Transferring DVD's to your iPod???

If I want to watch a DVD movie that I purchased on my iPod can I transfer to my 5th gen???
Thanks in advance.

yes of course you can! the only thing is youre going to have to rip the DVD onto your computer, and then resize it and change the format of it in order to put it onto your ipod.
here is a guide on how to do it on a mac. here are directions for a mac:
and this is also a pretty good program.
hope you can do it!

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  • Tutorial: How to get DVD's on your iPod

    This tutorial is intended for the serious hobbyist who already have a collection of home videos on DVD. The tutorial shows how to get home DVD's onto your iPod in professional quality (Note 1) by:
    - using H.264 and AAC, and
    - avoiding intermidate transcoding steps
    Software required (Note 2):
    - DVD Decrypter (free)
    - BeLight with VOB plugin (free)
    - QuickTime Pro 7.0.3 ($30) with MPEG-2 plugin ($20)
    1 - DVD -> .vob Using DVD Decrypter (minutes)
    2 - .vob -> .wav Using BeLight (minutes)
    3 - .vob + .wav -> .m4v Using QuickTime (hours)
    Step 1:
    Insert DVD and launch DVD Decrypter
    First time only:
    Mode - IFO
    Tools - Settings - IFO Mode - On Startup Enable Stream Processing + Options File Splitting None
    DVD Decrypter will scan the DVD and automatically select the longest title in the Input tab.
    Often there is more information on a DVD than you want on your iPod and DVD Decrypter allows you to select the video and audio streams you want to transfer. Furthermore it combines the information into one big .vob file, allowing QuickTime and BeLight to process this information directly.
    Click on the Stream Processing tab and deselect the streams you don't want. (Note 3)
    Set the destination to an empty folder you will be using for preparing the iPod movie.
    Click DVD -> harddisk icon and wait for DVD Decrypter to complete
    Exit DVD Decrypter
    Step 2:
    Launch BeLight
    Select the .vob file as input
    Click on the WAV/PCM tab and select 16 Bits Stereo Wave.
    In case the audio stream is multi channel surround sound BeLight will down mix it to 2 channels.
    Click Start and wait for BeLight to finish
    Exit BeLight
    Step 3:
    Launch QuickTime
    Open the .vob file (Note 4)
    Open .wav file
    Edit - Select All
    Edit - Copy
    Back in the window with the video
    Ensure play position is at the beginning of the video
    Edit - Add to movie
    File - Export - Movie to MPEG-4 (Note 5)
    Use most recent settings, except for the first time (Note 6)
    Set extension of the file name to .m4v
    Click OK to start export
    This will take a long time, typical 1 hour for each 10 minutes on a 3 GHz Pentium IV machine.
    Use QuickTime to boilerplate the movie.
    Window - Show Movie Properties to add info like Title, Director and Producer
    View - Set Poster to set frame as poster for movie (This will show up on the icon in iTunes)
    You can even choose to add a still picture to the end of the movie and use that as poster.
    Add the file to iTunes and it will show up under videos.
    If you are happy with this tutorial, please acknowledge by voting + on this post to give it a positive rating.
    Note 1:
    Being on a Windows platform I have tried Videora iPod converter, PQ DVD Converter, Cucusoft and the tutorial based on DVDx and Xilisoft, but they all have one or more severe shortcomings, such as audio being out of sync, wrong proportions, mediocre picture quality.
    Note 2:
    DVD Decrypter can be obtained from a number of locations on the internet. Google for DVD Decrypter to obtain a suitable location for download. In this tutorial the version of the software used was v3.5.4.0.
    BeSweet can also be obtained from a number of locations on the internet. Google for BeSweet to obtain a suitable location for download. In this tutorial the following software was downloaded from
    - BeSweet v1.4
    - BeLight
    - VOBInput.dll v1.3 plugin
    QuickTime 7.0.3 can be obtained from
    The MPEG-2 playback plugin is available here

