Tree size for TreeByNesting UI Element

I have table and a Tree embedded in it.
I have mapped a value Attribute to the table property  for no of rows to visible.
When the User Expands a Tree node I am trying to use onActionLoad Children to find out no of children and try to set the same to the value Attribute.
But there is no event getting generated when user Collapses the tree Node to determine the size of the Table.
please let me know in case we can achive the same by other means.
Thank you
Krishna Kanth

hai krishna,
           Say A-parent B-parent
            a1,a2,a3 -- b1,b2,b3 are children
    the children will be available in a table in backend.just loop the table and get the children under parent A and load them under A |||ly do it for parent B.Please give ur requirement in detail.

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    I'm using the FileUpload UI element in NW2004s SP20.
    I want to limit the size of the uploaded file.
    The simple option is to load the file to the context, check the size, by using
    InputStream stream =;
    double size = stream.available();
    and report errors if any.
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    Hi Omri,
    "(but this can be checked AFTER the file was uploaded)" - what do you really mean here? I mean your main query is to restrict the file upload if it crosses certain size-limit. What is the use if you check the size after upload?
    My problem is the network traffic and the CPU load if users are trying to download huge files..., if the upload is restricted for size this download problem will not come .. correct?
    Not sure about the UI element properties has something to restrict the size, and if its really related to Network traffic and CPU utilization, i think you've to check with Basis team to re-sizing the servers to meet this new requirement of upload/download if its not considered before.
    Or the last option i could see is to use KM Upload iView if sizing is done with these considerations.

  • TREE Report for WBS Element

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             can any one tell me how to generate the hierarchical (tree ) report for a purticular project.
    I should genarate a hierarchical report for all WBS (From top level to lower level WBS ).
    With Regards,

