Counts and Last Played attributes saved from the main Library and created by Otto’s SaveRatings script (also optional, but recommended):
    “Download this: . It's a program, just run it like any other program. Run it on the machine where you're copying the info from BEFORE you move the files to the new machine. Click the "Save Ratings" button and it'll create a ratings.xml file. Now when you move the files, move the program and this file as well. Then after you make your new iTunes library, run it again and click the "Restore Ratings" button. Voila, all your information is back in the Library. Well, most of it anyway, it's not perfect. It'll tell you what songs it couldn't figure out though, and there's usually not very many.”

  • Internet Streams in Playlists do not show up on Apple TV

    I use the following setup:
    - Apple TV MD199LL/A (Software 6.0.1) just updated to the latest
    - iTunes 11.1.3 for Windows (from a Windows 7 x64)
    - iTunes 11.1.3 for MAC (from a Apple MacBook Pro x64, Maverix)
    Homesharing is turned on both computers
    From both machines I share pictures, videos and music.
    All photos, videos and music files are getting displayed  on the Apple TV menu, and can be played.
    All iTunes playlists from both machines are  getting displazed on the Apple TV
    If a internet stream is added to a playlist, this entry does not show on the Apple TV menu.
    If the playlist contains only internet streams the Apple TV menu says "There are no songs in this library"
    If I hit the play key on my remote, it  will randomly play the first stream in the playlist (not realy reproducable pattern)
    I can play those streams in iTunes and send it via AirPlay without problems,
    Can anyone help me with this and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
    Thank you

    You can only view that rental on the iPad. For it to show up it has to be rented directly on ATV or through a computer and streamed via home sharing

  • My TV Playlists do not show up on my new AppleTV

    When I go to my TV shows (That I own and purchased from iTunes) with my new Apple TV I get three choices at the top:
    By Date, By Show, Unwatched.
    I can't find any of my TV playlists. I just upgraded to the new Apple TV and have been using the older version for a few years and never had this issue. I have smart playlists for all of my shows and music. Music playlists are easy to find but the TV ones are missing.
    I have Restarted the device and my computer several times. I have done all updates.
    How do I get the playlists to show up?
    My iTunes library is in a one year old iMac and and has worked perfectly otherwise.
    Thanks in advance.

    THANK YOU ! I had posted this question on another topic forum and got zero replies. You have solved my problem. My setting for playlists was 'music only' and I simply changed it to ALL.
    Now I can go to sleep with theTV sleep timer on and two episodes of Lost in Space or Star Trek or The Mary Tyler Moore show playing as I doze off

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    Trying to sync playlists to my iPhone 5S does not work.  I click on the playlist(s) and click sync, after the sync is finished there are not on my phone.  How can this be rectified?

    You cannot manually manage music with match turned on on your iOS device. If you want to manage music manually, you will need to turn off match on your iPhone.

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