Trigger click event on RichLink from Managed Bean

I want to fire a click event from a managed bean of a RichLink which has a clientListener of click type.
For this, I have tried many options, but nothing works.
My problem is that the RichLink doesn't have action and actionListener properties, then I couldn't launch ActionEvent, since doesn't exists.
I have tried few options:
public void option1() {
  RichLink linkF11 = (RichLink) JSFUtils.findComponentInRoot("cil2");
  String script = "var link = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId('"+linkF11.getClientId()+"');" +
public void option2() {
  RichLink linkF11 = (RichLink) JSFUtils.findComponentInRoot("cil2");
  String script = "var link = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId('"+linkF11.getClientId()+"');" +
public void option3() {
  RichLink linkF11 = (RichLink) JSFUtils.findComponentInRoot("cil2");
  String script = "var link = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId('"+linkF11.getClientId()+"');" +
                  "AdfCustomEvent.queue(link, "tooglePanelSplitter",{}, false);";
public void option4() {
  RichLink linkF11 = (RichLink) JSFUtils.findComponentInRoot("cil2");
  String script = "var link = document.getElementById('"+linkF11.getClientId()+"');" +
private void addJavaScript(String script) {
  FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
  ExtendedRenderKitService service = (ExtendedRenderKitService) Service.getRenderKitService(facesContext, ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
  service.addScript(facesContext, script);
Finally, I could find a solution, but I have read that, we should avoid call javascript standard code in ADF.
jsf code
<af:link text="Modo Comp." id="cil2"
  partialSubmit="true" styleClass="icon-list-alt"
  shortDesc="Modo Compatibilidad"
  <af:clientAttribute name="psId" value="#{myBean.psF11.clientId}"/>
  <af:clientListener method="tooglePanelSplitter" type="click"/>
javascript code
function tooglePanelSplitter(event) {
    var psId = event.getSource().getProperty('psId');
    comp = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent(psId);
    if (comp) {
        comp.setProperty("collapsed", !comp.getProperty("collapsed"));
    }  else {
        alert('not found');
PS: jdeveloper 12c (

I wanted to fire the ClientListener from a managed bean, but finally I have solved executing a new javascript code from managed bean.
In my first javascript code, I toggle the position of a panelSplitter, and in this new code, I set the position to not collapsed.
public void option4() {
  String psId = ztBean.getPsF11().getClientId();
  String script = "var psl = document.getElementById('"+psId+"');" +
private void addJavaScript(String script) {
  FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
  ExtendedRenderKitService service = (ExtendedRenderKitService) Service.getRenderKitService(facesContext, ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
  service.addScript(facesContext, script);

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    how i show a inline popup from managed bean , triggered by a certain action in bean, like satisfying a condition or something else?
    normally, showing a popup from bean involves clicking some userinterface components on page.
    in my case, showing a popup should totally automated by a managed bean.
    i m using jdev .
    Plz , help me in this context.

    Hi John,
    I used the above code but it doesnt work.Can you please look into my code.
    In Jspx page,
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <af:document id="d1" binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_untitled5.d1}">
    <af:form id="f1" binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_untitled5.f1}">
    <af:commandButton text="commandButton 2"
    <af:popup binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_untitled5.p1}" id="p1">
    <af:panelWindow binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_untitled5.pw1}"
    In backing bean,
    package view.backing;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.ExtendedRenderKitService;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.Service;
    public class Untitled5 {
    private RichForm f1;
    private RichDocument d1;
    private RichPopup p1;
    private RichPanelWindow pw1;
    private RichCommandButton cb2;
    public void setF1(RichForm f1) {
    this.f1 = f1;
    public RichForm getF1() {
    return f1;
    public void setD1(RichDocument d1) {
    this.d1 = d1;
    public RichDocument getD1() {
    return d1;
    public void setP1(RichPopup p1) {
    this.p1 = p1;
    public RichPopup getP1() {
    return p1;
    public void setPw1(RichPanelWindow pw1) {
    this.pw1 = pw1;
    public RichPanelWindow getPw1() {
    return pw1;
    public void setCb2(RichCommandButton cb2) {
    this.cb2 = cb2;
    public RichCommandButton getCb2() {
    return cb2;
    public String cb2_action() {
    // Add event code here...
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ExtendedRenderKitService extRenderKitSrvc =
    Service.getRenderKitService(context, ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
    extRenderKitSrvc.addScript(context,"AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('" + p1 + "').show();");
    return null;
    Please correct my mistake if any.