    Hi raj,
    check BCALV_TREE_02 for ALV TREE DISPLAY ( for more clarification debug it )
    * my final table structure
            BEGIN OF gty_fin ,
             posid TYPE ps_posid,
             pspnr TYPE ps_intnr,
             post1 TYPE ps_post1,
             ebeln TYPE ebeln,
             ebelp TYPE ebelp ,
             name1 TYPE name1,
             belnr TYPE mblnr ,
             cplan TYPE wtgxxx ,
             netpr TYPE ekpo-netpr ,
             dmbtr TYPE dmbtr ,
             obligo TYPE dmbtr,
             vefugt TYPE dmbtr,
             verfugbar TYPE dmbtr,
            END OF gty_fin ,
    * Coding starts here in ur PBO
    *do modification accordingly
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
        PERFORM init_tree.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    FORM init_tree .
    * create container for alv-tree
      DATA: l_tree_container_name(30) TYPE c.
      l_tree_container_name = 'CCONTAINER1'.
      CREATE OBJECT g_custom_container
          container_name              = l_tree_container_name
    * create tree control
      CREATE OBJECT g_alv_tree
          parent                      = g_custom_container
          node_selection_mode         = cl_gui_column_tree=>node_sel_mode_single
          item_selection              = ' '
          no_html_header              = 'X'.
      DATA l_hierarchy_header TYPE treev_hhdr.
      PERFORM build_hierarchy_header CHANGING l_hierarchy_header.
    * Hide columns and sum up values initially using the fieldcatalog
      PERFORM build_fieldcatalog.
      CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->set_table_for_first_display
          is_hierarchy_header = l_hierarchy_header
          it_fieldcatalog     = git_fieldcatalog
          it_outtab           = git_edit. "table must be empty !
      PERFORM create_hierarchy.
      PERFORM register_events.
      CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->update_calculations.
    * Send data to frontend.
      CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->frontend_update.
    ENDFORM.                    "init_tree
    FORM build_hierarchy_header  CHANGING
                                     p_hierarchy_header TYPE treev_hhdr.
      p_hierarchy_header-heading = 'Project Definition'(002).
      p_hierarchy_header-tooltip = 'Project Definition'(002).
      p_hierarchy_header-width = 35.
      p_hierarchy_header-width_pix = ''.
    ENDFORM.                    " BUILD_HIERARCHY_HEADER
    *&      Form  exit_program
    *       free object and leave program
    FORM exit_program.
      CALL METHOD g_custom_container->free.
    ENDFORM.                    "exit_program
    *&      Form  build_fieldcatalog
    FORM build_fieldcatalog.
      DATA: lwa_fieldcatalog TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
    * The following function module generates a fieldcatalog according
    * to a given structure.
      REFRESH git_fieldcatalog.
          i_structure_name = 'ZDRK'       "  i created a structure same as final itab.
          ct_fieldcat      = git_fieldcatalog.
      LOOP AT git_fieldcatalog INTO lwa_fieldcatalog.
        CASE lwa_fieldcatalog-fieldname.
    * hide columns which are already displayed in our tree
            lwa_fieldcatalog-no_out = 'X'.
    ** Do some initial calculations:
    ** ALV Tree uses the field 'do_sum' to declare that a function
    ** for the corresponding column shall be calculated.
    ** Use 'h_ftype' to set the function type (MAX, MIN, SUM, AVG).
            lwa_fieldcatalog-do_sum = 'X'.
            lwa_fieldcatalog-h_ftype = 'SUM'.
          WHEN 'BELNR'.
            lwa_fieldcatalog-hotspot = 'X'.
            lwa_fieldcatalog-tooltip = 'Invoice Document Number'(003).
        MODIFY git_fieldcatalog FROM lwa_fieldcatalog.
    ENDFORM.                               " build_fieldcatalog
    *&      Form  create_hierarchy
    FORM create_hierarchy.
      DATA: ls_fin TYPE gty_fin,
          lt_fin TYPE TABLE OF gty_fin,
          lv_posid1_last TYPE ps_posid,
          lv_ebeln TYPE ebeln,
          lv_post1 TYPE ps_post1,
          lv_ebeln_last TYPE ebeln,
          lv_ebelp TYPE ebelp.
      DATA: lv_ebeln_key TYPE lvc_nkey,
            lv_ebelp_key TYPE lvc_nkey,
            lv_last_key TYPE lvc_nkey,
            lv_top_key TYPE lvc_nkey,
            lv_node_text TYPE lvc_value,
            lv_text_psp TYPE char10 .
      lv_text_psp = 'Project'(004).
    * all my data is in final itab git_fin
      lt_fin[] = git_fin .
      lv_node_text = gv_proj.
      CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->add_node
          i_relat_node_key = ''
          i_relationship   = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child
          i_node_text      = lv_node_text
          e_new_node_key   = lv_top_key.
      LOOP AT lt_fin INTO ls_fin.
        lv_posid1 = ls_fin-posid.
        lv_post1  = ls_fin-post1.
        lv_ebeln  = ls_fin-ebeln.
        lv_ebelp  = ls_fin-ebelp.
        IF lv_posid1 <> lv_posid1_last.     " on change of posid
          lv_posid1_last = lv_posid1.
    * PO- ebeln nodes
          PERFORM add_ebeln USING  lv_posid1
                            CHANGING lv_ebeln_key.
        IF lv_ebeln <> lv_ebeln_last.  " On change of lv_ebeln
          lv_ebeln_last = lv_ebeln .
          PERFORM add_ebelp USING ls_fin
                        CHANGING  lv_ebelp_key .
    * Leaf:
        PERFORM add_complete_line USING  ls_fin
                              CHANGING   lv_last_key .
    * expand first node initially
      CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->expand_node
          i_node_key = lv_top_key.
    ENDFORM.                               " create_hierarchy
    *&      Form  ADD_EBELN
    FORM add_ebeln  USING    p_lv_posid1 TYPE ps_posid
                             p_lv_post1 TYPE  ps_post1
                             p_lv_top_key TYPE lvc_nkey
                    CHANGING p_lv_ebeln_key TYPE lvc_nkey.
      DATA : ls_fin TYPE gty_fin,
             lv_node_text TYPE lvc_value ,
             lv_text_psp TYPE char11.
      lv_text_psp =  'WBS Element'(005).
      lv_node_text =  p_lv_posid1.
      CONCATENATE p_lv_post1 lv_node_text
             INTO lv_node_text
        SEPARATED BY space.
    * add node
      CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->add_node
          i_relat_node_key = p_lv_top_key
          i_relationship   = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child
          i_node_text      = lv_node_text  " 'WBS Element'
          is_outtab_line   = ls_fin
          e_new_node_key   = p_lv_ebeln_key.
    ENDFORM.                    " ADD_EBELN
    *&      Form  ADD_EBELP
    FORM add_ebelp  USING    p_ls_fin TYPE gty_fin
                             p_lv_ebeln_key TYPE lvc_nkey
                             p_lv_ebeln TYPE ebeln
                    CHANGING p_lv_ebelp_key TYPE lvc_nkey.
      DATA : ls_fin TYPE gty_fin ,
            lv_node_text TYPE lvc_value,
            lv_text_order TYPE char10 .
      lv_text_order = 'ORDER  '(006).
      lv_node_text = p_lv_ebeln  .
      CONCATENATE lv_text_order lv_node_text
             INTO lv_node_text
        SEPARATED BY space.
      CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->add_node
          i_relat_node_key = p_lv_ebeln_key
          i_relationship   = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child
          i_node_text      = lv_node_text " 'EBELN
          is_outtab_line   = ls_fin
          e_new_node_key   = p_lv_ebelp_key.
    ENDFORM.                    " ADD_EBELP
    *&      Form  ADD_COMPLETE_LINE
    *       text
    *      -->P_LS_FIN  text
    *      -->P_LV_EBELP_KEY  text
    *      <--P_LV_LAST_KEY  text
    FORM add_complete_line  USING    p_ls_fin TYPE gty_fin
                                     p_lv_ebelp_key TYPE lvc_nkey
                                     p_lv_ebelp TYPE ebelp
                            CHANGING p_lv_last_key TYPE lvc_nkey.
      DATA :  lv_text_pos TYPE char10,
              lv_node_text TYPE lvc_value,
              lv_node_layn TYPE lvc_s_layn.
      lv_text_pos = 'Position '(007).
      lv_node_text = p_lv_ebelp  .
      IF p_lv_ebelp IS INITIAL .
        lv_node_text = 'PLAN'(008) .
        lv_node_layn-hidden = 'X'.
        CONCATENATE lv_text_pos lv_node_text
               INTO lv_node_text
          SEPARATED BY space.
      CALL METHOD g_alv_tree->add_node
          i_relat_node_key = p_lv_ebelp_key
          i_relationship   = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child
          is_outtab_line   = p_ls_fin
          is_node_layout   = lv_node_layn
          i_node_text      = lv_node_text " Position of item
          e_new_node_key   = p_lv_last_key.
        CLEAR : lv_node_layn .
    ENDFORM.                    " ADD_COMPLETE_LINE
    hope this might be useful.