    Note 3:
    If you are new to DVD's here's a short description of what you may find on a DVD.
    When using Windows Explorer to examine the files on a DVD you will typically find at least the folders:
    AUDIO_TS is normally empty but VIDEO_TS holds a number of files, all with extensions like:
    .IFO - Information file
    .BUP - Backup of information file
    .VOB - Video Object
    A VOB contains streams of video, audio and subtitles. It may even optionally hold
    - multiple video streams - known as angles,
    - multiple audio tracks - different languages or formats (DTS/Dolby Digital/MPEG/PCM), and
    - multiple subtitles - in different languages.
    There can be several titles on a DVD, named VTS_01, VTS_02, VTS_03 etc.
    Since a VOB can be quite large they are split into individual files each less than 1 GB in size. E.g. if VTS_01 is more than 3 GB it is split into files named:
    Note 4:
    QuickTime can also read .vob files directly from the DVD, however the DVD drive will spin contantly during the export so in order to spare it it is better first to extract the DVD to the harddisk. Having the DVD moved to harddisk has additional advantages in that multiple VOB files are concatenated into one file.
    Note 5:
    Due to a bug in QuickTime 7.0.3 the Movie to iPod (320x240) export setting do not work when video is MPEG-2. What happens is that QuickTime will start exporting the movie and update the status until it reached 17%. At this point QuickTime will chrash. Once Apple has fixed this issue you don't have to manually set all the correct options as described in note 6. Then you can simply select the Movie to iPod (320x240) option directly.
    Note 6:
    Video Settings
    Bitrate: 622 kbps (Note 7)
    Pictures: Same as source
    Sync: Same as pictures
    320 x 240 if 4:3 or 320 x 180 if 16:9
    Deselect Main
    Select Baseline
    Select fastest (Highest quality setting incompatible with iPod)
    Audio Settings
    AAC-LC (Music)
    128 kbps
    44.1 kHz
    Click OK to accept advanced settings
    Click OK to accept settings
    Note 7:
    A video rate of 622 kbps results in 750 kbps when audio is 128 kbps and is the setting used by QuickTime when selecting the internal Movie to iPod export option. The iPod can handle 768 kbps video + 160 kbps audio so the video bitrate can be raised to say 750 kbps. However the quality difference between a video rate of 622 kbps and 750 kbps is marginal.
    I have played ipod videos encoded at 750 kbps video and 160 kbps audio without experiencing problems. However be warned that if you movie contains a lot of action this will generate peaks in the video rate. Whether these peaks will cause stuttering by exceeding 768 kbps when using a setting of 750 kbps I don't know and I have not yet seen enough footage to safely recommend 750 kbps. However personally I will be using 750 kbps and report back if I experience any problems.
    Short videos in iTunes Music Store use 622 kbps video rate (Michael Jackson Billie Jean and Bad, Pixar For the Birds). Longer videos used 570 kbps video rate (Michael Jackson Thriller, ABC - Lost).

  • Can you put purchased DVD movies onto your ipod?  also what about DVD moies that you have that are recorded, not bought?  and if you can how do you do it?

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    and if so.....  how????
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    "Can you put purchased DVD movies that you have on your ipod? "
    No.  breaking the encryption in order to copy them illegal.
    " what about recorded DVD's that you have? "
    Add them to itunes.



    To use Videora iPod Convertor to convert movies for use on your iPod, consult these helpful links:
    To get started:
    If you have questions:
    If you have more questions, post them here:
    Note that Videora iPod Convertor is a 3rd party program. If you need help with it, post your question there.

  • Putting store bought dvd's on your ipod

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    In the US it is illegal to break the encryption on DVD's.
    If you had a Mac- Handbrake would be the answer. It rips and reencodes the DVD in one step and is free.
    Under windows- I suppose you could look for 2 seperate programs, one to break the encryption and rip it to your hard drive and a second one to convert it. I believe they have paid for programs that do it.

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    "Does anyone know (perferably iPod video owners) if you could download a DVD onto your computer, either from a DVD to your computer, or from limewire, or kazaa, or something, then sync it to your iPod?"
    yes you can
    "if it has to be a certain format, and it is not the correct type, how do you convert it to the right type of format?"
    ipod plays mov and mp4 files, there are numerous third party software that allow you to convert other video formats to mov or mp4 (Videora being one of the freeware ones). Others can convert movie files directly so you can throw them onto your ipod after converting them.

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    Technically speaking, there is no 100% legal way in the U.S. to put commercial DVDs on your iPod.
    Any way you look at it, at some point you'll need to circumvent the encryption on a DVD to convert it for iPod use.
    Doing so is a violation of the Digital Milennium Copyright Act. That's one point of view.
    Another point of view is that since you own the DVD... Fair Use would allow you to make a backup copy of it, or convert it to another format for your own viewing method, as long as you're not distributing it, or selling it.
    The debate between fair use and DMCA violations has been discussed in great detail in these forums. If you search previous posts, you should find tons of detailed information on this topic.

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    Compaq Presario R3000 Notebook   Windows XP  

    "Why would anyone want to stare at that little screen for 2+ hours... I dont think apple false advertised at ALL...
    Watching a movie would just kill your battery and waste a lot of space on your iPod which was first intended for music..
    Pretty common sense if you ask me."
    whowhat I think that a lot of people want to watch movies on the new iPod otherwise the software that transfer DVD's to iPod's wouldn't exist. And I'm sorry but what is the point of making an iPod video if you can't watch movies on it? so that you can watch a music video for 3 minutes? or your choice of 5 tv shows or however many there are? I don't think so. I just feel that if I pay $400 for a new iPod and I spend $20 on a movie, I shouldn't have to pay an extra $30 just so I can get the software that puts DVD's onto my iPod. Obviously if I'm at home I'm not going to sit and stare at the iPod but the whole point of an iPod is that you can have all your music and all your videos on the go when you're on a plane or a train or a long car ride. I just think it's bull **** the way apple does business making everything overpriced and all I'm saying is that when I bought the new iPod I expected that I would be able to put my own movies onto the iPod. And even though when you buy a DVD you're buying the right to view it, not the rights to it, all I would be doing is viewing it on my iPod, how is that wrong?
    Compaq Presario R3000   Windows XP  
    Compaq Presario R3000   Windows XP  