  • How to Open PopUp from Managed Bean?

    Can you please let me know how can we open a pop up from managed bean.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kiran Konjeti

    I got the answer for this question.
    Write the following code in Managed Bean
    private RichOutputText errorText;
    private RichPopup PopUp;
    Generate accessors(setters & getters) for these 2 variablesAnd place this method in your managed bean.
    > private void showPopup(RichPopup popUp, UIComponent source) {
    > FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    > String popupId = popUp.getClientId(context);
    > String alignId = source.getClientId(context);
    > StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
    > script.append("var popup = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('").append(popupId).append("'); ").append("if (!popup.isPopupVisible()) { ").append("var hints = {}; ").append("hints
    [AdfRichPopup.HINT_ALIGN_ID] = '").append(alignId).append("'; ").append("hints[AdfRichPopup.HINT_ALIGN] = AdfRichPopup.ALIGN_AFTER_START; ").append(";}");> ExtendedRenderKitService erks =
    > Service.getService(context.getRenderKit(),
    > ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
    > erks.addScript(context, script.toString());
    > }
    Now, how to call this method from your managed bean ... depends upon situation.
    public void sendEmailstoBorrowers(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
    .....................some logic ...............> if(true){
    > personHistoryStatus = defaultPreventionHelper.writeBorrowerHistory(borrowersList,getFormattedAction());
    > this.errorText.setValue((borrowersList != null ? borrowersList.size() : "")+" E-mails have been sent successfully..!");
    > }else{
    > this.errorText.setValue("Unable to send emails. Please contact System Administrator..!");
    > }
    > showPopup(this.getPopUp(), actionEvent.getComponent());
    }And ... what do we need to do on the UI??
    Write the following code in UI -- Here is the button which calls sendEmail method
    ><af:commandButton text="SEND" id="cb3"
    >shortDesc="Click 'Send' to send emails."
    >disabled="#{pageFlowScope.DefaultPreventMB.disablePrintButton || bindings.DelinquentBorrowersList.estimatedRowCount == 0}"
    >rendered="#{pageFlowScope.DefaultPreventMB.formattedAction eq 'E-mail'}"
    Once this button get clicked ... it calls sendEmailstoBorrowers, and based on the result(either true or false) the method sets the content for the pop up and opens the popup from managed bean.
    And here is the code for which we have to keep inside the jsff and this gets invoked from managed bean.
    ><af:popup id="p1" binding="#{pageFlowScope.DefaultPreventMB.popUp}">
    > <af:dialog id="d1" type="ok" title="E-mail Communication Status">
    ><af:outputText value="E-mails have been sent successfully..!"
    > id="ot11"
    Let me know if you need more information about it.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Kiran Konjeti

  • ADF Show popup from managed bean

    Hi, i have one popup in jspx. On click of a command button a method in managed bean should be called and that has to decide whether to show the popup or not. I have a check and using that i need to show this popup. How to show/invoke the popup from managed bean? I used script also but it was not working. Kindly help me.
    Thank you,
    Sankari Kannan

    Which JDeveloper Release You Use?
    In JDeveloper11g the structure View---->Document----->Form.
    Try one of these solutions:
    - Try to put it outside of your pageTemplate tage as:
    I don't know is it possible or not.
    - you can put the ids of your popup container as
    StringBuilder strb =
    new StringBuilder("AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent(\"container1:container2:popup5\").show();");
    Sameh Nassar

  • Re:How to get the vo from managed bean

    Hi all,
    I am using Jdev11.
    My requirement is : I have one jspx page.In that page i have created one form,so i need to get the values from managed i wont create by using data control view finally i have to get the table values from managed how can i get it.can anyone help me please.