  • Maximum size for Elements 6.0 catalog

    Is there a maximum size for a singular catalog to keep it operating efficiently?  Everything I read is that the maximum size is dependent on your hard drive space.  I recently had to restore everything from a backup due to a fatal crash.  I keep my photo files on an external, USB powered hard drive.  Right now I have over 41,000 photos which is about 125 GB.  These are family photos I would like to keep together for tagging but am I pushing my Organizer beyond its limits?

    My catalog is on my external hard drive.  Here is the information from Help->System Info.:
    Current Catalog:
    Catalog Name:
    Catalog Location: F:\\
    Catalog Size: 133.7MB
    Catalog Cache Size: 841.8MB
    When I look on the external drive, there are 5 files under the F: drive (my external hard drive).  How do I moved the Catalog.psedb, backupCT.dat, collstatus.dat, itemData.mk4, tagstatus.dat, thumb.5.cache?  Can I copy/paste to a new folder within my C: drive or do I need to do something within PSE?  The next step I haven't mentioned is that once I get my PSE 6.0 up and running after its fatal crash, I want to convert to 8.0.  Currently, I'm getting a "cannot convert" error message in 8.0 and that I need to repair my catalog in 6.0.  When I try to repair, I'm told there are "no errors".  If you have a link for instructions to convert to 8.0 too, it be most helpful!  Thanks for all your help!!

  • How to set different pointsize  (Font Size) for different text range in the single textframe.

    I have a one textframe in which i want to  set three different pointsize(font size) for three different text ranges. I have set different tag name for different text ranges . So How can I set different pointsize in the single texmframe.
    Please reply me if anyone is aware of it.

