Trazado animado de curvas

Hola Amigos:
Estoy haciendo un programa utilizando LAB VIEW 2009 para dibujar la trayectoria de un punto, mientras este  se mueve en el plano( XY graph), el punto se mueve pero no dibuja el trazado. podrian decirme que debo hace para activar esa función o enviarme el VI corregido que grafique la trayectoria.
Gracias por su cooperaciòn.
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trayectoria de ‏29 KB

Usted necesita crear un buffer para guardar los valores anteriores que san dibujados en el grafico.
adjunté un exemplo que dibuja punto a punto una función matemática en un gráfico xy. Usé la función "insert into Array" con "Shift Registers" para guardar los puntos en un vector. 
Ejecute el Vi y dime se esto ayuda.
Felipe Flores
Engenharia de Aplicações
National Instruments Brasil
trayectoria de punto_con ‏57 KB

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    el problema surge cuando adapto la mezcla a un trazado que tiene consigo mantener una distancia regular entre los elementos de la mezcla, aun usando las opciones(pasos, distancia)
    espero que me ayuden,gracias.

    El espaciado o distancia irregular entre los objetos de una fusión, cuando se aplican a un trazado, se debe precisamente al trazado, su complejidad en las curvas y en la cantidad de puntos de ancla que tenga el trazado o la espina de la fusión ya que la fusión toma como referencia para ubicar adecuadamente los objetos intermedios de la fusión, los puntos de ancla y los segmentos del trazado que hay entre un punto de ancla y otro.
    olvide mencionar las terribles deformaciones que le ocuren a los objetos intermedios de la mezcla. estas deformaciones son logicas en una mezcla entre dos elementos con formas distintas, pero no deberian ocurrir entre dos elementos identicos. la deformacion es mayor mientras mas pronunciada es la curva que sirve de columna a la mezcla. ayudenme porfa!!!
    Jose. Este problema con objetos visualmente iguales se da cuando alguno de los dos o los dos objetos de la fusión tiene un segmento del trazado abierto, has el ejercicio de hacer una fusión con dos cuadros iguales, cambia la espina por un trazado personalizado y a uno de los dos con la herramienta tijeras corta un segmento o un punto de ancla y veras que los objetos intermedios se deforman, aún cuando visualmente sean iguales.

  • Trazados Freehand a Photoshop

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    En mi ordenador puedo realizarlo, no sin problemas, ya que al pegarlo como "trazado" me da el error de "falta de memoria RAM", y entonces lo pego como "capa de formas" o viceversa.
    Los dos tienen instalado Windows XP.
    Si no tienen la solución:
    ¿Existe una alternativa para pasar los trazados de Freehand?
    saludos, Carlos r

    Antes de copiar tus trazados en Fhd, intenta desagruparlos primero. Si tu caso es con palabras convertidas a curvas, hay letras como la "a, b, e...etc" (aquellas que tienen huecos en sus formas) que despues de desagrupar la palabra deberas aplicarles un "split element" (no se como figura este comando en la version en español) a esas letras y luego (si deseas que el hueco de la letra llegue a photoshop) seleccionas el path del hueco junto al resto de la letra y le das un "join element".
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    Espero que esto te ayude!
    Juan Carlos

  • Trazados

    Buenas les saludo y les hago unas preguntas sobre trazados que para ustedes seran muy sencillas. ¿Cuando dibujo un trazado sin cerrar como lo acabo ? yo uso la tecla escape pero no se si hay otras opciones.
    Si tengo un trazado abierto como lo parto en dos?
    ¿Para que debo usar la tecla Alt y que funcion tiene?
    ¿cuando hago un trazado cerrado estoy creando un vector o es una imagen de pixeles?
    Un saludo