    So you're not using ADF BC at all, right ?
    From JSF point of view, it does not matter how you provide UI control values.
    What you can do, for example, is to use pure JDBC in order to get and display the database values.
    What you need in your backing bean, is appropriate properties (setter/getter method pairs).
    In the getter, you can obtain DB values by using JDBC
    Take a look at:
    JSF 2.0 + JDBC integration example
    JSF JDBC Integration
    JDBC in JSF - YouTube

  • Header value in data table can be fetched from managed bean.

    My requirement is to display a report in which column headers are also retrieved from data base, it cannot be hardcoded.
    instead of My Column it should come from managed bean
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="My Column"/>
    I am not able to fetch the header value from the managed bean.
    I tried
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:outputText value="#{}"/>
    but failed.
    Is there any way i can fetch these values at run time.

    Is that bean the main bean or the row object? It should be the main bean. There is only one column per table, its value is not to be derived from the row object.

  • How to call a AM method with parameters from Managed Bean?

    Hi Everyone,
    I have a situation where I need to call AM method (setDefaultSubInv) from Managed bean, under Value change Listner method. Here is what I am doing, I have added AM method on to the page bindings, then in bean calling this
    Class[] paramTypes = { };
    Object[] params = { } ;
    invokeEL("#{bindings.setDefaultSubInv.execute}", paramTypes, params);
    This works and able to call this method if there are no parameters. Say I have to pass a parameter to AM method setDefaultSubInv(String a), i tried calling this from the bean but throws an error
    String aVal = "test";
    Class[] paramTypes = {String.class };
    Object[] params = {aVal } ;
    invokeEL("#{bindings.setDefaultSubInv.execute}", paramTypes, params);
    I am not sure this is the right way to call the method with parameters. Can anyone tell how to call a AM method with parameters from Manage bean

    Simply do the following
    1- Make your Method in Client Interface.
    2- Add it to Page Def.
    3- Customize your Script Like the below one to Achieve your goal.
    BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
    OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("GetUserRoles");
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("username", "oracle");
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("role", "F1211");
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("Connection", "JDBC");
    Object result = operationBinding.execute();
    if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
    return null;
    return null;
    i hope it help you

  • Disabling a checkbox which is in a table, from managed bean

    disabling a checkbox which is in a table, from managed bean -
    i am able to iterate table and get/set value of checkbox but i want to disable it, how can i do that?
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Application app = facesContext.getApplication();
    ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
    ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
    ValueExpression valueExp = elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, "#{bindings}", Object.class);
    DCBindingContainer bindings = (DCBindingContainer) valueExp.getValue(elContext);
    DCIteratorBinding iter = bindings.findIteratorBinding("dogsIterator");
    RowSetIterator rit = iter.getRowSetIterator();
    while(rit.hasNext()) {
    Row currentRow =;
    Attribute attr = (Attribute)row.getAttribute("checked");
    what code should come here to disable checkbox?

    Wes Fang wrote:
    You might find it easier to simply use EL and evaluate that value on the disable property:
    <af:column ...>
    <af:selectBooleanCheckbox ... disabled="#{row.bindings.checked.inputValue==YOUR_DISABLE_VALUE?true:false}"/>
    i used this approach.
    kept a bean in session and used it's property in disabled attribute - now setting this property in my bean...

  • Operation not found error while calling AM methods from managed bean

    operation not found error while calling AM methods from managed bean.
    written a method with two parameters in AM.
    exposed the method in AM client interface
    in the page bindings added the method in method action ..left empty in the value fields of the parameters.
    calling the method from managed bean like below
    String userNameVal = (String)userName.getValue();
    String passwordVal = (String)password.getValue();
    OperationBinding operationBinding =
    i am getting operation verifyLogin not found error.Please suggest me something to do.

    Hi vlsn,
    Can you try with the below code
    // in your backing bean
    OperationBinding operation = bindings.getOperationBinding("verifyLogin");
    //Put your both parameters here
    operation.getParamsMap().put("parameter_name1", parameterValue1);
    operation.getParamsMap().put("parameter_name2", parameterValue2);
    if (operation.getResult() != null) {
    Boolean result = (Boolean) operation.getResult();
    and share the result.