    Extending Martti's post, you can create an XSLT that will add an element around the ASD2.1 part when you import the XML file into FrameMaker. Then FrameMaker's EDD can format this added element with a font different from the one used in the content element.

  • Set custom font size for one column

    hey guys! I am trying to decrease the font-size for one column based on an lov and used
    style="font-size:8pt"It does not work though! Do you have a hint?

    Hello Seb,
    >> Might it be important whether the column is of type "...based on lov"?
    If by "...based on lov" you mean “Display as Text (based on LOV, does not save state)” the answer is yes. This type of column is not treated as an updatable column (the implementation is by using a regular <td> tag and not the <input> tag) so the Apex engine ignores the Element Attributes field.
    As far as I can tell, this column can only be styled in the query itself (and you need to implement the LOV yourself).
    Another option is to use a select list and disabled it, but the column will appear in gray, and with small font size it doesn’t look that good.
    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Forthcoming book about APEX: Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

  • Using large block sizes for index and table spaces

    " You are not using large blocksizes for your index tablespaces. Oracle research proves that indexes will build flatter tree structures in larger blocksizes.
    Is this a generic statement that I can use for all tables or indexes? I also have batch and online activity. My primary target is batch and it should not impact online. Not sure if both have common tables.
    How to find the current block size used for tables and index? is there a v$parameter query?
    What is an optimal block size value for batch?
    How do I know when flatter tree str has been achieved using above changes? Is there a query to determine this?
    What about tables, what is the success criterion for tables. can we use the same flat tree str criterion? Is there a query for this?

    user3390467 wrote:
    " You are not using large blocksizes for your index tablespaces. Oracle research proves that indexes will build flatter tree structures in larger blocksizes.
    Is this a generic statement that I can use for all tables or indexes? This is a generic statement used by some consultants. Unfortunately, it is riddled with exceptions and other considerations.
    One consultant in particular seems to have anecdotal evidence that using different block sizes for index (big) and data (small) can yield almost miraculous improvements. However, that can not be backed up due to NDA. Many of the rest of us can not duplicate the improvements, and indeed some find situations where that results in a degradation (esp with high insert/update rates from separated transactions).
    I also have batch and online activity. My primary target is batch and it should not impact online. Not sure if both have common tables.
    How to find the current block size used for tables and index? is there a v$parameter query?
    What is an optimal block size value for batch?
    How do I know when flatter tree str has been achieved using above changes? Is there a query to determine this?
    What about tables, what is the success criterion for tables. can we use the same flat tree str criterion? Is there a query for this?I'd strongly recommend that you
    1) stop using generic tools to analyze specific problems
    2) define you problem in detail ()what are you really trying to accomplish - seems like performance tuning, but you never really state that)
    3) define the OS and DB version - in detail. Give rev levels and patch levels.
    If you are having a serious performance issue, I strongly recommend you look at some performance tuning specialists like "", "", "", "", or even Oracle's Performance Tuning consultants. Definitely worth the price of admission.

  • What is the easiest way to always increment to index 0 only for a multi-element array ?

    The premise is to populate a spreadsheet from left to right in the same row but incrementing the column letter only (ie - B4, then C4 etc). Attached I have customized an existing example VI that works for a 2 element array (ie - B4) but does not work for a 3 element array (ie - B40, then becomes B50). Keeping it simple, what is the best and easiest way to modify my existing code to always check the array size and automatically index back to 0 in order to properly increment the first letter only (ie - B) and not the number (ie - 4) ?
    Thanks !
    Go to Solution.
    String ‏7 KB

    In case you ever have more than 26 columns (as Ravens Fan noted), here
    is some code I use to generate the column label from the column number
    ExcelColumnLabels.png ‏17 KB

  • Set font size for ChoiceGroup

    Is there any way to set font size of the String elements of ChoiceGroup

    Yes, there is, but only if you're using MIDP2.0.
    Check the API documentation of ChoiceGroup and see that there's a setFont(.., ..) method. The given index (int value) identifies the index of the element in the list for which the font will be set. This means that different elements in one choicegroup can have different fonts.
    Test it carefully, I've noticed that not all devices show correct behaviour on this. Also note that certain devices ignore certain font settings (for example italics, because a lot of native implementations won't have a font in italics).
    Good luck!

