Transaction data load

I am loading transaction data(i.e.initializing delta)on Q.A and getting the following error:
Data Package 8 : arrived in BW ; Processing : Selected number does not agree with transferred n
selected number of records shown in the monitor:1,40,000
and transferred records are 1,11,000 ...remaining data is not able to transfer.
where as data loaded successfully on development system.
but after transporting it to Q.A, and while loading data getting the above error.
please give the reason and solution of this error.
Thanks in advance.

Hi Vishvesh,
But the option with which i loaded the data is "data targets only" and initialize delta transfer only for full load so plz can u tell me where i can see the manual update option...?
i right clicked on the datapackage in monitor under details but i can see only these 2 options: for node
2.display processing
so where to get manual update option?

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    Check these three thigns
    Check what type of stock has active IM, and what type of stock went in after you created the GR.
    Still if you have any problem let us know.

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    Please post specific questions in the forum.
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    Different approach is required for different scenario of data target.  Below are just two scenarios out of many possibilities.
    Scenario A:
    Data target is a DataStore Object, with the indicator 'SIDs Generation upon Activation' is set in the DSO maintenance
    Using DTP for data loading.
    The following applies depending on the indicator 'No Update without Master Data' in DTP:
    - If the indicator is set, the system terminates activation if master data is missing and produces an error message.
    - If the indicator is not set, the system generates any missing SID values during activation.
    Scenario B:
    Data target has characteristic that is determined using transformation rules/update rules by reading master data attributes.
    If the attribute is not available during the data load to data target, the system writes initial value to the characteristic.
    When you reload the master data with attributes later, you need to delete the previous transaction data load and reload it, so that the transformation can re-determine the attributes values that writes to the characteristics in data target.
    Hope this help you understand.

  • Transactional Data Load without Respective Master Data in Place

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    Could anyone let me know if i could load transactional data without loading the respective master data. If yes, well could you give me a scenario when you do it. Also could you let me know the option of how to load transactional data without master data in place.
    Best Regards,

    You can load transaction data without loading master data.
    You have the option in the info package to load data even if no master data exists..
    You may use it in cases where your transfer rules/update rules or routines donot refer to master data tables to populate transaction data..

  • Transaction Data Load from BW info provider

    Hi gurus,
    I am doing a transaction dat aload from the BW data feed to BPC cube. When I did the validation of the transformation file the task was sucessfully completed with some skipped records as expected based on the conversion files.
    ValidateRecords = YES
    [List of conversion file]
    Conversion file: DataManager\ConversionFiles\EXAMPLES\TIMECONV.XLS!CONVERSION
    Conversion file: DataManager\ConversionFiles\EXAMPLES\VERSIONCONV.XLS!CONVERSION
    Conversion file: DataManager\ConversionFiles\EXAMPLES\ACCOUNTCONV.XLS!CONVERSION
    Conversion file: DataManager\ConversionFiles\EXAMPLES\ENTITY.XLS!CONVERSION
    Record count: 25
    Accept count: 13
    Reject count: 0
    Skip count: 12
    This task has successfully completed
    but when did run package, load fails.
    /CPMB/MODIFY completed in 0 seconds
    /CPMB/INFOPROVIDER_CONVERT completed in 0 seconds
    /CPMB/CLEAR completed in 0 seconds
    Task name CONVERT:
    No 1 Round:
    Error occurs when loading transaction data from other cube
    Application: TEST Package status: ERROR
    This is a fresh system and we are doing the data load for the first time.  we are using BPC NW 7.5 with SP4
    Is there something which we are missing which is supposed to be performed before starting the load for the first time.
    my transformation file is as below
    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Hi Gersh,
    Thanks for the quick response.
    I checked in SLG1 and i have the below error in the log.
    Error occurs when loading transaction data from other cube
    Message no. UJD_EXCEPTION137
    we are on SP4, BPC NW 7.5. Please advice

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    GP46PDVI7I2JSVXEJSYCMP7PAFB 1773                             
    Request to help in Correcting this error.

    The value exceeds the maximum value of any integer ABAP type, and is the source of error.
    Try to identify the record in the source system and fix it there, repeat load. Else look it up on the PSA and fix.

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    You can try following work around (Multiprovider on infoset)
    BPC NW: Navigational Attribute in transformation mapping?
    use [BADI for Start routine and End routine|] to read respective attribute from master data of 0PROFIT_CTR .
    hope it helps...

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    Please tell me how to load master data and transactional data from flat file ....
    Thanks in advance ,

    Please use the 'search forum' functionality and search the BI Forum with say 'flat file loading'.  You would get plenty of links of previous threads.

  • This year master data-previous year transaction data load

    hi guys,
    I support some infocubes where financial data is stored and reported on.our source systems are financial databases.
    now we load transaction data every month-end throughout a year.we load master data(full load) from flatfiles whenever there are changes.whenever we change master data,we include these changes in transaction data infopackage selections,so the transaction data related to new master data will also be loaded.
    now my situation is:
    Now this is June,2010.My boss said I have to reload transaction data for 2009 as there was some changes in rates on which the data was calulated in 2009.Some new rates came in,so they re-calculated 2009 transaction data and sent it to us.Now we have to reload this 2009 data and delete OLD 2009 data from cubes.
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    How do we need to do in these type of situations?Do we just go ahead and load 2009 data with 2010 master data and 2010 infopackage selections........?
    Thanks alot for your patience....

    we are actually having time-dependent master version of master data for each year for 2005..we have verion 2....for 2006..we have version 3....master data version and to which year they are linked to is maintained in a customised table....
    so coming back to my previous post...
    for 2009...we have version 4....and transaction data was loaded then.....
    for 2010..we have version 5...and transaction data will be loaded at the end of every month...and also we have decided to reload 2009 data because the the rates on which 2009 data was calculated,changed and so our business recalculated that data and sent to us and we have to reload 2009 data and delete OLD 2009 data....
    now my questions...if we re-load 2009 data,today master data is of 2010(version 5)....this is meant for 2010 transaction data loadings....Doesnt it create inconsistencies....or am I thinking too just to go ahead and load....?
    Also the infopackage selections today donot match with infopackage selections of 2009 as there were additions in master data and so we included in selections....Do we need to change back the infopackage selections to 2009 until 2009 re-load is over?
    Hope I explained it better...............
    Thanks alot.