    1. Cuando dibujo un trazado sin cerrar como lo acabo ? yo uso la tecla escape pero no se si hay otras opciones.
    Tienes que colocar el cursor (la herramienta Pluma) sobre el punto inicial, aparece una o, si pulsas entonces se cierra. Con la tecla Esc a mí me deseelecciona el trazado y pulsando Esc una segunda vez desaparece el trazado. (En el caso de una forma desaparece el relleno).
    [La Pluma permite crear formas (vectoriales) con color de trazo y relleno, y trazados vectoriales.]
    2. Si tengo un trazado abierto como lo parto en dos?
    Seleccionando un segmento (subtrazado) y eliminandolo, o seleccionando un nodo (en este caso al eliminarlo desaparecen los segmentos que enlaza, luego no hay herramientas de cortar o dividir, como en illustrator, sólo se eliminina lo seleccionado (tecla Delete, Supr...) Asi que posiblemente tengas que añadir dos puntos muy próximos con la pluma por donde quieras cortar y luego seleccionar ese segmento para suprimirlo. La herramienta de selección será la flecha blanca (herramienta de selección directa, que está bajo la de selección).
    3. ¿Para que debo usar la tecla Alt y que funcion tiene?
    La tecla Alt es un acceso a la herramienta que convierte entre las distintas clases de nodos, con líneas de dirección simétricas, o no, en los nodos que aplican curvatura a los trazados. Si la usas mientras pinchas y arrastras con la pluma, independizas los dos manejadores o líneas de dirección de cada vértice o nodo, con lo que puedes crear curvas o combinarlas de forma libre, no simétricas o en la misma dirección, si usas esa herramienta o la pluma con la tecla Alt pulsada, despues de dibujar un trazado, puedes independizar y mover cada manejador de forma independiente. En los nodos sin lineas de dirección, entre tramos rectos, puedes añadirlos arrastrando sobre el nodo con esa herramienta o con la Pluma + Alt, y también se pueden eliminar pulsando en el nodo o en los extremos de las líneas de dirección.
    4. ¿cuando hago un trazado cerrado estoy creando un vector o es una imagen de pixeles?
    Antes de empezar a crear el trazado en la barra de herramientas puedes escoger entre hacer un trazado o una forma, ambos son vectoriales.
    Un trazado se puede convertir en una selección que serán píxeles. (El trazado se mantiene en el panel de trazados, aunque se puede perder o por el contrario combinar con otros trazados. (Los trazados no se imprimen, son líneas sin color de relleno o trazo ni grosor)

  • ¿Trazados para esta letra?

    Como estoy de vacaciones , preparo cosas para los alumnos y una de esas cosas es hacer con photoshop letras como esta que envio.
    ¿Se podrian hacer esas curvas y lineas con trazados?
    Si es asi, ¿como lo hariais? ¿como serian los pasos?
    Gracias ¡¡

    Adjunto dos ejemplos en Illustrator:
    El primero es el resultado de la funcion Trazado de Imagen
    Mostrando los trazados y nodos:
    El segundo es una operación con vectores (usando las herramientas de Selección Directa, Selección de Grupo, y Tijera) partiendo de un carácter convertido a contornos.
    y mostrando seleccionados los nodos:

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    reamsjp is right. That curving is in your TV. It is even present when you are watching normal TV programs but it can be hard to tell without straight lines in the image to reference. But if you really go looking for it, say by putting a TV guide table up on the screen that has a lot of straight lines in it, you will be able to see the same curvature.
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    Recently the whole family went to Spain for two weeks. All four of our phones (a Google Nexus 4, a BB Curve 9300 and two BBCurve 8520s) worked OK in Spain, connected to local mobile networks, sent and received texts and so on.
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    We have tried: battery pulls, SIM pulls, manual network registration, clearing the service books and re-registering, switching SIM cards between the phones (whichever SIM is in the 9300 works OK, whichever SIM is in the 8520 does not work), OS upgrade.
    The network shows on the handset screen, and connection is shown as EDGE. But calls do not get connected and SMS messages fail with "too many retries". Attempts to re-register the handset result in a message being received that the handset has been registered but it makes no difference.
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    So - has anyone ever seen this behaviour before, and how can we fix it?