  • Set paper size for image on roll paper

    Q     I am trying to set the paper size for a H 30cm x W 80cm image using roll paper on an Epson R3000 printer. Computer Dell I7 64b and using Elements 9. Thank-you, John

    Garry - Many thanks for the reply. I was following the usual routine but I had never needed to use the 'User defined' box previously but it appears this is vital to the whole process when using roll-paper. I also found that the paper height becomes the Length when using roll-paper. I nearly entered the paper height (as requested) as 10m (length of roll) but you need to enter the length of the actual print required or the print process will start in the middle of the 10m roll! always seems to be that little extra missing from the manuals!  John

  • Default font size for a value in a table in Answers

    I am trying to set a default font size for a column of table view in Answers, so that when I create a new report, this default font size is used. Can someone please point me to the file where I can make this change?

    Well if you have a tag like this: {
    It means it's coming from the formatting in the request in Answers...not from a style sheet! You'll note in Firebug, that there's actually no *.css file mentionned. I.e. example from here: {
    .OORD {views.css (line 1574)
    .PTE {views.css (line 1077)
    First part comes from my conditional formatting and doesn't reference any css file
    The other two elements are from the views.css which control my pivot table.
    See the difference?

  • Zynq Petalinux 2014.4 device tree node for two SD card interfaces?

    I'm using a 3rd party zynq module (Trenz TE0720) for which they provide a .bsp file.  The resulting Petalinux build boots just fine out of the SD card.  But the module also has an on board eMMC memory that should look llike second SD card and it is connected to the zynq's second sdhci controller.  But Linux is unaware of its existence.
    The likely cause is an omission from the device tree script and I would imagine it should be possible to add the missing device tree node.  However all of attempts thus far have failed.  The (very simple) device tree script looks like the below.
    Can anyone point me to a correct SD card device tree node for a Petalinux 2014.4 device tree script?  Also the full present device tree script archive is attached.  Thanks!
    /include/ "system-conf.dtsi"
    aliases {
    mio = &gpio0;
    /* TE0720-02 uses Spansion Flash */
    &qspi {
    flash0: flash@0 {
    compatible = "spansion,s25fl256s1";
    &usb0 {
    dr_mode = "host";
    &gem0 {
    phy-handle = <&phy0>;
    mdio {
    #address-cells = <1>;
    #size-cells = <0>;
    phy0: phy@0 {
    compatible = "marvell,88e1510";
    device_type = "ethernet-phy";
    reg = <0>;
    /* restore LED settings */
    marvell,reg-init = <0x3 0x10 0x0000 0x0501 0x3 0x11 0x0000 0x4415>;
    &i2c1 {
    /* Real Time Clock RAM is not supported, map as EEPROM */
    eeprom@57 {
    compatible = "at,24c01";
    reg = <0x57>;
    /* Real Time Clock, rtc0 name can used to set time at startup! */
    rtc0: rtc@6F {
    compatible = "isl12022";
    reg = <0x6F>;

    I figured out a solution by myself:
    The Kernel image was not read from the correct position in the QSPI flash. In order to find out which is the correct address to read from, I modified the .bif-file (./build/bootgen.bif)  that was generated by petalinux-package:
    [bootloader] ./images/linux/zynq_fsbl.elf
    Then I executed:
    bootgen -image newbif.bif -o test.bin -debug -w
    The -debug is important here. This gave me:
    *** After Link
    -- Dump of Binary cache ----
    00000000 Len: 000008a0 Res: 00000000 "BootHeader"
    000008c0 Len: 00000014 Res: 00000000 "ImageHeaderTable"
    00000900 Len: 00000024 Res: 00000000 "ImageHeader zynq_fsbl.elf"
    00000940 Len: 00000020 Res: 00000000 "ImageHeader u-boot.elf"
    00000980 Len: 00000020 Res: 00000300 "ImageHeader image.ub"
    00000c80 Len: 00000040 Res: 00000000 "PartitionHeader zynq_fsbl.elf.0"
    00000cc0 Len: 00000040 Res: 00000000 "PartitionHeader u-boot.elf.0"
    00000d00 Len: 00000040 Res: 00000000 "PartitionHeader image.ub.0"
    00000d40 Len: 00000040 Res: 000009c0 "PartitionHeader Null"
    00001700 Len: 0001800c Res: 00000000 "zynq_fsbl.elf.0"
    00019740 Len: 00043054 Res: 00000000 "u-boot.elf.0"
    0005c7c0 Len: 00691ac0 Res: 00000000 "image.ub.0"
    -- End of Dump
    Here we see that the Kernel image is to be found at an offset of 0x0005c7c0 and has a length of 0x00691ac0.
    The image can therefore be booted in u-boot by doing:
    U-Boot-PetaLinux> sf read $netstart 0005c7c0 00691ac0
    SF: 6888128 bytes @ 0x5c7c0 Read: OK
    U-Boot-PetaLinux> bootm $netstart
    This loads and successfully boots the kernel, finally presenting me a login prompt.
    Hope this helps someone in the future. 