  • Error while opening a popup from managed bean

    I am trying to open a popup from bean, after another popup is closed. When I open the second popup either through ActionListener(on first popup button) or DialogListener(on first popup), I am getting the below error on browser status bar(!); and the second popup doesn't open. There is no error in the log.
    *'AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent(...)' is null or not an object.*
    Although the popup id is there on the jspx page.
    <af:popup id="confirmationStatus" binding="#{MyBean1.confirmationStatus}">
    <af:dialog cancelVisible="false"
    closeIconVisible="false" binding="#{MyBean1.d2}"
    title="Appointment Confirmation Status">
    <af:outputText value="Appointment is successfully confirmed"/>
    public void confirmAppointment_dialogListener(DialogEvent dialogEvent) {
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ExtendedRenderKitService service = Service.getRenderKitService(context, ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
    String popupId = "confirmationStatus";
    service.addScript(context,"AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('" + popupId + "').show();");
    Please tell me why my popup is not getting open from the managed bean and I am getting an error in below line.
    service.addScript(context,"AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('" + popupId + "').show();");

    To find out the right address of a component related to an other component, open your page select the component you want to add a partial trigger, go to the partial trigger property, select the down arrow at the right end and select 'Edit'. Now look for the popup in the component tree shown on the left side. When you have found the popup shuffle it the the selected side and click OK. The string you see in the field is the full address of the popup related to he component you've selected. Try the string you see there in your bean code. Remove the string from the partial trigger property, it's just to get the correct path.
    One other thing to check is that your popup has the ClientComponent property set to true.
    Next thing to try, is to use AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId(...)

  • How to open a jspx in a popup from managed bean.

    I'm using Studio Edition Version
    I have a JSPX that is to be used as an application monitor screen. So it contains 5 af:tables with plenty of columns & query search criteria. Each of the tables has context sensitive menus as well as double click functionality.
    When I write everything in a single JSPX, the code functions as expected. i.e. menu items & double click actions open new popups with requisite data. However, single JSPX becomes huge in size and hence difficult to maintain.
    When I transfer code to another JSPX, How do I call the new JSPX in a popup from the managed bean?

    Try this:

  • How to invoke popup from managed bean

    Hi Can anyone give me idea for invoking a pop-up from method in the managed bean plz,
    Here my coding,
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <af:document id="d1" binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_untitled5.d1}">
    <af:form id="f1" binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_untitled5.f1}">
    <af:commandButton text="commandButton 2"
    <af:popup binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_untitled5.p1}" id="p1">
    <af:panelWindow binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_untitled5.pw1}"
    Managed bean coding,
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.ExtendedRenderKitService;
    import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.Service;
    public class Untitled5 {
    private RichForm f1;
    private RichDocument d1;
    private RichPopup p1;
    private RichPanelWindow pw1;
    private RichCommandButton cb2;
    public void setF1(RichForm f1) {
    this.f1 = f1;
    public RichForm getF1() {
    return f1;
    public void setD1(RichDocument d1) {
    this.d1 = d1;
    public RichDocument getD1() {
    return d1;
    public void setP1(RichPopup p1) {
    this.p1 = p1;
    public RichPopup getP1() {
    return p1;
    public void setPw1(RichPanelWindow pw1) {
    this.pw1 = pw1;
    public RichPanelWindow getPw1() {
    return pw1;
    public void setCb2(RichCommandButton cb2) {
    this.cb2 = cb2;
    public RichCommandButton getCb2() {
    return cb2;
    public String cb2_action() {      .
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    ExtendedRenderKitService extRenderKitSrvc =
    Service.getRenderKitService(context, ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
    extRenderKitSrvc.addScript(context,"AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('" + p1 + "').show();");
    return null;
    looking for ur reply