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    Try this way:
    Make sure your new computer is authorized in iTunes. Disable autosync in itunes, connect your ipod, right click on it in the device list and choose backup.
    This will save data, pictures and settings to itunes. See what's included in this backup here:
    Transfer your purchases the same way to copy all apps and bought media from the Store to your computer.
    Set up at least one contact and event on your computer to be able the merge your calendars and contacts after your ipod got wiped during the first sync.
    The rest of the data can be restored from the backup you made.
    Music is one way only, from the computer to your device, unless you bought the songs in itunes and transferred your purchases.
    There is 3rd party software out there, but not supported by Apple, see this thread:
    Saving data to a computer before setting it up again is also explained here: How to back up your data and set up as a new device

  • About Anapod and Transferring Stuff to your iPod

    I have read a lot about Anapod. Anapod is suppost to be a great program and will "optimize your iPod experience".I read something about a drag and drop feature and maybe that itw as used for transferring. I was wondering, since a lot of people are having trouble moving movies to their iPods, if you could install Anapod and use the drag and drop feature instead of waiting for the long transfer speed iPod has. This is probably a stupid idea on my part but I'm really curious and this may fix a few problems.
    Please inform me if this would work or not. Don't be too harsh because, yes, I'm ******** in this field.
    P.S.- Here's the link to Anapod.

    it might be worth checking in at the Anapod Explorer forums over at ilounge to see if anyone there has any feel for that:

  • Syncing DVDs to your iPod Touch

    This is my first post on Apple Discussions. I would like to first comment on how supportive and polite this community seems to be, and cannot wait to get active in it.
    Apple products are some of the best in my opinion. Innovative, fun, and very usable. You guys are evolving technology in ways no one else has. The work Apple has done on computers, handhelds, and even small accessories have led the path to inspiration and innovation in technology.
    Okay, I am done sucking up now, haha. I will move on to my question.
    Is it possible for you to sync DVD's, that you have bought at a store, with your iPod Touch? If so, can you use a CD-ROM, or do you need a CD-DVD on your computer? For example, I can take albums I have bought, let's say Elton John's +Songs From the West Coast+, and put them in my CD-ROM and they will automatically add those songs in a database that I can copy to my iTunes which I can sync to my Touch. Is the same possible with DVDs?
    There are tons of movies I have bought that I would really like to contribute to my iPod Touch library. Some movies I have on DVD aren't even available in the iTunes Store. Now that is really frustrating.
    Please give personal experiences with this, official Apple documentation about this, or any support you can give. I will greatly appreciate it!
    Thanks in advance for all support!

    Well I wasn't planning on ripping, but I bought the DVD, and I am not redistributing it, so shouldn't I be fine?
    Is there no way to add it on the Touch without "ripping" it?
    And if I can't add a DVD onto my Touch, is there a place where I can suggest videos to be added to the iTunes store.
    Thanks for the quick response as well.

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    What is the name of the $20 program that has a red itunes icon that transfers music from your ipod to itunes?

    I second the whole iTunes folder approach.
    If for some reason you have split the media folder from the library files then the media folder needs to restored to the same path it used to have while the library files can be copied into the music folder of your new profile.
    If in dobut, backup up the entire Documents and Settings folder before wiping the infected drive, but be selective about what you restore as many viruses drop active components capable of reinfecting the compuer in the temp folders and internet caches. It is much easier to backup more than you need than to discover after the fact that you no longer have access to some vital project you'd been storing in a folder on the desktop.

  • How do you put a movie that you own on DVD onto your iPod?

    I have been trying to put a movie that I got for Christmas onto my iPod; which I also got for Christmas...In other words, this is my first time with an iPod-honestly, my first time working one, even. I already have all of my music on it; not exactly sure how that happened. Now I want my movies... But it's not working!!! Please, somebody help!!! Oh, and I don't know if this makes any difference, but it's one of the new iPod Nanos-the ones with the camera. Please, someone send help!

    It's against the AD forum terms of use to discuss removing copy protection from DVDs.
    +8. Keep within the Law+
    +1. No material may be submitted that is intended to promote or commit an illegal act.+
    +2. Do not submit software or descriptions of processes that break or otherwise ‘work around’ digital rights management software or hardware. This includes conversations about ‘ripping’ DVDs or working around FairPlay software used on the iTunes Store.+
    The studios want you to purchase another copy, just for your ipod.
    My advice is to ask your quesiton elsewhere.

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    I have Windows, so Handbreak doesn't work.
    I've tried videora, but its taking ages...
    *Just noticed you can edit*
    I would also like to add that I would perfer that it was free...
    Videora is driving me up a wall... It still has 3 hours to convert this thing its been going for 10 min and its still at 0%

    Depending on the specs of your computer, time taken to convert DVD's to an iPod-playable format can vary. On my computer (see below), it takes about 10 hours to convert a 2-hour DVD to the iPod format, using Videora.
    So, due to the extremely large size of the DVD rip, it'll take a while to convert it, regardless of how fast or slow your system is.

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    (Include any info including software/updates)

    You need software to "rip" the movie from the DVD to your hard drive in a format that can used to transfer the movie from the iTunes library to your iPod.
    Check this thread.

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