    Good day
    I took a into the BlackBerry knowledge data base here is some info you can follow
    I cannot make or receive calls
    I cannot send SMS text messages
    Want to contract me? You can follow me on Twitter @RobGambino
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  • Caller ID not working on 8330 Curve

    Does anyone know how to fix the caller ID on my 8330 curve. Incoming calls from my address book are coming in as "unknown number" - its only some of the contacts, not all. BB supprt and Sprint couldn't figure it out.

    First, go into the Phone app (press the Green [Call] button), then hit the [Menu] button (button to the LEFT of the TrackBall) and select Options --> Smart Dialing.  Make sure your Country Code and Area Code are set correctly.
    Also, make sure that phone numbers in your Address Book entries are formatted like a phone number.  The most standard format is:
    +1 (123) 123-1234
    for the US. 

  • Help Needed - My BB 8520 Curve has this message-CRTranRec::GetLinkedRecordID:Invalid linked record id while sychronisation using the desktop software

    Need some help with the same:
    Help Needed - My BB 8520 Curve has this message-CRTranRec::GetLinkedRecordID:Invalid linked record id while sychronisation using the desktop software

    Hi sameer197301 and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums!
    To clarify, are you seeing this message displayed on your BlackBerry® smartphone or on your computer?
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • How do I tethering my blackberry curve with the mac?

    So i do have the tethering plan with att on my blackberry curve, and i downloaded the script from fibble but i just cant figure out how to tether it. it connects to via bluetooth but i just cant get internet.
    plz help

    Use the usb cable that comes with your iPhone to connect it to your Mac. Read the directions that came with the iPhone. Post in the iPhone forums where the iPhone gurus are. Google... Look to the right of your post in the "More Like This" column...

  • Problems with the O2 blackberry data package on my Curve 3G.

    I have already informed O2 about this but they claim that I should be used the blackberry support services, but nothing there helps me!
    I got my Blackberry Curve 3G on September 9th this year and I put on the Blackberry Data Package bolt-on onto my phone on September 16th. I then received a text to say they've taken £5 from my credit and it will be up and running in the next 24 hours. Its now September 19th and my BBM is not working at all and I am extremely upset with the services and behaviour I have received from both O2 and Blackberry.
    Is there any way you can help? If this fails, I shall be forced to go back to the shop from where I got my Blackberry from and ask for their help.
    Many thanks, Jade.

    Can a bubble whistle Problems with the O2 blackberry data package on my Curve 3G.? The seat matures in your oar. The lad ices the pursuing method inside a resident. A judge spins against the vendor! The rose wows the hello. 
    filipina heart

  • Curve 3G keeps deleting my txt messages..

    Hello all
    I have Curve 9300 3G, running on OS 6 (, platform
    The device is automatically deleting my messages after few feeks, starting from the oldest (they last about 1 month than they are deleted..)
    I have tried to look for an option of "how long to save messages" in the device and couldn't find any.... In the device manual it says and in the device Help\Search it sais the same:
    home->messages->options-> Message Display and Actions , but this sub-category option doesn't appear on my device messages options (i googled it and also ppl said they can't find this option on their curve 3G...)
    i have in option of messages this sub-categories:
    General Text Messaging options, SMS Text, MMS and in none of them  there is an option regarding  how long to keep txt messages...
    *   Memory Cleaning is disabled
    ** Also in some searches in google ppl  said free some memory. it is not the problem.. i have 70 MB free on the device and 7GB free in my memory card.. my BB is new.. only 2 month old
    so where can i set the device settings regarding saving my messages?
    Go to Solution.