    If you are using JDev, then in a managed bean method use the following to show or hide the popup:
    RichPopup.PopupHints hints = ...<set_the_hints>...;;
    // or
    p1.hide();If you are using an older JDev 11g, then use the following:
       * Hides a popup.
       * @param popup Popup to be hidden.
      public static void hidePopup(RichPopup popup) {
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        String popupId = popup.getClientId(context);
        StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
        script.append("var popup = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('").append(popupId).append("'); ")
              .append("if (popup.isPopupVisible()) { ")
        ExtendedRenderKitService erks =
          Service.getService(context.getRenderKit(), ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
        erks.addScript(context, script.toString());
       * Shows a popup.
       * @param popup Popup to be shown
      public static void showPopup(RichPopup popup) {
        showPopup(popup, null);
       * Shows a popup alligned to the start of specified UI component.
       * @param popup Popup to be shown
       * @param component UI component to allign to
      public static void showPopup(RichPopup popup, UIComponent component) {
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        String popupId = popup.getClientId(context);
        String alignId = (component==null) ? null : component.getClientId(context);
        StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();
        script.append("var popup = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('").append(popupId).append("'); ")
              .append("if (!popup.isPopupVisible()) { ")
              .append("var hints = {}; ");
        if (alignId!=null) {
          script.append("hints[AdfRichPopup.HINT_ALIGN_ID] = '").append(alignId).append("'; ")
                .append("hints[AdfRichPopup.HINT_ALIGN] = AdfRichPopup.ALIGN_AFTER_START; ");
        ExtendedRenderKitService erks =
          Service.getService(context.getRenderKit(), ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
        erks.addScript(context, script.toString());
      }You can find these methods in the Steve Muench's utility class JSFUtils.
    Edited by: Dimitar Dimitrov on Nov 15, 2010 2:59 PM

  • Open popup from managed bean

    How can i open a popup from a managed bean function?
    Suppose i have an inputfield that is bound to a function getValue(), how can i open a specific popup from that function?

    Essential you have to put the popup somewhere on the page and you have to know the popup id (or search for it in the page). Then you call
         * Opens the RichPopup based on the key.
        public static void showPopup(String popupId)
            FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            ExtendedRenderKitService extRenderKitSrvc =
                Service.getRenderKitService(context, ExtendedRenderKitService.class);
                                       "AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('" + popupId + "').show();");
        }with the popup id as parameter.

  • Failed to call EJB from Managed Bean in user interface

    I'm very new to JDeveloper and EJB. I'm now in learning stage. I managed to find a simple example for me to get started. But I encountered errors.
    This is the tutorial that I have followed ->
    When we create an application, the application will consist of EJBModel and Interface (JSF View)
    In my EJB Model, I have session bean name myappejb.ejb.QuestionSessionBean and one Entity bean name myappejb.entities.Question
    In my User Interface, I have created a managed bean name QuestionController and I try to call QuestionSessionLocal in the EJBModel, but before I can compile, there are systaxs errors. I can't import the import javax.ejb.EJB and myappejb.ejb.QuestionSessionBean, stated not found. In other words I can't call all the beans that I have created in EJBModel from java class that I have ceated in UserInterface.
    Please advise, I'm lost.
    I really confuse how exactly it works
    Edited by: user8989450 on Jan 14, 2010 12:57 AM

    The problem has been solved. I found the solution, this is due to the "dependencies", must "Checked" the EJBModel.jpr.
    Wen Xin

  • How to pass parameter to the method in EJB session bean from Managed Bean

    I need some guidance in accessing the EJB session bean methods from one of my backing Bean. I use EJB 3.0 Entity Beans and EJB Session Beans. I have to get value from my page and pass it thro the backing bean to the respective EJB session bean. I have no clue of how to do this,
    When i click a command link on the page, in its backing bean click method, i am able to get a value and store in a variable under its click action. But from there i am not knowing of how to pass it as a variable to the EJB session bean and hence execute the query(this is where we have to pass the variable as a parameter in its where clause) in the entity bean.
    I wanna know how to make a call to the EJB session bean and from there execute the Enitity bean.
    Guide me regarding this....

    Unfortunately dependency injection doesn't work for jsf backing beans, so you have to use a normal jndi lookup to find your session bean. The following example shows you how to find a session bean and call a method:
    public void commandButton_actionListener(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
    Context ctx;
    try {
    ctx = new InitialContext();
    helloWorldEjb = (HelloWorldEJB)ctx.lookup("HelloWorldEJB");
    hello = helloWorldEjb.sayHello(name);
    } catch (NamingException e) {

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