Transform Keeping endpoints of old shape

I'm new to Illustrator coming from Corel draw.
I'm creating an open shape, copying that open shape, rotating the new shape and trying to join the two shapes.
1) When I rotate the new shape, the bounding box displays the outline (shaded) of the shape BEFORE I rotated it. How do I get rid of this shaded outline and have the bounding box reflect the new shape? I've tried Object->Transform->Reset Bounding Box, but it does nothing.
2) When I join the two shapes (I group the two shapes, then select the endpoint using the "group select" tool under the "direct select" tool), it creates a closed shape from the end of the shape 2 to the beginning of shape 1.
What am I doing wrong?
Stephen McConnell

>1) When I rotate the new shape, the bounding box displays the outline (shaded) of the shape BEFORE I rotated it. How do I get rid of this shaded outline and have the bounding box reflect the new shape? I've tried Object->Transform->Reset Bounding Box, but it does nothing.
I can't duplicate what you describe. The bounding box displays the new position for me. There are several ways to rotate objects in AI. The "old school" method is to use the "rotate" tool. This method allows you to set the center of rotation by clicking anywhere in the file, before rotating the object. I prefer to use it with "Bounding Box" turned OFF. You might want to try this method.
>2) When I join the two shapes (I group the two shapes, then select the endpoint using the "group select" tool under the "direct select" tool), it creates a closed shape from the end of the shape 2 to the beginning of shape 1.
You should use the "Direct select" tool (hollow arrow) to select only the endpoints you want joined. It is easiest to drag across the two endpoints with the direct select tool. This will select then in one step. Then you can choose "join" or type "Cmd-J".

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    location     java.awt.Point[x=14,y=22]
    outerTransform     AffineTransform[[1.0, 0.0, 14.0], [0.0, 1.0, 22.0]]
    location     java.awt.Point[x=14,y=22]
    outerTransform     AffineTransform[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]
    location     java.awt.Point[x=14,y=22]
    outerTransform     AffineTransform[[1.0, 0.0, 15.0], [0.0, 1.0, 46.0]]
    location     java.awt.Point[x=14,y=22]
    outerTransform     AffineTransform[[1.0, 0.0, 15.0], [0.0, 1.0, 46.0]]
    location     java.awt.Point[x=14,y=22]The two things I can't figure out are:
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    currentTransform.transform(p1, m_imageLocation);simply transforms the point p1 according to the currentTransform and stores the value in m_imageLocation. This shouldn't affect the transform itself.

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