Transport BC Sets

Wanted to know if it is possible to transport Custom BC Sets
across systems ie transporting from Development to production

  It is possible provided you have chosen the 3rd option ( Using Transport request ) while creating the BC sets.

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    Yes, it will still be encrypted, with whatever usual encryption parameters
    HTTPS connection has. NONE means integrity or confidentialy isn't required
    for that resource, but it doesn't prevent you from applying them.
    "Chuck Zheng" <[email protected]> wrote in message
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    kind regards,

    I think you can't change valid_from, because it's a system field in which creation date is put in. On the other hand you can change the date_to, but in order to change it you have to start from the bottom. So, for example you can't set date_to for an upper unit to a smaller date than it's set for the unit bellow.
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    Hi Sarma,
    Thanks for your explanation. I am expecting it to be ''Hash'' here. ODS Data Activation complains against the value which exists in the new data table. There must be some transaction data extracted with '#' for that characteristic.
    ODS activation should not be complaining about the values that does not exist in the ODS new data table. I think, If you just delete the ODS data and activate with the same settings it will ignore all the values from the master data. In that case it doesn't matter what values exist in the master data table for the info-objects used in ODS.
    Hence there are two ways of getting around the issue.
    1) Delete ODS data and switch on the setting and activate it.
    2) Maintain the character in RSKC and activate.
    If it is just a blank value in the characteristic then it should never complain about activation.
    Hope it helps.
    Soumya Mishra

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    YOu can try transporting the entries using generic keys.

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    I belive you could just import the Agent by iteself. Instead of importing the source and destination everytime.

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    Lee T

    you need a transportation zone hierarchy to model transportation zones. In the transportation zone hierarchy, you assign several locations, for example customers, to a transportation zone.
    Using transportation zones has the advantage that you can reduce the number of transportation lanes that need to be processed.
    For each transportation zone, you have to create the following two transportation lanes:
    ●     A transportation lane between the source location and the transportation zone (reference transportation lane)
    ●     A transportation lane for transportation zone to itself, that is, you enter the same transportation zone as both the source and destination location (intrazone lane)
    The optimizer creates all of the other transportation lanes during the optimization run (runtime lanes):
    ●     All of the transportation lanes between the source location and every customer within the transportation zone (based on the reference transportation lane)
    ●     All of the transportation lanes between the individual customers within the transportation zone (based on the intrazone lane)
    Below document will give yoru clear idea,

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    Edited by: Vladimir Shilov on Dec 19, 2010 11:08 AM

    Dear Thomas,
       Did this get solved?
    Thank you,

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    This transaction is mainly done for the statistics Cube, Queries.
    the setting here is
    X On
    D Default
    when ever you are transporting the statistics for example 0TCT_MC01_Q0433 query name , if change the setting to X on in the t code  RSDDSTAT , this will impact the new setting in the quality after import . but we generally adopt for the the D default.
    on the other side we have some more options like
    0Aggregated Data
    1 Only front end calculation
    2 ALL
    and 9 No data
    this implies when you change the setting X ON the statistics will be calucalated only for 0Aggregated Data,Only front end calculation , All and also for nodata.
    based on the settings the system will help you to find the over all statistics when a particular application is run.
    Apart from that this will not impact any General transport setting in your system

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    Once you make the necessary changes in Admin mode, click on 'Save As..' button and save to a Transport Request. Then you can transport those changes.

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    Thanks in advance for your answer.
    Best regards,

    Hi Guillaume,
    In previous version there was only one option ( so i guess backwards compatible).
    If you really would like to adjust this, find out which portal application takes control for transport. Download it, adjust the default setting (probably in the portalapp.xml) and upload it.
    But I would strongly suggest: just click the data_and_acl option. Changing these minor this is not recommended!
    Another option is to create a 'template transport package'. If you need a new transport, copy the template, change name / description and add the appropriate objects to it.
    Noël Hendrikx

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    Can somebody kindly help .I didnt find any trm or api guide sort of documents for OTM. I have gone through all the documents from the R12 Doc Lib but the description of the interfaces are very generic and belong to high level design . Thanks in advance.

    Hi Sanjay
    as far as i know there is option in OTM to import and export files.
    the file can be a xml or csv.
    through xml files u can build orders and shipments and upload the same into otm.
    through the integeration manager in OTM.

  • Discussion: File CC Transport. Setting location of Folder, Server, Archive

    Dear Experts,
    I want to open a discussion.
    This is not something technical but rather to be more managerial.
    - When we transport the objects in Integration Builder to another server (like from DEV to QA), who do you think should be responsible to activate the transported objects? Will it be the basis guy or the development guy?
         If the Basis how can they find which object to be activated easily? Is it from the change list? Because the Basis guy usually does not know about the      objects, he is just given the TR and then transports it.
    - This is a similar question but this is related to the File Communication Channel. Because when we transport the file communication channel we need to re-configure the filename, location, archive location, FTP server, username and password (for object has not been transported before).
         Who do you think should re-configure that?
    Any opinion is appreciated.
    Thank you,
    Suwandi C.

    I use the file transport mechanism.
    I've been trying to configure the CTS+, but fails as I've read from the following document:
    In Chapter 2 it is stated that
    "Please keep in mind that the CTS+ Close Coupling integration is only available for SAP NetWeaver
    Process Integration 7.1 starting of SP06.
    If you have older Patch Levels, only the loose coupling via File Export and upload of Non-ABAP
    objects to a CTS+ communication system exists. "
    Since I'm using the PI 7.1 SP04, I guess I have no other choice but to use the File transport mechanism.
    So then, I have no choice instead of having the basis guy to activate and configure CC when transporting the PI Objects in Integration Builder.
    I've just doing some reseach and it seems that only the close couping for SAP PI available starting at version 7.1 SP06, For older version the loose coupling CTS by uploading the non-ABAP object to the TR is still possible. Is this correct?
    If this is correct, I need more insights of how this work. Will it work like this:
    PI Developer will chose the PI Objects to be transported and export the objects to a *.tpz file (using the file system mechanism). PI Developer will then attach the file system to a TR from the ABAP TCode SE09. TR will be given to the Basis guy to be transported. Once Transported the PI Objects in Integration Directory will be based by the Developer user ID because it is using the CTS mechanism transport.
    is that correct?
    Thank you,
    Suwandi C.

  • Is it possible to transport Reference Operation Sets?

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    Is this possible with a transport request or is their any other possibility?
    Thx in advance!

    Markus Meier ,
    To my knowledge there was a 3rd party tool named Infoshuttle which is add-on to SAP, if you have that in your system then it is possible to transfer transaction data from Production to Non-Production system. It can also transfer from Non-Production system to production system though this is NOT recommended at all as it could create data inconsistency.
    [Information on Infoshuttle|]
    Hope this helps....

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