  • How can I permanently enlarge the default size for pop-ups?

    I use several sites that employ pop-ups. The default size is too small, so I have to manually enlarge each pop-up. How can I set the default size for pop-ups to a larger size. I don't want them maximized, just larger than the default.

    A pop-up should fit normally unless you are zooming images or text or increasing elements otherwise.
    Reset the page zoom on pages that cause problems.
    *<b>View > Zoom > Reset</b> (Ctrl+0 (zero); Cmd+0 on Mac)
    If you have increased the minimum font size then try the default setting "none" as a (too) high value can cause issues.
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced > Minimum Font Size (none)
    Make sure that you allow websites to choose their fonts.
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced > [X] "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above"
    It is better not to increase the minimum font size, but use an extension to set the default page zoom to prevent issues with overlapping text.
    *Default FullZoom Level:

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    Can I resize photos and reduce JPEG file sizes by using Photpshop Elements?

    Go to Image>Resize>image size.
    For purpose of web posting, go to File>save for web.

  • Muse changes size of embedded HTML-Elements

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    What can I do? What is wrong with muse?

    How are you setting the width and height? Are you editing the embed code or using the width and height controls in Muse? YouTube videos and most HTML embed code specify their own dimensions. If you've accidentally changed the dimensions of the container holding the embed code, the easiest way to reset the widget to the default size is to drag-resize the widget with the mouse to dimensions that are much smaller than their default size. Muse will initially allow you to resize to these smaller dimensions but will then ask the browser to render the embed code and report its dimensions. If the dimensions are larger than the current size of the container, Muse will reset the container's dimensions to match those reported by the browser.
    With respect to your bandcamp embed code, it consists of an iframe with internal dimensions of 356x317. For HTML embed code pasted onto a page, Muse does not know what is in the code but it needs to know the dimensions so it can put it in a container. So, Muse hands the embed code to the browser and lets the browser determine its dimensions and generate a poster image for design time rendering in Muse. These dimensions are the initial dimensions of the container. Muse lets you style this container by adding a stroke and fill, for example, and it lets you resize the container. If you attempt to resize the container by dragging a resize handle or using the width and height controls, Muse gives the html embed code a chance to adapt to the new size of its container by handing the embed code back to the browser along with the container it needs to draw within. If the embed code is smart enough to adjust its dimensions, it will do so and pass a new poster image and new dimensions back to Muse. In this specific instance, the iframe has hardcoded dimensions so it cannot change its size. However, Muse will still allow you to adjust the container's dimensions as long as you don't resize it to be smaller than what the browser says its dimensions should be.
    Try the following experiment with your bandcamp widget. Give it a colored fill. Resize it larger than 356x317 by dragging the bottom-right selection handle. When you let go of the mouse, Muse will pass the container and the embed code for the widget to the browser to give it a chance to resize the widget. The band camp code does not respond so you see a colored fill in the portions of the container not filled by the widget. Now resize the container smaller than 356x317. Muse again gives the widget a chance to resize but the browser again returns 356x317 for its dimensions. So, Muse adjusts the dimensions of the container to match this minimum size.
    If you want to really make the widget a different size, you need to adjust the dimensions specified in the embed code. If you want to experiment, try the following:
    1. Right-mouse click on the widget and select "Edit HTML..."
    2. Find the 'width' and 'height' values and change them to something else. Try changing the width to something like 500px. Make sure you preserve quotes and semicolons and only change the numbers so that you do not break any syntactical rules.
    3. Press OK and watch how it changes the widget.

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