    if u read my post carfully u can see  that i know that.. i wrote it in my post..
    i have found out why i don't see this menu: Message Display and Actions, there is a bug in the OS 6 with my BB or just with curve 3G i don't know.. other people reportet my problem as well
    when i go to options of messages it don't get this submenues:
    Message Display and Actions
    Inbox Management
    Email account Managment
    Spell Check
    Text Messaging
    after going to options of messages it goes straight to Text Messaging... and doesn't show thouse 5 sub-menues
    and because of this bug i can't even find "Message Display and Actions" in the general search of the device..
    the solution :
    go to the call logs, then select one of the call logs and press on  home button and select options
    then u see the 5 sub-categories\menues with Message Display and Actions among them, go inside and there u can select the option of how long to keep messages
    took me some time of playing with the device to find this crappy bug and find another way to get this Message Display and Actions..
    hope it will helps other with this bug in the OS

  • Please help! How do you MMS with the Red BB Curve 8330m ( software/f​irmware) on Sprint ?

    I'm a newbie to BlackBerry devices but a long time user of cell phones and I have just one question which I hope isn't a difficult one to answer.  I don't know if I'm missing something here, but how do you send an picture or photo via MMS?  All I see in my message options is SMS text.
    I just got the new Red BB Curve 8330m with the software/firmware from Sprint.
    I did a search here but didn't find an answer.
    TIA for any help here!
    Sprint Simply Everything Unlimited Plan
    Go to Solution.

    No problem, if it wasn't for questions there wouldn't be forum, Right?
    So you checked the firewall, and you can receive, that means you have the application,
    Have you ever done a battery pull or sent service books since receiving the device?
    Click Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Install BlackBerry Protect it's a free application designed to help find your lost BlackBerry smartphone, and keep the information on it secure.

  • CS4 Text around a bottom curve but text straight up and down?

    I have to change the names on bottles that were shot and so I am trying to type the names. 1st I tried Photoshop and could not get the 3D to work and could not get the arc or the warp to work correctly.
    So I went over to Illustrator. I finally got it figured out how to get the text on the bottom of the curve and reading corectly... BUT... the text on the R side of the curve, curves into the curve instead of each letter staying straight up and down horizontally. Help please? Nothing like being short on time and having to figure out how to get the text on a curve with the letters staying straight up and down instead of curving into the curve. Thank you!!!

    OK. I did that but now I am trying to copy paste into my Photoshop file but when it comes out of Illustrator... It brings an odd white box that is really messing me up!!! Why won't it let me just copy the text? Why is Illustrator making an extra white box that is blocking my image? Thanks. See the 2 below.  1 is the bottle before I have gotten the name over and the other, is the bottle when I am trying to paste just the text in place. For some reason, Illustrator is adding a white box that is messing me up?  1 is how it should look. 2 is Illustrator is making an extra white box that is covering up most of my bottle.

  • Blackberry Curve HELP with 2 things....​.sending pics via text and calls/SERV​ICE PROVIDER IS SPRINT

    Can it be done?  I am having a hard time figuring that out.  Can I send a picture I take using text feature?  Not having to send via email or using bluetooth?  You know how other phones, you just choose a picture and choose to send the picture and then you choose the contact to send to.... How do I do that with the curve?  I need to send pictures and sending via email doesnt work when I need the picture to go through right away.  Help!
    Also, I have been having this huge problem... I get a phone call or make a phone call and the phone goes back to my screen saver and not the phone call screen where it shows how long you are on the phone, the screen where it shows you are on a phone call.  It has been that sometimes the phone doesnt hang up and since the call stays on the screen saver screen I dont realize it and people on the phone are listening to my conversations.  Or i accidently hit a button without realizing it and it calls someone but I dont know this because the phone doesnt show me its making a phone call and I hear voices.... not in my head, coming from the phone.  Or i make a phone call and think the call didnt go through and start going through phone book and other options on my phone without realizing the person I called is already on the phone.  I hope I made sense. 
    Message Edited by veronicazambran on 03-03-2009 07:30 PM

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