  • Transaction Data load fail

    Hi Experts,
    I have an issue when I was loading transaction data from flat file to BPC model. I am getting error "Task name LOAD: Cannot perform read". It was working fine in the development box. The transformation file are all ok. Any inputs on this?
    Thank you.

    Hi Ng,
    Please check your BPC cube properties. Please play with below options.
    if you have selected option 2, then change to 1 and load the data or do it vice versa.
    BPC cube(/CPMB/)-->right click-->Planing specific properties--> change real time load behavior
    1.Real time data target can be loaded with data; planing not allowed
    2.Real time data target can be planned; Data loading not allowed.

  • Transaction data loading error

    I have one info-cube: C1, characterstic: Time(0calday), material number(IO_MAT), company code (0comp_code)
    key figure: price of material (IO_PRC)
    I create one datasource for transaction data
    Material      Comp code     Price
    110001     7770              23
    when I create transformation, it says error 1::
    Rule 2 (target field: IO_PRC): Field PRICE must be assigned to an InfoObject
    Message no. RSTRAN526
    No InfoObject is assigned to field PRICE. This is mandatory if you want to use the corresponding rule type.
    System Response
    The rule is invalid.
    Assign an InfoObject to the field
    error 2:
    Key rule 3 (target field: 0CALDAY): Initial update set
    Message no. RSTRAN508
    do I need another column in my upload file for date? should I put "16/11/2011" or "11.16.2011" for example?
    if I don't provide date, is it ok to run DTP? thanks

    I already have key figure IO_PRC( price) defined and in my datasource, I have also a field called " price" as well as in the upload file. and I already create a mapping by link "price" (upload file field) and IO_PRC (key figure)
    The issue is:
    No InfoObject is assigned to field PRICE.
    and second issue is:
    Rule (target field: IO_PRC): No source unit assigned
    Message no. RSTRAN517
    My key figure IO_PRC is defined as:
    Data type: CURR, fixed currency: USD  Unit/currency: empty,  Data element: /BIC/OIIO_PRC
    anything missing?

  • Problem in Flat file transaction data loading to BI7

    Hi Experts,
    I am new to BI7, got problem in activating data source for transaction data and create transfer routine to calculate sales revenue which is not there in flat file but flat file has got price per unit and quantity sold.
    Flat file fields are:
    Cust id   SrepID  Mat ID  Price per unit  Unit measure  Quantity   TR. Date
    cu100    dr01      mat01         50                 CS              5     19991001       
    created info objects are
    When i created IO_QTY, unit/curency was given as 0UNIT. In creation of DS, under fields tab, extra field CS was shown I did confuse to which object should i map it. and at the same time when i enter IO_QTY its prompting one dailogbox with 0UNIT, so i said ok. Now i can't map CS to unit as system created automatic ally 0UNIT when i enter IO_QTY. Could you please give me solution for this and procedure to enter formulae for calculating Sales revenue at this level instead of query level. Your solutions will be more appreciated with points.
    Await for ur solutions

    Hi Sunil,
    Thanks for your quick response. I tried to assign the infoobjects under the fields tab in creation of DS. I have not reached to data target yet.
    Could you please answer to my total question.
    Will you be able to send some screen shots to my email id [email protected]

  • Flat file transactional data load error

    I am trying to load a flat into a BPC model. I am using a DM " Import transational data load from flat file" to load the data. The transformation file and data file are validated correctly.
    However,when i am running the DM package, i am hitting the below message.
    Task Name : Load
    Cannot perform Read.
    Model : Package Status : Error.
    We have two secure dimension in the model. I have tried different combinations even with PRimary admin role and i am still getting the same error message.
    Is this a secirity related error ? The model has been transported from DEV . In DEV, i am not facing any errors.
    Any advise/ help?

    Hi King,
    I think in the back end you need check the option real time load behavior, Is it in planning mode or loading mode. If possible share your error message screen.
    Goto RSA1 ---> select your cube--> Right click---> change real time load behavior--> Change it in to planning mode
    Saida Reddy Gogireddy

  • Transaction Data Load from Infoprovider Problem?

    Hi Dear colleagues;
    I have a load transaction from infoprovider data problem. I have transformation file and i prepared our mapping. my transformation file like this:
    Then , run package .The result like this :
    and also Package status situation like this :
    As you see in 3rd picture .. Submit count seems 18525. So i have 18k datas in my BW cube. Lets look Bw side
    as you see My BW Cube is empty
    and there is no pack in my BW cube.
    I tried to explain my problem in this way.
    What should i do in this situation?
    Edited by: Breathe_ on Jan 5, 2011 10:34 AM

    Thanks for your answer nilanjan. But when i check reject records and reject datas , i couldn't see any hint. Otherwise i want to ask one more question:
    my transformation select row like this :
      can i write multiple selection about 0SALESORG ?  ( EX: 0SALESORG,2000,3000...) are there any syntax about that?
    Take it easy...

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